Elina Sillanpää

Elina Sillanpää
Postdoctoral researcher, PhD in
Exercise sciences
Contact details
Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and
Department of Health Sciences, University
of Jyväskylä, Finland
Phone: +358-40 1429 639
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Exercise Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport and
Health Sciences, major: sport coaching and fitness testing (2011)
Pedagogical studies of adult development (Teachers’ certification), Department of
Education, University of Jyväskylä (2010)
M.Sc. in Exercise Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Sport and
Health Sciences, major: exercise physiology (2004)
Research interest
Physical fitness, physical functioning, aging, strength and endurance training, body
composition, biological aging, genetics, metabolic health, lung function, health-related
quality of life
Current position
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and
Department of Health Sciences, funded by the Academy of Finland
Most important earlier employment
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and
Department of Health Sciences, funded by the EU-project: MyoAge (2011-12)
Researcher (PhD student), Senior assistant (sport coaching and fitness testing), Senior
assistant (exercise physiology), Assistant in physiology, University of Jyväskylä, Department
of Biology of Physical Activity (2005-11)
Other selected affiliations and expert positions
Member of the executive board of the national Strength in Old Age – Health Exercise
Programme and The National Policy Programme for Older People’s Physical Activity
Coordinator of international symposium ”Physical fitness and training adaptation:
Mechanisms and practical applications”. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Biology of
Physical Activity (2009)
International co-operation
MyoAge; Understanding and Combating Age-related Muscle weakness, European research network
ENGAGE; European network of genetic and genomic epidemiology
Research grants
Postdoctoral research grant Academy of Finland (2012-15)
Personal research grants from the Juho Vainio Foundation (2008-10), Yrjö Jahnsson
Foundation (2010), Sport Institute Foundation (2008-09)
Scientific acknowledgements and awards
Awarded in Young Scientist Competition organized by the Finnish Society of Sport Sciences
Awarded in Young Scientist Competition organized by the Finnish Society of Sport Sciences
Selected publications
Albrecht E, Sillanpää E, Karrasch S, Couto Alves A et al. Telomere length in circulating
leukocytes is associated with lung function and disease. Eur Respir J 2014 43: 983–992.
Sillanpää E, Cheng S, Häkkinen K, Finni T, Walker S, Pesola A, Ahtiainen J, Stenroth L, Selänne
H, Sipilä S. Body Composition in 18- to 88-Year-Old Adults—Comparison of Multifrequency
Bioimpedance and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Obesity 2014 22, 101–109.
Sillanpää E, Stenroth L, Bijlsma AY, Rantanen T, McPhee JS, Maden-Wilkinson TM, Jones DA,
Narici MV, Gapeyeva H, Pääsuke M, Barnouin Y, Hogrel J-Y, Butler-Browne GS, Meskers
CGM, Maier AB, Törmäkangas T, and Sipilä S. Associations between muscle strength,
spirometric pulmonary function and mobility in healthy older adults. AGE 2014 36:9667.
Sillanpää E, Häkkinen A, Häkkinen K Body composition changes by DXA, BIA and skinfolds
during exercise training in women. Eur J Appl Physiol 2013 113:2331–2341.
Sillanpää E, Holviala J, Häkkinen K, Häkkinen A. Combined strength and endurance training
improves health-related quality of life in healthy older adults. International Journal of Sports
Medicine 2012 33(12):981-6.
Sillanpää E, Häkkinen A, Punnonen K, Häkkinen K, Laaksonen DE. Effects of strength and
endurance training on metabolic risk factors in healthy 40-65 years old men. Scandinavian
Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2009 19(6):885-895.
Sillanpää E, Häkkinen A, Nyman K, Mattila M, Cheng S, Karavirta L, Laaksonen DE, Huuhka N,
Kraemer WJ, Häkkinen K. Body Composition and Fitness during Strength and/or Endurance
Training in Older Men. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 2008 40(5):950-958.