>> Bulletin 02 APRIL 2014 2O14 WORLD ROWING MASTERS REGATTA LAKE WE N DOUR E E, BALLAR AT, VICTOR IA AUSTRALIA T H U R S D AY 9 - S U N D AY 1 2 O C TO B E R 2 0 1 4 wrmr2014.com Contents 1. Invitation to Masters Rowers........................................ 4 2.REGATTA VENUE AND FACILITIES .......................................... 4 3.WRMR WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE ............................... 5 4.REGISTRATION AND ENTRIES................................................. 5 5.ENTRY FEES................................................................................ 5 6. BOAT HIRE.................................................................................. 5 7.SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER AUSTRALIA ................ 7 8.ACCOMMODATION UPDATE .................................................. 7 9. IDENTIFICATION & PASSPORT SCAN..................................... 7 10. BOAT PARK ................................................................................ 7 11.TRAILERS .................................................................................... 7 12. CAR PARK ................................................................................... 8 13.VENUE HISTORICAL ROWING DISPLAY.................................. 8 14. 1956 OLYMPIANS ....................................................................... 8 15.REGATTA OPENING CEREMONY ........................................... 8 16. MASTERS PARTY........................................................................ 8 17.REGATTA OFFICE ...................................................................... 8 18.ROWING COURSE OPENING TIMES....................................... 10 19. BOW NUMBERS ........................................................................ 10 20.TRAFFIC RULES.......................................................................... 10 21. BALLARAT WRMR2014 LAYOUT............................................... 10 22. MEDICAL SERVICES .................................................................. 11 23. BAGGAGE DROP ....................................................................... 11 24. PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE ....................................................... 11 25.EXHIBITORS................................................................................ 11 26.STAKEHOLDERS, SPONSORS AND VIPs ................................. 11 27. CLUB TENTS............................................................................... 11 28.RACE SCHEDULE....................................................................... 12 29. COURSE LAYOUT – LAKE WENDOUREE ................................ 13 30.RULES OF RACING .................................................................... 14 wrmr2014.com // p.2 wrmr2014.com // p.3 1. Invitation to Masters Rowers 3.WRMR WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE The World Rowing Masters Regat ta 2014 Boa rd have g rea t plea s ure in invi t ing a ll a t h letes to com pete a t t he World Rowing Ma s ters Rega t ta (WRM R) to be held a t Lake Wendouree, Ba lla ra t, Victoria, Au s t ra lia bet ween Thurs day 9 October a nd S u nday 12 October 2014 . There is a dedicated website to the 2014 Regatta which will be regularly updated with news & regatta details: www.wrmr2014.com The reg a t ta venue Lake Wendouree wa s t he s i te of t he rowing com pet i t ion for t he Melbou rne 195 6 S um mer O lym pic s a nd ma ny s ub s equent major Na t iona l event s . The WRM R 2014 orga ni s ing com mit tee is proud to present the regat ta logo and goals : >> Bulletin 02 APRIL 2014 Make sure you ‘like’ the official Event facebook page: www.facebook.com/wrmr2014ballarat 4. REGISTRATION AND ENTRIES Marinus van Onselen (Chairman, World Rowing Masters Regatta 2014) 2. REGATTA VENUE AND FACILITIES Ballarat is a regional city of Victoria approximately 100 kilometres west of Melbourne. Competitors can travel to Ballarat by car, shuttle bus from Melbourne Airport, coach from Melbourne Southern Cross station or Train. For maps and more details visit http://www.ballarat.com/getting_to_ballarat.htm Crew Registration and Boat Hire Opens 16 April, 2014 12:00 AM AEST (GMT+1000) Crew Registration and Boat Hire Closure 17 August, 2014 11:59 PM AEST (GMT+1000) Payment Closure 20 August, 2014 11:59 PM AEST (GMT+1000) Mixed Entry Deadline 10 October, 2014 06:00 PM AEST (GMT+1000) All competitors entering events must be existing club members affiliated with their national rowing association. All crew entries require boat class, club, names with date of birth, team manager and, if required, boat hire booking details. 5.ENTRY FEES The World Rowing Masters Regatta is a AUD $I,000,000 event with the costs borne by Victorian Government, Rowing Australia, City of Ballarat, together with large numbers of volunteers who provide support at their own expense. Competitor entry costs have been set to balance affordability against the provision of suitable competitor facilities. Since the severe drought in Eastern Australia during 2007-2009, which caused Lake Wendouree to dry out, the City of Ballarat has invested substantially in rowing course improvements. The course is now a Category 1 course with 8 dredged lanes, full Albano buoying, starting platform, boat launching and timing pontoons and an extended finish tower. Entry fee is $AUD 50 per seat with registration by 17 August 2014 and payment required by on 20 August 2014. Entry fee includes regatta seat fee, Australian taxes, FISA development fee and RegattaCentral fee. The WRMR organising committee is also investing in facilities to provide rowers with quality boat park systems, shelter and amenities. Our central marquee will be the largest ever used at a rowing venue in Australia and fitted out principally for rowers and supporters. WRMR 2014 is pleased to have Filippi of Italy and locally based Sykes Racing both with international renown as boat hire partners. 6. BOAT HIRE Boat hire for training and racing is principally for International visitors. Australian competitors and crews requiring assistance with boat hire should make contact with WRMR organisers on email: [email protected] Boat Hire fee is $AUD50 per seat/hire and is booked through WRMR website links or direct through RegattaCentral. wrmr2014.com // p.4 2O14 WORLD ROWING wrmr2014.com // p.5 7.SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER AUSTRALIA Where special visa requirements are necessary to enter Australia for the WRMR, competitors can request a letter from Rowing Australia inviting participation. Prospective attendees should provide name, address, date of birth, passport nationality and passport number (for each person) and a return email address. Requests can be sent to email: [email protected] 8. ACCOMMODATION UPDATE Ballarat has a range of great accommodation to suit all sorts of budgets. Ballarat is a world class tourist town but accommodation will book out fast, make your reservation quickly. Information regarding accommodation in and around Ballarat is available through the link on the website. Camper vans are not able to be located at the Rowing Venue. 9. IDENTIFICATION & PASSPORT SCAN ALL PARTICIPANTS AT THE 2014 WORLD ROWING MASTERS REGATTA MUST BRING THEIR PASSPORT or other approved identification document. This will be scanned and a photocopy put inside a plastic holder. This must be carried at all times including in the boat during racing, as medal winners will have their identification checked at the Victory Ceremony pontoon. There will also be spot checks on the out-going and in-coming pontoons. 10. BOAT PARK Boat racks will be provided in the Boat Park. They will be organized according to boat type (1x, 2x/2-, 4x/4- and 8+). A plan of the Boat Park will be available shortly on the website which will indicate how to reach the outgoing and incoming pontoons. 11.TRAILERS Wendouree Parade at the regatta venue and the boat park are unable to support trailer parking. Trailers will need to be unloaded on arrival and then moved to City Oval (see below map) for the duration of the regatta or until your club events cease. As venue parking in Wendouree Parade will be for a limited time only, clubs will need to ensure sufficient members are available to complete unloading and loading in a timely manner. >>Trailer load at Ballarat wrmr2014.com // p.6 wrmr2014.com // p.7 12. CAR PARK Lake Wendouree is in the centre of the city of Ballarat, surrounded by private homes, gardens and a range of cafes. Competitors are requested to avoid parking in local streets round the lake. Event parking will be provided at nearby Victoria Park, approximately 500m from the venue shown on above map. 13.VENUE HISTORICAL ROWING DISPLAY Ballarat has a number of proud clubs with historic sheds on Lakeside Drive. The Wendouree-Ballarat Rowing Club will host a free display of local rowing memorabilia including the 1956 Olympic Rowing Regatta. 14. 1956 OLYMPIANS Ballarat was the venue for the Melbourne 1956 Summer Olympic rowing competition. The City of Ballarat and World Rowing Masters Regatta 2014 extend invitations to all 1956 Olympic rowers to return to Ballarat. To celebrate their return the Mayor of the City of Ballarat will hold a civic reception and special memorabilia will be provided. For more information contact: email [email protected] 15. REGATTA OPENING CEREMONY The official opening ceremony will be held on Thursday 9 October at the end of the racing. Snacks and drinks will be available. 16. MASTERS PARTY The Masters Gala Party and Handover Ceremony will be held in the Eureka Enclosure (our large marquee) on Village Point beside the rowing course in the evening on Saturday October 11. Tickets can be reserved for the Masters Gala Party using the RegattaCentral link. The cost is $AUD50 per person. Venue numbers are limited so register early. 17. REGATTA OFFICE The Regat ta Office and Information Centre will be open from Tuesday 5 October to Sunday 12 October. OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Tuesday 7 Oct 8:00 – 19:00 Wednesday 8 Oct 8:00 – 19:00 Thursday 9 Oct 7:00 – 19:00 Friday 10 Oct 7:00 – 19:00 Saturday 11 Oct 7:00 – 19:00 Sunday 12 Oct 7:00 – 13:00 Regatta Email: [email protected] wrmr2014.com // p.8 >>Melbourne 1956 Summer Olympic Rings at Lake Wendouree wrmr2014.com // p.9 18. ROWING COURSE OPENING TIMES 22.MEDICAL SERVICES The Regatta course will be officially open from Tuesday 5 October as follows: First Aid and Medical services will be available during official training and racing periods. Prior Dates No safety controls; Access to regatta course at your own risk Tuesday 7 Oct 7:00 – 18:00. Course open for training and controlled Wednesday 8 Oct 7:00 – 18:00. Course open for training and controlled Thursday 9 Oct Course open for racing only; Post racing training subject to draw Friday 10 Oct Course open for racing only; Post racing training subject to draw Saturday 11 Oct Course open for racing only; Post racing training subject to draw Sunday 12 Oct Course open for racing only until conclusion 19. BOW NUMBERS 23. BAGGAGE DROP A free baggage drop-off and collection service will operate during official training and racing periods. This will be located at the Village Point end of the boat park. 24. PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE A fee for service photographic service will be available at Village Point for all participants to obtain photos taken during the Regatta. Bow numbers can be collected one hour before the race at the Control Commission, which will be located in the Boat Park. 25.EXHIBITORS 20.TRAFFIC RULES Exhibitors wishing to reserve space at the Regatta Venue are requested to complete the Application form that will soon be available on the website. This form must be returned to the Organising Committee no later than Sunday 31 July 2014. All participants are requested to study the Traffic Rules for Training and Racing that are available in this bulletin and on the WRMR2014 website. They will be displayed in the Official Program and at the Regatta Venue. 21. BALLARAT WRMR2014 LAYOUT All WRMR activities will be based along the Lake Foreshore adjacent to the finish line. The Village Point will be the focus for the regatta administration, race spectators medal presentation, catering and merchandise services. 26.STAKEHOLDERS, SPONSORS AND VIPs WRMR 2014 is pleased to have a number key stakeholders for the event including the City of Ballarat, Ballarat Regional Tourism, Victorian Government Sport and Recreation, Rowing Australia and Rowing Victoria. 27. CLUB TENTS >>Pairs at finish line wrmr2014.com // p.10 wrmr2014.com // p.10 WRMR is able to supply a limited number of pre-erected 3m*3m marquees for club teams, however due to limited lake frontage, these marquees and all other club structures will be located at the rear of the boat park. A form for booking club marquees will be available on RegattaCentral after which the club team manager will be contacted. wrmr2014.com // p.11 28.RACE SCHEDULE WORLD MASTERS REGATTA 2014 Ballarat - October 2014 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 101WA 4x 201WC 4- 301WE 4- 401I 4x 102K 1x 202A 1x 302G 2- 402 2x MIX D 103WD 4- 203D 4x 303WH-K 2x 403 MIX G 4x 104D 2x 204WF 4- 304J 1x 404 MIX B 8+ 105G 4x 205G 8+ 305WD 4+ 405 MIX E 2x 106WG-K 4- 206I-K 2- 306B 2x 406 MIX H-K 4x 107B 1x 207WA 2x 307WE 1x 407 MIX C 8+ 108E 2- 208B 4x 308E 4+ 408 MIX F 2x 109WB 4- 209WD 2- 309WB 8+ 409 MIX A 4x 110H 2x 210E 1x 310H 4x 410 MIX D 8+ 111WI-K 1x 211WG 2x 311WF 2- 411 MIX G 2x 112C 4x 212H 4- 312C 1x 412 MIX B 4x 113WC 4+ 213WB 4x 313WG-K 4+ 413 MIX E 8+ 114F 2x 214C 4+ 314F 4- 414 MIX H-K 2x 115WF 8+ 215F 2- 315WC 4x 415 MIX C 4x 116I-K 4- 216WE 2x 316A 2- 416 MIX F 8+ 117A 4x 217J-K 4x 317WA 1x 417 MIX A 2x 118WA 8+ 218WH 1x 318I-K 4+ 418 MIX D 4x 119D 4+ 219A 4+ 319 4x 419 MIX G 8+ 120WD 2x 220D 4- 320D 8+ 420 MIX B 2x WG 121G 4- 221WC 8+ 421 MIX E 4x 122WH-K 4x 222G 2x 422 MIX H-K 8+ 123I 1x 223WF 1x 423 MIX C 2x 124B 4+ 224B 2- 424 MIX F 4x 125WB 2x 225WA 4+ 425 MIX A 8+ 126E 4- 226E 8+ 426I-K 2- 227WD 4x 128H 127 WE 8+ 228H 1x 129WC 1x 229C 2x 130C 2- 230WG-K 8+ 131WF 2x 231F 4+ 132F 8+ 232WB 1x 133WA 2- 233A 4- 134A 2x 234WE 4+ 135D 1x 235D 2- 136WD 8+ 236WC 2x 137G 4+ 237G 1x 138B 4- 238B 8+ 139WG 1x 239WF 4x 140E 4x 240E 2x 141WB 4+ 241WA 4- 142H 2- 242H 4+ 143C 8+ 243WG-K 2- 144WE 4x 244C 4- 145F 1x 245WD 1x 146WC 2- 246F 4x 147J-K 2x 247WB 2- 148WF 4+ 248I 2x 149A 8+ 249WE 8+ Cat:A Age min27 8+ B C D E F G H I J K Avr: 36+ 43+ 50+ 55+ 60+ 65+ 70+ 75+ 80+ 85+ >>Local Ballarat clubs Wendouree Ballarat (red and white) and Ballarat City (navy blue) wrmr2014.com // p.12 wrmr2014.com // p.13 29. COURSE LAYOUT & LAKE WENDOUREE wrmr2014.com // p.14 29. course layout cont'd..... wrmr2014.com // p.15 30. RULES OF RACING cont'd..... 30.RULES OF RACING Event Regulations and/or Departures from the FISA Rules of Racing World Rowing Masters Regatta R e gulat io n 1 - A pplicat io n These regulations apply to the World Rowing Masters Regatta together with and not in exclusion of the Rules of Racing. R e gulat io n 2 - G ov e r n a n c e R e gulat io n 7 - M ix e d M ast e r s e v e n ts ( R ul e 3 3) Mixed crew events may be held for Masters crews in which half of the crew excluding the coxswain, shall be women and half shall be men. The coxswain may be of either gender. R e gulat io n 8 - C r e w C ha n g e s af t e r t h e E n t ry D e adli n e a n d up to o n e h o ur b e fo r e t h e F ir st H e at ( R ul e 52) World Rowing Masters Regattas are international regattas and shall be rowed according to the FISA Rules of In the case of Masters crews, a substitute shall not be permitted if the age of the substituting rower would result in the lowering of the average age of the crew by more than one year or would change the age category of the Racing and related Bye-Laws in addition to these Event Regulations. crew concerned. In the case of Masters crews a substitute from another club shall also be valid R e gulat io n 3 - B oat C las s e s R e gulat io n 9 - P r o gr e s sio n Syst e m The World Rowing Masters Regatta offers racing in the following boat classes: At World Rowing Masters Regattas, there will be a final for events where the number of entries is the same or fewer Men 1x, 2x, 2-, 4x, 4+, 4-, 8+ Women 1x, 2x, 2-, 4x, 4+, 4-, 8+ Mixed 2x, 4x, 8+ NOTE: Entries must be made in the name of a bona fide club registered with its national federation. No competitor than the number of available racing lanes. Where the number of entries in an event exceeds the number of available racing lanes, the entry will be divided into two or more finals. may compete for two different clubs or federations at the same regatta. R e gulat io n 1 0 - R ow e r s’ C lot hi n g ( R ul e 51) R e gulat io n 4 - M ast e r s Ag e Cat e g o ri e s ( R ul e 3 2 a n d By e- L aw to R ul e 3 2) At World Rowing Masters Regattas, members of the same crew shall compete wearing uniform clothing (racing shirt and shorts or equivalent and any additional garments). The regulation regarding uniform clothing will not be A rower may compete in Masters rowing events from the beginning of the year during which she/he attains the age of 27. The age of a rower in a Masters rowing event shall be that which he attains during the year of the event. enforced in mixed crews. Masters rowing events shall be held in the following crew age categories: R e gulat io n 1 1 - Damag e w hil e i n t h e Star t Zo n e A Minimum age: 27 years, B Average age: 36 years or more C Average age: 43 years or more D Average age: 50 At World Rowing Masters Regattas, if a crew, while still in the start zone, sustains damage to its boat or equipment, then a member of the crew shall raise an arm to indicate that there is a problem. The Starter or Umpire shall stop the race. The Umpire shall decide, after having examined the damage, whether the claim was justified, after consulting (if necessary) with the President of the Jury. The Masters Rowing Commission may establish, if announced in advance of the Masters Regatta, a uniform time limit within which a crew that sustains damage must complete repairs and be ready to start, or else withdraw from the race. years or more E Average age: 55 years or more F Average age: 60 years or more G Average age: 65 years or more H Average age: 70 years or more I Average age: 75 years or more J Average age: 80 years or more K Average age: 85 or more Age categories do not apply to coxswains of Masters crews. Also, a coxswain may be of either gender. R e gulat io n 5 - H e alt h a n d F i t n e s s ( By e - L aw to R ul e 9 9) Each competitor shall be responsible for his own health and fitness. R e gulat io n 6 - P r o o f o f Ag e Masters rowers must be in a position to prove their age by presentation of an official document (passport or photo identity card). Note: ALL PARTICIPANTS AT THE 2014 FISA WORLD ROWING MASTERS REGATTA MUST BRING THEIR PASSPORT OR EQUIVALENT DOCUMENT SHOWING BIRTHDATE. This will be scanned and a photocopy put inside a plastic holder that must be carried at all times, including in the boat during racing. Medal winners will have their identification checked at the Victory Ceremony pontoon and there will also be spot checks on the out-going and in-coming pontoons. wrmr2014.com // p.16 wrmr2014.com // p.16 Note: At the 2014 World Rowing Masters Regatta, the Masters Commission establishes this time limit as TEN MINUTES after the scheduled race time. For the purpose of this Regulation, a crew is still in the start zone if the bow of its boat has not yet crossed the 100 meters line. R e gulat io n 1 2 - C o n duct o f R ac e s At World Rowing Masters Regattas, static umpiring positions shall be used, in order to eliminate the nuisance of wash from motor boats. Normally, no motor boats shall follow the races, and the number of such boats on the water shall be the absolute minimum for the efficient operation and maintenance of the course and for safety. At the discretion of the Masters Rowing Commission, an Umpire’s launch may be used to follow races. wrmr2014.com // p.17 wrmr2014.com // p.17 30. RULES OF RACING cont'd..... R e gulat io n 1 3 - P riz e s Medals will be awarded to the winners of each final. The design of the prize medals shall be subject to the approval of the Masters Rowing Commission. Note: A separate classification will take place and prizes will be awarded for each age category, even when the race is held together with other age groups in a combined final . This applies to both men’s and women’s events. R e gulat io n 1 4 - Exc e p t io n al Cas e s Should it be necessary to take decisions in exceptional cases (e.g., suspension of the regatta), the Chair of the Masters Rowing Commission, in consultation with the President of the Jury and the Chair of the Organising Committee shall make such decisions. R e gulat io n 1 5 - I n t e rpr e tat io n o f R e gulat io n s On behalf of the Executive Committee, the Masters Rowing Commission shall adjudicate on all cases not covered by the Rules of Racing, the Bye-Laws and the present Regulations, as well as on disputes which may arise during a World Rowing Masters Regatta. The decision of the Masters Rowing Commission shall be final. Organising Committee WRMR Project Team Rowing Australia P.O. Box 7147, Yarralumla, ACT 2600 Fax: +61 2 6281 3910 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wrmr2014.com wrmr2014.com // p.18
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