NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 4 Nurture Groups – why they matter A Nurture Group Network Conference Thursday 16 October 2014 Holiday Inn City Centre Liverpool NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 5 The conference It is more than 40 years since educational psychologist Marjorie Boxall decided something had to be done about the huge number of children being put forward for special schools in the Inner London Borough of Hackney. She understood that these children were not ‘maladjusted’ or ‘educationally subnormal’, but had simply not had adequate emotional and social support from their earliest months to be able to deal with the demands of school life. And so nurture groups were born. Since then thousands of children have benefited from spending time in small part-time groups in their schools and being given the experiences they missed in their early lives. The Boxall Profile now underpins everything that nurture groups can achieve and groups are being set up in primary and secondary schools, in special schools and units in the UK and throughout the world. Come and learn why they are achieving such acclaim from teachers, parents, pupils, educationalists and others. If you are unfamiliar with nurture groups, take a look at our website, to see what teachers, parents and pupils big and small have to say about them. See quotes straight from the heart of those who have benefited from nurture groups and understand more fully how they could help you and your pupils. Who should attend: The conference is open to nurture staff, education staff, health staff, social workers, police, family support workers and all who are interested in effectively supporting vulnerable children and their families NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 6 Keynote Speakers Edurné Scott-Loinaz Lessons learnt Edurné Scott Loinaz, BA, MA (Ed), is a researcher specialising in socioemotional education. Edurné has recently conducted a comparative study of affective education in Spain and the United Kingdom at the Institute of Education, where she analysed how socioemotional education programmes have been developed and institutionalised. Her recent work for The Nurture Group Network includes managing a pilot study of over 100 nurture groups and linking the effective components of nurture group provision to other evidence-based psychosocial interventions. This keynote will focus on what we can learn from research to inform current practice. Edurné will share the results of NGN research into what elements make for a successful nurture group, what we can prove and where more needs to be done. Dr Vicky Booth Story, knowledge and power: using narrative psychology to shape the stories we tell about ourselves and each other Dr Vicky Booth is a senior practitioner educational psychologist for Wigan Council. Vicky was a teacher for five years before studying for a Masters degree in Educational Psychology at Manchester University, after which she took up a post as an assistant educational psychologist with Sheffield City Council. During this time she co-authored with Dr Martin Hughes a chapter on ‘Assessing Pupil Motivation for Change’, for Dr Eddie McNamara’s Motivational Interviewing (2009). Her doctoral thesis explored the narratives of a young person who was an asylum seeker. The concept of narrative; the stories we tell about ourselves and each other has continued to fascinate Vicky since then, and her current work involves the application of narrative psychology along with other psychological approaches which emphasise and utilise people’s inherent strengths and resources. Vicky works with a group of 14 schools, including mainstream primary and secondary schools, and specialist schools for children with social, emotional and mental health needs. She is a lead psychologist responsible for co-ordinating early years psychological work in Wigan Alongside casework, Vicky delivers training within a range of schools and other settings. As a speaker and trainer, Vicky is known for her friendly and accessible style. She enjoys sharing practical ideas of how to apply psychology to support the development of young people. NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 7 Workshops Dr Tina Rae Building resilience Dr Tina Rae has over 30 years’ experience working with children, adults and families in both clinical and educational contexts within local authorities and specialist educational services. Tina specialises in social, emotional and behavioural disorders and difficulties. She is an academic and professional tutor for the Doctoral programme in Educational and Child Psychology at the University of East London. She has undertaken research in the areas of engagement and disaffection with learning in young people, debriefing following critical incidents, attachment disorders, emotional wellbeing and the psychological assessment of young offenders. Tina is also a prolific author and has written extensively on topics such as wellbeing, attachment, emotional literacy, behavioural problems, anger and stress management, critical incidents, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, solution focused grief therapy, loss and bereavement in young people, youth offending and social skills development and more recently, building resilience. You may attend two out of the five workshops Maria Coyle Bereavement and loss – how to help children through the trauma Maria Coyle has taught in primary schools for more than 30 years. She has been a SENCO and gained a number of qualifications in special educational needs within the mainstream setting including The Nurture Group Network accreditation. She has been part of Wigan council/authority support team since January 2000 assigned to working with schools, families and other agencies to support children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The role includes providing training for the whole school community plus other groups and thus she worked with Suzanne Taylor to develop presentations on bereavement, separation and loss. This workshop aims to show the impact of bereavement on children and how adults can help them through the trauma. One before lunch and one after. All five workshops will include strategies to suit all ages Gail McManus and Maureen Rose Relax to Learn Gail McManus is a behaviour practitioner with more than 20 years experience. Gail set up a successful nurture room in one of the most deprived areas in Wigan and has worked at the Targeted Education Support Service for eight years supporting/training staff in mainstream schools. Much of this work is done through the nurture room. Maureen Rose is also a behaviour practitioner with more than 20 years experience in a primary and secondary setting. This workshop will focus on the Relax to Learn programme, developed by Gail, Maureen and Yvonne Monaghan, which is a six week programme containing useful resources and lesson plans to encourage children to relax and focus. NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 8 A Nurture Group Network Conference Jill Piotrowski Maths in the nurture room Jill was a teacher in both mainstream and special schools for over 25 years before joining Wigan Local Authority as part of the Targeted Education Support Service in 2006. Her role involves supporting schools, pupils and families to overcome barriers to learning and ensure vulnerable pupils reach their potential. As a Maths Recovery Consultant, Jill has trained in this research based intervention programme across the UK and internationally as well as providing training for Wigan schools over many years. She is also on the Executive Committee for the Maths Recovery Council of UK and Ireland. This workshop will provide delegates with strategies on how to include maths in the nurture room. Dr Tina Rae Mindfulness in the nurture context Mindfulness is an approach that aims to further develop children’s life skills by helping them to selfregulate and self-calm, pay attention to themselves and the world they live in and to effectively reflect on their actions and relationships. The key aims of mindfulness are to develop: • Attention – awareness of emotions, thoughts, feelings and greater concentration • Balance – time for you, time for family and friends, time for school and studying • Compassion – self-acceptance, non-judgemental This approach can be used with all adults and children to increase self-awareness and support in managing daily life as well as stressful events. Mindfulness can help to support attention, social relationships, anxiety, memory, self-management, self-understanding and relaxation. This workshop will introduce mindfulness and also present practitioners with some resources and activities taken from the new 60 Mindful Minutes programme written by Tina Rae for The Nurture Group Network. Wendy Roden The Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award Wendy has a long career in teaching and in developing and supporting nurture groups. She joined the Nurture Group Network Board of Management in 2010, stepping down when she was appointed Training Officer in 2012. The Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award involves assessing the work of a nurture group against a set of quality standards. These standards are derived from the six principles of nurture groups and their clearly defined operational characteristics. These principles and characteristics have been distilled and refined over a number of years by those people most directly concerned with the growth of the nurture group model including the originator, Marjorie Boxall. This workshop will be of value to those who are thinking of applying for the Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award. The six principles of nurture groups will be considered against the standards with examples of how this can translate into practice. NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 1 applications to Gillian McAveety, Nurture Group Network, Booking All18A Victoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PB T: 020 3475 8980 Email: [email protected] Form CLOSING DATE FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER Please return this form with payment or visit our website to pay with a credit or debit card. Nurture groups - why they matter A Nurture Group Network Conference Thursday 16 October Holiday Inn City Centre, Lime Street, Liverpool L1 1NQ Cost £95 plus VAT (£114.00) Please choose two workshops you would like to attend by ticking appropriate boxes AM PM Bereavement and loss – how to help children through the trauma Relax to Learn Maths in the nurture room Mindfulness in the nurture context The Marjorie Boxall Quality Mark Award Cheque made payable to The Nurture Group Network Limited £ 18A Victoria Park Square, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PB Address for invoicing Postcode Tel Email Purchase order number Name of 1 delegate/s Please print 3 2 4 School/organisation Telephone/email Special requirements (please give any special requirements including dietary) Registered England and Wales, charity number: 1115972. Scottish registered charity number: SC042703 NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 2 Conference programme A Nurture Group Network Conference Nurture groups - why they matter Thursday 16 October Holiday Inn City Centre, Lime Street, Liverpool L1 1NQ 08:30 – 09:30 Registration 09:30 – 09:40 Kevin Kibble Welcome 09:40 – 09:50 Yvonne Monaghan Welcome 09:50 – 10:40 Edurné Scott-Loinaz Lessons learnt 10:40 – 11:30 Dr Vicky Booth Story, knowledge and power 11:30 – 11:50 Break 11:50 – 12:50 Choose 1 of 5 workshops 12:50 – 13:50 Lunch 13:50 – 14:50 Choose 1 of 5 workshops 14:50 – 15:10 Break 15:10 – 16:00 Dr Tina Rae Building resilience NGN-liverpool-2014-08_Layout 1 08/09/2014 07:59 Page 3 The venue Holiday Inn City Centre, Lime Street, Liverpool L1 1NQ Old Ha ym ark Wh ite eor ge’s P St lace Lime Street Skelhorn e Street ll Hi ra s Co pp e t rS Tyr e Tarleto n St Basnet t St t William son St et Russell Stre 39 B53 k Bo ld Bo ld St re e St re e t eet Str Para dise S Liverpool Central Ba c w sha Ren t Pleasant St t By car Accessible by M58, M57 & M62 motorway network. Follow signs towards Liverpool City Centre. As you approach the City follow route to Lime Street Train Station & St Johns Shopping Centre. Hotel is located opposite Lime Street Station and next to St Johns Shopping Centre. Using Sat Nav, enter Skelhorne Street (L3) as your access route. Holiday Inn & parking is opposite the end of Skelhorne Street. By train Holiday Inn Liverpool City Centre is located directly opposite the front of Lime Street Train Station. By air Flights into John Lennon (Liverpool) Airport. Transportation to the Holiday Inn can be made by bus (#500) or taxi. Mo unt Pl eas ant reet Clarence St t e tre Lord Str ee S rth wo ns 8 03 A5 t e tre S iot Ell Ai 8 03 A5 Houghto Street n t tree re S Hilb et tre nS lto Bo reet e St Lim pel on S t St G t eS Ro Williamson Square Whit echa Nels t tree Hood Lord t re S mo 9 03 A5 St ter Pe St t ee Str d as an om erl t Th mb ee Sir Cu Str ch ap el et tS Har t ree t St Har Queens Park Sey 7 A5 London Road A41 Lime Stre et 1 A4 A27
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