America Is on Fire, and It's Not the Fire of God
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10:00AM EDT 10/17/2014 Bert M. Farias
America is on fire, but it's not the fire of God.
"But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers" (1 Pet. 4:7).
What has happened to our nation? Clearly it is not the nation of my childhood. We are running headlong into death
and destruction. Of the 22 civilizations throughout world history that reached the immoral state America is in now, 19
of them collapsed and were wiped out.
In 1987 the late Lester Sumrall, in his book I Predict, wrote about six things that would happen in our nation.
1. America would depart from Christianity.
2. America would endorse pagan religions.
3. America would embrace doctrines of demons.
4. Satan worship and human sacrifice would occur more and more (this is not talked about but is happening
5. America would be consumed with rebellion, and it would be like a tornado in our land. Anarchy would spread
among our youth, schools and colleges. In the home, on the job, and throughout the entire social structure,
there would be no more tenderness in the home, no love, no laughter; many marriages would fail, and children
would not know whom to love and whom to hate.
6. There would be a tremendous tearing of America's moral fiber; homosexuality would no longer be in the closet
but considered normal, and even bestiality would be seen more and more in our society.
I would have to say that Brother Sumrall's predictions were amazingly accurate.
Let's turn our eyes toward the church and consider what is happening right now.
1. More churches are jumping on the gay bandwagon, and it will soon shock you those who are yet to do so.
Major denominations are now sponsoring gay pride parades, performing gay weddings, and receiving and
ordaining gay clergy.
2. More churches will also travel on the false unity trail with the Roman Catholic Church and the whole
ecumenical movement.
3. More than 1,500 pastors per month are leaving the ministry, and some are coming out as atheists; British
scientist and atheist Richard Dawkins has a clergy project that is deceiving pastors into renouncing God and
Christianity altogether.
4. The greatest persecutions against the church in America are now from the gay movement and Islam.
5. There will even be more persecution from within the church from other professing Christians who don't
appreciate true believers standing up for the unadulterated truth of God's Word, making them uncomfortable in
their sin. Unchecked sin in the church will continue to rise as the "love everyone—don't judge" mantra
continues to gain popularity, and the "do as you please" philosophy spreads like cankerworm.
6. The teaching of false grace has infiltrated the church where the extremes of it teach us that repentance is no
longer needed, and we are already forgiven of our past, present and future sins. The watering down of the true
grace of God is opening the door even wider for homosexuality and perversion to enter the church. Marriages
will be further destroyed through this extreme teaching. In a time when repentance and holiness are needed
the most, the church is failing to hold up the banner.
And what about the world we live in today?
The signs of the last days are increasing at the most rapid pace ever, but all you need to know is that anti-Semitism
and anti-Christianity are on the rise. An antichrist spirit is permeating nearly every sector of society both here and
Watch Israel. The sign of the Lord's coming is more closely attached to the events in Israel than anything else.
Consider these: In 1917 the British miraculously recovered the Holy Land from the Turks, the Jews returned and
Israel became a sovereign nation again in 1948, and there was an eerily obscure prophecy centuries ago from a
rabbi concerning 2017 being the jubilee of the Messiah. (From 1917, when what is now Israel was liberated from the
Ottoman Turks, to 1967, when Israel miraculously won the Six-Day War and reclaimed the Jewish sector of
Jerusalem, was 50 years, which is one jubilee and then to 2017, which is another 50 years, is a second jubilee). I'm
not saying Jesus is coming back in 2017, but it's all very interesting, and events in America, the world, and Israel give
us signposts that the coming of the Lord is so near.
So how do we stay optimistic amid such a bleak picture I just painted?
After his 1987 prediction, Lester Sumrall went on to say that all the evil he predicted would transpire just before a
great awakening comes to America. In a time of harvest there is always a separation (the wheat from the chaff, the
bad fish from the good fish, etc.).
The evil and persecution in the world and in America now will separate the true from the false, the nominal Christian
from the serious disciple, and the Lord will once again use a remnant to fulfill his end-time purposes.
I don't know about you, but as for me and my house, we have chosen to be a part of that remnant.
How about you?
Bert M. Farias, revivalist and founder of Holy Fire Ministries, is the author of several books, including the newly
released My Son, My Son , which he co-wrote with his son Daniel for the purpose of training up a holy generation . He
is also co-host of the New England Holy Ghost Forum, a school of the Spirit. Follow him at Bert Farias on Facebook or
at @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.
Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed are solely the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Charisma Media.
© Copyright 2014 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved.
Rev. Billy Graham: ‘America is Just as Wicked as Sodom and
Gomorrah Ever Were’
Reverend Billy Graham, arguably the most well-known and respected
evangelical preacher of the last 50 years, said in a recently published
commentary that America was “founded by men who believed in prayer”
and that prayer can turn “the tide of history,” adding that while “America is
just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah” and deserves “the judgment of
God,” this judgment can be lessened through prayer.
“Even though America is just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah ever
were, and as deserving of the judgment of God, God would spare us if we
were earnestly praying, with hearts that had been cleansed and washed
by the blood of Christ,” said Rev. Graham in his commentary for Decision
magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Rev. Billy Graham. (AP)
“The problems of the world will never be settled unless our national leaders go to God in prayer,” he said. “If only they
would discover the power and wisdom that there is in reliance upon God, we could soon see the solution to the grave
problems that face the world!”
Graham is 95 and reportedly often bedridden at his home in Montreat, N.C. His commentary in the October issue of
Decision, under the headline “Turning the Tide of History,” was reprinted from a sermon he delivered Jan. 7, 1962 on
the Hour of Decision radio program.
Reverend Graham’s comments start off in saying, “Our nation was
founded by men who believed in prayer,” and notes that Benjamin
Franklin, in addressing the 1787 Constitutional Convention, said that “God
governs in the affairs of men.”
“Today the world is being carried on a rushing torrent of history that is
sweeping out of control,” said Rev. Graham. “There is but one power
available to redeem the course of events, and that is the power of prayer
by God-fearing, Christ-believing people.”
(AP Photo)
He continued, “One of the reasons the United Nations has become so ineffective in handling world situations is that
there is no prayer, no recognition of God. Unless the leaders of nations turn to God in prayer, their best plans will fail,
just as did the plans of those who built the tower of Babel.”
Rev. Graham then noted numerous instances from the Bible where people “turned the tide of history by prayer.” For
example, he notes, Elisha prayed and a young man was raised from the dead; Jesus prayed and Lazarus rose from
the dead; the thief on the cross next to Jesus prayed and Jesus told him he would go to paradise that day; John
Wesley prayed and religious fervor grew in England, and the same happened with Johnathan Edwards in
Rev. Billy Graham, left, and one of his sons, Rev. Franklin Graham. (AP)
“I tell you, history could be altered and changed again if people went to their knees in believing prayer,” said Rev.
Rev. Billy Graham, whose wife Ruth died in 2007, has five children and 19 grandchildren. He has been listed as one
of the most admired men by Gallup almost every year since 1955. Over the decades, his evangelical Christian
message was heard, in person, on radio, and through television, by an estimated 2.2 billion people. Rev. Graham is
often referred to as “America’s pastor.”
John Kerry Blames Israel for Islamic State
Pamela Geller
1 hour
The kind of rhetoric coming out of the Obama administration is the stuff of the KKK or al-Qaeda. Take your pick — it's
vicious, anti-Semitic, and supremacist, the most vile demagoguery. Blaming the Jews for this purely Islamic
movement exposes Kerry and Barack Obama for what they really are. Jew-haters.
America, what have you wrought?
It is the Quran that fuels recruitment to the Islamic State.
Kerry: Unresolved Israel-Palestinian conflict fuels IS recruitment
Secretary of State says resumption of peace talks 'imperative' because the conflict is 'a cause
of recruitment and of street anger and agitation.' AFP
Secretary of State John Kerry, on Thursday, called for a resumption of the Israel-Palestinian peace
process, saying the talks were vital in the fight against extremism.
"It is imperative that we find a way to get back to the negotiations," Kerry said at a State Department
ceremony marking the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha
Kerry has just returned from a tour of Europe and Egypt, where on Sunday he attended a conference
on the reconstruction of Gaza, and where he told Israel and the Palestinians to return to the negotiating
We need "to find a way to create two states that can live together side by side, two peoples, with both
of their aspirations being respected," Kerry added.
"I still believe that's possible, and I still believe we need to work towards it."
He said the unresolved Israel-Palestinian conflict was fueling recruitment for the Islamic State
jihadist group.
"There wasn't a leader I met with in the region who didn't raise with me spontaneously the need to try
to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street
anger and agitation," Kerry said.
"People need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and
denial and absence of dignity," he added.
Kerry was the architect of the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process between July 2013
and April.
Eid al-Adha, also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice," celebrates the end of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Kerry: ‘Imperative’ to resume Israel-Palestinian talks
WASHINGTON — US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday called for a resumption of the Israel-Palestinian
peace process, saying the talks were vital in the fight against extremism.
“It is imperative that we find a way to get back to the negotiations,” Kerry said at a State Department ceremony
marking the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha.
Kerry has just returned from a tour of Europe and Egypt, where on Sunday he attended a conference on the
reconstruction of Gaza, and where he told Israel and the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table.
We need “to find a way to create two states that can live together side by side, two peoples, with both of their
aspirations being respected,” Kerry added.
“I still believe that’s possible, and I still believe we need to work towards it.”
He said the unresolved Israel-Palestinian conflict was fueling recruitment for the Islamic State jihadist group.
“There wasn’t a leader I met with in the region who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace
between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was a cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation,” Kerry
“People need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and
absence of dignity,” he added.
Kerry was the architect of the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process between July 2013 and April.
Eid al-Adha, also known as the “Festival of Sacrifice,” celebrates the end of the Hajj pilgrimage.
© 2014 The Times of Israel, All rights reserved.
The World Wouldn't Care if Israel was Destroyed, G-d Forbid
I feel like I'm constantly repeating myself, writing the same message but changing words and syntax.
How long will it take for the State of Israel and the Jewish World to admit, to realize, to
internalize that we are in very serious danger?
Menachem Begin in Washington in 1977.
Photo by AP
Ever since the late Prime Minister Menachem Begin offered the Arabs what he called "autonomy " thirty-five years
ago, it has been clear to me that a very big and dangerous Pandora's Box had been opened.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset outlined his ideas for the future of
the Palestinians in the disputed territories. Excerpts:.Autonomy Plan for the West Bank and Gaza
(December 28, 1977)
... With the establishment of peace we shall propose the introduction of an administrative autonomy
for the Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip on the basis of the following principles:
The administration of the military rule in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip will be abolished. In
Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip an administrative autonomy of, by and for the Arab residents will
be established... (from the Jewish Virtual Library, complete text )
Begin opened the dike. Little drops become a flood. You can't sweep a flood of water into a corner and control it.
It got much worse when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that he supported the "two state solution"
five years ago. Begin's "autonomy plan" had metamorphosed into a state for the "Palestinians." And it doesn't help
that both of those Likud leaders had tacked all sorts of provisos, restrictions, conditions on their plans/proposals.
Words take on wings and can't be taken back.
Now more and more countries and international bodies are recognizing this "state" that has as its main aim and goal
the destruction of the State of Israel. That "little detail" doesn't bother them. They don't care if Israel is destroyed and
replaced by an Arab country called "Palestine." They sincerely believe that we destroyed and took over an earlier
"Palestine." They consider us the usurpers, the invaders, the occupiers.
The Arabs won't be pacified or satisfied if they are just given Judea,
Samaria and the Jordan Valley. They want Jerusalem, not Shiloh, Herzeliya,
not Efrat.
Paula Stern explained it very clearly in her recent It’s about Israel, Stupid:
ABC News Photo Illustration
...There were NO settlements in 1948 when the powerful combined forces of more than five nations
invaded the newly declared State of Israel. The goal was clear – they said it with their own mouths at
a time when politically correct was a non-existent concept, genocide was still fresh on the minds of
most humans, and the Arabs weren’t smart enough to temper their English messages. They would,
they promised – push the Jews into the sea. That’s right – the sea.
Read more: It's about Israel, Stupid | Paula R. Stern | The Blogs | The Times of
Israel Follow
us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook..
Why is it that what is so clear to me and people like Paula aren't seen and acted on by our Israeli Government?
We must stop it now, before it becomes a tidal wave a tsunami against us! The lesson we must learn from the
Nazi Holocaust is that we have no allies!
Step #1:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must rescind his support of a Palestinian State!
Myth of How the West Was “Saving Jews” and the European
October 16, 2014
The “Jewish Question”: European attitudes toward Jews have not changed much since before World War II, and even
today Europeans are more concerned with “fighting the Jews” than with the Islamization and fall of their own
By: Y.K. Cherson
The main bill pertaining to Jews was passed in the 30s by the “great German people” and their no less “great leader”
Adolph Hitler who felt occupied, humiliated and insulted by the Jews on the territory of Germany. The claim was
readily and happily supported by Ukrainians, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians and the European small fry like
Lithuanians, Estonians, Croatians… In joined efforts, they had initiated a project known as “The Final solution to the
Jewish question”, that was later called the Holocaust. Some of the authors were hung after the Nuremberg trials, but
most were generously spared and lived a long and happy life- unlike those Jews they killed.
For the sake of justness; this project was not purely European, it was European/American. Although Great Britain, the
US and Canada did not parade their participation in the project, their governments’ policies do not leave any doubt
that they were monitoring what was happening in Europe with interest and quite benevolently. After WWII, in an
attempt to find at least one bright page in all this dark history about the extermination of European Jewry, a nice fairy
tale a la Hans Christian Andersen about how Denmark had been fearlessly and bravely saving its Jews was invented.
But a recently published investigation by Peter Nannestad, Professor of the Department of Political Science and
Government of Aarhus University of Copenhagen, destroyed even this nice legend. The Danish King, as it turned out,
never wore a yellow star and did not make any bold declarations about his fabulous solidarity with Jews, and Danish
fishermen transported Jews to neutral Sweden not out of compassion or sympathy- but for very good money; the fee,
in modern dollars, reached $100,000 and more per couple. Most Jews did not have such money and had to pay their
promissory notes for many years, sometimes until death. It’s very interesting the final conclusion made by the Danish
scientist: finally, he says, we are neither better nor worse than other peoples.
Now, after piles of documents and facts were made public, it is clear that the Allies’ policy on Jews consisted in letting
Germans do all the “dirty work”. First, it was made clear to them that the “free world” was not too preoccupied about
the lot of the European Jews (Evian Conference of 1938; “St. Luis” ship with 915 German Jews – refugees who were
trying to escape and save their lives and who were denied entry to Cuba, United States and Canada and finally had to
sail for some European countries later occupied by Germans; most of them were later thrown in jail and concentration
camps and died there; refusal by the US Congress to approve the bill that would grant entry to the US to 20,000
Jewish children from Germany…)
Not a single serious signal had been sent to Nazis and the German people warning them of taking responsibility for
their atrocities. Moreover, the information about the magnitude of these atrocities had been hidden under the pretext
that it was impossible to verify its authenticity, which was a sheer lie. The truth is that most Americans were not
hurrying to condemn Nazis for what they were doing to the Jews: a survey in 1942 gave stunning results: for every
American who considered Nazis the main threat to the US, there were four who said the main threat to America were
Roosevelt, a pragmatic politician, had to take into account the current public opinion affecting the voters, as well as
Churchill… Putting it simply: although the Allies did not directly have Jewish blood on their hands, their noses were not
When WWII ended and the facts came to the surface, the people shuddered. The torrent of continuous lies and
accusations directed routinely against Jews stopped. They were even permitted- mainly due to Stalin’s pressure – to
create their own tiny state. But very soon the “International Community” understood its “mistake”.
The first to renew the attacks against Jews was the USSR; Stalin saw that Israel was not readily going to accept its
role of the Russian bridgehead in the Middle East. As soon as Stalin understood it, Russian policy became totally antiSemitic, and in 1968, the USSR even planned a missile strike on Israel (the attack was cancelled by Soviet leaders
because of Czechoslovakia events). USSR became a true ally of Arabs in their attempts to put an end to Israel.
A bit later, the countries of the so-called “free world” also came to the conclusion that Israel is a nuisance. Although
the means they used were different from the means of Stalin, the goal was the same: the destruction of Israel. The
wish to get rid of this nuisance became very evident during the Six-Day War of 1967, when Egypt and Syria
concentrated two armies of invasion on the borders of the Jewish State and quite openly declared that they were
going to strike and wipe Israel from the map – and France and other European countries were calling on Israel “to
demonstrate restraint and by no means to strike first”, and did not move a finger against Egypt’s blunt violation of the
Maritime Law when it closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli ships. Even after Israel’s brilliant victory, France imposed
an embargo on supplies to Israel any weapons and spare parts, at the same time continuing to sell weapons to Arabs.
Then came the Yom Kippur War, when Israel desperately needed arms and munitions, but all the “democratic”
countries, without a single exception, declined President Nixon’s request to provide the US transport planes with
supplies for Israel by landing on their territories. The only country that agreed was Portugal, “undemocratic” (at that
time). This again broke the European plans, and the “European golden dream” of destroying Israel was postponed.
But not abandoned.
As the attempts to destroy Israel with military means failed, a new tactic was employed. It consisted of never-ending
attempts to delegitimize Israel, a tactic which has now reached new heights. The amount of lies and hatred poured
over Israel by the European Left, Right, Green, Brown and practically all other groups and movements of the
European political spectrum of all shades and colors is unseen since the time of Nazis.
Sided with the traditionally anti-Israel countries, like Britain, new “European democracies” that suddenly developed a
taste for attacking Jews, such as Spain, Norway and Sweden, appeared on the front lines of the European antiSemitism.
Israeli diplomat Zvi Mazel, who at one time was the Israeli Ambassador to Sweden, has had a lot to say over the years
regarding the anti-Israel political parties in Sweden, as well as the anti-Israel media. “Sweden is among the most
severely anti-Semitic places,” he once said, and in a recent interview went on to explain that the huge influx of Arab
refugees and growing Muslim population has further influenced these political parties that hate Israel. Sweden’s
political climate “is pro-Arabic, pro-Islam and anti-Israeli,” Mazel said.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion continues to be among the most popular books in Europe, and the old “crimes
committed by Jews”, like drinking Christian babies’ blood, were taken a step further with new ones, like dispersing
poisoned chocolates from helicopters in Gaza, selling organs of “Arab heroes”, organizing the earthquake in Haiti,
tsunami in Indonesia and 9/11 in New York.
This seems absurd and illogical: Europe faces the threat of a
Muslims burning the Israeli flag.
total Islamization, the French will become an ethnic minority
in their own country by the year 2049 and Germans around
Muslims burning the Israeli flag.
the same time. Muslim immigrants planning terrorist attacks
are caught practically on a daily basis in all countries of
Europe – and in spite of all this, Europeans support Arabs against Israel and are more worried over Israel building ten
houses in its capital of Jerusalem then over Muslims building thousands of mosques in all European capitals, from
Berlin to Lisbon.
However, quoting Zvi Mazel again: “An Italian politician recently told me, ‘Europe has resigned to its fate. It does not
want to fight terrorism and is not even trying to stem the tide of Islamism, which is about to flood it. You are left alone,
my friend.’”
Europe moves by inertia, and nobody wants to think about what will happen tomorrow. It is easier and more
comfortable for aging Europe to go on thinking along the traditional lines: all evil comes from Jews, they crucified
Jesus, they control all media and finances, they… they… they… And fighting against this “Jewish evil” becomes a
main task for globalists and anti-globalists, for democrats and conservatives, for donkeys and elephants, for the
defenders of the rights of gays, lesbians, rare species of birds, butterflies, roaches, bed bugs… My apologies if I forgot
History is already dragging Europe to the slaughterhouse. Their entire civilization is under attack, and the attackers do
not even hide their plan to destroy it all and place the “Banner of the Prophet” over the ruins– yet Europeans go on
fighting “the Jews”.
In light of this context, what Israel does or what it does not do is of absolutely no consequence. Israel can agree to
return to the borders of 1967, give all Jerusalem to Arabs and Golan Heights to Syria, accept all 5 million “Palestinian
refugees”; it will change nothing in the approach of Europeans and will not reduce the level of anti-Semitism one iota.
And of course, it will not bring peace to the Middle East.
What it will do will be weakening the strategic positions of Israel and its capacities to defend itself to such an extent
that its proper survival will become problematic. On the other hand, if Israel will not agree to any concessions and will
not give to Arabs an inch of the territory and a cubic millimeter of water – the result will be the same, but the capacities
of Israel to defend itself will be on a far higher level.
Nor will it matter if Israel spends millions of dollars on propaganda and on explaining its position. There is nobody in
Europe to talk to. Those who understand the situation and side with Israel do not need propagandistic efforts. And
those who don’t are brainwashed and will not hear any arguments. Moreover, in just some 30-40 years, the opinion of
Europeans will not matter; they will become a minority in Muslim countries of Western Europe, and what Muslims
think of Israel is well-known, as well as what they want of it. Talking to them from the positions of reason and justice is
useless; they understand only the language of force.
Strange as it may seem, but Israel is in a much better situation than Europe. In spite of all the efforts of Israeli liberals,
Israel does not follow the suicidal path of refusing its ethnic identity. It means that Israel will remain the State of the
Jews when most European countries will already be Muslim, and the original French, Brits and Germans will become
persecuted and oppressed minorities, “dhimmis”, in their own countries . So, what Israel must do is quite clear:
1. No territorial concession to Arabs under any pretext;
2. Consolidate the situation in Judea and Samaria; This land must remain totally under Israeli control;
3. Solve the problem of Israeli Arabs; those who are not loyal to Israel must be expelled;
4. Create new kinds of arms: nuclear, laser, psychotropic, cyber weapons, and develop what it already has;
5. Stop spending huge amounts of money on trying to convince the world that Jews are not what “Elders of Zion”
say of them. It’s a useless waste of money and resources that could be directed on more useful things.
Israel has no one in Europe to talk to, much like Czechoslovakia in 1938. Let’s learn from the history lessons and not
repeat the mistakes. Israel must be an impregnable bastion until the New European Reconquista starts.
This Reconquista is inevitable, because history repeats itself. When will it start? It’s not so difficult to calculate. The
first big European countries: Britain, France and Germany will become Islamic by 2050. In the next 20 years, Islam will
control the rest of Europe. It leads us to 2070. The Reconquista of Spain had started only 8 years after the Arab
conquest; the start of the Reconquista in Europe will not wait that long, and by 2080, it will already be in full swing.
Just 65 years. For a country with 3,000 years of history, it’s nothing.
Obama's 'Strategy': Linking Israel and Iran - Barry Shaw
by Barry Shaw
In fifty days of Gaza conflict, Israel launched 5500 precision air strikes against terror targets. In 70+ days the U.S.
launched less than 400 strikes in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. Why?
It’s not lack of planes and firepower. It’s a lack of political will, despite all the rhetoric of having to degrade and defeat
the Islamic State's rampaging and mayhem.
Despite Obama’s late decision to launch air strikes, he has only tickled the enemy. He could do more. He won’t. He
doesn’t want to. What is the reason for this procrastination?
Part of the reason for Obama’s reticence in attacking ISIS with more force seems to be contained in a think tank
policy document he commissioned entitled “The Iran Project. Iran and its Neighbors. Regional Implications for US
Policy of a Nuclear Agreement.”
Experts who signed off on this document include Thomas Pickering, Brent Scowcroft, Daniel Kurtzer, Nicholas Platt,
and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
The document mistakenly sees the possibility of using ISIS to drive Iran and Israel closer together in a common
cause. This misguided strategic fantasy is described thus, "If ISIS were to continue to progress, Israel and Iran might
find themselves with a common enemy."
The dream of bringing Iran and Israel together seems so devoutly to be wished by the Obama Administration that it
surmounts any political reality to facts on the ground.
Could this be the reason that America has not applied the full measure of air power at its disposal in killing and driving
back ISIS?
If it is, it’s dangerous and false thinking. It appears as if the U.S. president is cynically allowing thousands to be
slaughtered in front of our eyes for a strategy that will never come to pass.
Does he, or his experts, really think that Iran and Israel will join his feckless coalition out of joint fear of ISIS? If so, he
is dead wrong.
In contrast to President Obama’s recent statements, the document does call ISIS a state of sorts. “ISIS is no longer
just a terrorist group but represents a hybrid state/non-state threat.”
The top strategic experts explain themselves thus, “In parts of the territory it now controls, ISIS exercises a kind of
governance: it collects revenue, executes brutal Islamist law, has a police force, and controls a jihadist conventional
The only force that is bravely standing and confronting ISIS on the ground are the Kurds, and yet Obama is still not
arming them directly. He should. Instead, the documents points to the U.S. administration playing a double game by
recruiting not only Iran but also Tehran’s ally Assad to fight against ISIS;
“Syrian forces should be urged by Tehran to attack ISIS directly in Syria. Syrian military commanders,
security personnel, and top government officials should be motivated to avoid an ISIS victory.”
However you read this, the administration think-tank policy document is calling on the White House to back an Iranian,
Assad, even Hizb’allah coalition to fight ISIS in Syria.
A nuclear agreement with Iran runs through the document. It is the center piece of a U.S. Middle East policy. At parts
it reads like a dream world of smoke and mirrors. “A nuclear agreement could help the United States and its allies nd
common ground with Iran for a creative response to ISIS, although the United States must avoid seeming to ally itself
with the Shi’a and thereby enhance the appeal of radicals to Sunnis.”
It is hard to comprehend a policy in which the ISIS threat is seemingly put off until after the signing of a nuclear
agreement with Iran on the supposition that it will make for closer buddies between the rival states in the region. As if
Saudi Arabia and Erdogan would link arms with Ayatollahs and Assad to defeat ISIS. If only! Putting off a strong direct
attack on ISIS until after a nuclear deal with Iran is dangerous wishful thinking, not foreign policy.
The mixing of two unrelated issues, a nuclear deal with Iran and the threat of ISIS, leads to a muddling Middle East
strategy. The dangers implied here is that it is impossible to defeat ISIS without a nuclear deal, and from that stems
the desire to rush through a nuclear deal in order to solve the ISIS issue.
“The degradation and defeat of ISIS presents an opportunity for America to work even-handedly with
the nations of the region to achieve a common goal. Cooperation with Iran would thus take place within
a larger regional grouping that should include the Gulf States and Turkey in addition to the
Government of Iraq.”
The reason this is doomed to failure is in the description of the nuclear deal that the administration is trying to reach. It
talks of “limiting” the Iranian program, “lengthening” the time for Iran to reach nuclear breakout, and “reducing” the risk
that Iran “might” acquire nuclear weapons. It does not talk of stopping Iran’s march to a nuclear weapon.
Israel sees ISIS creeping closer to its border. It can visibly see the Al-Nusra terror group on the Golan Heights. ISIS is
not far away, and the document states the threat for Israel;
“The ‘Islamic State’ declared an end to the 1916 British and French-imposed Sykes-Picot borders, and
announced that its next goal would be to free Palestine.”
This threat would give Israel a justification to get into the fight. If it did, it is more likely to assist the Kurds than get into
bed with Iran, as the document wrongly suggests. Albeit indirectly arming and trained the brave Kurds, before the
ISIS threat becomes a face-to-face confrontation for Israel, could become a necessity for Israel.
There is a case to be made for Israel to arm the Kurds, particularly in Iraq. The Kurds are close to America and
sympathetic to Israel’s plight in a radical region. They are more democratically minded than other players in the
region. They have proven themselves to be the only courageous fighters on the ground in Iraq.
Israel sees convergence of interests with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt over the growing threat of the ISIS brand of
Islamic terror. As happened with its conflict against Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, it is reasonable to assume that
these countries will turn a blind eye to Israel arming the Kurds.
Israel looks on the Kurds with great sympathy, but it could do more. Helping them overcome their confrontation with
ISIS would be one way for Israel to demonstrate to the world what a small, but courageous and just, coalition can
achieve in a regional war against radical Islamic terror.
As the document states, “if allowed to consolidate its control over large parts of Syria and Iraq, ISIS would also
represent a terrorist threat to the American homeland.”
Barry Shaw is the author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the Narrative.’ He is the Special Consultant on Delegitimization Issues
to The Strategic Dialogue Center at Netanya Academic College in Israel
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
Israel reduces procurement of US weapon systems in favor of
local production
Editor’s Note…
We were the first and only website that understood the ramifications of the white house arms embrago on
Israel during the recent war with Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, and predicted that the solution will
be a gradual shift to local production of sensitive weapon systems. It’s now confirmed that the Israelis will
also cancel joint ventures with US contractors in order to reduce dependence and retain local production
capabilities. The US will now pay the price for Obama’s imbecillic policy stunts by losing conseiderable
portions of a major customer and by losing political prestige as a super power capable of dictating policy to
its clients by regulating arms sales. The Egyptians have already overcome this problem by simply buying
Russian systems (with Saudi funding) and the Israelis will do so by producing those systems on their own.
This is the best way to let globalist beurocrats choke on their pathetic embargos.
Israel defense
Pursuant to developments during Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli defense establishment will reduce
the production of weapon systems in the USA in the context of joint Israeli-American projects, and will rely
more heavily on Israeli-made products.
Here is another unfamiliar result of Operation Protective Edge: the Israeli defense establishment will reduce the
production of weapon systems in the USA in the context of joint Israeli-American projects, and will rely more heavily
on Israeli-made products. Under a veil of secrecy, a decision has already been made at IMOD not to enable the
production of at least one highly sensitive weapon system on US soil, despite the fact that the manufacture of said
system in the USA may be funded through US defense aid instead of being paid for in NIS with Israeli taxpayer
The Israeli defense establishment will also intensify the manufacture of Israeli missiles that can substitute US-made
munitions. The decision, in itself, will not have a substantial effect on Israel’s security status, but it represents a major
trauma in US-Israeli defense relations: things that had been taken for granted until Operation Protective Edge, like the
fact that Israel could always count on a US airlift of ammunition in a time of trouble, are no longer certain at all.
The cause of this trauma was, naturally, the decision by the USA not to enable the shipping of ammunition to Israel
during Operation Protective Edge. The story was revealed for the first time by Wall Street Journal, which reported that
a shipment of Hellfire missiles for helicopters was withheld, based on US sources.
The full truth, revealed here for the first time, is much more severe: apparently, during Operation Protective Edge, the
USA had completely stopped all connections with Israel’s defense procurement delegation based in the USA. For
days, no item whatsoever could be shipped. The expected airlift of US ammunition had never even arrived at its point
of departure.
The crisis began about ten days into Operation Protective Edge, pursuant to allegations that the percentage of
uninvolved civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip was extremely high (IDF admitted that about one half of all Palestinian
deaths were probably civilians who had not been involved in the fighting).
At that stage, the Israeli defense establishment submitted to the USA a request for various types of munitions,
including Hellfire missiles, to replenish the dwindling inventories of IDF.
The urgent request was submitted using a procedure that the Israeli defense establishment practices as part of every
training exercise and wartime scenario – through the European Command of the US military (EUCOM).
The order to stop the processing of all Israeli requests came from a senior echelon – probably the White House,
among other reasons, because Israel had ignored the initiatives of Secretary of State John Kerry and preferred to end
the operation through a direct channel with the Egyptians. The State Department had been annoyed with Israel for
several months, since it was revealed that Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon had referred to Kerry as ‘Messianic’
in closed sessions.
The freezing of working relations vis-à-vis the Israeli procurement delegation generated a lot of frustration, but it
should be noted that at the same time, strategic cooperative alliances between Israel and the USA continued through
other channels. The Americans even allowed the IDF to use the materiel inventories they keep in storage depots on
Israeli soil, which constitute ‘backup’ for the IDF inventories, in accordance with previous agreements between the
two countries.
Israeli defense establishment authorities thought initially that the Americans delayed the airlift for the first time since
the Yom-Kippur War of 1973, but US sources in Washington pointed out that a similar step was taken during the first
Lebanon War in 1982.
Israel Defense has learned further that within the Israeli defense establishment, this recent affair has led to a
reassessment of the almost automatic reliance on an airlift of ammunition from the USA as a part of practically every
wartime scenario.
Among the measures currently under consideration is a review of the option of increasing the amount of US materiel
stored in Israel in advance and a massive transition to Israeli-made munitions. For example, the Hellfire missiles the
Americans failed to deliver may be replaced by IAI missiles, while precision guided munitions by Rafael may replace
US-made air-to-surface munitions. Since Operation Protective Edge, Israeli defense industries have already received
urgent procurement orders for arms and munitions worth billions of NIS.
Israeli and American defense industries have numerous joint projects under way, but pursuant to the developments
during Operation Protective Edge, the standing order is for the weapon systems, at least in the context of one specific
project, to be manufactured on Israeli soil.
Emerging from the Crisis?
It should be noted that the arms issue was resolved toward the end of Operation Protective Edge and that despite the
recent events, the strategic defense relations between the two countries continue even now, including extensive
intelligence cooperation. US DOD and IMOD are also proceeding with numerous joint research and development
projects and US defense aid will remain a substantial element of the Israeli defense budget, which enables Israel to
acquire such extremely costly systems as the F-35 future fighter aircraft. The Americans have also increased their
support for the Iron Dome project during Operation Protective Edge. Thus far, they have financed, through a special
budget (beyond the usual defense aid), the acquisition of most of the new batteries.
The AUSA 2014 Annual Meeting & Exposition was held this week in Washington DC, and the Israeli presence at the
event was massive.
Next week, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IMOD Director General Dan Harel will arrive in the USA for
talks at the Pentagon. Apparently, the events of Operation Protective Edge will be one of the issues discussed in the
context of these talks.
US-Israeli Relations: National Security Trauma - Amir Rappaport
by Amir Rappaport
Pursuant to developments during Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli defense establishment will
reduce the production of weapon systems in the USA in the context of joint Israeli-American projects,
and will rely more heavily on Israeli-made products
Here is another unfamiliar result of Operation Protective Edge: the Israeli defense establishment will reduce the
production of weapon systems in the USA in the context of joint Israeli-American projects, and will rely more heavily
on Israeli-made products. Under a veil of secrecy, a decision has already been made at IMOD not to enable the
production of at least one highly sensitive weapon system on US soil, despite the fact that the manufacture of said
system in the USA may be funded through US defense aid instead of being paid for in NIS with Israeli taxpayer
The Israeli defense establishment will also intensify the manufacture of Israeli missiles that can substitute US-made
munitions. The decision, in itself, will not have a substantial effect on Israel's security status, but it represents a major
trauma in US-Israeli defense relations: things that had been taken for granted until Operation Protective Edge, like the
fact that Israel could always count on a US airlift of ammunition in a time of trouble, are no longer certain at all.
The cause of this trauma was, naturally, the decision by the USA not to enable the shipping of ammunition to Israel
during Operation Protective Edge. The story was revealed for the first time by Wall Street Journal, which reported that
a shipment of Hellfire missiles for helicopters was withheld, based on US sources.
The full truth, revealed here for the first time, is much more severe: apparently, during Operation Protective Edge, the
USA had completely stopped all connections with Israel's defense procurement delegation based in the USA. For
days, no item whatsoever could be shipped. The expected airlift of US ammunition had never even arrived at its point
of departure.
The crisis began about ten days into Operation Protective Edge, pursuant to allegations that the percentage of
uninvolved civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip was extremely high (IDF admitted that about one half of all Palestinian
deaths were probably civilians who had not been involved in the fighting).
At that stage, the Israeli defense establishment submitted to the USA a request for various types of munitions,
including Hellfire missiles, to replenish the dwindling inventories of IDF.
The urgent request was submitted using a procedure that the Israeli defense establishment practices as part of every
training exercise and wartime scenario – through the European Command of the US military (EUCOM).
The order to stop the processing of all Israeli requests came from a senior echelon – probably the White House,
among other reasons, because Israel had ignored the initiatives of Secretary of State John Kerry and preferred to end
the operation through a direct channel with the Egyptians. The State Department had been annoyed with Israel for
several months, since it was revealed that Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon had referred to Kerry as
'Messianic' in closed sessions.
The freezing of working relations vis-à-vis the Israeli procurement delegation generated a lot of frustration, but it
should be noted that at the same time, strategic cooperative alliances between Israel and the USA continued through
other channels. The Americans even allowed the IDF to use the materiel inventories they keep in storage depots on
Israeli soil, which constitute 'backup' for the IDF inventories, in accordance with previous agreements between the
two countries.
Israeli defense establishment authorities thought initially that the Americans delayed the airlift for the first time since
the Yom-Kippur War of 1973, but US sources in Washington pointed out that a similar step was taken during the first
Lebanon War in 1982.
Israel Defense has learned further that within the Israeli defense establishment, this recent affair has led to a
reassessment of the almost automatic reliance on an airlift of ammunition from the USA as a part of practically every
wartime scenario.
Among the measures currently under consideration is a review of the option of increasing the amount of US materiel
stored in Israel in advance and a massive transition to Israeli-made munitions. For example, the Hellfire missiles the
Americans failed to deliver may be replaced by IAI missiles, while precision guided munitions by Rafael may replace
US-made air-to-surface munitions. Since Operation Protective Edge, Israeli defense industries have already received
urgent procurement orders for arms and munitions worth billions of NIS.
Israeli and American defense industries have numerous joint projects under way, but pursuant to the developments
during Operation Protective Edge, the standing order is for the weapon systems, at least in the context of one specific
project, to be manufactured on Israeli soil.
Emerging from the Crisis?
It should be noted that the arms issue was resolved toward the end of Operation Protective Edge and that despite the
recent events, the strategic defense relations between the two countries continue even now, including extensive
intelligence cooperation. US DOD and IMOD are also proceeding with numerous joint research and development
projects and US defense aid will remain a substantial element of the Israeli defense budget, which enables Israel to
acquire such extremely costly systems as the F-35 future fighter aircraft. The Americans have also increased their
support for the Iron Dome project during Operation Protective Edge. Thus far, they have financed, through a special
budget (beyond the usual defense aid), the acquisition of most of the new batteries.
The AUSA 2014 Annual Meeting & Exposition was held this week in Washington DC, and the Israeli presence at the
event was massive.
Next week, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon and IMOD Director General Dan Harel will arrive in the USA for
talks at the Pentagon. Apparently, the events of Operation Protective Edge will be one of the issues discussed in the
context of these talks.
Amir Rappaport
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
WMDs Were In Iraq & Karl Rove Betrayed Our Troops By Letting
Democrats Get Away With Their Slanderous Lies
The New York Slimes reported yesterday that, after the Democrats and Richard Milhous Obama told us for ten years
that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that George W. Bush had lied to take the United States into war, well, there were
WMDs in Iraq after all, and some of them have gotten into the hands of the Islamists known as ISIS.
But that info was kept from the American public, until now.
I could tell the reason why that happened with two words--Karl Rove, and Eli Lake confirms it at The Daily Beast (h/t
Mark Levin Radio Show).
Starting in 2004, some members of the
George W. Bush administration and
Republican lawmakers began to find
evidence of discarded chemical weapons
in Iraq. But when the information was
brought up with the White House, senior
adviser Karl Rove told them to ‘let these
sleeping dogs lie.’
The issue of Iraq’s WMD remnant was
suddenly thrust back into the fore this
week, with a blockbuster New York
Times report accusing the Bush
administration of covering up American
troops’ chemically-induced wounds.
To people familiar with the issue, both inside that administration and without, the blame for the cover
up falls on one particular set of shoulders: Rove’s.
From the perspective of Rick Santorum, a Republican senator from Pennsylvania who lost his seat in
2006, some of the weapons of mass destruction President Bush promised would be in Iraq before the
2003 invasion of the country began turning up as early as 2004.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, former Senator Rick Santorum said he and his staff began
receiving photographs of discarded Sarin and Mustard shells from U.S. soldiers in 2004. Two years
later, when he was up for re-election, Santorum even went public with some of this information in a
press conference disclosing a Pentagon report that found 500 chemical weapons shells had been
found in Iraq.
One might think a politically vulnerable Bush White House would’ve seized on Santorum’s discovery.
After all, Bush and his subordinates famously accused Iraq of having active weapons of mass
destruction programs.
But at least in 2005 and 2006 the Bush White House wasn’t interested. “We don’t want to look back,”
Santorum recalled Rove as saying (though Santorum stressed he was not quoting verbatim
conversations he had more than eight years ago). “I will say that the gist of the comments from the
president’s senior people was 'we don’t want to look back, we want to look forward.'”
Dave Wurmser—who served at the time as a senior adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on
national security issues —remembers receiving a similar message from Rove.
According to Wurmser, “in 2005-6, Karl Rove and his team blocked public disclosure of these
(findings) and said ‘let these sleeping dogs lie; we have lost that fight so better not to remind
anyone of it.’”
Rove declined to comment for this story.
...Santorum said that in 2005 he began raising the issue in 2005 with the White House himself. “I had
discussions over a period of a year or two. Why aren’t we mentioning this? Why aren’t we doing
anything on this?” he recalled. But Santorum later became so frustrated that by 2006, his message to
the White House was: “I am going to do this [go public] whether you do it or not.”
One former senior White House official who requested anonymity confirmed that the White House had
no interest in 2006 in re-engaging the public debate over weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He said
that other lawmakers had recommended Bush give a press conference with some of the discarded
weapons wearing a protective suit.
It is one thing to blame the "Party of Treason," the entire Democrat Party, including Obama, for the way they practiced
what Joseph Goebbels said, ("Tell a lie over and over again and people will believe it.") in their slanderous allegation
that there were no WMDs in Iraq and Bush lied to go to war...all for their own political gain and insulting our troops
with some of the most vicious slurs in the process (Tiny Dick Turbin, "Hanoi" John Kerry, Jackoff Murtha). But right
up there with them is Karl Rove, because he, for political purposes as well, did not fight back against the Democrats
slanderous lies against our troops and their mission.
Neither did Rove, nor anyone else, fight back against the other lie about Playboy Joe Wilson's non-covert CIA wife's
identity being leaked by the White House. That was done by Richard Armitage. But that was another liberal lie that
Rove allowed the Democrats to get away with.
In that sense, Rove is just as guilty (if not more) as the entire Democrat Party in betraying our troops.
And what did Rove's brilliant strategery lead to? Voters believed the Democrat lies that Rove didn't fight against, and
Rove, by default, became "the Architect" of the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, and Obama's win in 2008.
Rove has attacked any worthwhile conservative who has dared to challenge his eunuch RINOs who are unable to
seal the deal with the electorate, both in 2012 and thus far in 2014. He has attacked repeatedly an articulate
conservative woman named Sarah Palin, just because she's not in his Ivy League pedigree.
I was already sick of Rove for his Tokyo Rose attitude toward conservatives, but this takes the cake, and is much
worse. How many people lost limbs and lost loved ones, and saw their sacrificed degraded by sleazy politicos who
were out for power, only to have Rove aid their treason by proxy?
If Karl Rove had any shame, he'd never appear on Fox News again and never show his face in public. Our troops
deserve better than his betrayal of their mission.
Bombshell question: Is Turkish intelligence service fighting
alongside ISIS?
So the Obama administration has given a name to the debacle
ongoing in Syria and Iraq: Operation Inherent Resolve. As I
stated On the Record last night with Greta von Susteren, the only
folks showing any resolve are the Kurds who are fighting against
darn near everybody — ISIS, Turkey, you name it — with small
arms and no heavy armor, artillery or weapons.
Of course our very own distinguished National Security Advisor
Susan Rice did another bang-up job displaying her utter
incompetence — again — on a Sunday talk show stating –
wrongly — that Turkey will allow U.S. aircraft to fly out of our
bases there.
I have a really bad memory of the Turkish government because we in the 4th Infantry Division deployed all our
equipment for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 on ships to Turkey only to be told while the transport ships were in the
Mediterranean Sea, they had denied our disembarking and launching operations into Iraq from the north.
Now, supposedly Turkey is a NATO member, but you can hardly see that in their actions as they sit back and watch
the events unfolding right on their border with Syria in the town of Kobani.
As we’ve discussed here, there’s no doubt Turkey has been supporting ISIS and allowing fighters to transit into Syria
— as well as purchasing black market oil from ISIS, funding their endeavor. And it appears Turkey is wholeheartedly
approving the ISIS onslaught against the Kurds as it helps eradicate a Turkish problem while we sit back and watch.
At least we’ve increased air strikes in the vicinity of Kobani, but aren’t supplying Kurds at all.
And now we have Turkey bombing the Kurds within Turkey itself as they protest Erdogan’s inaction.
But what if there were another angle to what Erdogan and the Turkish government are REALLY doing? I did some
scouring and came up with an interesting assessment on who published images previously of
captured ISIS fighters who were part of the Turkish MIT (Turkish Intelligence Agency). They show ID cards of three
ISIS fighters killed who were allegedly members of MIT, writing “if you wonder why the Turkish government is refusing
to fight the Islamic state, and refusing permission to foreign military bases near the Turkish border, and should there
be any confusion as to why Erdogan’s government is shooting at civilian Kurds who are trying to flee ISIS terrorists to
safety, here is the answer.”
Is the dirty little secret that Turkish intelligence agents are fighting alongside ISIS?
Now, I’m just a simple ol’ fella looking for truth and I’d like to see someone ask the White House, Pentagon, CIA, and
State Department spokespersons about the veracity of this claim and the possibility. After all, we found out about
several Americans killed in Syria fighting for ISIS not from our own government — but from those who killed the
fighters and captured their passports. I’m just asking, could Turkey’s involvement with ISIS be deeper than what we’re
seeing — or what we’re being told?
Erdogan is an Islamist, and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this were true. As well, the Qataris aren’t our friends
either. There are two people I’d trust to get us the truth on this little item: Fox News’ Catherine Herridge and Sharyl
ISIS Downs Two US Warplanes, Who’s Responsible?
There is emerging evidence that ISIS/ISIL is coordinating military
activities tied to upcoming US elections. Terrorist threats, downing
of US planes and attempts to kidnap military personnel is being
coordinated with political groups in the United States allied with
pro-Israeli elements. There is further evidence ISIS/ISIL shot
down at least one American fighter bomber over Syria and
damaged an American combat transport plane, an Osprey, that
later crashed.
Recent events, shocking to Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia,
statements made against Turkey by Vice President Biden and
broad criticism of Israel by President Obama, have made
crushing the Obama administration vital to those groups behind
ISIS/ISIL, traitors within the United States, America’s questionable “ally,” Israel, and those cited by Vice President
Biden last week, particularly Turkey and Saudi Arabia
Two US aircraft were hit by US built Patriot PAC 2 missiles and destroyed. The US secretly suspended attacks on
ISIS targets as a result. Only drone attacks are proceeding.
The action, the use of “Iron Dome” missiles, or at least missiles identical to those the US had given Israel, is part of an
attempt to capture any American servicemen or women in order to stage a public beheading. You see, ISIS seems to
be working very closely with groups in Israel and the United States and has been “tasked” with embarrassing the
Obama administration prior to upcoming elections.
A recent upsurge in the American economy has left extremist groups threatened, fearful that their plan to push forward
a war against Iran after the upcoming 2016 presidential election may be sidelined. ISIS is a partner in this process.
Planes Shot Down
The planes, an F 16 shot down over Syria and a US Marine Corps Osprey, hit over Iraq and crashing into the sea
attempting to return to a US aircraft carrier are listed as having been destroyed by a typhoon at Kadena Air Force
Base, in Japan. This cover story, one carried in the press, is outrageously false.
Both pilots are listed by unofficial sources as recovered. Attacks are said to be part of an ISIS program to capture one
or more US pilots prior to the upcoming American elections. Intelligence sources indicate that it would have been
impossible to track the planes without “package” information similar to that Senator John McCain gave the North
Vietnamese when he was captured after being shot down in 1967.
Air defense systems, in this case advanced American long range Patriot systems, range 160 km, had to be placed
with advanced knowledge of the highly classified routes the planes were to travel.
Presidential Threat
Recently, President Obama was subject to two very curious lapses in personal security. An individual “stormed” the
White House, entering sensitive areas, passing dozens of highly trained personnel and several security check points
before being tackled to the ground. The next was even stranger. A “security guard,” in actuality a convicted criminal
carrying a loaded pistol, got on an elevator with the president. His weapon and background were discovered only
when his behavior became “unreliable,” brining attention onto himself.
The head of the Secret Service was fired but the message was clear. Someone powerful enough to pay off
presidential security wanted Obama to know he could be murdered at any time.
The “War on Iran” Lobby Advising ISIS/ISIL
Sources in counter-intelligence cite the “cozy” relationship several retired American generals have with ISIS military
leaders they had met when those leaders were claiming to be with “moderate” Al Qaeda affiliates fighting the Assad
government in Damascus.
Evidence indicates that these former military commanders, employed by and Israeli owned news agency, are
responsible for coordinating the “hundreds of tons of military supplies” ISIS/ISIL is still receiving on a daily basis
through Turkey.
Many top US Air Force commanders have been fired, some prosecuted, in the past 24 months, including almost the
entire US nuclear command. Other top Air Force commanders are under investigation for ties to extremist groups
advocating the violent overthrow of the US government.
These officers, all closely tied to Israel, said to be politically aligned with gambling boss and extremism financier
Sheldon Adelson and the infamous Koch Brothers, Israeli/American oil and gas speculators, are said to be involved in
moves to deliver US pilots to ISIS for public beheadings in an attempt to influence the upcoming November US
Origins of Military Cult Extremists
Major General Vallely US Army (ret) has recently threatened a
number of publications that have accused him of acting as
“godfather” to ISIS/ISIL.
Former US General Paul Vallely, a commentator for Israeli owned
Fox News, has been filmed in Syria meeting with terrorist
leaders. Vallely is accompanied by Israeli security personnel and
is armed. Vallely, armed with an elaborate pistol rig, is shown
advising military operations inside Syria. Who is Paul Vallely?
In 1980, Colonel Paul Vallely, commanded the 7th Psychological
Warfare Operations Group at The Presidio, an American base in California. His chief of staff and close confidant was
Major Michael Aquino, then head of the Church of Satan and Temple of Set, religious groups that practiced ritual
human sacrifice. Vallely’s command was the center of the most sinister scandal in US military history.
“Throughout much of the 1980s, Major Michael Aquino was at the center of a controversy involving the
Pentagon’s acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside the military services. Aquino was also a
prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children,
including the children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San
Francisco Bay Area. Furthermore, even as Major Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal
Investigation Division for involvement in the pedophile cases, he was retaining highest-level security
clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations (“psy-ops”).
(Partnered with Colonel Paul Vallely)
Aquino and Vallely called for an explicitly Nietzschean form of warfare, which they dubbed “Mindwar.”
‘Like the sword Excalibur,” they wrote, “we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can
transform the world for us if we have but the courage and the integrity to guide civilization with it. If we
do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If
they then devise moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish
Satanic Ties to ISIS
Ritual Satanism within highest commands of the US military had become commonplace, particularly among officers
who often traveled to Israel. It is this same group, many but not all retired, that the strongest support for ISIS/ISIL
resides inside the US. Some supporters of ISIS/ISIL are openly Satanists while others describe themselves as
“Pentecostal” or Christian Evangelist.
On August 29, 2007, an unspecified number of thermonuclear weapons were stolen from the nuclear command at
Minot Air Force Base in South Dakota and loaded on a B 52 Stratofortress to transfer to an unspecified location in the
Middle East.
That plane was intercepted and forced to land at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana with its load of stolen nuclear
weapons. Since that time, over 250 nuclear cleared officers including America’s highest ranking nuclear commander
were removed for varying aspects of “misconduct” and “incompetence” at the orders of Secretary of Defense Hegel
and General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Pro-Israeli news organizations cite the removal of these commanders and others who support ISIS/ISIL as “attempts
by President Obama to destroy the American military.”
Biden and Assad
Last week, American Vice President Joe Biden cited Turkey, among other “US allies,” as being unwilling to follow
White House policy regarding ISIS. Biden stated that Turkey was actively supplying “hundreds of tons of arms” to ISIS
despite US protests.
Many around the world are confused, unaware the US had a break with its allies, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Qatar, over
military support for ISIS, especially considering that no White House official, until days ago, had ever spoken out
about the rift between the US and it’s “allies.”
What is clear is this, as long as the US government is “hamstrung” by threats, blackmail or blatant unwillingness to
speak openly about vital policy issues, very real global threats can and will be seriously misconstrued.
It is impossible to understand ISIS/ISIL until you understand those behind them.
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for
decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman
of the board ofVeterans Today, especially for the online magazine “ New Eastern Outlook”.
Turkey Denies Plan for "Buffer Zone" in Syria by Calling for
"Buffer Zone" In Syria
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
Following the lead of American leaders like Dick Cheney, and Barack Obama, Turkish officials are now inching
forward with their plans to implement a buffer zone and no-fly zone over Syria by simply changing the name of the
zone they wish to implement.
Like Dick Cheney’s “Enhanced Interrogation” and Obama’s “Kinetic Military Action,” Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu has now stated that Turkey is neither calling for a “buffer zone” or a “no-fly zone” enforced by the military
over Syria; it is calling for a “safe zone” to be enforced by the military over Syria. In other words, Turkey is calling for
a “buffer zone” and a “no-fly zone” to be enforced by the military in Syria.
Davutoglu’s statements were made in an interview with Al Jazeera on Wednesday October 17. By changing the
name of the buffer zone to a safe zone, Davutoglu is banking on the hopes that the Turkish people remain as
befuddled as the American public. The truth is that, most likely, they are not .
Unfortunately, Americans appear to be susceptible to any and all forms of propaganda, no matter how trite and
pathetic it may be. For this reason, it is likely that the general public will be easily sold on the idea of a NATO
enforced “safe zone” in Syria that begets even more direct war in the middle east and an untold additional number of
innocent lives lost in Syria as well as the destruction of the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The general
public, of course, will watch airstrikes, missile attacks, and other military action in total confusion and ignorance only
to forget Syria was ever a country two weeks later.
With this in mind, Davutoglu outlined the borders of the buffer zone that he and his NATO partners wish to see in
Syria. These borders are set to reach into regions such as “Idlib northern Latakia, Hasakah, Jarablus and Kobani.”
These regions include the entire spectrum from east to west of Northern Syria and are located relatively deep into
Syrian territory. A buffer zone with these borders also comes dangerously close to Aleppo, a scene of fierce fighting
between terrorists and the SAA, but is increasingly coming under government control. Aleppo is Syria’s largest city.
A buffer zone, no-fly zone, aka “safe zone” in Syria has been the wish of NATO since the beginning of the Syrian
crisis.With the establishment of this “buffer zone,” a new staging ground will be opened that allows terrorists such as
ISIS and others the ability to conduct attacks even deeper inside Syria.
Working together with its NATO/GCC allies as well as the ever-present provocateur Israel, the United States is
helping to create a buffer zone in the North and East of Syria while continuing to facilitate the opening of a "third
front" on the Syrian border with Israel.
Such a strategy was discussed in 2012 by the Brookings Institution in its publication " Assessing Options For
Regime Change ," where it stated
An alternative is for diplomatic efforts to focus first on how to end the violence and how to gain
humanitarian access, as is being done under Annan’s leadership. This may lead to the creation of
safe-havens and humanitarian corridors, which would have to be backed by limited military power.
This would, of course, fall short of U.S. goals for Syria and could preserve Asad in power. From that
starting point, however, it is possible that a broad coalition with the appropriate international mandate
could add further coercive action to its efforts.
In addition, Israel’s intelligence services have a strong knowledge of Syria, as well as assets within
the Syrian regime that could be used to subvert the regime’s power base and press for Asad’s
removal. Israel could posture forces on or near the Golan Heights and, in so doing, might divert
regime forces from suppressing the opposition. This posture may conjure fears in the Asad regime of
a multi-front war, particularly if Turkey is willing to do the same on its border and if the Syrian
opposition is being fed a steady diet of arms and training. Such a mobilization could perhaps
persuade Syria’s military leadership to oust Asad in order to preserve itself. Advocates argue this
additional pressure could tip the balance against Asad inside Syria, if other forces were aligned
The recent statements by Davutoglu, as well as those made by American officials regarding their “openness” to the
establishment of a no-fly zone/buffer zone, is yet more proof that the NATO operation against Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad is merely Libya 2.0.
At the end of the day, it is important to remember that the U.S. airstrikes and its attempts to create a “buffer zone”
inside Syria are nothing more than a farce. The death squads running amok in Syria are themselves entirely
creatures of NATO and they remain under NATO’s command.
The true enemy of ISIS, Khorasan, and the cannibals of the Levant has always been and continues to be Bashar alAssad.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion
University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom , 7 Real
Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to
Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 300 articles dealing on a wide
variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's
podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and
TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
UN told 2,500 rockets containing deadly Sarin are in the hands of
the Islamic state
October 16, 2014
Has ISIS looted chemical weapons from former Iraqi nerve agent factory that US
failed to destroy? UN told 2,500 rockets containing deadly Sarin are in the hands of
the jihadists
Isis controls a former chemical weapons factory near Baghdad, it’s claimed
The Muthanna State Establishment made nerve agents in the 80s and 90s
Iraq wrote to the UN this summer to say that it had lost control of the depot
Officials said that armed terrorist groups had taken over the complex
It comes after it was revealed the US found 5,000 chemical weapons in Iraq
By Ted Thornhill for MailOnline
Published: 10:38, 15 October 2014 |
ISIS controls a vast compound in Iraq containing 2,500 rusting chemical weapons rockets, according to the Iraqi
The site was bombed by the US during the 1991 Gulf War, but the munitions there were only partially destroyed,
according to the UN – then left to Iraq to take care of.
However, Iraqi officials wrote to the United Nations this summer claiming that abandoned weapons containing the
lethal nerve agent Sarin are still in the ruins of the Muthanna State Establishment, which made chemical weapons in
the 1980s and early 1990s, and that this is now in the hands of the violent jihadists.
They warned that they had watched equipment there being looted on CCTV.
A CIA picture of the Muthanna State Establishment, which produced chemical weapons on an industrial scale
Remnants of Iraq’s chemical weapons program at the Muthanna State Establishment. It was destroyed by American
bombs during the 1991 Gulf War
Cache: Isis controls a compound in Iraq containing 2,500 chemical weapons rockets, according to the Iraqi
government. Pictured are Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians preparing unexploded ordnance for
demolition at a safe disposal area near Baghdad in 2003
A U.S. Army Third Infantry Division soldier loads materials discovered in an explosives laboratory hidden in a home
April 15, 2003 in Baghdad, Iraq
Militants then shut the surveillance cameras at the depot down, the New York Times reported.
Iraq’s UN Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim wrote to the UN saying that ‘armed terrorist groups’ took over the
Muthanna complex, which lies 60 miles north of Baghdad, on June 11.
In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim said remnants of a former
chemical weapons programme are kept in two bunkers there.
‘The project management spotted at dawn on Thursday, 12 June 2014, through the camera surveillance system, the
looting of some of the project equipment and appliances, before the terrorists disabled the surveillance system,’
Alhakim wrote in the letter dated June 30.
‘The Government of Iraq requests the States Members of the United Nations to understand the current inability of Iraq,
owing to the deterioration of the security situation, to fulfill its obligations to destroy chemical weapons,’ he said.
The Muthanna complex measures three by three miles and was thought to be capable of producing around 4,000
tonnes of nerve agent a year.
Alhakim singled out the capture of bunkers 13 and 41 in the sprawling complex 35 miles (56 kilometers) northwest of
Baghdad in the notorious ‘Sunni Triangle.’
The last major report by U.N. inspectors on the status of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program was released
about a year after the experts left in March 2003. It states that Bunker 13 contained 2,500 sarin-filled 122-mm
chemical rockets produced and filled before 1991, and about 180 tons of sodium cyanide, ‘a very toxic chemical and
a precursor for the warfare agent tabun.’
However, U.S. Defence Department spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said earlier that the United States’ best
understanding was that ‘whatever material was kept there is pretty old and not likely to be able to be accessed or
used against anyone right now’.
‘We aren’t viewing this particular site and their holding it as a major issue at this point,’ Kirby said. ‘Should they even
be able to access the materials, frankly, it would likely be more of a threat to them than anyone else.’
It was revealed this week that about 5,000 chemical weapons were recovered or destroyed in Iraq following the 2003
invasion but the Pentagon chose to keep the findings top secret.
An investigation by The New York Times has revealed that U.S. forces happened across the hidden caches of
warheads, shells and aviation bombs between 2004 and 2011.
Secrets: In 2002 President George W. Bush said Hussein was developing a program of chemical weapons but no
evidence of such weapons was ever found
But the information wasn’t made public for several embarrassing reasons including the fact some of the weapons
were U.S.-made, plus they had been sitting dormant since the early 1980s and therefore didn’t support President
George W. Bush’s rationale for going to war.
The weapons – most of them mustard agents in 155-millimeter artillery shells or 122-millimeter rockets – were
developed by Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war which raged between 1980 and 1988.
But on September 12, 2002, President Bush had contended that Hussein was developing new chemical weapons
capable of ‘mass destruction’.
‘Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons,’ he said.
But all the weapons found had been developed before 1991.
Another reason for the cover-up, according to The Times, was that five of the six chemical weapons encounters
involved weapons designed by the U.S.
”’Nothing of significance” is what I was ordered to say,’ said Jarrod Lampier, a now-retired Army major who was
present when forces found 2,400 nerve agent rockets in 2006 – the largest chemical weapons discovery of the war.
Soldiers were also loathe to report finding the caches as documenting chemical weapons added hours of extra work
to their load.
Chemical warfare specialists had to be called in, and waiting for them to arrive put coalition forces in dangerous
‘I could wait all day for tech escort to show up and make a chem round disappear, or I could just make it disappear
myself,’ one ex-soldier told The Times.
The mustard shells could be put in with other explosives that needed to be destructed and then detonated.
However, handling chemical weapons lead to many injuries, which were not taken seriously by military doctors at the
Many explosive ordnance disposal personnel were not aware that the shells they were handling contained chemicals,
believing them to be regular old artillery.
At least 17 American military personnel and seven Iraqi police were sickened by poisons – usually sarin and mustard
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (centre) is greeted as he arrives at Vienna International Airport. He’s in the country
to discuss Iran’s nuclear program
Many of the shells would leak liquid during transportation, exposing the soldiers to the potentially-lethal fumes.
Symptoms ranged from disorientation and nausea to blindness and huge, seething blisters.
Jarrod Taylor, a former Army sergeant on hand for the destruction of mustard shells that burned two soldiers in his
infantry company, joked of ‘wounds that never happened’ from ‘that stuff that didn’t exist’.
‘I love it when I hear, ”Oh there weren’t any chemical weapons in Iraq”,’ he said. ‘There were plenty.’
Not Enough to Worry About Yet? Islamic State Training Pilots to
By Jammie
We’re sure it’s just for peaceful purposes like Iran’s nuclear program.
Iraqi pilots who have joined Islamic State in Syria are training members of the group to fly in three
captured fighter jets, a group monitoring the war said on Friday, saying it was the first time that the
militant group had taken to the air.
The group, which has seized land in Syria and Iraq, has been flying the planes over the captured alJarrah military airport east of Aleppo, said Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights.
Reuters was not immediately able to verify the report.
U.S-led forces are bombing Islamic State bases in Syria and Iraq. The group has regularly used
weaponry captured from the Syrian and Iraqi armies and has overrun several military bases but this
was the first time it had been able to pilot warplanes.
“They have trainers, Iraqi officers who were pilots before for (former Iraqi president) Saddam
Hussein,” Abdulrahman said.
“People saw the flights, they went up many times from the airport and they are flying in the skies
outside the airport and coming back,” he said, citing witnesses in northern Aleppo province near the
base, which is 70 km (45 miles) south of Turkey.
On the upside these Iraqi clowns aren’t exactly the most reliable of fighting forces. Still, remember those stories
about missing airliners?
A report that 11 planes were stolen or missing days after Libya’s Tripoli International Airport was
overtaken by Islamist militias is unfounded, a State Department official told Washington lawmakers
Wednesday while defending U.S. policy in the war-torn country.
“We have had the opportunity to examine that issue, and I can say categorically it is without
foundation,” said Gerald Feierstein, deputy assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, before
the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
That’s reassuring coming from the State Department.
Report: Ex-Iraqi Pilots Training ISIS Members To Fly Captured
Syrian Fighter Jets…
Flying cavemen?
(Reuters) – Iraqi pilots who have joined Islamic State in Syria are training members of the group to fly
in three captured fighter jets, a group monitoring the war said on Friday, saying it was the first time
that the militant group had taken to the air.
The group, which has seized land in Syria and Iraq, has been flying the planes over the captured alJarrah military airport east of Aleppo, said Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights.
U.S-led forces are bombing Islamic State bases in Syria and Iraq. The group has regularly used
weaponry captured from the Syrian and Iraqi armies and has overrun several military bases but this
was the first time it had been able to pilot warplanes.
“They have trainers, Iraqi officers who were pilots before for (former Iraqi president) Saddam
Hussein,” Abdulrahman said.
“People saw the flights, they went up many times from the airport and they are flying in the skies
outside the airport and coming back,” he said, citing witnesses in northern Aleppo province near the
base, which is 70 km (45 miles) south of Turkey.
It was not clear whether the jets were equipped with weaponry or whether the pilots could fly longer
distances in the planes, which witnesses said appeared to be MiG 21 or MiG 23 models captured from
the Syrian military.
COLORADO Sheriff under fire for making an anti-Muslim
comment on Facebook
An internal investigation has now been launched
on the Teller County Deputy Sheriff after he was
accused of making an anti-Muslim comment on
Facebook. (NEVER use Facebook to tell the truth about Muslims. It is notorious for
its Islamopandering)
FOX 21 News - Teller County Sheriff Mike Ensminger confirmed the investigation on his
deputy sheriff Eric Voigt. Voigt is accused of making a degrading comment on Facebook in
reference to a woman being Muslim.
In a screenshot obtained by
FOX21 News, Voigt can be seen
saying “Ship her ass back to
Muzzie land!!” Voigt was commenting on an article where a woman declared her business
was a ‘Muslim-Free Zone.” The woman who reported the deputy sheriff said she was
commenting on her friend’s page who posted the article because her entire family is Muslim.
She said, “Wow…so what exactly is it you think of me?” That’s when Voigt,according to the
screenshots, replied to her with the degrading comment. (I don’t see anything degrading
about that comment)
The woman who reported him said she does not know or has never met Voigt but is now
concerned about his known viewpoints affecting his job performance.
“If he feels this way about Muslims, I would like to know how he feels about blacks? Jews?
Gays? Hispanics?” the woman said. (They aren’t trying to convert or kill him for being an
unbeliever the way Muslims are)“And how has this affected his job performance? Does Teller
County condone this behavior and if not, how has he risen to this position?” (Hopefully, he’ll
get a promotion now)
Voigt’s boss, Ensminger, said his office does not and will not tolerate any type of
discriminatory behavior. He said the internal investigation should be done by sometime next
week. According to Ensminger, he believed Voigt has been employed by his office for about
four years.
(The Muslim woman probably reported him because he had dogs in his avatar and we know
how much Muslims hate dogs)
Princeton University: Brotherhood group gets sharia food in
dining halls
Cultural Jihad Education: Hijacking the System
America’s leading institutions (academic, media, entertainment) have surrendered to Muslim Brotherhood
supremacist demands:
“Princeton: Brotherhood-founded group gets sharia food in dining halls,” by Creeping via The Daily
Princetonian. h/t Islamist Watch.
Halal food is now available on a
rotational basis in the residential
college dining halls. So far, halal
food has been offered two or
three times a week in one dining
hall each day, although a fixed
schedule has not been drawn up
The addition to the menu is a
result of the work of the
Undergraduate Student
Government Dining Policy Initiative, which has been working with the campus Muslim chaplain Imam
Sohaib Sultan and the Muslim Students Association since last semester to make halal food more
accessible on campus.
The MSA was founded the Muslim Brotherhood.
Class of 2015 Senator Nihar Madhavan, who led the Dining Policy Initiative, said one of the goals of
his project is to ensure that the dining options are meeting the needs of students on campus.
Therefore, when President of MSA Sarah Qari ’16 expressed her concerns about the scarcity of halal
options, USG started looking for ways to resolve the problem. Qari said that the goal is to make halal
food available all days a week.
Qari and Sultan met with Dining Services several times once the initiative began to discuss ways to
address the dietary needs of Muslims, Sultan said. He added that Dining Services was “absolutely
incredible in terms of wanting to accommodate this request.”
Muslim students were also able to voice their opinions directly when representatives from Dining
Services attended the MSA’s Friday prayers.
During their meetings, Qari and Sultan were able to clarify what it meant for food to be halal.
“One of the things that emerged after a while was that for a long time Dining Services thought that
when we were asking for halal food, we were expecting certain ethnic foods. They were like, ‘We don’t
know how to make that food,’” Sultan said. “But once we clarified to them that it can be whatever food
you already make, just with halal meat, the process became so much easier. That was our opening.”
Executive Director of Campus Dining Smith Haneef declined to be interviewed.
Very telling. And that is how sharia creeps…into the smallest of openings.
Soon, like Whole Foods, all the meat will be halal albeit unmarked so no one will know. Except Haneef
and the MSA.
No surprise at Princeton where they are rewriting American history to ensure it too is halal.
Stay on top of what's really happening. Follow me on Twitter here. Like me on Facebook here.
ByPamela Geller
on October 17, 2014
Illegals Wearing Surgical Masks In Border Patrol Custody Spark
Ebola Concerns
October 17, 2014
And don’t even worry about the ones we haven’t caught!
Check it out:
Residents of South Texas were on edge after a photo surfaced
showing several illegal immigrants wearing face masks while in
Border Patrol custody.
The photo, snapped and sent in to ABC affiliate KRGV by an
anonymous viewer, shows several illegals standing and sitting
outside of what appears to be the Anzalduas International Bridge,
along the US-Mexico border.
The persons in the photo, about eight in total, appear to be
wearing surgical masks and latex rubber gloves, leading to questions about whether the men were infected with
communicable diseases.
Customs and Border Protection did not give details on the detainees, other than to say that the men did not have the
deadly Ebola virus.
“No case or individual processed by CBP at Hidalgo-Pharr-Anzalduas Port of Entry on Oct. 13 was related to Ebola,”
CBP responded in a statement.
CBP also said that it has ramped up health precautions at all US ports of entry and that it is working alongside the
CDC to “develop policies, procedures and protocols to identify travelers that are known by US public health officials to
have a communicable disease and to handle in a manner that minimizes risk to the public…”
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Donald Trump Stands Behind Tweet Calling Obama 'Psycho'
Donald Trump sent out an alarming tweet on Thursday questioning President Barack Obama's mental health due to
his refusal to ban flights to and from Ebola-stricken West Africa — and the billionaire developer tells Newsmax TV
he's standing by that assessment.
"There's something wrong and nobody knows what it is but there's something wrong," Trump said Thursday on "The
Steve Malzberg Show."
"There's so many bad decisions. Can anybody be that incompetent? There's something wrong, there's something
going on."
Trump took to Twitter to express his alarm over the United States continuing to allow international flights to and from
West Africa, the so-called "ground zero" of the Ebola crisis. One Ebola victim has died and two nurses have been
infected in Dallas.
Trump told Steve Malzberg that as a dealmaker who has made billions of dollars, he has a great understanding of
what makes people tick.
"I always understand the other side. If you take a look at the whole thing about stopping the flights, I don't understand
that. I mean I don't understand," Trump said.
"How could you not, not stop the flights? Even in Africa they're not allowing the people from West Africa to come in....
How can you allow people [in] that could be very, very sick, especially when you see what just one or two or three
people have done in Dallas? I mean, it's like bedlam."
Trump said Obama's entire presidency has been rife with mistakes.
"Every decision this country has made is wrong. Everything's wrong. Everything is going wrong for the United States.
When was the last time you heard something good about the United States? You don't hear it. China just took over
as the great economic power … this was unthinkable," he said.
"But when you think of what's going on with Ebola, where we allow people that can be very, very sick and affect our
entire population to be able to come into this country, there's definitely something wrong."
"He's either incompetent, he's very stubborn, or there's something wrong."
Trump also criticized CDC Chief Dr. Thomas Freidan, whom he believes is taking orders directly from the president.
"He sounds like the most confused, disoriented man I think I've ever heard speak. He is just crazy.... He must be told
by Obama that we're going to keep these paths open to the United States," Trump said.
"We have hundreds of people coming in a day from West Africa that could very well have Ebola and we just let them
come in and he's trying to make an excuse like that's safer than keeping them out.
"It is the craziest thing I've ever heard and everybody agrees.... It almost sounds to me like he's being told that this is
the way it's going to be and he's trying to make this excuse. It is just ridiculous."
Nearly every African nation — along with Colombia and the Caribbean island nation of St. Lucia — has instituted
travel bans on West African countries with significant Ebola outbreaks, and there is mounting pressure on the U.S.
and the West to do the same.
Trump said he is surprised that airline employees don't just flatly refuse to work on flights leaving or headed to West
"Where are the airline flight attendants or the pilots? Why are they agreeing to take these people? This is such a
problem. You see what happened in Dallas.... It's total bedlam," he said.
"The whole thing is crazy and it all started with somebody that came in from West Africa. They should absolutely stop
the flights."
© 2014 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
#Ferguson Business Owner Says Protesters Are “Terrorists” –
Wants Homeland Security Called In
A Ferguson, Missouri business owner says the nighttime protesters led by Democratic officials are “terrorists.” He
wants Obama to call in Homeland Security to calm the situation.
Demonstrators prepare a Molotov cocktail at a peaceful protest in Ferguson, Missouri.
The business owner also said his business is down 40 percent since the shooting and protests started up in
CBS Local reported:
A Ferguson business owner is calling the protestors who descend on his city at night
“terrorists” and says Homeland Security should be called in.
The anonymous caller to the Charlie Brennan show, who KMOX confirmed is a Ferguson small
business owner, says the daytime protestors are fine, but that changes when the outsiders,
including elected officials from outside Ferguson, arrive after dark.
“The unpeaceful protesters come out at night, trying to harm or burn our businesses down or stop the
businesses,” the caller said. “And it’s time that our government called this what it is, and this is a
terrorist act.”
The business owner says a lot of windows have been broken, fires have been set and trash is left
His business is down up to 40 percent , he said, but the protestors are wasting their time.
Too bad Obama won’t call in the National Guard – they’re too busy fighting Ebola in West Africa.
Rand Goes Full Retard
Presidential hopeful Rand Paul surpassed previous expectations for how low he would sink in his insufferable
“outreach” to minorities when he visited Ferguson, Missouri, this week.
We all know that he has been amping up his quixotic attempts to "reach" Black voters recently. It all started with his
embarassing appearance at Howard University where he enlightened his audience with the knowledge that
Republicans ended slavery and Jim Crow...which they already knew and laughed at. It was the beginning of what I
call "Randing."
It's like pandering--but even more pathetic and without any results. Sure, it might get some headpatting from the
media congratulating Rand on finally becoming a sackless White man, but has it translated into votes? Nope, and it
will never translate into a substantial amount of votes.
Blacks care more about the goodies promised by the state than they do about prison reform and marijuana
legalization. They might think those are nice things but they (literally) don't bring home the bacon. Rand's whole
ideology is built around reducing the size and capabilities of the State that provides for the sustenance of the Black
community. Black communities are dependent on government welfare, government healthcare, government jobs,
government housing, and government-enforced diversity to even pass by in American society. Small government
threatens that and Blacks--like most people--vote with their pocketbooks. Releasing their worst members back into
their neighborhoods will only generate a group-wide "That's nice" as they continue to pull the lever for Democrats.
But this hasn't stopped Rand, and the latest attempt by the Kentucky Senator to plead for Black support shows that
the man has gone full retard.
Sen. Rand Paul met with civil rights leaders Friday in Ferguson, Missouri, the city torn apart by racial
unrest following the August shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer. During his
visit, the Republican Senator, who is seen as a likely presidential candidate, stated his concerns about
long prison sentences for nonviolent crimes, the loss of voting rights for felons and military programs
to give unused equipment to local police departments...
Friday’s discussion was free-ranging, less a speech than a question and answer session. People at
the event said that they remained concerned about the GOP’s opposition to federal funding for job
training and education and other social programs. Paul said that he would support increases in federal
spending for job training in urban communities that could be paid for with cuts to the costs of
incarceration. “I think there would be money for job training if you greatly lessened criminal
sentencing,” he said.
“They are also frustrated that things aren’t happening fast enough,” Paul said after the meeting, which
was organized by the NAACP.
And he didn't stop there. Guess what Paul thinks is the GOP's greatest mistake:
"I think in the Republican Party, the biggest mistake we've made in the last several decades is we
haven't gone into the African American community, into the NAACP and say you know what, we are
concerned about what's going on in your cities and we have plans. They may be different than the
Democrats, but we do have plans and we do want to help."
Yep, full retard.
In case you're unaware where the term comes from, in the film "Tropic Thunder", one of the main characters made
the very unwise decision to take on the role of a mentally retarded farmboy--prompting Robert Downey Jr.'s character
(who had undergone surgery to transform himself into a Black man) to state "Never go full retard."
Unfortunatley for Rand, he hasn't had a transracial friend to advise him not to go full retard. Like the kitschy role of a
mentally retarded farmboy, Rand's adoption of the role as the Supreme Minority Outreacher isn't working out well. It's
inauthentic, unappealing, and the media doesn't buy it.
That's despite Rand doing everything he possibly can to reach minority voters. He's been squishy on amnesty. He's
positively referenced Malcolm X…in a non-fellow racial nationalist way. He wrote an essay deploring the racial
"disparities" in the American justice system and demanding the demilitarization of police in response to Ferguson. He
even recited a Spanish poem penned by a prominent Communist to a majority Latino crowd.
All for naught.
As it has been previously pointed out, GOP minority outreach is usually done not with the intention of actually
attracting non-White votes, but to reassure Whites that they aren't reactionary rubes for voting Republican. Rand's
outreach seems to be a turning point in that it is literally trying to win over non-White voters at the expense of Whites.
Prison reform is not popular among Whites--especially when they learn of its racial "disparities." Militarized Status
Quo is enforced to protect White areas from Black criminality and Whites are on the police's side when it comes to
These plans harm White interests and could potentially alienate White voters who side with law and order. All the
more reason to believe that Paul has no shot at the White House--and neither does the GOP if they follow his lead.
This is no longer the politician who questioned the Civil Rights Act and called for the elimination of birthright
citizenship. This is a Senator gone full retard in pursuit of the mythical population of non-White Republicans. And like
all characters driven to hunt unattainable objects, his path will end in tragedy.
Rand isn't "playing the game," he's just retarded.
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Operation Choke Point Records
DOJ program pressures banks to cut ties with law abiding businesses; House Financial Services Committee
Chair warns enforcement could be used as “a pretext for the advancement of political objectives…”
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on September 4, 2014, it filed a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) to obtain records relating to Operations Choke Point
(OCP), the Obama administration’s controversial new program to pressure banks to shut down merchant accounts of
legal businesses. The program, initiated by the DOJ in the early part of 2013 in coordination with the Federal Deposit
Insurance Commission (FDIC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), can force banks and other
financial service providers to cut off services to businesses that have not been found guilty of or even charged with
breaking the law. The suit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v
U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:14-cv-01510)).
The FOIA lawsuit, filed pursuant to a May 1, 2014, FOIA request to the DOJ, seeks the following:
Any and all records regarding, concerning or related to the legal basis for the targeting of legal business
entities under Operation Choke Point.
Any and all records depicting the criteria for businesses and/or industries to be targeted for any type of scrutiny
and/or enforcement or regulatory action under Operation Choke Point
Any and all records depicting the business types and/or industries targeted for any type of enforcement or
regulatory action under Operation Choke Point.
The Operation Choke Point program emerged from President Barack Obama’s 2009 executive order creating
the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, led by outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. Enforcement actions
arising out of the Task Force have been criticized for pursuing abusive political and retaliatory legal actions to force
banks and other financial sector business to settle for billions without any proof of wrongdoing.
In initiating the Operation Choke Program, the FDIC listed on its website 30 merchant categories that had been
targeted as “high risk,” including coin dealers, credit repair services, dating and escort services, firearms and
fireworks sales, mailing lists, lottery sales, payday loans, pharmaceutical sales, travel clubs, and tobacco sales. In a
2011 bulletin, the FDIC warned banks that associating with any of these merchants could expose the banks to
“reputational risk.” Under the OCP program, if a bank does not shut down a questionable account when directed to
do so, it can be penalized even if the “high risk” merchant has broken no laws. Though in July 2014, the FDIC
removed the merchant list from its website, it still insisted that the merchants continuing to be targeted had been
associated with “higher-risk activity.”
In August 2013, thirty-one members of Congress sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FDIC Chairman
Martin Gruenberg requesting a briefing of congressional staff members on the project. At the time, according to, “the details of which were so obscure they did not yet know it had obtained the status of a federal
initiative and was called ‘Operation Choke Point.’” In response to that letter, according to the Breitbart report, “a
Department of Justice official met with congressional staff members at the Capitol in late September, but refused to
answer any questions about the project.”
In an April 24, 2014, op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, American Banking Association president Frank Keating
accused the Obama Justice Department of “compelling banks to deny service to unpopular but perfectly legal
industries by threatening penalties.” He added:
Justice is pressuring banks to shut down accounts without pressing charges against a merchant or even establishing
that the merchant broke the law. It’s clear enough that there’s fraud to shut down the account, Justice asserts, but
apparently not clear enough for the highest law-enforcement agency in the land to prosecute.
While the DOJ claims OCP was set up to combat massive consumer fraud, a May 29, 2014, report from the House
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform strongly suggests that the primary target of OCP is the short-term
lending industry, an entirely legal operation. And in a letter to Janet Yellen, the Chair of the Federal Reserve, sent that
same week, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling warned: “The introduction of subjective
criteria like ‘reputation risk’ into prudential bank supervision can all too easily become a pretext for the advancement
of political objectives.”
“The highly secretive Operation Choke Point program is another abuse of power by the Obama administration. The
federal government has no business forcing private sector banks and companies to choke off legitimate businesses
that have broken no laws or have been charged with no crimes. President Obama cannot get Congress to target
businesses on his political hit list, so he’s allowed his appointees to abuse their authority by choking off companies
that offend liberal sensibilities,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Ironically, one of the ‘high risk’ indicators of
fraud is a lack of transparency and non-disclosure. The Department of Justice won’t obey the Freedom of
Information Act and disclose basic information as required about Operation Choke Point. Indeed, Attorney Eric
Holder has turned his Justice Department into an agency that is one of the worst violators of FOIA. Maybe the Obama
administration should stop strong-arming banks, and focus on policing its own well-deserved ‘reputational risk’ for
© 2014 Judicial Watch, Inc.
If Supreme Court Won’t Act On Gay Marriage, I Will « Pat Dollard
Oct 17, 2014 0 Comments Chuck Biscuits
Excerpted from The Hill: The Obama administration is moving to formally recognize same-sex unions in states
where the Supreme Court declined this month to rule on the legality of gay marriage bans.
In announcing the government’s legal posture, Attorney General Eric Holder said he has directed Justice Department
lawyers to work with agencies across the federal apparatus to ensure full benefits to gay married couples in Indiana,
Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
“We will not delay in fulfilling our responsibility to afford every eligible couple, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, the
full rights and responsibilities to which they are entitled,” Holder said. “With their long-awaited unions, we are slowly
drawing closer to full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans nationwide.”
In a shock to many legal experts, the justices announced earlier this month that they would not take any of seven
cases involving the five states that had been pending before the high court.
Though those states – and dozens more across the country – are looking to the court to weigh in on the contentious
issue, federal circuit courts have thus far been unanimous in finding bans on gay marriage unconstitutional. Keep
© Copyright 2014 Pat Dollard. All rights reserved. Designed and developed by MAJ3STIC STUDIOS
Revealed: Big Brother Is a Homosexual Activist
Bill Muehlenberg
on 17 October, 2014 at 11:00
We long have wondered how the ultimate police state would unfold, and how an antiChrist sort of dictatorship would
eventuate. Well, I think we are starting to get a pretty good idea about all this. Today the most likely candidate of this
in the West is undoubtedly the militant homosexual lobby.
Whenever we find various freedoms and rights being taken away from ordinary citizens in the West, we can more
often than not count on the homosexual brigade to be involved. As they demand special rights for themselves, they
are happy to strip away the rights of everyone else.
My new book Dangerous Relations offers 165 examples from just over a two-year period of people being negatively
impacted by the radical homosexual movement. For daring to oppose it, even in the most benign fashion, people are
being jailed, fined, and losing their jobs.
This is happening on a regular basis now. Simply to say that marriage is between a man and a woman can result in a
person being kicked out of his job or slapped with a heavy fine. This tells us just how far the homosexual lobby has
progressed, and how far the rest of us have regressed.
And since the homosexual militants have long made known their aims to challenge the Christian churches especially,
it is no surprise to see the Christian faith coming under increasing attack. Indeed, all this is not unexpected. Any
recent coercive movement seeking dominance has always had to target the churches.
In the past century, for example, whenever totalitarian regimes took power, the normal practice was to shut down
churches, to destroy churches, or at least closely monitor and control the churches. Even sermons were monitored,
with only state approved ones allowed to be delivered.
Whether Nazi Germany or Maoist China or Communist Russia, this has always been the pattern. But we have failed
to learn from the lessons of history, and we are seeing the very same things occurring in the West today. In addition
to all the examples I provide in my book, we witness on a daily basis more such cases.
One of the more shocking ones comes from Houston Texas. There the homofascists have followed closely the work
of Hitler, Stalin and other maniac dictators. Christian churches there are being specifically targeted by the political
And not just any old political leaders, but homosexual ones. The lesbian Mayor has declared war on Christianity, and
is actually demanding that sermons be monitored for their content. Here is how one news report covers this story:
Houston’s embattled equal rights ordinance took another legal turn this week when it surfaced that city
attorneys, in an unusual step, subpoenaed sermons given by local pastors who oppose the law and
are tied to the conservative Christian activists that have sued the city.
Opponents of the equal rights ordinance are hoping to force a repeal referendum when they get their
day in court in January, claiming City Attorney David Feldman wrongly determined they had not
gathered enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. City attorneys issued subpoenas last month
during the case’s discovery phase, seeking, among other communications, “all speeches,
presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or
gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.”
Houston, in deeply conservative Texas, is the largest American city with an openly gay or lesbian
mayor, and she has championed the anti-discrimination measure. Well and good, but sorry, this looks
awful, as if they are trying to embody the charge that the true objective of LGBT activism is to outlaw
the expression of disagreement with the LGBT rights agenda, especially by churches.
Todd Starnes comments:
The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons
dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor. And
those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.
“The city’s subpoena of sermons and other pastoral communications is both needless and
unprecedented,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said in a statement. “The
city council and its attorneys are engaging in an inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its
ADF, a nationally-known law firm specializing in religious liberty cases, is representing five Houston
pastors. They filed a motion in Harris County court to stop the subpoenas arguing they are “overbroad,
unduly burdensome, harassing, and vexatious.”
“Political and social commentary is not a crime,” Holcomb said. “It is protected by the First
The subpoenas are just the latest twist in an ongoing saga over the Houston’s new non-discrimination
ordinance. The law, among other things, would allow men to use the ladies room and vice versa. The
city council approved the law in June.
Christian groups are already mobilizing to stand against this scary case of the pink mafia in action. One says this:
Pastors are a critical part of the very fabric of American society. They have been iconic champions of
major moral issues such as American Independence, abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, child labor
laws, and civil rights. Now, a group of pastors who have continued this tradition are being bullied by
the strong-arm tactics of the government of America’s fourth-largest city-simply for preaching out of the
same book that Houston’s officials took their oath of office on,” said Chris Stone, Founder of Faith
Driven Consumer. Today, we are launching the
#HoustonWeHaveAProblem petition drive at because we know that untold
millions of Americans are or will be outraged by this. We are asking people of conscience to sign up,
stand with pastors everywhere and show the city of Houston that we will not tolerate intolerance.
The Family Research Council is launching a petition about this. The petition says in part:
Mayor Parker has breached the wall of separation between the state and the church. This attack on
religious freedom and the freedom of speech should be universally repudiated by all Americans who
value our constitutional freedoms.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote that “religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that
he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government
reach actions only, & not opinions.” The pulpit is to be governed only by the Word of God, and the
chilling effect of government scrutiny of our pastors is unconstitutional, and unconscionable. Mayor
Parker’s use of her bully pulpit to silence pulpit freedom must be stopped in its tracks.
Godless communists and secular Nazis saw the importance of controlling the churches with an iron grip. The
homosexual Nazis have learned well from the past, and are now happy to operate in the same fashion.
My friends, we are in a war. Will you stand up and resist the gaystapo, or will you quietly sit by and do nothing? We
dare not forget the words of one brave Christian pastor who resisted the Nazis, Martin Niemoller:
In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the
trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the
Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time
no one was left to speak up.
Image credit:
Bill Muehlenberg
Bill Muehlenberg, who was born in America, lives in Melbourne, Australia. He runs a web-based
ministry of pro-faith, pro-family activism called CultureWatch: Bill is
widely sought out by the media for comments on social issues, faith issues, and family issues, and
has appeared on all the major television and radio news shows, current affairs shows, and debate
programs. He is the author of In Defence of the Family; Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality, and
several other books.
White House pool reporters test own news distribution system
White House journalists are creating an alternative system for distributing their media “pool” reports in response to
the Obama administration’s involvement in approving and disapproving certain content in official reports.
A small group of reporters initiated an online forum this month in which they shared “pool” information among
themselves, without White House involvement. The forum was set up by the White House Correspondents’
Association (WHCA), which negotiates with the White House’s press staff over access for journalists.
Pool reports — those summaries of the president’s public appearances that go to the news media at large and are
used in countless news stories — are filed by a rotating group of journalists whose work is intended to be free of
content changes by the White House.
The pool journalists, however, must submit their reports to the White House press office, which distributes them via
e-mail to hundreds of news organizations and others. The White House maintains the list of recipients.
Reporters have complained that the Obama White House exploits its role as distributor to demand changes in pool
reports and that the press office has delayed or refused to distribute some reports until they are amended to officials’
But now, some journalists are sharing their White House reporting using Google Groups — the digital service that
allows registered users to receive and send information within a closed circle. In an early test of the supplemental
system, journalists shared pool information about President Obama’s trip to Chicago this month. The system has
been used for “advisories,” such as where the pool is assembling, when another pool report will be issued or whether
a correction is in the works.
Nearly 90 journalists, all working for print media, are part of the Google Groups distribution — a small fraction of the
estimated 8,000 people, agencies and organizations that receive the “official” pool reports sent out by the White
The goal is to create an independent pool-reporting system for print and online recipients, the WHCA members say.
TV and radio reporters already have such a system, but print and online reporters — a far larger group than
broadcasters — are dependent on the White House to manage and maintain the distribution system.
“Our goal here is to build a supplementary system for the print poolers so they can send out information directly to
other reporters whenever they feel they need to, much as the TV and radio poolers do now,” said WHCA President
Christi Parsons, who is the White House correspondent for Tribune newspapers.
Parsons said that an alternative system would serve as a backup to the main system in case of breakdowns, such as
one that occurred on Inauguration Day in 2009. Such a system also would be faster than going through the White
House, she said, given occasional delays in getting reports issued.
But for various reasons, the backup means of distribution is unlikely to supplant the White House system anytime
The key obstacles appear to be not technological but administrative and financial. The WHCA is wary of the cost of
taking over all the managerial tasks of the pool system from the White House, which does the job with its own staff at
taxpayer expense.
In addition to distributing the pool reports and maintaining an ever-changing list of recipients, the White House press
office has several staffers who schedule reporters for pool duty, coordinate security clearances so that they can be in
proximity to the president and find substitutes when there are no-shows.
The correspondents’ association would have to hire its own employees to do those jobs if it wanted to take on the
assignment itself. The organization is considering increasing its membership fees to hire staffers for such jobs.
The White House declined requests for comment.
Pool reporters rarely break news themselves, but they do provide color and detail about what the president is doing
or saying, or with whom he is meeting. Journalists rely on such reports to describe scenes they cannot witness for
The WHCA said that the White House has more recently been abiding by the organization’s request that press
officers send out pool reports without questioning them, even when the reports contain spelling or factual errors. The
group made the request in June, when Josh Earnest took over as White House press secretary.
“It’s our responsibility as reporters to make sure the reports are accurate and thorough, and no one should ever
assume that the White House is approving or disapproving of the content in any pool report,” Parsons said.
She said that more people would be added to the Google list after an evaluation period. The intent, she said, is that
“every journalist who wants information from the print pooler should be able to get it — the same information as
everyone else gets, delivered at the same time.”
Paul Farhi is The Washington Post's media reporter.
© 1996-2014 The Washington Post
DHS Official Caught Selling US Citizenship to Illegals
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It’s no secret that liberal Democrats want to turn 11 to 15 million
illegal aliens into US citizens and registered Democrats. Barack
Obama has been on the verge of using his executive powers to
override Congress and grant amnesty and open the road to
citizenship for the millions of illegals. I believe his whole purpose
is to undermine traditional American patriotism and to secure
millions of votes for his fellow Democrats throughout the country.
Evidently, one Department of Homeland Security official in the extremely liberal land of nuts, fruits and flakes,
otherwise known as California, has taken Obama’s agenda to a new level. Mai Nhu Nguyen, who immigrated to the
US from Vietnam and became a naturalized citizen the legal way works for the DHS’s Citizenship and Immigration
Services division.
Nguyen was, as one person put it, holding a fire sale on US citizenship. She was caught selling citizenship and legal
residency status papers to illegals for thousands of dollars. In one instance, she sold a coveted ‘green card’ or
paperwork indicating that a person had legal immigrant status to a Vietnamese person for $1,000.
The FBI worked with the DHS Inspector General’s office on the case and found that Nguyen, 48 years old solicited
bribes from Vietnamese immigrants resulting in her abusing her power to approve or deny applications for
immigration status and benefits.
To avoid a lot of publicity, which would be very bad for Obama and California Democrats, the case against Nguyen
was kept quiet and she agreed to a plea deal that could land her up to three years in prison.
Read more:
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If You Think Obama Is Bad Now, Wait Until After the Midterm
By Dave
You can’t blame Obama for spending so much time golfing even as Ebola and ISIS threaten to spin out of control. He
needs to rest up, because after the midterms, he is going to be very busy.
That’s when he will have nothing left to lose, unless Republicans acquire enough spine to impeach him for
incompetence, abuse of power, corruption, and/or treason. Among the brown clots that have been held back, but will
soon be hitting the fan:
Obama: Waiting Will Make Immigration Executive Action ‘More Sustainable’
President Barack Obama says he’s postponing executive action on immigration until after November’s
elections because it would be “more sustainable” then.
Obamacare Website Won’t Reveal Insurance Costs for 2015 Until After Election
Those planning to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare exchange will soon find out how
much rates have increased — after the Nov. 4 election.
ObamaCare Chaos: Insurance Cancellations Delayed Until After the Election
The Administration is pushing another ObamaCare delay on Americans until after the 2014 election in
an obvious effort to conceal the fact that millions more are about to lose their insurance.
The new plan cancellations will be sent out after the elections! The delay has been made unilaterally
by the Administration because it involves millions of people who are about to lose their insurance that
they hoped to keep but which Obama has determined is inferior.
Obama Waiting for Midterm to Name Attorney General
President Barack Obama does not plan to announce his choice for attorney general before the
November elections, shielding the nomination from the midterm election politics while setting up a
potential year-end showdown with the lame duck Senate.
Army Won’t Release Bergdahl Findings Until Midterms
The Army has completed its investigation into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s abandonment of his Afghan post
but will not release the report until after the midterm elections lest it embarrass the Obama
We’ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election
Okay, that last title isn’t quite on the level. The piece is well worth reading though.
In short, we will be hit with: amnesty for millions of Third World peasants who are in the country illegally, which will
increase the welfare burden and likely set off a massive Third World invasion even as Ebola spreads; outrageous
new ObamaCare costs after we were led to believe we would pay less for healthcare; cancelation of insurance plans
we were promised repeatedly we could keep; an Attorney General if possible even more ideologically demented and
openly hostile to the majority of the US population than Eric Holder; and confirmation that the cringing sad sack
Obama traded five top terrorist commanders for was at the very best a deserter and possibly a deliberate defector to
the Taliban who will nonetheless not be persecuted for treason.
After the midterms, stalling tactics may come to an end regarding an admission that outlandishly expensive airstrikes
mostly on low-value targets will not defeat ISIS without the ground troops Obama has refused to deploy. At that point
the Audacity of Hope may degenerate into arrogance sufficient for him to admit that he is fine with terrorist maniacs
taking over a country that thousands of Americans recently died to liberate.
No doubt there will be more. He has a pen and a phone, after all. Who knows what final kicks to the teeth Obama will
deliver in his final 2 years? Slavery reparations? Amnesty for all federal drug criminals? Depression-inducing carbon
restrictions? Forgiveness of all student loans? A guaranteed living wage that would obviate any need to work? Extra
Supreme Court slots for Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn? As we have been learning for years, anything is possible
with this character — except of course responsible, competent, or even benevolent leadership.
Dealing with the fallout from a country that may find itself pushed to the verge of revolt will require that Obama be
rested and at his best — unless he chooses to deal with the public’s rage the way he has dealt with other crises: by
shrugging it off and hitting the links.
Soon he won’t have to pretend to care.
On tips from Henry, Stormfax, Byron,
Petterssonp, and Bodhisattva. Hat tip:
Reaganite Republican. Graphic
compliments of Stormfax.
Obama’s Credit Card Rejected While Trying To Pay For Meal In
Too funny.
Via Washington Times:
President Obama came perilously close to having to wash some dishes on his recent trip to New York.
Mr. Obama revealed Friday that his credit card was rejected when he went to pay for his meal at a
New York restaurant during the U.N. General Assembly gathering earlier this month.
“Turns out I guess I don’t use it enough,” so the payment wouldn’t go through, Mr. Obama explained.
“Apparently they thought there was some fraud going on,” Mr. Obama joked at a meeting Friday with
employees of the Consumer Financial Protection Board, joking that “even I am affected” by the
difficulties of dealing with the American financial system. The remarks were picked up by the C-SPAN
feed of the event.
Keep reading…
Obama Sponsored Suicide: US Troops Get Just 4 Hours of Ebola
Muslim radicals have suicide bombers – We have Obama
Government Sponsored Suicide–
The US troops heading over to the Ebola stricken countries in West Africa are reportedly receiving just four hours of
Ebola training.
The Daily Beast reported:
As the U.S. military rushes to combat Ebola in West Africa, soldiers are receiving on-the-fly
instructions on how to protect themselves against the deadly virus.
American military operations to fight Ebola in Africa are unfolding quickly—forcing the military to come
up with some procedures and protocols on the fly.
Soldiers preparing for deployment to West Africa are given just four hours of Ebola-related training
before leaving to combat the epidemic. And the first 500 soldiers to arrive have been holing up in
Liberian hotels and government facilities while the military builds longer-term infrastructure on the
For soldiers at Fort Campbell and Fort Bragg preparing for their deployments to West Africa, Mobile
Training Teams from the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
(USAMRIID), based out of Fort Detrick, have been tasked with instructing them on Ebola protocols.
A team of two can train as many as 50 personnel over that four-hour time frame, USAMRIID told The
Daily Beast. The training includes hands-on instruction on how to put on, remove, and decontaminate
personal protective equipment, followed by a practical test to ensure that soldiers understand the
“All training is tiered to the level of risk each person may encounter,” said USAMRIID spokeswoman
Caree Vander Linden.
The Obama administration already announced: The US Soldiers in West Africa WILL HAVE CONTACT With Ebola
Moms Demand Action Argues That Banning Lawful Carry Will
Stop Armed Robbery
Posted by Bob Owens on October 16, 2014 at 2:51
Moms Demand Action Argues That Banning Lawful Carry Will Stop Armed Robbery
[caption id="attachment_13002" align="aligncenter" width="560"]
Moms Demand founder Shannon Watts seems to have a hard time making logical arguments.[/caption] We're having
serious reservations about the sanity of Moms Demand Action for Gunsense In America. They attempted to rewrite
reality just yesterday, blaming a 20011 murder committed with an illegally purchased weapon and and illegally
acquired ammunition on a lack of universal background checks. It was a blatant and obvious lie, easily debunked.
Moms Demand Action is at it again today, attempting—for the second time this week—to blame armed robberies that
have occurred within Kroger stores on lawful open carry. [caption id="attachment_15296" align="aligncenter"
Moms Demand Action routinely makes blatantly false statements and absurd associations in an effort to deceive their
supporters. This is their third blatantly false claim in the past four days.[/caption] It is by any measure a bizarre crime,
and a clear one, committed by a man who wore a disguise to enter the store with the intention of committing a felony
crime. He produced a weapon hidden in his costume, successfully robbed the bank and escaped the store, then
ditched his hoodie and gloves in a patch of woods nearby. These items have been recovered, and are being
processed. If he has a criminal record and his DNA is in the system, odds are that he will be identified and a warrant
issued for his arrest in fairly short order. Rational people understand that this was a crime from start to finish, as was
the armed robbery in another Ohio store earlier this week . But what does Moms Demand claim that people should
learn from these crimes?
These crimes at two Kroger stores in one week should serve as a wake up call to Kroger's leadership
to prohibit the open carry of firearms in its stores. Kroger customers should not be responsible for
determining if someone in the store holding a gun is a criminal or making a political statement. Please
SHARE and CALL Kroger and tell them women and mothers want them to prohibit open carry...
Incredibly, they're claiming that felony crimes committed by these two criminals justifies banning the carrying of
firearms by law-abiding citizens. They are seriously arguing that reducing crime deterrence will reduce crime, and the
presence of firearms causes crime.
If I was attempting to protect such an obviously false worldview, I'd block all attempts at logical thought as well. How
do you reason with people so obviously incapable of reason?
Bearing Arms
Texas Attorney General tells Houston city hall: Stop bullying
Published October 16, 2014
Now Playing
Exclusive: Houston subpoenas pastors to turn over sermons
Stop bullying people of faith.
That’s the bottom line of a harshly-worded letter written by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to Houston City
Attorney David Feldman.
Feldman’s office sent subpoenas to five Houston pastors last month demanding that they turn over any sermons
dealing with homosexuality and gender identity issues. They also wanted sermons or correspondence that referenced
Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor.
I’m not buying the mayor’s so-called change of heart – not one bit.
The subpoenas were issued in a response to a lawsuit related to Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), also
known as the “Bathroom Bill.”
Abbott called the subpoenas “aggressive and invasive” and said they show “no regard for the very serious First
Amendment considerations at stake.”
“Whether you intend it to be so or not, your action is a direct assault on the religious liberty guaranteed by the First
Amendment,” Abbott wrote, demanding that the subpoenas be rescinded.
“You should immediately instruct your lawyers to withdraw the city’s subpoenas,” he added.
Late Wednesday, the city issued a statement to the Wall Street Journal:
“Mayor Parker agrees with those who are concerned about the city legal department’s subpoenas for pastor’s
sermons. The subpoenas were issued by pro bono attorneys helping the city prepare for the trial regarding the
petition to repeal the new Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) in January.
Neither the mayor nor City Attorney David Feldman were aware the subpoenas had been issued until yesterday.
Both agree the original documents were overly broad. The city will move to narrow the scope during an upcoming
court hearing. Feldman says the focus should be only on communications related to the HERO petition process.”
However, as of the writing of this column, the subpoenas have not been rescinded.
Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said there is no evidence to suggest the city is “backing off”
or “narrowing” its subpoena request.
“The shame that the city of Houston has brought upon itself is real, but the claim that it has changed course is not,”
she said. “The city has so far taken no concrete action to withdraw the subpoenas.
Furthermore, the subpoenas themselves are the problem – not just their request for pastors’ sermons. The city is not
off the hook from its illegitimate request for e-mails, text messages, and other communications in which these
pastors, who are not even party to this lawsuit, may have disagreed with the mayor. The way to fix this is to withdraw
the subpoenas entirely. Otherwise, the city’s and the mayor’s overtures are simply more window-dressing intended to
shield them from public scrutiny.”
Abbott accused lawyers representing the city of being “inappropriately aggressive.”
“In good faith, I hope you merely failed to anticipate how inappropriately aggressive your lawyers would be,” he said.
“Many, however, believe your actions reflect the city government’s hostility to religious beliefs that do not align with
city policies.”
To call Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance “controversial” is an understatement. The ordinance was approved by the
City Council but never submitted to voters for approval.
The sticking point for many churches was a provision in the ordinance that would (among other things) allow men
who identify as women to use the restrooms of their choice – and vice versa.
Dave Welch, the executive director of the Texas Pastor Council, is one of the five ministers who received a subpoena.
He said he will not be intimidated by the mayor.
“My answer to that is – bring it on,” he told me on Tuesday. “We are dealing with bullies used to getting away with
abuse of power.”
Rev. Welch and Attorney General Abbott support something I explore in my new book, “God Less America.” This is a
situation where those who preach tolerance and diversity are the least tolerant and diverse of all.
Abbott called on City Hall to act immediately to “reassure the people of Houston that their government respects their
freedom of religion and does not punish those who oppose city policies on religious grounds.”
I’m not buying the mayor’s so-called change of heart – not one bit.
On Wednesday, she took to Twitter to express what I believe are her true feelings.
“If the 5 pastors used pulpits for politics, their sermons are fair game,” Parker tweeted.
And during a Wednesday afternoon press conference she was less than contrite when a reporter asked why it was
necessary to subpoena sermons.
“One word in a very long legal document which I knew nothing about and would never have read – and I’m vilified
coast to coast, it’s a normal day at the office for me,” she said with a chuckle.
Mayor Parker got her hand caught in the religious liberty cookie jar.
“The people of Houston and their religious leaders must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that their religious
affairs are beyond the reach of the government,” Abbott wrote. ‘Nothing short of an immediate reversal by your office
will provide that security.”
If nothing else, this shameful episode has exposed the fact that Houston City Hall is infested with anti-Christian
bigots who bully preachers in the name of equality.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American
Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less
Houston pastors will not back down to legal intimidation, predicts
Texas pastors under fire for their biblical views are being encouraged by a well-known Southern Baptist.
"If we're all willing to go to jail, none of us will have to," Richard land says of the five Houston pastors whose sermons
have been subpoenaed as part of a lawsuit against the city.
"We all need to stand with these preachers," Land tells OneNewsNow. "I know some of those guys and they're not
going to back up."
Land is currently the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary after serving as longtime president of the Ethics and
Religious Liberty Commission, an arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.
A petition drive supported by many Houston pastors gained enough signatures to place the issue on an election ballot
but city officials disqualified them based on a technicality. A lawsuit was then filed against the City of Houston, which
is now demanding access to pastors' sermons and many more materials as part of the discovery process in the court
Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing the pastors, has stated the five targeted pastors
are not plaintiffs in the court case and is asking to court to quash the subpoena.
A copy of a 16-page subpoena for Pastor Steve Riggle can be viewed here, showing an extensive
list of demands from the City of Houston.
OneNewsNow has reported that Mayor Parker and the city attorney claim they are backing away
from the subpoena's demands, though The Houston Chronicle has also reported both the mayor
and city attorney have defended their actions if the pastors were discussing politics from the pulpit.
"If someone is speaking from the pulpit and it's political speech, then it's not going to be protected," Feldman told the
Houston newspaper.
ADF attorney Joe La Rue told OneNewsNow late Thursday that Mayor Parker, despite her statements, is "really not
backing down at all."
The City of Houston is "still after pastors' sermons," said the attorney. "They're still after pastors' communications and
they're after financial records. They're after things they're simply not entitled to."
Land says of Houston and its mayor: "What syllable to the First Amendment to the Constitution does the mayor and
the city council not get? Government shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion nor interfering with the
free exercise thereof."
If roles were reversed and a Republican mayor was demanding sermons from Muslim clerics, Land says the "ACLU
would be on Prozac."
Arizona Democratic Gov. Candidate Fred DuVal Makes Shocking
Statement On 14-Year Old’s Abortions … In A Church!
Arizona Democratic gubernatorial candidate Fred DuVal said that 14-year olds should be allowed to get abortions
with no parental consent.
DuVal articulated his position on parental consent at a public forum Tuesday at Redemption Church in Gilbert, Ariz.
Pastor Tom Shrader, the host of the forum, asked DuVal for his view on notarized parental consent or parental
notification for teenage abortions.
“Uh, consent, no. Because I believe that then gives the choice of reproductive freedom to the parents and not to the
expectant mother and I believe the expectant mother has that…”
“And she’s 14,” the host clarified.
“Yeah,” DuVal said quietly.
DuVal received an early endorsement from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona. DuVal is currently running
neck-in-neck for the governorship with Republican Doug Ducey.
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