St James Notice Sheet Sunday 19th October 2014 If you are visiting us for the first time, or returning after some time away, you are most welcome. This notice sheet contains useful dates and information. Please take it home, so you have a record of what is going on at St James. Our Rector is the Rev. David Ward. The Preacher and Celebrant today is the Archdeacon of Lancaster, Michael Everitt. ROTA 19/10/14 1st Reading 18th Sunday after Trinity Richard Evans Gospel Steven Boult Sidespersons Chalice Intercessions Crucifer • 1 Peter Ch.2 v 9-16 Luke Ch.21 v 25-36 Tracy Haygarth & Gill Howlett Joan Croasdale & Joe Clitheroe Sheila Lewis Harriet Green hangings COLLECT Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. POST COMMUNION PRAYER We praise and thank you, O Christ, for this sacred feast: for here we receive you, here the memory of your passion is renewed, here our minds are filled with grace, and here a pledge of future glory is given, when we shall feast at that table where you reign with all your saints for ever. SERVICES NEXT WEEK Sunday October 26th 9.00am 10.30am 12.45pm Matins Parish Communion Holy Baptism SERVICE BOOKS Large print and braille format are available on request. If you would like to include a notice in the weekly pew sheet please let me have BRIEF details in writing by Wednesday of that week. My email address is [email protected] TODAY In our service today we shall celebrate the dedication of our stained glass panel. Offertory If you are a visitor to this church you may place your gift in the collection plate in the usual way. If you would like our Treasurer to reclaim any tax through Gift Aid, please use the buff coloured envelope provided. Place your gift in the envelope, complete the form and then give it in during the collection. Church Flowers THE FLOWERS IN CHURCH ARE TO CELEBRATE THE HARVEST AND TWO WEDDINGS AND ARE ALSO IN MEMORY OF JOHN & BRENDA CHARNLEY. FLOWERS ON THE 28th SEPTEMBER WERE IN MEMORY OF JIM WILMER A DONATION HAS BEEN MADE TOWARDS THE HARVEST FLOWERS IN MEMORY OF GRAHAM PARKER THE FLOWERS IN OCTOBER ARE KINDLY PROVIDED BY: 5th HARVEST & WEDDING 12th HARVEST 19th WEDDING FLOWERS 26th THE CHARNLEY FAMILY Would You Like To Sponsor Flowers For A Special Anniversary Or Memorial? All The Names Are Mentioned In Brindle Voice Each Month. For Details, Contact Joan Hopcraft 01254 854465 SPECIAL SERVICES AT ST JAMES CHURCH All Souls Day 2 November 6.30pm Remembrance Sunday 9 November 10.45am Advent Carol Service 30 November 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols 21 December 6.30pm Nativity Play Christmas Eve 4.00pm Midnight Communion Christmas Eve 11.30pm Parish Communion Christmas Day 10.00am Please note the 'All Souls' service will now take place at 6.30pm (not 10.30am) on Sunday 2 November 2014 NEW BOXES OF GIFT AID ENVELOPES ARE NOW AVAILABLE If you are currently using the pew envelopes for your weekly giving, now is the time to consider having a box of Gift Aid Envelopes. These envelopes will cover the next twelve months, commencing Sunday 5th October. Please see our Treasurer Sue Boult to join this scheme. Any unused envelopes from existing boxes, please give to Michael and Brenda Lee to be recycled for use on the pews. CONFIRMATION 2015 The date for Confirmation is: Sunday, 7th June 2015 We propose to start the confirmation preparation classes in February 2015. We will meet weekly, except during school holidays and Bank Holidays. Young people in Year 5 and above are welcome to attend. Adults are also extremely welcome to come forward for confirmation. I invite those adults considering confirmation to have a word with me. May I invite all those interested to put your name and contact details on the list at the back of church. Thank you David ''PARISH TRIP'' Tuesday, 4 November 2015 The Archbishop of York, Rev Dr John Sentamu is to visit the Diocese in early November for 2 days. The highlight of his visit will be an event entitled ‘Light in Darkness’ at Blackpool Tower on Tuesday, 4 November starting at 7.30pm. This is an opportunity for us to hear the Good News from the Archbishop, a gifted and inspiring speaker. We have booked a 36 seater coach to take a group from Brindle at a cost of £12 per person. If you wish to attend please sign the sheet at the back of church. Leaving Brindle at 6pm Returning by 10.30pm All Saints Higher Walton Sports Quiz th Friday 24 October 7pm NETS BAR Gregson Lane £5 incl pie and peas Raffle and prizes Phone 01254 851202 or 01772 312340 for tickets Christmas Fair!! Making jam, chutney, marmalade or other preserves? Perhaps you would consider donating a jar to be sold at the Fair on Saturday nd 22 November. Nearer the time lemon curd or cheese would also be very welcome as well as the usual cakes. Also home made fudge or toffee. Can you offer: Dried lavender Soft cuddly toys Good as new items Children’s toys in good condition Books in good condition Bottles of wine Christmas novelties Unused Christmas crackers Unwanted presents from last year? If you can help out in this way please have a word with Lynn Packer or sign up on the list at the back of church. INSPIRE Saturday 15th November 2014 9.30 – 4pm Fulwood Free Methodist Church, Lightfoot Lane, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3LT Book: Cost: £20 An Activate Your Life Event An inspiring day of worship, teaching and fun. Unlock the potential God has placed in you and help you to be a part of the unlocking of potential in others. The day aims to inspire women in ways to make friendships in order to share the gospel at some point. Christmas Hamper As the Christmas Fair is fast approaching, we are starting to prepare the ‘Christmas Hamper’ as a prize in the Raffle. If you wish to contribute to the contents of the hamper, please speak to Annette Annette or Jim after the service. Many Many thanks Could you be a School Governor? There is a vacancy for a Governor at St James' Primary School. The role of the Governing Body is to work with the school to ensure that it delivers the best possible education in accordance with Government policy and its Christian character. As a Governor you would take an interest in the school as a whole and attend meetings that contribute to its successful operation. These are normally held in the early evening during school terms. If you might be interested in taking on this role please have an informal chat to Kathy Whyte, Chair of the Governing Body. Goose Chase 1:45 PM AND 7:45 PM THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2014 DRAMS STUDIO WALTON-LE-DALE ARTS COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL BRINDLE ROAD BAMBER BRIDGE PRESTON PR5 6RN Goose Chase lasts one hour, and is recommended for age 5 and up. NOW BOOKING FOR CHRISTMAS 2014 Tickets can be ordered from David Woodhouse tel 01772 742088 £4 child, £6 adult, family £15 Advent Calendars £3.99 The Meaningful Chocolate Company which produced Easter eggs explaining the crucifixion is now promoting the Advent/Christmas story with an Advent calendar. It includes a 32 page story-activity booklet and 25 Belgian Fairtrade chocolates in different shapes. For every sale a donation will be made to the Funzi Baby Clinic in Kenya. Free delivery is offered on an order of 18 calendars if placed st before 1 November. If you are interested please speak to Lynn or put your name on the list at the back of church. LADIES EVENING at Brindle Community Hall Monday 3rd November 2014 7.30 p.m. Onwards £5 Complimentary wine or juice upon arrival Refreshments Demonstration by Estee Lauder & Booths Cheese & Deli Stalls: Tiger Muffin Handmade Soaps * Finishing Touches Handbags, Jewellery, Scarves & Gifts * Sue Boult Cards for All Occasions * Janet Blacklidge Household Gifts * Bryn Cottage Caterers Christmas Hampers and Christmas Fare All monies raised will be donated to Brindle St James' Church for churchyard maintenance Tickets available from Eileen Banister on 01254 852713 Stephanie Sibbles - Horridge on 01254 830343 Hoghton Players 'Natural Causes' a dark comedy by Eric Chappell (author of 'Rising Damp') on: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 20, 21 and 22 November 2014 Hoghton Village Hall, Blackburn Old Road (PR50SG) Tickets: £7. Doors open 7pm. Curtain up 7.30pm. Sunday, 23rd November in Samlesbury Hall, Preston New Road (PR50UP) Tickets: £9. Doors open 6.45pm. Curtain up 7.30pm. Licensed Bar at both venues. Please ring 01254 852258 to book your seats at either venue. Lancashire Sings Christmas Radio Lancashire are holding Lancashire sings Christmas 2014 on December 18th 7-8pm. The previous 3 Lancashire sings Christmas I have arranged at the Black horse pub on Gregson Lane next to Trinity Methodist. These past events have been well supported from the villages and local churches. My job since the last event has changed and I work evenings. I was wondering if any of the local churches in the area would like to arrange a venue in their local area. It could be a church hall pub village hall outside etc. It would be good if another church community could arrange a venue so visiting another part of the local area. To obtain more information look at the website and you need to register. It’s a good idea to provide mince pies etc. If you feel that there is a church member or small group who would like to organise a venue and they would like to know more they can contact me on 01254 852108 or email [email protected] Brindle Band Christmas Concert Community Hall on Saturday evening, 6th December. Tickets £6.00 per person to include a glass of Mulled wine and a mince pie. Always very popular, tickets are available from Susan Burgess, Susan Horrocks and Eileen Bannister
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