12 Church St. Box 118 Mildmay, Ont. N0G 2J0 Phone: 519-367-5304 Fax: 519-367-2379

12 Church St. Box 118
Mildmay, Ont. N0G 2J0
Phone: 519-367-5304
Fax: 519-367-2379
Web Site:
Pastor: Father Van Duy Nguyen
October 19, 2014
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Jenna Pellett
[email protected]
Sacred Heart
Roman Catholic Church
Music Ministries:
Mrs. Bernice Reinhart
Mrs. Karen Ruetz
And the mission of
St. Francis Xavier Carlsruhe
Rectory Office Hours
Mon - Thurs – 9:30am – 2:30pm
Altar Servers, Baptism, First
Confession & Communion,
Confirmation, Marriages,
Vocations & Anointing of the Sick
Please talk to Father
Sacrament of Confession
Saturdays 4:30-4:50pm
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am
Sunday 11:00am
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Tuesday 21st
For The People
Wednesday 22nd 9am
Bea Schefter – The Family
Thursday 23rd
Art Schefter- Antonia Verstraten
Friday 24th
Cleta & Leo Hoffarth – The Estate
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Saturday 25th 5pm Dolores Schuettt – The Estate
Sunday 26th 9am
For The People
Harold Poechman – The Family
(85th Birthday)
Pray for the sick, Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of
our community, especially, Mel Schmidt, Gerard & Camilla Lorentz, Kay Lang, Len
Fischer, Irene Tangney, Richard Gross, Rudy Stengal, Florence Bross, Tom Donnelly,
Darlene Thorne, Clara Ruetz, Marie Kueneman, and for all who are in need.
Thank you to everyone who supports the church with your contributions. May God Bless
you 100 fold!
Mildmay-Sun October 12/14
Offerings: $ 1,406.00
Building Fund: $ 70.00
Carlsruhe-Sun October 12/14
Offerings: $ 308.00
Building Fund: $0.00
Sacred Heart Choir, practice we be held on Monday October 20th at 730pm
Sunday October 26th, after mass the Knights will be handing out postcards for The Right for Life, please
consider filling one out and returning it to a fellow Knight
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Mildmay, Hot Roast Beef Dinner. Saturday November 1st, 4:30pm –
7pm. Adults $13, Children $6, Pre-School (under 5) Free.
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Will be closing on November 3rd. Please make sure you remove all flowers.
Operation Christmas Child the Town Crier is collecting filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child
for distribution around the world. Boxes and information available at our office at 100 Elora St., Mildmay
or phone 519-367-2681. The deadline for returning boxes is 12:00 noon on Wednesday, November
19. Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse.
Looking for volunteers to help clean up the leaves this fall. Anyone that is interested please
contact the office 519-367-5304. Great for students to get some volunteer hours in.
St. Joseph’s CWL Fowl Supper, at Cargill Community Centre on Sunday October 26th, 4:00pm –
6:00pm. Adults $15, Children 5-10 $6, Children 4 and under are Free. Tickets available at the Door, Takeout Available, Everyone is Welcome.
For more information on upcoming events please see the bulletin board at the back of the church.
Holy Baptism
On Sunday October 12th, we welcomed into our Parish family
Vida Lucianna Miro
Daughter of
Luis Gastavo & Andrea Miro