Bethany Lutheran Church and School Newsletter Monthly Issue 27 Isaiah 55:6-9 October 2014 From Pastor Mark 6 “Seek Bethany Lutheran Church and School 1000 W. 26th Street South Wichita, KS 67217 Church Phone 316-265-7415 School Phone 316-265-3033 www.bethanylutheranwichita .org Worship Service Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study Sunday 10:30 AM Pastor Mark Wenger Deacon Mike Parmenter Early Childhood Center Serving children in Preschool through Kindergarten the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; 7 let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. On Sunday, September 21, I used this passage as the sermon text. I meant to include a story, written by Rev. Gifford A. Grobien. The story is as follows: “A father had an old autographed baseball. He was careful with it, although he didn’t keep it locked away. He would tell stories of how he had been given it by his father, who had gotten it many years ago. The man’s son couldn’t quite figure out why his dad never played with the ball. So, the boy played with it—when dad was at work and wouldn’t notice. The boy always returned the ball to its place. But one day, the boy hit the ball under the fence into the lot with all the ivy. And try as he might, he couldn’t find the ball; the overgrown ivy had swallowed up the heirloom. It took the father a few days to notice the ball was gone—which seemed strange to the boy but made him that much more nervous. When Dad did finally notice, he came into his son’s room, sat next to him on the bed, and put his arm around him. With all his pent-up anxiety, the boy burst into tears—tears of anger. He even flailed out at his dad, angry that Dad had “made” him play with the ball and lose it. The father sat there, keeping his arm around his son, until the boy’s tears turned to tears of sorrow and contrition. Now, the boy was angry at himself for letting his dad down. The father remained near and drew his arm tighter around his son.” Can you see yourself in the story? This father demonstrates the kind of love our heavenly father has toward us. The son who lost the heirloom couldn’t understand the father, at least not completely. He couldn’t understand how he loved the ball, yet wasn’t angry with him, and why he continued to hug and love him. The father’s thoughts were not the son’s thoughts (Is. 55:8). But the father was near to his son to forgive him. Similarly, even when you don’t understand your heavenly Father’s ways and thoughts, the Lord is near you to pardon and to act with compassion. God has shown his heart to us through the sacrificial love of His Son, Jesus Christ. Let God surround you with His pardon and compassion, especially in the midst of trials you cannot fully understand. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways, but rest assured. He always has our eternal good in mind. Love, Pastor October Birthdays Kim Chamberlin Caleb Ferrell Bernadine Hasenbank Annetta Albright Mary Mellard Alyssa Dehncke Annette Albright Joseph Karnes Anita Albright Melanie Schreffler James Erxleben Brandon Ohmie Cole Chamberlin Richard Schott 10/2 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/5 10/8 10/12 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/19 10/20 10/27 10/27 Anniversaryies Ramon & Ruth Valdez Richard & Stacy Shipman Junior & Shirley Storck David & Annetta Albright Newsletter Deadline is the third Monday of every month! 10/10/2008 10/14/2000 10/14/1956 10/25/1974 Senior Breakfast Wednesday, October 21st Country Café at 9am Vance Music will be holding a recital in the sanctuary Sunday October 5th beginning at 1:00 p.m. and they would love to invite all of our members to come and enjoy the talent being displayed. Baptisms/ Baptism Anniversaries Emily Schaefer Shirley Winter Caleb Ferrell Esther Meyer Hailey Vinroe Lisa Cox Larry Moore Fred Westphal Catrina Owen Amelia Reiling David Funke Jimmie Merrick Clayton Cheatum Amy Salazar James Adams Cody Schott 10/1 10/1 10/2 10/2 10/2 10/4 10/4 10/5 10/10 10/13 10/17 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/28 10/28 There is a lot of behind the scenes work that is done for our worship services, Bible Studies, Children’s and Youth Ministries, greeters, ushers, alter guild, music ministry, and so many more ministries that we need help with. Most of these do not take much time out of our busy schedules to be part of. Is God calling you to be part of something but you don’t know where to start? Be an usher! Prepare the communion! These are very important jobs that only require a little bit of you. Please contact an elder listed in this newsletter to see where YOU can be of service to God’s kingdom. Head Usher – Alan Keimig Art Kuehn, Larry Moore, Junior Storck, and Jay Fritz Next month head’s up – Bill Fromm, Dale Kester, and Roger Obermueller Thank you for being a greeter! We are the friendliest church in Wichita! How did we become so? Because of YOU! Oct 5th Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct 26th Scott & Kathleen Hasenbank Connie Hembree Jon & Dori Darnes Dale & Pam Kester Nov. 2nd Nov. 9th Nov. 16th Nov. 23rd Nov. 30th Art Kuehn & Myreta Lungwitz Dean & Nina Lang Ralph & Dolores Lang Heath & Denise Lewis Rhonda Dehncke & Vivian Mailly You are the first point of contact for our guests! Welcome them by smiling and shaking their hand. If this is their first visit to our church, invite them to stay for coffee and breakfast in our activity center and where it is located. Also show them where our restrooms and cry rooms are located and thank them for joining us in worship. Alert one of our ushers that they are first time visitors so that any questions regarding our service can be answered. If you cannot be greeter on the Sunday you have, please talk to one of our other greeters to switch. If you are greeter during Lent or Advent, you will be greeter for all services during that week. 5th Oct Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct 26th Ally Ohmie Caven Lewis Corbin Larson Taryn Bolin Acolytes Nov. 2nd Nov. 9th Nov. 16th Nov. 23rd Nov. 30th Gage Shipman Caleb Ferrell Cayden Chamberlin Spenser Schreffler Makenzie Reyes Thank you for being an Acolyte! You are an important part of our worship! If you are cannot be acolyte on the day you have, please make arrangements to switch with someone so that the Acolyte roll is filled. Alter Guild 5th October 2th Oct Fill – Dolores Lang Clean – Jeanetta Bolin Nov Fill – Dolores Lang Clean – Jeanetta Bolin Nov 9th Fill – Lois Brockmeyer Clean – Marilyn Obermueller Nov 16th Fill – Lois Adams/ Amy Salazar Clean – Toni & Taryn Bolin Nov 23th Fill – Anita Albright Clean – Rhonda Dehncke Nov 27th Fill- Lois Brockmeyer Clean – Joann Storck Nov 30th Fill – Lois Brockmeyer Clean – Dwan Welty Oct 12th Fill – Lois Brockmeyer Clean – Marilyn Obermueller Oct 19th Fill – Lois Adams/ Amy Salazar Clean – Toni & Taryn Bolin Oct 26th Fill – Anita Albright Clean – Rhonda Dehncke October 5rd October 12th October 19th October 26th October November Elders Robert Ohmie and Dale Kester Mark Welty and Robert Bolin Kevin Chamberlin and Richard Vinroe Dale Kester and Robert Bolin Nov 2nd Nov 9th Nov 16th Nov 23rd Nov 30th November The Youth Group is no longer accepting aluminum cans. They have become a home for ants and other creatures. Your cans can be recycled at various places in the city for the humane society PetSmart West and The Grinder Man at 510 E Pawnee has a drop off for your cans. Please continue to save the ring tops off of the cans and deposit them in the “little house” in the narthex or give to Mrs. Wenger. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 (NIV) Like us on Facebook!!!! Join us every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm for fellowship and Bible study. Also join our quilters every Saturday from 9am-12pm 11 Please Note: The elders have shifted from the second Saturday to the first Saturday of the Month to make visits to the Graceblessing Senior (Shut-in) members of our congregation. Our next scheduled visitation day will be Saturday, October 4th. Trunk or Treat is coming! Our annual community opportunity is fast approaching! OCTOBER 25th from 5-7pm! That means we need our yummy cookie and candy donations! They are already in the stores so grab a bag or two and bring them to church! We also need cookies, trunks and volunteers! See Anita Albright to help! Speaking of Fall Events, don’t forget our Country Boutique November 15th We will need lots of helping hands to get set up, help customers and clean up! Not to mention all the homemade goodies that makes our boutique a success! Contact Stacy Shipman to volunteer! Day Care update: We have now submitted all paperwork to Kansas Department of Health and Environment requesting Day Care licensure. The room that we are licensing at this time is the present preschool classroom. The preschool will still be operative along with offering daycare for children ages 2 ½ to school age. Approval for licensure may take up to 90 days. This means that our goal for offering day care is the first week of January, 2015. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. OOPS! Let’s try this again! We have a survey JUST FOR YOU! Go to and take the survey to help us plan for upcoming events and community opportunities! We have many possibilities in the next few months and we need your input! SAVE THE DATES! OCTOBER 24TH – TRUNK OR TREAT AND AFTER PARTY (CORN MAZE) NOVEMBER 13TH -15TH – COUNTRY BOUTIQUE Delicious Home Made Items 1000 W 26th St. S Wichita, KS 316-265-7415 Quilts, Country Décor, Hand Made Crafts November 15th 9AM – 5PM Come and enjoy our famous bierocks! Dozens of Vendors to Shop from! Door Prizes! We are celebrating our 30th annual country boutique with a new format of your favorite vendors old and new! Come and shop with us! Treasurer’s Report 9/22/2014 Current Bank Balance $8,913.91 Bill due by October 1st Payroll estimate due 9/30/2014 $10,800.00 Concordia Health Plan -Sept. $6,093.77 Concordia Health Plan - Oct. $6,093.77 Copier Lease $755.12 Trash $189.67 Church Dr. - August $889.75 Church Dr. - September $889.75 Water $131.38 Total $25,843.21 Other unpaid bills Missions to date Our mission goal is $13,69.51 $6186.00. $8500.00 Bethany Lutheran Church and School 1000 W 26th St. South Wichita, KS 67217 October Bethany Lutheran Church Activity Calendar TUESDAY 5 6 7 12 13 14 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 1-6pm Vance Recital 7p – Men’s Bible Study WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 9a - DS Chapel 1-3pm Computer Class Prayer Center 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 9a - DS Chapel 1-3pm Computer Class Prayer Center 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir KCSL 4-8pm 6-7pm Girl Scouts 6:15p – All Boards Meet 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Men’s Bible Study 20 6:30p – Church Council Newsletter Deadline 21 7p - LWML 22 9a - DS Chapel 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 REFORMATION SUNDAY 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Bible Study @ Church 9a - DS Chapel 9a Senior Breakfast Country Café 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 6-7pm Girl Scouts 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Bible Study @ Church 19 SATURDAY 9a - DS Chapel 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir LWML Quilting 9a-12p 8:30am Elder Visits BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p LWML Chili & Pie dinner 4-8pm 6-7pm Girl Scouts 25 Distribution Day Trunk or Treat 5-7pm Halloween 2014 November Bethany Lutheran Church Activity Calendar TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 LWML Quilting 9a-12p 8:30am Elder Visits 2 3 4 9 10 11 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 1-6pm Vance Recital 7p – Men’s Bible Study 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Bible Study @ Church 6:15p – All Boards Meet 16 Veteran’s Day 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 9a - DS Chapel 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 9a - DS Chapel 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 6-7pm Girl Scouts Country Cupboard Kitchen/Dining/ A/C Country Cupboard Kitchen/Dining/ A/C BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p Country Cupboard Kitchen/Dining/ A/C 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study Chicken Noodle Dinner for Christmas Candy 7p – Bible Study @ 17 6:30p – Church Council Newsletter Deadline 18 7p - LWML 19 9a - DS Chapel 9a Senior Breakfast Country Café 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Choir 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Men’s Bible Study 7p - Thanksgiving Eve Service and Pie Night 6-7pm Girl Scouts Thanksgiving Day Distribution Day 12-6pm Gary & Linda Puls A/C and Kitchen 30 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 2014 December Bethany Lutheran Church Activity Calendar TUESDAY 1 2 7 8 9 14 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Men’s Bible Study 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Bible Study @ Church 15 6:15p – All Boards Meet Newsletter Deadline 16 21 7p - LWML 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Men’s Bible Study 22 6:30p – Church Council 23 28 29 30 9a – COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30a – SS, Bible Study 7p – Bible Study @ Church WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 9a - DS Chapel 4:45p - Advent Service 5:30p – BYA Dinner 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Advent Service 8p - Choir 9a - DS Chapel 4:45p - Advent Service 5:30p – BYA Dinner 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Advent Service 8p - Choir 9a - DS Chapel 9a Senior Breakfast Country Café 4:45p - Advent Service 5:30p – BYA Dinner 6p – 7p Confirmation and Mid Week Classes 7p - Advent Service 8p - Choir 7p – CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 11p – CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 6-7pm Girl Scouts KCSL 4-8pm 6-7pm Girl Scouts 10a – CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE LWML Quilting 9a-12p 8:30am Elder Visits BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p BFM Orders 10a-1p LWML Quilting 9a-12p Distribution Day 31 NEW YEAR’S DAY 2014
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