MARI VIIARD graphic design student PORTFOLIO 2010/ 2012 Education 2010-2014 Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu University of Applied sciences Bachelor of Graphic Design 2007-2010 Suupohjan Ammatti-instituutti (Vocational Institute) Media-assistant Training 2006-2007 Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutuyhtymä (Vocational Institute) Restaurant chef I studied only one of three years, because I realized that I am more interested of art and media than cooking. But I still enjoy cooking very much. 2010 May. Itive Oy, Digital creative agency, Finland I made inquiries to find out digital media usage and knowledge in specific area (Suupohja region). 2009 January-February. Farsunds Avis, Norway I was assistant in ad department, I made new advertisement for new clients and newspaper. 2008 October-November. Valge Karu, Advertisement Company, Estonia Assistant Interests I also have earlier work experience in customer service as a waitress. world design capital 2012 tiedä mitä teet mieti mitä menetät NOUDATA työturvallisuus- OHJEITA Fazer Makeiset Lappeenrannan tehdas Työturvallisuuskampanja 2012 mic f reedom T e EP EN al eco no wind ad ve n t u r IND G YOU the s jus t fe eli n g feel END MARY POPPINS GRAPHIC DESIGNER [email protected] +358 123 456 77 Sunny street 6B6 45100 Wonderland grap hic de si gne r MA RY MARY POPPINS m a r y p op p in s @ mai l. co m +358 123 456 7 7 S u n ny s t 6B 6 45100 Won d e r l an d MARY POPPINS graphic designer [email protected] +358 123 456 77 Sunny street 6B6 45100 Wonderland helsing in ta ide ha lli 23.10.2 : 16 KLO 010 00 RD E XHIBITION VIIA RI MA HELSINGIN TAIDEHALLI MARI VIIARD EXHIBITION 23.10.2010 klo 16:00
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