1 RULEBOOK I N D E X Sr. No. Events Name Team Members Page No. E.1 AAUTOSHOT 1 3 E.2 AAUTOQUIZERRA 2 4 E.3 BALLOONED 1 6 E.4 DRAG RACING 1 7 E.5 DUST BUSTERS MAX 2 8 E.6 FUEL EXPERT 1 9 E.7 JUNK PUNK MAX 2 10 E.8 LAN GAMING E.8.1 FIFA’14 1 11 E.8.2 NFS UNDERGROUND 1 12 E.8.3.1 CS TOURNAMENT 5 12 11 1 E.8.3.2 CS LAN PARTY 1 12 E.9 LASER TAGS 4 14 E.10 MUSIC ON LORRY MIN 3 15 E.11 PAPER PLANES 1 18 E.12 PROJECT AAUTO MAX 4 19 E.13 QUADOFY MIN 2 TO MAX 5 21 E.14 SLOW BIKING 1 23 E.15 TRENDSETTERS MAX 2 24 E.16 VEGGIE WHEELS 2 24 2 E.1 AAUTOSHOT Aautoshot basically aims at providing amateur photographers a chance to showcase their talent and capture a very special moment in just one shot. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels are invited to enter this competition where great imagery is everything, and creativity is the key ingredient! An open competition Coverage of the event event will be under different categories , for example : Capturing behind the scenes chaos Capturing the shows taking place etc. ROUND 1: In the 1st round everyone interested will submit us a photograph via email. The photograph clicked by the participantmay be of anything and everything regardless of the theme. Along with the attachment mention the camera used to capture(mandatory). On the basis of the photograph they will be shortlisted for the second round. ROUND 2: The shortlisted photographers have to depict a story in 7 shots. Basically encapsulate a story or different stages of some event in 7 different shots. ROUND 3: Selected participants have to capture different faces, the expressions on those faces. Human expressions are most difficult to be captured. RULES & REGULATIONS: 1. Each participant is required to carry his/her camera, may be regular or DSLR. 2. Each participant can submit only 1 photograph for the first round. 3. Photographs should be strictly from the events and activities of AAUTOAFIESTA taking place that day. 4. Edited/downloaded photographs are not allowed and if found the participant will be disqualified. TEAM MEMBERS ALLOWED: 1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 3 E.2 AAUTO QUIZERRIA: Have you ever checked how much AQ you rate?? AQAAUTOQUOTIENT. Aautofiesta brings you a brain brush event to outsource the barriers of books and get into the REAL field. Quiz will have few rounds and tasks to be completed and competed against the competent teams on the basis of your knowledge of auto world and its history. ROUND 1: The round 1 will be a pen paper test. The short listed 60 teams will fight for rapid fire round from which the final 8 teams will be selected for next three rounds. ROUND 2: (RAPID FIRE) Each team will be given 30 seconds to answer as many questions they can. Each correct answer gives you one mark. Eight teams will be short listed on the basis of their performance in the next 3 rounds. 1stROUND (aauto quotient) Under aauto quotient there are further two rounds. MCQ type quiz Advantage round(passing) 2ndROUND(visual round) In the visual round each team can score maximum of 5 marks, according to the question asked. 3rdROUND (final round) It‟s the BUZZER round. RULES & REGULATIONS: Each team should be of 2 members only neither more than that nor less. If only one member of the team is present, the team will be directly disqualified. Paper or helping aid like mobiles are not allowed. Usage of such unfair means will directly eliminate the team. One mark will be awarded for each correct answer.Each team will be given 30 seconds to answer as many questions they can for second round. There is no negative marking. Auto passion is MCQ type quiz. In Auto Passion Test no questions will be passed to next team.Each correct gives you 10 marks& each wrong answer deducts 5 marks. Advantage round is a passing round. Each team answering correct will be awarded 10 marks. If the team fails to answer the question it will be passed to next team and the pass question will award the next team 5 marks. In visual round some pictures will be shown to teamand you will be questioned accordingly. 4 The maximum marks team can score from one question is 25 marks. In buzzer round, the team pressing the buzzer first will be allowed to answer. There will be no pass of questions. TEAM MEMBERS: 2 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all) 5 E.3 BALLOONED Ballooned is an event for all the fun lovers who are technical at the same time. In this event you have to make a balloon vehicle in which the force (pressure/thrust) created by the balloon moves the vehicle innovated. Creativity andtechnicality will be at its best to be adjudged. ROUND 1 (final round): 1st round is itself the final round. Winner will be decided on the basis of few aspects: Design Distance covered Cleanliness & Material Used RULES AND REGULATIONS: Contestants will be provided with the material which is to be used. Material Provided: Wooden barbeque skewers Regular cardboard Straws Tape Balloons Scissors Bottle caps Wastage of material will lead to negative marking. The vehicle has to be built at the site with the provided official material. The vehicle can have at max 4 tires. 30 minutes will be given to the contestant for making the vehicle. Any contestant exceeding the time limit will be disqualified. 10 sec will be given to the contestant for inflating the balloon during distance measurement. TEAM MEMBERS:1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 6 E.4 DRAG RACING: Drag racing is a type of motor racing in which cars compete, two at a time, to be first to cross a set finish line. The race follows a short, straight course from a standing start. There will be many rounds depending on the number of participants in each category. ROUND 1: Number of rounds will depend on the individuals participated.Every round will be a knockout round, so the person finishing at 2nd will be eliminated and the winner qualifies for the next round. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Cars without official drag race sticker will not be allowed to race. Every participant according to their car specs will be assigned a category to take part in the race. No car will be allowed to change the lanes assigned to them during the race. 2 consecutive false starts will lead to disqualification of the defaulter (false start: is crossing the start line before signalled to start) No modified car will be permitted to race i.e. all mechanical and engine components of the car should be stock. Competitors of each race will be chosen randomly, no choice will be given as to whom you want to race with. TEAM MEMBERS:1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 7 E.5 DUST BUSTERS Dust Busters is an off-roading event where participants have to compete on the basis of their driving skills. An arena with mud heaps, gravels and the un-surfaced tracks will be setup. Participants will be judged on how well they keep traction on different obstacles. ROUNDS: Dust Busters is a single round event where max two participants can form a team and will be given max two chances to complete the round. Judgment will be on the basis of how the hurdlestackled. RULES AND REGULATIONS: The event is open to all road registered 4 wheel drives, provided the vehicle currently or previously has been sold to the general public by the manufacturer. The event is also open to ATV‟s. No prototype, 4x4 commercial vehicles, vans or agricultural vehicles are allowed. An exemption will only be granted when the Competition Manager is satisfied that the vehicle has no unfair advantage over other competing vehicles and no safety aspects have been ignored. Failure to apply for an exemption may exclude the competitor from starting the event. Manager will be in charge of any recovery operations during special stages by either controlling the recovery personally or by nominating an official as the Recovery Leader. In the interest of safety all competitors must abide by the Recovery Leader‟s instructions. Only one Recovery Leader will be nominated for any situation. Each team will be give 2 chances to complete the track .Points will be deducted for each recovery for an obstacle. Additional chances will be provided with extra fee. Unusual or extraordinary 4 wheel drive vehicles can be considered for entry. Any vehicle failing to comply with any of the rules and regulations contained in this event guide is required to apply for an exemption in writing to the Competition Manager, stating the regulations that the vehicle fails to comply with. Each request will be considered on its merit. TEAM MEMBERS:Maximum 2 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 8 E.6FUEL EXPERT: Fuel expert is a competition that speaks for the abrupt growth in the consumption of fuel. The competition gives participants a platform to showcase their views on fuel deficiency, measures to cut down the consumption, an alternative for the non-renewable resource. Do you have what it takes to be a Fuel Expert? If yes, come take your chance in the grilling group discussions and heated declamations in front of acclaimed judges, on topics sphering the world of fuels! Round 1: Group Discussions The participants are divided into 15 groups of 10 students each and each group gets 10 minutes of discussion time. The top 15 scorers from all the group discussions will be filtered to the Final Round. Round 2(final round): Declamations The top 15 scorers selected for the final round shall be provided with the topics for the speech at the time of result announcement after Round 1, and are allowed a day‟s time to prepare and present their speech on the second day of the event. Participants shall be judged on their content, oratory skills and body language. The speech has to be presented within the time frame of 5-7 minutes. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Participants are not allowed to use any vulgar or socially controversial/offending remarks/statements. Participants are allowed to converse in a disciplined manner using English language only. The decision of judges shall be final and binding on the participants. TEAM MEMBERS:1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 9 E.7JUNK PUNK: The event is based on lines parallel to the popular television show: JUNKYARD WARS! All you are required is to just go through the plan and construct the best out of waste. Let it be the new beginning to the creative years of the automated world. Basically, each team has to design and build a working machine or a model of a machine within the specified time. ROUNDS: Teamswill be given access to the junkyard. They will have to choose any 10 pieces of junk to make their model. Teams will be given a specific time to construct their machines. At the end of this round, teams will be evaluated by the judges. Judgment will be based on team‟s presentation as well as actual machine work. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Time allotted to each team will be to 2 – 3 hours for the construction of the model. Teams will be provided with junk which they have to use to make their machines. TEAM MEMBERS ALLOWED: Max. 2 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). Participants must carry their own stationary such as pencil, scale, eraser, colors etc. 10 E.8LAN GAMING: It‟s a LAN party! For all the LAN gamers this event will give you an opportunity to showcase your gaming skills. Get ready to reload your guns for CS 1.6 , showcase your speed in NFS and to put forth your talent in FIFA‟14. FIFA’14 (1 on 1 challenge) ROUND 1: 1st round is against CPU (every player plays against CPU , default team Real Madrid) 4 minute half. Gameplay Fast Difficulty Level : Professional ROUND 2: 2nd Round is against another user 5 minutes half 3 minutes given to players to choose their team and formations etc. Winners of round1 with greater goal difference play with the ones with least goal difference in round 2. ROUND 3: 3rd Round is same as Round 2. ROUND 4: Round 4 onwards round time increases by 1 min every round (no. of rounds will depend on no of participants) All the players out in the first 3 rounds have an option of coming back in the game Rs 50/- per person. All these players will play among themselves with rules of Round 2 being applicable. 1 or 2 winners from here will directly enter round 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Players have to bring their own controllers for playing FIFA‟14. Using a joystick is permitted but it won‟t be provided. Only laptops will be provided. The organizers have right to disqualify any participant if found using unfair means to win. TEAM MEMBERS ALLOWED: 1 Member Team NFS (MW) (1 on 1 challenge): ROUNDS: 1st round will be between 2 participants for 2 laps where track will be mutually decided. 11 The winner of the two will compete for next round where the selected ones have to play a 4 lap match to win the challenge. RULES AND REGULATIONS: ROUND 1: Race is between 2 individuals for 2 Laps. Track will be either decided mutually or by toss. Choice of car can be same. Pausing the game is not permitted at all. Participant will be disqualified. Players have to bring their own Joysticks and controllers. Only laptops will be provided Each player will play on separate laptops which will be connected via LAN. ROUND 2 (final round): Only the final round will be a 4 Lap match. TEAM MEMBERS ALLOWED: 1 Member Team CS (Clan Tournament) (team competition): ROUND 1: De_Dust2 will be the default map for all matches till the final round. A knife round in the beginning will decide who choses Terrorist or CounterTerrorist team. FINAL ROUND: The final will be a best of 3 map competition with an optional 4 th map to choose the 3 maps from. de_dust2, de_inferno, de_nuke, de_train are the 4 official maps A map will be eliminated by mutual decision of the teams, failing to do so will result in a knife match between the teams, the winner gets to choose the map to be eliminated and the order in which the other 3 will be played. Each map will consist of 30 rounds with a swap after 15 rounds. RULES AND REGULATIONS: De_Dust2 will be the default map for all matches till the final round. Teams will be given an option to decide mutually, the map they want to play. No decision will result in the default map. No player can play from 2 teams. Time per round will be 1 min 45 seconds. Starting money: 800$ and Freeze time: 10 seconds. Participants can bring their own mouse, mouse pads, headphones etc. 12 A maximum of 15 minutes will be given to the teams to set controls and warm up before the match. This time limit is to be strictly followed. A total of 20 rounds will be played with a swap after 10 rounds. The team that wins 11 rounds first wins the match. Opening console and using a gay gun and tactical shield is strictly prohibited or else you will be disqualified. To defuse and install the C4 silently is considered illegal. This offence will lead to the disqualification of the team. Defusing the C4 through the objects is not permitted. Participants lost initially will be given a second chance @ 200/- (40/- per head) Winner of day 1 plays the winner of day 2 in the qualifier round. Runner up of day 1 plays runner up of day 2 in the eliminator1( provided they take the second chance offer @ 200/- ) In case a few other teams take that offer, the runner ups first play them and then the winner plays the eliminator . Loser of the qualifier plays the winner of eliminator1 in eliminator2. Winner of eliminator2 plays the final round. In case no teams take the “second chance” offer, the Winners of both days play each other in the final. In case of a tie between the teams, 6 more rounds will be played with a swap after 3 rounds (till the winner is decided). If a player of a team is disconnected from the game due to any reason the game is restarted if rounds played are 3 or less, game is paused if rounds have exceeded the number 3 and is resumed from that halt itself. If a player of a team is not available on a particular day or time of the game then a new player can take his place for the given match/s ( provided he has the entry pass to play the game), however the certificate and prize money will be given to the one enlisted. TEAM MEMBERS: 5 Member Team. PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all) 13 E.9LASER TAGS: Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter in which players join either the terrorist team or the counter-terrorist team. Each team attempts to complete their mission objective by eliminating the opposing team. This will be a real-time fun, its LIVE COUNTER STRIKE. In this event an arena will be set up where you will get a chance to experience the fun and frolic of the CS.Each round starts with the two teams attacking simultaneously to the other team. ROUND 1: 1st round is to eliminate the opposing team by the use of laser guns provided to save our ownself. ROUND 2: In the 2nd round the terrorist team has to plant the bomb in the respective arena in the given time limit of 4 min. and the soldier team has to diffuse the bomb by pressing the button for about 10 sec.in the given time of about 1min. by saving themselves. RULES & REGULATIONS: Registered teams should have an individual pass provided to them. No use of unfair means to win the competition. No use of improper language will be tolerated during the event. The participants should abide by the instructions given by the organizer before the advent of the game session. Time limit will not be exceeded for any participant. Any technical deformity in the ammunitions and outfit will not be entertained.No second chance will be provided in such cases. Winners will be decided on the basis of time limit (minimum time used to diffuse the bomb). If the terrorist team is unable to plant the bomb in the given team, the other team is automatically the winner. And if the soldier team is unable to diffuse the bomb, the terrorist team will be the winner. 3 winners will be decided, that is, there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd position for teams to compete for. 4 min. is provided to the terrorist group to plant the bomb in the given arena and 1min. is provided to the soldier team to diffuse the bomb. TEAM MEMBERS: 4 Member Team (2 teams will play at a time) PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 14 E.10MUSIC ON LORRY Music on Lorry brings you for the first time rock concert in Aautofiesta. It is the time to enjoy music with cars and bikes. This event is basically about bringing up the culture of rock music or band music in the University. The event will have a competition of bands, in which different bands would come and play on stage and one winner would be chosen among those participating bands. This would be a good opportunity for the young musicians to showcase their talent live in front of audience of real music lovers. ROUNDS: It is a single round event where the teams forming bands have to perform live in front of the audience. For the live performance the teams will be short listed on the basis of their band profiles. RULES AND REGULATIONS (for registration): There will be Rs.300/- per head- non-refundable registration fee. Payment must be submitted along with official entry form. Deadline for entry is (2-3 days prior to the fest). The Bands will be short listed on the basis of their band profile. The short listing will be done by the event coordinators of music on lorry. General Rules: Bands may bring one roadie to assist them with set-up and break-down and that person must also be listed on the registration form. Only band members and the roadie listed on the registration form will be admitted to the Fairgrounds for no admission fee. However, we encourage you to invite as many friends, family, and fans as possible because the more people you have cheering for you, the better your chances of winning. All bands agree to have their name, voice, and/or likeness used in any advertising or broadcast Bring material relating to this competition without compensation or rights to royalties for such use. On the day of performance, band members must be dressed in clothing free from obscenities. This is a family oriented event and therefore only activities suitable for families will be permitted. Band name and lyrics of performance songs must not contain any obscenities. Judges can and will deduct points for any use of obscenities. The entire performance must be violence-free and suitable for gathering. If a band incites moshing or any other sort of violence in the crowd, the band will be immediately disqualified and the performance will be stopped. The use of any illegal substances will not be tolerated. If any band member is suspected to be under the influence of an illegal substance, the entire band will be disqualified and the proper authorities will be notified. In addition, any band member under the age of 21 who is suspected of alcohol use will also be grounds for disqualification. 15 All band members are required to be present at least 30 minutes prior to performance time to check in with the coordinator. If all band members are not present and ready to set up for performance 15 minutes before going on stage, the band will be disqualified. All participants are required to be courteous and respectful toward other participating musicians. Judges decision will be final. Equipment and Onstage Rules: All bands will provided with drums, on stage amps or monitors, etc. a sound system will be provided but other equipment‟s like guitars, keyboard, effect pedals, drum sticks etc. will not be provided, so please be prepared. Band members are responsible for the security of their equipment. Chitkara University or any party acting on their behalf will not be held responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen equipment. There will be strict time limit of 25 minutes for each band to perform on the stage. If time limit for sound check is exceeded, then time would be cut off from band‟s performance time. While one band is playing, the next band may start getting ready to set up in the background. However, please do not be disruptive so that the band on stage can be the focus of the judges and the crowd. Bands can‟t use pre-recorded sound material. All bands must play live. Judgment Rules: JUDGEMENT BASIS: PLANNING/PREPAREDNESS: Evidence of performance planning i.e. Choreography, demonstration of the musical/movement or program dynamics, costumes, make-up, stage props, backdrop, etc. Instruments and equipment made ready prior to performance, start on time, stay within time limits for set-up and break-down. Evidence of rehearsal, bands know the lyrics, bands appeared ready and prepared to play. ORIGINALITY: Do the songs fit the genre, how unique do the songs sound, do the songs fit the set? Is the band‟s appearance original, does the band stand out? Does the band demonstrate any level of original improvisational skill? For example, „jam out‟ or vocal through an instrument change, repair or equipment failure. INTERFACE WITH AUDIENCE: How was the band‟s verbal interaction, did the band introduce themselves, did the band talk to or with the audience? How was the band‟s physical interaction, did the band physically participate with the audience by giving eye contact, head nods, 16 acknowledgements, waving, gesturing, dancing with the audience or giving hand signals? How confident was the band in their interaction with the audience? QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE: How was the band‟s confidence and competence, did they look at ease while playing, did they appear to be able to do what they wanted to do? How was the band‟s stage presence, did they use the stage effectively, did the band appear positive about their performance, did the band interact effectively on stage, how did the band cope with any problems they may have encountered? Was the band‟s set list well-constructed and able to manipulate the audience‟s mood? TEAM MEMBERS: Minimum 3 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 17 .E.11 PAPER PLANES: Just one sheet of paper can lead to a whole lot of fun. HOW? PAPER PLANES! Just fold a piece of paper into a simple plane and send it soaring into the sky. Your flight should be so efficient to pass through a hole. There are three rounds: ROUND 1: Cover a certain distance to advance to the next round. ROUND 2: To qualify for the final round pass the plane through a hole. ROUND 3: The plane that flies farthest wins. RULES & REGULATIONS: Paper planes have to be built at site with the provided official paper. The sheet must be modified by folding only. Ripping, glued, cutting, stapling is not allowed. The aircraft must be launched by one person throwing the aircraft unaided from behind a straight launch line marked on the floor. Passing over the launch line leads to an invalid attempt. Touching the launch line or any point beyond during the launch, leads to an invalid attempt. The thrower may move beyond the launch line, after the paper plane hits the ground or any object. 2 trials per participant are allowed. Different planes can be used, the better attempt counts. Every participant will be provided with a unique tail number which should not be altered in any case. Every aircraft should have a tail number as assigned. Any aircraft without a tail number will be disqualified. Tail number should be on the visible region of the aircraft. TEAM MEMBERS: 1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 18 E.12 PROJECT AAUTO “Success is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, focused effort and, most importantly, intelligent planning". The event is all about the engineering enthusiast who enjoys working in their garage, evolving ideas at mid-night, innovators like anything, entrepreneurs, those who believe in the limit-less possibilities of life and they IMAGINE! EXPLORE! DISCOVER! ROUND 1(Screening: Idea Submission): For the prelims, each team has to write a brief summary of the idea not exceeding 500 words as an attachment with the name, e-mail, contact number, institute name of every member as body of the email. Participants should also get registered on website before mailing the abstract/idea. Any registered entry that exceeds the deadline will be disqualified. The selection for presentation-round would be done entirely on the basis of enrichment of summary only. Participant may also be asked for the full paper for abstract selection purposes. ROUND 2 (Presentation Round): All the winners of 1st round are requested to submit their full project report on the spot. Submitting full project report is crucial to confirm your participation in PROJECT AAUTO. A presentation (in the form of PowerPoint presentation) has to be delivered by the participants based on their report in front of the expert panel of judges. The entire report should be both in hard copy and soft copy format to be brought to the venue for judges. Each team participating, has to make their own placard including details like – project name, outline/sub theme of the project in not more than 15 words and/or picture of the project if any, name of the participants and name of the Institution they belong to. Each team will get a maximum of 10 minutes to articulate important features/points of their paper through PowerPoint Presentation in front of panel of judges and then 5 minutes for Q & A and discussion. If exceeded, marks will be deducted. ROUND 3 (Level Setter) The top 10 finalists will be provided mentors by our mentorship partners in the run up to the event. The 10 teams which qualify the presentation will be put through an Elevator Pitch round. In this round, the teams are supposed to describe their idea in a concise manner and covering all important aspects of the project at the same time. The best 3 teams will be awarded. 19 RULES AND REGULATIONS: Student of any discipline is eligible to participate in this event. Participation is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students. Participants must have a valid Identity card. ABSTRACT may be Experimental/ Research/ Project work/ Review. Maximum of three members allowed per team. Note that all of them need NOT belong to the same institute. Any number of teams from an institute can participate. Your submission to AAUTOFIESTA must be your own. Use of any intellectual property that is protected by trademark, copyright or other intellectual property laws from any source is strictly prohibited. Any such entry would be disqualified. Any sort of plagiarism will lead to disqualification at any point of competition. The decision of the judges and the organizers will be final and binding. Jury will include a panel of 5 members.ALL BRANDED, with their qualification and expertise. Industrialist Mechanical department Computer science department Enterprenurial Corporate investor TEAM MEMBERS: Maximum 4 member team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 20 E.13 QUADOFY: This event is for aero modeling enthusiasts. It is for those passionate engineers who don‟t see sky as the limit. It is about quad copter‟s maneuverability skills, accuracy, speed, acceleration, stability and much more. The event requires student‟s knowledge about electronics, aerodynamics and programming. It targets students from electronics, computer science and mechanical so that the resultant quadcopter is a collaboration of different streams. So this event will give everybody a chance to come as a team and make something which is worth time and skills. ROUND 1: “DOING MORE WITH LESS” It includes the criteria‟s like innovation, precise use of material and resources, design etc. in other words it include overall physical examination of quad copter. This round will add marks to best teams but no team will be disqualified unless their quad copter is not working or in miserable condition. ROUND 2: “PUSHING TO THE LIMIT” It includes check the quad copter for maximum maneuverability, maximum time of flight, maximum altitude and maximum range. So the teams will be given marks according to the caliber of their quad copter. This is non-elimination round only your marks will be counted for next round. ROUND 3: “CLASH OF TITANS” This round includes the main event of scoring against each other in the sky. The round will have three completions. All the completions are eliminations rounds, you lose you leave. Three completions are: One on One race (with check points). Hovering or stability of quad copter at a predefined area. Maneuverer through obstacles to the finish line. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Originality of the quad copter should be maintained throughout the event. There should not be any modifications once the completion rounds start. Same (type and capacity) batteries should be used throughout the completion. Participants should carry enough batteries for their quad copter to survive all the rounds. Batteries will not be provided to participants by organizers. Participants are themselves responsible for any damage to their quad copter during competition. TEAM MEMBERS: Min 2 to Max 5 member team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 21 E.14 SLOW BIKING: To ride a two-wheeled bicycle over a fixed course in the longest interval of time without touching the ground. ROUND 1: Out of every round of 6 participants, 1 participant will be selected for Round 2 i.e. Final Round (Participant taking maximum time will be selected for Round 2). ROUND 2: Timings of the selected participants will be noted down . The participant who takes the maximum time to complete the track will be declared as the winner. The participant having the second best (longest) time will be declared as the runner up (2nd position) ROUND 3 (FINAL ROUND): Each of the finalists will ride the bicycle one last time (one participant at a time) and his/her timing will be noted down. The participant who takes the maximum time to complete the track will be declared as the winner. The participant having the second best (longest) time will be declared as the runner up (2nd position). RULES AND REGULATIONS: The course will be same for all the participants. The course will be marked and not be sloped. Forward motion shall be provided by the muscles of the rider. No part of the competitor's body may touch the ground. The bicycle must maintain forward motion at all times. The bicycle must remain within the boundaries of the course. Each student will be allowed only 1 attempt to complete the course. If any body part of the participant touches the ground, he/she shall be disqualified from the race. TEAM MEMBERS:1 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 22 E.15TRENDSETTERS: Trends mingled with technology are doing wonders in the present times. A platform to set forth your own trends via sketching competition base trendsetters ROUND 1: First round is all about making your imagination go live. You will be provided with a company name and you are to redesign the logo for the company. ROUND 2 (final round): This round will be the major attraction of this event. You have to sketch your dream automobile setting a new trend. RULES & REGULATIONS: Participants will not be allowed to use Mobile Phones and other Electronic Gadgets. Any team found cheating from other team will be disqualified. Participants will only be provided sheets. Participants must carry their own sketching tools. Sketching should only be done by Pencil. TEAM MEMBERS ALLOWED: Maximum 2 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 23 E.16VEGGIE WHEELS: What is veggie wheels? As the name suggests, a vehicle which is made up of vegetables. This is a unique event in which your prototype will be judged on the basis of its creativity and efficiency. ROUND 1 (final round): It is a single round event where the participant team has to build a vehicle of vegetables (using 3-5 vegetables). A specified time of around 35 min will be allotted to each team for its completion. RULES AND REGULATIONS: 5 vegetables will be given to each team. They have to make a moving vehicle with the help of those vegetables. Participant team can use 3 ,4 or 5 vegetables according to their design.(number can be any not exceeding 5) Participants will be provided with the vegetables for the event, using unfair means (like bringing your own vegetables) will directly lead disqualification of team. Team can only use sticks, toothpicks and knife which will be provided to them by us. Designed vehicle must pass the test of sliding on an inclined plane. The vehicle will be judged on the basis of test of sliding, creativity and design. Time limit to complete the prototype will be 35 Min (approx.) TEAM MEMBERS: 2 Member Team PREREQUISITES: Participants must report on time. Participants must carry their ID cards and bands of registrations (mandatory for all). 24
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