Concert of Accordion Orchestra of Music School Radovljica and Gasper Primozic: South-American rhythms and classical music on the accordion Koncert harmonikarskega orkestra GŠ Radovljica in Gašperja Primožiča: Južno-Ameriški ritmi in klasična glasba na harmoniki Saturday, 3rd January 2015 at 20.30 Sobota, 3. Januarja 2015 ob 20.30 uri Grand Hotel Toplice Accordion Orchestra of Music School Radovljica and Gasper Primozic: The Accordion Orchestra of the Radovljica Music School was formed in 1966 under the leadership of Jože Ažman, Professor of accordion, who went on to conduct the orchestra for close to 30 years. In 1994, he passed on the baton to Tomaž Cilenšek, who raised the orchestra to an astonishing level of quality, achieving considerable success in several international competitions. For the last 7 years, the orchestra has been conducted by Gašper Primožič, Professor of accordion and a representative of the new generation of accordionists. Having finished his studies for Professor of accordion and concert accordionist with Prof. Mag. Roman Pechmann at the Carinthian State Conservatory in Klagenfurt with distinction, Primožič enrolled in a postgraduate programme with the renowned Prof. Janne Rättyä at the Arts Department of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, concluding his studies in 2013. Under his leadership, the orchestra has made a name for itself, participating in many international competitions and festivals across Europe and winning a number of awards. To name just a few: 2nd place at the international competition in Pula (2009), 2nd place at the Prague Festival (2012) and 2nd place (94.80 points) at the music competition in Malborghetto (2013). This time, their concert will be based on the themes of classical music and South American rhythms on the accordion. Concert program / Koncertni program: 1. W. A. Mozart: W. A. Mozart: Symphony in G minor (KV 183) 2. Gilles Mayer: Little russian fantasy 3. Balkan Fantasie: Jo Knuemann 4. Copacabana: De Barro/Ribbiero 5. Brasilia, arrangement: Willi Muench 6. Panamericana: Josef Dieser 7. Johannes Brahms: Hungarian dance No. 1. 8. Nonstop Paris-Madrid: Josef Dieser 9. Astor Piazzolla: Primavera Portena 10. Astor Piazzolla: Milonga del Angel Harmonikarski orkester Glasbene Šole Radovljica in Gašper Primožič: Harmonikarski orkester GŠ Radovljica je nastal v letu 1966 pod vodstvom Jožeta Ažmana, profesorja harmonike, ki je orkester vodil skoraj 30 let. Leta 1994 je dirigentsko palico prevzel Tomaž Cilenšek, ki je orkester povzdignil na zavidljivo kvalitetno raven, saj je orkester v tem času uspešno tekmoval na več mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Zadnjih 7 let orkester vodi Gašper Primožič, profesor harmonike in predstavnik mlajše generacije harmonikarjev. Študij profesorja harmonike ter koncertnega harmonikarja na Koroškem deželnem konzervatoriju v Celovcu je z odliko zaključil pri prof. mag. Romanu Pechmannu, leta 2013 pa še podiplomski študij na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v Gradcu na umetniškem oddelku pri priznanem prof. Janne Rättyä. Zaradi svoje prepoznavnosti in kvalitete je orkester pod njegovim vodstvom gostoval na več različnih mednarodnih tekmovanjih in festivalih po Evropi, kjer je prejel več različnih priznanj in nagrad. Naj izpostavimo le nekatere: 2. nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju v Pulju (2009), 2. nagrado na Festivalu v Pragi (2012) in 2. nagrado (94,80 točk) na glasbenem tekmovanju v Naborjetu v Italiji (2013). Tokratni koncert bo v znamenju klasične glasbe in JužnoAmeriških ritmov na harmoniki.
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