Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter in European agricultural soils Taru Lehtinen Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Iceland 2014 Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter in European agricultural soils Taru Lehtinen Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of a Philosophiae Doctor degree in Geography Advisors Prof. Guðrún Gísladóttir (University of Iceland) Prof. Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir (University of Iceland) PhD Committee Prof. Guðrún Gísladóttir (University of Iceland) Prof. Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir (University of Iceland) Prof. Rattan Lal (Ohio State University) Opponents Prof. Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson (Agricultural University of Iceland) Prof. Thomas Kätterer (Swedish University Agricultural Sciences) Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Reykjavik, October 2014 Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter in European agricultural soils Soil aggregation and soil organic matter in agricultural soils Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of a Philosophiae Doctor degree in Geography Copyright © 2014 Taru Lehtinen All rights reserved Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland Sturlugata 7 101, Reykjavik Iceland Telephone: 525 4000 Bibliographic information: Lehtinen, Taru, 2014, Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter in European agricultural soils, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, 139 pp. ISBN 978-9935-9164-9-5 Printing: Háskólaprent Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2014 Abstract This thesis presents the results of studies of the dynamics of soil aggregates and soil organic matter (SOM), and of studies of the effects of crop residue (CR) incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas emissions. An improved method for macroaggregate breakdown using low-energy ultrasonication and density fractionation was used to investigate the soil aggregate dynamics and SOM in European agricultural soils. The greatest aggregate breakdown was observed in Andisol and Entisol, followed by Alfisol, Ultisol, and Inceptisol. The stability of macroaggregates was influenced by particle-size distribution and the amounts of exchangeable Mn and Mg. In Iceland and Austria, evidence of diminished aggregate hierarchy was observed. Mn oxides in Iceland and Fe oxides in Austria were positively correlated with macroaggregation, as was fungal biomass. In Iceland, in low SOM concentration sites macroaggregates contributed 40-70% of the organic carbon and nitrogen to bulk soil, whereas in high SOM concentration sites free particulate organic matter contributed up to 70% of the OC and N to bulk soil. In Austria, the slightly different SOM distributions between the sites were most likely caused by differences in soil texture and maybe soil age. Analyses of published data on the effect of CR incorporation on SOC and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe indicate a 7% increase in SOC. In contrast, CO2 and N2O emissions were six and twelve times higher, respectively. The processes linking CR incorporation to soil aggregate and SOM dynamics needs to be clarified in future studies. Útdráttur Lífrænt kolefni í jarðvegi og samkornun jarðvegs eru mikilvæg fyrir gæði hans. Þessi ritgerð fjallar um gagnkvæma virkni lífræns efnis og samkorna í jarðvegi á ræktarlandi í Evrópu, en beitt var nýrri aðferð við sundrun stórra samkorna til að auðvelda rannsóknirnar. Ritgerðin fjallar einnig um áhrif blöndunar lífrænna leifa af ræktarlandi í jarðveg á lífrænt kolefni í jarðvegi og losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda. Samkornin sundruðust mest í Andisol og Entisol, en einnig í Alfisol, Ultisol og Inceptisol, í þeirri röð. Stöðugleiki stórra samkorna var háður kornastærðardreifingu og einnig magni skiptanlegra Mn og Mgjóna. Niðurstöður benda til þess að stigskipting samkornunar í jarðvegi á Íslandi og í Austurríki sé minni en sýnt hefur verið fram á annars staðar. Jákvæð fylgni var milli stórra samkorna og Mn-oxíða í íslenskum jarðvegi og Fe-oxíða í austurrískum, og milli stórra samkorna og lífmassa sveppa í jarðvegi beggja landanna. Þegar lífrænt innihald íslensks jarðvegs var lítið var um 40-70% af lífrænu kolefni og köfnunarefni í stórum samkornum, en þegar hlutur lífræns efnis var mikill var um 70% þess lítt niðurbrotið lífrænt efni. Breytileiki í lífrænu kolefni og köfnunarefni í jarðvegi í Austurríki réðst af kornastærðardreifingu og sennilega af aldri jarðvegs. Áhrif íblöndunar lífrænna leifa í jarðveg víða í Evrópu leiddi til 7% aukningar á lífrænu kolefni, en sex sinnum meiri losun á CO2 og tólf sinnum meiri á N2O. Þörf er á frekari rannsóknum til að skilja þau ferli sem tengja íblöndun lífrænna leifa við samkornun jarðvegs sem og gagnkvæma virkni samkorna við lífrænt efni í jarðvegi. Dedicated to Hans, for being the most positive himself, loving me to pieces, trying to teach me to face challenges with laughter, pushing me to believe in my skills, encouraging me to be myself, supporting me like the most wonderful loving partner, and for taking me to exciting adventures when I the least felt it was the time for them. And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My dear, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full I travelled each and every highway And more, much more than this, I did it my way Regrets, I've had a few But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do, I saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course, each careful step along the highway And more, much more than this, I did it my way Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew And through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way I've loved, I've laughed and cried I've had my fill, my share of losing And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say, not in a shy way, "Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way" For what is a woman, what has she got? If not herself, then she has naught The right to say the things she feels and not the words of one who kneels The record shows I took the blows and did it my way! Slightly modified from Frank Sinatra´s “My Way” List of Papers This thesis is an amalgamation of four papers. Appendix I includes author contributions to the papers, and appendix II lists published papers and a popular science paper outside of this PhD thesis. The papers will be referred in the text as follows: Chapter 2. Lehtinen, T., Lair, G.J., Mentler, A., Gisladóttir, G., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Blum, W.E.H. 2014. Soil Aggregate Quantification Using Low Dispersive Ultrasonic Energy Levels. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78: 713-723. Reprint is published with kind permission of the journal. Chapter 3. Lehtinen, T., Gísladóttir, G., Lair, G.J., van Leeuwen, J., Blum, W.E.H., Bloem, J., Steffens, M., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., 2014. Aggregation and organic matter in subarctic Andosols under different grassland management. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science (submitted 12.08.2014). Chapter 4. Lehtinen, T., Lair, G.J., van Leeuwen, J.P., Gísladóttir, G., Bloem, J., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Steffens, M., Blum, W.E.H. 2014. Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter under intensive cropping on Austrian Chernozems. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (to be submitted). Chapter 5. Lehtinen, T., Schlatter, N., Baumgarten, A., Bechini, L., Krüger, J., Grignani, C., Zavattaro, L., Costamagna, C., Spiegel, H. 2014. Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management (in press). Manuscript included in the thesis with kind permission of the journal. Table of Contents List of Papers ...................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ................................................................................................................... xiv List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... xvi Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. xviii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... xxi 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 Soil structure in agricultural soils .................................................................. 1 1.1.2 Soil organic matter in agricultural soils ......................................................... 4 1.1.3 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following crop residue incorporation .................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Aims of the research ................................................................................................ 9 1.3 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 10 1.3.1 Study sites .................................................................................................... 10 1.3.2 Methodology summary ................................................................................ 16 1.4 Results .................................................................................................................... 19 1.4.1 Aggregate breakdown in European soils ..................................................... 19 1.4.2 Soil aggregates and soil organic matter in Icelandic grasslands and Austrian croplands ....................................................................................... 19 1.4.3 Effect of crop residue incorporation on SOC and GHG emissions ............. 20 1.5 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 20 1.5.1 Aggregate dynamics in European soils ........................................................ 20 1.5.2 Soil organic matter in European agricultural soils ....................................... 22 1.5.3 Effect of crop residue incorporation GHG emissions .................................. 23 1.5.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................. 24 References ....................................................................................................................... 26 2 Soil Aggregate Stability in Different Soil Orders Quantified by Low Dispersive Ultrasonic Energy Levels........................................................................... 39 3 Aggregation and organic matter in subarctic Andosols under different grassland management ................................................................................................. 53 Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 54 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 55 3.2 Material and methods............................................................................................. 56 3.2.1 Site description............................................................................................. 56 3.2.2 Soil sampling ............................................................................................... 59 3.2.3 Physicochemical and biological characterization of soils at the grassland sites .............................................................................................. 59 xi 3.2.4 Density and aggregate fractionation ............................................................ 60 3.2.5 Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy .............................................................. 62 3.2.6 Statistical analyses ....................................................................................... 62 3.3 Results .................................................................................................................... 62 3.3.1 Physicochemical and biological characterization of soils at the grassland sites .............................................................................................. 62 3.3.2 Distribution of soil fractions in the grassland sites ...................................... 65 3.3.3 Distribution of OC and Nt in the grassland sites ......................................... 69 3.4 Discussion............................................................................................................... 70 3.4.1 Soil structure in the grassland sites.............................................................. 70 3.4.2 SOM in the grassland sites .......................................................................... 71 3.4.3 SOM distribution and chemical quality in the grassland sites..................... 72 3.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 73 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 73 References ....................................................................................................................... 75 4 Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter under intensive cropping on Austrian Chernozems .............................................................................. 82 Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 83 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 84 4.2 Material and methods ............................................................................................. 85 4.2.1 Site description ............................................................................................ 85 4.2.2 Soil sampling ............................................................................................... 86 4.2.3 Physicochemical soil properties .................................................................. 86 4.2.4 Soil microbiology ........................................................................................ 86 4.2.5 Density and aggregate fractionation ............................................................ 87 4.2.6 Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy .............................................................. 87 4.2.7 Statistical analyses ....................................................................................... 88 4.3 Results .................................................................................................................... 88 4.3.1 Soil characteristics ....................................................................................... 88 4.3.2 Distribution of soil fractions ........................................................................ 92 4.3.3 Distribution and chemical quality of SOM.................................................. 94 4.4 Discussion............................................................................................................... 97 4.4.1 Soil structure in the cropland sites ............................................................... 97 4.4.2 SOM in the cropland sites ........................................................................... 98 4.4.3 SOM distribution and chemical quality in the cropland sites ...................... 98 4.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 99 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 99 References ..................................................................................................................... 100 5 Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils ........................... 107 Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 108 5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 109 5.2 Material and methods ........................................................................................... 110 5.2.1 Data sources ............................................................................................... 110 5.2.2 Data preparation ........................................................................................ 117 5.2.3 Data aggregation ........................................................................................ 117 5.2.4 Data analysis .............................................................................................. 117 xii 5.3 Results .................................................................................................................. 117 5.3.1 Effect of environmental zone ..................................................................... 120 5.3.2 Effect of clay content ................................................................................. 120 5.3.3 Effect of experiment duration .................................................................... 120 5.3.4 Effect of experiment and crop residue type on RR for GHG emissions .... 120 5.3.5 Correlation between SOC concentration and crop yields .......................... 120 5.4 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 125 5.4.1 Effect of environmental zone ..................................................................... 126 5.4.2 Effect of clay content ................................................................................. 126 5.4.3 Effect of experiment duration .................................................................... 126 5.4.4 Effect of experiment and crop residue type on RR for GHG emissions .... 127 5.4.5 Correlations between crop yields and SOC concentrations ....................... 128 5.4.6 Possible improvements of the data set for future analyses ........................ 128 5.5 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 128 Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 129 References ..................................................................................................................... 130 Appendix I ........................................................................................................................ 137 Author contributions to the papers................................................................................ 137 Appendix II ...................................................................................................................... 139 Publications ................................................................................................................... 139 5.5.1 Scientific publications outside of the PhD thesis ....................................... 139 5.5.2 Popular science publications outside of the thesis ..................................... 139 xiii List of Figures Figure 1.1 Hierarchical conceptual model of aggregation as first described by Tisdall and Oades (1982). The loop describes the chronological formation of aggregates, from clay particles that forms domains that get gradually larger into microaggregates and macroaggregates, as well as formation of microaggregates from macroaggregates. Modified from Ghezzehei (2012). ............................................................................................... 2 Figure 1.2 The conceptual model of the Life cycle of macroaggregate. T1 to t4 denote different time steps in the life cycle. Source: Six et al. (2000), with kind permission from Wiley. ....................................................................................... 3 Figure 1.3 Simplified schematic of the carbon dynamics in a cropland, showing three different SOC pools and the various sources of CO2 from the agricultural soil system. Source: Janzen (2006), with kind permission from Wiley. ............. 8 Figure 1.4 Schematic diagram on the effects of crop residue incorporation on soil N2O emissions. IP1 and IP3 denote higher emissions (due to nitrification and denitrification, respectively); IP2 lower emissions (due to nitrification); IP4 and IP5 higher or lower emissions (depending on electron donors and acceptor, and anaerobicity, respectively). Source: Chen et al. (2013), with kind permission from Wiley. ........................................ 9 Figure 1.6 Map of the selected farms in Iceland. For acronyms, see text above. Map composed by Friðþór Sófus Sigurmundsson (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland). ............................................. 12 Figure 1.7 Pictures from the selected improved farming sites (HaAorg, HaAcon HiAorg, and HiAcon) from Icelandic organic (HaAorg, HiAorg) and conventional farms (HaAcon, HiAcon). ........................................................... 13 Figure 1.8 Map of the selected farms in Austria, at Obersiebenbrunn and Lassee. Map composed by Helene Pfalz-Schwingenschlögl (BOKU)........................... 14 Figure 1.9 Sampled organic (Org76, Org95) and conventional farms in Austria (Con76, Con95). ............................................................................................... 15 Figure 1.10 The selected European long-term experiments. Map composed by Janine Krüger (Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Grossbeeren, Germany).Map is a black and white version of the map in Chapter 5 and in this PhD thesis with the kind permission of Soil Use and Management. ............................................................................................. 16 Figure 3.1 Schematic of the fractionation procedure. Gray circles represent fractions for further analyses. ......................................................................................... 61 xiv Figure 3.2 The distributions of micro- (<20 µm, and 20-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm) of soils of different grassland sites. A 0-10 cm, B 10-20cm. ................................................................................................. 67 Figure 3.3 The C and N distribution within particle-size fractions and C/N ratios of different soil fractions of soils of different grassland sites. (Note: The C concentration of each fraction was calculated by taking total soil C as the sum of the C associated with all separate particle-size fractions, including POM fractions). A, C, E= 0-10 cm, B, D, F=10-20 cm. .................. 69 Figure 4.1 The distributions of micro- (<20 µm, and 20-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm) in A) 0-15 cm, and B) 30-40cm. ........................ 92 Figure 4.2 The C and N distribution within particle-size fractions and C/N ratios of different soil fractions in A, C, E) 0-15 cm, and B, D, F) 30-40 cm. (Note: The C content of each fraction was calculated by taking total soil C as the sum of the C associated with all separate particle-size fractions, including POM fractions). ................................................................................ 95 Figure 5.1 Map of the experiment locations and their distribution across the aggregated environmental zones (Nemoral, Atlantic, Continental, Mediterranean). .............................................................................................. 115 Figure 5.2 Response ratios (RRs) of SOC concentrations across A environmental zones (ENZs), B) clay contents (%), and C) experiment durations (years). The left vertical line of the box represents the first quartile, median is shown as a thick line, and the right vertical line represents the third quartile. Horizontal bars show the minimum and maximum values. The (°) and (*) denote outliers. The figure is based on the original data on response ratios, without any weighting procedure. The numbers of RR (and experiments) are presented for each category along the y-axis. Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). ................................................................................... 118 Figure 5.3 Correlation between RR for SOC concentration and crop yields A) across the sites, B) across the aggregated environmental zones, C) across the clay contents, and D) across the experiment durations. The figure is based on the original data on response ratios, without any weighting procedure ........................................................................................................ 124 xv List of Tables Table 1.1 Summary of methods used in this PhD thesis. Letters indicate where the analyses were carried out................................................................................. 17 Table 3.1 Background information of the studied sites. ...................................................... 58 Table 3.2 Key physicochemical and biological properties of the studied soils. ................. 63 Table 3.3 Means (standard deviations) of free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) and mean weight diameter (MWD) in the studied sites. .............................................................................. 66 Table 3.4 Pearson correlation coefficients between the mean weight diameter (MWD), particulate organic matter and soil aggregate fractions, and the key physicochemical and biological soil properties1. ...................................... 68 Table 3.5 Integrated chemical shift regions (% of total signal intensity) obtained by 13 C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy for the extracted free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM), and bulk soil. ................................................................................................................... 70 Table 4.1 Means and standard deviations of physicochemical and biological properties of the bulk soils studied (n=3). Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test. ..................... 89 Table 4.2 Results of two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) showing the level of significance for each significant variation source associated with the soil properties (n=24 for physicochemical soil properties at both soil depths (0-15 cm and 30-40 cm), n=12 for fungal biomass, active fungi, bacterial biomass, mineralisable N, and hot water extractable carbon (HWC) at the 0-15 cm soil depth). .................................................................................... 91 Table 4.3 Means (standard deviations) of mean weight diameter (MWD) of ultrasound stable sand corrected aggregates (<5 mm), free particulate organic matter (fPOM) and occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) in the studied sites (n=3). Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). .......................................... 93 Table 4.4 Integrated chemical shift regions (% of total signal intensity) obtained by 13 C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy for the extracted free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM), and bulk soil for the studied sites. ................................................................................... 96 Table 5.2 Aggregated variables and specific levels of each variable. .............................. 116 Table 5.3 Significant results of multiple regressions. ....................................................... 119 xvi Table 5.4 Mean response ratios of GHG emissions in crop residue incorporation management practices compared to crop residue removal management practices in different aggregated environmental zones (ENZs), clay contents (%), and experiment durations (years). The values have been calculated from average data from each experiment and were weighted based on the amount of response ratios calculated into the average. Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). ................................................................................... 122 xvii Abbreviations ANOVA: analysis of variance C: carbon CEC: cation exchange capacity CO2: carbon dioxide CR: crop residue CZO: Critical Zone Observatory ENZ: environmental zone Exo1: thermally labile soil organic matter Exo2: thermally more stable organic matter Exo3: refractory soil organic matter fPOM: free particulate organic matter GHG: greenhouse gas K: potassium MWD: mean weight diameter N: nitrogen Nt: total nitrogen N2O: nitrous oxide OC: organic carbon OM: organic matter oPOM: occluded particulate organic matter P: phosphorous POM: particulate organic matter RR: response ratio SOC: soil organic carbon xviii SOM: soil organic matter STA: simultaneous thermal analysis NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance WEOC: water-extractable organic carbon WFPS: water filled pore space WRB: world reference base XRD: X-ray diffraction xix Acknowledgements Completing a PhD is a journey that requires Finnish sisu, enthusiasm, passion for science, determination, lots of running and yoga, and an amazing personal and academic support network. Due to the importance of the personal support network, I will thank one person from the personal support group first. I have dedicated this work to my beloved Hans Göransson because without him I would not have made it! You came to my life like a wonderful surprise, literally completely out of the blue! I know we could have met even though you wouldn´t have moved to Vienna, but words can´t describe how happy and privileged I am that you did decide to take a job in Vienna. We have seen and explored Vienna, Austria and Europe together and we can even understand each other on a professional level. You may think we are from completely different sides of science, but at least we are both trying to explore the “not-so-black-box” of soil and trying to understand and explain what happens in there. Your red pants and humour made me think you´re from the Best coast of Sweden and so you were. A piece of Göteborg came to me, and I could not even have imagined what kind of a pearl was been thrown at me. Life with you is a constant adventure as well as wonderful everyday life with home-brewed beer, and I hope it never ends. I mean the life, not the beer, even though you´re a talented brew master! I am ever grateful for the enormous support you have given me during my PhD. I am truly a lucky woman to have you standing behind my back. I hope I´ll be able to support you as much in your endeavours, and can´t wait to see and experience our life without me finishing a PhD! Please understand that it will be emotional when this PhD is over, tears of joy and happiness will flow. Please see it as a little river of thankfulness and proudness of a chapter finalized. Afterwards, we can laugh as much as you want! PhD Supervisors and Committee. My supervisors have done an amazing job, which I can´t thank them enough for. Prof. Guðrún Gísladóttir: You have supervised me about science and life, and always stood behind me. You have been the one to remind me of the real life when my dreams fly a bit too high. Thanks to you I now have an experience box, which I can open and close whenever I want. It will be strange not to be skyping to you almost every week. I admire your enthusiasm and will power in making the University of Iceland a dream place for a soil scientist to be. I am proud to be a piece in your soil puzzle! Prof. Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir: You have always supported me in my scientific and personal successes and challenges. Thank you! My motivation to study in the first place was to see the world and learn more about the environment. You gave me the possibility to do so, and I hope my educational journey has benefited you as much as me. I will never forget how you helped me to move and gave my boxes a home for a while, as well as our trip around Iceland in the summer of 2010! I highly respected a dean, you, that said yes to my wish to stay and volunteer at a farm for a couple of days. That was wonderful! I´m looking forward to seeing your next sustainability projects! Prof. Rattan Lal: You came into my life as a PhD Committee member, and I want to thank you very much for your guidance and valuable input. You made a big impression on me with your talk in Iceland in the summer of 2013. Your way to look at soils from the global perspective with the whole planet Earth and its people involved is truly unique. I would like to see many soil scientists to follow that path, and remind us all, that many crucial daily things in life such as food on our plate and safety depend on healthy and well-functioning soils. It´s easy to extract an aggregate xxi from a soil sample, but to connect it to the bigger picture and to the biggest environmental challenges of today and the future is a task you have really mastered. PhD coauthors and supporters. Dr. Georg J. Lair and Prof. Windfried E.H. Blum: Thank you for helping me to come to Austria, and for financially supporting my soil organic matter course in Freising, Germany. Especial thank you for Georg for helping me to plan my research and for helping me to find the right farmers to cooperate with and the right fields to sample in Austria. Dr. Axel Mentler: without you I wouldn´t know half as much about ultrasonication and its details. Thank you for your guidance and for saving me with some drinks every now and then! Jeroen van Leeuwen: It has been a pleasure to have you as a PhD colleague, co-author and a cooperating partner. You always smile, and focus on the good things in life. You were the first Dutch person I know to climb a huge mountain with me (Iceland´s highest peak), and were brave enough to join for morning swims in the North Italian lake in the late fall weather. Highly respected by a Finnish person ;) I wish we´ll stay in touch in the future; please do invite me to your defence! Dr. Jaap Bloem: Thank you for your wise advice and wonderful personality. It has been great to cooperate with you and exchange ideas with you. Prof. Peter de Ruiter: Thanks for seeing Iceland as an interesting research opportunity and cooking lamb for the vegetarian before climbing the highest peak of Iceland, I may not have made it without the meat! Dr. Markus Steffens: thank you for a fantastic month in Bavaria! I learned a lot about NMR, got to meet great people, got lots of new ideas for the future, and of course, fell in love with the Bavarian beer! PI Dr. Heide Spiegel:, I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to work with you! You shine positive energy, one can hear you laugh every day, and that creates an excellent working environment for the whole crew. Thank you for giving me a great job, for your continuous support and your way to make me feel I can learn more than I thought! Norman Schlatter, you are a great colleague and teacher, and oh, so well organized with excel! It has been great to share an office with you, and work with you on several issues! Dr. Andreas Baumgarten, thank you for having me at the institute for sustainable plant production and trusting my skills and knowledge! Dr. Luca Bechini: Thank you for all the skype meetings about crop residue incorporation, and your invaluable support in writing my 4th manuscript! I´m happy we´re back in the same project, and am looking very much forward to continuing to work with you. Janine Krüger: thank you for your beautiful maps and such a nice cooperation. I hope it will continue in the future! Prof. Carlo Grignani, Dr. Laura Zavattaro, Chiara Costamagna: thank you for your great effort in productivity side and excellent constructive comment on my writing! Dr. Loredana Saccone: thanks for excellent help in the field in Iceland, and for initiating the research cooperation with Lund University, Sweden, about silica in Icelandic soils! Dr. Wim Clymans and Prof. Daniel Conley, it has been great to learn about silica cycling from you, and hopefully we will meet in person soon! Reynir Smári Atlason, I´ve learned a lot about economic perspectives on farming from you. Thanks for excellent cooperation! Dr. Joost Keuskamp, Bas Dingemans, Dr. Mariet Hefting and Dr. Judith Sarneel, thank you for the cooperation with the Tea Bag Index and for bringing a lot of joy and enthusiasm into my life! Dr. Rannveig Anna Guicharnaud and Dr. Anu Mikkonen, thank you for your support! I´m looking forward to a conference where we´ll all three will be present and will get the chance to open a big bottle of red wine! EUROSOIL Istanbul 2016? Farmers and data providers. A very warm thank you for all of our eight farmers and their families, who opened their doors to us, told us the history of their farm and allowed us to sample from their properties. It almost comes without saying that without your xxii contributions there would not have been any thesis. I´m always ready to discuss more about the results and to go through them with you! A big thank you also for the researchers of the 50 experiments who made it possible to write my manuscript about crop residue incorporation in Europe. SoilTrEC and Catch-C consortiums. Special thanks to Brynhildur Davidsdóttir for encouraging me to think about SoilTrEC! Thanks Inge Regelink for great discussions and article support whenever I have been wondering about what my results really mean. Dr. Manoj Menon, it has been a pleasure to work with you, I do hope we´ll stay in touch in the future! I´m looking forward to many discussions about aggregates Special thank you for Prof. Steve Banwart for leading the project and for good discussion. Eydís Mary Jónsdóttir, it was a real pleasure to work with you and to be able to help you with your MSc. You´re sunshine, don´t let it go away Dr. Utra Mangasingh: thank you so much for listening to all of my worries and making me believe in myself. Please remember that this works the other way around as well, my office and phone are always open for you! Big thanks for the whole SoilTrEC group for many memorable moments during the project! Thanks for the whole Catch-C consortium and AGES for having me in the group, it has been very educational and I think the almost best thing about the project is the wonderful atmosphere! The communication and feeling in the group is great, and make it to such a pleasure to be part of it. Please keep it up Helene Berthold: you are such a specialist in all soil related happenings going on in Vienna! It has been a pleasure to work with you, and lucky me, it will continue! PhD students and coworkers at the University of Iceland. Martin Nouza and Sófus Sigurmundsson, I shared an office with you in the beginning of my PhD, which I´ll never forget. It took you two months to tell me that I sing when it gets too loud in the room and I get annoyed. I bet you had fun, I enjoyed every bit of sharing an office with you guys Sófus, thanks for the beautiful map on my Icelandic farms! Harald, Virgile, Edda, Olga, Sigrún, María, and my other wonderful colleagues and group members; we got a bit less time together than expected but the time we had was great! Special thanks for Harald Schaller for trying to prepare me for moving to Central Europe. I did not understand your wise words and why my wardrobe looked “too Finnish”, but I´ve got good laughs for my Nordic way of thinking and how different countries in Europe can be. Dr. Sigrún Maria Kristínsdóttir: thanks for all the skype chats and talks during our PhDs! It was great to feel that there was a sister on the same boat Dr. Hanna Sisko Kaasalainen: thanks for all our great discussions and guidance on the way to a PhD. Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir: a dear friend and now a PhD colleague as well. What a dream that we would be working in the same place! Unfortunately our offices are thousands of kilometres apart, but the telepathy still works. Your cat, my dear Logi, kept me company for two important weeks in the beginning of my PhD, which I will always remember. I´m looking forward to support you in your PhD! Dr. Pacifica Ogola, thank you for your wise words and life wisdom. Your painting on my wall reminds me of you every day. PhD students, scientific staff and technical staff at the Soil Research Institute at BOKU, Vienna, Austria. Prof. Sophie Zechmeister- Boltenstern: thank you for having me at the institute. You have a great group, a great institute, and millions of exciting opportunities. My PhD would not be the same without the support from the institute. PhD students didn´t have an organized support group to begin with, but we created one. Christine Gritsch: without your enthusiasm we wouldn´t have made it, thank you! I´m also thankful for our great discussion Dr. Stefanie Kloss: thanks for our yoga and discussion times! Sonja, xxiii Sumitra, Leo, Elsa, Joshua, Jasmin: thank you for taking time to meet up to discuss PhD related issues and to be there to boost each other’s self-confidence and presentation skills. Dr. Axel Mentler, Ewald Brauner, Astrid Hobel, Elisabeth Kopecky, Karin Hackl, Angelika Hromatka: without you I would not be defending my PhD. Axel is a man that everybody needs and appreciates. He knows the most about any machine at the institute and always has ways and will power to help people. Thank you for showing and teaching me things in the lab, and solving many many of my problems. Ewald, Astrid, Elisabeth, Karin, Angelika, a million thanks to all the work you have done to get my samples through the lab and for your help and guidance in the lab. Heider Naschimento, Guilhem Heranney, Flora Brocza: I´m ever grateful for your help in the lab! Flora, you made my farmer interviews in Austria possible, thank you! Your enthusiasm, positive attitude, and thoroughness are qualities everybody wants. Make sure you´re surrounded by good people and that you get enough stimulation in your studies, you will go long! Dr. Ika Djukic: I enjoyed sharing an office with you and getting to know a person from much more south of Europe than I am. Thanks for our discussions, your help in life and statistics, our wonderful evening at Hofburg, and the friendship that was created and that hopefully will be life-long. Dr. Katharina Keiblinger: thank you for introducing me to Hans, taking time to help all the PhD students with their CVs, managing the breakfast, managing the lab meetings and doing so much for the institute. Prof. Franz Zehetner: thank you for your comments on my questions and always emailing to the ZID regarding my requests. Thanks for the whole staff for the great moments shared! Soil Science Group at the Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany. Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner: I really enjoyed the soil organic matter course in March 2012 and knew that I wanted to come back and learn more. Thank you for supporting my dream to come for a visit to your group! Dr. Markus Steffens: as said before, I really liked to work with you and appreciate your teaching during my time in Freising! Dr. Carten Müller: thank you for answering a lot of questions about density fractionation even before my coming to Freising, for showing me around at the institute, and encouraging me to come for a longer time! I still want to hear more about your work in Alaska! Caroline Bimüller, Cordula Vogel, Dominik Christophel: thanks for showing me the student life and joys of Freising, I hope we will meet many many times more! Thank you for the whole group for making me feel like one of the group from the very beginning, and for having such a great working atmosphere! Dear Friends. Laukki: when I had challenges adjusting to a new environment in Vienna you came and lightened up my everyday life with some step dance. You booked tickets to operas, musicals, operettas, ballets and what not during the days, and in the evenings we enjoyed the cultural delights of Vienna. Luckily you´ve come back a couple of times, please do come again! I already have a list of things you should see ;) Jaana: when I felt like there was no nature in Vienna, I could come and see you in Paris. After three trips to Paris I saw that Vienna was a city full of green space and surrounded by a big big forest and countless amounts of vineyards. And the mountains are only a bit more than an hour away by train. So what a place! Iceland is a paradise on Earth, but Vienna is fantastic in its own way. Thanks for helping me to see that, and for always being there for me. You´re like a sister, and so you will always be. Leena: you are always in my heart even though I can´t see you as much as I would like. Let’s do another ladies trip to Tallinn or somewhere else soon! Marianne: you´ve entered the same PhD boat, take a deep breath and think of positive thoughts. Lots of yoga, and karma on! Thanks for all our running times and xxiv discussions, they have been priceless. James, Marco and Maria: without you I wouldn´t have tasted half as many wines and biked through so many Austrian places. Thank you! Louise and Pad, thanks for hosting me and Hans in Iceland for such a long time and Louise for reading through my English. I hope to get you to the boat soon again Sandra, Steinþór, Agla, and Logi: you´re my Icelandic family and I couldn´t imagine a life without you! Thank you for all my dear friends in Iceland, Austria, Finland, Sweden and around the world who have supported me during this time, and shared joys and sorrows in so many lovely occasions! Family. Family IS the BEST. Äiti: kiitos sun mä oon opiskellu ja toteuttanu unelmiani. Ja suurella suomalaisella sisulla sitä on tehty. Sä oot aina sanonu, että vaikkei rahaa ole niin opiskella voi kuka tahansa ja kuinka paljon vaan haluaa. Oot myös sanonu että elämässä pitää olla unelmia, pieniä ja suuria. Ja näitä oppeja olen sitten toteuttanut. Anteeksi, että se on vienyt mut kauas pois, mutta kun maailmassa on vielä niin paljon nähtävää, ja opittava kun ei lopu koskaan. Kiitos sun, mä oon saanu enkeleitä matkalle. Niitä on tarvittu, ja ne on mua suojannu. Vieläkään ei oo yhtään luuta saatu rikki (kop kop koputan puuta!), vaikka väikkärin aikanakin sitä on triathlonikisoissa kokeiltu. Siitä oon kiittänyt sua, ja korttienkeliä joka matkaa rahapussissa arjessa mukana. Onneksi matka meijän välillä ei tällä hetkellä ole kovin pitkä. Ja mun ovet on aina rakkaalle äidille auki. Isä: kiitos ihanista juttutuokioista skypessä ja sun tuesta urheilun suhteen. Kyllä mä vielä joku päivä sun kanssa kilometrikisaan pääsen Sami: sanat eivät riitä sua kiittämään. Sä oot ollu aina mun tukena, kuunnellut ilot ja surut, auttanut muuttamaan Ruotsiin, tullut joka maahan kylään ja ollut ihana itsesi. Oot kuunnellut ja tukenut isoissa päätöksissä. Kiitos kiitos kiitos! Vaikkakin Hans on vienyt suuren osan mun huolien ja unelmien kuuntelusta, niin sinun paikkaasi ei kukaan voi viedä. Raila: kiitos kun pidät mun rakkasta veljestä niin hyvää huolta ja olet tuonut iloa koko Lehtisen perheeseen! Sari: onneksi mut on siunattu myös siskolla. Mun lapsuuden idoli, joka onneksi on vihdoinkin saanut asennettua skypen jotta me voidaan olla enemmän puheyhteyksissä. Sydämessä ja ajatuksissa olet aina. Tero: oot järjestäny perheen parhaat löylyt ja vielä kauniilla maisemalla. Pidäthän hyvän huolen mun rakkaasta siskosta ja neljästä kullannupusta. Riku: mitä mä ikinä tietäisin suomalaisesta urheilusta ja uutisista jos mulla ei olisi sua? Meijän skypet on yksi mun arkipäivän tukipilareista! Sisarustenlapset. Karoliina, Samuel, Johanna, Eemil, Annika, Oskari ja Wilhelm. Te ootte mulle kultaa kalliimpia ja kiitos teidän oon saanu vaihtaa monta vaippaa, tuntea itseni lapseksi keskellä huvipuistoa, oppinut Mangasta, kuullut ihan uusia sanoja, saanut miljoonia pusuja ja haleja, ja niin paljon iloa elämään. Samuel ja Eemil, mä jo innolla odotan uutta yhteistä lomaa, tuntu hiukka tyhjältä kun kesä 2013 ja 2014 ei tuonutkaan teitä luokseni. Saattaapi olla että tulevaisuudessa mä lennän Samun luokse ulkomaille ;) Eemil, muista että kummipojalla on aina paikka kummitädin luona, kylään saa tulla milloin vaan. Karoliina, sä oot matkannu mun perässä joka kaupunkiin ja maahan. Toivottavasti näin jatkossakin, ja jos ei reissuja niin skypen voisi asentaa! Johanna, mä kaipaan sua jo Wieniin takaisin. Kun siltä tuntuu, niin tänne vaan Palapeli on joutunut takaisin laatikkoon, ja kaipaa tekijää. Annika, onneksi koripallo toi sut kanssa Wieniin niin kummitäti pääsi näyttämään sulle parhaat shoppailukadut ja sä veit mut kauppakeskuksiin mitä en ollu edes nähnyt. Oskari, mun pitäisi kyllä taas päästä sun lätkämatsiin. Wilhelm, meillä on vielä monta yhteistä matkaa ja kokemusta edessä! Margareta och Bo: tack för fantastiska stunder tillsammans! Jag har njutit av all vår til tidsammans; i Wien, på Djursten, på båten, och jag hoppas att vi kommer att få mycket mycket mer tid tillsammans! Ett mycket speciellt tack för er som har visat mig hur vackert det kan vara när två personer älskar varandra så mycket som ni gör! Olle, Amanda, Samuel, xxv Naomi, Daniel: det har varit jättefint att ni har kommit i min värld och att vi har kunnat redan uppleva saker tillsammans. Jag ser fram emot nästa äventyr! Funding. No research can be done without funding. My project was financially supported by the European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project “Soil Transformations in European Catchments” (SoilTrEC), Grant Agreement N° 244118. I also want to acknowledge the support I received from the European Science Foundation (ESF) for the activity entitled 'Natural molecular structures as drivers and tracers of terrestrial C fluxes' to conduct NMR measurements at the Technical University of Munich in Freising. I thank the FemTech grant I got to work at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) for half a year in 2013. The last part of my research, carried out at AGES, was funded under the CATCH-C project (Grant Agreement N° 289782) within the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, Theme 2 – Biotechnologies, Agriculture & Food. This PhD has been full of experiences and one of the best things I´ve done in my life. I´ve sometimes had my doubts about whether science is for me, but I can´t deny it; this is just the best job on Earth! In which other job can you try out your crazy ideas, dream a little, travel around the world and meet lots and lots of interesting new people? Thanks to my amazing personal and academic support network I will defend my PhD today, and fulfil my dream of becoming a researcher! I wish the coming years will bring me many more soil research experiences, not to forget my dream to run a full marathon when this work is done! Thank you my support team, you are worth more than any piece of gold (kultaa kalliimpia!) and I would not have made it without you! “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning” – Albert Einstein xxvi 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Agricultural soil systems of today are under great stress and global production is expected to need to double by the end of the century in order to meet the food demands for the increasing population. Current agricultural practices have developed highly productive food and biomass-producing systems based on industrial principles (Manlay et al., 2007). However, the agricultural soil system is facing diverse challenges, such as loss of natural ecosystems, degradation of soils and pollution due to population growth, and increasing demand for food high up in the food chain (i.e. meat), energy, water and land for industrialization (Lal, 2007). Arable land covers approximately one fourth of the global land area, but only half of it can be used efficiently for cultivation to feed the growing population and most of the best quality land is already in use (Tilman et al., 2002). In order to face these challenges the EC Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection listed the key and most essential soil functions including food and other biomass production; filtering, buffering and transformation of water, nutrients and contaminants; storage of carbon; and acting as a biological habitat and gene pool (European Commission, 2006). Soil fertility denotes the ability of a well-structured soil to store and supply essential plant nutrients in sufficient amounts, while maintaining preferable living conditions for soil biotic communities and enabling effective soil organic matter dynamics (Mäder et al., 2002). Sustainable multifunctional agricultural systems aim to meet the requirements for increased net primary productivity per unit input, but to keep the production within the limits of natural resources available and to maintain the ecosystem services for future generations (Brussaard et al., 2007; Kibblewhite et al., 2008). In terms of soil management this means maintaining and enhancing the soil carbon pool and its biodiversity (Lal, 2009). 1.1.1 Soil structure in agricultural soils Soil structure represents the organization and arrangement of soil particles and pore networks in the soil (Ghezzehei, 2012). Soil aggregate formation and stability are fundamental for soil structure, and are essential controls of soil fertility and agronomic productivity (Bronick and Lal, 2005). In agriculture, soils are ploughed in order to provide a favourable physical state for agriculture including good infiltration and water retention, well-aerated soil for optimal root growth, and favourable conditions for microbial activity (Hadas, 1997). According to the hierarchical aggregate model, which was first described by Tisdall and Oades (1982), macroaggregates (> 250 µm) are constructed of microaggregates (< 250 µm), sand, and particulate organic matter (POM) bound together by transient or temporary binding agents (Figure 1.1). Transient binding agents are microbial- and plant-derived polysaccharides that decompose rapidly, whereas temporary binding agents include roots and fungal hyphae. In contrast, microaggregates consist of associations of free primary particles bound together by persistant binding agents such as organic molecules, metal oxy(hydr)oxides, polyvalent cations, Ca- and Mg- carbonates, and CaSO4 (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Amézketa, 1999). The lowest hierarchical order of aggregates is clay 1 particles (< 2 µm). They are bound together by electrostatic bonding that causes flocculation and forms clay domains in the soil (Ghezzehei, 2012). The flocculation is dependent on various factors including the type of clay minerals, organic matter content and cation exchange capacity (Ghezzehei, 2012). Clay particles Domains + silt particles Microaggregates <2 µm 2-20 µm 20-250 µm Macroaggregates >250 µm ë Figure 1.1 Hierarchical conceptual model of aggregation as first described by Tisdall and Oades (1982). The loop describes the chronological formation of aggregates, from clay particles that forms domains that get gradually larger into microaggregates and macroaggregates, as well as formation of microaggregates from macroaggregates. Modified from Ghezzehei (2012). Six et al. (2000) proposed another conceptual aggregate model (Figure 1.2), which included the important change to aggregate hierarchy model by Oades (1984) that describes the formation of microaggregates within macroaggregates. They postulate that macroaggregates form around fresh (particulate) organic matter when microbially derived organic molecules bind mineral particles. The fresh residue acts as a source of carbon for microbial activity; thus, microbially-derived binding agents will be produced (Golchin et al., 1994; Six et al., 2000). Since the binding agents of macroaggregates are weaker than in microaggregates, macroaggregates are easily influenced by management practices such as tillage (Ghezzehei, 2012). Microaggregates are formed within macroaggregates, as clay and silt particles become encrusted with soil organic matter (SOM) and microbial waste products (Six et al., 2000). Stable macroaggregates are formed when bridges between primary and secondary particles coated with oxy(hydro)oxides are formed (Six et al., 2000; 2004). When the physical soil disturbance is reduced, e.g. in connection to no tillage, stable microaggregates are formed within macroaggregates, and the turnover of macroaggregates becomes longer, thus, carbon (C) can be stabilized within the microaggregates and consequently SOM contents may increase (Six et al., 2000). 2 Figure 1.2 The conceptual model of the Life cycle of macroaggregate. T1 to t4 denote different time steps in the life cycle. Source: Six et al. (2000), with kind permission from Wiley. Soil aggregate stability is an indicator of the ability of the coagulated soil matrix to withstand disruptive, physical forces. It is governed by various biotic and abiotic factors and their interactions (Ghezzehei, 2012); the five most important being microorganisms, roots, soil fauna, inorganic binding agents and environmental variables (Six et al., 2004). Soil properties such as particle size distribution (Lehrsch et al., 1991), Fe and Al oxy(hydr)oxide contents (Römkens et al., 1977; Le Bissonnais and Singer, 1993; Six et al., 2004), and SOM level (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Churchman and Tate, 1987; Deviren Saygin et al., 2012) are influencing the aggregate stability. Roots govern aggregates by mechanical effects of root penetration, moisture dynamics induced by plants, root exudates, C inputs as well as entanglement by roots (Ghezzehei, 2012). Earthworms influence the soil aggregates the most of any other soil fauna since they transport and break down organic matter (OM) in the soil. Wetting and drying cycles may affect the aggregates through a number of processes, namely swelling and shrinkage of clays, physical transport, 3 deposition and hardening of organic and inorganic binding agents as well capillary stresses (Ghezzehei, 2012). Further, a wide range of soil properties and functions are influenced by aggregate stability; including aeration, compacting ability, sealing, soil porosity, hydraulic conductivity, resistance to erosion, and organic carbon (OC) stabilization by physical protection (Fristensky and Grismer, 2008; An et al., 2010; Schmidt et al., 2011). For agricultural soils, soil structure provides nutrient storage and cycling as well as governs the accessibility, through chemical and physical protection, of the nutrients to the microbial communities (van Veen and Kuikman, 1990). Even though concepts of soil structure are numerous, a precise definition has yet to be defined in soil research and currently the multiple scales in time and space are not fully understood (Ghezzehei, 2012). Connection between OM inputs, such as manure and compost, and increased aggregate stability is supported by several studies (Siegrist et al. 1998; Shepherd et al. 2002; Williams and Petticrew, 2009; Karami et al. 2012). Organic inputs entering the soil provide substrate for soil fungi, which further physically stabilize soil particles into larger aggregates when fungal growth increases and hyphae enmesh soil particles (Eash et al. 1994) and fungi exude polysaccharides (Saccone et al., 2012; Gazze et al., 2013) onto mineral surfaces which can further stabilize aggregates. The findings of Tisdall (1991) that show the highest aggregate stability in the topsoil is explained by the high concentrations of fine roots, organic matter and fungi that provides a favorable environment for macroaggregation in the topsoil. Fungal hyphae and extracellular polysaccharides produced by fungi enhance formation and stabilization of aggregates. OM inputs may also attribute to higher microbial activity and production of microbial decomposition products that bind the soil particles into microaggregates and microaggregates further into macroaggregates (Sodhi et al., 2009). Compost is generally seen to enhance soil structure, but its influence has also been described as short-lived (Debosz et al., 2002). Manure inputs have been connected to significant and non-significant differences in soil structure when using horse manure (Roldán et al., 1996). As a summary, a recent review (Abiven et al., 2009) found no clear global trend on effects of diverse organic inputs on aggregate stability. According to their review, manure and compost both affect aggregate stability by a rather small magnitude but only after several months or even years of application. Fertilizer application in conventional farming practice may also increase macroaggregation through increasing the yields and subsequently the return of OM (Ladha et al., 2011), which acts as an aggregating agent (Haynes and Naidu, 1998). This has been shown especially for phosphorous fertilizers, which can enhance aggregation by the formation of Al or Ca phosphate binding agents (Haynes and Naidu, 1998). 1.1.2 Soil organic matter in agricultural soils Soils store approximately twice as much carbon (2 500 Pg) than the atmospheric and biotic pool together (1 320 Pg); only the oceanic (38 000 Pg) and geologic pool (5000 Pg) store more carbon than soils (Lal, 2004). SOM and its turnover play a pivotal role in the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and in the response of terrestrial C to future climate scenarios (Schlesinger, 1995; Marzaioli et al., 2010). SOM originates primarily from plant litter and microbial biomass and consists of many different compounds with varying structure, content, and recalcitrance (Kögel-Knabner, 2002). Root-derived OM originates from root biomass as well as root exudates that are a result of passive diffusion or plantregulated exudates with functional significance (Stockmann et al., 2013). Approximately 50 % of SOM is C, 40 % oxygen (O), 3 % nitrogen (N), and small amounts of phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and micronutrients are also present. 4 The fate and dynamics of SOM are mainly governed by its properties, the substrate availability, biological conditions and environmental conditions (von Lützow and KögelKnabler, 2009; Schmidt et al., 2011). Chemical recalcitrance of SOM itself and physicochemical stabilization processes govern the protection of SOM in the soil matrix (Stockmann et al., 2013). The chemical composition of SOM has been shown not to be the governing factor of decomposition, and it affects the decomposition only in the short-term (Amelung et al., 2008). Microbial ecology and activity, enzyme kinetics, environmental drivers, and matrix protection mainly govern decomposition of SOM (Kleber, 2010). SOM can be divided into three pools with different turnover times: i) labile or active (1-2 years), ii) intermediate (10-100 years), and iii) slow (100 to >1000 years) (von Lützow et al., 2006; 2008). The physicochemical stabilization of SOM occurs through protection within aggregates causing spatial inaccessibility or through interactions with mineral surfaces and metal ions (von Lützow et al., 2006). Spatial inaccessibility means that SOM is not available for microbes and enzymes due to being occluded in aggregates, intercalated within phyllosilicates, encapsulated in macromolecules or being hydrophobic (von Lützow et al., 2006). Interactions between SOM and mineral surfaces and metal ions include ligand exchange such as anion exchange, polyvalent cation bridges such as electrostatic cation bridges, weak interactions such as Van der Waals forces, and complexation when metal ions and SOM interact (von Lützow et al., 2008). In addition, microbial activity is an important agent in SOM stabilization (Chabbi and Rumpel, 2009). Separation of organic matter fractions, based on density fractionation in combination with ultrasonic dispersion, enables separation of free particulate organic matter (fPOM, consisting of undecomposed plant residue, hyphae and their partial decomposition products), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM, consisting of POM occluded in aggregates), and organo-mineral associations with more processed SOM in the heavy fraction (sediment of the density fractionation procedure) (Christensen, 1992; Golchin et al., 1994; Kölbl and Kögel-Knabner, 2004). Density fractionation is one of the physical fractionation methods used in soil science; others include aggregate fractionation, particle size fractionation and high-gradient magnetic separation (Christensen, 1992; von Lützow et al., 2007). Chemical fractionation methods include extraction procedures such as microbial biomass carbon, hydrolysis of OM with hot water or acids, oxidation of OM (e.g. with potassium permanganate (KMnO4)), and destruction of mineral phases with e.g. hydrofluoric acid (HF) (Christensen, 1992; von Lützow et al., 2007). The separated SOM fractions may function as early indicators for changes in SOM under varying soil management (Leifeld and Kögel-Knabner, 2005). SOM increase has numerous benefits for soils, including better plant nutrition, aggregate stability and greater soil porosity, facilitating cultivation and seedbed preparation, reduced bulk density as well as earlier warming by heat absorption in spring that enables earlier soil management in the season (Carter and Steward, 1996). Loss of SOM is considered as one of the biggest threats to soils according to the European Commission (European Commission, 2006), and the benefits of soil carbon and the ecosystems provided by it are well known (Victoria et al. (2012)). SOM provides society with i) supporting ecosystems services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling; ii) regulating ecosystem services including retention and decomposition of agrochemicals and contaminants, and climate regulation; iii) provisioning services such as being basis for food and fibre production; and iv) cultural ecosystem services, including preservation of archaeological remains (Victoria et al., 2012; Robinson et al., 2014). The loss of SOM causes concomitant losses of 5 ecosystems services, especially loss of soil structure and soil nutrients (Malomoud et al., 2009). Furthermore, the SOM can vanish quickly but the build-up takes considerably longer time and requires long-term investment and management (Victoria et al., 2012). Loveland and Webb (2003) suggested a critical SOM threshold of 2 % SOC for temperate agricultural soils, but more quantitative evidence is required to define such thresholds for different soil types. In agricultural context, three historical periods regarding theories about SOM can be distinguished: i) the humic until 1840, ii) the mineralist from 1840 until 1940, and iii) the ecological since 1940 (Manlay et al., 2007). The humic period was characterized by Thaer´s theory (Manley et al., 2007) of the importance of organic inputs in soil fertility. Based on this theory, soil fertility index was based on soil texture, content of lime and humus, as well as information on yield and organic fertilization. Thus, the soil fertility index was used to define sustainable cropping systems (Feller et al., 2003). The mineralist period started when Liebig in 1840 (Manley et al., 2007) concluded that a plant takes C from carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen from water and other essential nutrients from solubilized salts in soil and water (Manlay et al., 2007). This theory, together with other agricultural field studies, led to modern agriculture and the use of mineral fertilizers to compensate for soil mineral depletion (Manlay et al., 2007). The use of organic inputs gradually decreased, especially following the hygienic movement that wanted to move away from recycling organic matter in the farms and began in the 1880s (Mårald, 2002). In current day intensive agriculture, all biomass is harvested in most cases since agricultures started to specialize either in livestock or crop production – in addition to bioenergy production - and therefore SOC stocks are reduced over large areas globally (Powlson et al., 2011; Victoria et al., 2012). Losses of up to 50 % SOC after only 30-50 years of farming have been reported (Post and Kwon, 2000). Another factor reducing SOC in agricultural soils is tillage that subsequently decreases aggregate stability. Tillage disrupts macroaggregates, produces better aeration and thus enhances decomposition of SOM and releases CO2 (Elliott 1986; Victoria et al., 2012). Soil erosion due to conventional farming practices accounts for 100 times greater losses of soil compared to natural soil formation processes (Brantley et al., 2007; Montgomery, 2007). The concern of loss of soil ecosystem services started the ecological period, which is characterized by ideas of nutrient cycling, energy transfer and the importance of organic inputs into the soil systems (Manlay et al., 2007). Alternative farming practices, such as organic farming, aim to increase the content of SOM by applying organic inputs such as manure into the soil (Siegrist et al., 1998) that subsequently supports aggregation and even may increase crop yields (Loveland and Webb, 2003). Organic amendments, such as animal manure, green manure, compost, biochar and/or crop residues, may improve physical, chemical and biological soil properties, that result in enhanced soil fertility (e.g. increased plant nutrients, OM, and soil structure) (Watson et al. 2002; Sodhi et al. 2009; Diacono and Montemurro 2011; Sun and Lu, 2014). Other methods that aim to increase SOM and soil fertility are diverse crop rotations that include cover and catch crops, shelter beds, contour cultivation, crop residue incorporation as well as intercropping (Watson et al., 2002; Victoria et al., 2012). In addition, organic farming practice uses legumes to supply the soil with nitrogen, and uses neither mineral fertilizers nor synthetic chemicals for plant protection (Leifeld and Fuhrer, 2010). A recent review by Leifeld and Fuhrer (2010) showed that increases in SOC (2.2 % annual increase) were obtained due to high amounts of organic inputs such as manure and 6 compost. An amount of 6-7 t ha-1 year -1 of biowaste compost has been suggested to be sufficient to maintain the SOM content in Pannonian climate (Erhart and Hartl, 2010), whereas up to 16 t ha-1 year-1 may be required when aiming to maintain Norg levels (Hartl and Erhart, 2005). A more recent review of 74 farming studies (Gattinger et al., 2012) revealed significantly higher soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations and stocks in farming practice using organic inputs compared to farming practice using mineral fertilizers. The suggested drivers for carbon accumulation were the external carbon inputs as well crop rotation with forage legumes (Gattinger et al., 2012). However, it should be noted that SOC accumulation cannot continue indefinitely following a change in management, but is rapid at the beginning and slows down until a new equilibrium is reached (Johnston et al., 2009; Stockmann et al., 2013). Management-induced changes may be sooner detected in the distribution of SOM between the particulate organic matter (POM) and aggregate fractions (20 µm, 20-250 µm, and >250 µm) than in the bulk SOM (Christensen, 1992; Golchin et al. 1994; Chan et al. 2002; Steffens et al. 2009). Soil aggregates can physically protect the incorporated OM from decomposition, especially in soil systems in which physical disturbance is low (Six et al., 2000). POM fractions (free POM, occluded POM) represent plant and animal residues undergoing decomposition and have been observed to respond more sensitively to farming practice changes than total OC (Golchin et al., 1994; Chan et al., 2002), especially occluded POM that may be lost from soil aggregates due to intense cultivation (Golchin et al., 1994). Approximately four billion tons of crop residues are produced globally (Chen et al., 2013). In the US, approximately 2/3 of crop residues produced are cereals, and 1/5 are legumes and sugar crops (Lal, 2005). Removal of crop residues has been shown to have a negative effect on soil organic carbon (SOC), although it has been estimated that between 25 % and 50 % of crop residues could be harvested for other uses without endangering soil functioning (Blanco-Canqui, 2013). The harvesting of crop residues may be beneficial for farmers since residues can be used as livestock bedding, residues can be sold or thermally utilized, and harvesting residues fits reduced or no-tillage operations better than incorporation of residues. Incorporation of crop residues may be a sustainable and costefficient management practice to maintain the ecosystem services provided by soils, the SOC levels and to increase soil fertility in European agricultural soils (Perucci et al., 1997; Powlson et al., 2008). Especially Mediterranean soils that have low SOC concentrations (Aguilera et al., 2013), and areas where stockless croplands predominate (Kismányoky and Tóth, 2010; Spiegel et al., 2010) could benefit of this management practice. Crop residue incorporation has been observed to increase SOC concentrations and stocks, although to a minor extent if compared to farmyard manure (Cvetkov et al., 2010) or to slurry (Triberti et al., 2008). For GHG emissions, both positive and negative effects have been observed following crop residue incorporation (e.g. Abalos et al., 2013). 1.1.3 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following crop residue incorporation Globally, approximately 25% of CO2 and 70% of N2O anthropogenic emissions are coming from agricultural lands (Stavi and Lal, 2013). According to Jenkinson and Ayanaba (1977), approximately 1/3 of plant material added to soil is retained after the first year whereas 2/3 is emitted to the air as CO2, in temperate climate conditions. The amount of SOC depends on photosynthetic C added to the soil and the decay rate (Figure 1.3; Janzen, 2006). In agricultural soils, SOC usually declines due to lower C inputs compared 7 to the outputs, as well as increase of biological activity and erosion which both deplete SOC (Janzen, 2006). GHG emissions have been observed to both increase and decrease following crop residue incorporation (e.g. Abalos et al., 2013). The increased CO2 emissions account for increased microbial activity in the soils in question (Iqbal et al., 2009). Figure 1.3 Simplified schematic of the carbon dynamics in a cropland, showing three different SOC pools and the various sources of CO2 from the agricultural soil system. Source: Janzen (2006), with kind permission from Wiley. For N2O, which has 298 times higher global warming potential compared to CO2 (IPCC, 2007), huge variation and thus uncertainty exists in results of measured emissions following crop residue incorporation as well as in estimations of emission factors for crop residues (Chen et al., 2013). Figure 1.4 presents the numerous ways crop residues are involved in N2O emissions. First of all, crop residues undergo microbial N mineralization and nitrification that leads to N2O emissions. Secondly, Crop residues also function as OC substrate for microbial growth thus stimulating microbial N assimilation (Chen et al., 2013). Thirdly, energy is provided for denitrificators from crop residues that increases N2O emissions under anaerobic conditions (Chen et al., 2013). According to Khalil and Baggs (2005) nitrification is a major source of N2O emissions at 30-60% water filled pore space (WFPS), whereas denitrification dominates at 50-90% WFPS. The rate of emissions depends on residue composition, quality, and quantity (e.g. Baggs et al., 2000), and soil properties such as pH (Chen et al., 2013), soil structure (Chen et al., 2013), and soil temperature and water content (Stott et al., 1986). 8 Figure 1.4 Schematic diagram on the effects of crop residue incorporation on soil N2O emissions. IP1 and IP3 denote higher emissions (due to nitrification and denitrification, respectively); IP2 lower emissions (due to nitrification); IP4 and IP5 higher or lower emissions (depending on electron donors and acceptor, and anaerobicity, respectively). Source: Chen et al. (2013), with kind permission from Wiley. 1.2 Aims of the research The overall objective of this PhD research was to characterize SOM and soil aggregates in European agricultural soils, as well as investigate GHG emissions from crop residue incorporation experiments. Two specific agricultural areas, Iceland and Austria, were selected for studying the specifics of soil structure and SOM dynamics. Iceland is of interest as an agricultural area since it is likely to become more used for agriculture due to global warming of climate on a global scale. Austria is of interest since it is currently under intensive farming and therefore an important farming area for the future as well. In order to study how long-term management affects soil, SOC and GHG emissions in particular, a European scale meta-analysis study on effects of crop residue incorporation from published experiments was also carried out. The specific objectives of this PhD study were: To study macroaggregate breakdown by ultrasonication in soil orders with wide range of stabilities and formed from diverse parent materials: alluvial calcareous sediments (Entisol, Austria), volcanic ash and basalt (Andisol, Iceland), serpentinite (Alfisol, Czech Republic), schist (Ultisol, Greece), and granite (Inceptisol, Switzerland). All soils were from Critical Zone Obervatories (CZO) and related to areas in the SoilTrEC project. The outcomes of these evaluations are presented in Chapter 2. These results were used to determine how much ultrasonic 9 energy should be used for density fractionation in the studies presented in Chapters 3 and 4. To study aggregation and organic matter in sub-arctic grassland soils of Iceland, and specifically macroaggregate stability and soil organic matter (SOM) quantity, quality and distribution between different fractions with a density fractionation. The outcomes of these evaluations are shown in Chapter 3. To characterize soil structure and soil organic matter in cropland soils of the agricultural area of Marchfeld, in Austria, and particularly macroaggregate stability and SOM quantity, quality and distribution between different fractions were studied following a density fractionation. The outcomes of these evaluations are shown in Chapter 4. To investigate the effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils with a metaanalyses approach. The outcomes of these evaluations are shown in Chapter 5. 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Study sites Critical Zone Observatories For the study on aggregate breakdown following ultrasonication (Chapter 2) soils were selected to represent different stages in soil pedogenesis, including organic matter accumulation, and mineral weathering. For this purpose, soils from the SoilTrEC Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) were sampled (Figure 1.5): - - - An Andisol from Iceland was selected to represent a very young soil with volcanic ash and basalt as parent material. An Inceptisol from Alpine grassland located close to the chronosequence of the Damma Glacier forefield in Switzerland was selected to represent a more developed soil compared to the Andosol. An Entisol expected to develop into a Mollisol on alluvial Danube River floodplain sediments in Austria was selected to represent a typical soil from an agricultural area in Central Europe. An Ultisol from an agricultural soil cultivated for thousands of years, and developed on schist in Greece was selected to represent a more developed soil. As a fifth soil an Alfisol from an intensively managed Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest on serpentinite bedrock in the Czech Republic was selected. For these study sites, the US Soil Taxonomy has been used as a requirement from the journal where the study was published, whereas in the study sites in the next descriptions WRB soil classification has been used. Therefore, both Andisol and Andosol soil 10 classifications are being used in this introduction. Andisol refers to Chapter 2 and Andosol to Chapter 3. Figure 1.5 The selected study sites. Map composed by Janine Krüger (Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Grossbeeren, Germany). Farm sites in Iceland and Austria Farms studied on Andosols in Chapter 3 and on Chernozems in Chapter 4 were located in Iceland (Figure 1.6, 1.7) and Austria (Figure 1.8, 1.9). In Iceland, six sites were selected (Chapter 3): - Grass1 is unimproved grassland that is used as a pasture for young cattle and sheep for a short time in the autumn. HaAorg is improved grassland where organic fertilizers (manure, compost, and cattle urine) and biodynamic preparations are used. HaAcon is improved grassland where organic (manure) and supplemental inorganic fertilizers are used. Grass2 is unimproved grassland that is not used for pasture. HiAorg is improved grassland that receives organic fertilizers (manure, and compost). 11 - HiAcon is improved grassland that receives organic (manure) and supplementary inorganic fertilizers. Figure 1.6 Map of the selected farms in Iceland. For acronyms, see text above. Map composed by Friðþór Sófus Sigurmundsson (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland). 12 HaAorg HaAcon HiAorg HiAcon Figure 1.7 Pictures from the selected improved farming sites (HaAorg, HaAcon HiAorg, and HiAcon) from Icelandic organic (HaAorg, HiAorg) and conventional farms (HaAcon, HiAcon). In Austria (Chapter 4), four cropland sites located in the agricultural area of Marchfeld, southeast of Vienna, in the fluvial terrace of the river Danube were selected (Figure 1.8 and 1.9): - - - Org76 is an organic farm that has been managed according to the Austrian guidelines for organic farming (BIO AUSTRIA, 2010) since 1976. The studied field receives biowaste compost as an organic fertilizer. Con76 is a field at a conventional farm that receives mineral fertilizers according to the Austrian fertilization recommendations (BMLFUW, 2006). Org95 is a field at an organic farm that receives horse manure as an organic fertilizer and was converted to organic management according to the Austrian guidelines for organic farming (BIO AUSTRIA, 2010) in 1995. Con95 is a field at a conventional farm that receives mineral fertilizers according to the Austrian fertilization recommendations (BMLFUW, 2006). 13 Figure 1.8 Map of the selected farms in Austria, at Obersiebenbrunn and Lassee. Map composed by Helene Pfalz-Schwingenschlögl (BOKU). 14 Org76 Con76 Org95 Con95 Figure 1.9 Sampled organic (Org76, Org95) and conventional farms in Austria (Con76, Con95). Long-term field experiments For Chapter 5, a detailed literature review was conducted concerning scientific publications that had reported on long-term agricultural experiments in Europe. This yielded a total of 50 experiments in 15 countries (Figure 1.10, see more detailed information about individual experiments in Chapter 5), from 39 publications. The selected publications report on measurements of SOC concentration, and CO2 and N2O emissions from pairwise comparisons of crop residue incorporation and crop residue removal management practices. Our data came from 46 field experiments and four laboratory experiments that covered 10 European Environmental Zones (ENZs), as defined by Metzger et al. (2005). 15 Figure 1.10 The selected European long-term experiments. Map composed by Janine Krüger (Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Grossbeeren, Germany).Map is a black and white version of the map in Chapter 5 and in this PhD thesis with the kind permission of Soil Use and Management. 1.3.2 Methodology summary In Table 1.1, all the methods used in this PhD thesis are summarized. For detailed method descriptions, see Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5. The main physical and chemical characterisation of the soils were carried out at the Soil Research Institute at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Austria and the biological characterisations were carried out at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands. For Chapter 2, analyses were also carried out at the Institute of Applied Geology (BOKU) in Austria. Custom-made ultrasonic soil dispersion equipment that was developed in the laboratory of Soil Research Institute at BOKU (Schomakers et al., 2011a, 2011b) was used in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. For detailed method description, see the above-mentioned chapters. In Chapter 2 the method was tested for 5 common soil orders (all European soil CZOz). In Chapters 3 and 4 the instrument was used to study aggregate stability and quantities of occluded particulate organic matter in Andisols (Icelandic farms) and Chernozems (Austrian farms). The solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy measurements (Chapters 3 and 4) were carried out at the Chair of Soil Science in Freising at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy (DSX 200 NMR spectrometer, Bruker, Karsruhe, Germany) was used to study the relative changes in carbon distribution in the samples from farmed study sites (Chapter 3 and 4). For Chapter 5, analyses of already published data from long-term agricultural experiments from Europe were carried out at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Meta-analysis of the data collected is described in Chapter 5. 16 2, (3), 4 3 3 3, 4 Mehra and Jackson 1960 Parfitt 1990 Parfitt and Childs 1988 ÖNORM L1087 Brandstetter et al., 1996 Vance et al., 1987 Biological methods Water extractable organic C (WEOC)c Microbial biomass Ca 2, 3, 4 3, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 4 2, 3, 4 2, (3), 4 3, 4 3, 4 2 2 2 2, 3, 4 Used in Chapter Soil Survey Staff, 2004 Tabatabai and Bremner, 1991 Soil Survey Staff, 2004 Soil Survey Staff, 2004 Schwertmann, 1964 Schomakers et al., 2011a and 2011b Kemper and Rosenau 1986 Moore and Reynolds 1997 Soil Survey Staff, 2004 modified from Mueller et al., 2009 and Steffens et al., 2009, ultrasonication based on Chapter 2 Soil Survey Staff, 2004 Reference Chemical methods Soil pHa Total C and N contentsa Carbonate (CaCO3) contenta Cation exchange capacity (CEC)a Ammonium-oxalate extractable Fe, Mn, Al, (Si)a Dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate-extractable Fe, Mn, Al, (Si)a Allophane contenta Ferrihydrite contenta Calcium-acetate-lactate extractable P and Ka Density fractionationa Bulk density (BD)a Physical methods Ultrasonic soil aggregate stability (USAS)a Mean Weight Diameter (MWD)a Mineralogyb Particle size distributiona Aim of the method Table 1.1 Summary of methods used in this PhD thesis. Letters indicate where the analyses were carried out. 17 2 3, 4 Knicker et al., 2005 18 b 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 Barros et al., 2007 Ghani et al., 2003 Canali and Benedetti 2006 Bloem and Vos 2004 Bloem et al. 1995 Bloem and Bolhuis 2006 Institute of Soil Research, University of Life and Environmental Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria. Institute of Applied Geology, University of Life and Environmental Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria. c Wageningen University, the Netherlands. d Chair of Soil Science, Technical University of Munich, Germany (Freising). a Methods to study SOM Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA)b Chemical quality of SOM (solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy)d Hot water extractable Cc Mineralizable Nc Hyphal length and bacterial numbersc Bacterial biomassc Bacterial activityc 1.4 Results 1.4.1 Aggregate breakdown in European soils Chapter 2. Lehtinen, T., Lair, G.J., Mentler, A., Gísladóttir, G., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Blum, W.E.H. 2014. Soil Aggregate Quantification Using Low Dispersive Ultrasonic Energy Levels. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78: 713-723. Reprint is published with kind permission of the journal. The study in Chapter 2, showed that aggregate breakdown at low energy levels was greatest in the Andisol and the Entisol, followed by the Alfisol, Ultisol and Inceptisol. The stability of macroaggregates was influenced by particle size distribution, the amounts of exchangeable Mn (influenced mean weight diameter (MWD) positively) and exchangeable Mg (influenced MWD negatively). The results demonstrate that aggregate breakdown is strongly depending on the amount of energy applied, as well as of soil properties, which influence defined aggregate size classes differently. The results also confirmed that Andosol and Entisol behaved similarly, and therefore the density fractionation for Chapter 3 and 4 was designed with the same amount of energy (8 J ml-1) for both soil types, Andodols and Chernozems, due to their similar behaviour under vibrational energy application. This confirmed recommendations from previous studies (e.g. Amelung and Zech, 1999; Schmidt et al., 1999), that guide researchers to carefully select the amount of ultrasonic energy used, based on the soils being studied. 1.4.2 Soil aggregates and soil organic matter in Icelandic grasslands and Austrian croplands Chapter 3. Lehtinen, T., Gísladóttir, G., Lair, G.J., van Leeuwen, J., Blum, W.E.H., Bloem, J., Steffens, M., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., 2014. Aggregation and organic matter in subarctic Andosols under different grassland management. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science (submitted 12.08.2014). Chapter 4. Lehtinen, T., Lair, G.J., van Leeuwen, J.P., Gísladóttir, G., Bloem, J., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Steffens, M., Blum, W.E.H. 2014. Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter under intensive cropping on Austrian Chernozems. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (to be submitted). In Chapter 3, it was shown that macroaggregate stability in Icelandic topsoils was approximately twice as high in organically managed compared to conventionally managed sites, and had a closer resemblance to unimproved grasslands. This was probably due to organic inputs (manure, compost, and cattle urine) in the organically managed sites. Macroaggregates (>250 µm) were most prominent aggregates in the topsoils of the unimproved and organically managed grasslands, whereas 20-250 µm aggregates were the most prominent ones in the conventionally managed grasslands. The organic matter distribution differed between the sites based on SOM concentrations. Macroaggregates contributed between 40-70% of SOM in soil of low SOM concentration and free particulate organic matter (fPOM) contributed up to 70% in soils with high SOM concentration. Oxalate-extractable Mn and fungal biomass correlated positively with the macroaggregates, and were main aggregating agents of macroaggregates. In neither Iceland 19 (Chapter 3) nor Austria (Chapter 4) could aggregate hierarchy be proven. In Austria (Chapter 4), no significant differences in magroaggregation were found between the studied sites. This may be due to small amount of organic inputs in the organically managed sites and beneficial effects of fertilizer usage on aggregation. Iron oxides content and active fungal biomass were positively correlated with the amount of the macroaggregates and the mean weight diameter (MWD). The soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil (<20 µm aggregates at the sites Org76 and Con76, and 20-250 µm aggregates at the sites Org95 and Con95) contained the most OC and total N (Nt). The distribution and dynamics of Nt content paralleled those of the OC content. Macroaggregates are important in protecting SOM, which is a prerequisite for adequate soil functioning in agricultural areas. Thus, further studies on a quantitative basis for evaluating whether it may be beneficial to use organic inputs in order to increase SOM content and macroaggregation are needed. 1.4.3 Effect of crop residue incorporation on SOC and GHG emissions Chapter 5. Lehtinen, T., Schlatter, N., Baumgarten, A., Bechini, L., Krüger, J., Grignani, C., Zavattaro, L., Costamagna, C., Spiegel, H. 2014. Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management (in press). Manuscript included in the thesis with kind permission of the journal. Chapter 5, I showed that the SOC increased by 7 % following crop residue incorporation. In contrast, in a subsample of cases, CO2 emissions were six times and N2O emissions 12 times higher following CR incorporation. The ENZ had no significant influence on RRs. For SOC concentration, soils with a clay content >35 % showed 8 % higher RRs compared to soils with clay contents between 18 and 35 %. As the experiment progressed, RR for SOC concentration and stock increased. For N2O emissions, RR was significantly higher in experiments with duration of <5 years compared to 11-20 years. No significant correlations were found between RR for SOC concentration and yields, but differences between sites and study durations were detected. In summary, the incorporation of crop residues increase SOC, but its effect on GHG emission should be quantified in more detail in order to investigate the effect of this management practice on the whole carbon and nitrogen cycle in agricultural soils. 1.5 Discussion 1.5.1 Aggregate dynamics in European soils The aggregate hierarchy was both confirmed and not confirmed in this PhD thesis. On one hand, we observed different binding mechanisms for microaggregates and macroaggregates (Chapters 2, 3, and 4). On the other hand, macroaggregates were not always correlated with SOM but with other properties that is not in accord with identification of aggregate hierarchy based on Elliott (1986), and Oades and Waters (1991). Instead of the expected correlations with SOM, manganese proved to play a role in macroaggregation as demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 3. So far little is known about the role of Mn in (macro)aggregation in the scientific literature. In Chapter 2, higher amounts 20 of exchangeable Mn increased the proportion of macroaggregates when various energy levels were applied. Manganese is highly reactive as Mn(III, IV) oxy(hydr)oxide coatings on mineral soil particles and in complexes with SOM. It can cause oxidative polymerization of organic molecules containing phenolic functional groups (Heintze and Mann, 1947; Navrátil et al., 2007), thereby playing a role in the formation and stabilization of soil structure (e.g., Alekseeva et al., 2009). In Chapter 3, macroaggregates were correlated with oxalate and dithionite-extractable Mn. The role of Mn in aggregation may be explained by it being associated with SOM (Navrátil et al., 2007), which in turn functions as an aggregating agent. In future studies, these relationships would be interesting to explore further. In Chapter 4, the amount of macroaggregates was significantly positively correlated with the content of Fed, which supports the strong aggregating power of oxides (Amézketa, 1999). According to Amézketa (1999), soil structure is improved in the presence of oxides due to them acting as flocculants in solution, their ability to bind clay particles to OM, and their ability to precipitate as gels on clay surfaces. Very stable aggregates can be formed when amorphous Fe3+ (Feo in this study) and SOM interact (Barral et al., 1998). Oxy(hydr)oxides have high surface areas and can adsorb organic material on their surface by electrostatic binding and thereby enhance aggregation (Six et al., 2004). Thus, both Chapter 3 and 4 showed a diminished expression of the hierarchical model of aggregates due to other binding agents than SOM (Oades and Waters, 1991), in the studied Andosols and Chernozems. In Chapter 2, macroaggregate breakdown followed the increasing order: Inceptisol < Ultisol < Alfisol < Entisol < Andosol, which contradicted our hypothesis and confirmed that SOM, oxy(hydr)oxides, and clay content were not the main explaining factors of macroaggregate stability. The Andisol was similar to the Andosols presented in Chapter 3 and the Entisol was similar to the Chernozems sampled in Chapter 4. The breakdown of the macroaggregates (>250 µm) started already at low energy inputs, 2 J mL-1 for the Andisol and Entisol, that confirm results by Mentler et al. (2004). Based on the aggregate breakdown pattern expressed by the MWD (see Fig. 1 in Chapter 2) the strongest macroaggregate breakdown had been reached at the end of the experiment at 40 J mL-1 in the Alfisol, Andisol, Entisol; whereas more energy would have been necessary in the Inceptisol and Ultisol to get a similar loss of macroaggregates. The variability between different soil orders in breakdown of macroaggregates agrees with the review by Bronick and Lal (2005) who concluded that in different soil orders, aggregation is controlled by different properties. The authors stated that aggregation in Alfisols, Entisols, and Ultisols is mainly governed by SOM, whereas in Andisols and Inceptisols the amount and type of clay mineral plays a bigger role in aggregation. However, we did not find any significant correlations between clay content and aggregate-size distribution, and the only soil where clay type could play a bigger role in aggregation was the Inceptisol. High CEC clay vermiculite was present in small amounts in the Inceptisol in Chapter 2, which may have contributed to the greater aggregate stability in this soil order (Amézketa, 1999; Schulten and Leinweber, 2000). Due to the clay minerals not having a major role in aggregation in the Andisol and Entisol, they were not analysed for Chapters 3 and 4 in this PhD thesis. Fungal biomass (Chapter 3) and active fungi (Chapter 4) were proved to be major aggregating agents in the Icelandic and Austrian agricultural sites. This may be explained by the input of OM into the soils, in the form of manure, compost and urea (Chapter 3), foremost at the organically managed sites. These OM inputs provide substrate for the soil fungi, which further physically stabilize soil particles into larger aggregates when fungal 21 growth increases and hyphae enmesh soil particles (Eash et al., 1994). Fungi exude polysaccharides that adhere to minerals in the soil (Sacconi et al., 2012; Gazzé et al., 2013). This will physically aid the association of soil particles into larger aggregates when fungal growth increases and hyphae enmesh soil particles (Eash et al., 1994). The compost input may also have attributed to the higher microbial activity and the production of microbial decomposition products that bind the soil particles into microaggregates, and microaggregates further into macroaggregates (Sodhi et al., 2009). Macroaggregate stability was highest in the topsoil, as explained by Tisdall (1991). The concentrations of fine roots, OM and fungi are the highest in the topsoil and provide therefore a favorable environment for macroaggregation. Fungal hyphae and extracellular polysaccharides produced by fungi enhance formation and stabilization of aggregates. The conventional farms in Chapter 3 also used manure as soil improver, but the amount did not seem to be sufficient to increase macroaggregation. In Chapter 4, the aggregation did not differ significantly among the sites with different fertilization, but the farms that received only mineral fertilizers had slightly more aggregated soils. The conventional farming practice had higher alkyl-C (lipids) contents, which has in previous studies been shown to improve aggregation due to their hydrophobic nature (Monreal et al., 1995; Dinel et al., 1997; Pare et al., 1999). This may partly explain the slightly higher aggregation on the conventional farming practice sites, compared to organic farming sites. However, the differences between the farming practices in amount of macroaggregates and MWD were not significant. 1.5.2 Soil organic matter in European agricultural soils In both Chapter 3 and 4, the soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil contained the most C and Nt, following results by Poll et al. (2003). Also, the distribution and dynamics of Nt followed those of OC. In Iceland (Chapter 3), differences were observed between two types of Andosols, Haplic and Histic, fPOM associated OC and Nt fraction having by far the greatest storage capacity in the more OM rich Histic Andosols. Sites with only organic inputs favored macroaggregate-associated OM fraction and had a closer resemblance to unimproved grassland sites (Grass 1 and Grass 2) sites compared to sites that received mineral fertilizers. The increase in fPOM associated OC and Nt concentration measured in the cultivated sites compared to the unimproved grassland sites is consistent with other studies that have shown that animal manure can increase the particulate OM fraction (Whalen and Chang, 2002; Courtier-Murias et al., 2013). In Austria (Chapter 4), macroaggregate-associated OM fraction was the most significantly differentiating factor between the farming practices (organic vs. conventional), being higher in conventional compared to the organic. The changes in OM associated with >250 µm aggregates are in accordance with those having been reported as being the most sensitive aggregate size for differences in farming practice (Kandeler et al., 1999; Six et al., 2004). The small differences in C/N ratios between the different aggregate classes in both Iceland and Austria further support the diminished aggregate hierarchy in our studied soils (Six et al., 2004). The solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy of all analyzed fractions (Chapters 3 and 4) showed an increasing degree of decomposition in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil, shown as increased Alkyl-C to O-Alkyl-C ratio (Baldock et al., 1997). In Iceland (Chapter 3), no differences in chemical characteristics of OM were found between the sites. Golchin et al. (1994) observed a similar trend when five different soils with different environmental conditions and vegetation were compared. Also Courtier-Murias et al. (2013) showed that 22 organic amendments did not necessarily affect the composition of the OM stabilized in agricultural soils. In contrast, in Austria (Chapter 4), a higher proportion of alkyl-C of the total OC in fPOM in Con76 compared to Org76 was observed. This is likely to reflect the fertilization differences. In Org76, biowaste compost that consists of humic substances (Erhart and Hartl, 2010) was used and therefore explains lower proportion of alkyl-C, which represents lipids and hemicelluloses (Golchin et al., 1994), compared to Con76. In Chapter 5, 50 European experiments (46 field, and 4 laboratory) investigating the effect of crop residue incorporation on SOC were analysed. The observed increases in both SOC concentration and stock are well in agreement with previous meta-analyses where organic inputs were incorporated into the soil (Lemke et al., 2010; Powlson et al., 2012). Incorporation of crop residues is one of the few methods applied by farmers to maintain SOC and to sustain soil functions (Powlson et al., 2008). This addition makes it a very important management tool. Even a small increase in SOC can improve soil physicochemical and biological properties such as soil structure and ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and possibly even increase in yields (Loveland and Webb, 2003; Bhogal et al., 2009; Blanco-Canqui, 2013). The observed higher response ratios for SOC concentration and stock for longer experiment durations agree with previous studies (Körschens et al., 1998). As experiment duration increases, more interactions between clay minerals and SOC may take place (von Lützow et al., 2006); this is accompanied by a more marked accumulation of resistant crop residue C that is not mineralised (De Neve and Hofman, 2000), especially in soils without mechanical tillage (Six et al., 2000). Long-term experiments can reliably demonstrate how a farming practice affects soil and when many of them are analysed together, a clearer picture of the effects can be drawn. According to Johnston (2009), the effects of agricultural practices and its sustainability can be assessed properly only in long-term experiments, where small changes can accumulate over the years before they become detectable (as often occurs in SOC changes), and interaction with meteorological variability can be assessed. Several authors have stated that response of soil to farming practices is not a fast process and therefore long-term monitoring would be a necessary tool for identifying responses to management changes (e.g. Loveland and Webb, 2003; Leifeld and Fuhrer, 2010). According to Leifeld and Fuhrer (2010), an optimal experiment for studying and evaluating management differences in soils should i) be controlled in terms of having known initial conditions (soil properties), ii) last more than 20 years, iii) study both topsoil and subsoil, iv) measure bulk density and SOC concentrations to enable calculations of SOC stocks, and v) have similar organic fertilization and crop rotation. These above mentioned guidelines should be borne in mind, when new experiments investigating quantitative effects of different organic inputs on SOC and SOM are set up. 1.5.3 Effect of crop residue incorporation GHG emissions In my research (Chapter 5), GHG emissions were significantly increased following crop residue incorporation, N2O up to twelve times higher compared to crop residue removal, which demonstrates a need for more research where the whole soil carbon and nitrogen cycles would be studied at once. With crop residue incorporation, CO2 emissions will increase compared to crop residue removal due to more easily available C that enhances microbial activity (Meijide et al., 2010). In contrast, if crop residues are removed, they will be decomposed elsewhere, used as bedding and incorporated into farmyard manure or burned, releasing approximately the same amount of CO2 (Blanco-Canqui, 2013). Thus, crop residue incorporation is not primarily a way to decrease CO2 emissions. Emissions of 23 N2O occur both during the nitrification process and as a result of anaerobic denitrification. The increase of the RR for N2O following crop residue incorporation in a study by Baggs et al. (2003) was explained by mineral N fertilization and an increased denitrification capacity stimulated by the added substrate. In our analysis, the limited number of data most likely enabled us to find such relationships. The soil respiration process may create anaerobic microsites in the soil and thereby increase N2O emissions through denitrification (Garcia-Ruiz and Baggs, 2007; Abalos et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the N2O emissions caused by the crop residues should be put in relation to the fact that not all removed crop residues are decomposed or burned with no N2O emissions. The factors that were found to have an influence on GHG emissions were the type of experiment (field vs. laboratory), type of crop residue (vegetative vs. cereal) and duration. The higher response ratios of N2O emissions in vegetative material laboratory experiments compared to field experiments agree with a meta-analysis that studied N2O emissions following crop residue incorporation into the soil (Chen et al., 2013). Those authors explained the difference by the smaller size and subsequent increase of surface area of the crop residues in the laboratory experiments compared to field-scale applications. Moreover, under laboratory conditions moisture and temperature are stable and optimised for microbial activity, thus promoting higher emissions compared to field experiments (Chen et al., 2013). Higher RR of GHG emissions were observed in vegetative material crop residue incorporation experiments compared to cereal crop residue incorporation experiments, which is supported by observed higher N2O emissions following low C/N ratio crop residues in previous studies (e.g. Alexander, 1977; Shan and Yan, 2013). This may be explained by immobilisation of N with increasing C/N ratio of the crop residues (Abalos et al., 2013). The oxidation rate is higher immediately after the incorporation of vegetative material (versus cereal residues) due to quick decomposition, thus possibly promoting higher denitrification rates (Nicolardot et al., 2001; Rizhiya et al., 2011). The experiment duration lowered the RR, supporting a study by Chen et al. (2013). Peak microbial activity when easily available organic inputs (crop residues) are added into the soil (Recous et al., 1995) may explain this response (Powlson et al., 2011). Several authors (e.g. Loveland and Webb, 2003; Leifeld and Fuhrer, 2010) have stated that response of soil to farming practices is not a fast process and therefore long-term monitoring would be a necessary tool for identifying responses to these management changes. Another potential factor may be N fertilisation, which increased GHG emissions as has been presented in several studies (e.g. Garcia-Ruiz and Baggs, 2007; Meijide et al., 2010; Sanz-Cobena et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the data set in this research (Chapter 5) did not reveal any significant correlations between N2O emissions and mineral N fertilisation. This may be due to limited data accessibility and differences in the set-up of the experiments investigated. Chapter 5 suggests a win-win scenario to be crop residue incorporation for a long duration in a continental climate. Due to a limited amount of data available, general conclusions of GHG emissions following crop residue incorporation on a European scale are too early to be drawn. In order to close the knowledge gap and to give better-informed recommendations to farmers, further field-scale research focusing on in situ carbon and nitrogen balances are required. 1.5.4 Conclusions The aim of this thesis was to investigate the dynamics of soil aggregates and soil organic matter (SOM) that are important for soil quality, as well as the effect of crop residue (CR) incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas emissions. Our study on 24 macroaggregate breakdown (Chapter 2) in 5 different soil orders showed that all soils do not respond the same to disturbance and generalizations in methodology cannot be made before comparing different soils. The fractionation method designed in this PhD thesis (Chapters 3 and 4, based on results from Chapter 2) could be used to study SOM and aggregate distributions in numerous future studies, for example changes in SOM and aggregate distributions in time could be investigated. Aggregate hierarchy was not observed when e.g. oxy(hydr)oxides are governing factors and diminish the effect of SOM on macroaggregation. In order to gain knowledge on temporal changes following management changes, based on our analyses, it would be advisable to monitor the following soil properties in future studies: Soil physical properties: soil aggregates (distribution, mean weight diameter (MWD)) Soil chemical properties: pH, plant-available nutrients (P, K), carbon and nitrogen, SOM distribution Soil biological properties: fungal and bacterial biomass, active fungi Chapter 5 showed that crop residue incorporation does increase SOC but as a trade off also increase GHG emissions. 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Univ. of Iceland Sturlugötu 7 101 Reykjavík Iceland Faculty of Earth Sciences Univ. of Iceland Sturlugötu 7 101 Reykjavík Iceland Georg J. Lair* Institute of Soil Research Univ. of Natural Resour. and Life Sci. (BOKU) Peter Jordan Straße 82a 1190 Vienna Austria Institute of Ecology Univ. of Innsbruck Sternwartestraße 15 6020 Innsbruck Austria Abbreviations: MWD, mean weight diameter; POM, particulate organic matter; RMSE, root mean square error; SOM, soil organic matter; STA, simultaneous thermal analysis; XRD, x-ray diffraction; WEOC, water-extractable organic matter. Axel Mentler Institute of Soil Research Univ. of Natural Resour. and Life Sci. (BOKU) Peter Jordan Straße 82a 1190 Vienna Austria Guðrún Gísladóttir Faculty of Life and Environ. Sci. Univ. of Iceland Sturlugötu 7 101 Reykjavík Iceland Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir Faculty of Earth Sciences Univ. of Iceland Sturlugötu 7 101 Reykjavík Iceland Winfried E.H. Blum Institute of Soil Research Univ. of Natural Resour. and Life Sci.(BOKU) Peter Jordan Straße 82a 1190 Vienna Austria Soil Science Society of America Journal Ultrasonic dispersion of soil aggregates in water-based solutions is commonly used in soil science, because it is possible to quantify the amount of energy applied to the solutions. However, currently available instrumentation does not provide precisely controlled low ultrasonic energy; thus, the study of weakly aggregated soils is still a challenge. The aim of this study was to apply amplitude controlled, low energy ultrasonic dispersion to study macroaggregate breakdown in soil orders with wide range of stabilities and formed on diverse parent materials: alluvial calcareous sediments (Entisol), volcanic ash and basalt (Andisol), serpentinite (Alfisol), schist (Ultisol), and granite (Inceptisol). Aggregates were exposed to increasing ultrasonic energy levels in six steps from 0 to 40 J mL-1, and the resulting macroand microaggregate masses were measured. Subsequently, the aggregate distribution was correlated with various physicochemical properties of the 250- to 1000-µm macroaggregates. The study showed that aggregate breakdown at low energy levels was greatest in the Andisol and the Entisol, followed by the Alfisol, Ultisol, and Inceptisol. Stability of macroaggregates was influenced by particle-size distribution, the amounts of exchangeable Mn (influenced mean weight diameter [MWD] positively) and exchangeable Mg (influenced MWD negatively). In contrast, stable microaggregates in the range of 63- to 250-µm were positively correlated with oxalate extractable Fe and Al as well as with soil organic matter (SOM) content. The results demonstrate that aggregate breakdown is strongly depending on the amount of energy applied, as well as of soil properties, which influence defined aggregate-size classes differently. S oil aggregate formation and stability are fundamental for soil structure, and are essential controls of soil fertility and agronomic productivity (Bronick and Lal, 2005). Soil aggregate stability is a measure of the ability of the coagulated soil matrix to withstand disruptive, physical forces. A wide range of soil properties are influenced by aggregate stability; including aeration, compactability, sealing, soil porosity, hydraulic conductivity, resistance to erosion, and organic carbon (C) stabilization by physical protection (Fristensky and Grismer, 2008; An et al., 2010; Schmidt et al., 2011). Aggregate stability is closely related to and governed by soil properties such as particle-size distribution (Lehrsch et al., 1991), Fe and Al (hydr)oxide contents (Römkens et al., 1977; Le Bissonnais and Singer, 1993; Six et al., 2004), and SOM level (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Churchman and Tate, 1987; Deviren Saygin et al., 2012). According to the hierarchical aggregate model of Tisdall and Oades (1982), macroaggregates (>250 mm) are constructed of microaggregates (<250 mm), Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:713–723 doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.02.0073 Received 22 Feb. 2013. *Corresponding author: ([email protected]). © Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison WI 53711 USA All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein has been obtained by the publisher. sand, and particulate organic matter (POM) bound together by transient or temporary binding agents. Transient binding agents are microbial- and plant-derived polysaccharides that decompose rapidly, whereas temporary binding agents include roots and hyphae. In contrast, microaggregates, consist of associations of free primary particles bound together by organic molecules, (hydr)oxides, polyvalent cations, Ca- and Mg- carbonates, and CaSO4 (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Amézketa, 1999). Six et al. (2000) proposed another conceptual aggregate model. They posit that macroaggregates form around fresh (particulate) organic matter when microbially derived organic molecules bind mineral particles. Microaggregates are formed within macroaggregates, as clay and silt particles become encrusted with SOM and microbial waste products (Six et al., 2000). However, the build-up of different aggregate-size classes as well as their stabilities and life cycles are still not fully understood. Ultrasound has become an extensively used method to study aggregate stability (e.g., North, 1976; Amézketa, 1999; Mentler et al., 2004; Schomakers et al., 2011a) since H2O can be used as a natural solvent and suspending medium (Mentler et al., 2004; Ashman et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2010), and since the level of mechanical energy applied to the sample can be regulated (North, 1976; Raine and So, 1993; Zhu et al., 2009). Macroaggregates are disrupted and dispersed usually at relatively low absorbed energies (as low as 2 J mL-1; Edwards and Bremner, 1967; North, 1976; Amelung and Zech, 1999; Field and Minasny, 1999; Mentler et al., 2004; Six et al., 2004). In contrast, ultrasonic energy levels higher than 800 J mL-1 are needed to cause nearly complete microaggregate dispersion (Kaiser et al., 2012). Commercial ultrasound equipment often is inadequate for low energy dispersion. This is because the vibration amplitude and acoustic pressure at the lowest instrumental settings are still relatively high, and cannot be precisely controlled (Schomakers et al., 2011a, 2011b). Zhu et al. (2009) found that the displayed energy of commercial equipment differed 10 to 20% from the actual output energy. The custom-made ultrasonic soil dispersion equipment that was developed in our laboratory (Schomakers et al., 2011a, 2011b), and used in this study, has the advantage of using vibration amplitude instead of power to control the ultrasonic magnitude of the equipment and it has been shown to be successful in breakdown of macroaggregates. However, the method has only been tested on two soil orders (Inceptisol, Mollisol), but not on soils with larger variation in properties and expected diverse macroaggregate stabilities. Ultrasonic dispersion may enhance leaching and redistribution of SOM, and its bioavailability (Amelung and Zech, 1999; Mueller et al., 2012), depending on the soil properties (Cerli et al., 2012). During ultrasonication, leaching of SOM can be investigated by analyzing the water extractable organic C (WEOC; Schomakers et al., 2011b). Redistribution of SOM can be investigated by analyses on the aggregate sizes gained, for example, by thermal analyses. Thermal stability of SOM measured as a function of temperature depends on the composition of the SOM itself, and can be used to quantify 714 various SOM compounds (e.g., De la Rosa et al., 2008; Plante et al., 2009). The focus of this study was to monitor the breakdown of macroaggregates to measure how soil macrostructure in various soil orders respond to increasing ultrasonic energies, and further, which physical and chemical soil properties are mainly responsible for the stability of the aggregate-size classes collected. Knowing such relationships would help to understand soil structure formation, but also to define levels of ultrasonic dispersion energies to obtain various fractions of SOM such as particulate or mineral-associated SOM. Justification for the ultrasonic energy levels applied to different soil orders is rarely given in literature (Griepentrog and Schmidt, 2013). Our objectives were (i) to characterize macroaggregate (250–1000 mm) stability and breakdown into microaggregates (<250 mm) across five soil orders with increasing dispersive ultrasonic energy levels, (ii) to identify the main physical and chemical properties influencing the measured aggregate stabilities, and (iii) to document the release of SOM (i.e., WEOC) from macroaggregates as a function of the ultrasonic energy level. We hypothesized that in all studied soil orders the contents of SOM, clay and oxides are the main determinants for a stable soil structure. Therefore, we selected five soil orders of different physicochemical and mineralogical characteristics sampled across Europe (namely Alfisol, Andisol, Entisol, Inceptisol, and Ultisol according to the U.S. Soil Taxonomy [Soil Survey Staff, 2004]). Macroaggregates were selected because they determine soil functioning (e.g., Stavi et al., 2011), and the size range of 250 to 1000 mm had previously been shown to be the dominant water-stable macroaggregate size in the studied soils (Kercheva et al., 2011; G. Lair, unpublished data, 2011). Materials and Methods Study Site, Soil Sampling, and Preparation The sampled soils selected represent different stages in pedogenesis, including organic matter accumulation, and mineral weathering: (i) an Andisol from Iceland as a very young soil with volcanic ash and basalt as parent material, (ii) an Inceptisol from an alpine grassland located close to the chronosequence of the Damma Glacier forefield in Switzerland, (iii) an Entisol expected to develop into a Mollisol on alluvial Danube River floodplain sediments in Austria, (iv) an Ultisol from an agricultural soil cultivated for thousands of years, and developed on schist in Greece; and (v) an Alfisol from an intensively managed Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest on serpentinite bedrock in the Czech Republic (Table 1). Samples were collected from the A-horizons of each soil below the densest rooting (5–20 cm, see exact sampling depths in Table 1) between April and July 2010, except the Andisol was sampled in June 2011. Before sampling, soils were described and classified (World Reference Base guidelines [IUSS Working Group WRB, 2006]; and U.S. Soil Taxonomy [Soil Survey Staff, 2004]). The freshly excavated soil samples were gently broken by hand into smaller aggregates (Ø < 15 mm) in the field, transported to the laboratory in plastic boxes, airSoil Science Society of America Journal Table 1. Site information of the studied soil macroaggregates. Location Andisol† Inceptisol‡ Entisol§ Ultisol¶ Alfisol# Iceland Switzerland Austria Greece Czech Republic Coordinates N 64°02¢917² N 46°38¢487² N 48°08¢685² N 35°23¢397² N 50°03¢504² Elevation (masl) W 20°10¢782² 119 E 08°28¢494² 2019 E 16°41¢660² 158 E 24°05¢607² 552 E 12°46¢545² 773 6.3°C 1113 mm 2.7°C 2400 mm 9°C 550 mm 18°C 969 mm 6.2°C 844 mm Haplic Cambisol Mollic Fluvisol Haplic Leptosol Luvic Stagnosol Mean annual temperature (MAT) Mean annual precipitation (MAP) Soil type (WRB) Haplic Andosol Soil parent material Volcanic ash and basalt Granite Alluvial sediments Schist Land use Grazing land Hardwood forest Olive plantation Spruce forest 5–10 cm (A) 5–10 cm (ACp) Grassland Sampled soil depth (Horizon) 10–20 cm (A) 5–11 cm (AB) † Icelandic Meteorological Office database, 2012. ‡ Bernasconi et al., 2011. § Lair et al., 2009. ¶ Nikolaidis et al., 2012; Moraetis, D. personal communication, 2011. # Bencoková et al., 2011. dried at room temperature and carefully dry-sieved to 250- to 1000-mm sized aggregates before this study. Physicochemical and Mineralogical Characterization of the 250- to 1000-mm Aggregates Aggregate pH was measured potentiometrically (Microprocessor pH Meter pH196 WTW, Weilhem, Germany) in H2O at an aggregate to solution ratio of 1:2.5 (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Total carbon (Ct) and total nitrogen (Nt) were quantified by dry combustion (Tabatabai and Bremner, 1991) using an elemental analyzer (Carlo Erba NA 1500 Nitrogen Analyzer 1500, Milan, Italy, detection limit for C: 1 mg kg-1; N: 10 mg kg-1). Carbonate content was measured gas-volumetrically (CO2 evolution; Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Organic C (OC) was calculated as the difference of total C and carbonate C. Cation-exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations were determined using an unbuffered 0.1 M BaCl2 extraction (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Extracted exchangeable cations (exchangeable K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Al) were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (PerkinElmer 2100). Ammonium oxalate-extractable Fe, Mn, and Al (Feo, Mno, Alo) were determined according to Schwertmann (1964). Dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate-extractable Fe, Mn, and Al (Fed, Mnd, Ald) were quantified according to Mehra and Jackson (1958). Particle-size distribution was determined by a combination of wet sieving and sedimentation (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). All analyses of the measured aggregate properties were performed in duplicate. Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) was conducted according to Barros et al. (2007), using 50 mg of oven dried (60°C) aggregates (Netzsch STA 409 PC). The samples were heated from 25 to 1000°C at a rate of 5°C min-1 in a reaction atmosphere of synthetic air (flow rate: 50 mL min-1). According to De la Rosa et al. (2008) thermal analysis allows the distinction between the amount of total SOM (decomposes between 200 and 650°C), as well as thermally labile SOM (Exo 1, decomposes between 200 and 380°C), thermally more stable SOM (Exo 2, Serpentinite 5–12 cm (AE) decomposes between 380 and 475°C), and refractory SOM (Exo 3, decomposes between 475 and 650°C). In the Exo1 fraction, SOM consists mainly of carbohydrates and proteins (De la Rosa et al., 2008), whereas in the Exo2 fraction polyphenolic and aromatic organic structures get oxidized (Lopez-Capel et al., 2005). The black carbon in soil burns at higher temperatures within the Exo3 fraction (De la Rosa et al., 2008). Identification of aggregate mineralogy was performed according to Moore and Reynolds (1997). The samples were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a Panalytical XPert Pro MPD diffractometer with an automatic divergent slit, a Cu LFF tube at 45 kV and, 40 mA, and with an X´Celerator detector (PANalytical, the Netherlands). The measuring time was 25 s, with a step size of 0.017°. Semi-quantitative mineral identification of the samples was estimated using the method described by Schultz (1964). Ultrasonic Soil Aggregate Stability Ultrasonic dispersion of 250- to 1000-mm aggregates was performed according to Schomakers et al. (2011a and 2011b), with minor modifications. Four grams of the 250- to 1000-mm aggregate-size fraction and 70 mL deionized water were put into a Plexiglas beaker (i.d. 44 mm, height 90 mm). A cylindrical titanium alloy probe (diam. 30 mm, insertion depth 2 mm) with constant vibration amplitude of 2.5 mm and a frequency of approximately 20 kHz was used in all experiments. The 30mm diam. ultrasonic probe tip that we used generated a more homogeneous pressure field compared with the commonly used 10- to 19-mm size (Schmidt et al., 1999; Schomakers et al., 2011b). The suspension was maintained during sonication with a magnetic stir plate and bar (2 Hz and, cylindrical 25 mm × 8 mm bar, with rounded caps of 10 mm in diameter at both ends to minimize damage to the aggregates at the bottom of the beaker). The stirring started simultaneously with the ultrasonic vibration, and it continued throughout the course of the experiment to obtain a homogeneous distribution of soil in suspension and to ensure complete ultrasound absorption. All of 715 the aggregates were subjected to a constant vibration amplitude of the ultrasonic probe of 2.5 mm, which was determined using an electromagnetic induction coil and strain gauges (Mayer et al., 2002; Mentler et al., 2004). Closed-loop control of vibration amplitude and resonance frequency guarantees maximum deviations of ± 1% between pre-selected and actual vibration amplitude (Schomakers et al., 2011b). Time steps used were 0, 15, 30, 60, 180, and 300 s, a range that resulted in six energy levels of 0, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 40 J mL-1. The output power was calibrated calorimetrically according to North (1976). Cooling the suspension during ultrasonication was not deemed necessary over maximum 300-s run, since the temperature of the suspension increased by only 2.9°C (± 0.2, n = 3). After each ultrasonification step, a liquid sample (5 mL) was taken with a syringe for determination of WEOC (filtered to <0.45 mm) by UV absorption at 254 nm (Brandstetter et al., 1996). Thereafter, different aggregate mass fractions were determined by gentle wet sieving with standard sieves (1000–630, 630–250, 250–63, and <63 mm sizes). Determination of each mass fraction was performed after drying the aggregates at 60°C to a constant weight (accuracy 0.001 g). The weights of the aggregates were corrected for the sand content (for aggregate size classes 63–250, 250–630, and >630 mm), to exclude a sand particle to be weighted as an aggregate (Six et al., 2000). Mean weight diameter (MWD, mm) of the sand-corrected aggregates was calculated according to Kemper and Rosenau (1986) as follows: MWD = n ∑w X i=1 i i where X i is the geometric mean of aggregate size on sieve i, and wi is the fraction of aggregates on sieve i. Standard deviations for the ultrasonic dispersion-aggregate distribution results were determined for 15 samples from the Inceptisol and Entisol. The standard deviations varied for individual aggregate-size fractions between 1.6 and 4.3% for the Inceptisol and between 0.4 and 1.8% for Entisol. The standard deviation for the released WEOC was determined for 50 samples from the Inceptisol (5 replicates at 10 different energy levels), and was less than ±0.8% between the individual replicates. This standard deviation was used as an estimate for the laboratory error in the different soil orders investigated. The <63-mm aggregates were analyzed by STA after energy levels of 2 and 40 J mL-1 had been applied, as previously described. The ratio of the different amounts of SOM fractions (total SOM, Exo1, Exo2, Exo3) in <63-mm sized aggregates after the application of the energy treatment of 40 J mL-1, compared with the amounts after energy treatment of 2 J mL-1 was calculated as follows: Enrichment ratio = SOM fraction A SOM fraction B Where SOM fractionA is the quantity of the SOM fraction at higher energy application and SOM fractionA is the quantity of the SOM fraction at subsequent lower energy application. 716 Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package for Mac (IBM Corp., 2011). The results were calculated as arithmetic means of two analytical replicates of the same field sample. Correlations between the physicochemical properties of the 250- to 1000-mm aggregates and the aggregate distributions and MWDs were calculated with the Pearson correlation coefficient. Different mathematical models (polynomial, exponential decay, power and rational) using SigmaPlot 12.0 (Systat Software, Inc., 2010) were tested to describe the changes in the experimental data for MWD, aggregate breakdown, and percentage of total OC as WEOC over the range of ultrasonic energy applied. The best model was selected by comparing the resulting root mean square errors (RMSE) and r2 values. Results Physicochemical Characterization of the 250- to 1000-mm Aggregate Fraction The physicochemical properties of the 250- to 1000-mm aggregates are summarized in Table 2. The aggregate pH ranged from 4.1 to 7.3, increased in the order Inceptisol (granite as parent material) » Alfisol (serpentinite as parent material) << Ultisol (schist as parent material) < Andisol (volcanic ash and basalt as parent material) » Entisol (calcareous alluvial sediments as parent material), indicating the influence of the parent material and environmental conditions (see Table 1) on soil acidity. For OC contents of the studied macroaggregates the following increasing order was observed: Ultisol < Alfisol < Entisol < Inceptisol << Andisol. The macroaggregates of the Andisol and the Inceptiosol had the highest concentrations of SOM in Exo1 and the lowest concentrations in Exo3 compared with the other studied soil orders. Cation-exchange capacity was highest in the macroaggregate fractions with highest pH, and with the highest clay and SOM contents (Entisol, Andisol). Quartz and plagioclase feldspar presented the main minerals in all of the 250- to 1000-mm aggregate samples, except in the Andisol, which was dominated by amorphous minerals. The swelling clay, vermiculite, was only identified in small amounts in the Inceptisol (Table 3). Ultrasonic Soil Aggregate Stability The aggregates in the Inceptisol were the most stable in terms of MWD among all of the studied aggregates, and the MWD decreased gradually with increasing energy supply. The other soils showed a faster and different breakdown pattern (Fig. 1). The Alfisol, Entisol, and Andisol showed a faster decrease of the MWD in the first two steps of ultrasound absorption. At the end of the experiment, MWDs for the Andisol and Entisol were approximately 4 and 6%, respectively, of the MWD at 0 J mL-1 (Fig. 1); whereas for the Inceptisol, it was 51%. We found MWD to be negatively correlated with silt content (r = between −0.912 and −0.967, p < 0.05, depending on the energy level applied) and a positively correlated with sand content (r = between Soil Science Society of America Journal 0.943 and 0.973, p < 0.05, depending Table 2. Key physicochemical properties† of the studied soil macroaggregates (250–1000 mm). on the energy level applied) (Table 4). Andisol Inceptisol Entisol Ultisol Alfisol Exchangeable Mg was also strongly and pH (H2O) 7.0 4.0 7.3 6.1 4.1 loamy loamy negatively correlated with MWD (r = Texture (WRB) silt loam loamy sand loamy sand silt sand between -0.931 and -0.968, p < 0.05, Clay, g kg-1 160 90 180 120 90 depending on the energy level applied) Silt, g kg-1 530 280 610 340 550 whereas exchangeable Mn had a strong Sand, g kg-1 310 630 210 540 360 positive correlation (r = between 0.905 CaCO , g kg-1 0 0 237 6 0 3 and 0.993, p < 0.05, depending on the Fe , g kg-1 37.3 3.3 2.5 0.9 3.8 o energy level applied) (Table 4). 34.9 4.9 8.4 37.1 8.8 Fed, g kg-1 The 250- to 1000-mm aggregates Mn , g kg-1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.07 o showed an overall decrease in the >630- Mn , g kg-1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.1 d mm and 250- to 630-mm aggregate size Al , g kg-1 22.0 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.9 o fractions, and an overall increase of the Ald, g kg-1 9.4 1.0 0.5 4.3 1.0 <63-mm size aggregate fraction with CEC, mmolc kg-1 148 42 279 80 52 increasing absorbed energy (Fig. 2). Exchangeable K, mmolc kg-1 0.7 1.8 3.7 1.4 0.9 For all of the 250- to 1000-mm sized Exchangeable Na, mmolc kg-1 5.0 0.2 0.1 1.3 0.4 aggregates, except for those in the Exchangeable Ca, mmolc kg-1 112.1 2.1 253.8 69.2 1.8 Entisol, the mass of 63- to 250-mm sized Exchangeable Fe, mmolc kg-1 0.03 0.2 0.01 0.02 1.9 1.9 21.2 7.3 21.2 aggregates increased with increasing Exchangeable Mg, mmolc kg-1 30.5 2.0 0.1 1.1 0.6 ultrasonic energy applied until reaching Exchangeable Mn, mmolc kg-1 0.3 0.0 33.3 0.0 0.1 25.2 a maximum either at 4 or at 8 J mL-1, Exchangeable Al, mmolc kg-1 58.9 39.6 35.4 17.8 27.3 and then it levelled off (Fig. 2). For the OC, g kg-1 14.0 15.2 14.5 16.7 28.3 Entisol, the mass of these aggregates C/N 129 54 78 56 52 declined from a maximum at 4 J mL-1. SOM (200–650°C) , g kg-1 99.7 35.1 41.1 27.4 27.7 The changes in the >630 mm and Exo1 (200–380°C), g kg-1 22.7 12.9 15.7 10.9 11.2 250- to 630-mm aggregate fractions Exo2 (380–450°C), g kg-1 6.4 6.0 20.7 17.8 13.5 throughout the experiment followed Exo3 (450–650°C), g kg-1 the MWD pattern, with the highest † CEC = cation exchange capacity; Feo, Mno, Alo = ammonium-oxalate extractable; Fed, Mnd, Ald = dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate-extractable. aggregate breakdown in the Andisol and Entisol; and the lowest in Inceptisol. The and Alfisol the increase in the 63- to 250-mm aggregates was largest initial aggregate-size fraction after soil wetting (0 J mL-1) small, and the distribution of this aggregate-size class was stable in the Andisol and Entisol was the size fraction of >630 mm (54.4 throughout the different absorbed ultrasonic energies applied to and 49.7% of soil used, respectively); whereas for the Inceptisol, the macroaggregates. Ultisol and Alfisol, it was the 250- to 630-mm size fraction (38.0, The amounts of the collected aggregates corrected for 36.5, and 33.1% of soil used, respectively). entrained sand was significantly correlated with the selected The amount of <63-mm aggregates followed an inverse 250- to 1000-mm aggregate properties (Table 4). The amounts of pattern of the MWDs (Fig. 2). Similar behaviour was also macroaggregates (250–630, and >630 mm) had a strong positive pronounced in the 63- to 250-mm aggregates in the Andisol correlation with the sand content (e.g., at energy level 8 J mL-1, and Entisol. In contrast to the macroaggregate size fractions r = 0.970 and 0.956 for 250–630 mm, and >630 mm, respectively, (250–630 mm, >630 mm), there was a high increase in this 63- to p < 0.05) and the exchangeable Mn concentration (e.g., at 250-mm size fraction after low amounts of ultrasonic energy were energy level 8 J mL-1, r = 0.997 and 0.991 for 250- to 630-1 mm and >630 mm, respectively, p < 0.01). Significant, negative applied (4 J mL ) which then levelled off. In the Inceptisol, the increase in this size fraction was observed at a higher energy correlations were found between quantities of macroaggregates level (8 J mL-1), and it was not as pronounced. In the Ultisol and exchangeable Mg concentration (e.g., at energy level Table 3. Minerals present in the 250- to 1000-mm aggregate fraction of the soils studied. Mineralogical composition Soil major medium small Andisol amorphous solids Inceptisol plagioglace feldspar quartz plagioglace feldspar and pyroxene K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, and vermiculite Entisol quartz, dolomite, and mica plagioglace feldspar, chlorite, and calcite, Muscovit eand paragonite plagioglace feldspar and kaolinite plagioglace feldspar, kaolinite, chlorite, talc,and serpentinite, Ultisol quartz Alfisol Amphibole and quartz Traces epidote, chlorite, and kaolinite K-feldspar, kaolinite, and mixed-layer minerals K-feldspar and chlorite K-feldspar, mixed-layer minerals, epidote, and goethite 717 level 8 J mL-1, r = -0.949 and r = -0.940 for 250–630 mm, and >630 mm, respectively, p < 0.05) in the soil aggregates. The amount of thermally quantified SOM fractions (total SOM, Exo1, Exo2) and Feo and Alo affected positively the amount of microaggregates in the size range of 63 to 250 mm (r = between 0.891 and 0.983, p < 0.05, depending on energy level and aggregate property), whereas the amount of <63 mm sized aggregates correlated negatively with the sand content and exchangeable Mn concentration (at energy level 24 J mL-1, r = -0.924 and -0.948, p < 0.05, for exchangeable Mn and sand content, respectively) (Table 4). No significant correlations between the aggregate size distributions after macroaggregate breakdown and the Exo3 fraction or the clay content were found. The total thermally quantified SOM content in the <63-mm aggregate size fraction was rising in the soil orders Andisol < Entisol < Alfisol < Inceptisol with increasing ultrasound application, but was declining in the Ultisol (Table 5). The highest enrichment factors in the thermally quantified SOM fractions were observed for Exo1 or Exo2, depending on the soil order. Fig. 1. Mean weight diameters (MWD) of sand-corrected aggregates at different absorbed ultrasonic energies (J mL-1, vibration amplitude of 2.5 mm). Curves were fitted to measured data with r2 > 0.98. The standard deviation for the ultrasonic dispersion-aggregate distribution procedure was determined for 15 samples from both the Inceptisol and Entisol, and they varied for individual aggregate size fractions from 1.6 to 4.3% for the Inceptisol and from 0.4 to 1.8% for the Entisol. Soil Organic Matter Release during Ultrasonication 8 J mL-1, r = -0.892 and -0.936 for 250 to 630, and >630 mm, respectively, p < 0.05) and with the silt content (e.g., at energy In general, WEOC release increased strongly after the first steps of ultrasonication and levelled off at the energy level of >8 J mL-1, with the exception of the Inceptisol and Alfisol, in Table 4. Correlations between mean weight diameter (MWD), aggregate fractions at ultrasonic application of 8 and 24 J mL-1 and selected soil aggregate properties (n = 5). Measured soil macroaggregate properties not included in the matrix showed no significant correlations. sand silt Feo Alo Mg2+ Mn2+ SOM Exo 1 Exo2 Silt, % -0.983** Feo, g kg-1 -0.324 0.266 Alo, g kg-1 -0.311 0.246 0.999*** Mg2+, mmolc kg-1 -0.874 0.868 0.693 0.677 Mn2+, mmolc kg-1 0.965** -0.931* -0.398 -0.391 -0.896* SOM, 200–650°C), g kg-1 -0.519 0.424 0.943* 0.948* 0.757 -0.578 Exo1 (200–380°C), g kg-1 -0.383 0.301 0.982** 0.985** 0.689 -0.437 0.981** Exo2 (380–450°C), g kg-1 -0.499 0.406 0.921* 0.925* 0.715 -0.514 0.984** 0.976** MWD 2 J mL-1 0.973** -0.967** -0.500 -0.483 -0.958* 0.947* -0.636 -0.532 -0.614 MWD 4 J mL-1 0.965** -0.960** -0.487 -0.469 -0.931* 0.905* -0.630 -0.533 -0.633 MWD 8 J mL-1 0.966** -0.946* -0.548 -0.534 -0.968** 0.962** -0.688 -0.581 -0.656 MWD 24 J mL-1 0.966** -0.938* -0.481 -0.471 -0.941* 0.993*** -0.639 -0.513 -0.583 MWD 40 J mL-1 0.943* -0.912* -0.551 -0.542 -0.960** 0.983** -0.691 -0.575 -0.630 8 J mL-1 < 63µm -0.834 0.854 -0.092 -0.103 0.621 -0.857 0.080 -0.079 0.000 8 J mL-1 63–250µm -0.272 0.198 0.956* 0.957* 0.585 -0.289 0.933* 0.979** 0.960** 8 J mL-1 250–630µm 0.970** -0.949* -0.358 -0.348 -0.892* 0.997** -0.532 -0.391 -0.469 8 J mL-1 > 630µm 0.956* -0.940* -0.447 -0.436 -0.936* 0.991*** -0.589 -0.465 -0.523 24 J mL-1 < 63µm -0.948* 0.944* 0.039 0.028 0.717 -0.924* 0.259 0.095 0.218 24 J mL-1 63–250µm -0.290 0.258 0.983** 0.975** 0.676 -0.329 0.891* 0.954* 0.891* 24 J mL-1 250–630µm 0.989** -0.970** -0.454 -0.441 -0.934* 0.970** -0.621 -0.501 -0.595 24 J mL-1 > 630µm * significant at P < 0.05. ** significant at P < 0.01. *** significant at P < 0.001.. 0.976** -0.960** -0.451 -0.439 -0.942* 0.988** -0.603 -0.480 -0.553 718 Soil Science Society of America Journal Fig. 2. Distribution of different sand-corrected aggregate-size fractions of soils at different absorbed ultrasonic energies (J mL-1, vibration amplitude of 2.5 mm). Measured values were connected with straight lines. The standard deviation for the ultrasonic dispersion-aggregate distribution procedure was determined for 15 samples from both the Inceptisol and Entisol, and they varied for individual aggregate-size fractions from 1.6 to 4.3% for the Inceptisol and from 0.4 to 1.8% for the Entisol. which WEOC did not reach a plateau with increasing ultrasound application (Fig. 3). Release of WEOC as a percentage of total OC was between 0.6 and 2.7% after the highest energy input, and decreased in the order of: Ultisol > Alfisol > Entisol > Inceptisol > Andisol (Fig. 3). Discussion Stability and Breakdown of Macroaggregates Contrary to our initial hypothesis, the BaCl2–extractable (exchangeable) cations Mg and Mn had significant impacts on the stability and breakdown of macroaggregates in this study (Table 4). Higher exchangeable Mg concentrations decreased the MWDs and the amount of macroaggregates in the size classes >630 mm and 250–630 mm, whereas higher amounts of exchangeable Mn increased the proportion of these aggregate size classes when various energy levels were applied. Approximately, the MWD was increasing by a factor of 2 when the exchangeable Mg/Mn ratio was decreasing to one quarter in our studied soils (Mg/Mn ratio = 0.08MWD-2.05; r2 = 0.85; p < 0.05). However, little is known about the role of exchangeable Mn in (macro)aggregation. Manganese is highly reactive as Mn(III, IV) (hydr)oxide coatings on mineral soil particles and in complexes with SOM. It can cause oxidative polymerization of organic molecules containing phenolic 719 Table 5. Enrichment ratios of SOM fractions between 2 and 40 J mL-1 of ultrasonic energy application in <63 mm aggregate fraction. < 63 µm SOM Exo 1 Exo 2 Exo 3 Andisol Inceptisol Entisol Ultisol Alfisol 1.08 1.06 1.17 1.08 1.38 1.41 1.43 1.11 1.16 1.19 1.19 1.10 0.93 0.94 0.90 0.94 1.27 1.35 1.34 1.10 functional groups (Heintze and Mann, 1947; Navrátil et al., 2007), thereby playing a role in the formation and stabilization of soil structure (e.g., Alekseeva et al., 2009). Strong significant negative correlations between exchangeable Mg concentration and MWDs and macroaggregates were in accordance with De-Campos et al. (2009). Zhang and Norton (2002) hypothesized that Mg2+ promotes disaggregation, and their study showed Mg2+ to be a strong dispersing agent in leaching column studies. Exchangeable Mg2+ has a 50% greater hydration radius than for example Ca2+, which enables the soil to absorb more water, and the surface diffuse layer thickness and the surface potential are greater than in a Ca2+–saturated clay. These attributes of exchangeable Mg2+ weaken the van der Waals interactions that hold the soil particles together, thereby decreasing aggregate stability. The strength of the interactions with exchangeable Mg may also be dependent on the type of clay mineral and electrolyte concentration of the soil (Zhang and Norton, 2002). In our study, the other BaCl2– extractable cations (exchangeable K, Na, Ca, Fe, Al) and the CEC did not have any significant correlations with MWDs or with the distribution of aggregate-size classes, even though a higher CEC has previously been correlated with higher aggregate stability (e.g., Kay, 1998, Six et al., 2000). The breakdown of the macroaggregates (>250 mm) started already at low energy inputs, 2 J mL-1 for the Andisol and Entisol that confirm results by Mentler et al. (2004). Based on the aggregate breakdown pattern expressed by the MWD (Fig. 1) the strongest macroaggregate breakdown had been reached at the end of the experiment at 40 J mL-1 in the Alfisol, Andisol, Entisol; whereas more energy would have been necessary in the Inceptisol and Ultisol to get a similar loss of macroaggregates. In comparison, 60 J mL-1 was needed for complete macroaggregate breakdown in a previous study (Amelung and Zech, 1999), in which prairie soils from different temperature regimes across Canada were studied. The breakdown of macroaggregates in our study varied between the different soil orders (Fig. 1 and 2). This agrees with the review by Bronick and Lal (2005) who concluded that in different soil orders, aggregation is controlled by different properties. The authors stated that aggregation in Alfisols, Entisols, and Ultisols is mainly governed by SOM, whereas in Andisols and Inceptisols the amount and type of clay mineral plays a bigger role in aggregation. We did not find any significant correlations between clay content and aggregate-size distribution. Clay content affects aggregation through swelling 720 Fig. 3. Release of water extractable organic C (<0.45 mm) from 250to 1000-mm aggregates using stepwise ultrasonic energy application (J mL-1, amplitude 2.5 mm). Curves were fitted to measured data with r2 > 0.98. The standard deviation for the release of WEOC (absorbance at 254 nm) was determined for 50 samples (5 replicates for 10 different ultrasonication steps), and it was <0.8% between the individual replicates. and dispersion, and the high surface area of clay minerals results in higher levels of aggregation (Kay, 1998; Bronick and Lal, 2005). High CEC clays such as smectite and vermiculite have large surface areas, which may result in higher aggregate stability (Amézketa, 1999; Schulten and Leinweber, 2000). Vermiculite was present in small amounts in the studied Inceptisol (Table 3), which may have contributed to the greater aggregate stability in this soil order. In our investigation, the silt content of the 250- to 1000mm aggregates correlated negatively with the macroaggregates and MWDs. Silt-sized particles have usually much lower charged surface areas than clay particles (Brady and Weil, 2008); therefore, they are not as active aggregating agents as clay-sized particles. In our study, macroaggregates and MWDs were positively correlated with sand content in the 250- to 1000-mm aggregate-size fraction (Table 4). This contradicts recent research that reported sand to correlate negatively with soil stability (Dimoyiannis, 2012). However, in our investigation, the widely varied sand contents in the 250- to 1000-mm aggregates could have influenced the correlations. Stability and Breakdown of Microaggregates In this study we observed correlations between the measured properties of the 250- to 1000-mm aggregate fraction and distribution of aggregates collected after ultrasonication. The correlations show that ammonium-oxalate extractable Fe and Al oxides act as strong aggregating agents in the size range of 63 to 250 mm (Table 4). Amézketa (1999) explained the action of such agents through their ability to act as flocculants of suspensions, and, by being able to bind clay particles to the organic molecules through bridging. The ammonium-oxalate extraction gives an estimate of the paracrystalline Fe and Al oxide contents (Schwertmann, 1964). The paracrystalline Fe Soil Science Society of America Journal (hydr)oxides have a much larger and more reactive surface area compared with crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides; they therefore have higher aggregating power (Duiker et al., 2003). In our study the correlations between mass of collected aggregates and SOM were only observed for microaggregates in the size class of 63 to 250 mm (Table 4). The fact that the amount of microaggregates correlate strongly with total SOM, as well as both with Exo1 and Exo2 (Table 4), reveals the importance of SOM for the formation and stability of this microaggregate size class. Carbohydrates and proteins (Exo1; De la Rosa et al., 2008) as well as polyphenolic and aromatic organic structures (Exo2; Lopez-Capel et al., 2005) seem to be of high importance for the formation and stability of these microaggregates. This impact of SOM on microaggregates is corroborated also by other studies (e.g., Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Six et al., 2004; Kleber et al., 2007; Schmidt et al., 2011), which highlight, that SOM compounds can closely associate with mineral surfaces, and get physically protected through aggregation processes against microbial decay. This protection of SOM within aggregates leads to a stabilization and aging of even easily decomposable OC compounds like amino acids and sugars in soils (Kleber et al., 2007; Schmidt et al., 2011). The enrichment of SOM fractions in <63-mm aggregates during the ultrasonication varied for the different soils (Table 5), revealing an accumulation of organic matter-rich particles (Inceptisol > > Alfisol > Entisol > Andisol) or organic matterfree particles (Ultisol). A highest accumulation ratio in both SOM fractions of Exo1 and Exo2 can be noticed (Table 5), which reflects the importance of these SOM fractions acting as binding agents within the formation of microaggregates. Polyphenolic and aromatic organic structures (Exo2; Lopez-Capel et al., 2005) seem to be most involved in the microaggregation in Andisol (strongest increase of 17% in Exo2; Table 5), but also in the other soil orders when taking the relative SOM distribution in the macroaggregtes into account (i.e., Exo1 >> Exo2 in all soils; Table 2). A relatively small increase in the Exo3 fraction by approximately 10% in the <63-mm sized aggregates during the ultrasound application supports a previous study by Brodowski et al. (2006), in which it was shown that also black carbon acts as a binding agent in aggregates. In our studied soil orders (with the exception of the Ultisol), all of the thermally measured SOM fractions contributed to the formation of microaggregates in the order Exo2 ³ Exo1 > Exo3. Soil Organic Matter Release during Ultrasonication The WEOC released from the aggregates during sonication differed greatly between the soil orders (Fig. 3), with the aggregates from the Ultisol releasing the most WEOC when the energy applied increased. The aggregates of the Andisol contained the highest OC content, but released the least amount of WEOC, which can be explained by the strong binding of OC to the paracrystalline allophane and imogolite in this soil (Table 3, Shoji et al., 1993). The Inceptisol in our study contained vermiculite, a swelling clay mineral, which could also explain a strong binding of OC and a consequently low release of WEOC (Fig. 3). In contrast, the higher WEOC released from the aggregates of the Entisol, Ultisol, and Alfisol, can be explained by SOM presenting the main aggregating factor (Bronick and Lal, 2005). We found a maximum of 2.7% of the total OC content as WEOC during the ultrasonication (Fig. 3) and no significant correlations with the clay content in the studied soils. Conclusions In this study we followed differences in macroaggregate breakdown with increasing low energy, amplitude controlled ultrasonic application (2– 40 J mL-1) across a wide range of soil orders and properties. Following results were found: ·Macroaggregate breakdown followed the increasing order: Inceptisol < Ultisol < Alfisol < Entisol < Andosol, which contradicts our hypothesis and confirms that SOM, oxides, and clay content were not the main explaining factors of macroaggregate stability. ·Macroaggregate breakdown started with low amounts of ultrasonic energy applied (2 J mL-1), nevertheless, one universal amount of energy for aggregate breakdown does not exist, and it has to be adjusted to the soils or soil fractions under study. ·Macroaggregate breakdown was positively correlated with the amounts of exchangeable Mg, and negatively correlated with the amounts of exchangeable Mn. A decreasing Mg/Mn ratio below 30 increased macroaggregate stability in the studied soils. However, further research is needed to understand the role of exchangeable Mn in aggregate stability. ·The quantity of microaggregates (63–250 mm), were governed by oxalate extractable Fe and Al as well as SOM (mainly carbohydrates, proteins, polyphenolic and aromatic organic structures) and this is consistent with the hierarchical aggregate model by Tisdall and Oades (1982). Acknowledgments The project was financially supported from the European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project “Soil Transformations in European Catchments” (SoilTrEC), Grant Agreement no. 244118. We thank N.P. Nikolaidis from the Technical University of Crete, Greece; S. Bernasconi from ETH Zürich, Switzerland; and P. Kram from Czech Geological Survey for valuable background information of the field sites. F. Ottner (Inst. of Applied Geology, BOKU, Austria) is acknowledged for mineralogical measurement and assistance with STA measurements. We are grateful to R. Schuller (Inst. of Physics and Materials Science, BOKU, Austria) for his help with the ultrasound equipment. Analytical assistance was provided by E. Brauner, K. Hackl, A. Hobel, A. Hromatka and E. Kopecky (Inst. of Soil Research, BOKU, Austria). We thank Bruce R. James (University of Maryland, USA) as well as the three anonymous reviewers for their valuable scientific inputs to improve the manuscript. 721 References Alekseeva, T.V., Z. Sokolowska, M. Hajnos, A.O. Alekseev, and P.I. Kalinin. 2009. Water stability of aggregates in subtropical and tropical soils (Georgia and China) and its relationships with the mineralogy and chemical properties. Eurasian Soil Sci. 42:415–425. doi:10.1134/S1064229309040085 Amelung, W., and W. Zech. 1999. Minimisation of organic matter disruption during particle-size fractionation of grassland epipedons. Geoderma 92:73–85. doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(99)00023-3 Amézketa, E. 1999. Soil aggregate stability: A Review. J. Sustain. 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Thus, we analyzed the distribution of soil aggregates and assessed quality, quantity and distribution of SOM in a total of six unimproved (Grass 1, Grass 2) and improved (organic (HaAorg, HiAorg) and conventional (HaAcon, HiAcon)) grasslands in subarctic Iceland. We also evaluated principal physicochemical and biological soil properties, which influence soil aggregation and SOM dynamics. Macroaggregates (>250 µm) in topsoils were most prominent in unimproved (62-77 %) and organically (58-69 %) managed sites, whereas 20-250 µm aggregates were the most prominent in conventionally managed sites (51-53 %). Macroaggregate stability in topsoils, measured as mean weight diameter (MWD), was approximately twice as high in organically managed (12-20 mm) compared to the conventionally managed (5-8 mm) sites, possibly due to higher organic inputs (e.g. manure, compost, and cattle urine). In unimproved grasslands and one organic site (HaAorg), macroaggregates contributed between 40-70 % of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) to bulk soil, whereas in high SOM concentration sites free particulate organic matter (fPOM) contributed up to 70 % of the OC and N to bulk soil. Oxides were one of the binding agents of macroaggregates, which was shown by macroaggregates and MWD being correlated positively with fungal biomass (r = 0.87, r = 0.80, p<0.01) and oxalateextractable Mn (r = 0.46, r = 0.46, p<0.01) and dithionite-extractable Mn (r = 0.46, r = 0.46, p<0.01). Thus, evidence of diminished aggregate hierarchy was shown. The higher macroaggregate stability in organic farming practice compared to conventional farming is of interest due to the importance of macroaggregates in protecting SOM, which is a prerequisite for soil functions in grasslands that are envisaged for food production in the future. Keywords: aggregate hierarchy; Andosols; grassland management; Iceland; particulate organic matter (POM); solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. 54 3.1 Introduction Physical, chemical and biological properties are strongly influenced by quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM). Being the key attributes of soil quality and productivity (Manlay et al. 2007; Feller et al. 2012), SOM-induced changes in soil quality strongly affect productivity and health of grasslands. Land misuse and soil mismanagement may deplete SOM, while sustainably managed farms can maintain and enhance SOM levels and soil structure such as soil application of organic amendments (Siegrist et al. 1998). Stable aggregates physically protect the encapsulated SOM against decomposition, especially in soil systems with less physical disturbance such as no-tillage or conservation agriculture (Six et al. 2000). Formation and stabilization of aggregates is influenced by several factors such as input of biomass-C, soil fauna (most importantly earthworms) (Siegrist et al. 1998), soil microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria and their activity (Eash et al. 1994), roots (Six et al. 2004), inorganic binding agents such as carbonates and oxy(hydr)oxides (Six et al. 2004), nutrient availability (Six et al. 2004) and environmental variables such as freeze/thaw and drying/wetting cycles (Six et al. 2000; Six et al. 2004). Tisdall and Oades (1982) proposed the hierarchical model of soil aggregates, and hypothesized that macroaggregates (>250 µm) are comprised of microaggregates (<250 µm), mineral particles, and particulate organic matter (POM). These components are bound together and stabilized by transient or temporary binding agents such as microbialand plant-derived polysaccharides, roots and fungal hyphae. Microaggregates are associations of free primary particles bound together by organic molecules, oxy(hydr)oxides, polyvalent cations, Ca- and Mg carbonates, and CaSO4 (Tisdall and Oades 1982; Amézketa 1999). The hierarchical order indicates that macroaggregates are less stable and more influenced by farming practices (e.g., tillage) than microaggregates (Six et al. 2004). SOM originates primarily from plant litter and microbial biomass and consists of numerous compounds with varying structure, concentration, and recalcitrance (Kögel-Knabner 2002). Mechanical tillage is one of the most important factors that may reduce soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and also decrease aggregate stability in Icelandic grasslands. Approximately 96% of farmland in Iceland is under grassland management for hay production (Jóhannesson 2010). Normally, the soils are ploughed when the fields are renewed from several to tens of years interval, and the fields are fertilized annually. Tillage may disrupt macroaggregates and thus aggravate decomposition of SOM (Elliott 1986). Farming practices that apply organic amendments (e.g., animal manure, green manure, compost, and/or crop residues) may improve physical, chemical and biological soil properties, and result in enhanced overall soil fertility (e.g., increased plant nutrients, SOM, and soil structure) (Watson et al. 2003; Sodhi et al. 2009; Diacono and Montemurro 2011). Regardless of few comparative land management studies on soil aggregate stability, previous research by Siegrist et al. (1998) and Shepherd et al. (2002) suggests that organic farming practices increase macroaggregate stability. Separation of SOM fractions, based on density fractionation in combination with ultrasonic dispersion, enables separation of free particulate organic matter (fPOM, consisting of undecomposed plant residue, hyphae and their partial decomposition products), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM, consisting of POM occluded in aggregates), and organo-mineral associations with more processed SOM in the heavy fraction (sediment of the density fractionation procedure) (Christensen 1992; Golchin et al. 1994; Kölbl and 55 Kögel-Knabner 2004). In general, POM fractions respond more sensitively to management changes than total organic carbon (OC) (Golchin et al. 1994; Chan et al. 2002; Steffens et al. 2009). Marriott and Wander (2006) observed increased oPOM in organic farming systems over conventionally managed farming systems, and oPOM was more decomposed in manure+legume than in legume-based organic systems. Most of the studies on agricultural soils focus on temperate cropland soils (e.g. Gättinger et al. 2012), whereas grassland soils from sub-arctic and of volcanic origin have received less attention, as well as on-farm studies are lacking in the research literature (Siegrist et al. 1998; Stavi et al. 2011). Therefore, the objective of this research was to assess: 1) distribution of soil aggregates, 2) quality, quantity and distribution of SOM in unimproved and improved grasslands in subarctic Iceland, and 3) principal physicochemical and biological soil properties influencing soil aggregation and SOM dynamics. We hypothesized that 1) unimproved grasslands without ploughing would have higher SOM levels and thus higher distribution of macroaggregates compared to improved grasslands, 2) organically managed grassland have a closer resemblance to unimproved grassland than to conventionally managed grassland, and that 3) organic matter (OM) and fungi are the major aggregating agents. 3.2 Material and methods 3.2.1 Site description The sites were selected to represent the major grassland soil types in Iceland (Haplic Andosol and Histic Andosol), and a range of grassland management practices (Table 3.1). Samples obtained from the first four sites were from Haplic Andosols (according to WRB, according to Icelandic classification Brown Andosols (Arnalds 2004), hereafter referred to as HaA). Samples obtained from the two last sites were from Histic Andosols (according to WRB, hereafter referred to as HiA). All together, six grassland sites located in South and Southwest Iceland comprised of (Table 3.1): 1) Grass1: unimproved grassland that has not been ploughed or fertilized. The field is lightly used as a pasture for young cattle and sheep for a short time in the autumn. The site is located in between HaAorg and HaAcon. 2) HaAorg: improved grassland where organic fertilizers (manure, compost, and cattle urine) and biodynamic preparations are used (Table 3.1). Biodynamic preparations are used to enhance sprouting and early spring growth, and to enhance ripeness of the crop and to protect from fungal diseases, and to enhance plant availability of phosphates (Table 3.1). Ploughing of HaAorg was done during the first three consecutive years of the crop rotation, most recently in 2001, 2002, and 2003. The field has not been ploughed since. Since 1996 the field has been managed according to Icelandic guidelines for organic and sustainable production and resource utilization, which are based on the guidelines from Soil Association (TÚN 2013). Before 1996, the field had never been ploughed or fertilized. 3) HaAcon: improved grassland where organic (manure) and supplemental inorganic fertilizers are used. The last ploughing was done in 1995 when the field was renewed; the cultivation of the field started in the 1960s. 56 4) Grass2: unimproved grassland that has neither been ploughed nor fertilized. The site is located in between HiAorg and HiAcon, and is not used for pasture. 5) HiAorg: improved grassland that receives organic fertilizers (manure, and compost) and is managed according to the Icelandic guidelines for organic and sustainable production and resource utilization (TÚN 2013) since 1994. During the first three consecutive years of the crop rotation (1994 - 1996), the field was ploughed but has not been ploughed since 1996. Before 1994, the studied field had never been ploughed or fertilized. 6) HiAcon: improved grassland that receives organic (manure) and supplementary inorganic fertilizers. The soil is ploughed when the field is renewed, which was ploughed in 1998. Cultivation of the field started in the 1960s 57 No drainage Drainage N/A Spring 20 kg K ha-1 No fertilization N/A N/A N/A No drainage 9th century 800 mm 4.3°C W 21°36´16´´ N 64°20´38´´ Grass2 Grassland Haplic Andosol 3.2 t C ha -1 260 kg N ha-1 Fall 10 t ha-1 Spring 30 t ha-1 v,bc,6*gc, gc 1994 1996, 15-20 cm 1960 9th century 800 mm 4.3°C W 21°36´14´´ N 64°20´43´´ HiAorg Organic Histic Andosol Spring 300 kg N ha-1 1.2 t C ha-1 60 kg N ha-1 Spring 30 t ha-1 g N/A 1998, 15-20 cm 1968 9th century 800 mm 4.3°C W 21°34´54´´ N 64°20´33´´ HiAcon Conventional Histic Andosol 58 Special treatments Biodynamic preparationsc Shell sand, fishmeald a Icelandic meteorological office database, 2012 b o denotes oats, b barley, gc grass and clover, v vegetables, bold letter the time of sampling. Grass and grass and clover mixtures at individual farms: BAorg (Phlenum pretense, Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra/richardsonii, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pretense and barley), Bacon (Phelenum pretense (85%), Festuca rihardsonii/rubra (10%), Poa pratensis (5%)), HAorg (Plenum pretense and Trifolium repens), HAcon (Trifolium repens and Alopecurus pratensis). c Humus preparation No. 500 to enhance sprout and early spring growth, Silica preparation No.501 to enhance ripeness and protect from fungal diseases, special preparation of Valeriana officianalis No. 507 to loosen the phosphate. All preparations are prepared and used according to the biodynamic guidelines. d shell sand MgCa(CO3)2: 1996 3-5 t ha-1, 1997 1.5 t ha-1; fishmeal: 1995 220 kg ha-1, 1996 545 kg ha-1, 1998 545 kg ha-1, 2000 270 kg ha-1, 2003 270 kg ha-1. e calculated according to Hoogendorn et al. (2010), Pálmason (2013), and Dyrmundsson (2013, personal communication). N/A not available. - Total K (kg K ha year ) -1 Spring 20 kg P ha-1 -1 - Total P (kg P ha-1 year-1) 0.8 t C ha Spring 80 kg N ha-1 8.6 t C ha -1 40 kg N ha-1 Spring 20 t ha-1 g N/A 1995, 15-20 cm No drainage 9th century 1120 mm 3.6°C W 20°10´44´´ N 64°3´0´´ HaAcon Conventional Haplic Andosol - Total N (kg N ha-1 year-1) Inorganic fertilizers - Total C (t C ha year ) -1 970 kg N ha-1 -1 e - Total N (kg N ha-1 year-1)e -1 Spring 50 t ha - Cattle urine -1 Fall 35 t ha-1 - Compost o, ob, 8*gc, gc Spring 35 t ha-1 No fertilization 1996 2003, 15-20 cm - Manure Organic fertilizers Crop rotation N/A Conversion to organic farming b N/A Latest ploughing No drainage 1120 mm 9th century 1120 mm 9th century 3.6¨C Farm since Precipitation 3.6¨C W 20°12´14´´ W 20°10´46´´ Temperature Mean Annual (MAT)a Mean Annual (MAP)a HaAorg N 64°02´34´´ Grass1 N 64°3´1´´ Coordinates Organic Grassland Abbreviation Haplic Andosol Haplic Andosol Table 3.1 Background information of the studied sites. For all improved grassland sites (HaAorg, HaAcon, HiAorg, HiAcon), the soils were ploughed with a moldboard plow to a depth of 15-20 cm. The improved grasslands were generally cut twice each year for forage production, and on a good year a third time, while Grass1 and Grass2 sites were not harvested. Thus, principal differences between the selected grasslands are the start of the cultivation of the grasslands, usage of mineral fertilizers on the conventional sites and input of organic material as well as crop rotation at the organically managed sites. The organically managed sites have higher diversity of grasses and related fodder plants including legumes such as clover (Trifolium repens and T. pratense). None of the sites received pesticides. 3.2.2 Soil sampling Soil samples were obtained in June 2011. Samples at each site were obtained in triplicate from randomly selected 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil depth using a core sampler (8 cm diameter). The replicates were approximately 30-40 m apart. Each replicate comprised of 10-15 subsamples, which were sampled within a 1-2 m radius and were composited. Thus, there were a total of 36 homogeneous samples. Soils for biological analyses were sampled only from 0-10 cm depth in a similar fashion to that of other samples, in triplicates. Soil samples were gently sieved through a 5 mm sieve in the field, and kept at 4°C for the biological analyses, and air-dried in the laboratory pending other analyses. 3.2.3 Physicochemical and biological characterization of soils at the grassland sites Soil pH was measured electrochemically (Microprocessor pH Meter pH196 WTW, Weilheim, Germany) in H2O at a soil:solution ratio of 1:2.5 (Soil Survey Staff 2004). Particle size distribution was determined by a combination of sieve and pipette method after removal of organic matter with 10% hydrogen peroxide and dispersion by reciprocal shaking with sodium metaphosphate solution for 12 h (Soil Survey Staff 2004). However, because of the presence of active amorphous materials complete dispersion may not have been achieved. Ammonium-oxalate-extractable Fe, Mn, Al, and Si (Feo, Mno, Alo, Sio) were determined according to Schwertmann (1964). Dithionite-citrate-bicarbonateextractable Fe, Mn and Al (Fed, Mnd, Ald) were quantified according to Mehra and Jackson (1960). Allophane concentration was estimated by multiplying Sio by 6, based on an average Al/Si ratio of 1.5 (Parfitt, 1990), and ferrihydrite concentration was estimated by multiplying Feo by 1.7 (Parfitt and Childs 1988). Total carbon (Ct) and total nitrogen (Nt) were quantified by the dry combustion method (Tabatabai and Bremner 1991) using an elemental analyzer (Carlo Erba Nitrogen Analyser 1500, Milano, Italy). The Icelandic volcanic soils contain no carbonate minerals (e.g. Gíslason 2008), and therefore, Ct values obtained were assumed to be organic C (OC). Plant available phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) were determined by the calcium-acetate-lactate (CAL)-extraction (ÖNORM, L1087). Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations were determined using an unbuffered 0.1 M BaCl2 extraction (Soil Survey Staff 2004). Extracted exchangeable cations (K, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Al) were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer 2100). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was determined by UV adsorption at 254 nm (Brandstetter et al. 1996) and microbial biomass C by chloroform fumigation-extraction method (Vance et al. 1987). Hot water (16 h at 80°C) extractable C (HWC) was determined according to Ghani et al. (2003). Mineralizable nitrogen (Min N) was measured 59 as the NH4 production during one week of anaerobic incubation in slurry at 40°C (Canali and Benedetti 2006). For determination of hyphal length and bacterial numbers, microscopic slides were prepared as described by Bloem and Vos (2004) after a preincubation period of two weeks at 20°C. The equation of a cylinder with spherical ends (V = (π/4) W2 (L-(W/3)) where V = volume (µm³), L = length (µm) and W= width (µm)), a mean hyphal diameter of 2.5 µm and a specific C concentration of 130 fg C µm -³ were used to estimate fungal biomass. Bacterial biomass was calculated using a specific C concentration of 320 fg C µm-³ and bacterial cell numbers and volume were determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy combined with an image analysis system (Bloem et al. 1995). Bacterial activity was estimated by measuring incorporation rates of [³H]thymidine and [14C]leucine (Bloem and Bolhuis 2006). 3.2.4 Density and aggregate fractionation A three-step density and aggregate fractionation procedure, modified from Mueller et al. (2009) and Steffens et al. (2009), was used in triplicate for all sites (Figure 3.1). Briefly, 20 g of air-dried soil (<5 mm) was capillary-saturated with Na-polytungstate solution (density of 1.8 g cm-3) and allowed to settle overnight. The floating particulate organic matter (referred to as fPOM, 20-5000 µm) was extracted by aspiration via a water jet pump. To obtain POM occluded in aggregates (referred to as oPOM, 20-5000 µm), the subsequent heavy fraction (>1.8 g cm-3) was treated by ultrasound. The application of low energy ultrasound of 8 J ml-1 was used to maintain stable macroaggregates as well as to minimize the production of artifacts (Lehtinen et al. 2014). Calibration of the output power of the sonicator was done calorimetrically according to North (1976). With a subsequent density fractionation step (Na-polytungstate solution, 1.8 g cm-3), the oPOM floating on the suspension was obtained after centrifugation (10 minutes at 4350 rpm). All POM fractions were washed with deionized water until the electric conductivity dropped below 5 µS cm -1 (Mueller et al. 2009; Steffens et al. 2009) and then freeze-dried for further analyses. The residues of the density fractionation procedure (mineral particles and organomineral associations) were sieved at 250 µm and 20 µm to obtain macroaggregates (250-5000 µm) and microaggregates (20-250 µm and < 20 µm). All aggregate fractions were washed with deonized water until the electronic conductivity dropped below 5 µS cm -1, oven dried at 100°C, weighed and ground for further analyses. The weights of aggregates were corrected for the sand concentration of the same size (for aggregates 20-250 µm, and > 250 µm), in order to exclude sand particles to be weight as aggregates (Six et al. 2000; Lehtinen et al. 2014). Mean weight diameter (MWD, mm) of the sand-corrected aggregates was calculated according to Kemper and Rosenau (1986) as follows: ∑ ̅ where ̅ is the geometric mean of aggregate size on sieve i, and aggregates on sieve i. 60 is the fraction of soil sample air-dried < 5 mm density fractionation ρ = 1.8 g cm -3 fPOM (20-5000µm) < 1.8 g cm residue > 1.8 g cm -3 -3 ultrasonication -1 8 J ml centrifugation 10 min 4350rpm density fractionation ρ = 1.8 g cm oPOM (20-5000µm) -3 residue > 1.8 g cm < 1.8 g cm -3 -3 sieving aggregates aggregates aggregates (250-5000µm) (20-250µm) (< 20µm) Figure 3.1 Schematic of the fractionation procedure. Gray circles represent fractions for further analyses. 61 3.2.5 Solid-state 13 C NMR spectroscopy The chemical quality of selected POM fractions and bulk soils from the improved grasslands (HaAorg, HaAcon, HiAorg, and HiAcon) was analyzed by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy (DSX 200 NMR spectrometer, Bruker, Karsruhe, Germany). Composite bulk soil and POM samples were prepared by mixing equal amounts of the replicates. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio, bulk soil samples were treated with 10 % HF (Schmidt et al. 1997). The cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) technique with a 13Cresonance frequency of 50.32 MHz and a spinning speed of 6.8 kHz was applied. A ramped 1H-pulse starting at 100% to 50% of the initial power was used during a contact time of 1 ms in order to circumvent spin modulation during the Hartmann-Hahn contact. Pulse delays between 0.8 and 1 s were used for all spectra. Depending on the C concentrations of the samples, between 2000 and 320 000 scans were accumulated and a line broadening of 50 Hz was applied. The 13C chemical shifts were calibrated relative to tetramethylsilane (0 ppm). The relative contributions of the various C groups were determined by integration of the signal intensity in their following respective chemical shift regions (Knicker et al. 2005) assignable to alkyl C (-10 to 45 ppm), N-alkyl-C (45 to 60 ppm), O-alkyl C (60 to 110 ppm), olefinic and aromatic C (110 to 160 ppm), and carbonyl (aldehyde and ketone) and carboxyl/amide C (160 to 220 ppm). 3.2.6 Statistical analyses Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package for Mac. Normality was tested with Shapiro-Wilkinson´s test and all data were logtransformed before analyses to obtain homogeneity of variances. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey´s´- significant difference (p<0.05) as a post hoc test (Tukey 1957) was used to compare means of the different soil properties between the different grassland sites. Correlations between variables were calculated with the Pearson correlation coefficient. 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Physicochemical and biological characterization of soils at the grassland sites The physicochemical and biological characteristics of the bulk soils are summarized in Table 3.2 and in Supplementary Table 3.S1. Clay concentration was higher and soil pH lower in HiAs compared to HaAs, indicating the differences in parent material between the soil types. Concentrations of OC and Nt were significantly higher in HiAs compared to HaAs and CAL-extractable K concentration was higher in the HaAs compared to HiAs. Significantly higher concentrations of OC and CAL-extractable P in HiAcon compared to HiAorg were observed. CEC followed OC and clay concentrations, being the highest in HiAorg and HiAcon with the highest OC and clay concentrations. Fungal biomass was significantly higher in HiAorg compared to HiAcon, and higher fungal biomass was detected in HaAs compared to HiAs although the difference was not significant. Bacterial biomass did not differ among sites, while leucine incorporation (bacterial activity), mineralizable N and HWC all differed significantly among the soil types but not among the grassland management practices (Table 3.2). 62 -1 Mnp (g kg ) -1 Mnd (g kg-1) CEC (mmolc kg ) P (mg kg-1) K (mg kg-1) Nt (g kg-1) OC (g kg-1) pH (H2O) Chemical soil properties clay (g kg-1) silt (g kg ) -1 sand (g kg-1) Physical soil properties 0.1 (0.01)a 1.2 (0.5)a 10-20 0-10 1.1 (0.4)a 55.3 (2.1)a 10-20 0-10 148.3 (15.1)a 0.1 (0.2)a 10-20 0-10 0.8 (0.1)a 24.5 (28.6)a 10-20 0-10 77.2 (32.4)a 3.3 (0.5)a 0-10 3.7 (0.6)a 10-20 52.0 (4.6)a 0-10 59.9 (4.4)a 10-20 5.9 (0.4)a 0-10 5.9 (0.1)a 10-20 43.2 (22)a 10-20 0-10 63.8 (20)ab 585.7 (12)a 0-10 528.1 (74)a 10-20 371.0 (33)a 0-10 408.1 (89)a 10-20 Grass1 0-10 Depth (cm) 0.03 (0.00)a 0.7 (0.01)a 0.6 (0.03)a 54.3 (10.8)a 166.5 (18.4)a 2.8 (1.1)a 4.6 (0.9)a 19.7 (28.2)a 37.8 (29.2)a 4.0 (0.1)a 4.6 (0.8)a 59.7 (1.9)a 69.5 (9.4)a 5.9 (0.0)a 5.9 (0.2)a 49.3 (5)a 54.3 (11)a 615.0 (23)a 565.8 (13)a 335.7 (19)a 379.8 (22)a HaAorg Table 3.2 Key physicochemical and biological properties of the studied soils. 0.02 (0.01)a 0.6 (0.04)a 0.6 (0.02)a 51.1 (3.6)a 128.3 (9.8)a 1.7 (0.4)a 4.8 (1.8)a 5.1 (7.6)a 20.2 (18.9)a 3.5 (0.9)a 4.0 (0.8)a 54.4 (12)a 60.3 (9.2)a 6.0 (0.1)a 5.8 (0.2)ab 43.5 (2)a 52.4 (13)a 558.3 (58)a 559.7 (31)a 398.3 (57)a 375.1 (66)a HaAcon 0.03 (0.01)b 0.7 (0.05)b 0.7 (0.06)b 99.1 (6.9)ab 215.3 (37.5)b 0.2 (0.2)a 0.2 (0.2)a 46.4 (79.2)a 119.1 (73.3)a 4.9 (1.0)ab 6.1 (1.5)a 68.9 (15)a 83.2 (18)ab 5.7 (0.1)ab 5.5 (0.2)ab 66.6 (26)a 89.8 (14)ab 593.3 (47)a 535.2 (54)a 340.1 (56)a 360.5 (11)a Grass2 0.1 (0.02)c 0.6 (0.1)ac 0.6 (0.1)a 141.6 (16.5)b 364.1 (50.9)c 5.1 (1.5)ab 7.6 (1.8)b 0.6 (0.1)a 9.6 (1.8)b 6.1 (0.2)b 8.7 (0.8)a 100.0 (6.1)a 124.9 (8.7)b 5.2 (0.3)bc 5.2 (0.4)b 102.3 (29)a 137.2 (27)ab 572.8 (37)a 502.3 (99)a 324.9 (65)a 414.7 (20)a HiAorg 0.1 (0.03)bc 1.0 (0.3)ab 0.7 (0.3)a 63 108.1 (2.4)ab 349.8 (40.8)c 8.6 (1.3)b 17.7 (4.9)c 8.4 (9.8)a 17.4 (14.5)ab 10.3 (1.4)c 12.2 (2.9)b 155.3 (19)b 193.2 (46)c 4.8 (0.1)c 4.7(0.5)b 106.3 (14)a 159.3 (100)b 521.1 (61)a 425.9 (117)a 372.6 (47)a 414.7 (20)a HiAcon 0-10 0-10 Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) HWC (µg C g-1) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 1217.9 (102.5)a 95.9 (7.7)a 45.4 (27.9)a 51.2 (4.7)a 22.4 (3.8)a 5.8 (0.2)ab 5.4 (0.1)ab 9.6 (0.4)a 7.2 (2.6)ab 0.6 (0.02)ac 0.5 (0.01)a 0.01(0.00)ab 912.8 (156.8)a 74.5 (21.4)a -10.3 (15.0)a 35.3(4.3)a 21.6 (11.1)a 6.1 (0.6)ab 6.3 (0.7)a 9.5 (0.5)a 9.5 (0.6)a 0.6 (0.02)ac 0.7 (0.1)a 0.01(0.00)ab 1398.5 (323.0)a 107.6 (40.6)a 57.2 (19.1)a 49.5 (13.1)a 32.2 (10.0)a 5.8 (0.5)ab 5.4 (0.2)ab 7.3 (0.8)ab 6.6 (0.6)ab 0.7 (0.01)b 0.6 (0.02)b 0.01(0.01)b 3387.7 (385.6)b 257.5 (28.9)b 133.8 (37.5)b 47.7 (15.3)a 13.8 (2.8)a 4.7 (0.6)b 4.6 (0.9)b 4.7 (0.1)b 4.2 (0.1)b 0.5 (0.1)c 0.5 (0.1)a 0.1 (0.03)c 4224.06 (1235.60)b 333.44 (136.82)b 126.45 (64.52)b 39.1 (13.8)a 9.46 (3.99)b 7.6 (0.4)c 5.3 (0.5)ab 4.4 (0.3)b 4.8 (2.6)b 0.9 (0.3)ab 0.5 (0.2)a 0.1 (0.03)c 64 Mean values and standard deviations in parenthesis (n = 3). Different letters within row indicate significant differences applying Tukeys´ significant difference as a post hoc test at p<0.05. 0-10 Leucine incorporation (pmol g h ) 0-10 -1 -1 0-10 6.4(0.3)ac 10-20 Bacteria (µg C g-1 dry soil) 5.4 (0.1)ab 0-10 8.4 (0.6)a 10-20 1.0 (0.4)ac 10-20 6.6 (0.2)ab 1.0 (0.4)a 0.04 (0.02)a 0-10 10-20 0-10 Fungi (µg C g-1 dry soil) Biological soil properties Ferrihydrite (%) Allophane (%) Mno (g kg-1) 3.3.2 Distribution of soil fractions in the grassland sites Total soil recovery after fractionation into fPOM, oPOM, and various aggregate sizes; <20 µm 20-250 µm and >250 µm was between 92% and 97% for all sites, indicating negligible soil losses during the fractionation procedure. The fPOM concentration in 0-10 cm depth ranged from the minimum of 41 g kg-1 in HaAorg to the maximum of 556 g kg-1 in HiAcon (Table 3.3). The amount of oPOM in 0-10 cm depth ranged from 4 g kg-1 to 92 g kg-1 in Grass2 and Grass1, respectively, and higher values were observed in HiAs than in HaAs. The mean weight diameter (MWD) was highest in Grass2 and among the lowest in HiAcon at both soil depths. The aggregate distribution showed that macroaggregates (> 250 m) were most prominent in Grass1, Grass 2, HaAorg, and HiAorg; followed by HaAcon and HiAcon (Figure 3.2). The amounts of microaggregates (<20 m) in 0-10 cm depth were the highest in HaAcon (121 g kg-1) and the lowest in Grass2 (37 g kg-1) (Figure 3.2). Stable macroaggregates (>250 µm) were most strongly positively correlated with fungal biomass (r = 0.87, p<0.001) and oxalate and dithionite extractable Mn (r = 0.46, r = 0.42, p<0.01 for both), as well as MWD (r = 0.80, p<0.001; r = 0.46, p<0.01, r = 0.46, p<0.01, respectively). On the contrary, fPOM was most strongly positively correlated with HWC, mineralisable N and OC concentration (r = 0.88, 0.85 and 0.85, p<0.001, respectively) (Table 3.4). 65 0-10 10-20 0-10 10-20 oPOM (g kg-1) MWD (mm) 66 0-10 10-20 Depth (cm) fPOM (g kg ) -1 * 14.7 (1.3)ab 11.1 (4.3)ab 91.5 (56.3)a 14.1 (2.4)a 45.8 (49.7)a 15.5 (16.4)a Grass1 19.9 (4.1)ab 7.7 (2.9)a 12.4 (2.2)b 11.8 (4.2)a 40.7 (2.2)a 20.0 (0.8)a HaAorg 8.3 (3.8)ac 10.6 (3.2)abc 12.6 (1.1)b 8.8 (0.5)a 71.5 (24.6)a 31.0 (12.7)a HaAcon 27.3 (2.0)b 26.2 (7.5)b 4.4 (2.2)b 4.5 (1.9)a 49.4 (36.2)a 9.2(0.2)a Grass2 11.7 (0.8)abc 13.3 (5.1)abc 39.1 (25.2)abc 24.0 (9.0)a 460.1 (56.5)b 305.1 (134.9)b HiAorg 4.8 (1.2)c 8.3 (3.7)ac 88.9 (56.9)cd 37.1 (4.6)a 556.0 (199.6)b 553.9 (132.4)c HiAcon Table 3.3 Means (standard deviations) of free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) and mean weight diameter (MWD) in the studied sites. Figure 3.2 The distributions of micro- (<20 µm, and 20-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm) of soils of different grassland sites. A 0-10 cm, B 10-20cm. 67 Table 3.4 Pearson correlation coefficients between the mean weight diameter (MWD), particulate organic matter and soil aggregate fractions, and the key physicochemical and biological soil properties1. Particulate matter organic MWD fPOM oPOM Nt -0.22 0.81*** 0.41* OC K 0.85*** -0.20 0.50** 0.10 P -0.29 0.34* 0.51** 0.71*** 0.54*** DOC Biomass C CEC pH (H2O) Fed Mnd Ald Sid -0.21 -0.03 0.06 0.26 -0.15 0.46** -0.10 0.06 0.83*** 0.55*** 0.61*** -0.81*** 0.44** -0.39* 0.18 -0.75** 0.49** 0.48** 0.41* -0.35* 0.04 -0.62*** 0.04 -0.33* Fep -0.24 0.82** 0.40* Mnp -0.02 0.80** 0.30 Alp Mno Alo Sio Allophane Ferrihydrite Silt -0.16 0.46** 0.23 0.08 0.09 -0.28 0.13 0.73** -0.46** -0.64*** -0.75*** -0.72*** -0.16 -0.46** 0.31 -0.65*** -0.64*** -0.49** -0.53*** -0.14 -0.37* Clay -0.07 0.80** * 0.58* 0.67** 0.32 Soil aggregate fractions 20-250 >250 <20 µm µm µm 0.67*** -0.76*** 0.54*** 0.65*** -0.74*** 0.60*** -0.38* -0.28 0.34* -0.05 -0.12 0.60*** -0.61** -0.68*** 0.52*** -0.59** -0.63*** -0.27 -0.63** -0.65*** -0.20 0.57** 0.63** 0.56*** -0.47** -0.56*** -0.39* -0.10 -0.12 0.42* -0.39* -0.42* -0.26 0.56*** 0.60** 0.36* 0.64*** -0.70*** 0.56*** 0.68*** -0.70*** -0.35* 0.66*** -0.70*** -0.48** -0.04 -0.05 0.46** 0.29 0.22 0.35* 0.71*** 0.75*** 0.40* 0.75*** 0.74*** 0.39* 0.24 0.14 -0.18 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.56*** -0.53*** -0.36* Fungal biomass -0.71*** -0.72*** 0.03 0.22 0.87*** Fungi/bacteria -0.60* -0.70** 0.21 0.49 0.69*** Leucine incorporation 0.00 0.43 0.33 -0.69** -0.74*** -0.20 Mineralisable N -0.40 0.85*** 0.79*** -0.65** -0.70** -0.63* HWC -0.42 0.88*** 0.78*** -0.65** -0.68** -0.65** 1 n=15 for fungi, fungi/bacteria, leucine incorporation, mineralisable N, and HWC; for other soil properties n=36. Asterisks indicate significance at 0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), and 0.001 (***) significance levels, respectively. 68 3.3.3 Distribution of OC and Nt in the grassland sites Total loss of OC and Nt during fractionation was negligible (recoveries between 92% and 99% for all sites). We found that the distribution of OC and N differed between the soil types (Figure 3.3). In 0-10 cm depth, in Grass1, HaAorg and Grass2 macroaggregates >250 µm contributed the greatest quantities of OC and N to bulk soil (44%, 65% and 70% for OC; 54%, 65%, and 71% for N, respectively). In comparison, in HiAorg and HiAcon, fPOM contributed the largest quantities of OC and N to bulk soil (61% and 69%, respectively). The differences between the soil types remained in 10-20 cm depth, but for Grass1, HaAorg and HaAcon microaggregates 20-250 µm were the largest contributor of OC and N to bulk soil (44%, 50%, and 41% for OC; 43%, 48%, and 40% for N, respectively). The C/N ratio decreased in the following order in both soil layers: fPOM > oPOM >macroaggregates 250 µm > macroaggregates 20-250 µm > microaggregates <20 µm. Figure 3.3 The C and N distribution within particle-size fractions and C/N ratios of different soil fractions of soils of different grassland sites. (Note: The C concentration of each fraction was calculated by taking total soil C as the sum of the C associated with all separate particle-size fractions, including POM fractions). A, C, E= 0-10 cm, B, D, F=1020 cm. 13 C CPMAS-NMR spectra revealed a large contribution of O-alkyl C in all analyzed fractions (Table 3.5). In HaAorg and HaAcon alkyl C increased in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil and O-alkyl C decreased in the same order. Thus, alkyl C to O-alkyl C ratios increased in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil. Aryl-C decreased in the order: fPOM > oPOM > bulk soil. In HiAorg and HiAcon, similar differences were found in alkyl C to O-alkyl C ratio, whereas chemical shift regions were fairly similar between fPOM, oPOM and bulk soil. The chemical quality differed between the soil types, with an especially larger contribution of alkyl C in HiAorg and HiAcon compared to HaAorg and HaAcon. 69 Table 3.5 Integrated chemical shift regions (% of total signal intensity) obtained by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy for the extracted free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM), and bulk soil. Depth (cm) HaAorg HaAcon HiAorg HiAcon fPOM Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 16 17 26 30 10-20 14 13 26 34 O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 58 53 47 44 10-20 58 55 45 41 Aryl-C (%) 0-10 15 18 15 15 10-20 17 20 16 14 Carboxyl-C (%) 0-10 11 12 12 11 10-20 10 12 13 11 Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 0.31 0.33 0.52 0.68 10-20 0.26 0.24 0.56 0.59 oPOM Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 20 19 25 30 10-20 18 19 28 28 O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 52 56 49 45 10-20 55 54 46 42 Aryl-C (%) 0-10 18 16 14 15 10-20 17 18 16 16 Carboxyl-C (%) 0-10 10 10 11 10 10-20 10 9 11 15 Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 0.34 0.34 0.56 0.73 10-20 0.36 0.39 0.64 0.68 Bulk soil Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 24 25 26 30 10-20 24 25 28 33 O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 50 50 46 41 10-20 49 50 45 41 Aryl-C (%) 0-10 14 14 15 16 10-20 14 14 15 15 Carboxyl-C (%) 0-10 12 11 13 12 10-20 13 12 12 12 Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) 0-10 0.49 0.51 0.57 0.73 10-20 0.49 0.50 0.62 0.80 3.4 Discussion 3.4.1 Soil structure in the grassland sites The hierarchical model of aggregates was confirmed in the studied soils by evidence of different stabilizing mechanisms for microaggregates (<20 µm, and 20-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm). Persistent binding agents Si oxides and allophones were connected to the microaggregates, whereas macroaggregates were bound together by 70 temporary binding agent fungal biomass. However, macroaggregates were not correlated with SOM but with oxalate and dithionite-extractable Mn that is not in accord with identification of aggregate hierarchy based on Elliott (1986) and Oades and Waters (1991). Our results agree with Lehtinen et al. (2014), who indicated the role of Mn in macroaggregation. The role of Mn in aggregation may be explained by it being associated with SOM (Navrátil et al. 2007), which in turn functions as an aggregating agent. Stability of microaggregates is in agreement with Tisdall and Oades (1982) and Dexter (1988), who also observed that stability of microaggregates depends on persistent forms of stabilizing agents such as organic carbon materials and sesqui-oxides and hence tends to be more resistant to management practices (Six et al. 2004). In Andosols, it is well known that amorphous inorganic materials such as allophane and ferrihydrite affect the aggregation (Hoyos and Comerford 2005), for which we found evidence in this study. Thus, we suggest that in Icelandic grassland soils the aggregate hierarchy does not exist because oxides diminish the expression of the aggregate hierarchy, as was also suggested by Oades and Waters (1991) in Oxisols. The main aggregating agents in macroaggregates are rather fungal biomass and Mn oxides than SOM. Soil structure, measured, as MWD and amount of macroaggregates was highest in the unimproved grasslands Grass 1 and Grass 2 that had never been ploughed, followed by the improved grasslands (Table 3.3, Figure 3.2). It is well known that tillage breaks down aggregates and subsequently SOM is mineralized when not physically protected in the aggregates (e.g. Majedon et al. 2007; Laudicina et al. 2011). We further assume that the application of OM in organic farming practices may have had positive effects on soil structure (Table 3.3, Figure 3.2). HaAorg received the highest OM inputs (manure, compost and cattle urine; Table 1), which may have contributed to the closest resemblance of macroaggregates to the Grass 1 and Grass 2 sites (which have never been disturbed by tillage and with insignificant grazing intensity) compared to the other sites (Figure 3.2). Connection between OM inputs and increased aggregate stability is supported by several previous studies (Siegrist et al. 1998; Shepherd et al. 2002; Karami et al. 2012). In our study, we link higher amount of macroaggregates and higher MWD with higher fungal biomass (cf. Tisdall and Oades 1982). Organic inputs entering the soil provide substrate for the soil fungi, which further physically stabilize soil particles into larger aggregates when fungal growth increases and hyphae enmesh soil particles (Eash et al. 1994). We found higher macroaggregate stability in the topsoil, as explained by Tisdall (1991). The concentrations of fine roots, OM and fungi are the highest in the topsoil and provide therefore a favorable environment for macroaggregation. Fungal hyphae and extracellular polysaccharides produced by fungi enhance formation and stabilization of aggregates. In our study, conventional farms also used manure, but the amount did not seem to be sufficient to increase macroaggregation. The compost input, used at HaAorg and HiAorg, may have attributed to the higher microbial activity and the production of microbial decomposition products that bind the soil particles into microaggregates, and microaggregates further into macroaggregates (Sodhi et al. 2009). 3.4.2 SOM in the grassland sites Significantly higher bulk soil OC concentrations were observed in HiAs compared to HaAs (Table 3.2), as expected for these soil types (Arnalds 2004). The higher OC concentration in HiAcon compared to HiAorg contradicts previous studies that have found evidence for significantly more OC in organically managed top soils compared to conventional farming practice (Leifeld and Fuhrer 2010; Gattinger et al. 2012). A major contributing factor for 71 lower OC concentrations in HiAorg compared to HiAcon could be ploughing history, which increases decomposition of SOM, damages fungal hyphae and reduces root biomass (cf. Bolinder et al. 2002). However, duration since the last ploughing does not support this hypothesis (HiAcon was last ploughed in 1998 and HiAorg in 1994, 1995, and 1996), while the intensity might. Addition of compost and manure can increase OC concentrations compared to conventional farming practice (Leifeld and Fuhrer 2010). However, the SOC concentration at the organic farm (HaAorg) did not differ significantly from the SOC concentration at the neighboring conventional farm (HaAcon) that both applied manure on their fields. Historical OC values for the sites could give more insight into the differences between the farming practices but those were unfortunately not available. The lower OC and Nt concentrations in the unimproved grassland sites (Grass 1, Grass 2) may be caused by a number of factors, including lower OM input to the soil and/or lack of inorganic fertilization (Guo and Gifford 2002). Sites Grass 1 and Grass 2 are both on HaAs, and therefore have significantly lower OC concentrations than the sites on HiAs that are organic rich soils (Table 3.2) and low concentration of plant available P in HaAs may limit plant growth. Density fractionation revealed that fPOM reflected higher OC concentrations, being the highest in HiAs and the lowest in HaAs as well as higher (but not significantly) in conventional sites compared to organic sites (Table 3.3). The higher concentration of fPOM in these soils may be a result from the timing and frequency of tillage; HaAcon was last ploughed earlier and less frequent (1995) than HaAorg (2001, 2002, 2003) and the HiAcon had a lower ploughing frequency compared to HiAorg (1998 for HiAcon; 1994, 1995, and 1996 for HiAorg). The negative effect of tillage on fPOM concentration in the soil is in accord with some previous studies (Chan et al. 2002; Linsler et al. 2013). However, we observed no significant differences between unimproved grasslands and improved grasslands. Presence of allophane, which has a low density, has been observed as an explanation for a large percentage of POM of the bulk soil (Golchin et al. 1997), but contradicts this study because HiAcon and HiAorg had significantly lower concentrations of allophane compared to HaAcon and HaAorg, yet these soils had the highest fPOM concentrations. 3.4.3 SOM distribution and chemical quality in the grassland sites The results of the SOM distribution showed that the OC and Nt in oPOM and in <20 µm aggregates were different between farming practices and soil types (Figure 3.3). Macroaggregate-associated OM fraction was the highest and less susceptible to mineralization in the Grass1, HaAorg, HaAcon, and Grass2 sites (Figure 3.3). In HiAorg and HiAcon, however, the fPOM associated OC and Nt fraction had by far the greatest storage capacity. The soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil contained the most OC and Nt, which is in accordance to Poll et al. (2003). In general, the distribution and dynamics of Nt concentration paralleled those of the OC concentration. Organic farming practices favored macroaggregate-associated OM fraction and had a closer resemblance to Grass 1 and Grass 2 sites compared to conventional farming practice. The increase in fPOM associated OC and Nt concentration measured in the cultivated sites compared to the unimproved grassland sites (Grass 1 and Grass 2) is consistent with other studies that have shown that animal manure can increase the particulate OM fraction (Whalen and Chang 2002; Courtier-Murias et al. 2013). However, 72 the fact that the C/N ratio of the aggregate size fractions decreased from POM fractions to the smallest aggregates suggests that the nitrogen rich organic materials were associated with mineral particles, and indicates the plant-like character of fPOM and oPOM. This is in accordance with previous studies (Baldock et al. 1997; Golchin et al. 1997). Because the C concentrations and C/N ratios were not significantly different between the 20-250 µm and >250 µm sized aggregates, the SOM distribution in our soils is not in accord to the aggregate hierarchy model (Six et al. 2004). The solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy of all analyzed fractions showed an increasing degree of decomposition in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil, shown as increased Alkyl-C to O-Alkyl-C ratio (Baldock et al. 1997). Despite the differences in farming practices the chemical characteristics of the OM in soil fractions were similar in organic and conventional farming practices. A similar trend was reported by Golchin et al. (1994), where five different soils with different environmental conditions and vegetation were compared. The organic inputs did not appear to affect the amount (except at 10-20 cm depth in HiAs) or the composition of the OM in the studied soils. Our results indicate that the fPOM and oPOM consisted mainly of plant material at different stages of decomposition, and were less decomposed compared to the SOM in the bulk soil (Table 3.4). Courtier-Murias et al. (2013) showed that organic amendments could affect the amount but not necessarily the composition of the OM stabilized in agricultural soils. 3.5 Conclusions This study has demonstrated that macroaggregates were the most prominent soil aggregates in the topsoils of unimproved and organically managed sites, whereas 20-250 µm aggregates were the most prominent in conventionally managed topsoils. Aggregate stability decreased under cultivation of grasslands, but probably less so under organic farming practices compared to conventional farming practice. This may be due to later start of cultivation at the organic grassland sites and the higher usage of organic fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost and urine) compared to the conventional grassland sites. Macroaggregates in the topsoils were the biggest contributor of OC and N to bulk soil at Grass1, HaAorg and Grass2 macroaggregates, whereas the fPOM did so for the HiAorg and HiAcon Stability of microaggregates (<250 µm) was related to allophane and Si oxides whereas macroaggregates (>250 µm) correlated with higher fungal biomass and higher concentration of oxalate and dithionite-extractable Mn. Because oxides were one of the dominant binding agents in macroaggregates, the aggregate hierarchy could not be confirmed in these studied Icelandic grasslands. Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. Axel Mentler (BOKU) and Dr. Carsten Müller (Technical University of Munich) for their advice on method development. We express gratitude to E. Brauner, E. Kopecky, A. Hobel, K. Hackl, A. Hromatka, G. Heranney, and F. Brocza for technical assistance and laboratory work. Dr. Anu Mikkonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) is acknowledged for comments on the manuscript and Dr. Hans Göransson and Dr. Ika Djukic (BOKU) for advice on statistics. Farmers are gratefully acknowledged for their cooperation and permission to take samples from their properties. Louise Hamilton, Jo Reilly and James Salter are acknowledged for English proofreading. The project was financially supported by the European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project “Soil 73 Transformations in European Catchments” (SoilTrEC), Grant Agreement no. 244118. Alterra was also supported by the research program KB IV “Innovative scientific research for sustainable green and blue environment” funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, and carried out by Wageningen University and Research Centre. We acknowledge the support T. 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Grass1 0-10 Depth (cm) 4.0 (0.3)a 24.0 (0.9)ac 19.7 (0.6)a 1.7 (0.3)a 2.0 (0.1)a 9.7 (0.5)a 9.2 (0.6)a 0.6 (0.02)ac 0.5 (0.01)a 0.01(0.00)ab 0.03 (0.00)a 0.7 (0.01)a 0.6 (0.03)a 37.6 (1.5)a 31.6 (0.5)a 1.6 (0.4)a 1.6 (0.2)a 36.1 (1.3)a 29.9 (2.1)a 1.0 (0.1)a 0.7 (0.1)a* HaAorg 4.8 (0.3)a 23.5 (0.7)ac 22.9 (1.3)ab 1.6 (0.2)a 1.7 (0.1)a 7.6 (0.4)ab 7.8 (0.4)ab 0.6 (0.02)ac 0.7 (0.1)a 0.01(0.00)ab 0.02 (0.01)a 0.6 (0.04)a 0.6 (0.02)a 33.8 (0.9)a 32.5 (1.6)b 1.3 (0.1)a 1.5 (0.1)a 37.0 (1.9)a 36.4 (1.4)a 1.1 (0.1)a 0.8 (0.03)a HaAcon 4.7 (0.3)b 24.2 (1.7)a 24.6 (1.7)b 1.6 (0.2)b 1.8 (0.2)b 8.8 (1.2)b 9.6 (1.2)b 0.7 (0.01)b 0.6 (0.02)b 0.01(0.01)b 0.03 (0.01)b 0.7 (0.05)b 0.7 (0.06)b 37.1 (3.1)a 38.0 (3.3)a 1.3 (0.2)ab 1.6 (0.2)ab 36.3 (1.8)b 37.3 (2.4)b n.d. n.d. Grass2 1.7 (0.1)c 19.1 (1.8)b 19.0 (2.0)c 3.3 (0.8)b 3.4 (0.8)b 8.9 (1.7)a 8.6 (1.5)a 0.5 (0.1)c 0.5 (0.1)a 0.1 (0.03)c 0.1 (0.02)c 0.6 (0.1)ac 0.6 (0.1)a 25.1 (4.2)b 25.4 (4.6)c 4.9 (0.6)b 5.5 (0.9)b 41.8 (5.8)a 38.5 (4.5)ab 0.6 (0.1)b 0.6 (0.2)ab HiAorg 2.3 (0.2)d 22.7 (1.5)c 21.7 (2.0)ac 5.0 (0.5)c 4.9 (0.7)c 12.7 (1.4)b 12.7 (1.3)bc 0.9 (0.3)ab 0.5 (0.2)a 0.1 (0.03)c 0.1 (0.03)bc 1.0 (0.3)ab 0.7 (0.3)a 39.2 (7.3)c 31.5 (3.5)ad 8.5 (2.6)c 8.2 (2.9)c 72.1 (19.3)c 58.7 (13.0)b 0.7 (0.1)b 0.5 (0.1)b HiAcon Supplementary Table 3.S1 key physicochemical and biological properties of the studied soils; mean values and standard deviations in parenthesis (n = 3). -1 Biomass C (mg 100g ) DOC (mg L-1) Soil biological properties Sio (g kg-1) 78.4 (7.9)a 25.2 (3.2)a 10-20 2.8 (0.2)a 10-20 0-10 3.6 (0.1)a 0-10 12.1 (1.3)ab 10-20 3.3 (0.3)a 11.0 (1.1)ad 0-10 10-20 4.9 (0.3)a 21.2 (15.1)a 38.1 (24.3)a 2.4 (0.7)a 3.4 (0.1)a 14.0 (1.0)a 11.0 (0.4)ab 5.0 (0.3)a 28.5 (9.4)a 26.3 (18.5)a 2.6 (0.4)a 3.0 (1.1)a 16.3 (0.8)a 13.9 (4.0)b 4.7 (0.3)b 32.4 (13.7)a 67.6 (29.4)a 3.8 (1.4)a 4.2 (0.9)a 16.5 (1.2)b 16.3 (1.4)ad 1.9 (0.2)c 48.9 (6.4)a 114.3 (9.8)ab 7.6 (1.7)b 9.5 (0.4)b 7.8 (0.5)c 7.0 (0.2)cd 81 67.56 (18.92)a 128.94 (47.04)b 8.28 (0.84)b 10.96 (1.75)b 7.7 (0.6)bc 7.8 (3.2)d 2.9 (0.1)bd 4 Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter under intensive cropping on Austrian Chernozems 82 Taru Lehtinen, Georg J. Lair, Jeroen P. van Leeuwen, Guðrún Gísladóttir, Jaap Bloem, Kristin Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Markus Steffens, Winfried E.H. Blum. 2014. Characterization of soil aggregation and soil organic matter under intensive cropping on Austrian Chernozems. To be submitted to Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. Referencing style according to the journal guidelines. Abstract Cultivation can cause adverse effects on soil structure and soil organic matter (SOM) quantity and quality due to high frequency of soil disturbance by tillage activities and harvesting operations. Therefore, we sampled four intensively farmed croplands (Org76, Con76, Org95, Con95) on Austrian Haplic Chernozems. Soil structure and SOM quantity, quality and distribution between different particulate organic matter (POM) and aggregate size fractions (<20 µm, 20-250 µm, 250-5000 µm) were studied following a density fractionation procedure with low-energy ultrasound vibration. In addition, the effect of the soil physicochemical and biological properties on soil aggregates and SOM were studied. There were no significant differences in the mean weight diameter (MWD) or amount of macroaggregates between the sites. Iron oxides content and active fungal biomass were positively correlated with amount of the macroaggregates and the mean weight diameter (MWD). The soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil (<20 µm aggregates at Org76 and Con76, and 20-250 µm aggregates at Org95 and Con95) contained the most OC and Nt. The distribution and dynamics of Nt content paralleled those of the OC content. Further studies are required on cultivated Chernozems to understanding quantitative basis for evaluating whether it may be beneficial to use biowaste compost and horse manure as organic inputs, in order to increase SOM content and macroaggregation. Key words: aggregate stability, solid-state matter (POM), aggregate hierarchy. 13 C NMR spectroscopy, particulate organic 83 4.1 Introduction Approximately 12% of the Earth´s ice-free land surface is used for croplands (Ramankutty et al., 2008), which provide approximately 80% of global food supply (Pimentel and Wilson, 2004). One of the important farming areas in Europe are the riparian areas, which cover approximately 2 % of continental Europe and in plain areas are characterized by agricultural land use (Clerici et al., 2011). The riparian agricultural area of Marchfeld in Lower Austria, east of Vienna and north of the Danube River, is one of the most important food production areas in the country. During the last 50 years, farms in the region have changed to stockless farming systems (Surböck et al., 2006; Spiegel et al., 2010). Cultivation can cause adverse effects on soil structure and soil organic matter (SOM) quantity and quality due to high frequency of tillage activities (Lal, 2013) as well as harvesting of crops such as potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) that can also lead to strong soil disturbances and soil compaction in the subsoil due to heavy machinery (Pulleman et al., 2003). Macroaggregates (>250 µm) are less stable and more influenced by farming practices than microaggregates (<250 µm), due to macroaggregates mostly transient or temporary binding agents such as microbial-derived polysaccharides, and roots and fungal hyphae (Tisdall and Oades, 1982; Amézketa, 1999; Six et al., 2004). Farmers aim to increase the content of SOM by applying organic inputs including manure into the soil (Siegrist et al., 1998) in order to maintain the soil functions such as biomass production, which also supports aggregation. The formation and stabilization of soil aggregates are influenced by physical, chemical, and biological soil properties, as well as environmental variables including as drying/wetting cycles (Six et al., 2000; Six et al., 2004). An amount of 6-7 Mg ha-1 year -1 of biowaste compost has been suggested to be sufficient to maintain the SOM content in the Marchfeld area (Erhart and Hartl, 2010), whereas up to 16 Mg ha-1 year-1 may be required when aiming to maintain Norg levels (Hartl and Erhart, 2005). However, it is still unclear how important the application of organic inputs is counteracting the detrimental effect of tillage on soil structure (Abiven et al., 2009). In a study by Williams and Petticrew (2009), soils that received only chemical fertilizers had less stable macroaggregates compared to soils receiving organic inputs (Williams and Petticrew, 2009). Management-induced changes may be sooner detected in the distribution of SOM between the particulate organic matter (POM) and aggregate fractions (20 µm, 20-250 µm, and >250 µm) than in the bulk SOM, because cultivation has been shown to relatively increase SOM in clay-sized particles compared to coarser soil particles (Christensen, 1992). Soil aggregates can physically protect the incorporated organic matter (OM) from decomposition, especially in soil systems in which physical disturbance is low (Six et al., 2000). POM fractions (free POM, occluded POM) represent plant and animal residues undergoing decomposition and have been observed to respond more sensitively to farming practice changes than total organic carbon or OC (Golchin et al., 1994; Chan et al., 2002), especially occluded POM that may be lost from soil aggregates due to intense cultivation (Golchin et al., 1994). While many researchers have studied organic inputs such as cattle manure (Abiven et al., 2009), little attention has been given to organic inputs that contain woody debris or straw including horse manure and biowaste compost (Jannoura et al., 2014). 84 Therefore, objectives of this study were to assess: 1) soil structure, 2) quality, quantity, and distribution of SOM, and 3) to link them to physicochemical and biological soil properties in intensively managed croplands on Haplic Chernozems in the agricultural area of Marchfeld, Austria. The study is based on the hypotheses that: 1) organic inputs increase macroaggregate stability due to OM acting as a main aggregating agent compared to soils receiving only mineral fertilizers, and 2) oxides also play a major role in aggregation of these soils. 4.2 Material and methods 4.2.1 Site description The sites were selected to represent one of the major soil types, Haplic Chernozem (WRB), in the agricultural area of Marchfeld, southeast of Vienna, Austria, in the alluvial terrace of the river Danube. Sites were chosen that have the same soil type, with the same pedogenesis and the same main horizons. The mean annual temperature in the sampling area is approximately 9°C and mean annual precipitation is about 550 mm with dry summers (Lair et al., 2009). We sampled four cropland sites, in the towns of Obersiebenbrunn (O) and Lassee (L): a) Org76 (48°17´087N, 16°41´245E, O) is an organic farm that has been managed according to the Austrian guidelines for organic farming (BIO AUSTRIA, 2010) since 1976. The studied field receives biowaste compost produced by the city of Vienna (except the years 2001-2003, details on the biowaste compost in Plahl et al., 2002) as an organic fertilizer. In 2009, catch crops were sown before tillage activities in the fall; b) Con76 (48°17´093N, 16°41´209E, O) is located next to Org76 and receives mineral fertilizers according to the Austrian fertilization recommendations (BMLFUW, 2006); c) Org95 (48°13´556N, 16°50´051E, L) receives horse manure every five years as an organic fertilizer and was converted to organic management according to the Austrian guidelines for organic farming (BIO AUSTRIA, 2010) in 1995. Catch crops were used in 2007, 2008, and 2009 and were incorporated into the soil during the tillage activities in the fall; and d) Con95 (48°14´153N, 16°50´090E, L) is located close to Org95 and receives mineral fertilizers according to the Austrian fertilization recommendations (BMLFUW, 2006). Catch crops were used before the fall tillage activities in 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2007. The use of pesticides and herbicides at Con76 and Con95 was done according to Austrian guidelines for each crop (e.g. AGES, 2013). The crops at the time of sampling were potato (Org76, Con76) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Org95, Con95). The soils studied at all sites are classified as Haplic Chernozems (WRB) with a fine sediment texture. Tillage at all farms was carried out annually in the fall to a depth of 25 cm (except after sunflower in 2007 at Con95) and conventional methods for preparing the seedbed for each crop were used. If catch crops were used, additional seedbed preparation was carried out and catch crops were ploughed into the soil during the regular tillage activities in the fall. More details on farm management in Supplementary Table 4.S1. 85 4.2.2 Soil sampling The soil sampling campaign was carried out in May 2011. At each study field, soil was sampled randomly in triplicates from 0-15 cm and 30-40 cm depths with a soil corer (diameter 8 cm, height 15 cm; root corer Eijkelkamp, Agrisearch Equipment, The Netherlands). Approximately 10-15 cores were taken for each replicate and a total of 24 composite bulk samples were obtained. Soil samples were gently broken by hand and sieved through a 5 mm sieve in the field. Soils for microbiological analyses were only sampled from 0-15 cm soil depth. The soil samples were transported in plastic boxes, and kept at 4°C in the dark for the biological analyses and air-dried in the laboratory prior to all other analyses. 4.2.3 Physicochemical soil properties Soil pH was measured electrochemically (Microprocessor pH Meter pH196 WTW, Weilheim, Germany) in distillied H2O at a soil:water ratio of 1:2.5 (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Particle size distribution was determined with a combined sieve and pipette method after removal of SOM with hydrogen peroxide and dispersion by reciprocal shaking with sodium metaphosphate solution for 12 h (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Ammonium-oxalateextractable Fe, Mn, and Al (Feo, Mno, Alo) were determined according to Schwertmann (1964). Dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate-extractable Fe, Mn, and Al (Fed, Mnd, Ald) were determined according to Mehra and Jackson (1960). Total carbon (Ct) and total nitrogen (Nt) were quantified by dry combustion (Tabatabai and Bremner, 1991) using an elemental analyzer (Carlo Erba Nitrogen Analyser 1500, Milano, Italy). Carbonate content was measured gas-volumetrically (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Organic C (OC) was calculated as the difference of total and carbonate C. Plant available phosphorous and potassium were determined by the calcium-acetate-lactate (CAL)-extraction (ÖNORM L1087). Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations were determined using an unbuffered 0.1 M BaCl2 extraction (Soil Survey Staff, 2004). Extracted exchangeable cations (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer 2100). 4.2.4 Soil microbiology For determination of hyphal length and bacterial numbers, microscopic slides were prepared as described by Bloem and Vos (2004) after a pre-incubation period for 2 weeks at 20°C. The equation of a cylinder with spherical ends (V = (π/4) W 2 (L-(W/3)) where V = volume (µm³), L = length (µm) and W= width (µm)), a mean hyphal diameter of 2.5 µm and a specific C content of 130 fg C µm-3 were used to estimate fungal biomass. Total and active fungi were distinguished using differential fluorescent stain (DFS) where cell walls (polysaccharides) were stained blue with fluorescent brightener and DNA and RNA (presumably actively growing hyphae) were stained red with Europium chelate. Bacteria (proteins) were stained with DTAF. Bacterial biomass was calculated using a specific C content of 320 fg C µm-3 and bacterial cell numbers and volume were determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy combined with an image analysis system (Bloem et al., 1995). Mineralizable nitrogen (Min N) was measured as the accumulation of NH4 during one week anaerobic incubation in slurry at 40°C (Canali and Benedetti, 2006). Hot water (16 h at 80°C) extractable C (HWC) was determined according to Ghani et al. (2003). 86 4.2.5 Density and aggregate fractionation A three-step density and aggregate fractionation procedure, according to Lehtinen et al. (2014a, submitted), was carried out in triplicate. In short, the free particulate organic matter (referred to as fPOM, 20-5000 µm) was separated from soil using Na-polytungstate solution (density of 1.8 g cm-3). To obtain POM occluded in aggregates (referred to as oPOM, 20-5000 µm), the subsequent heavy fraction (>1.8 g cm-3) was treated by ultrasound. Ultrasonic application of 8 J ml-1 was used in order to disrupt all macroaggregates and to protect the microaggregates as well as to minimize the production of artifacts following heavy ultrasonication (Lehtinen et al., 2014b). Calibration of the output power of the sonicator was done calorimetrically according to North (1976). With a subsequent density fractionation step (Na-polytungstate solution, 1.8 g cm-3), the oPOM floating on the suspension was obtained after centrifugation (10 minutes at 4350 rpm). All POM fractions were washed with deionized water on a 20 µm sieve until the electric conductivity dropped below 5 µS cm-1 (Mueller et al., 2009; Steffens et al., 2009) and thereafter freeze-dried for further analyses. The soil matrix with a density of > 1.8 g cm-3 – mineral particles and organomineral associations – was sieved at 250 µm and 20 µm to obtain macroaggregates (250-5000 µm) and two microaggregate fractions (20-250 µm and < 20 µm). All aggregate fractions were washed in a steel pressure filter apparatus (filter size 0.45 µm) with deionized water until the electronic conductivity dropped below 5 µS cm-1, then oven dried at 100°C, weighed and ground for further analyses. The weights of aggregates were corrected for their sand content (for aggregates 20-250 µm, and > 250 µm), in order to exclude single sand particles from being weighed as an aggregate (Six et al., 2000; Lehtinen et al., 2014b). Mean weight diameter (MWD, mm) of the sandcorrected aggregates was calculated according to Kemper and Rosenau (1986) as follows: ∑ ̅ Where, ̅ is the geometric mean of aggregate size on sieve i, and aggregates on sieve i. 4.2.6 Solid-state 13 is the fraction of C NMR spectroscopy The chemical quality of selected POM fractions and bulk soils was analyzed by solid-state 13 C NMR spectroscopy (DSX 200 NMR spectrometer, Bruker, Karsruhe, Germany). Composite samples were prepared by mixing equal amounts of the three replicates. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio, the bulk soil samples were treated with 10% HF (Schmidt et al., 1997). The cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) technique with a 13Cresonance frequency of 50.32 MHz and a spinning speed of 6.8 kHz was applied. A ramped 1H-pulse starting at 100% to 50% of the initial power was used during a contact time of 1 ms in order to circumvent spin modulation during the Hartmann-Hahn contact. Pulse delays between 0.8 and 1 s were used for all spectra. Depending on the C contents of the samples, between 11000 and 525000 scans were accumulated and a line broadening of 50 Hz was applied. The 13C chemical shifts were calibrated relative to tetramethylsilane (0 ppm). The relative contributions of the various C groups were determined by integration of the signal intensity in their following respective chemical shift regions (Knicker et al., 2005) assignable to alkyl C (-10 to 45 ppm), N-alkyl-C (45 to 60 ppm), O-alkyl C (60 to 110 ppm), olefinic and aromatic C (110 to 160 ppm), and carbonyl (aldehyde and ketone) and carboxyl/amide C (160 to 220 ppm). 87 4.2.7 Statistical analyses Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package for Mac. Normality was tested with Shapiro-Wilkinson´s test and confirmed that no data transformations were necessary before statistical analyses, except for OC and N t distribution in the soil POM and aggregate fractions due to non-normal distribution. Twoway analyses of variance (ANOVA), with location (Obersiebenbrunn (O), and Lassee (L), and soil depth (0-15 cm, and 30-40 cm) as factors, followed by Tukey´s- significant difference (p<0.05) as a post hoc test (Tukey, 1957), was used to study the effects of the factors with the soil physicochemical properties. Correlations between variables were calculated with the Pearson correlation coefficient. 4.3 Results 4.3.1 Soil characteristics The sand contents were significantly higher at both soil depths at Org95 and Con95 compared to Org76 and Con76, whereas silt contents were significantly lower at Org95 and Con95 compared to Org76 and Con76 (Table 4.1). No statistical differences between the sites were observed for OC and Nt. CaCO3 contents were significantly higher at Org95 and Con95 compared to Org76 and Con76. CAL-extractable K content at 0-15 cm depth was significantly higher at Con76 compared to Org76, while CAL-extractable P was higher at Org76 and Con76 compared to Org95 and Con95, although not significantly. A significantly higher content of Fed at Org76 and Con76 compared to Org95 and Con95 was found, while the difference was similar but not significant for Ald and Alo contents. Active fungi content was significantly higher at Con76 compared to Org76, whereas between Con95 and Org95 only an insignificantly higher content was observed at Con95. Fungal and bacterial biomass did not differ between sites, while contents of mineralizable N and HWC both differed significantly between the locations (Lassee vs. Obersiebenbrunn) (Table 4.1). Site locations (Lassee vs. Obersiebenbrunn) differed mainly in soil pH, contents of OC and CaCO3, sand, silt and clay contents as well as hydroxides (Fed, Ald, Mnd, Feo, Alo, Mno) (Table 4.2). Significant differences between soil depths were observed for pH (H2O), CAL-extractable K and P, OC, Nt, hydroxides (Mdo, Fed, Mno), fPOM, oPOM and 20-250 µm sized microaggregates (Table 4.2). 88 CEC (mmolc kg ) -1 CAL-extractable P (mg kg-1) CAL-extractable K (mg kg-1) CaCo3 (g kg-1) Nt (g kg-1) OC (g kg ) -1 pH (H2O) Chemical soil properties clay (g kg ) -1 silt (g kg-1) sand (g kg-1) Physical soil properties 192.7 174.6 30-40 44.2 30-40 0-15 106.9 41.7 30-40 0-15 70.8 142.9 30-40 0-15 68.3 1.1 30-40 0-15 1.4 13.1 0-15 18.0 30-40 8.1 0-15 8.0 30-40 20.3 0-15 16.7 30-40 60.2 30-40 0-15 61.7 19.5 0-15 21.6 30-40 mean ± sd ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 77.9a 89.3a 33.2a 26.3a 14.1a 12.7a 55.3a 1.8a 0.2a 0.1a 0.8a 4.0a 0.1a 0.0a 2.8a 1.6a 4.7a 3.0a 6.0a 4.5a 173.6 183.2 34.6 124.7 67.9 219.2 125.9 65.3 1.2 1.4 14.0 15.2 8.1 7.9 19.4 17.0 65.3 63.6 15.3 19.4 mean ± sd Con76 Org76 0-15 depth (cm) Obersiebenbrunn Obersiebenbrunn ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 77.5a 79.2a 8.2a 26.6a 51.8a 48.0b 26.1a 12.0a 0.2a 0.1a 2.7a 0.6a 0.04a 0.05a 2.6a 0.9a 3.3a 3.4a 0.8a 3.8a 179.9 209.5 29.3 89.4 97.5 204.7 240.2 196.0 1.0 1.5 13.7 18.6 8.4 8.1 15.4 14.4 42.0 41.2 40.7 44.4 mean ± sd Org95 Lassee ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 62.9a 63.4a 7.5a 9.9a 40.0a 18.0b 17.6b 19.8b 0.1a 0.1a 0.4a 1.8a 0.05b 0.03b 2.0a 1.8a 1.8b 1.3b 1.0b 3.1b 245.5 244.2 43.8 88.5 97.6 114.7 219.2 196.9 1.4 1.5 17.3 20.0 8.2 8.0 15.5 13.9 44.2 44.7 40.4 41.4 mean ± sd Con95 Lassee 89 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Table 4.1 Means and standard deviations of physicochemical and biological properties of the bulk soils studied (n=3). Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test. 92.4a 77.3a 25.2a 5.8a 41.9a 27.5b 43.7b 8.9b 0.4a 0.2a 3.5a 0.7a 0.1ab 0.02ab 2.2a 0.2a 1.7b 2.0b 3.9b 2.2b 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-15 Bacterial biomass (µg C g-1 dry soil) Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) HWC (µg C g-1) 90 0-15 316.6 8.1 44.4 2.5 12.7 1225 30-40 Active fungi (% of hyphal length) 1287 211 30-40 0-15 280 749 30-40 0-15 972 499 30-40 0-15 554 234 30-40 0-15 310 4689 30-40 0-15 5085 1.4 30-40 0-15 1.5 0-15 Fungi (µg C g-1 dry soil) Biological soil properties Alo (g kg-1) Mno (g kg-1) Feo (g kg-1) Ald (g kg-1) Mnd (g kg-1) Fed (g kg-1) BD (g cm-3) ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 37.7a 2.7a 10.0a 2.4a 4.5a 122.6a 115.6a 49.0a 22.5a 164.6a 7.1a 20.6a 46.7a 57.8a 16.9a 466.9a 361.4a 0.1a 0.2a 346.5 9.4 38.3 14.0 12.7 1291 1382 228 295 868 1062 575 575 251 315 4868 5154 1.5 1.5 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 76.3a 7.2a 9.8a 3.5b 1.8a 111.2a 63.2a 30.4a 32.8a 96.1a 31.3a 104.5a 52.7a 44.4a 20.5a 373.2a 278.0a 0.1a 0.1a 510.0 31.0 68.9 0.7 10.9 934 1011 136 197 848 844 435 396 177 218 3533 3253 1.5 1.4 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 43.5b 10.5b 16.1a 1.3a 2.2a 57.2b 55.9b 46.3a 30.7a 72.9a 53.4a 56.0a 44.4b 19.2a 27.4a 173.9b 371.5b 0.02a 0.1a 403.2 15.2 38.3 1.8 15.1 1135 1157 228 239 902 940 480 492 238 259 3920 3912 1.4 1.4 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 24.3ab 5.3ab 7.0a 2.1a 6.6a 149.0ab 109.2ab 55.3a 35.1a 24.4a 14.1a 6.0a 40.3ab 55.9a 25.1a 88.4b 168.3b 0.2a 0.03a Table 4.2 Results of two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) showing the level of significance for each significant variation source associated with the soil properties (n=24 for physicochemical soil properties at both soil depths (0-15 cm and 30-40 cm), n=12 for fungal biomass, active fungi, bacterial biomass, mineralisable N, and hot water extractable carbon (HWC) at the 0-15 cm soil depth). Soil characteristic pH (H2O) Sand Silt Clay Nt OC CAL-extractable K CAL-extractable P CaCO3 Fed Mnd Ald Feo Mno Alo fPOM oPOM 20-250 >250 µm Mean weight diameter (MWD) Fungal biomass Active fungi Bacterial biomass Mineralizable N Hot-water extractable carbon (HWC) Sources of variation Location Soil depth *** *** *** NS *** NS *** NS NS ** *b ** NS *** NS *** *** NS *** **a ***a ***a **a NS ** NS ** ** *** NS **a **a *a *a NS ** ** * NS NS **a **a - NS - a - ** **a 91 4.3.2 Distribution of soil fractions Total soil losses after fractionation into fPOM, oPOM, <20 µm aggregates, 20-250 µm aggregates and >250 µm aggregates were negligible, indicated by >99% recoveries for all the sites. There were higher amounts of macroaggregates (Figure 4.1) and MWD (Table 4.3) at Con76 and Con95 compared to Org76 and Org95 at both soil depths, although the differences were not significant. The amount of microaggregates (<20 m) was the highest in Con95 (337 g kg-1) and lowest in Con76 (260 g kg-1), the amount of fPOM was the highest in Org95 (5.9 g kg-1) and the lowest in Con76 (3.4 g kg-1, Table 4.3) and the amount of oPOM was the highest in Org95 (3.8 g kg-1) and the lowest in Con95 (2.5 g kg1 ) in the 0-15 cm soil depth. Amount of macroaggregates (>250 µm) was most strongly and positively correlated with active fungi and Fed (r=0.68 and r=0.42, n=12 and n=24, respectively, both p<0.05), and MWD with active fungi (r=0.71, p<0.05, n=12). In contrast, fPOM was most strongly and positively correlated with HWC contents and bacterial biomass (r=0.79, p<0.001 and r=0.68 and p<0.01, respectively, both n=12). Figure 4.1 The distributions of micro- (<20 µm, and 20-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm) in A) 0-15 cm, and B) 30-40cm. 92 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 oPOM (g kg-1) MWD (mm) fPOM (g kg-1) Depth cm 0-15 30-40 3.1 (0.4)abc 1.9 (0.8)abc 10.0 (4.6)ab 8.9 (2.8)ab 7.6 (2.4)ab 6.7 (2.2)ab 3.4 (1.5)ab 2.5 (1.3)ab Con76 3.3 (0.6)bc 1.5 (1.5)ab 3.6 (0.9)ab 1.6 (0.8)a Org76 3.8 (2.2)a 8.4 (2.6)ab 3.8 (0.6)bc 1.3 (0.2)a 5.9 (1.3)b 2.8 (2.3)ab Org95 4.5 (2.4)ab 11.9 (1.1)b 2.5 (0.4)abc 1.3 (0.5)a 3.9 (0.4)ab 2.2 (0.8)ab Con95 93 Table 4.3 Means (standard deviations) of mean weight diameter (MWD) of ultrasound stable sand corrected aggregates (<5 mm), free particulate organic matter (fPOM) and occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) in the studied sites (n=3). Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). 4.3.3 Distribution and chemical quality of SOM Total loss of OC and Nt during fractionation was negligible (recoveries >98% for all sites). However, the distribution of OC and N differed among sites (Figure 4.2). In 0-15 cm soil depth, at Org95 and Con95 microaggregates 20-250 µm contributed the greatest quantities of OC and N to bulk soil (46%, and 50% for OC; 45% and 45% for Nt, respectively). In comparison, in Org76 and Con76, microaggregates <20 µm contributed the largest quantities of OC and N to bulk soil (51% and 46% for OC; 51% and 47% for Nt, respectively). The differences among sites were similar at 30-40 cm depth. The C/N ratio was the highest in fPOM, followed by that in oPOM and the least in different aggregate size fractions at all sites (Figure 4.2E, 4.2F). 13 C CPMAS-NMR spectra revealed a large contribution of O-alkyl C and an increasing Alkyl-C/O-alkyl C ratio in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil, in all analyzed fractions (Table 4.4). Aryl-C increased in the order: fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil, except at Org76 and Con76 the differences were in the opposite direction at 30-40 cm soil depth. Carboxyl-C increased in the order of fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil at all sites. 94 Figure 4.2 The C and N distribution within particle-size fractions and C/N ratios of different soil fractions in A, C, E) 0-15 cm, and B, D, F) 30-40 cm. (Note: The C content of each fraction was calculated by taking total soil C as the sum of the C associated with all separate particle-size fractions, including POM fractions). 95 Table 4.4 Integrated chemical shift regions (% of total signal intensity) obtained by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy for the extracted free particulate organic matter (fPOM), occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM), and bulk soil for the studied sites. Depth (cm) fPOM Alkyl-C (%) O-Alkyl-C (%) Aryl-C (%) Carboxyl-C (%) Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) oPOM Alkyl-C (%) O-Alkyl-C (%) Aryl-C (%) Carboxyl-C (%) Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) Bulk soil Alkyl-C (%) O-Alkyl-C (%) Aryl-C (%) Carboxyl-C (%) Alkyl-C/O-Alkyl-C (%) 96 Org76 Con76 Org95 Con95 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 15 15 49 37 24 33 12 15 0.34 0.41 17 19 49 38 23 29 12 13 0.34 0.50 16 16 53 45 21 27 10 12 0.30 0.36 16 17 43 48 26 25 14 10 0.37 0.35 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 20 23 45 42 24 24 11 12 0.45 0.54 19 25 49 36 22 26 10 13 0.40 0.69 18 17 46 36 25 32 11 15 0.39 0.47 19 20 44 38 27 30 10 12 0.44 0.53 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 0-15 30-40 21 22 36 32 26 28 17 18 0.60 0.68 23 23 36 34 25 26 16 17 0.65 0.69 21 20 36 30 28 33 15 18 0.58 0.66 21 21 35 32 28 31 15 16 0.61 0.68 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Soil structure in the cropland sites Evidence for the hierarchical model of aggregates was not observed since we only found evidence for the different stabilizing mechanisms for macroaggregates (>250 µm). The amount of macroaggregates was significantly and positively correlated with active fungal biomass and the content of Fed (r=0.68 and r=0.47, p<0.05, respectively), and MWD with active fungal biomass (r=0.71, p<0.05). The correlation with Feo supports the strong aggregating power of oxides and is supported by a study by Duiker et al. (2003), which showed the more active role of Feo over Fed in aggregation. Very stable aggregates can be formed when amorphous Fe3+ (Feo in this study) and SOM interact (Barral et al., 1998). Oxides have high surface areas and can adsorb organic material on their surface by electrostatic binding and thereby enhance aggregation (Six et al., 2004). The contents of Ald and Feo were higher in Con76 and Con95 compared to Org 76 and Org95 (Table 4.1), which was reflected in the slightly lower pH in these soils (Bronick and Lal, 2005). According to Amézketa (1999), soil structure is improved in the presence of oxides due to them acting as flocculants in solution, their ability to bind clay particles to OM, and their ability to precipitate as gels on clay surfaces. The positive correlation between active fungal biomass and macroaggregates and MWD may be explained by organic inputs entering the soil and providing substrate for soil fungi (Eash et al., 1994) at the 0-15 cm soil depth. Fungi exude polysaccharides that adhere to minerals in the soil (Sacconi et al., 2012; Gazzé et al., 2013). This will physically aid the association of soil particles into larger aggregates when fungal growth increases and hyphae enmesh soil particles (Eash et al., 1994). The soils of this study had a high pH of approximately 8 (Table 4.1), which was more favourable for the bacterial biomass compared to fungal biomass. A study by Rousk et al. (2010) confirmed that the relative abundance and diversity of bacteria were positively related to pH, which agrees with our results on bacterial biomass. In addition, soils in this study were annually ploughed, which further decreases the abundance of filamentous fungi. Con76 had higher alkyl-C (lipids) contents (Table 4.4) compared to Org76, which can improve aggregation due to their hydrophobic nature (Monreal et al., 1995; Dinel et al., 1997; Pare et al., 1999). This may partly explain the slightly higher aggregation at Con76, however, the differences in amount of macroaggregates and MWD were not significant. Slightly higher macroaggregation (Figure 4.1) and MWD (Table 4.3) were observed in Con76 and Con95 compared to those in Org76 and Org95. This trend may be explained by the continuous mineral fertilizer application in Con76 and Con95. Fertilizer application may have increased the yields and subsequently the return of OM (Ladha et al., 2011), which may enhance aggregation because of the cementing action of OM (Haynes and Naidu, 1998). This trend has been shown especially for phosphorous fertilizers, which can enhance aggregation by the formation of Al or Ca phosphate binding agents (Haynes and Naidu, 1998). In our studied farms, Org76 used biowaste compost and Org95 horse manure as organic inputs to the soil system. Compost application can enhance soil structure, but its influence can be short-lived (Debosz et al., 2002), and therefore may not have increased aggregation of the studied soils. In addition, dry climate may limit the positive effects of compost on 97 soil structure (de Leon-Gonzalez et al., 2000). The horse manure did not result in higher amount of macroaggregates or MWD at Org95 compared to the Con95, supporting the impact of the low precipitation and accompanying dryness of the soil (soil moisture content was 14.8%). In general, soil aggregates in manured soils are weak when soil is dry but strong under wet conditions (Munkholm et al., 2002). In contrast, soils without manure inputs may have strong aggregates when dry (Munkholm et al., 2002). In some cases, application of horse manure may have no significant impact on soil structure (Roldán et al., 1996). In summary, our results are in accord with the conclusion of Abiven et al. (2009) who did not observe any clear global trends regarding the effects of diverse organic inputs on aggregate stability. Abiven and colleagues reported that manure and compost both affect aggregate stability with a rather small magnitude but only after several months of application. The difference among sites (Obersiebenbrunn versus Lassee) in amount of macroaggregates (Table 4.2) at the 0-15 cm soil depth may be a result of the differences in the concentration of carbonates (Table 4.1). In general, aggregation decreases with increase in concentration of carbonates (Dimoyiannis et al., 1998; Dimoyiannis, 2012), which is in accord with results obtained in this study for 0-15 cm soil depth. 4.4.2 SOM in the cropland sites There were no significant differences in OC and Nt concentrations among sites (Table 4.1), which contradict recent studies (Leifeld and Fuhrer, 2010; Gattinger et al., 2012) but are in accord with some earlier studies (Kirchmann et al., 2007; Leifeld et al., 2009; Spiegel et al., 2010). This anomaly may be explained by the relatively low amounts of organic inputs, biowaste compost and horse manure, at Org76 and Org95 (10 Mg ha-1 year-1 and 20 Mg ha1 every fifth year, respectively). Erhart and Hartl (2010) concluded that 6-7 Mg ha-1 year -1 of compost should be sufficient to maintain the SOM content in soils similar to the present study (16 Mg ha-1 year-1 when aiming to maintain Norg levels (Hartl and Erhart, 2005)). In addition, the soils at all sites were ploughed annually, which causes oxidation of OC (West and Post, 2002), and limits OC accumulation. In the present study, potatoes and/or sugar beet were included in the crop rotation at all sites, which may be an additional explanation for similar OC and Nt contents. Harvesting of potatoes and sugar beets at all sites causes severe additional disturbance to the annual ploughing and seedbed preparation and may have hindered OC and Nt accumulation (Pulleman et al., 2003). Annual ploughing may also explain the relatively small amounts of POM, and insignificant differences observed among sites. 4.4.3 SOM distribution and chemical quality in the cropland sites The slightly different SOM distributions among sites (Obersiebenbrunn versus Lassee) are most likely caused by the differences in the soil texture and soil age. In the sites with significantly higher sand content compared to the other sites, Org95 and Con95 compared to Org76 and Con76, the 20-250 µm aggregate associated OC and Nt fractions were the highest and less susceptible to mineralization. In contrast, in the sites with significantly higher silt content and slightly higher clay content, Org76 and Con76, compared to Org95 and Con95, the <20 µm aggregate associated OC and Nt fractions had the greatest OM storage capacity. The soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil (<20 µm aggregates at Org76 and Con76, and 20-250 µm aggregates at Org95 and Con95) contained the most OC and Nt. These results are in accord with those reported by 98 Poll et al. (2003). The distribution and dynamics of Nt content paralleled those of the OC content. fPOM and oPOM associated OC and Nt were the smallest fractions in all soils, reflecting the annual tillage activities that result in fast decomposition of easily available OM. Further, the C/N ratio of soil fractions decreased from POM fractions to the aggregates, indicating that the nitrogen rich organic materials were associated with mineral particles and reflecting the plant-like character of fPOM and oPOM (Baldock et al., 1997; Golchin et al., 1997). Since the C/N ratios for the different aggregate classes were fairly similar (Figure 4.2E, 4.2F), there existed no clear aggregate hierarchy in the studied soils (Six et al., 2004). The higher proportion of alkyl-C of the total OC in fPOM in Con76 compared to Org76 (Table 4.4), most likely reflects the fertilization differences. The biowaste compost used as a fertilizer consists of humic substances (Erhart and Hartl, 2010), and therefore, alkyl-C, that represents lipids and hemicelluloses (Golchin et al., 1994), was observed in lower proportion of the total OC in Org76 compared to Con76. The analyzed fractions showed an increasing degree of decomposition in the order fPOM < oPOM < bulk soil, shown as increased Alkyl-C to O-Alkyl-C ratio (Baldock et al., 1997). The data presented herein indicate that the fPOM and oPOM consisted mainly of plant material at different stages of decomposition, and were less decomposed compared to the SOM in the bulk soil (Table 4.4). 4.5 Conclusions This study has demonstrated that macroaggregates in the range of 20-250 µm were the most prominent soil aggregates in both topsoils and subsoils in the studied Chernozem cropland soils in Austria. The data did not support the aggregate hierarchy model. The content of macroaggregates was correlated with dithionite-extractable Fe (Fed) and the fungal activity, and MWD with fungal activity. The soil fractions that were observed in the highest proportion to the bulk soil (<20 µm aggregates at Org76 and Con76, and 20-250 µm aggregates at Org95 and Con95) contained the most OC and Nt. The distribution and dynamics of Nt content paralleled those of the OC content. Additional research is needed on cultivated Chernozems to obtain quantitative basis for evaluating whether it may be beneficial to use biowaste compost and horse manure as organic inputs, in order to increase SOM content and macroaggregation. Acknowledgements We are grateful to E. Brauner, E. Kopecky, A. Hobel, K. Hackl, A. Hromatka, H. Nascimento, G. Heranney, and F. Brocza for technical assistance and laboratory work. F. Brocza is also acknowledged for valuable help and translations with farmer interviews. Farmers are gratefully acknowledged for their cooperation and permission to take samples from their properties. We are thankful for PI Dr. Adelheid Spiegel (AGES, Austria) and Dr. Anu Mikkonen (University of Helsinki, Finland) for their valuable comments on the manuscript. Louise Hamilton is acknowledged for English proofreading. The project was financially supported from the European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project “Soil Transformations in European Catchments” (SoilTrEC), Grant Agreement no. 244118. We acknowledge the support T. Lehtinen received from the European Science Foundation (ESF) for the activity entitled 'Natural molecular structures as drivers and tracers of terrestrial C fluxes' to conduct NMR measurements at the Technical University of Munich. 99 References Abiven, S., Menasseri, S., Chenu, C. (2009): The effects of organic inputs over time on soil aggregate stability – A literature analysis. Soil Biol. Biochem. 41, 1-12. AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety) (2013): Pflanzenschutzmittel. URL: Accessed 14.11.2013. Amézketa, E. (1999) Soil aggregate stability: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 14, 83-151. Barral, M.T., Arias, M., Guerif, J. (1998): Effects of iron and organic matter on the porosity and structural stability of soil aggregates. 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Org76 Biowaste Crop compost t ha-1 (kg N ha-1)c 10 (115164) Potato Soy 10 (115beans 164) Soy 10 (115beans 164) Winter 10 (115wheat 164) 10 (115Potatoes 164) a Ye ar 201 1 201 0 200 9 200 8 200 7 200 6 200 5 200 4 200 3 200 2 200 1 Soy beans Corn Winter wheat 10 (115164) 10 (115164) 10 (115164) Potatoes - Poppy Winter wheat - Con 76 Crop Potato Sugar beet Winter wheat Onion Winter wheat Potato Winter wheat Sugar beet Winter wheat Potato Winter wheat Org95 b Fertilizer Crop Con 95 Horse manure t ha-1 (kg N ha-1)d kg ha-1 N 95, P 50, K 130 N 118, P 46, K 60 Year N 120 2009 - 2008 N 120 2007 - 2006 N 120 2005 - 2004 Sugar beet Winter wheat N 120 2003 Clover mix - - 2002 Clover mix N 120 2001 Corn 2011 2010 Winter wheat Sugar beet Spring barley Winter wheat Peas Spring barley&pot ato 20 (200400) - Crop Fertilizer Winter wheat kg ha-1 N 138, P 21, K 21 N 150, P 40, K 40 Corn Sugar beet Winter wheat Sun flowers N 126 N 138, P 40, K 40 Winter wheat N 128, P 24, K 24 Corn Durum wheat - Sugar beet Winter wheat N 137 N 129, P 19, K 19 N 133, P 30, K 30 N 130, P 25, K 25 - Corn - - 20 (200400) - N 60 a crop rotation before 2001 was similar to the crop rotation presented in the table; Org76: potato 30 %, winter wheat 30 %, soy beans 30 %; Con76: potato 30 %, sugar beet 20 %, winter wheat 45 %; Org95: winter wheat 30 %, sugar beet 30 %, clover mix 20 %, Con95: wheat 45 %, corn 30 %, sugar beet 20 %. Additional to the annual ploughing and seedbed preparation for the main crop, a seedbed preparation was done in the following years for the described catch crops: a) Org76: 2009 Vicia and Lathyrus mix; b) Con76: no catch crops; c) Org95: 2007 Pisum arvense (harvested and sold outside the farm), Fagopyrum esculentum, and Phacelia, 2008, Pisum arvense (harvested and sold outside the farm), Fagopyrum esculentum, and Phacelia and 2009 Lathyrus, and Fagopyrum esculentum; d) Con95: 2002 Sinapsis alba, and Fagopyrum esculentum, 2004 Sinapsis alba, and Fagopyrum esculentum, 2006 Pisum arvense, and 2007 Sinapsis alba. b clover mixtures in the crop rotation of Org95 were not harvested but incorporated into the soil as green manure. c total nitrogen, Erhart and Hartl, 2010. d total nitrogen, Koenig et al., 2011. 105 5 Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils 107 Lehtinen, T., Schlatter, N., Baumgarten, A., Bechini, L., Krüger, J., Grignani, C., Zavattaro, L., Costamagna, C., Spiegel, H. 2014. Effect of crop residue incorporation on soil organic carbon (SOC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in European agricultural soils. Soil Use and Management (in press). Manuscript included in the thesis with kind permission of the journal. Referencing style according to the journal guidelines. Abstract Soil organic matter (SOM) improves soil physicochemical and biological properties, and the sequestration of SOM may mitigate climate change. Soil organic carbon (SOC) often decreases in intensive cropping systems. Incorporation of crop residues (CR) may be a sustainable management practice to maintain the SOC levels and to increase soil fertility. This study quantifies the effects of CR incorporation on SOC and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2 and N2O) in Europe using data from long-term experiments. Response ratios (RRs) for SOC and GHG emissions were calculated between CR incorporation and removal. The influences of environmental zones (ENZs), clay content and experiment duration on the RRs were investigated. We also studied how RRs of SOC and crop yields were correlated. A total of 475 RRs were derived from 39 publications. The SOC increased by 7 % following CR incorporation. In contrast, in a subsample of cases, CO2 emissions were six times and N2O emissions 12 times higher following CR incorporation. The ENZ had no significant influence on RRs. For SOC concentration, soils with a clay content >35 % showed 8 % higher RRs compared to soils with clay contents between 18 and 35 %. As the experiment progressed, RR for SOC concentration increased. For N2O emissions, RR was significantly greater in experiments with a duration <5 years compared to 11-20 years. No significant correlations were found between RR for SOC concentration and yields, but differences between sites and study durations were detected. We suggest that a long duration of crop residue incorporation is a win-win scenario under a continental climate. We conclude that CR incorporation is important for maintaining SOC, but its influence on GHG emissions should be taken into account as well. Keywords: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), soil organic carbon, response ratio, crop residue management, climate change. 108 5.1 Introduction Soil organic matter improves soil physical (e.g. increased aggregate stability), chemical (e.g. cation exchange capacity) and biological (e.g. biodiversity, earthworms) properties, and it mitigates climate change by sequestering carbon in soils (Lal, 2013). Currently, as much as 25-75 % of the SOC in the world’s agricultural soils may have been lost due to intensive agricultural practices (Lal, 2013), and about 45 % of European soils exhibit low organic matter contents (European Commission, 2006). The decline of OM is one of the major threats to soils described by the European Commission (European Commission, 2006). Globally, approximately four billion tons of crop residues are produced (Chen et al., 2013). Removal of crop residues has a negative effect on SOC, but an estimated 25-50 % of crop residues could be harvested without threatening soil functions (Blanco-Canqui, 2013). Harvesting crop residues may be beneficial for farmers because residues can be used as livestock bedding, sold or thermally utilized. Harvesting residues also fits reduced or notillage farming operations because the soil will be less disturbed due to no ploughing of crop residues into the soil. Incorporation of crop residues may be a sustainable and costeffective management practice to maintain the ecosystem services provided by soils, the SOC levels and to increase soil fertility in European agricultural soils (Perucci et al., 1997; Powlson et al., 2008). In particular, Mediterranean soils with small SOC concentrations (Aguilera et al., 2013), and areas where stockless croplands predominate (Kismányoky and Tóth, 2010; Spiegel et al., 2010b), could benefit from this management practice. Nonetheless, crop residue incorporation increases the SOC concentrations less than does farmyard manure (Cvetkov et al., 2010) or slurry (Triberti et al., 2008). For GHG emissions, both positive and negative effects have been observed following crop residue incorporation (e.g. Abalos et al., 2013). Emissions of CO2 indicate heterotrophic microbial activity and particularly mineralization (Baggs et al., 2003), whereas N2O emissions indicate both nitrification and denitrification processes (Chen et al., 2013). The response of soil properties to management practices may depend on various factors such as soil temperature and soil moisture content, soil clay content (Körschens, 2006; Chen et al., 2013) or duration of the experiment (Smith et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2013). Metzger et al. (2005) presented a stratification of environmental zones (ENZs) in Europe, which is based on climate, geology and soils, geomorphology, vegetation and fauna. It can be used to compare the response of soil to management practices across Europe (Jongman et al., 2006). In their meta-analysis, Chen et al. (2013) showed that the clay content was a good predictor for N2O emissions following crop residue incorporation. Especially in the case of soil processes, the experiment duration improves the accuracy of data. Accordingly, long-term experiments are very important when assessing the impact of a management practice on soil (Körschens, 2006). Effects of crop residue incorporation on SOC and GHG emissions have been studied across the world (Chen et al., 2013, Liu et al., 2014), but the results differ due to the wide range of systems inherent in a global coverage. The lack of studies focusing on both SOC and GHG emissions (Ingram and Ferdandes, 2001), calls for an analysis of European results. An analysis of long-term experiments (LTEs) helps integrate current knowledge in Europe and provides guidance for policy development. 109 This study was designed to quantify the effects of crop residue incorporation on SOC and GHG emissions in varying environmental zones in Europe, using the published results of LTEs. Specifically, we addressed the following questions: i) Are environmental zones important for analysing the effects of crop residue incorporation on SOC concentration, as well as on GHG emissions (CO2, N2O)? ii) Does the effect of crop residue incorporation on SOC and GHG emissions vary with differences in clay content? iii) Does the duration of the experiment influence the response ratios of SOC and GHG emissions following crop residue incorporation? iv) Does the RR of GHG emissions following residue incorporation vary with experimental setup and crop residue type? v) Are RRs for SOC concentrations and yields correlated? We hypothesised that the response ratios of SOC increase the most in the Nemoral ENZ due to cool temperatures, particularly in soils with a large clay content due to interactions between SOC and clay minerals, and furthermore they increase with time. The response ratios of GHG emissions were expected to be least in the Nemoral ENZ, and to decrease with time. We expected the response ratios of GHG emissions to be larger in laboratory than field experiments due to more favourable conditions for the microorganisms, such as optimal soil water content. The RR of GHG emissions were expected to be greater with incorporation of low-C/N-ratio crop residues (hereafter referred to as “vegetative material” such as sugar beet, potato or leafy greens compared to high-C/N-ratio crop residues, hereafter referred to as “cereal” such as barley, wheat or maize residue incorporation). Further, we expected to observe a positive correlation between yields and SOC concentrations, as higher yields would result in more residues and greater accumulation of SOC. 5.2 Material and methods 5.2.1 Data sources A detailed literature review was conducted concerning scientific publications that had reported on long-term agricultural experiments in Europe. This yielded a total of 475 response ratios from 39 publications (Table 5.1), 50 experiments in 15 countries. An online database was created, which included 46 field experiments and four laboratory experiments that covered 10 European Environmental Zones (ENZs), as defined by Metzger et al. (2005), and four aggregated ENZs (Figure 5.1, Table 5.2). Most of the data were published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, while a smaller fraction were published in national technical journals and conference proceedings. The publications report on measurements of SOC concentration and CO2 and N2O emissions from pairwise comparisons of crop residue incorporation and crop residue removal management practices. The minimum requirements for data being included were that the studies had i) replicates and ii) paired treatments that compared crop residue incorporation and removal. Further, we only included experiments in which crop residue incorporation and removal were investigated 110 under the same climatic and soil conditions, as well as with similar fertilization levels. For CO2 and N2O emissions, data from long-term experiments were scarce. For these variables, shorter experiment durations and laboratory experiments were included in the database. For this analysis, mostly publications reporting data in tables, which could be directly transferred into the database, were used. Data given in figures were extracted using the program WebPlotDigitizer (Rohatgi, 2013). 111 Øsaker Ultuna Foulum Studsgaard Askov Rønhave Edinburgh Morley Gleadthorpe Woburn Rothamsted Wye Estate Cologne Gembloux Wierzchucinek Rostock Müncheberg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 112 Ås Field studies Experiment 1 Experimen t Nr Germany Germany Poland Belgium Germany UK UK UK UK UK UK Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Sweden Norway Norway Country 52°30'N 14°08'E 54°05'N 12°08'E 53°15´N 17°47´E 50°33'N 04°41'E 50°56´N 06°57´E CON CON CON ATC ATC ATC ATC 51° 48'N 00°21'W 51°10´N 00°56´E ATC ATC ATN ATN ATN ATN ATN ATN NEM NEM NEM Environmental zonea 51°59'N 00°37'W 53°13´N 01°05´W 52°34´N 01°06´W 55°57´N 03°11´W 54°54'N 09°47'E 55°28'N 09°07'E 56°05'N 08°54'E 56°30'N 09°34'E 59° 00'N 17°00'E 59°23´N 11°02´E 59°39'N 10°47'E Location Table 5.1 Summary description of the sites included in the analysis. 1962 1954 1979 1959 1969 1999 1852 1938 1984 1984 1995 1969 1894 1969 1997 1956 1963 1953 Start year silty loam loam sandy loam silty loam silt silty loam clay sandy loam loamy sand sandy loam clay loam sandy loam sandy loam loamy sand sandy loam Rogasik et al., 2001 Leinweber & Reuter, 1992 Janowiak, 1995 Powlson et al., 2011 Marschner et al., 2003 Baggs et al., 2003 Powlson et al., 2011 Murphy et al., 2007; Powlson et al., 2011 Nicholson et al., 1997 Nicholson et al., 1997; Powlson et al., 2011 Ball et al., 1990 Powlson et al., 2011 Powlson et al., 2011 Powlson et al., 2011 Mutegi et al., 2010; Petersen et al., 2011 Börjesson et al., 2012 Uhlen, 1991, Børresen, 1999 silty clay loam clay loam Uhlen, 1991 References clay loam Soil texture Grossbeeren 1 Grossbeeren 2 Grossbeeren 3 Braunschweig Spröda Methau Puch Suchdol Lukavec Alpenvorland Marchfeld Vienna Keszthely Trutnov Rakican Jable Grignon Doazit Serreslous Tetto Frati Padova 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Italy Italy France France France Slovenia Slovenia Czech Republic Hungary Austria Austria Austria Czech Republic Czech Republic Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 45°21'N 11°58'E 44°53'N 07°41'E 43°40´N 00°40´W 43°41'N 00°38'W 45°39'N 06°22'E 46°08'N 14°34'E 46°38'N 16°11'E 50°33'N 15° 53'E 46°44'N 17°13'E 48°11'N 16°44'E 48°13'N 16°36'E 48°07'N 15°08'E 49°33'N 14°59'E 49° 57'N 15°09'E 48°11´N 11°13´E 51°04´N 12°51´E 51°32´N 12°25´E 52°18'N 10°27'E 52°21´N 13°18´E 52°21´N 13°18´E 52°21'N 13°18'E MDN MDM LUS LUS ALS ALS ALS ALS PAN PAN PAN CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON 1966 1992 1967 1967 1963 1993 1993 1966 1960 1986 1982 1986 1997 1997 1984 1966 1966 1952 1972 1972 1972 clay loam loam silty loam loamy sand loam silty loam loamy sand sandy loam sandy loam loamy sand sandy loam silty loam sandy loam loam silty loam silty loam sandy loam silty loam silt sandy loam loamy sand Lugato et al., 2006 113 Grignani et al., 2007; Bertora et al., 2009; Zavattaro et al., 2012 Plénet et al., 1993; Lubet et al., 1993 Plénet et al., 1993 Powlson et al., 2011 Cvetkov & Tajnsek 2009 Cvetkov & Tajnsek 2009; Cvetkov et al., 2010; Tajnsek et al., 2013 Simon et al., 2013 Kismanyoky & Toth, 2013 Spiegel et al., 2010b Spiegel et al., 2010a Spiegel et al., 2010a Nedved et al., 2008 Nedved et al., 2008 Hege & Offenberger, 2006 Albert & Grunert, 2013 Albert & Grunert, 2013 Rogasik et al., 2001 Rühlmann & Ruppel, 2005; Rühlmann, 2006; MLUV, 2009 Rühlmann & Ruppel, 2005; Rühlmann, 2006; MLUV, 2009 Rühlmann & Ruppel, 2005; Rühlmann, 2006; MLUV, 2009 Foggia 2 Almacelles 1 Almacelles 2 El Encín La Chimenea 42 43 44 45 46 Flevopolder Wageningen Wijnandsrade Wye Estate 47 48 49 50 50°54´N 05°52´E The Netherlands 51°10´N 00°56´E 51°58'N 05°39'E The Netherlands UK 52°30'N 05°28'E 40°03'N 03°31'W 40°32'N 03°17'W 41°43´N 00°26´E 41°43´N 00°26´E 41°27´N 15°32´E 41°27´N 15°32´E 42°57´N 12°20´E The Netherlands Spain Spain Spain Spain Italy Italy Italy ATC ATC ATC ATC MDS MDS MDS MDS MDN MDN MDN 1999 N/A 1999 1999 2009 2010 2010 2010 1990 1977 1971 silty loam silty loam sand Garcia-Ruiz & Baggs, 2007 Cayuela et al., 2013 Velthof et al., 2002 Velthof et al., 2002 Sanz-Cobena et al., 2014 silty clay loam clay Meijide et al., 2010; Abalos et al., 2013 Biau et al., 2013 Biau et al., 2013 Maiorana, 1998; Maiorana et al. 2004 Maiorana, 1998; Maiorana et al. 2004 Bianchi et al., 1994; Perucci et al., 1997 clay loam loam clay loam clay clay loam 114 LUS, Lusitanian; MDM, Mediterranean Mountains; MDN, Mediterranean North; MDS, Mediterranean South. Environmental zone assigned according to Metzger et al. (2005): NEM, Nemoral; ATN, Atlantic North; ATC, Atlantic Central; CON, Continental; PAN, Pannonian; ALS, Alpine South; a Foggia 1 41 Laboratory studies Papiano 40 Figure 5.1 Map of the experiment locations and their distribution across the aggregated environmental zones (Nemoral, Atlantic, Continental, Mediterranean). 115 Nemoral (NEM) <18 % <5 years ENZa Clay % Experiment durationb 5-10 years 18-35 % Atlantic (ATN, ATC, LUS) 11-20 years >35% Continental (CON, PAN, ALS) >20 years Mediterranean (MDM, MDN, MDS) Experiment duration: years between the beginning of the experiment and the measurement. 116 b LUS, Lusitanian; MDM, Mediterranean Mountains; MDN, Mediterranean North; MDS, Mediterranean South. Environmental zone assigned according to Metzger et al. (2005): NEM, Nemoral; ATN, Atlantic North; ATC, Atlantic Central; CON, Continental; PAN, Pannonian; ALS, Alpine South; a Specific levels Variable Table 5.2 Aggregated variables and specific levels of each variable. 5.2.2 Data preparation For each pairwise comparison, a response ratio (RR) was calculated as: RR = propertyI/propertyR where propertyI is the SOC concentration, CO2 emission, or N2O emission in crop residue incorporation management practice, and propertyR is the SOC concentration, CO2 emission, or N2O emission in crop residue removal management practice. RR >1 was assumed to be an improvement in SOC concentrations, whereas RR >1 for CO2 and N2O emissions was assumed to be an undesirable increase in GHG emissions. 5.2.3 Data aggregation In some cases it was possible to derive more than one comparison from an experiment, e.g. when they report on multiple years or multiple contrasting managements. For stepwise linear multiple regressions and one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA), we used a single average of the response ratios for each experiment to aggregate multiple within-experiment response ratios prior to a between-study analysis (Lajeunesse, 2011). These averages were weighted based on the number of response ratios (sample size) from the experiments, because in many publications the standard deviation (SD) and number of samples (n) were missing. 5.2.4 Data analysis The statistical analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package for Mac. The normality of data was checked with Shapiro-Wilk´s test. All data on SOC concentration and GHG emissions (CO2 and N2O) were not normally distributed, thus log-transformed before the statistical analyses to obtain homogeneity of variances. A stepwise linear multiple regression was used to identify the significant continuous variables (temperature, precipitation, clay content, duration of the experiment were tested) on RR of SOC concentration and GHG emissions (Table 3). To strengthen our analyses, the effect of the variables ENZ, clay content, and experiment duration (as aggregated into specific levels in Table 2) were investigated with ANOVA with Tukey´s significance test (p<0.05) as a Post Hoc test. Correlations between variables were presented in Pearson correlation coefficients. 5.3 Results Crop residue incorporation increased the SOC concentration on average by 7% (Figure 5.2), whereas CO2 emissions were increased almost six fold and N2O emissions more than twelve fold on average (n = 84 and 97, respectively). Multiple regressions revealed that experiment duration had highest effect on SOC concentration, explaining 14% of the variation (Table 5.3). Response ratio (RR) of SOC concentration was 12% greater in experiments with > 20 years duration, compared to experiments with duration < 5 years. 98% of the variation in RR of CO2 emissions was explained by clay content alone, whereas approximately 75% of the variation in RR of N2O emissions was explained by clay content and temperature (Table 5.3). 117 number of RR (experiments) A 220 (41) 11 (3)a 32 (12)a ENZ 124 (20)a 53 (6)a B 220 (41) 54 (23)ab 148 (14)a Clay (%) 18 (4)b C 220 (41) 27 (3)a 11 (5)ab Duration 108 (11)b 74 (22)c Figure 5.2 Response ratios (RRs) of SOC concentrations across A environmental zones (ENZs), B) clay contents (%), and C) experiment durations (years). The left vertical line of the box represents the first quartile, median is shown as a thick line, and the right vertical line represents the third quartile. Horizontal bars show the minimum and maximum values. The (°) and (*) denote outliers. The figure is based on the original data on response ratios, without any weighting procedure. The numbers of RR (and experiments) are presented for each category along the y-axis. Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). 118 Table 5.3 Significant results of multiple regressions. LOG RR of SOC concentration R2 F P n Model 0.140 34.385 <0.0001 213 Variables Coefficient SEa 95% CIb T P Intercept 0.008 0.004 0.001-0.016 2.125 0.035 Duration 0.001 0.0002 0.0006-0.0012 5.864 <0.0001 R2 F P n Model 0.983 1297.063 <0.0001 41 Variables Coefficient SE 95% CI T P Intercept 0.494 0.012 0.469-0.159 40.608 <0.0001 Clay content -0.018 0.001 -0.019-(-)0.017 -36.015 <0.0001 R2 F P n Model 0.752 44.845 <0.0001 37 Variables Coefficient SE 95% CI t P Intercept 0.5587 0.265 0.048-1.126 2.212 0.034 Clay content 0.098 0.017 0.068-0.133 5.721 <0.0001 Temperature -0.185 0.052 -0.289-(-)0.080 -3.579 0.001 LOG RR of CO2 emissions LOG RR of N2O emissions a SE, standard error b CI, confidence interval 119 5.3.1 Effect of environmental zone The effect of the aggregated environmental zone (ENZ) on the response ratio of SOC concentration was not significant (Figure 5.2A). For GHG emissions, data were retrieved only for Atlantic and Mediterranean ENZs (Table 5.4). The RR for CO2 for the Atlantic Zone was significantly larger than for the Mediterranean. For N2O emissions, RR was greater for the Atlantic Zone compared to Mediterranean, although not significantly probably due to the considerable variability normally associated with this measurement. 5.3.2 Effect of clay content Among different clay contents, a content >35 % was found to be associated with significantly greater response ratios for SOC concentration compared to contents between 18 and 35 % (Figure 5.2B). Data for GHG emissions were retrieved only for the clay contents <18% and 18-35 % (Table 4). The RR for CO2 for <18 % clay content was seven fold larger compared to that for the 18-35 % clay content. For N2O, the effect of clay was similar that on CO2, being twice as much in soils with clay contents <18 % compared to 18-35 %. This difference, however, was not significant. 5.3.3 Effect of experiment duration As the duration of the experiment increased, RR for SOC concentration also became larger (Figure 5.2C). The RR was statistically greater for experiments lasting >20 years compared to the other duration periods. For CO2 (Table 5.4), no distinction between duration groups could be detected because all the RRs were in the <5 years group. For N2O, RR was significantly larger in experiments lasting <5 years compared to those of 11-20 years duration. Note, however, that there was only one experiment in the 11-20 years duration group. 5.3.4 Effect of experiment and crop residue type on RR for GHG emissions We observed greater response ratios for CO2 and N2O emissions in laboratory experiments compared with field experiments (Table 5.4), except for N2O emissions when cereal crop residues were incorporated. The RR was greater in vegetative material crop residue incorporation experiments compared with cereal crop residue incorporation experiments (Table 5.4). In field experiments for N2O emissions, however, the effect was the opposite. 5.3.5 Correlation between SOC concentration and crop yields The mean RR for yield was 1.06 ± 0.15 (n=71). This means that crop residue incorporation resulted in an average 6 % yield increase compared to crop residue removal. We expected to observe an increase in SOC together with an increase in yield due to a positive feedback between crop residue incorporation, nutrient availability, crop nutrient uptake rate, and finally crop growth rate. From another perspective, larger crop yields result in more crop residue production, followed by greater SOC when these crop residues are incorporated. Unexpectedly, however, no significant correlation (r=0.02, p>0.05) was found between the RR of SOC concentration and the RR of yield. Differences between the studied sites (Figure 5.3A), ENZs (Figure 5.3B), and experiment durations were found (Figure 5.3D). No differences were detected between different clay content groups (Figure 5.3C). No 120 effect of crop type was recorded, but yield data were available only for the crops wheat, barley and maize. The sites Kesthely, Grossbeeren 2, and Ultuna had the largest RRs in both SOC concentration and yield, whereas Almacelles 1 and 2 were among the sites with smallest RRs. As the experiment duration increased, the RRs for yields increased with the exception of Foggia 1 and Foggia 2, where RRs for yields were less than unity, even when the experiment had lasted for more than twenty years. 121 122 Duration < 5 years 18-35 % Clay % <18 % Mediterranean ENZ Atlantic Overall Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory 1.0 2.4 1.0 2.4 1.0 N/A 1.0 2.4 1.0 N/A 1.0a 2.4b Cereal CO2 Mean 0.08 0.46 0.00 0.46 0.09 N/A 0.00 0.46 0.09 N/A 0.08 0.46 SDa 3 3 1 3 2 N/A 1 3 2 N/A 3 3 n expb 17 15 4 15 13 N/A 4 15 13 N/A 17 15 n RRc 1.7 9.2 2.1 9.2 1.1 N/A 2.1 9.2 1.1 N/A 1.7a 9.2b 0.50 3.9 0.00 3.9 0.00 N/A 0.00 3.9 0.00 N/A 0.50 3.9 Vegetative material CO2 Mean SD 2 3 1 3 1 N/A 1 3 1 N/A 2 3 n exp 7 50 4 50 3 N/A 4 50 3 N/A 7 50 n RR Table 5.4 Mean response ratios of GHG emissions in crop residue incorporation management practices compared to crop residue removal management practices in different aggregated environmental zones (ENZs), clay contents (%), and experiment durations (years). The values have been calculated from average data from each experiment and were weighted based on the amount of response ratios calculated into the average. Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey´s as a Post Hoc test (p<0.05). Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory Field Laboratory 1.4 2.3 8.4 N/A 1.4 2.3 8.4 N/A 3.7a 2.3a 0.50 2.30 2.34 N/A 0.50 2.30 2.34 N/A 3.60 2.30 SD 2 3 2 N/A 2 3 2 N/A 4 3 n exp 20 15 10 N/A 20 15 10 N/A 30 15 n RR 2.7 21.4 0.9 N/A 2.7 21.4 0.9 N/A 1.9a 21.4b 2 3 N/A N/A 1 3 1 N/A 1 3 1 N/A 2 3 n exp 7 50 N/A N/A 4 50 3 N/A 4 50 3 N/A 7 50 n RR 123 N2O emissions in crop residue 0.95 20.4 N/A N/A 0.00 20.4 0.00 N/A 0.00 20.4 0.00 N/A 0.95 20.4 Vegetative material N2O Mean SD Field 5.5 3.67 3 18 1.9 Laboratory 2.3 2.30 3 15 21.4 11-20 years Field 1.0 0.00 1 12 N/A Laboratory N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A a SD, standard deviation. b n exp, number of experiments. c n RR, number of response ratios; RR, CO2 or N2O emissions in crop residue incorporation treatment/CO2 or removal treatment. N/A, not available. Duration <5 years 18-35% Clay % <18% Mediterranean ENZ Atlantic Overall Cereal N2O Mean 124 Figure 5.3 Correlation between RR for SOC concentration and crop yields A) across the sites, B) across the aggregated environmental zones, C) across the clay contents, and D) across the experiment durations. The figure is based on the original data on response ratios, without any weighting procedure 5.4 Discussion The results of this analysis demonstrate an increase in RR of SOC concentration following crop residue incorporation (Figure 5.2). The same has been demonstrated in previous metaanalyses for organic inputs (Lemke et al., 2010; Powlson et al., 2012), e.g. in organic farming (Gattinger et al., 2012; Aguilera et al., 2013). Incorporation of crop residues is one of the few methods applied by farmers to maintain SOC and to sustain soil functions (Powlson et al., 2008). This makes it a very important management tool. Even a small increase in SOC can improve soil physicochemical and biological properties and ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and possible increases in yields (Loveland and Webb, 2003; Bhogal et al., 2009; Blanco-Canqui, 2013). A critical level of 2% SOC was thoroughly investigated by Loveland and Webb (2003), however, the authors concluded that a single value cannot be recommended with the evidence available but local conditions and relationships must be taken into account when desirable ranges for SOC are recommended. The overall data for CO2 and N2O emissions were collected from both field and laboratory experiments as well as from experiments that incorporated cereals and vegetative materials. Thus, the standard deviation was high for these indicators, possibly due to spatial heterogeneity driven by variability in soil characteristics. With crop residue incorporation, CO2 emissions will increase compared to crop residue removal due to more easily available C that enhances microbial activity (Meijide et al., 2010). In contrast, if crop residues are removed, they will be decomposed elsewhere, used as bedding and incorporated into farmyard manure or burned, releasing approximately the same amount of CO2 (Blanco-Canqui, 2013). Thus, crop residue incorporation is not primarily a way to decrease CO2 emissions and may not be beneficial for all soil ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. To close the knowledge gap and to give better-informed recommendations to farmers, further field-scale research focusing on in situ carbon balance is required. In the case of N2O, emissions from crop residue incorporation are up to twelve times greater compared to crop residue removal. Emissions of N2O occur both during the nitrification process and as a result of anaerobic denitrification. The latter process requires the presence of microbes capable of using nitrates. The increase of the RR for N 2O following crop residue incorporation in a study by Baggs et al. (2003) was explained by mineral N fertilization and an increased denitrification capacity stimulated by the added substrate. In our analysis, no distinct relationships were found with mineral N fertilisation (r=0.08, p>0.05), most likely owing to the limited number of data. The soil respiration process may create anaerobic microsites in the soil and thereby increase N2O emissions through denitrification (Garcia-Ruiz and Baggs, 2007; Abalos et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the N2O emissions caused by the crop residues should be put in relation to the fact that not all removed crop residues are decomposed or burned with no N2O emissions. Given that the global warming potential of N2O is 298 on a 100 year time scale, it is of importance to monitor these emissions in future studies and carry out analyses of gross global warming potential of crop residue incorporation versus removal, as has already been done in paddy soils (e.g. Shen et al., 2014). 125 5.4.1 Effect of environmental zone The aggregated ENZ proved not to be a determining factor when RRs for SOC concentration, CO2 and N2O emissions were studied (Figure 5.2, Table 5.4). This is in contrast with concepts in which climate is directly and indirectly linked with carbon concentrations in soils (e.g. Ingram & Fernandes, 2001). One explanation may be that the aggregated ENZs in our study were too broad categories to capture the differences between different climates. ENZ are assigned based on several factors beyond climate, such as geomorphology, vegetation and fauna (Metzger et al., 2005). Given the large heterogeneity in these environmental factors across the experimental sites in this study, probably more data would have been required to detect significant differences between ENZs. In previous studies, temperature has been found to be one of the driving factors for both N2O (Mutegi et al., 2010) and CO2 emissions (Meijide et al., 2010). This was also supported by our multiple regressions, in the case of N2O (Table 5.3). 5.4.2 Effect of clay content Our results indicated larger RRs for SOC concentration for greater clay content (Figure 5.2B), probably because the clay fraction physically protects organic matter molecules from mineralization (Lal, 1997). SOM may be physically protected in the clay fraction of fine-textured soils by chemical bonds due to high surface activity (Six et al., 2000), thereby being inaccessible for microbial degradation (von Lützow et al., 2006). Nonetheless, the low clay content (<18 %) soils also showed a positive SOC response to management changes (Cvetkov and Tajnsek, 2009). This may be explained by SOC being accumulated as POM in the sand fraction of these soils, and not additionally in the clay fraction, as has been shown in tropical soils (Feller and Beare, 1997; Chivenge et al., 2007). Furthermore, the initial SOC concentration of the soil may play a role in how much C is retained in the fine fraction (Poirier et al., 2013). The authors showed that soils with a small SOC concentration have a greater capacity to accumulate C in the fine fraction when large amounts of crop residues are added to the soil. For GHG emissions the number of experiments and RRs was too small to allow a representative analysis of differences between clay content groups. Velthof et al. (2002) compared sandy and clay soils under laboratory conditions and found the N2O emissions to be much less in the latter than in the former. This is contrary to our analysis of field data on cereal crop residue incorporation (Table 5.4), but more measurements would be necessary before generalisations could be made. Indications of smaller RRs for N2O emission in soils with a small content of clay are in accordance with a recent meta-analysis that confirmed the influence of texture on N2O emissions (Chen et al., 2013). Soil texture may influence the response to crop residue incorporation through O2 availability in soil microsites and its influence on denitrification (Chen et al., 2013). 5.4.3 Effect of experiment duration The observed larger response ratios for SOC concentration in experiments of longer duration (Figure 5.2C) agree with previous studies (Körschens et al., 1998). For soils with clay contents <18 %, there was a positive SOC response to changes in management ten years after its imposition (Cvetkov and Tajnsek, 2009) but it may be that SOC saturation in soils with a small clay content is reached faster than in those with a large content (>35 %). As experiment duration increases, more interactions between clay minerals and SOC may 126 take place (von Lützow et al., 2006); this is accompanied by a more marked accumulation of resistant crop residue C that is not mineralised (De Neve and Hofman, 2000), especially in soils without mechanical tillage (Six et al., 2000). Hence, the increase in SOC concentration has its limits and the accumulation rate becomes smaller when the soil system is close to a new equilibrium (Powlson et al., 2008). For GHG emissions, the influence of the experiment duration was the opposite (Table 5.4), supporting a study by Chen et al. (2013). Those authors analysed experiment durations above and below 70 days and showed that the RR is initially higher, but as the duration increases, the RR of GHG emissions is also lower. Peak microbial activity when easily available organic inputs (crop residues) are added into the soil (Recous et al., 1995) may explain this response (Powlson et al., 2011). 5.4.4 Effect of experiment and crop residue type on RR for GHG emissions The greater response ratios of N2O emissions from incorporated vegetative material in laboratory experiments compared to those from field experiments (Table 5.4) are consistent with a meta-analysis that studied N2O emissions following crop residue incorporation (Chen et al., 2013). Those authors explained the difference by the smaller size and subsequent increase of surface area of the crop residues in the laboratory experiments compared to field-scale applications. This applies to laboratory experiments in our analysis (Velthof et al., 2002; Garcia-Ruiz & Baggs, 2007; Cayuela et al., 2013), compared to the field experiments (Baggs et al., 2003; Mutegi et al., 2010; Abalos et al., 2013; Sanz-Cobena et al., 2014). Moreover, under laboratory conditions moisture and temperature are stable and optimised for microbial activity, thus promoting higher emissions compared to field experiments (Chen et al., 2013). Previous studies show that N2O emissions decrease at a higher C/N ratio of the residues (Alexander, 1977; Shan and Yan, 2013). This is in line with the observed higher RR of GHG emissions (Table 5.4) in vegetative material crop residue incorporation experiments compared to cereal crop residue incorporation experiments in our study. This may be explained by immobilisation of N with increasing C/N ratio of the crop residues (Abalos et al., 2013). The oxidation rate is greater immediately after the incorporation of vegetative material (compared with cereal residues) due to quick decomposition, thus possibly promoting larger denitrification rates (Nicolardot et al., 2001; Rizhiya et al., 2011). Greater GHG emissions from low-C/N-ratio crop residue incorporation were observed in individual studies under field conditions in our analysis (e.g. Baggs et al., 2000; 2003). This can be explained by the availability of N being greater, first for nitrification and then for denitrification, when the C/N ratio of incorporated crop residue is small (Baggs et al., 2003). Garcia-Ruiz and Baggs (2007), however, stated that more knowledge on the interactions between organic and inorganic N sources and compounds released from the crop residues is required before drawing conclusions on how to reduce GHG emissions following crop residue incorporation. One additional explanation for the RR of GHG emissions may be the cultivation technique, which affects the nutrient supply to microorganisms and the aeration (Baggs et al., 2003; Mutegi et al., 2010). However, soil tillage was not in the scope of this study. Another potential factor is N fertiliser application, which increased GHG emissions in several studies (e.g. Garcia-Ruiz and Baggs, 2007; Meijide et al., 2010; Sanz-Cobena et al., 2014). 127 Nevertheless, our analysis did not reveal any significant correlations between N2O emissions and addition of mineral N fertiliser. This may be due to limited data accessibility and differences in the set-up of the experiments we investigated. The variation observed between ENZs, clay content groups and experiment durations within experiment types and crop residue types most likely reflected differences between experiments and not between the categories. More data from long-term field experiments are required to enable a study of such relationships. 5.4.5 Correlations between crop yields and SOC concentrations The slight positive influence of crop residue incorporation on crop yield (Figure 5.3A) contradicts previous studies reporting yield decreases (Swan et al. 1994; Nicholson et al., 1997), but agrees with Wilhelm et al. (2004). The positive influence of crop residue incorporation may be explained by the increase in SOC and the experiment duration (Figure 5.3A, D). Crop residues act as a continuous source of soil nutrients and soil organic matter (Liu et al., 2014), which improves soil functioning (Bhogal et al., 2009) and thereby yields. Thus, a positive feedback, initiated by incorporation of crop residues, occurs. In the case of the Foggia experiment (Figure 5.3A), the incorporation of crop residues lowered yield because of the poor mineralisation and strong N immobilisation due to arid climate and the low soil N status (Maiorana, 1998). Mineral N fertilization did not increase yields at Almacelles even though SOC concentrations were sufficient, possibly due to the short duration of the experiment and the arid climate (Biau et al., 2013). 5.4.6 Possible improvements of the data set for future analyses Long-term experiments with data on SOC concentrations and GHG emissions from the same experiments are lacking in our dataset. To reach sustainable agricultural management with a positive soil carbon budget, both SOC and GHG emissions should be taken into account (Ingram & Ferdandes, 2001; Lal, 2013). This calls for long-term field experiments to study these interactions and possible trade-offs between management practices (Körschens, 2006). The present study was based on measurements from the topsoil (<30 cm), in the future it would be important to investigate SOC concentrations also in the deeper soil layers (Aguilera et al., 2013; Lal, 2013). 5.5 Conclusions This analysis indicates that the impacts of crop residue incorporation on SOC concentration are positive, but the CO2 and N2O emissions are increased. Even a small decrease in SOC may have detrimental effects on other soil properties such as aggregate stability. Thus, maintaining or even increasing SOC levels is crucial for agricultural soils. We show that long-term crop residue incorporation may increase crop yields. A win-win scenario between yield and SOC is for crop residue incorporation over a longer term (>20 years) under a continental climate. Data availability from field experiments on GHG emissions is still scarce, and the data do not allow for selection of win-win scenarios for these parameters. Thus, more long-term field studies are needed to better assess the CO2 and N2O emissions following crop residue incorporation, specifically from the same studies in which SOC is measured. We conclude that crop residue incorporation is an important management practice to maintain SOC concentrations and to sustain soil functioning, but that its influence on GHG emissions should be considered. GHG 128 emissions should be measured in on-going long-term field experiments to more accurately calculate trade-offs such as in situ SOC and GHG balances following crop residue management in agricultural systems. Acknowledgements We thank the authors of the 50 experiments whose extensive field and laboratory work enabled us to conduct our analysis. This study was part of the European CATCH-C project that is funded within the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, Theme 2 – Biotechnologies, Agriculture & Food (Grant Agreement N° 289782). Taru Lehtinen is thankful for the FEMtech programme grant from the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), Austria, to carry out this study. Jo Reilly and Michael Stachowitsch are acknowledged for English proofreading. 129 References Abalos, D., Sanz-Cobena, A., Garcia-Torres, L., van Groenigen, J.W. & Vallejo, A. 2013. Role of maize stover incorporation on nitrogen oxide emissions in a non-irrigated Mediterranean barley field. Plant and Soil, 364, 357-371. Aguilera, E., Lassaletta, L., Gattinger, A. & Gimeno, B.S. 2013. Managing soil carbon for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean cropping systems: A metaanalysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 168, 25-36. Albert, E. & Grunert, M. 2013. Wirkung einer langjährig differenzierten mineralischorganischen Düngung auf Ertrag, Humusgehalt, N-Bilanz und Nährstoffgehalte des Bodens. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 59, 1073-1098. Alexander, M. 1977. 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I was responsible for the field sampling, prepared the samples for measurements, conducted the density fraction, and the NMR measurements. Background information in form of in depth interviews with the farmers were conducted with Guðrún Gísladóttir. I analysed all the data and wrote the manuscript. All co-authors provided comments on the manuscript. Chapter 4. I planned the study with Georg J. Lair and Guðrún Gisladóttir. I did the sampling, prepared samples to for measurements, conducted the density fraction, NMR measurements, analysed the data and wrote the manuscript. I collected background information on the farms studied together with Flora Brozca. All authors provided comments on the manuscript. Chapter 5. I collected data from 50 long-term field experiments in Europe from the literature, which was done together with the other authors and other FP7 Catch-C project partners as a group effort to collect the data into an online database. The idea and framework of the manuscript was created with Heide Spiegel, and also discussed in depth with Luca Bechini, Janine Krüger, and Norman Schlatter during the writing process. I was responsible for collecting and analysing the data, as well as to write the manuscript. All authors provided comments on the manuscript. 137 Appendix II Publications 5.5.1 Scientific publications outside of the PhD thesis Clymans, W., Lehtinen, T., Gísladóttir, G., Lair, G.J., Barão, L., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Struyf, E., Conley, D.J. 2014. Si precipitation during weathering in different Icelandic Andosols. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 260-265. Lehtinen, T., Mikkonen, A., Sigfusson, B., Ólafsdóttir, K.., Ragnarsdóttir, K.V., Guicharnaud, R. 2014. Bioremediation trial on aged PCB polluted soils – A bench study in Iceland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(3), 1759-1768. Keuskamp1, J.A., Dingemans, B.J.J., Lehtinen, T., Sarneel, J.M., Hefting, M.M. 2013. Tea Bag Index: a novel approach to collect uniform decomposition data across ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(11), 1070-1075. Wallenius, K., Lappi, K., Mikkonen, A., Wickström, A., Vaalama, A., Lehtinen, T., Suominen, L. 2012. Simplified MPN method for enumeration of soil naphthalene degraders using gaseous substrate. Biodegradation 23, 47-55. 5.5.2 Popular science publications outside of the thesis Dinkemans, B., Keuskamp, J., Sarneel, J., Lehtinen, T., Hefting, M. 2012. De Tea Bag Index. Bodem - Tijdschrift over duurzaam bodembeheer, 6, 8-9. 139
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