ISSUED WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION NOON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 (Late proposals will not be accepted and incomplete proposals will not be reviewed) The Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership, Inc., (LVBEP) reserves the right to modify any of the enclosed specifications as required by the United States Department of Labor and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS SECTION 1: Overview and Background SECTION 2: CareerLinking Academy Program Priorities SECTION 3: CareerLinking Academy Model Program Components SECTION 4: Performance Requirement SECTION 5: Contract Information SECTION 6: Proposal Submittal SECTION 7: Budget Information ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1: Performance Measures ATTACHMENT 2: Pre-Test ATTACHMENT 3: Post-Test ATTACHMENT 4: Subcontractors Performance/Outcomes Summary ATTACHMENT 5: Notification of Intent to Apply ATTACHMENT 6: Proposal Cover Sheet ATTACHMENT 7: Proposal Check List ATTACHMENT 8: Debarment Suspension Certification ATTACHMENT 9: Budget Narrative and Budget Form Page 2 SECTION 1: OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals to plan, coordinate, and implement career awareness and preparedness programs called CareerLinking Academies during the 2014-2015 school year. All academies must be completed on or before June 30, 2015. This program will serve Lehigh and Northampton County high school students. Proposers may submit more than one proposal. The CareerLinking Academy model and its components can be innovatively integrated into the school year curriculum, can be offered as a week-long continuous project, and/or any combination that best meets the needs of the students. CareerLinking Academy is an initiative that provides youth with the opportunity to participate in a structured program where they will explore career interests and become linked to the world of work and education. CareerLinking Academy curriculum includes, but is not limited to, career awareness activities, interest assessments, continuing education in the 21st century, leadership skills, job and labor market information, interviewing skills and resume preparation, cover letters, briefs, job applications, interviewing with human resource managers to discuss skills, interests, employer needs and expectations, college and career and technical school tours, resources connections, and much more. It includes workshops for youth on continuing education and financial aid. CareerLinking Academy is aligned to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Academic Standards in Career Education and Work and adheres to federal, state, and local career education initiatives. CareerLinking Academy is supported by the PA Department of Labor and Industry, PA Department of Education, PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley, and the Society for Human Resource Management, Lehigh Valley Chapter. The CareerLinking Academy model was awarded a National Pinnacle Award for innovativeness from the National Society for Human Resource Management. Proposers selected for funding under this Request for Proposals (RFP) should focus on career awareness in the following Lehigh Valley targeted industry clusters: • • • • • • Healthcare and Life Sciences Diversified Manufacturing and Services Business and Professional Services Information and Communication Financial Services Green or Energy Related Manufacturing and Services Click on: Lehigh Valley Industry Clusters Page 3 To assist proposers in responding to this RFP, youth demographics and job and labor market information can be found on the links below. Click on: Youth Demographic Snapshot Click on: Outlook Additional resources can be found on the links below. Click on: WIKISPACE Click on: Employability Skills SECTION 2: CAREERLINKING ACADEMY PROGRAM PRIORITIES The LVBEP will support proposals that focus on the following priorities: 1. Innovative models and creative approaches to deliver CareerLinking Academy to high school students. 2. Career awareness, including job and labor market information and employment opportunities. 3. Design and initiate individual career plans and career pathways. 4. Continuing education and training information and higher education options including admissions criteria and financial aid information. 5. Operate CareerLinking Academy(s) at sites located in Lehigh and Northampton Counties. SECTION 3: CAREERLINKING ACADEMY MODEL PROGRAM COMPONENTS The CareerLinking Academy Model is designed to provide career awareness information to youth in Lehigh and Northampton County High Schools. The program provides 35 hours of intensive career awareness and encourages a hands-on approach to actively engage youth in the learning process. The CareerLinking Academy curriculum must align with the three PA Academic Standards for Career Education and Work and include any or all activities listed in the standards, it should also include information on Lehigh Valley’s Labor Market and Industry Clusters outlined in the Lehigh Valley CareerLink Outlook. Click on: PA Academic Standards for Career Education and Work Click on: Lehigh Valley CareerLink Outlook Click on: Lehigh Valley Industry Clusters Page 4 1. Career Awareness and Preparation – PA Standard 13.1 Lehigh Valley Job and Labor Market Information Lehigh Valley targeted industry clusters Web based interactive career resources Click on: Career Cruising Software Career Gates A hard copy will be provided. Common Employability Skills 2. Career Acquisition – PA Standard 13.2 Information and exposure to career pathways Design and initiate individual career plans and career pathways Information and exposure to career ladders ® Information and exposure to JobGateway Click on: Resume and cover letter skills Understanding and completing employment applications Business etiquette Interviewing skills including one-on-one practice interviews with human resource professionals 3. Career Retention and Advancement – PA Standard 13.3 Employer tours Employer guest speakers Employer panels Volunteering and service learning awareness Networking Online job search techniques Tours of career and technical schools Tours of Lehigh Valley community colleges Continuing education and training information and higher education options including admissions criteria and financial aid information Page 5 SECTION 4: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS LVBEP Measures and Required Program Outcomes: The LVBEP Performance Measures (Attachment 1) are governed by the LVBEP, and are designed to assess program outcomes for future funding. The attachments below must be submitted within 30 days of the contract end date. 1. Pre-test must be administered as first program activity. (Attachment 2) 2. Post-test must be administered immediately prior to culminating activity. (Attachment 3) 3. Subcontractor Performance/Outcomes Summary. (Attachment 4) SECTION 5: CONTRACT INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION: The LVBEP reserves the right to cancel or modify the RFP, and/or the scope of programming to ensure compliance with state and/or federal. Proposer(s) may be public or private not-for-profit corporations, local educational agencies, business and/or trade associations, private for profit corporations, community based organizations, labor organizations and governmental units including municipalities. Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. Entities must have been in business in the United States for at least two (2) years prior to submission of an application. If proposer(s) is a foreign corporation (not a PA Corporation), they must have a certificate from the PA Secretary of State showing that they have filed the necessary documents to do business in this state. INCURRING COSTS LVBEP is not responsible for any pre-proposal costs incurred prior to the selection of service providers. DISCLOSURE OF PROPOSAL CONTENTS Proposals will be held in confidence and will not be revealed or discussed with competitors. All materials submitted with the Proposal and the Proposal itself, become the property of the LVBEP and will not be returned. The LVBEP reserves the right to use any or all ideas presented in any proposal. Selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right. MEDIA RELEASES AND MARKETING MATERIALS All successful proposers must receive prior written approval from the LVBEP for all media releases and marketing materials. Page 6 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Based on availability of funds, cost-reimbursement contracts will begin on or after November 21, 2014 and be in effect no longer than June 30, 2015. REPORTING AND PROGRAM OVERSIGHT LVBEP requires data collection to validate performance. Successful proposers will be responsible for documentation that tracks youth participation and performance outcomes. The documentation of efforts and outcomes is critically important to the LVBEP and will be outlined in detail, with successful proposers, during contract negotiations. Program performance oversight and monitoring will be the responsibility of the LVBEP. RECORDS RETENTION Proposer(s) will assure that all records pertinent to this agreement, including financial, statistical, property, and supporting documentation, shall be retained for a period of six (6) years from the date of: 1) final payment of the agreement, and 2) when all audits and litigation are complete and resolved. PROPOSAL VERIFICATION Proposals will be reviewed to verify that they are complete and consistent with the guidelines set forth in this RFP. No incomplete, faxed, e-mailed or late proposals will be reviewed. PROPOSAL TIMELINE Activity RFP Release Date RFP Information Session Notice of Intent to Apply Proposal Due Date Review and Selection Period Notification Contract Negotiations Contract Dates Timeline Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Tuesday, October 21, 2014—3:00 pm Friday, October 31, 2014 Friday, November 21, 2014—Noon Friday, November 21, 2014—Monday, December 1, 2014 Friday, December 12, 2014 Monday, December 15, 2014 Friday, December 19, 2014—Tuesday, June 30, 2015 Notification to successful proposers will be made following Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership (LVBEP) approval. The LVBEP reserves the right to negotiate contract awards with all successful proposers. NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO APPLY Please submit the attached Notification of Intent to Apply found in (Attachment 5). The form may be faxed to LVBEP at 610-437-3527 or email [email protected] and is due by 4:00 pm on Friday, October 31, 2014. While failure to notify the LVBEP through the Notice of Intent to Apply will not disqualify you, it will provide us needed information for planning purposes. Page 7 AN RFP INFORMATION SESSION A RFP information session will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 3:00 pm, at Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership, 555 Union Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18109. Please RSVP your attendance by contacting Cindy Evans, Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership at 610-841-1004 or email [email protected]. Attendance is strongly encouraged. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE RFP Questions regarding this RFP may be submitted in writing to [email protected] through noon Friday, October 31, 2014. Phone call inquiries will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to visit the website at to review the questions and answers. REVIEW PROCESS Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership will rate proposals based on a scoring rubric and reserves the right to request additional information and schedule interviews or location visits as necessary. The scoring rubric is as follows for each Proposal: Criteria Organizational Capacity/Experience, Qualifications and History of Past Performance and Outcomes Total Possible Points 25 Proposed Program Narrative 50 Budget and Other Resources 25 Total 100 QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Those selected for funding will need to provide the following documents at time of contract negotiations: • • • • • • • • Lobbying Certification Statement (form to be provided) Drug Free Work Place Statement (form to be provided) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Checklist signed by authorized representative (form to be provided) Concurrence of Collective Bargaining Agent if applicable Equal Employment Opportunity statement Grievance Procedures Most recent Liability Insurance Certificate The most recent year’s independent auditors’ report and accompanying financial statements Page 8 COMPLIANCE • Organizations must assure compliance with all applicable health and safety standards established under Federal, State and local laws governing working or training conditions of eligible youth. Provisions must be made for accessibility of individuals with disabilities to the training and/or work facility and as required by Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended. • Activities for youth under the age of 18 must comply with Child Labor Laws. • Programs must provide Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses. • Organizations operating programs must comply with all requirements/ directives issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or other appropriate state departments. • Staff working directly with youth under the age of 18 must have child abuse clearance, criminal background checks and FBI clearances. SECTION 6: PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL Each proposal must include the following USING THE ORDER BELOW: 1. Proposal Cover Sheet: Please complete (Attachment 6) and use as the cover page of your proposal. 2. Proposal Check List. (Attachment 7) 3. Organizational Capacity/Experience, Qualifications and History of past Performance and Outcomes (25 points) Please describe the following: a. Provide an overview of the organization(s) including the experience and capacity to deliver innovative programming to youth b. Programs who previously received funding should provide demonstrated outcomes c. Provide an overview (resume) of the program staff who will be delivering the innovative program to the youth d. Describe the accounting system to be used. Include the types of ledgers, journals, payroll records, time and attendance records and indicate who will have the fiscal responsibility e. Explain how a satisfactory audit trail, listing documentation used to justify all expenditures, will be maintained f. Explain how facilities and equipment to be utilized are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Accessibility to building, classrooms, and restrooms should be included in explanation g. A signed copy of the Debarment/Suspension Certification Statement must be submitted with your proposal. Please complete (Attachment 8) Page 9 4. Proposed Program Narrative (50 points) a. Provide a one page summary highlighting the program contents b. Provide a daily schedule outlining times and locations of activities. Daily lunch break is not included in the 35 hours. Only exception to this is the Business Etiquette activity c. Describe how students will be selected for program participation d. Describe how individual youth assessments will be conducted to determine individual interests and future plans e. Include type and sources of career and labor market information and employment opportunities to be provided and how this information will be incorporated into targeted Lehigh Valley Industry Cluster career-related activities f. Explain how youth will access a computer lab in order to enhance web-based career research g. Describe how the CareerLinking Academy(s) location is conducive to a safe learning environment for youth and accessible to public transportation h. Explain how youth will be transported to employer, and educational facility tours i. Provide a career planning template j. Explain how you will design and initiate individual career plans and career pathways during the CareerLinking Academy k. Describe the Career Awareness and Preparation activities of the proposal and which skills under the Career Awareness and Preparation Academic Standards will be obtained- (PA Standard 13.1) l. Describe the Career Acquisition (Getting a Job) activities of the proposal and which skills under the Career Acquisition Academic Standards (PA Standard 13.2) will be obtained m. Describe the Career Retention and Advancement activities of the proposal and which skills under the Career Retention and Advancement Standards (PA Standard 13.3) will be obtained, must include continuing education and training information and higher education options including admissions criteria and financial aid information n. Describe innovative models and creative approaches to deliver PA CareerLinking Academy to youth o. Provide a detailed description of all partnerships and responsibilities of each partner 5. Budget and Other Resources (25 points) a. Program Budget and Budget Narrative- (Attachment 9) b. List all cash and in-kind resources the organization will provide The Proposal Submission must meet the following specifications: a. b. c. d. Formatted using a 1” margin and no smaller than a 12-pt. font Include a table of contents Typed single-sided, single spaced pages Pages should be numbered and include a header/footer identifying the Proposer’s name e. Proposals must be submitted in the order listed in Section 7 Page 10 f. One original copy, five hard copies and one electronic copy (flash drive or CD) must be submitted by mail or delivered to appropriate address below g. The hard copies should not be placed in a binder, stapled or bound in any way Please use binder clips only h. All proposal applications must be received by Noon, Friday, November, 21, 2014 i. Late proposals will not be accepted and incomplete proposals will not be reviewed Mail or deliver to: Lehigh Valley Business Education Partnership 555 Union Boulevard, Allentown, PA 18109 Contact person: Cindy Evans, Youth Program Manager (610) 841-1004 [email protected] SECTION 7: BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Forms: All budget sheets are provided in a separate Excel Workbook named CareerLinking Academy Budget in (Attachment 9) and must be included in the proposal. Budget Narrative: In addition to the Budget Sheet, proposers must submit a Budget Narrative (Attachment 9). The Budget Narrative must provide a detailed description of costs associated with each line item on the budget sheet. (IF YOUR BUDGET NARRATIVE DOES NOT FULLY EXPLAIN ALL COSTS, YOUR PROPOSAL WILL NOT RECEIVE THE MAXIMUM BUDGET EVALUATION POINTS.) Formulas: The formulas will automatically calculate the totals so Proposers should only fill in applicable cells. Page 11
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