October 19, 2014 19th Sunday after Pentecost Liturgical Color: Green 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Worship Rejoice, the Lord Is King Prelude Boeringer Procession of Cross and Light The cross symbolizes Christ crucified and risen and the light symbolizes the presence of God. Jesus, Stand Among Us Finlay *Greeting The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it! From the east to the west, from the north to the south, God’s Spirit moves across the face of the earth. From the east to the west, from the north to the south, we gather together, united by God’s Spirit, to celebrate God’s glory and proclaim His praise! Let’s worship God together! O Worship the King *Hymn 73 Organ Interlude Pastoral Prayer Choral Prayer Response Hear Our Prayer, O Lord Children’s Music (11:00) Come, Come Everybody Worship Matheny Children’s Choir Behold What Manner The Most Important Thing Children’s Sermon Rev. Wolfe The Receiving of God’s Tithes and Our Offering Take My Life, and Let It Be Offertory Havergal Marie Lewis *Doxology Page 95 *Sharing of the Peace Seek Ye First *Hymn 405 Anthem (11:00) Praise To The Lord, The Almighty Hopson Scripture Lesson Matthew 19:16-22 NT 21 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. One Thing Sermon Rev. Ulmer Take My Life, and Let It Be *Hymn 399 *Benediction *Choral Benediction (11:00) *Postlude Father, Give Thy Benediction Lead On, O King Eternal Laudi Spirituali Broughton *The congregation stands For those needing assistance we have hearing devices. Please see an usher to obtain one. A nursery is available for children ages 4 and under. The flowers are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of our parents by Sandra and Jack Baggette. The Rose is given in honor of Emma Grace Floyd born October 14, 2014. She is the daughter of Sara and Jody Floyd and the granddaughter of Pam and Chip Floyd. Special gifts were received for the memorial fund in memory of Joyce Golden by Kay Crosby. Let us prepare our hearts and minds for worship. *Call to Worship (11:00) Welcome to Carteret Street United Methodist Church. Visitors and members are encouraged to record your presence on the attached form. Special gifts were received for the West Street fund in memory of Brian Bundy by Elliott W. Bishop. OUR STEWARDSHIP I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my service and my witness. OUR PRAYERS As the bulletin was prepared: Beaufort Memorial Irby Bazemore, Carson Rembert Home Clyde Ash, Chuck Chapman, Ruth Dickinson, Susan Hums, Velma Kelley, Bill MacKinnon, Bert Mumma, Tim Pearce, Hazel Stanley, Oili Thompson Bay View Jim Neighbors Franke at Seaside Floyd Hill Helena House Essie Bishop Morningside Art Foulger, Joanne Hosek, Dorothy Schafer Summit Place Claudia Hoffmeyer The Bloom at Belfair Lillian Erlandsen Methodist Oaks Martha Smith Anderson Oaks Barbara Shepherd OUR PRESENCE Sunday School 86 Worship 250 OUR GIFTS Needed Each Week $ 11,730.76 Received Last Sunday $ 10,356.55 Budget Needs Y-T-D $480,601.16 Received Y-T-D $452,166.48 OUR SERVICE Ushers 9am Merle and Dick Hoagland, Gerry Crawford, Charles Lawson 11am Fred Allan, Ben Hill, Bill Anderson, George Lawrence Greeters 9am Mary and Lionel Cabaniss 11am Margey and Terry Pfeiffer Acolytes 9am Shelby Hooper 11am Ellie and Katie Ashmore Crucifer 9am Phillip Hooper 11am Phebe Martin Nursery 10/19 Ellen Fabian 10/26 Gail and Dick Clarke Fellowship 10/19 Church Staff 10/26 Trinity Class UMVIM Trip Would you like to be part of a mission team going to build homes with the Ngobe Indian Tribe of Cienaguita, Panama? We will be going for two weeks, leaving on or about January 19, 2015 with a second team (we’re hoping to have enough people for two teams) leaving about February 3, 2015. There will be cots to sleep on, a cook to prepare our meals and running water. As well as building homes, we will be hosting a Vacation Bible School program for the children of the village and have a craft and devotions program for the mothers. Contact Joan Suda at 838-2872 for additional information. Operation Christmas Child Shopping Ideas Carteret Street UMC will continue its ministry to children around the world through Operation Christmas Child. It is time to start shopping for your shoe boxes. We need: large tubes of toothpaste, also children’s toys, such as yo yo's, playing cards, jump ropes, coloring books, marbles, flashlights, stuffed animals, dolls, toy trucks and cars, kazoos, harmonicas, balls, hair clips or ball caps. Please remember no liquids, chocolate or war related clothing or toys. If you would rather make a contribution, please make your check out to CSUMC and designate Shoe Box Ministry. Include a letter in your shoebox to a child and you may get a letter back! We will be packing shoeboxes on November 15th from 8am - 3pm in the church Fellowship Hall. Any questions please call Suzi Jones 843-592-0738 or 843-525-9621. UMM Annual Shrimp Dinner Thursday, November 6, 2014 Lunch 11:00 - 1:00 ~ Dinner 5:00 - 7:00 Certified Wild American Shrimp ~ Baked Beans ~ Cole Slaw ~ Roll ~ Brownie ~ Tea Adults $10.00 ~ Children Under 12 $5.00 October 22, 2014 Wednesday Niter Dinner Registration 5:30 - 6:00pm Menu: Baked Chicken, Rice and Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Rolls and Dessert Name__________________________ Adults_________Children__________ Check for Permanent Reservation Prayer Concerns _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Information for the Ministers _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Items for The Carteret Connection _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ I will write a devotion for this year’s Advent Devotional Booklet Name _________________________ Trunk or Treat - Trunk Decorating Name _____________________ A Stephen Ministries Church Carteret Street United Methodist Church Welcomes You Visitors Name__________________________ Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please circle all that apply: First time visitor Repeat visitor New to area Visiting with family/friends Would like more information about CSUMC Interested in Sunday School Would like a call from minister Would like to join CSUMC Add to mailing list Add to email list Members Name__________________________ Please let us know of address, phone or email changes. Address________________________ City/State_______________________ Zip____________________________ Phone (home)___________________ Phone (cell)_____________________ E-mail _________________________ Please complete both sides, detach and place in offering plate. THIS WEEK AT CARTERET STREET Sunday, October 19 9:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 2 - 4pm Girl Scouts 4:30pm Girl Scouts 4:30pm Children’s Choir 6:00pm UMYF Monday, October 20 1:00pm Carillon Choir 6:00pm Tai Chi 6:00pm Trustees 7:00pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, October 21 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 11:30am Susanna Wesley 2:00pm Hope McLeod Foster 5:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday, October 22 10:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Wednesday Niter 7:00pm Chancel Choir Thursday, October 23 8:00am Carteret Street Striders 4 - 6pm Girl Scouts 4:30pm Sandwich Ministry Carteret Street United Methodist Church Looking Ahead A Trip to the Holy Land February 10 - February 20, 2015 Briefing meeting for those going on the trip will be October 30th at 12noon in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch provided. Church Wide Retreat Santee State Park March 20 - 22, 2015 HELP of Beaufort Food Pantry On the first Sunday of every month, please bring peanut butter & jelly. Other pantry items needed during the month are boxed dry cereal, boxed macaroni & cheese, canned meats, soups & vegetables, flour, grits, rice, mayonnaise & sugar. Advent Devotional Booklet Five devotions are still needed. It should include a brief meditation, prayer, and scripture with a 325 word maximum, patterned after The Upper Room. For details call the church office, 524-3841. Please sign up on the attached form. Please submit devotions to the office as soon as possible. Pumpkin Patch The Patch will be open Monday - Saturday, 10am - 7pm and Sunday, 12noon - 6pm. Volunteers are needed to work the Patch each day. Sign up sheets are in the Fellowship Hall. The money raised is used for youth ministries. If you would like to be a storyteller for our story time groups call Andrew or Ellen at the church office. All Saints Sunday All Saints Sunday will be celebrated at both worship services on Sunday, November 2, 2014. This is a time of remembrance for those who have died in the Lord. When you enter the church, there will be bells available for you to pin on the banner in remembrance of those you have loved and lost through the years. Also candles will be lit in memory of church and family members who have died since last All Saints Sunday. Thank You ~ Thank You ~ Thank You My thanks to everyone who donated their time, possessions, or money to help make this year’s Fall Bazaar a success! It would be impossible to list everyone, but you know who you are, and I thank you! Your hard work made it possible to help many of our neighbors who are less fortunate! Perry DuRant, 2014 Bazaar Chairman Building Our Ministry “BUY” The Square Foot Remaining Debt as of 06/01/2014 $96,976.52 Received To Date $22,954.51 Property 9000 square feet Cost per square foot $11 Make your check out to CSUMC and designate West Street Fund. Carteret Street United Methodist Church 408 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 843-524-3841 www.carteretstumc.org - [email protected] Church Staff KAY T. CROSBY, Choir Director CYNTHIA CHAPMAN, Organist ELLEN FABIAN, Secretary KENT EASTY, Business Manager TINA ASHMORE, Nursery Supervisor JOHN PERRY, Custodian KAREN WILSON, Coordinator of Food Ministries ANDREW WOLFE, Pastor BEN B. BARNES, Pastor Emeritus SUSAN ULMER, Pastor 5:30pm 6:15pm Wednesday Niter, October 22nd Dinner—Baked Chicken, Rice & Gravy, Green Beans, Salad, Rolls and Dessert The cost for the meal is $5 for adults, $3 for age 12 and under, families not to exceed $15. If you would like to be added to the permanent reservation list for 2014-2015, please indicate as such on the attached form. Fellowship Around the Tables Carteret Street United Methodist Women On October 24 and 25, 2014, Carteret Street United Methodist Women along with other UMW units in the Walterboro District will host the 42nd Annual meeting of United Methodist Women for the state of South Carolina. This year’s theme is “And What Does the Lord Require of You?” If anyone has questions about the South Carolina Conference United Methodist Women or would like to help in any way please call Gayle Holliday, President Carteret Street United Methodist Women at 843-525-1362 or Mary Cabaniss, President, Walterboro District United Methodist Women at 843-525-1822. Tuesday Afternoon at the Movies Join us on Tuesday, October 28 at 2:00 pm in the Wesley Building for the movie The Butler. The film captures the story of Lee Daniels, White House butler, who served eight American presidents over three decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept American society during this time, from the civil rights movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes affected this man's life and family. Forest Whitaker stars as the butler with Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower, John Cusack as Richard Nixon, Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan, James Marsden as John F. Kennedy and Liev Schreiber as Lyndon B. Johnson. Trunk or Treat Children are invited to come “trunk or treat” on Wednesday, October 29th from 6:15 - 7:15pm. Wear your favorite Halloween costume and enjoy the festively decorated trunks filled with yummy treats. Trunks Needed! Please sign up on the attached form if you would like to decorate your trunk. Family Affair Activity Families with children 5th grade and under are invited to join us on November 1 at 6:00pm at the Ackerman Farm, 80 Summer House Lane, Seabrook for a hayride and cookout. Please bring a side dish to share. If you would like to come call the church office to register.
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