3/($6(35$<)25« «3UD\IRU*RG¶VSHDFHFRPIRUWDQGVWUHQJWKIRUDOOZKRDUHVLFNVDGDQ[LRXVRUGLVWUHVVHGLQDQ\ZD\ «3UD\IRUWKRVHLQKRVSLWDODWSUHVHQWLQFOXGLQJ0DUJDUHW-RKQVWRQDQG(PPD1LEORFN « Ask God to comfort the family of Mrs Gwen Wallace who died last week. «5HY'DYLG%UXFHZLOOEHSUHDFKLQJLQ0XOOLQJDUDQG&RUER\3UHVE\WHULDQFKXUFKHVRQ6XQGD\3UD\IRU Mullingar P.Church as they plan to move into their new church building before Christmas. « Remember the young people from FISH who will be attending the PCI MAD weekend in Coleraine next weekend. Pray for safety in travel and that God will work in their lives over the two days. «3UD\IRUWKHRIILFHUVDQGER\VRIRXU%R\V¶%ULJDGH&RPSDQ\DVNLQJWKDW*RGZRXOGEOHVVWKHPLQWKLVVHVVLRQDQG NHHSWKHP³6XUHDQG6WHDGIDVW´LQWKHLUIDLWK «3UD\IRUWKHHIIRUWVZKLFKDUHEHLQJPDGHWRWUHDWWKHYLFWLPVRIWKHRXWEUHDNRI(ERODYLUXVLQZHVW$IULFD Ask God to aid the international community as they seek to bring this outbreak under control. If you would like to request prayer for yourself or someone else (with their permission), please fill out the details on a Prayer Request card and pop it into the box in the hallway. All requests will be treated in strict confidence and FLUFXODWHGRQO\WRPHPEHUVRI(OPZRRG¶V3UD\HU1HWZRUN THE MANDATE ``M14 (The Mandate) - Saturday 8th November 2014, Assembly Buildings, Spires Conference Centre, Belfast. Keynote speaker is Karl Martin (Leader of 'Central' in Edinburgh) Worship Leader Dave Dickenson . Tickets £35. Contact Michael Shields: 07568333482 or [email protected] if you are interested in going as part of a group of men from Elmwood`` BUILDING BLOCKS CHI/'5(1·6 MINISTRY CONFERENCE Saturday 15 November 2014 Assembly Buildings Conference Centre, Belfast This is a Conference for all those involved in &KLOGUHQ¶VPLQLVWU\ZKHWKHULQXQLIRUPHG organisations, Sunday School, &KLOGUHQ¶V&KXUFK%HJLQQHUV&KXUFKRU&UqFKH The Keynote speaker is Lucy Moore, founder of Messy Church who will also be leading two seminars. Further information on seminars and to download a booking form go to www.buildingblocks.ie (booking forms are also available in the hallway) Please speak to Donna Thompson if you would like to attend. MISSION AIM TEAM The Mission Aim Team (MAT) would like to offer anyone who has been involved in summer mission the opportunity to be 'debriefed' - to talk through your experience in a small group. If you are interested please approach any member of MAT or contact Lorraine Bell on 07786 011482 PCI OVERSEAS MISSION PCI Overseas Mission Personnel have been writing Monthly Bulletins to keep supporters and the church up to date with their work, providing focused prayer requests. These are currently available on our website ± go to www.pcimissionoverseas.org/people/monthly-bulletins/. We are pleased to announce that starting in October, anyone wishing to receive one or more of the Bulletins each month, will be able to do so directly by email. Ǯǡ Ǥǯ ͙͙͚ǣ͚͟ Those wishing to be added to our emailing list should complete the form and return it to us by email. Anyone having difficulty in completing the table, is welcome to email or telephone us with the information. ͕͝ ͖͔͕͘ We trust that many will seek to learn more about the work of PCI mission in this way, and that it will lead to growing prayer VXSSRUWIRU3&,¶VPLVVLRQSHUVRQQHOVHUYLQJRYHUVHDV Presbyterian Church in Ireland Board of Mission Overseas Assembly Buildings 2 ² 10 Fisherwick Place BODY & SOUL ± a celebration of global mission ±Tuesday 21 October at 7.30pm in Assembly Buildings, Belfast. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear what God is doing in Malawi, Kenya, Ukraine and other countries through PCI and its partner churches and agencies. ǣ Ǥ This Week... Sunday 11.30 am 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.45pm Monday 10.30am 2.30pm 6.30pm 7.45pm 19 October ³0DMRULQJRQWKH0LQRUV± -RHO´± Rev Andrew Thompson Please stay after this service for refreshments & further fellowship Prayer Time %R\¶V%ULJDGH(QUROPHQW6HUYLFH Fish (YR8+) ± end 9.30pm Tuesday 6.30 pm 7.40pm 8.00pm Wednesday 10.00am 7.00pm 7.45pm Thursday 10.30am 12.30pm 6.00pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.00pm 7.45pm Friday 8.00pm Sunday 10.15am 21 October BB ± Cabin Boys & Anchor Boys (end 7.30pm) BB ± Company Section (ends 9.45pm) ± (Seniors 10.00pm) Open Doors prayer meeting ± see panel 11.30am 6.00pm 6.30pm We welcome the boys, officers, family and friends of the 5 /LVEXUQ%R\V¶%ULJDGH&RPSDQ\DVWKH\FRPH to church for their annual enrolment service this evening. Please plan to attend the induction service for our new deaconess, Margaret Robertson, which will take place in Elmwood on Sunday 16 November at 6.30pm. Please pray for Margaret as she prepares to become part of our church family. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !! Gentlemen, (all age groups) More help is needed to stack and move the chairs to the storeroom after the morning service. If you could help with this task on a regular basis it would be greatly appreciated by all concerned. Many hands make light work !! ( Chairs to be stacked 8 x high) We continue to be ever mindful of health & safety issues when the chairs are being stacked for storage ± it would greatly assist the chair teams if members of the congregation could move to the seating at the front of the Church to enjoy their cup of tea/coffee. We would also ask parents to supervise small children after the service to en- sure their complete safety at all times. Many Thanks 20 October Parent Infant Project ( ends 12 noon ) Young at Heart GB - Tiny Tots , Explorers (ends 7.30pm ) & Juniors (ends 8.00pm) GB Seniors & Brigaders (end 9.15pm) LEAFLET DROPS We need more help with delivering leaflets in our parish area. We have 4 leaflet drops each year, if you could spare an hour once every 3 months to help inform our community of what's happening in Elmwood, please speak to Keith Bingham or David McKechnie. 22 October Little Angels: Adult & Toddler Group (ends 12.00 noon) BB ± Junior Section (ends 8.30pm) Prayer Walk in local Community ± meet at Church 23 October Badminton (end noon) 1 + 1 Lunch Club in Reflections (end 1.30pm) Guitar Lessons for Beginners (end 7.00pm) ± see panel Fish Bible Study (YR8+) end 9.00pm Elmwood Energisers (end 8.45pm) ± see panel Kirk Session prayer meeting > followed by > Kirk Session Meeting OPEN DOORS There will be a time of prayer for the Persecuted Church on Tuesday at 8.00pm Please join with us to pray for those who are suffering persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ. 24 October The Wood (end 9.45pm) 26 October JAM (P1- P7) ± end 11.00am Tea & Coffee in Reflections for parents who wish to stay. Mr Ossie McAuley Prayer Time Microscope on Mission ± Summer Feedback ± Part 2 Andrew hopes to be on holiday from Friday 24 October until Saturday 1 November inclusive. Please refer any urgent pastoral matters during this period to Mark Noble (07768 723 940) or Brian Magowan (07909 627 801). LITTLE ANGELS Little Angels would like to recruit more help- ers to assist with this group on a Wednesday morning. Please speak to the team or turn up on Wednesday morning at 9.30am and the team will be very happy to discuss your in- volvement in more detail. Many Thanks PRAYER WALK On Wednesday evening we want to take the opportunity to join together for a prayer walk around our local community. Please come to Elmwood for 7.45pm sharp, when groups will leave the church to walk around the area, praying for the needs of the community as they go. A group will also stay to pray in the church building. ELMWOOD ENERGISERS Thursdays: 7.30-8.45pm on October 23rd, 30th, November 6th and 13th. All abilities welcome, dress to sweat and just bring a cold drink! Speak to Adrian Williams for more details and dates for 2015. Mob: 07894 792023 GUITAR LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS Thursdays: 6-7pm on October 23rd, 30th, November 6th and 13th. All Welcome, just bring your guitar! Speak to Adrian Williams for more de- tails and dates for 2015. Mob: 07894 792 023 NEW DEACONESS ² Following a recruitment and interview process organised by the Board of Mission in Ireland, a call has been issued to and accepted by Margaret Robertson to become the new deaconess in Elmwood, succeeding Elizabeth Matthews. Margaret will finish her deployment in Gardenmore Presbyterian Church in Larne at the end of this month and it is hoped she will be inducted and begin work in Elmwood in mid November. Please pray for Margaret as she makes this transition and make her welcome as she comes to work among us. UNITED APPEAL United Appeal ² Many thanks for those who responded to the Harvest Gift Day for the United Appeal. The total amount given last weekend was £5173, bringing our total for 2014 to £7589. This still leaves us some way short of our target of honour for this year which is £9892. Please continue to support the wider work of PCI through your generous giving. &5Ê&+(527$ 2FW S McAleenon* P Stanage J Gillanders M Sinnerton I Mairs P Wilkinson /HDGHU S Creighton 1RY S McAleenon* I Mairs P Wilkinson S Creighton C Arnold G Trimble R Linkead %(*,11(56&+85&+527$ 2FW L Dunlop* S Ackerman /HDGHU E Cummings 2FW G Law* L Hanna J Galloway TEA & COFFEE ROTA 19 26 2 9 Oct Oct Nov Nov am pm Zoe & Helpers Freda & Hazel Eddie & Maureen Moore Ann & Olive Norman & Elaine Adams SUNDAY MORNING MINIBUS ROTA 26 Oct No Minibus 2 Nov Glen McCallum 9 Nov Billy Williamson 16 Nov Andrew Vient Shoeboxes for the Potter's House Thank you for bringing your shoeboxes at Harvest. If you still have to bring your boxes or any other donations, please can you give to Maureen by next week. And if you have wrapped shoeboxes at home, please bring them next week too. Once again, thank you for helping to provide "little boxes of Christmas joy" for The Potter's House. MISSIONARY & OUTREACH FUND 0DQ\WKDQNVWRDOOZKRFRQWULEXWHGWR2FWREHU¶V retiring offering The amount received was £ 1,805 Please get involved in congregational prayer ± there are opportunities to pray together on Sunday at 6pm, by joining a prayer triplet or receiving up- dates through the Elmwood Prayer Net- work. Please speak to Andrew or Ivan Mur- dock for more details. Please forward any announcements for the next bulletin to Mark Noble by Wednesday. E: [email protected]
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