NONPROFIT ORG. U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1 Clear Lake, WI 54005 First Edition “Growing God’s Family by Serving” Address Service Requested First Lutheran Church 811 South Avenue W. PO Box 116 Clear Lake, WI 54005 First Evangelical Lutheran Church ~ LCMC Clear Lake, Wisconsin Office Hours 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.; Monday-Friday Phone: 263-2846 Pastor’s Office Hours 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; Monday-Thursday Parsonage: 263-2848 Email: [email protected] Website: October 2014 NEWS & NOTES The Bible A similar question always keeps popping up in my ministry. It goes something like this: “What’s the best thing I can do to grow my faith?” Others have said, “How can I get closer to God?” Still others, “Does God have any plan or purpose for my life?” So how would you answer the question? Over the years my reply has been decidedly simple. To know Jesus you have to read his book – the Bible. This is the place to grow closer to God, to grow one’s faith, to find the purpose and meaning to life. Unfortunately few go there. There is lots of money to be made with the self-help publishing industry. We don’t have a shortage of prescriptions. The TV has its prophets and teachers. And all too often the Word of God sits on a shelf collecting dust. Friends, it ought not be that way in our homes. Allow me to make a few helpful suggestions: First, it’s time to start a new habit. Like brushing your teeth or flushing the toilet, bring Bible reading into your home as a regular habit. The most popular times are morning, after supper, or bedtime devotions. Stick to a regular time, place, and people. It’s better to do it with a spouse, friend or family. That will keep one more accountable. Be sure to have an understandable translation of the Bible. Keep your King James Version but I wouldn’t recommend it for daily reading. Instead, check out the Good News Bible or the New International Version. You can get such from our church office. Finally, the most important advice is to start with Jesus. In one sense all of the Bible is about Jesus. The Old Testament prepares us for his Advent. The New Testament records his ministry and the early church. The worst thing one can do is to start at Genesis and try to muscle through all the Bible. Many try but few succeed with such a plan. Why not start with the heart? Go to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John first. Read the gospels themselves. Take a chapter a day. Begin with reading and close in prayer, praying the insights given into your heart. After mastering the four gospels then try out the Psalms and Proverbs followed by the rest of the New Testament. Take it all in bite sized chunks however. It’s easy to bite off more than you can chew! Consult some of the library resources for questions. We have commentaries, dictionaries, and other scripture helps. Start today. Don’t put it off any longer. We know faith comes through hearing—hearing the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Pastor Bryan Anderson Karen Loenser, Mary Franko, Carol Patterson, Bonnie Burns, and Norma Solum. Please continue to remember these members in your thoughts and prayers. Sympathy: Our sympathy is extended to Eva Wilson on the death of her sister, Rita Jorgensen. Thank You We recognize the following individuals who signed up to mow the grounds this past summer: Terry Monson, Dick Becker, Dale Wirth, Ken Iverson, Chris Petersen, Bob Croes and Dylan Schramski. Thanks to all of you who made sure our grounds were well kept. Basket & General Raffle Reminders We are once again planning a basket raffle during our Church Smorgasbord in November. It’s not too early to be planning your baskets. Also, you can give a donation and we will make a basket up for you. General Raffle Reminder: We are also looking for donations for the general raffle. If you have items to donate or have questions, please call Kathy Wick at 263-2739. LWR Layette Items Needed: We are short the following items to complete layette kits for Lutheran World Relief: cloth diapers, sweaters or hooded sweaters, long sleeved sleepers, and dark hand towels. A collection bin is in the entry. Women of the Word Meeting Thursday, October 16th; 6:30 PM Elections of officers. If you don’t come you may get a job. CAPTIVE FREE West Lakes Memorials Given to Building Fund In Memory of Georgine Nilssen Georgine Nilssen Georgine Nilssen Georgine Nilssen Virgil Johnson Georgine Nilssen Juanita Wood Georgine Nilssen Rita Jorgensen Rita Jorgensen Given by Derry & Janet Monson Tim & Patti Wyss Orvand Lien Bert & Sharon Petersen Gail Clark Carol Anderson Carol Anderson Paul & Penny O’Connell LaMoyne, Sr. & Renee Emerson Gail Clark Memorials Given to Memorial Fund In Memory of Georgine Nilssen Virgil Johnson Rita Jorgensen Virgil Johnson LikeusonFacebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Given by Brad & Jo Nilssen Bob & Brenda Campion Brad & Jo Nilssen Brad & Jo Nilssen Memorials Given to Sunday School Fund In Memory of Given by Virgil Johnson Gene & Sharon Kuhl th Date: Sunday, October 12 Time: 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Worship Location: First Lutheran Church FINANCES General Fund Update Monthly Offering Total (through Sept. 21) Youth Encounter | St. Paul, MN | 800.65.YOUTH $8,639.57 Mortgage Fund Update Monthly Offering Total (through Sept. 21) Thrivent Mortgage Balance Remaining $3,681.00 $604,971.00 October Birthdays 1: Deb Arcand Sherry Klinger Darla Cain Darren Booth Chris Petersen Harold Green 3: Matthew Magnuson Samantha Haley Mackenzie Ward 4: Angela Harris 5: Leona Voss Abigail Monson Aaron Buhr 6: Shannon Arcand Ryan Buhr 7: David Callaway 8: Jordan Witthoft Kristen Otis Eric Moll Norma Solum 9: Greg Dodge Rachel Nuese Anna Anderson 11: Dale Wood Daniel Hanson 12: Russell Arcand Lucas Kuhl Cyndy Witthoft 13: Tim Prusak Kyle Fritz Kelsie Barney Nicholas Haley Carol Flath 14: Brenda Campion Weston Nilssen Rachel Fuller 15: Terri Moe Nickolas Witthoft Paul Warner 16: Rhianna Campion Karen Loenser Nolan Arcand 17: Amber Paulson 18: Crystal Sloan 19: Ben Kobernick Maurice Hanson Barb Juleff 21: Patti Wyss Melanie Cuper 22: Eric O’Connell 23: Gina Somsen Bryn Connors 24: Burton Beckman 25: Jordan Olson 26: Steven Paulson 27: Denny Benson 28: Jeff Rundquist, Sr. 29: Brooke Hadac Emily Hadac 30: Richard Becker 31: Lanelle Klinner Carrie Jo Gullickson Ken Iverson OCTOBER WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ALTAR GUILD: Carol Flath & Wendy Kjelstad ACOLYTES 5 12 19 26 Calvin Rosen Kate Petersen Gabby Loenser Kate Petersen READERS 5 12 19 26 Theresa Anderson Rachel Fuller Eva Wilson Tim Wyss COUNTERS 5 & 12 Aaron Buhr & Richard Buhr 19 & 26 Aaron Buhr & Jacki Marlett COMMUNION ASSISTANT: Aaron Buhr USHERS 5 & 12 Richard Becker & Kyle Overby 19 & 26 Jason Monson & Paul Warner COFFEE SERVERS 5 Bob & Barb Anderson Ryan & Carrie Buhr 12 Church Potluck Patti & Tim Wyss 19 Karen Loenser Anna Buhr Brenda Johnson 26 Ed & Darlene Neitge Kermit & Gloria Thompson NOVEMBER WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ALTAR GUILD: Barb Anderson & Doris Buhr ACOLYTES 2 Ryan Anderson 9 Aubree Schramski 16 Gabby Loenser 23 McKenna Christensen 30 Maggie Rosen READERS 2 Judy Iverson 9 Bert Petersen 16 Gloria Hedquist 23 Women of the Word Sunday 30 Jody Hadac COUNTERS 2 & 9 Mark Peper & Deb McMahan 16, 23 & 30 Mark Peper & TBD COMMUNION ASSISTANT: Mark Peper USHERS 2 & 9 Glenn Hanson & Dave Somsen 16, 23 & 30 Craig Fouks & Mike Johnson COFFEE SERVERS (Fellowship will be held after services when we have volunteers. Please consider signing up to help with this important ministry.) 2 TBD 23 TBD 9 Church Potluck Roxi Anderson Sharon Petersen 30 TBD 16 TBD
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