The Year of Groundwater 23rd Annual Conference and Meeting 2014 – The Year of Groundwater Photo Credit: Courtesy of the State of California Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA October 15-16, 2014 Generously Co-Sponsored by: THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Please be sure to stop by their booths and do business with them! Their contributions made this conference possible! CO-SPONSORS LUNCH SPONSOR RECEPTION SPONSOR REFRESHMENT SPONSOR EXHIBITORS RECEPTION BAR SPONSOR WELCOME TO GRA’S 23RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE! WELCOME TO THE LAND SUBSIDENCE SYMPOSIUM The Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) welcomes you to our 23rd Annual Conference and Meeting! The year 2014 is a landmark year in California’s water history, with groundwater as the focus. As groundwater levels decline and the land surface subsides during one of the worst series of droughts the state has experienced, Governor Brown initiated a process to improve groundwater management in the state, making it clear that groundwater is not being adequately managed in many basins, and that the time has come to take action. On August 29th, the Legislature passed landmark bills to require sustainable groundwater management in the state to protect and preserve this vital water resource. Governor Brown signed these bills into law on September 16th. The intent of these bills is to facilitate and protect local control over groundwater management, and also to allow for state intervention where local efforts are unsuccessful or nonexistent. During this conference, the focus will be on this critical topic of groundwater management, with targeted sessions on the administration’s efforts, associated legislation, policy and legal issues, and perspectives of local entities. Also, many dual-track technical sessions will cover a broad range of other groundwater issues facing the state and innovative ways to address them. These issues include drought, wastewater, fracking, climate change, and groundwater quality and remediation. Don’t miss the Collegiate Colloquium, which showcases the often cutting-edge science being conducted by California’s college students, and the poster session, which includes a wide variety of interesting and innovative work by students and professionals alike. Please also take the opportunity to visit the exhibitors who help make events like this possible, and who work with groundwater practitioners to help advance the science. We hope you enjoy the conference and the new, modern features offered this year, including the flash drive, the ability to text questions for speakers, and the interactive program accessible on your smart phone or tablet! Sincerely, The Conference Chairs Steven Phillips, Chair Alyx Karpowicz, Co-chair Emily Vavricka, Co-chair Matt Zidar, Co-chair Upcoming GRA Events: GRACast Web Seminar October 22, 2014 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Series on Vapor intrusion, Part 4:Vapor Intrusion Assessment Case Studies and the Science Driving Short-Term TCE Action Levels Introduction to Groundwater and Watershed Hydrology November 17-18, 2014 Beuhler Alumni Center University of California, Davis Oil, Gas & Groundwater Symposium February 18-19, 2015 Renaissance Long Beach Hotel 111 E Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach Legislative Symposium April 29, 2015 Citizen Hotel 926 J Street, Sacramento Agenda Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast Welcome and Introduction 8:20 am Ted Johnson, Water Replenishment District, GRA President Conference Co-Chairs: Steven Phillips, Alyx Karpowicz, Emily Vavricka, and Matt Zidar General Session: Administration’s Efforts to Improve Local Groundwater Management Moderator: Tim Parker, Parker Groundwater 8:30 am Plenary Presentations Felicia Marcus, Chair, State Water Resources Control Board Mark Cowin , Director, California Department of Water Resources Karen Ross, Secretary, California Department of Food and Agriculture 9:30 am - 9:45 am Presentation of Kevin J. Neese Award 9:45 am - 10:00 am Co-Sponsor and Exhibitor Flash Introductions 10:00 am - 10:30 am BREAK - Exhibit Area Concurrent Session 1A: Drought - Our Dependence on Groundwater Moderator: Alyx Karpowicz, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board 10:30 am - 10:50 am Implications of Extended Drought on Recharge across California Lorraine Flint, US Geological Survey 10:50 am - 11:10 am Creating Drought Resilience: Conceptualizing a California Groundwater Bank and Infrastructure System Abdul Khan, DWR 11:10 am - 11:30 am Emergency Ordinance E – The Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s Response to Groundwater Conditions and the Drought Gerhardt Hubner, Ventura County 11:30 am - 11:50 am Accounting for Climate Change and Drought in Defining Sustainable Yield for Groundwater Systems Ruth Langridge, UC Santa Cruz 11:50 am - 12:00 pm Discussion Concurrent Session 1B: The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? Moderator: Brad Herrema, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Panelists Russell McGlothlin, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Bob Reeb, Reeb Government Relations, LLC Kate Williams, Program Manager, California Water Foundation Dan Dooley, Senior Vice President, University of California Dennis O’Connor, Principal Consultant, Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water Lunch Program Moderator: Ted Johnson, GRA President, Water Replenishment District of Southern California 12:00 pm - 1:20 pm Drivers and Approaches for Groundwater Management Legislation: Was it a Perfect Storm of Circumstances, or Tornado of Conflicts? Tim Quinn, Executive Director, Association of California Water Agencies Lester Snow, Executive Director, California Water Foundation Concurrent Session 2A: Collegiate Groundwater Colloquium Moderator: Professor Jean Moran, California State University, East Bay 1:30 pm - 1:50 pm Sediment Transport and Accumulation During Stormwater Capture for Managed Aquifer Recharge Sarah Beganskas, UC Santa Cruz 1:50 pm - 2:05 pm Groundwater Decisionmaking: Case Study in the Pajaro Valley of California Kirsten Rudestam & Abigail Brown, UC Santa Cruz 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm Groundwater and Unsaturated Zone Flow and Nitrate Transport Modeling for On-Farm Flood Flow Capture Jiro Ariyama, UC Davis 2:20 pm - 2:35 pm Vulnerability of Groundwater to Perchloroethylene Contamination from Dry Cleaners in the Niles Cone Groundwater Basin, Southern Alameda County Anne Jurek, San Jose State University 2:35 pm - 2:50 pm In Situ Pilot Test (ISPT) for Assessing Native Microbial Community Capacity for Aerobic MTBE Biodegradation Peter Dennehy, UC Davis 2:50 pm - 3:00 pm Discussion 3:00 pm - 3:20 pm Flash Presentations of Student Poster Topics Concurrent Session 2B: Modeling Advances & Applications Moderator: Steven Phillips, US Geological Survey 1:30 pm - 1:50 pm Groundwater Models: A Key Tool for Successful California Groundwater Management Thomas Harter, UC Davis 1:50 pm - 2:10 pm The Central Valley Hydrologic Model - Updates & Applications Claudia Faunt, US Geological Survey 2:10 pm - 2:30 pm Overcoming Modeling Barriers and Challenges in California using MODFLOW-USG Sorab Panday, GSI Environmental 2:30 pm - 2:50 pm Estimating Groundwater Concentrations of Total Dissolved Solids from Apparent Resistivity Profiles Rob Gailey, Consulting Hydrogeologist 2:50 pm - 3:10 pm Applying the Multiphase Reservoir Simulator Petrel-Eclipse to Hydrogeological Modeling: The Mojave River Project Kapo Coulibaly, Schlumberger Water Services 3:10 pm - 3:20 pm Discussion 3:20 pm - 3:40 pm BREAK - Exhibit Area Concurrent Session 3A: Wastewater Reuse & Recycling Moderator: Kevin Brown, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board 3:40 pm - 4:00 pm State Water Resources Control Board: A Guide to Wastewater Reuse and Recycling Post-Merger Fran Spivy-Weber, Board Member, State Water Resources Control Board 4:00 pm - 4:20 pm California’s Drought and the Fourth Generation of Urban Water David Sedlak, UC Berkeley 4:20 pm - 4:40 pm Water Reuse Without Membranes? Val S. Frenkel, Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. Agenda (continued) 4:40 pm - 5:00 pm You Won’t Find What You Don’t Look For - Emerging Contaminants and Recycled Water Testing Dr. Andrew Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Inc. 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Fortifying a Diverse Water Supply Portfolio with Advanced Treated Water in Santa Clara County, California Pam John, Santa Clara Valley Water District 5:20 pm - 5:30 pm Discussion Concurrent Session 3B: Groundwater Quality Monitoring Plans for Well Stimulation Treatment Pursuant to Senate Bill 4 Moderator: Rob Gailey, R.M. Gailey Consulting Hydrogeologist 3:40 pm - 5:30 pm Panelists Regulatory Perspective Marilu Habel, California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources Regulatory Perspective John Borkovich, State Water Resources Control Board Petroleum Operator Perspective Mike Glavin, Occidental Petroleum Corporation Water Supplier Perspective Eric Averett, Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Environmental Advocacy Perspective Kyle Ferrar, FracTracker Alliance 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm GRA PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION, EXHIBITS AND POSTER SESSION – Exhibit Area Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast Concurrent Session 4A: Climate Variability and Change – Simulation of Effects & Adaptation Strategies Moderator: Scott Warner, Environ 8:00 am - 8:20 am Water Resource Adaption Strategies Considering Long-Term Climate Change: An Agency Perspective John A. Coleman, President, Association of California Water Agencies 8:20 am - 8:40 am From Measurements to Models to Monetization: Climate Change, Reduced Infiltration, and Strategies for Recharging More Groundwater Andrew Fisher, UC Santa Cruz 8:40 am - 9:00 am Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Regional Water Resources Singh Abhishek, INTERA 9:00 am - 9:20 am Preparing Local Groundwater Systems for Climate Variability and Change Kwabena Asante, GEI Consultants 9:20 am - 9:30 am Discussion Concurrent Session 4B: Regional Management of Groundwater Quality Moderator: Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, Luhdorff & Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers 8:00 am - 8:20 am GAMA Priority Basin Project Phase 2: Assessment of Shallow Groundwater Miranda Fram, USGS Lead, GAMA Priority Basins Program 8:20 am - 8:40 am Groundwater Vulnerability Versus Public-Supply-Well Vulnerability: The Difference and Why it Matters Sandra Eberts, US Geological Survey 8:40 am - 9:00 am Progress Being Made on Cleaning Up the San Gabriel Valley – The Nation’s Largest Superfund Site Ken Manning, San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority 9:00 am - 9:20 am The Nitrate Problem – Limitations of Hydrogeologic Assessment Inform a New Path to Groundwater Quality Improvement Till Angermann, Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers 9:20 am - 9:30 am Discussion 9:30 am - 9:45 am BREAK - Exhibit Area Concurrent Session 5A: Site Assessment & Remediation Moderator: Emily Vavricka, EEC Environmental 9:45 am - 10:05 am A Regional Approach to Prioritizing Cleanup Sites – An Improved Methodology for Evaluating Groundwater Contamination in California John Karachewski, Department of Toxic Substances Control 10:05 am - 10:25 am Understanding and Evaluating Matrix Diffusion Shahla Farhat, GSI Environmental, Inc. 10:25 am - 10:45 am TCE Vapor Intrusion and Short-Term Toxicity Uta Hellmann-Blumberg, SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board 10:45 am - 11:00 am Discussion Concurrent Session 5B: Challenges in Local Groundwater Management Moderator: Jim Strandberg, West Yost Associates 9:45 am - 11:00 am Panelists County Planning Perspective Walter Ward, Stanislaus County Dept. of Environmental Resources Water Supply Agency Perspective Scott Matyac, Yuba County Water Agency Agricultural Irrigation Perspective J. Paul Hendrix, General Manager, Tulare Irrigation District Adjudicated Basin Perspective Peter Kavounas, General Manager, Chino Basin Watermaster 11:00 am - 11:15 am BREAK - Exhibit Area Agenda (continued) General Session Moderator: Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, Luhdorff & Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers 11:15 am - 12:05 pm How the West Was Lost Jay Famiglietti, 2014 GRA Southern California David Keith Todd Lecturer, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Lunch Program Moderator: Ted Johnson, GRA President, Water Replenishment District of Southern California 12:15 pm - 1:35 pm Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award GRA Annual Meeting: Ted Johnson, GRA President, Water Replenishment District of Southern California Legislative Update: Tim Parker, Parker Groundwater, and Chris Frahm & Rosanna Carvacho, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP General Session Moderator: Vicki Kretsinger Grabert, Luhdorff & Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers 1:45 pm - 2:35 pm Managing a Commons - Groundwater and Surface Water at Risk Carl Hauge, 2014 GRA Southern California David Keith Todd Lecturer, former Chief Hydrogeologist for the Department of Water Resources (retired) 2:35 pm - 2:45 pm Announcement of GRA’s 2015 David Keith Todd Distinguished Lecturers by Vicki Kretsinger Grabert 2:45 pm - 3:00 pm BREAK - Exhibit Area General Session: Developing and Implementing Groundwater Management Plans to Preserve Local Control Moderator: Matt Zidar, GEI Consultants 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm Panelists David Guy, President, Northern California Water Association Paula Landis, California Department of Water Resources Eric Oppenheimer, State Water Resources Control Board Mark Larsen, General Manager, Kaweah Delta WCD 4:15 pm Closing Remarks Ted Johnson, GRA President POSTER PRESENTATIONS will be available for viewing throughout the duration of the conference --Please Read-The statements and opinions expressed in the Groundwater Resources Association (GRA) publications are those of the authors and/or contributors, and are not necessarily those of the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members. Further, GRA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the absolute accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this publication and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents. No warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, or statutory, is given with respect to the contents of this publication or its references to other resources. Reference in this publication to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement recommendation, or favoring by the GRA, its Board of Directors, or its members. Planning Committee & Moderators Steve Phillips - Chair Matt Zidar - Co-Chair Steve Phillips has been a Hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey for 29 years. His primary experience and interests involve using simulation models to better understand hydrologic systems and developing tools to help manage these systems. Most of his career has been spent addressing issues related to irrigated agriculture, artificial recharge, land subsidence, and associated water supply issues in the San Joaquin and Antelope Valleys, California. Recently, he has worked with the Stanislaus and Tuolumne Rivers Groundwater Basin Association and other local entities to develop a hydrologic model of the Modesto region, and with the San Joaquin River Restoration Program on assessing the potential effects of restoration efforts on the existing drainage issues in the region. Steve currently hold the position of Secretary of GRA, and is the editor of HydroVisions, GRA’s newsletter. Matt Zidar has 30 years of water management and planning experience in both the public and private sector. He has a Bachelor of Science in Watershed Management/Hydrology from Colorado State University. He currently works for GEI, Inc. out of Sacramento. His work has included developing integrated water resources management plans, groundwater management plans and coordination of related project evaluations, feasibility studies, modeling and policy evaluations. He has expertise in groundwater and surface water hydrology, conjunctive use, flood control, water quality, salt/nutrient management, seawater intrusion, water conservation, water rights, project formulation and feasibility studies, environmental compliance, and facilitation of stakeholder process. Alyx Karpowicz, PG - Co-Chair Alyx Karpowicz has been an engineering geologist at the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for nearly six years. In that time, she has managed everything from large and complex site cleanup facilities to active landfills. Prior to her time at the Water Board, Alyx worked in environmental consulting for five years. Emily Vavricka - Co-Chair Emily Vavricka is a Project Scientist with EEC Environmental in Orange, California. She has over 12 years of experience in environmental consulting and litigation support. The majority of her career has focused on litigation cases involving environmental liability, cost recovery and contribution actions, and environmental forensic investigations involving soil and groundwater contamination issues of various contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents and perchlorate. She specializes in the use of environmental forensic techniques in order to identify potentially responsible parties and determine the source, age, fate and transport of contaminants in soil and groundwater. She is co-author in one book chapter and several peer reviewed scientific publications on the topics of environmental forensics and perchlorate. She holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of California, Riverside and an M.S. in Environmental Science from California State University, Fullerton. Ms. Vavricka currently serves as a Director on GRA’s Board of Directors and is the current GRA Southern California Branch Secretary and past President. Kevin D. Brown, PG, CEG Kevin D. Brown, PG, CEG, is an engineering geologist in the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Toxics Cleanup Division, where he regulates the assessment and cleanup of numerous petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination sites. Mr. Brown has over 28 years of experience in Northern California working on a wide variety of environmental, geotechnical and engineering geology projects. He is a co-author of the July 31, 2009, Assessment Tool for Closure of Low-Threat Chlorinated Solvent Sites, a document prepared by the Groundwater Committee of the Regional Board. Rob Gailey, PG, CHG Rob Gailey has been a practicing hydrogeologist since 1985. His work, involving both water supply and contaminant hydrogeology, ranges from performing field investigations and quantitative analysis to regulatory negotiation and expert witness engagements. Rob earned a B.S. in Geology/Biology from Brown University, an M.S. in Applied Hydrogeology from Stanford University, and an M.B.A. from University of California Berkeley. Tim Ginn, Professor Professor Tim Ginn received his undergraduate degrees in Classics and Hydrology from UVa and his masters (1985) in water resource systems and doctorate (1988) in hydrogeology from Purdue Civil Engineering. Before joining the UCD faculty in 1996, Dr. Ginn was employed as a senior research scientist at Battelle’s Pacific NW National Lab in Richland, WA. He studies reactive transport of multiphase, multicomponent mixtures in natural and engineered environments, include contaminant hydrogeology, groundwater age, microbialinduced calcite precipitation, in situ bioremediation and bacterial/ colloid transport, inverse problems, and multimedia risk assessment for new/ alternative fuels. Planning Committee & Moderators (continued) Brad Herrema Brad Herrema is a Shareholder in Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s Santa Barbara office and a member of the firm’s Water & Public Lands and Public Agency Groups. His practice includes a broad range of water issues in the Southwest, including strategic water supply planning, water rights permitting and regulatory compliance, adjudications of groundwater rights, water utility concerns, Indian water rights and environmental matters affecting water use, including CEQA compliance and water quality issues, including those arising under the federal Clean Water Act and California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. Brad works closely with numerous public water agencies, special districts, private landowners and water utilities, assisting them with transactional negotiations, litigation and administrative agency proceedings. He serves as counsel to the Chino Basin Watermaster and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and represents private landowners in the Antelope Valley Groundwater Adjudication and golf courses throughout the Southwest. Brad is a Groundwater Resources Association Director and the former Secretary of the Board of Directors. Vicki Kretsinger Grabert Vicki is the President and a Principal Hydrologist with Luhdorff & Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers (LSCE) with more than 30 years of experience in groundwater quality assessment and groundwater management. She has an M.S. in water science (with an emphasis on groundwater hydrology and water quality) from the University of California, Davis. She specializes in the understanding of contaminant transport and fate in hydrologic systems and the potential implication of the presence of natural or man-made contaminants. She has managed county and basin-wide groundwater monitoring programs, groundwater management plans, water supply assessments, analysis of groundwater conditions, and accompanying data management systems. Vicki is the Founding President of GRA and a GRA Director. On behalf of GRA, she is a co-leader of the California Water Plan Update 2013 Groundwater Caucus. She planned and organized GRA’s Contemporary Groundwater Issues Council, now in its fourth year. Brian Lewis, PG, CEG, CHG Brian Lewis is Chief of the Geological Services Unit, Northern California, Department of Toxic Substances Control. His unit is responsible for providing geological support primarily on Resource Conservation and Recovery (RCRA) land disposal facilities, both operating and closing. Mr. Lewis has thirty-four years of experience, working on all aspects of water resources. He obtained his B.A. degree in geology with an emphasis in water resources from Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA. He has worked for the Department of Water Resources, State Water Resources Control Board, US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Washington D.C., and the Department of Toxic Substances Control. He has been a Board member of GRA since its inception. Mr. Lewis has severed in all board elected positions, including President (1998-1999). He is a State Representative on US EPA’s Groundwater Forum. He is a Registered Geologist, Certified Engineering Geologist, and Certified Hydrogeologist. Abigail McNally Abigail McNally is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Confluence Environmental, an environmental field services company committed to providing the highest level of sampling and technical field support services. Abigail’s professional experience includes client service, sales and marketing management at Kiff Analytical. Ms. McNally was responsible for improving laboratory efficiency, consistency and the quality of project management. Abigail received a Bachelor of Science degree in Managerial Economics with an emphasis in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis (2001). Ms. McNally is also the immediate past president of the Northern California Professional Environmental Marketing Association (PEMA), and has served as the workshop coordinator, vice president and president of PEMA. Abigail is currently the vice president of the GRA San Francisco Bay Branch, participates on various committees, and has served as the GRA San Francisco Bay Branch secretary and is a contributing author to GRA’s quarterly publication, HydroVisions. Professor Jean Moran Professor Jean Moran is an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at California State University, East Bay. Her research focuses on using naturally-occurring and introduced isotopes to examine geochemical and transport processes in the vadose zone and in groundwater. Over the last 15 years, she has led numerous projects on groundwater vulnerability, fate and transport of nitrate, and groundwater transport near artificial recharge areas under the Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment project sponsored by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Professor Moran has a Ph.D. in Geochemistry from the University of Rochester, Bachelor’s degrees in physics and geology from the University of Rochester and a Master’s degree in geophysics from the University of Washington. She has been an author on more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and was a Groundwater Resources Association of California Board Member from 2006-2011. Timothy Parker, PG, CEG, CHG Tim Parker is Principal Hydrogeologist, Parker Groundwater Management, California, specializing in groundwater resources assessment, development and management. His experience includes water policy analysis, strategic water resources planning, groundwater management plan development and program implementation, regional and project scale groundwater monitoring for quantity and quality, and groundwater recharge & storage projects. He formerly worked for Schlumberger Water Services bringing oil and gas industry geophysical tools and technologies to water industry clients, and prior to that he was with the California Department of Water Services Conjunctive Water Management Program. Tim serves Groundwater Resources Association of California as Director and Legislative Chairman, California Groundwater Coalition as Director, and National Ground Water Association as Scientist’s and Engineers Division Director. Tim is also actively involved with the Association of California Water Agencies Groundwater Committee activities. He is principal writer on Sustainability from the Ground Up, Groundwater Management in California, a Framework (ACWA 2011), and coauthored the books Potential Groundwater Quality Impacts Resulting from Geologic Carbon Sequestration (WRF 2009), and California Groundwater Management (GRA 2005). Jim Strandberg, PG, CHG Jim Strandberg has 30 years of consulting experience providing a broad range of water resources and environmental services to publicand private-sector clients. His water resources experience focuses primarily on groundwater and includes water quality investigations at local to regional scales; design, construction, performance assessment, and rehabilitation of water supply wells; aquifer testing; groundwater flow and solute transport modeling; groundwater source and supply assessment; stakeholder and news media engagement; and state regulatory compliance. His environmental experience includes providing strategic, regulatory, and technical direction; developing and managing multi-disciplinary groundwater, soil, sediment, surface water, and stormwater studies and field investigations; evaluation and implementation of remedial activities; and litigation support. Jim is a long-standing Director and Past-President of the Groundwater Resources Association of California. He has held numerous leadership roles including Founding President of the San Francisco Bay Branch. He has testified before the California Legislature on pending groundwater legislation. Stephanie Uriostegui Stephanie is a PhD candidate in the Department of Earth Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Livermore Graduate Scholar at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. She received a BS in Biology from California State University, Fullerton. Scott D. Warner, PG, CEG, CHG Scott D. Warner, a Principal with ENVIRON International Corporation in Emeryville, California, has worked as a consulting hydrogeologist since 1987. His work has focused on development and implementation of innovative groundwater resource remediation and protection methods for projects in California and throughout North America with additional experience in South America, Europe, Australia and Hong Kong. Scott also has developed experience in hydrologic basin analysis, fracture flow, and water resource development and has published substantially on related topics. He is a registered Professional Geologist, Certified Hydrogeologist, and Certified Engineering Geologist in California and received his MS in Geology from Indiana University and BS in Engineering Geology from UCLA. Scott also is President of the Bay Planning Coalition in the San Francisco Bay Area which is a non-profit, membership-based organization representing public and private entities in maritime and related shoreline businesses. Jessica Watkins Jessica Watkins recently joined the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board as a Water Resource Control Engineer in the NPDES Wastewater Division. Jessica previously worked in environmental consulting at ENVIRON, where she primarily worked on site assessment and remediation projects, litigation cases, and due diligence. She has engineering degrees from both UC Berkeley and Stanford, and also has degrees in international relations and Spanish. Brett Wyckoff, PG, CEG, CHG Brett Wyckoff is a Senior Engineering Geologist with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), and is a Certified Hydrogeologist and Certified Engineering Geologist. He has worked 24 years with various groundwater-related programs in state and county agencies. He started out his career overseeing investigations and cleanups at groundwater contamination sites. He later participated in the development of the State Waterboard’s Statewide Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Assessment (GAMA) Program. With DWR, he has focused on groundwater management and worked with the Integrated Regional Water Management Program and Regional Partnership Program. Currently, Brett is involved with implementing the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program. The conference co-chairs thank the following for their helpful contributions: David Abbott, Consulting Geologist Sarah Kline, Administrative Director, GRA Mark Lubell, Professor & Director, Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior, UC Davis Dan Wendell, Associate Director, Groundwater, The Nature Conservancy Sponsors & Exhibitors BakerCorp California Water Foundation Exhibitor Brendan Coyne 121 Puffer Way Folsom, CA 95630 925-303-8511 (p) [email protected] Annual Co-Sponsor Kate Williams, Program Manager 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1095 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-442-5057 (p) / 916-325-7541 (f) [email protected] “When it comes to pumping, filtration or storage solutions, absolutely no one has been doing this longer – or better—than Baker. For decades, we’ve provided application and equipment rental solutions to a growing number of industries such as groundwater treatment, environmental remediation and construction. Our national network of locations and product application technicians are dedicated to providing customers with quality equipment, innovative solutions and experienced personalized service. Tanks. Pumps. Filtration. Baker.” The California Water Foundation’s (CWF) vision is to sustainability meet California’s 21st century economic and ecological water needs. CWF supports innovative projects and policies that address water challenges today, while bringing together experts, stakeholders, and the public to achieve longterm, science-based solutions for the future. CWF is an initiative of Resources Legacy Fund, with primary funding from S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and Pisces Foundation, and additional support from David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, and Colleen and Robert D. Haas. Blaine Tech Services Exhibitor Francis Thie, Vice President 1680 Rogers Avenue San Jose, CA 95112 408-573-0555 (p) / 408-573-7771 (f) [email protected] “Blaine Tech specializes in high-quality groundwater monitoring, sampling and field data collection services. In addition to surface water sampling, private well sampling and production well sampling, Blaine Tech has 25+ years of experience sampling groundwater wells including extensive low-flow and deep well (1,000’ bgs) sampling experience. With offices located throughout the state, Blaine Tech can provide consistent, high-quality, cost-effective field sampling and documentation services on the largest projects in California. Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Reception Sponsor Brad Herrema, Shareholder 1020 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-963-7000 (p) / 805-965-4333 (f) [email protected] Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck is a unique law firm. Walk in any of our offices and you’ll immediately recognize a different type of energy. Complacency doesn’t have a place here. Flexibility and inspiration do. Our culture and enthusiasm allow our attorneys, legislative consultants and legal staff to stay ahead of our clients’ needs and provide them with the resources they require to meet their business objectives. California Laboratory Services Exhibitor Scott Furnas, President 3249 Fitzgerald Rd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 800-638-7301 (p) [email protected] California Laboratory Services are a State certifed small business performing analytical chemistry on a full service basis. Celebrating our 20th year in business, our laboratory is located in Rancho Cordova, CA with a service center located in Bakersfield CA. CLS performs a full range of analytical services including bacteria,metals,herbicdes & pesticdes, VOC’s and SVOC’s and much more. Our free courier service is available upon request; let us help you take away the stress of having to ship or transport the samples. We look forward to serving you. Cascade Drilling Exhibitor and Reception Bar Sponsor Eric Sandberg, Vice President 120 South 23rd Richmond, CA 94804 415-786-7244 (p) [email protected] Cascade Drilling, L.P. is a recognized leader in providing extensive safety training for our employees. We believe that all accidents and injuries are preventable and have a goal of zero accidents. Our safety program is directed by our Vice President of Safety and DOT compliance, Gary Crueger and his staff. Confluence Environmental Field Services Exhibitor Abigail McNally, Director of Sales and Marketing 3308 El Camino Avenue, Suite 300, #148 Sacramento, CA 95821 510-837-8740 (p) [email protected] Confluence Environmental Field Services is committed to providing the highest level of sampling and technical field services at competitive rates. Our field experience, superior equipment and expertise ensure that jobs run safely, smoothly, and efficiently. We offer support in all aspects of project management from performing general maintenance on monitoring wells. Based on your project demands we can compliment your company’s existing field staff, or operate independently. Confluence Environmental is a California State Certified Small Business, maintains C-8, C-12 and C-57 Licenses with HAZ -Hazardous Substance Removal Certification and is ISNetworld® and PICS certified. We provide services throughout California and the greater Western States. DHI, North America Exhibitor Robert Prucha, Manager Water Resources 141 Union Blvd. Ste 425 Lakewood, CO 80228 303-885-3277 (p) [email protected] DHI is the first expert you should call with tough challenges to solve in water environments – be it a river, reservoir, ocean, coastline, or within a city or factory. We have 50 years of dedicated research and real-life experience acquired from more than 140 countries. We strive to make this knowledge globally accessible to clients and partners through our local teams in more than 30 countries, and our unique software tools. Our world is water. So whether you need to save it, share it fairly, improve its quality, quantify its impact, or manage its flow, we can help. EnviroTech Services Company McCampbell Analytical, Inc. Exhibitor Fred Ousey, Owner 4851 Sunrise Drive, Ste. 101 Martinez, CA 94553 925-370-1541 (p) [email protected] Exhibitor Rosa Venegas, Sales Manager 1534 Willow Pass Road Fort Collins, CA 94553 925-252-9262 (p) / 925-252-9269 (f) [email protected] EnviroTech Services provides quality environmental products for purchase and rent. Since 1988, we offer a full range of goetechnical and geological equipment for field projects of all types. McCampbell Analytical, Inc. is a full service, small business laboratory with over 20 years of experience in testing for drinking water, effluent, sediment, hazardous waste, air & soil vapor in a wide variety of chemical compounds including organic, inorganic & metallic contaminants. McCampbell Analytical is located in the San Francisco Bay Area & is situated in a 32,000 sq. ft. facility that can accommodate over 500 analysis for virtually all matrices on a standard 5 day TAT. McCampbell is best known for customer service, excellent sensitivity, analytical diversity & extended business hours (M-F, 8AM-9PM). GEI Consultants, Bookman-Edmonston Division Co-Sponsor & Lunch Sponsor Matt Zidar, Principal Hydrologist 2868 Prospect Park, Suite 400 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-631-4500 (p) / 916.631.4501 (f) [email protected] Established in 1970, GEI Consultants, Inc. focuses primarily on groundwater and water resources, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, ecological sciences, and civil design. In 2003, GEI acquired Bookman-Edmonston, a water resources engineering firm renowned for helping solve California’s water needs since 1959. Today, GEI employs about 650 people in 34 offices nationwide, with five offices located in California. GEI has a vibrant water resources practice, which provides municipal, state, and federal agencies with a full array of services, including supporting local groundwater planning, management and engineering. In-Situ Exhibitor Bill Mann, Regional Sales Manager 221 E. Lincoln Ave. Fort Collins, CA 94553 925-370-1541 (p) [email protected] EnviroTech Services provides quality environmental products for purchase and rent. Since 1988, we offer a full range of goetechnical and geological equipment for field projects of all types. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Refreshment Sponsor Sevim Onsoy, Hydrologist/Water Resources Specialist 303 Second Street Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94107 415-243-2150 (p) / 415-896-0999 (f) [email protected] Kennedy/Jenks Consultants is proud of its 95-year history of being an employee-owned firm headquartered in San Francisco since 1919. They are an award-winning engineering sciences consulting firm consistently ranked in the Top 150 on the Engineering News-Record’s list of top engineering firms. Kennedy/Jenks currently has over 430 staff located in 25 offices throughout the United States. National Exploration, Wells & Pumps Exhibitor Jacob Gallagher, Sales Manager 1961 Meeker Ave Richmond, CA 94804 510-236-6282 (p) [email protected] Born of this industry and built on a foundation of integrity, our strength lies in our MSHA/OSHA trained, experienced personnel. Our dedicated drill crews are supported by a management team, composed of industry veterans, and strategically placed field support teams that are able to respond 24/7. Dedicated to our clients and our employees, National strives to restore fundamental industry principles that align safety, experience, industry-best equipment and 24/7 support to provide dependable, professional drilling services. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities and earn your trust. Regenesis Exhibitor Steve Nigro, Pacific District Manager 1011 Calle Sombra San Clemente, CA 92673 949-366-8000 (p) / 949-366-8090 (f) [email protected] Our mission is to develop, manufacture and market advanced, innovative technologies for the restoration or remediation of natural resources such as groundwater and soil. Regenesis’ efforts are driven by and focused on technology performance, customer needs and cost-effectiveness. Our technologies will be supported by the highest level of scientific research and technical support within the industry. Looking forward, we will seek out and explore new technologies for the prevention and/or remediation of a broad range of environmental concerns. ROTAPUMP Exhibitor Donald McEdwards, Dr. 1025 Hearst Willits Road Willits, CA 95490 707-354-4618 (p) / 707-459-1084 (f) [email protected] ROTAPUMP manufactures and sells a portable, AC or DC, surface- mounted inertial lift groundwater purging and sampling pump. Use one pump for all your monitoring wells. No decon. Sample for VOCs at specific depths without sample agitation. Ideal for low flow sampling and constant rate well tests. Sponsors & Exhibitors (continued) SiLi Sigmund Lindner GmbH West Yost Associates Exhibitor Don Langlois, Sales Manager Oberwarmensteinacher Str. 38 Warmensteinach, Bavaria 95485 Germany +49-9277-9940 (p) / +49-9277-99499 (f) [email protected] Co-Sponsor Jim Strandberg, Sr. Hydrogeologist 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 240 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-949-5800 (p) / 925 949-5845 (f) [email protected] Sigmund Lindner, a fifth generation family enterprise, manufactures and distributes different types of glass and ceramic beads. Since 2007 SiLi glass beads are a revolution in water well construction and functionality, reducing operation and maintenance costs and enhancing a longer lifetime cycle at increased well capacity and performance. Pure and clean. Easy handling. No bridging or jamming in the filling process. Best rehabilitation capability due to high pore volume and regular pore channels. For the first time all physical and hydrological properties of a filter pack medium stay consistent over the entire well lifetime-cycle. For more information contact us: West Yost Associates is a consulting engineering firm headquartered in Davis, California with seven offices in California and Oregon, including Walnut Creek, Santa Rosa, Irvine, and Eugene locations. West Yost provides a higher level of client service around a focused area of technical expertise on water projects, including groundwater, stormwater, surface water and wastewater projects. We provide a broad depth of experience in planning, design, construction management, and program management services. Our staff includes certified or registered professionals in civil and environmental engineering, geology, and hydrogeology; land surveying; water and wastewater treatment; GIS; and construction inspection and construction management. Solinst Canada Ltd. Exhibitor Claire Rethoret, Sales and Technical Representative 35 Todd Rd. Georgetown, ON L7G 4R8 905-873-2255 (p) / 905-873-1992 (f) [email protected] In business for over 35 years, Solinst is dedicated to providing clients with high quality groundwater and surface water monitoring instrumentation. They offer a broad range of practical equipment used by hydrogeologists and hydrologists around the world. Their product line features Leveloggers, Telemetry Systems, Water Level Meters, Interface Meters, Peristaltic Pumps, Drive-Points, Groundwater Samplers, Multilevel Systems and the Waterloo Emitter. They provide exceptional customer service, and leading-edge instruments designed for repeatable accuracy, ease-of-use, and durability. Questions? Do you have a question for the speaker? At any time during the session you may text the appropriate code plus your question (no more than 160 characters please) to 37-607. The moderator will receive your question and give the speaker an opportunity to respond during the Q&A portion of the presentation. Woodward Drilling Company, Inc. Exhibitor Judie Snyder-Poblano, Director of Business Development 550 River Road Rio Vista, CA 94571 707-374-4300 (p) / 707-374-5677 (f) [email protected] “Woodward Drilling Company is a WMBE/DBE/SBE company established in 1990. We service all of California and Nevada. We specialize in Environmental and Geotechnical Drilling. Woodward Drilling is always adding new services to their portfolio in efforts to help their clients complete their jobs at cost or under. Woodward Drilling is proud to now have expanded to add a Waste Water Treatment and Discharge facility to their site that can treat and discharge up to 50,000 gallons a day. Woodward also handles soil and water transportation and disposal for Non Haz and Haz. Text code and question to 37-607 Know Your Code: TrackA TrackB General Poster Presentations Comparison of Groundwater and Surface-Water Use in California, 1985-2010 Justin Brandt, U.S. Geological Survey - Loren Metzger, Diane Rewis, and Charles Berenbrock Summary of Land Subsidence Monitoring at Three Stations in the Southern Sacramento Valley Tad Bedegrew, California Department of Water Resources - Chris Bonds and Mark Souverville Development and Implementation of a Basin-Wide Groundwater Model of the Rialto-Colton Basin for the Source Area Operable Unit Remedy for the Rockets, Fireworks, and Flares Superfund Site Steve Luis, ENVIRON International Corporation - Alka Singhal, Catherine Talbot, Truong Mai, George Linkletter Mobile Solutions Tool for Environmental Data Collection and Online Publishing Mark Raybuck, Parsons Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California Steven Springhorn, California Department of Water Resources - Chris Bonds, Trevor Joseph, Mary Scruggs, Dan McManus Paper, Digital, Online – The Transition to Online Well Completion Report Submissions to the California Department of Water Resources Christina Boggs, California Department of Water Resources - Eric Senter Hydraulic Fracturing for OIl and Gas Production in California - Water Use and Water Quality Thomas Johnson, Thomas Johnson Associates - Eric M. Nichols The Development of Guidelines and Procedures for Land Subsidence Investigations: An Arizona Perpective Kenneth C. Fergason, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Local Groundwater Management Planning in the San Francisquito Cone, San Mateo County California Tess Byler, Sustainable Watershed Management - Peter Drekmeier Sustainable Capture: Concepts for Managing Stream-Aquifer Systems Jeffrey C. Davids, Davids Engineering - Steffen Mehl Groundwater Discharge along the Southern California Coast; Geophysical Images of Three States of Salt Water Intrusion John Jansen, Leggette, Brashears and Graham Accelerated Biodegradation of Petroleum and Chlorinated Contaminants Facilitated by an In Situ Colloidal Biomatrix Ben Mork, Ph.D., Vice President of R&D, Regenesis - Stephanie Rittenhouse, Kristen Thoreson, and Craig Sandefur Best Practices for Obtaining Site Closure for Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation Applications at MTBE/TBA Sites Dan Nunez, Regenesis - Jack Sheldon, Craig Sandefur Student Poster Presentations Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Inorganic Anions, Cations and Radionuclides in California’s Groundwater: Establishing a Background and Analyzing Spatial Variability Andrew Renshaw, California State University East Bay and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Andrew M. Renshaw, Bradley K. Esser and Richard K. Bibby Quantifying Seasonal Groundwater Recharge in Snow-Dominated Basins in the Sierra Nevada using Cosmogenic S-35 S.H. Urióstegui, University of California, Santa Barbara - R.K. Bibby, B.K. Esser and J.F. Clark Estimation of Oxygen Demand and Aerobic Tert-Butyl Alcohol Biodegradation Kinetics Utilizing Batch Microcosms Peter Dennehy, University of California, Davis - Juan Peng, Nicholas De Sieyes, Radomir Schmidt, and Douglas Mackay “Speaker bios and abstracts are included on the flash drive you received at registration!” Cooperating Organizations: Association of California Water Agencies California Department of Toxic Substances Control California Department of Water Resources International Association of Hydrogeologists San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board United States Geological Survey Water Education Foundation
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