SAFIR2014 FINAL SEMINAR 19.-20.3.2015
SAFIR2014 - The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2011 - 2014
Seminar chairman: Jorma Aurela, MEE
Day 1: 19.3.2015
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:40
Opening session: Herkko Plit (MEE), Petteri Tiippana (STUK), Jari Hämäläinen (SAFIR2014)
9:40 – 10:20
9:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
Research areas “1 Man, Organisation and Society” and “2 Automation and Control Room”
Managing safety culture throughout the lifecycle of nuclear plants (MANSCU), Pia Oedewald
Signalled and silenced aspects of nuclear safety (SISIANS), Marja Ylönen
10:20 – 10:45
Coffee break and poster session
(poster presenters of research areas 1 and 2 should be available for discussions)
10:45 – 11:55
10:45 – 11:05
11:05 – 11:25
11:25 – 11:55
Research areas 1 and 2 (cont.)
Human-automation collaboration in incident and accident situations (HACAS), Marja Liinasuo
Safety evaluation and reliability analysis of nuclear automation (SARANA), Jussi Lahtinen
Discussion on research areas 1 and 2 - facilitated by Matti Vartiainen and Martti Välisuo
11:55 – 12:35
11:55 – 12:15
12:15 – 12:35
Research areas “3 Fuel Research and Reactor Analysis” and “4 Thermal Hydraulics”
Adjoint-based uncertainty analysis of lattice-physics calculations with CASMO-4 (CRISTAL), Maria Pusa
Development of Finnish Monte Carlo reactor physics code (KÄÄRME), Jaakko Leppänen
12:35 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:30
13:30 – 13:50
13:50 – 14:10
14:10 – 14:30
Research areas 3 and 4 (cont.)
Extensive fuel modelling (PALAMA), Ville Tulkki
Experimental studies on containment phenomena (EXCOP), Markku Puustinen
CFD modeling of heat transfer, boiling and condensation (NUFOAM & NUMPOOL), Juho Peltola
14:30 – 15:00
Coffee break and poster session
(poster presenters of research areas 3 and 4 should be available for discussions)
15:00 – 16:20
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:20
Research areas 3 and 4 (cont.)
PWR PACTEL experiments (PAX), & Passive Containment Cooling System tests (PCCS), Vesa Riikonen & Juhani Vihavainen
Uncertainty evaluation for best estimate analyses (UBEA), Joona Kurki
Discussion on research areas 3 and 4 - facilitated by Antti Daavittila and Eero Virtanen
16:20 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:15
Invited presentation
A Strong and Viable Nuclear Safety Research Organization to Meet Current and Future Regulatory Challenges.
Steven West, Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
17:15 – 18:30
17:15 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:40
17:40 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:00
18:00 – 18:30
Feedback on expectations versus results of SAFIR2014 – Panel discussion
STUK – Petteri Tiippana
Fennovoima – Hanna Virlander
Fortum – Kristiina Söderholm
TVO – Liisa Heikinheimo
18:45 –
Buffet dinner
Day 2: 20.3.2015
8:30 – 9:50
8:30 – 8:50
8:50 – 9:10
9:10 – 9:30
9:30 – 9:50
Research areas: “5 Severe Accidents” and “8 Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA)”
Core debris coolability and environmental consequence analysis (COOLOCE-E), Mikko Ilvonen
Thermal hydraulics of severe accidents (TERMOSAN), Tuomo Sevón
Particle transport in a differentially heated cavity (TRAFI), Jarmo Kalilainen
Extreme weather and nuclear power plants (EXWE), Kirsti Jylhä
9:50 – 10:20
Coffee break and poster session
(poster presenters of research areas 5 and 8 should be available for discussions)
10:20 – 11:10
10:20 – 10:40
10:40 – 11:10
Research areas 5 and 8 (cont.)
Risk assessment of large fire loads (LARGO), Anna Matala & Topi Sikanen
Discussion on research areas 5 and 8 - facilitated by Tomi Routamo and Ilkka Niemelä
11:10 – 12:10
11:10 – 11:30
11:30 – 11:50
11:50 – 12:10
Research areas: “6: Structural Safety of Reactor Circuits” and “7 Construction Safety”
Low Temperature Crack Propagation (LTCP) susceptibility of nickel-based Alloy 182, 152, 82 and 52 weld metals in PWR primary water
(ENVIS), Matias Ahonen
Fatique affected by residual stresses, environment and thermal fluctuations (FRESH), Heikki Keinänen
Monitoring of the structural integrity of materials and components in reactor circuit (MAKOMON), Tarja Jäppinen
12:10 – 13:10
13:10 – 14:00
13:10 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:00
Research areas 6 and 7 (cont.)
RI-ISI analyses and inspection reliability of piping systems (RAIPSYS), Otso Cronvall
Impact 2014 (IMPACT2014) & Structural mechanics analyses of soft and hard impacts (SMASH), Kim Calonius
14:00 – 14:30
Poster session and coffee break
(poster presenters of research areas 6 and 7 should be available for discussions)
14:30 – 15:00
14:30 – 15:00
Research areas 6 and 7 (cont.)
Discussion on research areas 6 and 7 - facilitated by Martti Vilpas and Pekka Välikangas
15:00 – 15:50
15:00 – 15:25
15:25 – 15:50
Research area 9: Development of Research Infrastructure
Enhancement of Lappeenranta instrumentation of nuclear safety experiments (ELAINE), Arto Ylönen
Renewal of hot cell infrastructure (REHOT), Wade Karlsen
15:50 – 16:30
15:50 – 16:05
16:05 – 16:30
Towards SAFIR2018 and Final discussion
From SAFIR2014 to SAFIR2018 – what changes?, Marja-Leena Järvinen
Final discussion
Poster sessions:
Research areas “1 Man, Organisation and Society” and “2 Automation and Control Room”
Sustainable and future oriented expertise (SAFEX2014), Eerikki Mäki
Coverage and rationality of the software I&C safety assurance (CORSICA), Timo Varkoi
Identification of fault situations propagating between different systems and disciplines (IFAPROBE), Nikolaos Papakonstantinou
Safety requirements specification and management in nuclear power plants (SAREMAN), Teemu Tommila
Research areas “3 Fuel Research and Reactor Analysis” and “4 Thermal Hydraulics”
Three-dimensional reactor analyses (KOURA), Elina Syrjälahti
Neutronics, nuclear fuel and burnup (NEPAL), Jarmo Ala-Heikkilä
Enhancement of safety evaluation tools (ESA), Ismo Karppinen
Modelling of pressure transients in steam generators (SGEN), Timo Pättikangas
Thermal hydraulics and fuel integrity in spent fuel dry cask interim storage facility (SPEFU), Risto Huhtanen
Research areas: “5 Severe Accidents” and “8 Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA)”
Reactor vessel failures, vapour explosions and spent fuel pool accidents (VESPA), Anna Nieminen
Chemistry of fission products (FISKES), Tommi Kekki
PRA development and application (PRADA), Ilkka Karanta
FinPSA knowledge transfer (FINPSA-TRANSFER), Teemu Mätäsniemi
Research areas: “6: Structural Safety of Reactor Circuits” and “7 Construction Safety”
Fracture assessment of reactor circuit (FAR), Juha Kuutti
Water chemistry and plant operating reliability (WAPA), Timo Saario
Heavy fouling and corrosion risks in the cooling water systems of NPPs and methods for their mitigation (RICO), Essi Velin
Advanved surveillance technique and embrittlement modelling (SURVIVE), Petteri Lappalainen
Seismic safety of nuclear power plants. Targets for research and education (SESA), Ludovic Fülöp
Aging management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants (MANAGE), Miguel Ferreira