oktoberfest opens in mgm macau tracy and wynn among top 100 ceos Until October 25, visitors can toast with German beer, experience Bavarian cuisine and enjoy live music at the local resort P2 P5 2nd us health care worker tests positive for ebola A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease P13 THU. 16 Oct 2014 T. 23º/ 29º C H. 55/ 85% N.º 2171 Blackberry email service powered by CTM MOP 5.00 HKD 7.50 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS Top legal officials vow for judicial system reforms P3 OPENING OF THE LEGAL YEAR AP PHOTO CHINA Organizers say concern about the spread of the Ebola virus is expected to impact attendance at China’s largest international trade fair, which kicked off yesterday. Spokesman for the Canton Fair Liu Jianjun was quoted in Chinese newspapers as saying he expects to see a fall in the number of foreign buyers, especially those from African countries. About 500,000 buyers and exhibitors usually attend the biannual event in the southern city of Guangzhou, including about 15,000 from Africa. While no restrictions have been placed on visitors from Ebola-hit countries, they will be closely monitored, yesterday’s China Daily newspaper quoted Liu as saying. CHINA Media say a rare Siberian tiger released into the wild by Russian President Vladimir Putin has attacked a henhouse in northeastern China, raising concerns that farmers may hunt it down. The official Xinhua News Agency says the animal known as Kuzya was believed to have eaten five chickens in a raid on a farm in Heilongjiang province’s Luobei county over recent days. More on backpage 7 days to go Hong Kong police attack on activist sparks anger P10,11 P20 OPINION 2 MACAU João Pedro Lau 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 澳聞 GAMING G RANT Bowie predicts that Macau’s gaming revenue in October will continue to head south. Nevertheless, he has expressed his confidence in the city and suggested that there are benefits brought by the recent changes in the market. “The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ), the official recorder of the revenue, will obviously give us an indication of the [city’s gaming revenue]. But I think everyone’s starting to get an indication that the trend of the last three of four months is that the market has contracted somewhat and is probably going to be down for October”, he said. Nevertheless, he was confident that there would be a revamp, though he did not indicate when that will happen. “I think we all need to walk through what is a significant transformation of China. But I am confident that we will come out of this. We will rebound and be stronger and diversified as a result of the changes and the consolidation we’re going through at the moment”, he stated. The MGM CEO said that the fall in gaming revenue has prompted some investors to reevaluate Macau. However, Bowie predicts continued drop in October revenue figures he reiterated his confidence in the city and its future. “Any change to a market always has implications to the financial investors. And I think they’re going through a reassessment of how they see Macau. I am very confident on Macau and we are very solid”, he said. Mr Bowie also observed that there has been a change in visitor patterns from China, with tourists spread out more evenly throughout the year, which he thinks is beneficial for the territory. “Clearly, the Chinese policy is designed to take some heat out of the market. I think we’re starting to see that we’re getting more balanced visitation to Macau. We’re also starting to see the […] diversification, with more families and young people coming to Macau”, he said. The CEO also commented on the recent protests in Hong Kong. While he claimed to Grant Bowie be fully understanding of the protestors in the neighboring SAR, who he described as “very passionate about their views”, he said that people need to remember that expressing views Oktoberfest opens in MGM Macau I T’S the time of year when kegs are opened and everybody enjoys their beer and sausage as part of Oktoberfest 2014. The event, hosted by MGM Macau, began yesterday afternoon. Until October 25, participants will be able to experience authentic Bavarian cuisine and live German music at the local resort. In his welcoming speech, the CEO and executive director of MGM China, Grant Bowie, expressed his gratitude to the German Consulate-General for Hong Kong as well as to the event partners and sponsors. “In the sixth year of MGM Oktoberfest, we continue to offer a unique MGM entertainment experience. We’re passionate about Oktoberfest and are proud to be hosting this annual city-wide event again, and it’s captivating to see its growing popularity year by year”, he said. On the sidelines of the occasion, Mr Bowie said that Oktoberfest is a key event for MGM. “I think it’s a celebration [that] we’ve come to [appreciate at] the end of summer. And www.macaudailytimes.com.mo MDT’s Website has logged over 81 million page views since January 1st, 2012 up to today. Thank You! Like us? facebook.com/mdtimes it’s one of the special times of the year we can all enjoy being outside. Therefore, this is really our contribution to the culture and also to the social fabric of Macau”, he said. When asked about his passion for beer, the CEO said that, being a New Zealander, he “must be a beer fan”. The Times spoke to Mr Kuok who went to yesterday’s opening with his colleagues. This is the second time he has participated in Oktoberfest at MGM. He thinks that this is a special and successful event because it has brought the elements of German culture to Macau. He also appreciates the atmosphere. Having had two glasses of beer yesterday, Mr Kuok said that he will go to the beerfest again later with his friends, who have been trying to reserve a place at the event for more than half a month. JPL should not impact the economy or the enjoyment of other people’s lives. IACM to study Chinese white dolphins T HE Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) is preparing a research project on Chinese white dolphins in Macau’s waters with experts from the National Sun Yat-sen University. The bureau said that they have noticed cases of Chinese white dolphins and finless porpoise becoming stranded on beaches of Coloane. As a result, IACM wants to understand more about the ecological conditions of Macau’s water. Six IACM officials, accompanied by scholars from the National Sun Yat-sen University College of Marine Sciences sailed to the water near Macau on September 23 to observe dolphin activities in the area. They found four groups of dolphins during their trip, with a total of around 70 Chinese white dolphins spotted. According to the data collected by the College of Marine Sciences, there are currently 1,500 Chinese white dolphins living at the mouth of the Pearl River. A preliminary investigation conducted by the college between 2011 and 2014 also showed that the areas in the Macau waters where the activities of dolphins are observed are mainly at the east and south of the Macau International Airport. There are also a few records of Chinese white dolphin activities in the south of Coloane and west of the Friendship Bridge. Chinese white dolphins at the southern coast of China are facing various threats, including water pollution, vessel collision and loss of habitat. DIRECTOR AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela CHINA & FOREIGN EDITOR_Vanessa Moore [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR_João Jorge Magalhães [email protected] | NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, António Espadinha Soares, Catarina Pinto, Cyril Law, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Irene Sam, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Philips, João Pedro Lau, Joseph Cheung, Juliet Risdon, Keith Ip, Renato Marques (photographer), Richard Whitfield, Robert Carroll (Hong Kong correspondent), Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Ruan Du Toit Bester, Sandra Norte (designer), Sum Choi, Viviana Seguí | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MacauHR, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Lusa News Agency, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Advertisement [email protected] For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo ISSN 2305-4271 thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 澳聞 Top legal officials vow for judicial system reforms Catarina Pinto M ACAU’S top legal officials have vowed for changes to the territory’s judicial system in yesterday’s ceremony to mark the commencement of the 2014/2015 Legal Year. The President of the Court of Final Instance (TUI), Mr Sam Hou Fai, pledged legal reforms that would maintain Macau’s political identity and its current legal framework, which is based in Portuguese law. In his speech, Sam Hou Fai recognized that there is a need to develop Macau’s legal framework based on the constant and rapid changes that society and the local economy are experiencing. He added that this matter has caught the attention of both legal professionals and society in general, since there is a need to perfect Macau’s legal framework to meet social development demands. TUI’s president recognized that the Portuguese legal framework diverges in terms of moral ethics, values, and cultural heritage from Macau, a region “from the East” with its own ancient culture and history. He went further to suggest that some of Macau’s criminal penalties are “more benevolent” than those found in other Asia-Pacific regions. Sam Hou Fai recalled that if changes to current criminal penalties are to occur, there is a need to conduct an in-depth assessment, since this would affect the whole penalty system. “Many personalities, even lawmakers, have called for a reform of the legal services’ management system. However, after conducting an indepth analysis, we have decided to maintain the then current framework. Today, with an increase in the number of judges, the situation has improved,” he said, referring to the extensive wait period sometimes experienced for a legal process to unfold. “When undertaking judicial reform, we need to take into consideration not only the identity of [society’s] inherent values and the reasoning behind our legal system, but also the continuity, systematization and the steadiness of legal policies,” he said. Sam Hou Fai stressed that “there is a need to study the real reason why citizens feel unsatisfied with how the law is being enforced.” MACAU 3 ding that although the number of cases handled by the courts has risen, it did not affect the ability of cases to be effectively resolved. However, the president of the Macau Lawyers Association (AAM), Jorge Neto Valente, criticized precisely the slowness of legal services, since there’s still a lack of human resources while cases handled by courts keep on rising. “Without any effective change, the current year will not change ‘the state of things.’ This means that under pressure caused by a higher number of cases, which are With an increase in the number of judges, the situation has improved SAM HOU FAI Sam Hou Fai TUI’s president recalled that there must be an introduction of timely amendments to the law and the legal regimes when needed. Reviewing the previous legal year, Sam Hou Fai also revealed some of the latest figures on legal actions handled by Macau’s courthouses. A total of 19,535 cases were filed within the three courts – a number above that recorded in the year before (17,323). The Court of Final Appeal saw an increase of more than 50 cases handled when compared to the previous year. Cases filed within the Court of First Instance and the Court of Second Instance have also risen. The number of criminal proceedings, he said, recorded “a great increase” in recent years, as opposed to civil proceedings, for which figures remain steady. Criminal proceedings handled by the Court of First Instance (TJB) increased by 16 percent. The majority of criminal proceedings include crimes linked to gambling and other related activities. Drug trafficking, as well as trans-regional crimes, or offenses committed by foreigners, also continued to rise. Sam Hou Fai stressed that the effectiveness of trials has improved significantly, ad- Prosecutor General says legal reform is ‘an unavoidable issue’ P ROSECUTOR General Ho Chio Meng has said that legal reform “is an unavoidable issue.” He believes that Macau can only prosper and reach a long-term stability if legal reform is undertaken. Also delivering a speech in yesterday’s ceremony to mark the commencement of the 2014/2015 Legal Year, Ho Chio Meng recognized that the development of Macau’s legal system has failed to keep up with social and economic changes. Ho Chio Meng took the opportunity to review last year’s figures on cases handled by the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), stating that legal officials at the MP are now feeling quite tired. “The MP staff faced great challenges and pressure at work,” he recalled. The MP handled a total of 13,697 cases in the previous year. They completed a total of 12,329 processes, and prosecuted 3,207 cases, which is an increase of 16 percent when compared to the year before. Theft and robbery, as well as crimes related to illegal gambling and loan-sharking remained top of the list of most committed offenses. Among prosecuted cases are mainly drug related crimes and simple offenses to physical integrity. The Prosecutor General called on the government to work on the continuous training of MP legal officers. He added that both junior and senior officers need further training. “Currently, we have few staff with a lot of cases [to handle]. Proceedings are too complex. We [have been] tired while handling these cases and we don’t have time for anything else (…) MSAR’s government should create favorable conditions for legal officers to develop their skills through effective training,” he stated. distributed by an insufficient number of legal officials, [the pace of] justice is due to remain slow, and probably, [providing] poorer quality,” he stated. Mr Neto Valente recognized that it is ever harder to balance urgency for certain court decisions with the need among legal officials for careful consideration, especially given that some cases entail complex matters. “Showing an increasing lack of respect for courthouses, there are certain sectors publicly discussing and openly criticizing [court] decisions, especially through the media, attempting to influence courts,” he said. Asked to elaborate on this statement when speaking to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s ceremony, the AAM president said that there are association leaders’ who change from one association to the other, whenever it is most convenient for them to convey certain ideas. Recalling that Macau’s legal system has failed to keep up with social and economic development, Neto Valente suggested that an in-depth reform of the Law on Judicial Organization is crucial to solving this matter. “The reform that was long needed, now it is indispensable and imperative,” he stressed. Chief Executive Chui Sai On said yesterday that the government will continue to support courts and legal services in improving their facilities, equipment, as well as in reinforcing the training of legal officers and development of human resources. 4 ADVERTISEMENT 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 廣告 thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 澳聞 MACAU 5 C HIEF Executive Officers Edward Tracy, from Sands China Ltd., and Steve Wynn of Wynn Resorts Ltd. are among the top 100 best-performing CEOs in the world – according to a list compiled by Harvard Business Review. Edward Tracy first served as the president and chief operating officer of Sands China from July 2010 to July 2011, having been appointed the company’s CEO on July 27, 2011. Mr Tracy has over 20 years of hands-on management and development experience in the gaming and hospitality industries. He served as chairman and CEO of Capital Gaming, a multi-jurisdictional manager and developer of regional casinos. He also served as CEO for famous businessman Donald Trump, at Trump Organization. Prior to that, Edward Tracy served as vice president and general manager of the Sands Hotel and Casino in San Juan, Puerto Rico, according to Reuters. He began his career in the hotel industry during his five-year tenure (1978-1982) following the inception of Hotel Investors Trust, serving in several executive hotel management positions. Edward Tracy arrived in Macau back in 2010, and his accomplishments are quite impressive for someone who had little prior experience in the China market. This was proven last year when he appeared in Inside Asian Gaming Magazine’s article on the top ten most influential personalities in the gaming industry across Asia. The publication sees him as “the pilot in the engine room of the Las Vegas Sands money machine.” The magazine also highlighted his strategy for attracting a number of Hollywood stars to the city, and for bringing seve- Steve Wynn Edward Tracy Edward Tracy and Steve Wynn among best performing CEOs The Harvard Business Review annual ranking looks at over 3,000 CEOs across the globe ral pop star shows and boxing matches to The Venetian Macao. American casino magnate Stephen A. Wynn is the chairman of the board and CEO of Wynn Resorts Ltd. He is also chairman and CEO of local casino operator Wynn Macau Ltd, a majority owned subsidiary of the company. He made a significant profit revitalizing the Las Vegas Strip, Forbes wrote, and owns four properties in Nevada and Macau. Wynn developed the famous Mirage and Bellagio as well as Wynn Las Vegas, and later his property in Macau. Wynn Palace will be his first property on the Cotai Strip. The USD4 billion resort project will be reminiscent of the Las Vegas Bellagio, the CEO revealed last year. In a statement, Wynn Resorts recalled that “this prestigious recognition is based on quantitative data, while evaluating which CEOs delivered the most concrete results during their tenure.” The Harvard Business Review annual ranking looks at over 3,000 CEOs across the globe. Three metrics are incorporated in this analysis, namely industry-adjusted shareholder returns, country-adjusted shareholder returns and increase in market capitalization. CEO of Amazon, Mr Jeffrey Bezos, was ranked 1st best-performing CEO, followed by John Martin, from Gilead Sciences, and John Chambers from Cisco Systems. Mr Steve Wynn was ranked 17th top performing CEO this year, and Mr Edward Tracy ranked 96th. CP Sands China stocks rise, company praises diversification strategy H ONG Kong stocks rose yesterday, as property companies and casino operators lead the advance. Declines in Macau’s gaming revenue for the past four months didn’t stop Sands China Ltd. from rising 2.2 percent to place gains among Macau gaming shares. A source from the industry told the Times that “while most gaming analysts and operators focus on temporary gains or losses in the casino market’s share of revenue, Sands China leads the industry consistently in non-gaming diversifi- cation and revenues, including Entertainment, Events, Hotel, Food & Beverage, MICE and Retail.” Sands China’s strategy consists of elevating Macau’s profile as a travel and leisure destination through high-profile entertainment events that have been broadcast to over a billion viewers globally, the majority of these viewers being based in China. “At a time when the industry is struggling to understand changes in the market, Sands China keeps a ‘steady hand on the wheel’, focusing on the rising middle class by developing high quality, affordable hotel rooms, spectacular events and diverse retail experiences,” the source revealed, stressing also that “creating ‘memorable experiences’ is a key component in Sands’ strategy to drive ongoing visitation to Macau and Sands China’s four properties. In the process, Sands China’s hotel brands and team members “have won more quality service and sustainability awards than any other operator.” Sands China had the highest market share in Q3, but when asked about the significance of market share of revenue, the company’s CEO Edward Tracy was quoted as saying, “Market share of revenue is only one figure we look at. Market share of EBITDA is the best indicator of overall efficiency of the operations and the key to shareholder value.” Sands China has consistently delivered over 30% of the entire market’s EBITDA, as noted by Union Gaming’s Grant Govertsen in a recent interview about market shares. The “Thai Fight World Battle” was one of the many events held recently at The Venetian’s Cotai Arena 6 ADVERTISEMENT 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 廣告 thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 澳聞 Heritage Committee concerned with LRT impact on Praia Grande João Pedro Lau I N the latest plenary meeting of the Cultural Heritage Committee (CPC), members have voiced their concerns regarding the Light Rapid Transit (LRT)’s impact on the view of the area in the Praia Grande district facing the Government Headquarters. They have also expressed their support for the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) to initiate the evaluation procedure in order to preserve a partly demolished building on Rua da Barca. In a press conference yesterday, IC’s president Ung Vai Meng revealed that the officials from the Transportation Infrastructure Office (GIT) have introduced the improved draft of the design for the LRT stations at Praia Grande and Sai Van Lake to members. He said that some of them were especially concerned with the Praia Grande station because of its relatively close proximity to the Government Headquarters. They were also worried that the station may have an impact on the landscape of the area. Members have suggested that IC’s president, Ung Vai Meng the authorities should consider overall planning of the LRT facilities and the lakeside area opposite the Government Headquarters. They also advised the authorities to improve the environment of that area in different stages, which was agreed by the officials from the urban planning department at the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau. Moreover, CPC members have drawn attention to the building on Rua da Barca that was partly demolished at the end of last year before halting due to public concern. Ung Vai Meng said that the general consensus among the members is that they will support the IC’s decision to evaluate the building in accordance with article 19 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Law and to determine if it should be included in the cultural heritage list. Although the top two stories of the building have been demolished, Ung Vai Meng said that his colleagues believe it can be repaired at this stage from a technical perspective. He also does not believe that the appeal launched by the building’s developer is in conflict with the launching of the evaluation procedure. The IC president reiterated that the law has already provided guidelines on how best to compensate the owners of cultural heritagelisted buildings. Architect Carlos Marreiros, the CPC member responsible for external communication, attended yesterday’s press conference. He said that although the building in question is not within the Historic Centre, members still think that it has some special characteristics unique to 1960s architecture in Macau. Since this is the first time such an evaluation procedure has been launched, some CPC members have given a positive response to the action. Furthermore, they think that, if it is preserved in the future, it is crucial for the building to be integrated into the nearby neighborhood. Mr Marreiros later suggested that there are only very few structures that have similar architectural characteristics to the said building on Rua da Barca. Therefore, he personally believes that it is worth preserving. When asked about the time frame, Ung Vai Meng said that the evaluation procedure would involve a significant workload and will likely to take some time. He said that the procedure will officially begin in the first quarter next year and will last for no longer than 12 months. The IC president also suggested that there are other buildings they found in this year during the bureau’s cultural heritage survey that are believed to have the potential to be included into the cultural heritage list. They will evaluate those structures alongside the Rua da Barca building. MACAU 7 Tourists pay more for goods and services The Tourist Price Index (TPI) for the third quarter of 2014 increased by 4.89 percent year-on-year to 135.14. The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) attributes the increase to higher charges for hotel accommodation and restaurant services, as well as higher prices of clothing and handbags. Notable increases were observed in the price index of the sections “Clothing & Footwear” (+8.85 pct), “Restaurant Services” (+7.97 pct), and “Accommodation” (+6.29 pct). On the contrary, price index of “Transport & Communications” decreased by 4.60% year-on-year. DSEC also revealed yesterday that TPI for the third quarter of 2014 increased by 1.21% quarterto-quarter, of which the price index of “Restaurant Services” and “Accommodation” rose by 3.46% and 3.29% respectively. The 2009/2010-based TPI reflects the price change of goods and services purchased by visitors. According to DSEC, sections of TPI goods and services are selected according to the consumption pattern of tourists. ad 8 BUSINESS 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 分析 China’s Alipay offers mobile wallet for US sites Facebook, Apple to offer egg freezing benefits Barbara Ortutay, Technology Writer, New York Mae Anderson, Technology Writer, New York C HINA’S half billion online shoppers will soon have an easier way to shop in the U.S. Alipay, the payments unit recently spun off from Chinese ecommerce powerhouse Alibaba, is launching a service for U.S. retailers called ePass. Alipay has already been working in beta mode with retailers such as luxury deal site Gilt.com, The Gap and H&M. “We want to demystify the Chinese consumer for U.S. retailers,” said Jingming Li, president and chief architect of Alipay, which has a U.S. base in Santa Clara, California, alongside its affiliate Alibaba. Alipay targets English-reading young professionals in the four biggest regions of China (it doesn’t offer a translation service). The move will let U.S. retai- lers tap into the estimated 500 million Chinese online shoppers who spent USD298 billion online in 2013. EPass will be available to any U.S. retailer interested in reaching the Chinese consumer, Li said in a press briefing. And it comes as the payment-services category is heating up with new offerings including Apple Pay, and eBay’s plan to split off its PayPal payments business next year. Cross-border shopping is growing. PayPal, which also offers cross-border payment services, estimates that by 2018, there will be 130 million cross-border shoppers spending over $300 billion globally. It is possible for a Chinese customer to make purchases on U.S. retail sites without ePass, but the process involves using an international credit card and typically brings mark-ups on Western products. EPass aims to ease the “fric- tion” of international purchases, Li said. Users of ePass will see an ePass payment option when they check out on a retailer’s site. Chinese shoppers pay in yuan using their Alipay account and Alipay transmits the payment to merchants in 14 currencies via 180 international financial institutions. Customs duties are calculated at checkout. Alibaba started Alipay in 2004 to facilitate payments on its web sites and spun off the unit in 2011 into a company controlled by Alibaba CEO Jack Ma. Because it was spun off, Alipay was not part of Alibaba’s mammoth $25 billion IPO in September, the largest ever. Alipay says ePass can provide retailers with payment processing services, as well as shipping logistics and marketing services as needed. Alipay will take a cut of each transaction but did not specify how much the percentage is. AP REE lunches, dry cleaning, massages — frozen eggs? Silicon Valley’s biggest companies have long offered cushy perks to attract top talent and keep workers happy logging scores of hours on the job. But beyond dayto-day luxuries, Facebook and Apple will now give up to USD20,000 in benefits to help employees pay for infertility treatments, sperm donors and even to freeze their eggs. The move comes amid stiff competition for skilled engineers, and as many of the biggest firms try to diversify their male-dominated ranks to include and appeal to more women. “Anything that gives women more control over the timing of fertility is going to be helpful to professional women,” said Shelley Correll, a sociology professor and director of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University. “It potentially addresses the conflicts between the biological clock and the clockwork of women’s careers: The time that’s most important in work, for getting your career established, often coincides with normal fertility time for women. This can potentially help resolve that by pushing women’s fertility into the future.” Facebook this year started offering to reimburse workers for up to $20,000 worth of reproductive-related costs, over the course of employment. Apple’s similar perks will start next year. The companies’ eggfreezing benefits were first reported by NBCNews.com on Tuesday. Freezing their eggs gives women an option to focus on their career or education first, the “leaning in” that Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg champions. Dr. Alan Copperman, a fertility specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital thinks Apple and Facebook are ahead of the game in offering to cover the procedure, both as a recruitment and retention tool and from a public health perspective. He expects other companies to follow suit, “because it’s the right thing to do and it’s going to send a signal that women’s health should be a priority.” AP AP PHOTO BLOOMBERG F corporate bits the venetian macao wins ttg travel “best meetings & conventions hotel” award The Venetian Macao has been voted the Best Meetings & Conventions Hotel in the 25th Annual TTG Travel Awards 2014. The honor reflects industry recognition by event planners and conference organizers for this meetings destination, demonstrating The Venetian Macao’s service and its facilities. “Receiving this distinctive award is an honor for us; it demonstrates the success of our efforts to deliver the best experience to our clients, while we strengthen MacaU’s position as the premier destination for business and leisure travellers in the region and contribute to the development of the MICE industry here,” said Ciaran Carruthers, Senior Vice President and Director of Venetian and Plaza Operations, Sands China Ltd. “We will continue to strive for the best, and to further cement MacaU’s position as the leading meetings destination in Asia.” This latest recognition is the 11th time TTG has awarded The Venetian Macao. The integrated resort has also won the award for Best Meetings & Conventions Hotel in Macau in the annual TTG China Travel Awards for seven years running. In addition, it was voted Best New Hotel in Macau in the TTG China Travel Awards 2008, and Best Integrated Resort in the TTG Travel Awards in 2008 and 2009. ctm to offer iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus on 31 october On Tuesday CTM announced it will offer iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the biggest advancements in iPhone history, beginning 31 October. Online pre-registration is open now and customers can pre-register interest at https://www.ctm.net/ cportal/base/cportal/public/cpiPhone6RegPage.xhtml nike sues over chuck taylor trademark infringement Nike’s Converse brand is suing 31 companies, saying they are selling knockoff versions of its Chuck Taylor shoes. Converse is suing Skechers USA, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., FILA, Ed Hardy, K-Mart Corp. and Ralph Lauren Corp., among many others. It says the companies are infringing on trademarks that cover the look of the shoe and the diamond pattern on the bottom of the sole. Iconix Brand Group Inc., the parent of the Ed Hardy brand, declined to comment on the lawsuit. Walmart did not immediately reply to a request for comment. The North Andover, Massachusetts, company filed its lawsuits Tuesday in the Eastern District of New York and at the International Trade Commission. Converse says look-alike Chuck Taylor shoes have become more common in recent years, and says it has served about 180 cease and desist letters related to the issue since 2008. Nike Inc. acquired Converse in 2003. Sales of the brand rose 16 percent in the most recent quarter ended in August, to USD575 million. thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary published in partnership with macauhub.com.mo PORTUGAL Corporate taxes reduced to attract foreign investment P ORTUGAL’S proposed State Budget for 2015 includes a reduction of two percentage points on corporate tax – to 21 percent – in an effort to attract foreign investment, according to official information. If the budget is approved by Parliament, this will be the second drop in two years of the Company Income Tax (IRC). The budget was approved after an 18-hour meeting With this measure, the government is expected to lose around 200 million euros in tax revenue, a loss that can be offset with income resulting from combatting fraud and tax evasion. Approved early on Monday after an 18-hour meeting, the proposed State Budget for 2015 outlines a deficit of 2.5 percent of Gross Domestic Pro- Portuguese prime minister Pedro Passos Coelho speaks to parliament duct (GDP) and economic growth of 1.5 percent, as set out in the Fiscal Strategy Document, prepared in conjunction with the tripartite committee of the European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund and presented in April. The draft law on the State Budget is expected to be delivered to parliament yesterday. MDT/Macauhub 中葡論壇 FORUM 9 MOZAMBIQUE Norway provides funding for the electricity sector N ORWAY plans to grant USD90 million to support construction of a power transmission line from Tete to Maputo in Mozambique. The Norwegian ambassador to Mozambique, Mette Masst told Mozambican daily newspaper Notícias the funding would be used not only for the Tete-Maputo transmission line but also construction of the MaputoMalawi transmission line. The Tete-Maputo line, considered to be the backbone of the electricity grid in southern Mozambique, is expected to cost US$2.7 billion and includes two power transmission lines. The first alternating current transmission line, costing US$951 million will link the provinces of Tete and Maputo, and will cover all substations along its route, to supply electricity to different points in the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane, Manica and Sofala. The second line will carry direct current and is expected to cost US$849 million and will be a direct link between the provinces of Tete and Maputo. Norway recently granted funding of US$5.3 million for completion of the rural electrification programme in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Zambezia. MDT/Macauhub ad 10 CHINA 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 中國 HONG KONG Shai Oster T HE battle for Hong Kong’s future is being fought with bamboo barricades and bags of dirty tricks. Like in the pages of an airport thriller, potentially embarrassing tip offs are being leaked to the press on both sides of the Hong Kong democracy debate. While the police used chain saws and sledge hammers on Oct. 13 to tear down some barricades of protesters who have occupied swathes of the city for more than two weeks in a fight for free elections, a more subtle combat is also taking place. The latest skirmish concerns Hong Kong’s leader, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, and allegations he failed to disclose a HK$50 million (USD6.4 million) payment from an Australian construction company after it bought a property services firm at which he was a director. The reports come as Leung’s ultimate boss, Chinese President Xi Jinping, pushes ahead with an anti-corruption campaign that’s netted thousands of party cadres. The disclosure of UGL Ltd.’s payment to Leung, published by an Australian newspaper last week, might offer China’s top leaders a “face-saving formula” for easing him out only if they don’t see an alternative, said Willy Wo-Lap Lam, adjunct professor at the Center for China Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Ousting Leung would come with risks, Lam said, because Beijing doesn’t want to be seen succumbing to pressure from the streets. A long delay - one of Leung’s predecessors, Tung Chee-Hwa, waited two years after large protests to quit might, however, cast a shadow over the election of the next chief executive in 2017. “Beijing doesn’t want any such speculation,” said Ivan Choy, a political scientist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. “They would want him to stay on for one or two years until things settled down. Otherwise, if he’s forced to step down sooner, it would create more trouble for Beijing.” The timing of the disclosure is raising eyebrows about who leaked the material and the motive behind it. “These documents weren’t released as we have non-poach and non-compete agreements with some 100 executi- AP PHOTO Who leaked about Leung? Faceoff runs from chainsaws to whispers Pro-democracy protesters display a picture of Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and “hell money” on a main road in an occupied area outside government headquarters in Hong Kong’s Admiralty ves, and they’re not published or on-the-record,” UGL Chief Executive Officer Richard Leupen said in an interview. “To our mind, it’s a confidential matter, so it was either taken or leaked out by someone who had access to the information.” UGL said in a statement the payment was a routine noncompete clause as part of its Nobody knows where the leaks are coming from. Some say it’s Beijing, some say the Americans. This is speculation about deep, dark secrets. The timing is very intriguing EMILY LAU DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIRWOMAN acquisition of DTZ, a bankrupt real estate consultancy where Leung was a director, shortly before he took office in 2012. “It’s clearly someone who is trying to damage C.Y. or us. At this point, we don’t know. It could even be a competitor,” Leupen said. “You do wonder why it takes three years to come out.” John Garnaut, an editor at the Sydney Morning Herald, told the Voice of America that he’d received the documents “out of the blue” from an anonymous source. “Nobody knows where the leaks are coming from,” said Emily Lau, chairwoman of the Democratic Party. She is calling for Leung’s resignation. “Some say it’s Beijing, some say the Americans. This is speculation about deep, dark secrets. The timing is very intriguing. It comes right at a critical juncture.” Even with his approval ratings slipping to their second lowest since he took office and tens of thousands of Hong Kongers publicly clamoring for democracy, Leung appears to still have Xi’s support. China’s most senior official in Hong Kong, Zhang Xiaoming, said the payments to Leung were were “common business practice” and he didn’t see “any big problem with it,” The Age newspaper reported. An even clearer indication of Beijing’s “unwavering support” for Leung came yesterday in a front-page editorial in the People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s newspaper. David Eldon, the Asia-Pacific chairman of HSBC Holdings Plc from 1999 and 2005, said in an e-mail that “the recent payment disclosures, which I am sure were made legally, will create such a fuss that a lot of pressure will be put on the chief executive.” The Leung report is the latest in a series of unusual events that have hit the two sides of the Hong Kong protests. Opponents of the demonstrations leaked the home address of 18-year-old student leader Joshua Wong. Supporters of the protests posted misleading photos that suggested China was sending in tanks. Hong Kong police say members of triads, the city’s organized crime gangs, have infiltrated both camps. As many as 300 people yesterday besieged the printing plant of a Hong Kong newspaper whose owner is an ou- tspoken critic of Beijing and staunch supporter of the protesters, delaying delivery of the Apple Daily and other papers that share its printing press, including the International New York Times. Leung “is not fighting for us, he is fighting against us,” said Jimmy Lai, chairman of Next Media Animation Ltd. and the paper’s publisher, who has supported the studentled protests for free elections in 2017. Lai was the target of a failed assassination attempt in 2008. In recent months his media empire has been targeted by hackers, including an attack on Oct. 13 that disrupted its website. He has also been the target of anti-corruption investigations after local newspapers were given leaked company records allegedly documenting undeclared donations to local prodemocracy lawmakers. The leaks and other tactics are creating an atmosphere of suspicion, Lau said. “People are gathering black propaganda and all those personal files. We are all under political observation. Who we see and what we say. Even now, as I’m talking to you. It’s quite unnerving,” she said. Bloomberg thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 中國 HONG KONG Police battle protesters to regain control of key road AP PHOTO China is “deeply concerned” about the situation, he said. Talks between the government and the student leaders broke down last week, leading to an impasse in the worst political crisis the city has seen since its return to China in 1997. The government has made contact with students through a middleman in the past few days to try and set up a dialogue, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam said in a briefing yesterday. “The government and I are willing to have talks with students’ representatives on political reforms, but the Federation of Students has different preconditions for talks over the past weeks,” Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said yesterday. Leung postponed a scheduled briefing to the city’s lawmakers today because of CHINA security risks, his office said in a statement on the government website yesterday. Leung had earlier this week signaled that the occupation of the streets shouldn’t go on for much longer, as it disrupts traffic and commerce. As the demonstrations wear on, opposition to the protesters has widened. A coalition of truck drivers last week said they would tear barricades down if demonstrators didn’t open the roads by yesterday. Two previous attempts by mobs to clear the streets have led to scuffles and ended after police pushed them back. The protests are also polarizing the city with little sign of a renewal in talks to end the impasse. Li Ka-shing, Asia’s richest man, urged student protesters to return home, saying they have successfully got their message across. “I urge everyone not to be emotional, I plead with everyone not to let today’s emotions becomes tomorrow’s regrets,” Li said in an e-mailed statement. “I earnestly urge everyone to immediately return to your families.” Bloomberg Fion Li H ONG Kong police said they would investigate a complaint alleging officers beat a pro-democracy protester during clashes early yesterday morning over control of a key road. Ken Tsang, a member of the Civic Party, was taken by several police officers to a corner at Tamar Park and repeatedly hit and kicked, according to local television footage. The police arrested 45 people as they drove back protesters who had seized the central Lung Wo Road underpass near the city government’s headquarters. The television images are sparking public outrage, questions from lawmakers, and may rally people to bolster the thinning crowds of protesters who have occupied key roads for almost three weeks. The tussle over the city’s streets escalated this week after police shrunk the areas controlled by demonstrators, who are seeking elections free from the influence of China in 2017. “We can’t ignore the fact that the longer this lasts, it does have an implication and impact on the reputation of Hong Kong,” Mark McCombe, global head of BlackRock Inc.’s institutional client business and chairman of alternative investors, said yesterday. Seven police officers were involved in the arrest of Tsang, Hong Kong Police Senior Superintendent Hui Chun-tak said yesterday. The police force is investigating a complaint that the officers, who have been removed from their current duties, used excessive force, he said. The police should “immediately arrest” the officers and start a criminal investigation, said Alan Leong, head of the Civic Party. Tsang was handcuffed using plastic tape before the assault, he said. Another TV channel, Now TV, broadcast footage that it said showed Tsang throwing pitchers of water onto police in the moments before he was detained. Police carrying shields advanced on protesters on Lung Wo Road early yesterday morning, shoving and kicking them back. Some were wrestled to the ground and handcuffed before being led away. The operation came after police used chain saws and sledgehammers to clear barricades to reopen some roads and a tram line feeding the central business district. While condemning the alle- ged use of excessive force in the clashes, none of the leading student and activist groups behind the protests have come out to claim responsibility for the attempt to claim Lung Wo Road. “There isn’t a leader, but people at Lung Wo Road agreed and then took the action,” said Long, a 20-year university student who was at the road last night and only wanted to be identified by his family name. “I understand the front -line police have got their own difficulties, but you can’t just beat people up.” The Hong Kong Federation of Students, one of the organizers of the broader occupation, said in a posting on its Facebook page that police Commissioner Tsang Wai -hung and the officer in charge of clearing students at Lung Wo Road should resign. The student-led movement that started Sept. 26 is demanding that the government in Beijing drop plans to vet the candidates for the election of the city’s chief executive in 2017. Protesters are challenging China’s authority, and should end the demonstrations, Zhang Xiaoming, head of the China’s Liaison Office in Hong Kong, said in a statement. AP PHOTO amnesty: police officers must face justice for attack on protester A protester leans over barricades after scuffling with police as they were trying to remove barricades that protesters set up to block off main roads in Central district Ken Tsang HONG KONG police officers involved in the beating and kicking of a detained pro-democracy protester yesterday must face justice, Amnesty International said in a press release yesterday. Local TV news footage shows social worker Ken Tsang Kin Chiu being taken away by six police officers in the early hours of yesterday. Amnesty International spoke to a lawyer assisting Tsang who confirmed the details of the attack, and that the victim was taken by police to a local hospital to receive medical treatment. Police have since said they will conduct an investigation into the incident. “This appears to be a vicious attack against a detained man who posed no threat to the police. Any investigation into this incident must be carried out promptly and all individuals involved in unlawful acts must be prosecuted,” said Mabel Au, Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong. “It is stomach-churning to think there are Hong Kong police officers 11 that feel they are above the law.” According to the lawyer, Tsang was initially arrested for assaulting a police officer. The charges against Tsang were then changed to unlawful assembly and obstructing police officers from carrying out their duties. He remains in police custody and will be interviewed after receiving medical treatment. The incident occurred at around 3am on Wednesday morning as police attempted to remove prodemocracy protesters who had occupied a road just off the main protest site in downtown Hong Kong. Police used pepper-spray against scores of protesters. According to police 45 people were arrested. “All those being held solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and assembly must be immediately and unconditionally released,” said Mabel Au. “Amnesty International urges the Hong Kong police to show restraint and avoid any unlawful use of force.” 12 ASIA-PACIFIC 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 亞太版 KOREAS AP PHOTO Talks deadlocked as generals leave without agreement S Korean civic group members wave their national flags as they support sending balloons to N Korea containing anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets, in front of the government complex in Seoul Hyung-Jin Kim, Seoul T HE first military talks between North and South Korea in more than three years ended with no agreement yesterday, with the rivals failing to narrow their differences on how to ease animosities following two shooting incidents last week, South Korean officials said. The two countries traded gun- fire Friday after South Korean activists floated balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets across the border. Earlier last week, their navies exchanged warning shots along the nations’ disputed sea boundary. There were no reports of casualties from either incident, but they served as a reminder of tensions running high on the divided Korean Peninsula. Yesterday, following a propo- sal by the North, military generals from the two Koreas met at a border village in the countries’ first military talks since February 2011, according to South Korea’s Defense Ministry. During the closed-door meeting, North Korea repeated its demands that South Korea ban activists from dropping leaflets and media outlets from publishing articles critical of the North, ministry spokesman Kim NEPAL Avalanche, blizzard kill 12 in mountains Binaj Gurubacharya, Katmandu A N avalanche and blizzard in Nepal’s mountainous north have killed 12 people, including foreign trekkers, officials said yesterday as weather conditions improved. An avalanche yesterday buried four Canadians and one Indian trekker in Phu, said Devendra Lamichane, chief administrator of Manang district. The snow buried the trekkers’ bodies and digging them out would take days, he said. Three villagers were killed Monday in the same district, about 160 kilometers northwest of the capital, Katmandu, and their bodies were recovered on Wednesday. In the neighboring Mustang district, four trekkers caught in a blizzard died Tuesday. Rescuers recovered the bodies of the two Poles, one Israeli and one Nepali trekker from the Thorong La pass area. It was initially thought the group had been caught in an avalanche, but government official Yam Bahadur Chokyal said by telephone from Mustang that the four trekkers instead had been caught in the blizzard and died. He said another 14 foreign trekkers have been rescued so far, and two army helicopters were picking up injured trekkers and flying them to Jomsom town. Chokyal said it was not possible to say how many trekkers were still on the route stranded by the deep snow but several of them had reached safe Min-seok said at a televised news conference. South Korean delegates responded that they cannot do so because South Korea is a liberal democracy, he said. The sides were also at odds over the sea boundary, drawn unilaterally by the American-led U.N. command at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War without the North’s consent, Kim said. There have been several bloody inter -Korean naval skirmishes along ground yesterday because of improved weather. The rain and snow in Nepal were caused by a cyclone that hit neighboring India several days ago. October is the most popular trekking season in Nepal, with thousands of foreigners hiking around Nepal’s Himalayan mountains. The Thorong La pass is also on the route that circles Mount Annapurna, the world’s 10th highest peak. An avalanche in April just above the base camp on Mount Everest killed 16 Nepalese guides, the deadliest single disaster on the mountain. Climate experts say rising global temperatures have contributed to avalanches on the Himalayan mountains. AP the boundary in recent years. “The atmosphere of today’s talks was very serious because South and North Korea both have wills to improve ties ... but they couldn’t narrow their differences,” Kim said. The two sides didn’t set a date for a next meeting, he added. After Friday’s gunfire exchange, South Korea said it would sternly deal with any further provocations by North Korea, but stressed that the door for dialogue remained open. North Korea urged South Korea to stop hostile acts such as dropping leaflets if it wants improved ties. Hopes for better relations were given impetus after a group of high-level North Korean officials made a rare visit to South Korea earlier this month and agreed to resume senior-level talks. South Korea’s Unification Ministry, which is responsible for relations with the North, said yesterday that it proposed the senior-level talks for Oct. 30. Seoul officials have said the talks would be among government officials, not military officers. The North Korean delegation Wednesday was led by Kim Yong Chol, a hard-line general believed to have been behind two attacks blamed on North Korea that killed 50 South Koreans in 2010. South Korean delegates reiterated during the meeting that Pyongyang must take responsibility for the attacks, according to South Korea’s Defense Ministry. It was not immediately known how North Korea responded. South Korean officials refused to provide further details of the talks. The two Koreas remain in a technical state of war because the Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. About 28,500 U.S. troops are deployed in South Korea to deter aggression from North Korea. AP The remote Himalayan region thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 分析 WORLD 13 EBOLA Emily Schmall and Nomaan Merchant, Dallas A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease, authorities said yesterday. The worker reported a fever Tuesday and was immediate isolated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, the Texas Department of State Health Services said in a statement. Health officials said the worker was among those who took care of Thomas Eric Duncan after he was diagnosed with Ebola. Duncan died last Wednesday at the Texas hospital. The department said a preliminary Ebola test was conducted late Tuesday at a state public health laboratory in Austin, Texas, and that confirmatory testing would be conducted at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The statement also said the health care worker, who wasn’t identified, was interviewed to quickly identify any contacts or potential exposures and that others will be monitored. It added that the type of monitoring will depend on the nature of their interactions with the health care worker and the potential of exposure to the virus. Officials have said they don’t know how the first health worker, a nurse, became infected. But the second case pointed to lapses beyond how one individual may have donned and removed personal protective garb. “An additional health care worker testing positive for Ebola is a serious concern, and the CDC has already taken active steps to minimize the risk to health care workers and the patient,” the CDC said in a statement released yesterday in Atlanta. The federal agency said yesterday that it was conducting the follow-up testing to confirm the preliminary Texas lab result. And it said it also took part in interviewing the second health care worker to identify any contacts or potential exposures in the community. Dr. Tom Frieden, head of the CDC, has acknowledged that the government wasn’t aggressive enough in managing Ebola and containing the virus as it spread from an infected patient to a nurse at a Dallas hospital. “We could’ve sent a more robust hospital infection control team and been more hands-on with the hospital from day one about exactly how this should be managed,” he said Tuesday. AP PHOTO 2nd US health care worker tests positive A hazmat worker moves a barrel while finishing up cleaning outside an apartment building of a hospital worker in Dallas Officials said they don’t know how the first health worker became infected. But the second case pointed to lapses beyond how one individual may have removed protective garb Frieden outlined new steps this week designed to stop the spread of the disease, including the creation of an Ebola response team, increased training for health care workers nationwide and changes at the Texas hospital to minimize the risk of more infections. “I wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the patient — the first patient — was diagnosed. That might have prevented this infection,” Frieden said. The stark admission came as the World Health Organization projected the pace of infections accelerating in West Africa to up to 10,000 new cases a week within two months. In a conference call late Tuesday, the nation’s largest nurses’ union described how the patient, Duncan, was left in an open area of the emergency room for hours. National Nurses United, citing unnamed nurses, said staff treated Duncan for days without the correct protective gear, that hazardous waste was allowed to pile up to the ceiling and safety protocols constantly changed. RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of Nurses United, refused to say how many nurses made the statement about Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, but insisted they were in a position to know what happened. A total of 76 people at the hospital might have been exposed to Duncan, and all of them are being monitored for fever and other symptoms daily, Frieden said. Nurse Nina Pham contracted the virus while caring for Duncan. Health officials are monitoring 48 others who had some contact with Duncan before he was admitted the hospital where he died. The Associated Press reported Monday that Pham was among about 70 hospital staffers who were involved in Duncan’s care after he was hospitalized, based on medical records provided by his family. Frieden said some of the wor- ld’s leading experts on how to treat Ebola and protect health care workers are in the new response team. They will review several issues including how isolation rooms are laid out, what protective equipment health workers use, waste management and decontamination. In Europe, the WHO said the death rate in the outbreak has risen to 70 percent as it has killed nearly 4,500 people, most of them in West Africa. The previous mortality rate was about 50 percent. President Barack Obama, speaking at the end of a meeting with U.S. and allied military leaders, declared that the “the world is not doing enough” to fight Ebola. Pham, 26, became the first person to contract the disease on U.S. soil as she cared for Duncan. The nurse released a statement Tuesday through Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital saying she was “doing well,” and the hospital listed her in good condition. She has received a plasma transfusion from a doctor who beat the virus and the hospital CEO said medical staff members remain hopeful about her condition. Pham was in Duncan’s room often, from the day he was placed in intensive care until the day before he died. “I’m doing well and want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and prayers,” she said. Pham’s parents live in Fort Worth, where they are part of a close-knit, deeply religious community of Vietnamese Catholics. Members of their church held a special Mass for her Monday and her sorority sisters at the Texas Christian University held a candlelight vigil for her Tuesday. Pham and other health care workers wore protective gear, including gowns, gloves, masks and face shields — and sometimes full-body suits — when caring for Duncan. Health officials have said there was a breach in protocol that led to the infections, but they don’t know where the breakdown occurred. Among the changes announced Tuesday by Frieden was a plan to limit the number of health care workers who care for Ebola patients so they “can become more familiar and more systematic in how they put on and take off protective equipment, and they can become more comfortable in a healthy way with providing care in the isolation unit.” Frieden said he was fully aware of the fear among health care workers in Texas and elsewhere about the risks of contracting the virus. “Ebola is unfamiliar. It’s scary, and getting it right is really, really important because the stakes are so high,” he said. AP 14 16.10.2014 thu WORLD th Anniversary 分析 SOUTH AFRICA Steenkamps vow to return cash Pistorius paid after killing Reeva AP PHOTO Christopher Spillane and Paul Burkhardt T HE prosecutor in Oscar Pistorius’s trial for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp said her parents rejected his offer to pay them 375,000 rand (USD34,000) he got for selling a car because they didn’t want “blood money”. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel made the announcement during Pistorius’s sentencing hearing for his manslaughter conviction of Steenkamp at the High Court in Pretoria, South Africa’s capital. Nel said the Steenkamps planned to repay the 6,000 rand a month Pistorius paid them since March last year, a month after the athlete killed Reeva on Valentine’s Day. “I can put on record and I’ll lead evidence if I have to that those monies will be paid back to the accused in full, every cent,” Nel said. Nel discussed the payments while cross-examining parole officer Annette Vergeer, the se- Oscar Pistorius, right, sits with defense lawyer Brian Webber prior to his third day of mitigation of sentencing at the high court in Pretoria cond witness called by defense lawyer Barry Roux to argue that Pistorius should be sentenced to three years’ house arrest with community service instead of a prison term. Vergeer said South Africa’s prison system couldn’t provide the facilities Pistorius, a double amputee, would need. “The exposure of the accused to the inmates on his stumps will have severe negative effects on the accused,” she said. “The impact of imprisonment on the person who has never before been in conflict with the law will be experienced as devastating.” South Africa’s correctionalservices department disputed Vergeer’s assertion, saying its prisons “can cater for disabled inmates,” the South African Press Association quoted spokesman Mthungzi Mhaga as saying yesterday. Judge Thokozile Masipa, 66, will hand down the sentence after defense attorney Barry Roux and Nel finish calling witnesses. His punishment could be as many as 15 years in prison and as little as a fine. The hearing adjourned and will resume today. Masipa cleared Pistorius of murder charges before convicting him of culpable homicide for killing Steenkamp when he fired four hollow-point bullets through a toilet door in his house. Pistorius said he thought Steenkamp was an intruder. Bloomberg Peace agreement at stake as country elects new leader Salmond’s deputy sturgeon set to take over leadership Mike Cohen and Tom Bowker Rodney Jefferson M OZAMBICANS formed long lines outside polling stations to vote in elections that will test the durability of a peace deal signed last month to end almost two years of sporadic conflict between government troops and opposition militiamen. The Mozambican National Resistance, known as Renamo, resumed attacks in 2012 after accusing the ruling Front for the Liberation of Mozambique, or Frelimo, of violating a 1992 accord that ended a 17-year civil war. “If the election will be free and fair, I’ll be the first to recognize it,” Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama said after voting at a school in Maputo, the capital. “I hope it will be the first time in Mozambique that the results will be acceptable. We will see. People want change, above all the youth.” Defense Minister Filipe Nyusi, 55, is Frelimo’s presidential candidate and frontrunner to succeed Guebuza, S A woman with a child on her back casts her vote at a polling station as the country goes to the polls in Maputo who’s stepping down after serving a maximum two terms. The post is also being contested by Dhlakama, 61, and Daviz Simango, 50, who heads the Mozambique Democratic Movement and is mayor of Beira, the second -largest city. “Violence is a worry for us,” Teles Ribeiro, a researcher at the Center for Public Integrity in Maputo, said by phone Tuesday. “It is a possibility. Renamo are still armed.” Guebuza voted at a school in Maputo shortly after polls opened at 7 a.m. local time. Balloting proceeded slowly and calmly at several other polling stations in the city, home to 708,812 of the almost 10.9 million registered voters. “Everything is on track,” Paulo Cuinica, a spokesman for the National Electoral Commission, said by phone from Maputo. More than 4,000 local observers and as many as 500 international monitors are overseeing the election. While voting is due to end at 6 p.m. local time, all those in line before the deadline will be allowed to cast ballots. “There were no problems,” said nurse Lucia Mustafa, who waited in line for about 90 minutes before casting her two ballot papers and dipping her index finger in indelible ink. “Everything is going smoothly.” Bloomberg COTTISH Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will take over leadership of the government in Edinburgh from Alex Salmond following his resignation after voters rejected their campaign for independence. The Scottish National Party, which runs the semi-autonomous administration that pushed for last month’s referendum on leaving the UK, said yesterday that Sturgeon, 44, was the only nominee to replace Salmond as leader. SNP members will approve her appointment at their conference next month. Sturgeon, a lawyer by training who worked in deprived areas of Glasgow, takes over a party whose membership has more than tripled since the ballot. While 55 percent of voters opted to remain in the U.K., 1.6 million embraced the SNP’s flagship policy of independence. Her main task is to press Prime Minister David Cameron to come good on the promises he made during the campaign to cede more power to Scotland. “Alex is a hard act to follow but I am determined to lead the SNP, and the country, from strength to strength,” Sturgeon said in an e-mailed statement. “I will always make the case for Scotland to be an independent AP PHOTO SCOTLAND AP PHOTO MOZAMBIQUE A Yes campaign van drives past the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh, Scotland, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014 country, but with the Westminster parties already backsliding on the delivery of new powers, my immediate job will be to hold them firmly to account.” Salmond, 59, announced he would step down a day after losing the Sept. 18 vote. He and Sturgeon had spearheaded the campaign for independence since the SNP won a majority in the Scottish Parliament in 2011 and tabled the vote. The SNP is scheduled to hold its conference in Perth on Nov. 1315, when Sturgeon will be formally anointed. Membership stands at more than 80,000 compared with 25,000 before the referendum, according to the party. Bloomberg thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 廣告 ADVERTISEMENT 15 16 INFOTAINMENT what’s ON ... 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 資訊/娛樂 TV canal macau <The Worm Talks # Macau> The First Solo Exhibition of Ah Chung’s art in Macau Time: 12pm-8pm, (Thursdays to Sundays) Until: October 26, 2014 Venue: Macpro Gallery, 2/Fl., Centro ComercialPraia 13:00 TDM News (Repeated) 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast 14:30 RTPi Live 18:15 Heavy Load (Repeated) 19:00 Montra do Lilau (Repeated) Grande, 429, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau Enquiries: (853) 2833 7828 19:30 Soap Opera 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report 21:00 TDM Talk Show 21:30 Criminal Minds S7 22:10 Heavy Load 23:00 TDM News 23:30 Miscellaneous 00:00 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) The Portuguese Music from the 17th and 20th Centuries Time: 8pm Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium Admission: MOP120, MOP180, MOP250 Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866 Calendar Illustrations by Guan Huinong Time: 10am-7pm (closed on Mondays, no admission after 6:30 pm) Until: December 28, 2014 Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE Admission: MOP5 (Free on Sundays and public holidays) Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 cinema Macau Arts Window: Pictures of Nothing at All - The Art and Poetry of Kit Kelen Time: 10am-7pm (Closed on Mondays, no admission after 6:30 pm) Until: October 19, 2014 Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE Admission: MOP5 (Free on Sundays and public holidays) Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 Historical Paintings of Macao in the 19th Century Time: 10am-7pm (Closed on Mondays, no admission after 6:30 pm) Until: December 31, 2014 Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE Admission: MOP5 (Free on Sundays and public holidays) Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814 1978 Polish bishop is new Pope cineteatro 16 Oct - 22 Oct Macau Grand Prix Museum & Wine Museum Time: 10am-8pm (Closed on Tuesdays) Venue: Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, 431, basement (Tourism Activities Centre-CAT) Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 8798 4108 / 2833 3000 this day in history THE GIVER_ room 1 2.15 4.00, 5.45, 9.30 pm Director: Phillip Noyce Starring: Brenton Thwaites, Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 97min ANNABELLE_ room 1 7.30 pm Director: John R. Leonetti Starring: Ward Horton, Annabelle Wallis, Alfre Woodard Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 98min LET’S BE COPS_ room 2 2.15,4.05, 5.55, 9.30 pm Director: Luke Greenfield Starring: Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob Riggle Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 104min JUON - THE BEGINNING OF THE END_ room 2 2.15, 4.00, 5.45, 9.30 pm Director: Masayuki Ochiai Starring: Shô Aoyagi, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Yasuhito Hida Language: Japanese (Chinese/English) Duration: 91min Cardinals at the Vatican have chosen the first nonItalian Pope for more than 400 years. Catholics around the world have been astonished by the choice of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the Archbishop of Krakow. Few people had suggested him as a possible successor to John Paul I, who died last month after just 33 days in office. He is barely known outside his native Poland. After two days and eight votes, the result of the final, conclusive vote giving a two-thirds majority plus one to the Polish bishop was signalled with a plume of white smoke above the roof of the Sistine Chapel, in accordance with ancient tradition. The new Pope, who will be known as John Paul II, is also the youngest this century, at 58 years old. In the early evening, the new Pope appeared before the crowd of about 200,000 who had gathered in St Peter’s Square. He stepped on to the central balcony of St Peter’s to a rapturous ovation from the crowd, and gave his first blessing as Pope. Then, in a speech that was at times emotional, he told how he had been afraid to accept the nomination, but had done so in obedience to Christ. Speaking in fluent Italian, he put paid to fears that a non-Italian would not be able to communicate effectively, saying, “in speaking your - our - language, if I make mistakes, then correct me.” The crowd roared its approval, and the Pope smiled in response, with a hint of the informality that characterized the style of his predecessor, John Paul I. The appointment brought an ecstatic response from Poland, where as Bishop of Krakow Karol Wojtyla took an uncompromising stand against the Communist regime. There has been no official response from the government in Warsaw. More than 80% of Poland’s 35 million people are practising Catholics, maintaining their faith in the face of strong opposition and sometimes brutal suppression from the Communist authorities. The new Pope warned as recently as last year that the Church was facing the threat of “programmed atheisation” in eastern Europe. It is thought likely that the fight for freedom of religion in the Communist bloc will be a major theme of his papacy. Offbeat Higher views for tourists Dubai’s tallest tower Courtesy BBC News In context to Visitors to the world’s tallest building in Dubai can now get an even more elevated view of the Middle Eastern city. The owner of the 828 meter Burj Khalifa skyscraper says that starting yesterday, visitors can pay to ride up to a new observation deck on the 148th floor. That is 555 meters above street level, making it the world’s highest observation deck, according to Guinness World Records. To get there, they have to change elevators on level 125. Earlier, tourists could only go to a still operational observation deck on the 124th floor. Nearly 1.9 million visitors did so last year. The higher views come with steeper prices. Prebooked tickets for the new attraction cost the equivalent of USD109, or $136 for immediate entry. AP WHIPLASH_ room 3 2.30, 4.30, 7.30, 9.30 pm Director: Damien Chazelle Starring: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Melissa Benoist Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 106min macau tower 09 Oct - 22 Oct DRACULA UNTOLD_ 2.30, 4.30, 7.30, 9.30 pm Director: Gary Shore Starring: Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon Language: English (Chinese) Duration: 92min Pope John Paul II celebrated the 25th year of his papacy in 2003, and his term of office was among the longest in the history of the Church. It was almost cut brutally short in 1981, when a Turkish fanatic, Mehmet al-Agca, shot and seriously wounded him in St Peter’s Square. After a long recovery, he visited and forgave his would-be assassin. His approach was “hands-on”, with frequent humour and informality, endearing him to millions across the world. However, he took a conservative stand against divorce, abortion, homosexual unions and rights for unmarried couples, and his critics accused him of being out of touch with the modern world. He travelled widely, visiting more than 100 countries. One of the earliest trips, in 1979, was to Poland. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2001, and began to have trouble completing speeches. In 2002 he returned to his native Poland. The visit was widely viewed as a farewell to the Catholic community closest to his heart. The Pope died at 2137 (1937 GMT) on Saturday 2 April 2005 after he failed to recover from a throat operation due to breathing problems. thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 資訊/娛樂 Taurus Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 Try not to push those feelings down deeply today — you need to make sure that you’re feeling everything directly! It’s a good time to mix it up with friends or family, just to let them know you care. You need to push yourself at least a bit today — otherwise, things are sure to get a little out of control before you reach mid-afternoon. Try to ask important questions, especially related to romance. Gemini Cancer May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 Make that to-do list with care today — you’re likely to regret it if it’s too long! Still, you need to organize your activity, so make sure that you’re thinking things through before getting to work. Something new begins today — probably fairly early — and if it doesn’t fill you with joy, it at least gives you a positive lift just when you need it. This kind of energy is great for family business! Leo Virgo Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Your intuition is working overtime today! That could mean that you need to just turn off your rational mind entirely and let your instincts guide you. That might take some explaining later, though! You need to spend extra time with your friends or family today — if only to recharge your emotional batteries. You are tapped into your emotional side in a new way, and that’s kind of exciting. Libra Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 You need to deal with a situation that is likely to have you laughing like a loon all day long — so prepare for happiness! It’s a great night to celebrate with friends and family if you can. Capricorn Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 One of your relationships is making life more complicated — but also a lot sweeter! It takes up more of your time than you would have expected, but you just don’t seem to mind all that much. You’re feeling somewhat out of sorts, especially if you’ve been cooped up in one place for too long. Wanderlust may be too strong a word for it, but you are inclined to try a new venue. Aquarius SUDOKU WEATHER Easy Medium Hard Feb.19-Mar. 20 Now is a good time for you to move on from your typical pastimes. Your energy is a bit restless, and you should be able to keep yourself from languishing in a bad place while this phase passes. Your dreamy side is manifesting in full force today — but don’t worry about missing out on anything! More likely, you’ll notice things nobody else does, so watch out for clues. Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com DOWN: 1- Nailed obliquely; 2- Parks on a bus; 3- Start the pot; 4- One who carries a golfer’s clubs; 5- Sicilians, e.g.; 6- Swindle; 7- Romain de Tirtoff, familiarly; 8- Elevate; 9- Powdery residue; 10- Intensified; 11Estimator’s phrase; 12- Baseball stats; Yesterday’s solution 13- Facial feature; 19- Afternoon affairs; 21- Even ___ speak...; 25- Hackneyed; 27- Get it?; 28- Legend; 29- ___ a million; 30- U-Haul competitor; 31- Mother-in-law of Ruth; 33- Slope; 34- Spine-tingling; 35- Fear greatly; 38- Adhere closely; 41- Photograph; 43- First principles; 46- Cpl.’s superior; 48First place?; 51- Chow; 53- Encroachment; 55- Gravy, for one; 57- Former spouses; 58Bits of thread; 59- Res ___ loquitur; 61- Golf club which can be numbered 1 to 9; 63- Yes ___?; 64- Gave temporarily, holy period of 40 days; 65- “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” author; 67- Mine find; 68- Assist Beijing 7 22 cloudy/clear Harbin 2 15 clear/cloudy Tianjin 11 22 cloudy Urumqi 5 16 clear Xi’an 10 20 clear/cloudy Lhasa 5 16 overcast/shower Chengdu 14 18 cloudy CONDITION Chongqing 15 20 overcast/shower Kunming 14 20 drizzle/cloudy Nanjing 10 22 clear Shanghai 13 22 clear Wuhan 11 25 clear Hangzhou 11 23 clear/cloudy Taipei 17 24 clear Guangzhou 17 30 clear 23 28 cloudy Moscow 8 11 drizzle Frankfurt 10 18 drizzle Paris 8 16 overcast London 8 14 drizzle New York 20 24 drizzle WORLD CROSSWORDS ACROSS: 1- ___ II (razor brand); 5- Bakery employee; 9- Decorate; 14- Mrs. Chaplin; 15- When said three times, a 1970 war movie; 16- ___-Croatian; 17- Cornerstone abbr.; 18- Direct opposite; 20- Labyrinthine; 22- End for Siam; 23- Prepare to be shot; 24- ___ soup yet?; 26- Leisure; 28- Alert; 32- Felt; 36- At all; 37- Early computer; 39- Conger catcher; 40- Places to sleep; 42- Fur scarf; 44- Be bold; 45- Property claims; 47- Author Zola; 49- Actress Peeples; 50- Infuriate; 52- Unpublished; 54School orgs.; 56- FBI guys; 57- New Haven students; 60- Mai ___; 62- Register; 66Horseshoe crab; 69- Nabisco cookie; 70- Belgian painter James; 71- San Francisco’s ___ Tower; 72- Part of A.D.; 73- Cabinet department; 74- Wraps up; 75- Specks; MAX Hong Kong Pisces Jan. 20-Feb. 18 MIN CHINA Easy+ Scorpio None of today’s problems are as terrible as they seem at first glance, so see if you can just think about them with a clear heart and see what new ideas pop into your mind. Flexibility is key! Sagittarius 17 THE BORN LOSER by Chip Sansom YOUR STARS Aries INFOTAINMENT USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency calls 999 Taxi (Yellow) 28 519 519 Fire department 28 572 222 Taxi (Black) 28 939 939 PJ (Open line) 993 Water Supply – Report 1990 992 PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Telephone – Report 1000 PSP 28 573 333 Electricity – Report 28 339 922 Customs 28 559 944 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 IACM 28 387 333 Tourism 28 333 000 Airport 59 888 88 ad 18 ADVERTISEMENT 16.10.2014 thu th Anniversary 廣告 thu 16.10.2014 th Anniversary 體育 S JM Theodore by Prema returns to Macau to defend the Grand Prix title it won last year. It has expanded its team to three cars to create the largest Theodore entry in 25 years. The trio of SJM Theodore by Prema entries for the 2014 event, which utilize Mercedes-Benz powered Dallara Formula 3 cars, will be driven by Frenchman Esteban Ocon, Antonio Fuoco of Italy and Canada’s Nicholas Latifi. Lotus F1 Junior Team driver Ocon was crowned champion of the FIA European Formula 3 Championship last week, while Fuoco, a member of the Ferrari Driver Academy, stands in the fifth place overall. Latifi is in tenth place before the race in Hockenheim this weekend. Theodore Racing has been synonymous with the Macau Grand Prix since its founder Teddy Yip, known as “Mr Macau Grand Prix”, first competed as a driver in 1956, going on to enter or sponsor racing teams until 1992, amassing a record total of six Macau Grand Prix victories. His son, Teddy Jr, revived the team name last year for what proved to be a triumphant return, as British driver Alex Lynn scored the seventh Macau Grand Prix victory for Theodore. According to a press release issued yesterday by Theodore Racing and the team’s title sponsor Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. (SJM), of the 26 drivers who competed at Macau for Theodore from 1978-92, no MACAU GP Theodore expands its team to three cars fewer than 25 went on to become Formula 1 drivers. Four of Theodore’s drivers also went on to become future World Champions: Keke Rosberg, Alan Jones, Mika Hakkinen and the legendary Ayrton Senna. Speaking about the strengthened partnership between SJM and Theodore, Ambrose So, chairman of the board of directors of SJM, said, “SJM is delighted and honoured to expand sponsorship of the Theodore Racing Team. With a local heritage that parallels SJM, Theodore Racing is a Macau institution with a winning tradition.” Mr Teddy Yip Jr. said: “We are delighted to return to Macau with our partner SJM. Following on from the Macau GP victory last year we return with an expanded three-car team. My father ran drivers who went on to become F1 World Champions, and I hope in time the drivers we run will do the same. Two of them are already contracted F1 junior drivers and certainly on paper all three of them have the talent to do so.” SPORTS 19 Marussia hits out at ‘false’ Bianchi reports F ORMULA One team Marussia has hit back at claims it contributed to Jules Bianchi’s life-threatening crash at the Japanese Grand Prix by urging him to ignore yellow warning flags. Marussia refuted news reports that Bianchi had been told to ignore the yellow flags and keep racing at full pace in the wet and dim conditions at the race earlier this month, saying the claims were “entirely false.” The French driver lost control of his car and went off the circuit, hitting a mobile crane that was inside the trackside barriers to collect another car. Bianchi remains in a hospital in Japan in a critical condition with severe head injuries. “At a time when its driver is critically ill in hospital and the team has made clear its highest priority is consideration for Jules and his family, (Marussia) is distressed to have to respond to deeply upsetting rumors and inaccuracies in respect of the circumstances of Jules’ accident,” the team said in a statement released yesterday. Marussia said telemetry data from the car showed Bianchi did slow in the part of the track where marshals were waving yellow flags. Marussia said this data had been provided to the FIA and Charlie Whiting, the race director for F1’s governing body, had examined it and confirmed that Bianchi did reduce speed. The team also provided to the FIA a full transcript of its radio communication with Bianchi during the race at the Suzuka circuit, and said that transcript showed that the team never made any instruction for him to ignore the yellow flags. AP ad Ronaldo leads in Facebook BUZZ popularity stakes with 100m ‘Likes’ opinion World Views The cumulative total number of ‘Likes’ attracted by posts on the official Facebook page of Cristiano Ronaldo, currently Portugal’s most successful footballer, has passed the 100 million mark, making him the social network’s most popular man ever. In a video message to his fans posted on Tuesday, the Real Madrid and Portugal player described the milestone as “an honour”, adding that “your exceptional support inspires me.” Ronaldo started the page in 2009 and regularly posts updates about his personal and professional life. This summer, on Children’s Day (1 June), he published a photograph of himself and his son that more than 3.4 million Facebook users tagged with a ‘Like’ - said to be the most ever achieved by any single post on the network. Lusa SOURCE: DSMG THE Station Air quality Roadside 100-130 Moderate High Density 100-130 Residental Moderate Area Ambient 100-130 Moderate William Pesek revolution folds China has the Great Hall of the People. Hong Kong has the “Great Hall of the Tycoons.” The above-mentioned phrase was uttered by Briton David Webb on Saturday night as he addressed a crowd of demonstrators in Hong Kong. Webb, a shareholder-rights activist who’s earned the enmity of Hong Kong’s powerful oligarchs, cut right to the heart of things in his rousing speech. “The government claims to believe in free markets and competition, but where is the free market in leadership?” Webb asked, perched atop a ladder. “Don’t worry about the small economic impact of these protests,” he added. “Think about the large economic benefits of a more dynamic economy, ending collusion between the government and the tycoons who currently elect the chief executive.” If Beijing learns anything from the biggest frontal assault on its authority since the British returned the keys to Hong Kong in 1997, it should be this: Hong Kongers want competent leaders, not cronies. As the Umbrella Revolution begins to fold up - at least for now - here are three things President Xi Jinping can do to keep the former British colony from succumbing to an endless cycle of protests and crackdowns: Dump the current chief executive: No one seriously expects Xi to fire Leung Chun-ying this week, no matter how much of a lightning rod he’s become. Forcing Leung out now would be an open admission that the current system of choosing leaders is flawed. It might also inspire copycat protests across China calling for mayors, party secretaries and even Xi to step down. But China must at least begin telegraphing Leung’s departure in the weeks ahead. Xi could spin the sacking as part of his anti-corruption drive. Leung faces a fast-growing number of questions about the more than USD6.1m he reportedly received from an Australian engineering company before taking office in 2012. Leung’s toxic presence hasn’t been helped by his daughter’s Facebook updates mocking the city’s urban poor. Really, where does Beijing find these people? Some in the Communist Party may see Leung as a useful patsy to enact unpopular laws. The CE couldn’t be any more disliked or compromised, so why not use him to impose new limits on press freedom and political assembly? Doing so, however, would court even bigger protests and risk turning Hong Kong into the next Bangkok. Better to dump Leung at the earliest opportunity and start afresh. Find a decent replacement: Each of the three CEs chosen since the handover has been worse than the other. And Beijing’s proposed system for electing the next one in 2017 promises to produce yet another dud: A rule change that requires any candidate to win 50 percent support from a tightly controlled election committee will ensure that loyalty to Beijing is the main criterion for victory. China has one more shot at this. A smart, creative leader who serves Hong Kongers, not the tycoons, and addresses the causes of inequality would greatly ease public discontent. At the least, any new CE should exhibit a competence to match Hong Kong’s institutions, which have by and large handled this crisis with patience and skill. Yes, Hong Kong’s police erred when they fired tear gas at demonstrators on Sept. 28, and again on Tuesday night, when TV cameras caught them apparently beating and kicking one defenseless protester. But until that point, they had displayed an impressive degree of professionalism. Learn from Hong Kong’s youth: Xi’s generation of Chinese leaders would be wrong to view the architects of this standoff as some ideological fringe. Even the shopowners and triad gangs complaining about lost business have a stake in what protesters are demanding. While anger has coalesced around Leung, those lining the streets cite everything from Beijing’s meddling to inequality to pollution to inflation as driving forces behind this revolution. Addressing any of these grievances requires greater openness, transparency and accountability. That’s as true in China as it is in Hong Kong. “There is no large economy in the world with high levels of prosperity that does not have democracy,” Webb told protesters on Saturday night. “So if China wants world-class prosperity, and not the current 20 percent of world-class, then it must have democracy and the civic freedoms that go with it. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the media.” It’s this ability to speak, gather and write freely that made Hong Kong the vibrant place it is today. If they were honest, even the tycoons would admit that China should be emulating Hong Kong’s success, not strangling it with incompetent courtiers. Bloomberg WORLD BRIEFS AP PHOTO China should act as umbrella CHINA Eight people were killed in a clash between construction workers and villagers in China’s southwestern region of Yunnan, authorities said yesterday, as land disputes grew more violent. The Tuesday clash on the construction site for a warehouse and logistics center in Jinning county also left 18 people injured, the local government said in an online statement. It said six construction workers and two villagers were killed. KOREAS Military generals A fight breaks out on the pitch between Serbian fans and Albanian national team players Serbia accuses Albania of provocation after brawl Dusan Stojanovic, Llazar Semini S ERBIAN officials accused Albania yesterday of a deliberate political provocation after a drone flew an Albanian nationalist banner over a stadium in Belgrade during a match between the two Balkan rivals, sparking violence between players and fans. The referee halted and then abandoned the scoreless European Championship qualifying match in the 41st minute Tuesday night when a Serbian player grabbed the banner — which carried a map of Albania enlarged to include chunks of its neighbors — and Albanian players tried to protect it. As the players clashed, Serbian fans then ran onto the field and clashed with Albanian players. Serbian police announced an investigation into who remotely piloted the drone that flew for several minutes over the stadium, while Albania’s team returned home to a heroes’ welcome for defending their nation’s honor. UEFA, the European soccer body, said it will open disciplinary cases against both Serbia and Albania over the violence at the stadium. The incident spiked political tensions between two Balkan states that have been at odds for decades, mainly over the former ethnic Albanian-dominated Serbian province of Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008. Serbia — which con- siders Kosovo the cradle of its statehood and religion — has never accepted Kosovo’s independence. Albanian fans had been warned by their own soccer federation against attending Tuesday’s game in Belgrade due to political tensions. At the start of the match, the Albanian anthem was loudly jeered by Serbian fans and derogatory chants were heard throughout the first half. Serbian supporters also threw flares at the field. Serbian minister Aleksandar Vulin said the drone incident was “carefully staged,” aiming to discredit Serbia and present the nation as a regional security risk. “Had someone from Serbia flown a ‘Greater Serbia’ flag in Tirana or Pristina, it would become an issue for the U.N. Security Council meeting,” said Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, referring to the Albanian and Kosovo capitals. FIFA President Sepp Blatter tweeted: “Football should never be used for political messages. I strongly condemn what happened in Belgrade last night.” The stadium clashes brought into question next week’s planned visit by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to Belgrade, the first by an Albanian prime minister in 70 years. Serbian fans have a long history of violence at soccer stadiums. In October 2010, the Italy-Serbia European Championship qualifier was disrupted in Genoa by violent Serbia fans. UEFA eventually awarded Italy a 3-0 win. Outside the airport in Tirana, the Albanian capital, up to 3,000 flag-waving supporters gathered early yesterday to cheer the team as it returned home. Rama, who was abroad, praised players on his Twitter page for “the pride and joy they gave us,” and said he was “present in my heart” at the airport reception. Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati tweeted that “Football should not be highjacked by extremism,” adding “Proud of our #Albania team: showed courage and maturity.” Albania goalkeeper Etrit Berisha thanked the fans for the welcome, writing on his Facebook page that “defending our national symbols is a duty for us!” Captain Lorik Cana said the team unanimously decided not to continue with the game. “We considered our physical situation, with some injured players, which was not good,” he said, adding that players also felt threatened. “Our situation was clear, we could not continue the match. And the security situation was not adequate either.” Cana, who was born in Kosovo, said Albanian players “showed our neighbors we know how to respect them and also walk with our heads high.” AP from North and South Korea meet at a border village for talks on how to ease animosities between the rival countries following two shooting incidents last week, South Korean media say. More on p12 PAKISTAN’s military says Indian forces have fires across the border into the Pakistan-administered portion of the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, wounding four children. AUSTRALIA Australian literature-lovers cheered yesterday after Richard Flanagan won the prestigious Booker Prize with a visceral story of wartime brutality and its aftermath — a novel the head of the judging team said was as powerful as a kick in the stomach. The country’s government may be less pleased. Flanagan in a post-awards interview that Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s environmental policies made him “ashamed to be Australian.” AUSTRALIA-IRAQ Australia’s prime minister says Australian special forces sent to Iraq haven’t been able to enter the country yet because the Iraqi government has not provided the necessary legal guarantees. YEMEN Shiite rebels who last month overran Yemen’s capital win another stunning victory, capturing a key port city on the Red Sea in a move that underlines their apparent intent to create a “mini-state” in the mostly chaotic and lawless country at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Control over the city of Hodeida gives the rebels, known as the Houthis and widely suspected of links to Shiite Iran, a vital sea outlet needed to lend viability to any future entity, but adds considerably to the troubles of Yemen’s U.S.backed president.
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