Monday, 7:00 PM Skit Practice Tuesday, 8:30 AM Women’s Prayer Group; in room N2 Tuesday, 6:00 PM ERT Meeting Wednesday, 5:30 PM Ensemble Rehearsal Wednesday, 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, 7:00 PM The Book of Acts and Paul’s Epistle Study; led by Bob Hoffman Wednesday, 7:00 PM Five Things God Uses; led by Brian Hagens Wednesday, 7:00 PM Follow Me; led by Nathan Sipes Wednesday, 7:00 PM Narnia Children’s Bible Study Thursday, 4:00 PM Wellness Nurse Office Hours Thursday, 6:10 PM Quartet Rehearsal Thursday, 7:00 PM Rubicon Band Rehearsal Saturday, 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, 9:00 AM Hospitality Team Meeting Next Sunday, 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Time; in room S1 Next Sunday, 8:30 AM Worship Band Rehearsal Next Sunday, 9:00 AM Community Preparedness Training; for all ages Next Sunday, 10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal; in the Chapel Next Sunday, 10:15 AM Morning Worship Service Next Sunday, immediately following service Hospitality Volunteer Meeting Next Sunday, 5:00 PM Junior High Youth Group WELCOME 1109 SE 3rd Street Aledo, IL 61231 309.582.7406 [email protected] October is Pastor Appreciation month. Both Cajun and Lynn sacrifice so much of their time and gifts to benefit our congregation and to serve the Lord. If you would like to give a gift, card, or letter, we will be presenting both of our Pastors everything given on Sunday, October 26, during the Worship service. Susan Ewing is collecting the cards/gifts or you can drop them off at the church office. Community Bible Fellowship is cooperating with the Mercer County Health Department and the Tri-County Medical Reserve Corps to offer our entire congregation training on community preparedness. The final session will be held during Sunday school next Sunday, October 26. There will be ageappropriate training for three age groups: Pre-K-grade 3 (in N2), grades 48 (in their regular S3 room), and grades 9-adult in the Chapel. Even if you don’t usually attend Sunday School, we hope you’ll come and learn how to be a part of the solution should a disaster strike our community! Gentlemen, you are invited to a Men’s Prayer Breakfast on this Saturday, October 25 at 8 AM. If you would like to help with the food, please see Danny Warren. The Landscaping Team would appreciate any donations of trees, whether decorative or fruit trees. Fruit trees will be used to extend our orchard and hopefully someday help the church feed the poor and teach our congregants how to harvest, store, jelly and jam fruit. Decorative trees would be used to add to our windbreaks and replace a couple trees that didn’t make the last couple storms and some traffic accidents. If you see some trees that stores are getting rid of as “end of season sales” and would like to donate them, we’ll nurse them along and try to make good use of them. Thank you for your consideration and for your investment in a long-term aspect of the congregation. For more information, please see Pastor Pauley. Special Dates for This Week: 10/21 Brian Hagens 10/21 Shannon Van Zummeren 10/22 DJ & Tammy Stropes 10/25 Jake Frieden 10/25 Ben & Andrea Konie Join us Saturday, November 1, at 6 PM for our monthly Rubicon Service. We seek to be prepared in preaching, passionate in praise, and purposeful in prayer. It is a great time of worship and fellowship. Also, be sure to invite a friend. Voter Guides are now available on the information table. It is our duty to vote. Please feel free to take one and see where all of the candidates stand on the important issues. Mark your calendars - we will be sponsoring a blood drive on Saturday, November 8 from 7-11 AM. We encourage all those that are able to donate to please do so. You’re donation has the potential of saving up to 3 lives. For more information, please see Shari Langley. We need volunteers to help with the blood drive. We need people to make goodies, set up and tear down, and serve at the refreshment table. If you would like to help, please see Shari Langley. Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Also through Him, we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. - Romans 5:1-2 HCSB Call to Worship “River of Life” Morning Prayer Choir Connie Dixon Offertory Music “Lest I Forget” Worship Songs All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. Jeni Ewing “All Hail the Power” You are Lord; I give my life completely, For now and evermore. Not my own, I belong To You, my great Redeemer, I am Yours. To You, my great Redeemer, I am Yours, I am Yours. O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. From the rising of the sun To the going down of the same, The Lord’s name is to be praised. From the rising of the sun To the going down of the same, The Lord’s name is to be praised. We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. “He Is Lord” He is Lord, He is Lord. He is risen from the dead and He is Lord. Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord. Worship Songs He's all I need, He's all I need; Jesus is all I need. He's all I need, He's all I need, Jesus is all I need. He's good to me. He's good to me. Jesus is good to me. He's good to me. He's good to me. Jesus is good to me. Romans 5:1-3 “Truth Triplets for Saints” (sing 2x) “Psalm 113” Praise ye the Lord! Praise Him, all ye servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord, From this time forth, And forevermore. “Glorify the Lord with Me” Sue Ewing Pastor Pauley “He’s All I Need” SS Security SS Nursery Worship Nursery Foyer Security West Sanctuary Security East Sanctuary Security Greeters Head Usher Ushers Children’s Church Junior Church Media Sound Recording Camera Welcome Notes Chair setup (Saturday night) I was bought with a price; What a great sacrifice When You laid down Your life for me. You so willingly gave Now I’m willing to give Ev’ry moment I live and breathe. (sing vv. 1 & 2; then sing 1st verse) Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. Sermon “I Am Yours” I am Yours, You are Lord; I give my life completely, For now and evermore. Not my own, I belong To You, my great Redeemer, I am Yours. (repeat verse) Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. Scripture Reading He's life and peace, He's life and peace, Jesus is life and peace. He's life and peace, He's life and peace, Jesus is life and peace. Glorify the Lord with me. Glorify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together. Glorify the Lord with me. (repeat verse) THOSE SERVING TODAY Mike Barnhouse, David Van Zummeren Mary Mayhew, Steve Rourke Kay Hucke, Lillian Hucke, Valeri Warren Brian Hagens, Brandon Martin Dave Sipes Matt Ewing George & Susan Ewing Dave Hucke (aisle 1) Pam Langley (aisle 2) Danny Warren (aisle 3) Mindy Warren (aisle 4) Vivian Rourke Mandi Andresen, Rachel Barnhouse, Maggie McDaniel Brittany Dowd, Kelli Koch Shaila Warren Jake Ewing Nathan Sipes Sam Barnhouse Kandi Frieden David Hemphill THOSE SERVING NEXT WEEK—SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 Morning Announcements Steve Rourke Morning Prayer Susan Ewing Scripture Reading Dody Kelly Closing Prayer Ben Dowd SS Security Bob Figanbaum, Steve Rourke SS Nursery Debbie Norton, Lindy Shaw Worship Nursery Tomoe Peterson, Isabel Ewing, Shaila Warren Foyer Security Mike Barnhouse, Danny Warren West Sanctuary Security Christopher Smet East Sanctuary Security Dan Wallerstedt Greeters Rod & Joan Link Head Usher Rick Puckett Ushers (aisle 1) Jenny Stropes (aisle 2) Justin Ewing (aisle 3) Warren Mayhew (aisle 4) Valeri Warren Children’s Church Debbie Norton, Braley McMeekan, Kyle Langley Junior Church Brittany Dowd, Kelli Koch Media Navi Pauley Sound Ben Dowd Recording Travis Canaday Camera Rachel Barnhouse Welcome Notes Kandi Frieden Chair setup (Saturday night) The Kellys Notice to all those that serve on the rotation (Please save this for future reference) Taste and see the Lord is good. Through the test of time His truth has stood. His abiding love is with us every day. Sovereign in each circumstance, There is simply nothing left to chance. Every move He makes inspires me to say. (sing 1st verse 2x) We appreciate our volunteers! We also understand that there are times when you are unable to serve on a day that you are scheduled. If you cannot serve please contact: Let us exalt His name together. Glorify the Lord with me! Closing Prayer Randy Dixon Postlude Music church band led by Bob Hoffman Britt Hagens at (309) 737-1706 or at [email protected] for Nursery, Children’s Church, and Junior Church Lynn Pauley at (309) 582-5782 or at [email protected] for Special Music, Media, and Sound Mindy Warren at (309) 582-7406 or at [email protected] for all other rotations We will be happy to find a replacement for you. Please do not find a replacement for yourself. Also, please contact the appropriate person as soon as possible, preferably before Thursday morning. This will allow us sufficient time to find someone. Thank you for helping to make our services a blessing! We could not do it without you!
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