Links October 2014 UnitedinKingdomService Monthly Newsletter of McMinn-Meigs Association of Baptists Volume 14, Issue 10 Mark Your Calendar! October Cooperative Program Emphasis Month Pastor/Staff Appreciation Month October 11 Journey into Adventures in Missions (JAM), First Baptist Church Morristown October 12 World Hunger Sunday October 14 Retired Ministers Breakfast, Shoney’s, 9:00 am October 20 McMinn-Meigs Association Annual Meeting, First Baptist Decatur, 7:00 pm November November 10 Pastor’s Conference Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood The Good Cup, Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood Summit: The Gathering of Tennessee Baptists Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood November 11 Annual Annuitant Luncheon Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood Annual Ministers Wives Luncheon, Br entwood Baptist Church, Brentwood November 27-28 Thanksgiving Holiday, Baptist Center Closed After 14 years of service to McMinnMcMinn-Meigs Association of Baptists as the Director of Missions Rev. E. Ray Luck is celebrating his retirement. Please join us on Monday, October 20, 2014 5:30— 5:30—7:00 pm for refreshments prior to the Annual Meeting. First Baptist Church Decatur ♦ 240 North Main Street ♦ Decatur, TN The91stAnnualSessionofthe McMinn-MeigsAssociationofBaptists October 20, 2014 ♦ 7:00 pm First Baptist Church Decatur 240 North Main Street ♦ Decatur, TN Annual Sermon: Rev. Travis Torbett, Pastor of Marshall Hill Baptist Church October is Pastor/ Staff Appreciation Month Please take time during this month to do something tangible to show your appreciation, as a church and as individuals, for your Pastor and paid Church Staff. Serving the Lord is a special calling that, at times, can be very demanding and sometimes a seemingly thankless job. You can change that by encouraging your Pastor and Staff by showing them, in tangible ways, how much you love and appreciate them. The Baptist Center will close at 2:00 pm on Monday, October 20th and will reopen at 10:00 am on October 21st. Ray’s Reflections Last month I shared with you a recap of 7 of the 13 chapters in Dr. Gene Getz’s book “Building Up One Another”. This month I will conclude that recap with chapters 8-13: 8. “We Are to Serve One Another” – (Galatians 5:13) Freedom in Christ is the central theme of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Freedom is not a license to sin, it is not freedom from the reality of sin, nor is it freedom from servant-hood. Freedom in Christ enables us to serve others in the love of Christ, without a desire of personal gain. 9. “We Are to Bear One Another’s Burdens” (Galatians 6:1-3). Bearing one another’s burdens means to hurt with a fellow believer when they hurt and also to restore a fellow believer when the stray from the fold of faith. As we do this it will require much prayer, genuine humility and caution (Titus 3:2-5). 10. “We Are to Bear with One Another” (Ephesians 4:2). To do this requires patience, a forgiving spirit and hard prayerful work. Let’s face the truth here, there are some people who are just hard to like and to love, but the Word of God admonishes us to be people who bear with one another through the love of Christ in us regardless. 11. “We Are to Submit One to Another” (Ephesians 5:21). When most people hear this they usually think it refers to the marriage relationship. However submission is in essence a synonym for obedience. Submission therefore is for the mutual good of one another, not one lording it over another, and it must be based on the Word of God (Colossians 3:16-17; Ephesians 5:15-21). There are several passages that show how one group is admonished to relate to another (I Peter 5:2-3; I Timothy 5:17-20; Hebrews 13:17; I Peter 5:5-6; Ephesians 5:25-28, 6:1-9; Colossians 3:1825, 4:1; I Peter 3:1-7; I Corinthians 7:3-4; Titus 2:3-5; Romans 13:1,5,7; I Peter 2:13-17) byE.RayLuck,DirectorofMissions Christians have a major, major problem – ME – selfcenteredness or any other self-focused analogy you can come up with. I guess my goal for taking the approach I have in the last two articles I will write for the LINKS is to remind all of us that Christ has set before us a higher standard of living than is offered to us by the world system controlled by Satan. He rejoices all the way to the pits of hell when he is able to distract God’s people from the main thing which is being true and faithful followers of Jesus Christ. I fear that our faithfulness is showing signs of wear and tear and the churches we attend are beginning to weaken simply because we are fumbling more than we are holding onto the faith and moving forward for the Kingdom. As I conclude this portion of my article I would like one last time to encourage those in our churches to be faithful to Jesus and never forget the words in I Peter 5:8-9, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him (in Christ’s power in you), steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (Italics mine). So many times we as followers of Christ are known as people who always stand against something, and there are times when we need to do that. But may we begin even now through the power of Christ to show that we stand for Christ by showing love one for another, encouraging one another and walking daily by faith in the power of the Word of God. 12. “We Are to Encourage One Another” (I Thessalonians 5:11). Basically to encourage one another is simply to build up and edify one another. The Word of God again plays a key role in the encouragement process. In other words it is difficult for a Christian to mutually encourage one another with Scripture if they themselves do not know Scripture (Colossians 3:16). I have been around so many people, mostly Christians, who spend more time criticizing others than lifting them up. In other words we tend more often than not to shoot our wounded rather than lift them up and heal their wounds. May we as followers of Christ not be guilty of doing that. If, however, you are in the habit of tearing others down then I admonish you to cease and desist and begin even now to find ways to encourage and build up one another. Well this is it. By the time you read this I will be a little over 30 days from retirement. It is a time in my life that I really never thought I would see, as I felt I would have to work at a steady job or ministry much longer than I am. I am looking forward to taking some time just to relax and rest in the Lord. Traveling to one church, for the most part except when I am preaching, on Sunday and Wednesday will be something I have not done for nearly 20 years. I will miss visiting with the churches in McMinn-Meigs Association, but also I think I am excited about reducing my traveling time. When we came here we purchased a 2001 Chrysler Town and Country which we still have. It started out with very few miles on the odometer, but by the time I retire, 14 years later, it will have close to 250,000 miles on the odometer, most of which is work related. It has truly been a joy to serve you as your Director of Missions these 14 years and I am grateful that God is allowing us to continue living in this area. As the opportunity to preach, from time to time in some of our churches, is afforded to me I will look forward to renewing fellowship with you. I pray that you will receive the next Director of Missions with the same grace with which you have received Judy and myself. May the love of Christ be evident always in the McMinn-Meigs Association as you continue to stand “United in Kingdom Service”. 13. My bad, there is no chapter 13, so let me use this space to recap what this series is all about. It is all about one another, it is all about serving others and thus serving God. I have served this association for 14 years, adding two other associations I have served for a total of 25 years as a Director of Association Missions. During that time I have visited many churches, counseled with many ministers and laypeople and sat through several contentious church business meetings. After reading Dr. Getz’s book I have come to the major conclusion that we as One final word about my Diabetes. My four month check-up was the best ever, to say the least I and Dr. Riley are very pleased. However today after lunch I was reminded that this is an ongoing process and that blood sugar readings can go south in an instant. We cannot nor must not give-up because life is too precious not to take care of it. Keep focused on right habits for the long haul, I am pulling for you. I will continue to pray that God’s Grace will enable you to hang in there and take care of your physical body and your spiritual walk with the Lord each day for the rest of your earthly life. Volume 14, Issue 10 Page 2 October Celebrations Celebrating Birthdays 02 .... Delois Bernard .......... Central Jean Perry ................. Mount Pisgah 04 .... Shane Arnold ............ First Baptist Riceville 05 .... Larry Sorah ............... Bethsadia 06 .... Doug Alexander ....... Union McMinn 14 .... Justin Brown ............. Zion Hill 16 .... Jamie Hammonds ..... Mount Harmony Niota 17 .... Jennie Cullum ........... First Baptist Etowah 18 .... Garry King................. Mount Harmony Riceville Kay Sorah .................. Bethsadia 20 .... Jody Thomas ............. Manilla Chapel 28 .... Becky Blanchette ....... Calvary Etowah Wayne Bryant............. Clearwater 29 .... Jeannie Sneed ........... Eastview Celebrating Anniversaries 03 .... Mike & Carrie King ........... Shiloh 27 .... Joe & Marjorie Davis ........ New Bethel Church/AssociationAnniversaries Mark Wade ........North Etowah....................... 2 years Mike King ..........Shiloh .................................. 4 years Jody Thomas .....Manilla Chapel .................... 5 years Gerald Perry ......Mount Pisgah ....................... 7 years Kathy Fain ........Association Staff.................. 10 years Bill Pearman .....Good Hope .......................... 10 years Bob Kerr ............North Athens ....................... 28 years Garry King ........Mount Harmony Riceville ... 32 years New Contact Information for Ray Luck (after retirement) Cell Phone will be the same (423) 506-6541 – I will keep the texting feature. E-mail will change after 10/31/14 to [email protected] Home phone is the same (423) 649-0394 Home address is the same 427 Lynnwood Drive, Athens, TN 37303 October 11 ♦ First Baptist Church Morristown Cost: $15 before September 26; $18 after September 26 For more information, go to Raising a Modern-Day Knight Men if you are looking for a good resource that you can use to lead your son to be a Modern Day Knight for the Lord then check out the most recent addition to the McMinn-Meigs Association Media Center, “Raising a Modern-Day Knight” (A Father ’s Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood) by Robert Lewis. This resource has been used by hundreds of fathers with their sons with great success. Our Director of Missions son used this with his sons which left a lasting spiritual impact on their life. If you would like more information about how this works talk with our Director of Missions, Ray Luck. ShoesforOrphanSoulsUpdate Wecollectedatotalof:669pairsofshoes;1,057 pairsofsocksand76pairsofshoelaces! Thankstoallwhoparticipatedandspecial thankstoallwhohelpedsort,countandpack! Remember in prayer our churches without Pastors: Antioch, Calvary Missionary, Double Springs, New Zion, Pisgah, Rogers Creek and Union Grove Decatur. The 2013 Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions closed with a total of $1,532,060.00 which was 5.4% more than 2012 but short of the 2013 goal of $1,600,000.00. Only one-third of cooperating Tennessee Baptist Churches support the GOTM. The peoples of the world are coming to Tennessee. In reading Acts 1:8, Tennessee is a part of that scripture. If you have questions about GOTM, please call Judy Luck. 2014 GOTM will close this year’s offering next year 2015 on August 31st. Our goal this year is $1.65 million. Let’s do our part McMinn-Meigs Association. New DVD’s in the Library Mom’s Night Out A Long Way Off Volume 14, Issue 10 Page 3 CHURCHCONTRIBUTIONS Church Name Current Antioch Athens, First Bethel Springs Bethsadia Brookhill Calhoun, First Calvary, Etowah Calvary Missionary Cambria Central Clay Hill Clear Springs Clearwater Cog Hill Conasauga Cottonport Decatur, First Dixon Avenue Double Springs Eastanallee East Athens East Niota East View Englewood, First 247.59 2,161.82 Etowah, First 0.00 20,833.30 Five Point 0.00 600.00 Good Hope 100.00 530.00 Goodsprings 80.00 800.00 Hiwassee 200.00 2,800.00 Idlewild 100.00 550.00 Lakeside 100.00 1,000.00 Lakeview 185.29 1,850.80 Manilla Chapel 448.11 5,444.00 Marshall Hill 60.00 120.00 McMahan Calvary 529.27 4,951.01 Mount Harmony, Niota 333.34 4,083.33 Mount Harmony, Riceville 175.00 1,925.00 Mount Pisgah 100.00 1,100.00 Mount Verd 0.00 730.62 New Beginnings 786.63 7,973.80 New Bethel 220.00 990.00 New Zion 166.00 1,826.00 Niota, First 1,250.00 12,500.00 North Athens 600.44 8,359.23 North Etowah 332.00 664.00 Oak Grove 0.00 0.00 Old Salem 572.08 6,357.62 Parkway YTD Church Name Current 0.00 0.00 75.00 124.59 53.60 100.00 139.23 165.23 0.00 100.00 243.64 517.00 61.37 365.78 100.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 148.62 50.00 776.13 311.00 320.68 15.00 YTD Church Name 1,000.00 0.00 825.00 1,387.40 452.40 1,100.00 2,551.87 1,916.71 200.00 1,000.00 3,210.21 5,205.00 604.14 3,714.19 300.00 50.00 0.00 2,345.45 1,799.58 300.00 8,843.19 3,582.16 4,966.34 165.00 Current YTD Pisgah 3,164.22 5,873.22 Pond Hill 0.00 600.00 Pope Avenue 43.63 567.67 Riceville, First 141.61 1,482.33 Rockview 0.00 0.00 Rocky Mount 0.00 450.00 Rogers Creek 193.56 1,655.00 Sanford 0.00 1,500.00 Shiloh 400.00 2,200.00 Short Creek 420.55 3,915.76 South Liberty 410.00 410.00 Stephensville 0.00 0.00 Ten Mile 127.61 891.57 Union Grove, Decatur 0.00 250.00 Union Grove, Niota 240.00 1,440.00 Union Hill 159.85 1,871.75 Union McMinn 400.00 4,400.00 Valley Road 0.00 300.00 Valley View 0.00 931.00 Walnut Grove 246.62 2,988.74 West End 380.29 1,736.07 West View 111.44 1,197.96 Wildwood 0.00 4,548.48 0.00 1,750.00 Zion Hill Total Receipts 16,932.00 174,628.72 Contributions received through September 24th. To be included in this year’s totals, I need to receive your contribution by October 7th. Fiscal Year-end totals for Church Contributions will be reflected in the Book of Reports and Annual Minutes. Church News ♦ Mount Verd Baptist Church will host the 7th Annual Sunday, October 26th at 6:30 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. Ladies Conference on Saturday November 1st at 11:00 am. The guest speaker will be award winning songwriter, author and speaker, Kyla Rowland. For more information call 423 -506-6909. ♦ Short Creek Baptist Church will have Revival ser vices ♦ Brookhill Baptist Church is seeking a par t-time Minister on October 26-29. Rev. Kenny Purdie will be speaking on Sunday (morning and evening). Rev. Daniel Stewart will be speaking Monday-Wednesday. Services begin at 7:00 pm with special singing nightly. Everyone is invited to attend. ♦ Short Creek Baptist Church is seeking a Youth Pastor . ♦ The Talley’s will be at Pope Avenue Baptist Church on ♦ East Niota Baptist Church is seeking a Minister of ♦ Testimony will be singing at Union Grove Decatur on Sunday, October 5th at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. of Music. Please contact Rev. Gary Higdon at 263-5592 if interested. Send resumes to Rev. Victor King, 1190 County Road 750, Athens, TN 37303 or call him at 920-7365. Attention: Church Clerks If you have not turned in the names of your messengers and the names of deceased members for this past year—please email to [email protected]; phone: 745-2248; fax: 745-7693. We are currently working on the Book of Reports and need this information to complete our reports. Volume 14, Issue 10 Music. Please contact Rev. Jerry Plaster at 506-6154 if interested. Attention: Church Treasurers Please take a moment and make sure the total above agrees with your records. Every effort is made to make sure your donations are recorded correctly— however mistakes can (and will be) made. I would like to make any corrections before we close our books for the year. Page 4 Mission Awareness leads to Mission Involvement byJudyLuck,AssociationWMUDirector Secrets to Surrender wr itten by Debby Aker man, National WMU President is the 2014-2015 theme book. Through Biblical and contemporary stories this book will help us to put into practice the 3 areas of “surrender”: surrender (surrendering our will to Him just as He surrendered His will to the Father in the garden), sacrifice (focusing on God’s desire not our own) and serve (when we do it to the least of these…we do it unto Him). This book is in our media library. Let this be the next book you read. From 2014 to 2016 the WMU emphasis for Project Help is PTSD. What is PTSD? PTSD is a trauma and/or str essorrelated disorder that is diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and the International Classification of Diseases. Who suffers from PTSD? Anyone is susceptible after a traumatic event. How can this emphasis through WMU help both the sufferer and the families of those who deal with PTSD? We serve a broken world but because of God’s mercy, we can become aware, pray - “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2), learn ways to be supportive and involved for those in need. June was awareness month for PTSD. Where do we start when about 5.2 million adults are and will be affected with PTSD? A Bible study on PTSD is in our association missions library. PTSD is not found in the Bible but wounded in body and soul is. Check this study out. “Uniting each other and the world” in prayer is the purpose of The Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer. The theme is “In Step with the Spirit Through the Fruit of the Spirit FAITHFULNESS”. You ar e invited to unite your hear t in prayer with women around the world on Monday, November 3rd, 1 p.m., at the Baptist Center. As we learn about the needs on seven continents, together we can be faithful in learning, praying, and giving! How Many Slaves do we Own? The following is a reprint of an articles written by Angelita Clifton with the Lott Carey Convention Anti-Trafficking Initiative in Summit, NJ: “While surfing the internet in 2013, after serving with the Lott Carey Trafficking Initiative for many years, I stumbled upon The website afforded the opportunity to calculate the number of men, women and children in developing countries, manufacturing all the stuff I love. I entered my details (age, gender, bedrooms and bathrooms in my home as well as the gadgets I collect) and to my chagrin, I OWNED SLAVES, I discovered in spite of my best efforts, NOT to support modern day slavery, I still owned sixty-five (65) slaves. This number is relatively low, but it reveals the need to continually rethink our worldview, while curbing our consumption of just about everything. Whether we want to admit it or not, each and every one of us indirectly perpetuates human trafficking. While we cannot return to making all our own clothes and growing all the food we eat, recognizing the human costs embedded in the production of the products we use should help to reframe the way we think. It is imperative to recognize just about every shirt, pair of sneakers, electronic item, canned good and chocolate treats we love, carry the sweat of a modern day slave. Some will try to argue this is the price of progress. They will say people locked in sweatshops working twenty (20) hours a day, are not being oppressed but instead given opportunity. They would like us to believe little boys picking cocoa beans long into the night, is their chance to pull themselves up by their bootstraps even though they have no boots. Many will argue this is a form of investing in a developing country rather than invading a disenfranchised culture to exploit the people. The question of the day, how long will we continue to turn a blind eye? How long will we leave bloody footprints of exploitation around the globe, exploiting our brothers and sisters? I encourage everyone to look to the Lord, after calculating the number of slaves you own, and ask the obvious question, what does the Lord require of you?” Volume 14, Issue 10 Somepeoplehungerformore thanjustthewordofGod. Morethan1billionpeopleintheworlddo nothaveenoughtoeat. 49millionAmericansstrugglewithhunger. Hungerandmalnutritionarethenumber oneriskstohealthworldwide. Almost16,000childrendiefromhungerrelatedcauseseveryday. Butyoucanhelp. Just30centsprovidesamealataSouthern Baptisthungerministry. GivetotheSouthernBaptistWorldHungerFund onWorldHungerSunday,October12. Page 5 Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit No. 14 Athens, TN 37303 McMinn-MeigsAssociationofBaptists,Inc. 350CongressParkwayNorth Athens,TN37303 Phone:423-745-2248 Fax:423-745-7693 Email:[email protected] Return Service Requested AssociationStaff: DirectorofMissions:Rev.E.RayLuck Email:[email protected] MinistryAssistant:KathyFain Email:[email protected] Vote YES on 1 You may have already seen the logo saying Vote Yes on 1 in various places. You will be seeing this more as the General Election on November 4, 2014 draws near. The Tennessee Legislature has voted to place this issue on the November 4 ballot. It is basically an amendment to the Tennessee State Constitution. Senate Joint Resolution 127 proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Tennessee to confirm that, “nothing in the Constitution secures the right to an abortion or requires the funding of an abortion”. If this passes it would effectively give the legislature the opportunity to overturn a 2000 State Supreme Court decision that stated the State Constitution grants the implicit right to an abortion thus making Tennessee the most abortion friendly state in the south. It is hoped that people throughout this state will step up to the polls on November 4, 2014 and Vote Yes on 1. For more information call 615298-LIFE (5433) or e-mail [email protected] the web page is This is a very critical issue and the opposition is mounting and they are very belligerent in their opposition to this. It is hoped that every person who is pro-life go to the polls and Vote Yes on 1! If our Director of Missions, before he retires, can be of assistance to you regarding this issue please call or text him at 506-6541 or e-mail him at [email protected] or luckeray@icloud,com after 10/31/14. 1. Promoting this issue in your church will not affect in any way the church’s 501©(3) status; 2. It will be impossible to get to all the churches prior to the November election. Therefore CD Powerpoints, etc. are available at the Association office for Pastors or others in your church to use to educate the church on this critical issue. 3. The Association Office will be a clearinghouse for items related to Vote Yes on 1 such as yard signs, bulletin inserts, brochures, etc. They are here! They are asking for a $3.00 donation to help offset the cost of the signs. McMinn-Meigs Association of Baptists Pastors Conference Meets every Monday morning at 10:00 am at the Baptist Center.
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