Welcome to Calvary Christian Fellowship and our BULLETIN for Sunday, 19th October 2014 This morning is a youth service. Our Youth Team will be speaking and LJ Warren, Sam and Hannah Prosser will lead us through our service and our songs. The theme today is Day to Day with Jesus We will also share in communion today. We hope you enjoy your time with us today and will stay for a brew and a chat at the end. Calvary Christian Fellowship is a registered Fair Trade Church. Refreshments will be available after the service, to which everyone is warmly invited. An opportunity for prayer will be made available, for anyone who wishes, towards the end of the service. Today’s talk will be recorded on CD and can be purchased for 50p, at the end of the service, from the desk at the back of the hall. Talks from previous Sundays can also be ordered here. Making disciples – people who love God and love others. This week with CCF… Sun 19th 10.30 19.30 Wed 22 nd Thurs 23rd Fri 24th Sun 26th 17.00 09.30 19.30 10.00 13.30 19.30 10.00 13.45 18.00 19.15 10.30 13.30 14.30 SHALOM: Youth Team Leading: LJ Warren, Sam Prosser and Hannah Prosser PARTNERS, PROGRESS & PRAYERS meeting Prayer – Looking Church (see inside bulletin for more info’) 5-2-7 (TBC – check with LJ Warrren) Jolly Tots Elders Meeting @ Linda’s CAP Discover Steps to Employment Musicians and Dance & Drama meet CAP Job Club M2E Keep Fit Surf YOUth TRANSFORM: Graham Hooke (Revelation) Leading: Ian Williams Ripples M2E Afternoon Service Many small groups meet during the week. For details, see the postcards, which can be found in front of the PA desk, then contact the appropriate group leader. Looking Ahead…and What’s New NOVEMBER 10.00 Sat 1st nd Sun 2 10.30 Sun 9th 10.30 th Sat 15 Sun 16th th Thur 20 Sat 22nd Sun 23rd th Sat 29 Sun 30th 17.00 15.00 10.30 19.30 13.30 13.30 10.30 14.30 08.00 19.30 10.30 Creative Community TRANSFORM: Paul Jackson Leading: Ruth Hooke TRANSFORM: Graham Hooke (Revelation) Leading: Chris Hebson Mercy People SPLAT! Messy Church (Theme: Advent) SHALOM: TBC Leading: Andy Prosser Equip & Enthuse Leaders’ Meeting @ CCF CAP Money Course (sesson 1 of 3) Community Christmas Craft Making Afternoon TRANSFORM: Graham Hooke (Revelation) Leading: Chris Hebson M2E Afternoon Service Men’s Breakfast No.5 Mercy People Charity Concert @ CCF TRANSFORM: TBC Leading: Ian Williams BEST AND WORST AND EVERYTHING INBETWEEN For the joys and for the sorrows; the best and worst of times...for this we have Jesus...and we also have each other! Praise God! Thank you to all of those who voted for Life NoW in the Lloyds Bank Community Funding Programme. We shall know the result in early November and will let you know! Thanks, also, to all who came to the Barn Dance on Saturday 11th October. It was a great time! Altogether, £575 was raised for Life NoW! Our special thanks to Derrick Bannister who masterminded the whole event. Fun, laughter and HP sauce were enjoyed by one and all! Thanks Derrick! George & Joan Thomas THANK YOU …to everyone who came and supported Mercy People in our debut concert at Chorley Live on Friday 3rd October! We really appreciated the warmth and enthusiasm of all who came to St George’s Church and encouraged us as we faced the challenges of band setup, choir positioning, sound check, multi-media with only 10 minutes between acts, and for the first time outside our Ward Street comfort zone! Ticket sales raised £300 for our three justice causes. It's a start! Our next performance is at Ward Street on Saturday 29th November at 7.30pm, back in our comfort zone! Tickets will again be £5, with all proceeds to our justice causes - nobody else takes a penny. We're targeting £1000 for this event, which would mean a packed venue!!! With your support we can do it! Tickets will be on sale soon. Thanks. Graham Hooke Got something to share? Let Karen Whaite have your contribution to Best & Worst by Wednesday 7pm, latest. See back of bulletin for contact details. FOOD CRISIS AT BULABAKULU VILLAGE, UGANDA. Here at CCF we have been supporting Pastor Joshua and the Kibuli Church in Kampala since 1999. During that time, his vision for a Children's Village for street children has come to fruition and currently supports about 200 children with a school attached. Other people and agencies have got involved and provided significant support for the project, one of these paying £2,000 per month for food. Last month they gave notice of discontinuing this support. Chris & Andy Bull, who have also been major supporters of the village (making annual trips and funding the development of substantial accommodation, solar power etc.),are spearheading an initiative to replace this funding. Please take a look at all the information in this week's Bulletin and pray and consider whether you can help in some way. (Check out our website: Serving our World > Pastor Joshua-Uganda, for their October newsletter and alternative gift flyers.) Thank you. HOME OF HOPE – INDIA We have just received this news from Sundar & Sarah Pinninty: Dear friends, As some of you may be aware from a text message we sent out yesterday, we have just had a little girl aged 2 admitted into the Home of Hope. We have been trying to gather as much information about her as possible, but little is known about her. She was found on the railway platform alone. Not sure how long she has been at the station. Today we had her health check, she had a high temperature, and was sick a couple of times. She is very malnourished, her head was covered in small wounds, she is very weak, and lying down most of the time due to lack of strength. Our staff are looking after her attentively and spending time with her, reassuring her and comforting her. She slept well last night, we are giving her medicine and trying to encourage her to take some food, monitoring her carefully. It makes us feel relieved that we have this kind of facility now to be able to rescue children like this little girl. Please pray for God’s healing touch and comfort for her. “The LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge”. Psalm 94:22 Thanks for your prayers, Sundar Sarah & Sundar and their boys travel to India on Monday for three weeks; Sarah will be able to assess the health of this little girl then. Hopefully the care, medication and prayer she receives over these next few days will heal this little girl. Graham Prayer request Two clients are attending a CAP Discovery Break this weekend. Please pray for them to have a restful, healing weekend and encounter Jesus. Thanks, Jill PARTNERS, PROGRESS & PRAYERS MEETING TONIGHT - 7.30pm PARTNERS - This meeting replaces our Annual Members Meeting and we invite and encourage all our Partners to make this evening a priority. We will be sharing vision and goals and giving time to prayer for the next phase of our church life. Dorothy Barton and Linda McDermott are due to stand for re-election after completing a two year term as elders. We are also nominating Ian Shepherd as a new elder. It will also conclude our Half Week of Prayer. LEFT BEHIND AND FORGOTTEN Following recent events here at CCF there are still a number of plates, dishes and containers that have been left behind and possibly forgotten. You can find these in the kitchen. Please take a look to see whether any belong to you….and take them home. Thank you! Kath & Wendy Hodgson Sheep Knitters… Thank you so much for all the sheep knitting that has been going on for SPLAT! – they are all brilliant and if you handed yours in anonymously, I’ll take this opportunity to say ‘Thank you’ to you now. We now, nearly, have enough large sheep for everything we want to do for Advent, so if you could finish the sheep you are on and get it to us, fabulous!! If you have a yen for knitting, we still need more small sheep – so far the count is 21 and I’d love to have enough little ones to give to every child who comes to our Christmas SPLAT!, including our younger helpers. I’m hoping that we will need between 40 and 60 (although that could be a bit optimistic - I like to aim high!) So please - - STOP KNITTING LARGE SHEEP and KEEP KNITTING SMALL SHEEP!!!! Also, please pray for us, that there will be some great opportunities to share some kingdom life with our Lostock Hall community this Christmas - and that we take those opportunities! You are all superstars! Thanks again. Miriam ☺ MEN Hannah Prosser Another date to remember: Saturday 29th November “Hero in my Eyes” EP Hannah has recorded 3 of her own songs onto CD, which is now available for sale. Breakfast No.5 Guest speaker: David Hamilton You can buy it from the CD desk at church for £4. Alternatively, you can order it on-line or buy it in MP3 format by visiting EWDP’s new online music store: www.ewdp.co.uk/music All profits from the CD sales will go to support Fusion’s work. David was a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force….he has quite a story to tell….don’t miss it! Names to Ian Shepherd please: 07599196313 We have run the craft afternoons for the last 12 years and everyone who comes along has a really good time. This is a great opportunity to show God's love and 'Share Life’ with our local community. Come along and invite your friends and family. Food For Life DECORATION During the half term week – specifically 28th to 30th October – the main hall will be redecorated; therefore, the hall will not be available for use during this time. John 1: 1-4 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The NOV-DEC-JAN Word for Today is now available. You can pick up your copy from the information point in the foyer. REFRESHMENTS THIS MORNING you will be served by the BUBBLES, SPLASH and XSTREAM groups. NEXT SUNDAY you will be served by the MUSICIANS. Thank you servers! May you all be blessed in your giving as we are blessed in receiving. Bulletin Notices Please send your information by Wednesday 7pm at the latest (unless stated otherwise in this or previous bulletins), via • my pigeonhole on Sunday • telephone: 01772 424778 • e-mail: [email protected] Thank you, Karen Whaite Ward Street, Lostock Hall, Preston PR5 5HR Tel: 01772 461454 www.calvary.org.uk Registered Charity No. 1135901 Member of the Evangelical Alliance Pastors: Graham J Hooke B.A. (Hons), M.A., P.G.C.E. Tel: (01772) 313438 Email: [email protected] Paul Jackson B.Eng (Hons), M.Eng Tel: (01772) 461454 Email: [email protected] Elders: Graham Hooke, Paul Jackson, Dorothy Barton, Steve Whymark & Linda McDermott CHILDREN YOUNG PEOPLE Each Sunday Each Sunday A fun, small group for school years 7-9 TODAY: JailBreakers remain in the service today as it’s a YOUTH SERVICE. NEXT SUNDAY: Theme: Don’t fear the reaper. Leading: Bethan and Paul. YOUNG PEOPLE A mix of games, worship, learning, music and challenges that help children to follow Jesus. There are different activities for different ages so that all children get the most out of Calvary Kids. Encourage your children to be part of it. TODAY: Healing word. Mark 3: 1-6 Through the week – next meetings: YOUth A weekly, termly, fun and friendly group for school years 7-11. Friday 10th October @ 7.30pm Title: For details, see LJ Warren Friday 17th October @ 7.30pm Title: For details, see LJ Warren CHILDREN Through the week – next meetings: For Mums & Toddlers. Free play, crafts, themed sessions, day trips, parties and more. Weds, term time only. 9.45am - 11.30am Wednesday 22nd October Programme: Fun at play and crafts. Wednesday 29th October 5.2.7 Youth Meeting Next meeting: TONIGHT Sunday 19th October 5pm. (Meeting TBC) A relaxed, yet fun group, which opens the door to discussions of faith, ideas, plans and more. Over to YOU….th! See LJ Warren, our Youth Leader, for more information. NOT MEETING. Half term. Back 5th Nov. For Calvary Kids and their friends. Fortnightly Fridays 6pm - 7.15pm Friday 24th October Theme: Lies - Call my bluff. Friday 14th November Theme: Correction is good - A bit of a puzzle!
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