843 -> Fax Server Page 22/10/2014 14:45 1 of 12 HopgoodGanim For personal use only 22 October 2014 Austral n Securltes Bochange Compeny Announcement Platiorm Lml g Waterfront Place 1 E Shit By facelmile: 1300 136 638 Brl,hi„I gil 4000 AL*rik PO Boil 7822. Witartront Placi Ou Rlf: 1488646 - KEith,rh» Hmnond Brlibln e Qld 4001 Aulnlia ABN: 54105489661 ™sele©tronIGtrm=-lon li h*Ind,d 01*lorthl umofthl lidli/1:111* grir tontilall Illi adchiled Ind m co„Mil Worniallon tlt h /1. lood. consdarAW =1 r =n* from Idoln 111<* 0ppitle *v. 0 yul m, nd h W.#d li*Ill, my d„„Ii,Illai, dlit,ili,illain or Gop*g of th cormn„,lillo,11, 011* prolill,d. Ir you hava mcalied 0 coml lotlon &1 mu, plem not* us Ills<*Illy by Ilphona, r,am: the 0,10/ els-,110 W lo ul i thi ,dch- bilos by potmd dollardistioy =11 *Ictroit oroth,rcopl=. Th=*)UL Dear SMladam 1 IletroCod Lhnited - Off-miket takeover bid for Capi Alumina Umited (Cape) - Appendix 38 We refer to MetroCoal Ummed'B (Company or MetroCoal) Off-Ing,ket takeover bid forall of the fully paid ordliary shares h Cape Alunina Urnlld ACN 107817694 (Capo or Ta,get) which an not akeady held by the Compeny, under Pst 6.6 of the Comorations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporatio,» Act), (Tak,ovor Bid). Forthe purpoies of the ASX Usang Rules, Corporalons Act and for all other purpoees h relation b the Takeover Bid, please Thd attached an Appendbc 38 for the Issue of MetroCoal shares h consider*flon of MetroCoars acquisition of Cape ',: ·. received as aithe close of Made on 20 8hares forthe Takeover Bid October 2014. A further Appendbc 38 wil be lodged m and when requked for the h;sue of shares in respectof any subsequent acceptances received, b, accnrdaiice with MetroCoers Bidders S tement and the Corporauons Act Yours fal»tfully mp'*AL HopgdodGI"In Cont ct Kath r[n,1·1=INTIond A=oclate 1 T 07 3024 0343 1 F 07 3024 0343 E k.h nmond@hopgoodganhn. com. au Parbw responsmle: 11 ha,1 Hiniel Bm T +61 7 30240000 F +61 7 3024 0300 T +61 8 9211 0111 F +61 8 92261696 vmw.hopgoodgilm.corn.au 9627584-1 22/10/2014 14:45 843 -> Fax Server Page 2 of 12 Rth For personal use only Appendix 3B New issue announcement application for quotation of additional securities and agreement h*,mation or doc imi,* not avi,dbk no# mit be s*'m 10 ASIC al m al avi,dbk h*,mation and doc,=00,gh,1 *AATbacm„i.Aher'/p/op,W*1=45, maipaiblk illrodled 01 7/96 ChiblE Applill 5 Aild'd 01/074 0)0*99,01,07,00,38§01,11/01401,01,131 34/1 15,01,0& 12,04,03/13 Narr» Of«Ifity MdroCoal Limited AEN 117763443 We (tho entity) give ASX the following information. Part 1 - All issues Y=m.compl ,brel„=ud=(-ch,11-91,el:no:,1,0 04.4. 1 +Cli„ af +seolibbm i=ued or to Fally Paid Ordinafy Shares be i=ued 2 Number af +securiues i=ued or to 36,725,630 be i.sued (]f kIx,Te) or nmin=n number whioh tray be sued 3 PI:no pal te:ni of the +0eouriti(e.g. if 00014 excroise price and Fully paid *inary share, ranking oqully in exphy date; if p:rtly pdd all rospoot, wia cxiang ordinary fully paid +seouritie< the a=unt out*andim and due dates fix paymmt if tie +oonvertible wairitic< oonvenion price and dates for ordinary shares. oonvellion) + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appendix 38 P* 1 843 -> Fax Server Page 22/10/2014 14:45 4 3 of 12 Do the +securitio rink equally in an re,peou from the +i=, date Yes with m coriting +ola= af quoted For personal use only +Ieouriti-? If the addibonal +,eouritii do not rank equally, please state: • the date Sam which they do • the extent to whioh acy partioipate for the neod dividend, (in the cue af a tnK di ibution) or interest payment • thee,[imt to tioh bey do not rank equally, other th=n in relation to the neo[t dividend disaibution or inisest pay=t* 5 I=ue prioe oroo deration 1 MetroCoal Limitod (MTED sharo issucd for cvcry 1.3 Cape Atomina Limitd (CBX) share of CBX sharcholden who have accepted MIE's off-m,rkct takeover offer for all of the mh:rcs in CRX thst MIE docs not alremby hold par,nant to MIE) Biddmr's Statement (Bidder's Stat nent) d=ted 19 ATMVul 2014 (m subsc cntly .:2'-11 -,0-' and varied from time to time) (Offer). 6 Puipoee ofthe issue (If i=ued = 00„Iideratian for the pur,n,nt to the Of r, in order to acquire CBX acquisition Ihires. af a=cti. clearly As i. ., I t. r. , ide Or thooe,Ixtz) 6a Is ftie entig an +eNgible entig diat h. obtained seouray under rule 7.lA? Ycs holds If Yea, 004 Fte sectiom 6b 81 1,1 7,latio,1 to thi +,scu,m= th, :ubject (4 thix Appencix 38. sl oomply with =*ion 6i 6b The date the seourig holder 29/11/2013 resohition under rule 7.lA was p."Id 60 Mmiber of +,enxittim issued Nil wiEhoi* 0eourig holds under rule 7.1 for acc*ances received 22/10/2014 14:45 6d 843 -> Fax Server Page bamiber of +secizdtio i=ued with Nil seouxig holder 7.lA For personal use only 4 of 12 under rule 60 Number of +seoidtim i=ued with Nil seourity holder under rule 7.3, cr nofber fpeoifio ieouday holder (,pec fy da cf meeting) Gf baimber 0£1-,eclidtim sued under Nil m emoeption in rule 7.2 69 If' +seci es i=ued inder rule N/A ah If +sec,idti= were i=ued under N/A 7.14 w= b,= pfioe atle=t 75% 0£ 15 dgy VWAP u calculated under rule 7.1A3? holude the +i,mie date and both values Ino ude be sofime of be VWAP calculation. rule 7.lA for nono=h 031.ideration, state date on which valuation 0£ oo ideration was releued to ASX Ma t 6i nalal] the c:*ity*s reaming i=ue orpaoi4, under rule 7.1 „d rule 7.lA - complete Annexure 1 and releue to ASX Marid 7 +E,mu dsbos Rnle 7.1 - 36,841,394 Rnle 7.lA - 24,560,929 22 Odobs 2014 N * 71I lii dti Il bi p ,*0 by AZIX *Ir lo b d/In 41„I dbir,1, 121 ./1./.. ........ 4...././1. /"Ibbi Al/Ek'A ch= r-,/9/ R= 31 CA,p,=/, IR Numbs 8 Number and +ola= 0£ all +ieouriLes quoted on ASX 245,809,293 011,08,81 the +,eourities in,eotion 2 ifapplicable) +Clms Ordinary fully paid Ilu,zo. + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appendix 38 P* 3 843 -> Fax Server Page 22/10/2014 14:45 Nuttlbs 9 Number and +ola= af all 2,000,000 +securiti= not quoted on ASX For personal use only (11:chidig the +seoliIfues in seouon 2 ifapplioable) 10 Dhvidend policy (in the case of a tuit distzibutim policy) an be irx:reased capital C=eresti) Part 2 - Pro rata issue 11 Is securig holder 12 8 the sue renounomble or ™1,1renounoeable? 13 R•tin in whiah the +0eouriti- will be aimed 14 +Cl= of +Ieouriba. to whi# the offer relates 15 +Reoord date to detecmine F,ilitll 16 Will holdings on difrerent resi,ten (or subregisten) be aggregated for calculatiog Mutleci:ents? 17 Polic, fix decidig Mltlenimts in relation to fractions 18 Nan= of oounizies in which the 01% has nourig holden who will not be ,=iknew 055 doam=Its Natz licd/ imidii 1/ bi Id liaw lidr /ili.,Ilimbbe dd *A 0- th.*- 7.7. 19 Closing date for reodpt acoeptanoes or r=noiatiom 0£ Unchanged 5 of 12 +Clms Unlisted oftio 22/10/2014 14:45 32 843 -> Fax Server Page 8 of 12 How do =04 holden dispooe of t xtilen=S (acept by sale thro* a bro er)? For personal use only 33 Part 3 - Quotation of securities 1- nod only Implile9,11 =dion tfyo• .appl*<*rliolilion 4Iia„vi= (tick ons) (a) +Seouri es desoribed in Part 1 (b) All other +seourities Bllk rhud-/17....dill-<.dp.Apl.pal././th=-*1 p,1 -02. Entities th=t h=ve ticked box 34(a) Additional securities forming a new da= of securiti= rick 80 hilc ,1 *m are providhlg #le *r=¤lion or 35 If the +,enxittii Ere +eql 13' •eairitia•, the „,un- 0£ the 20 lary•* holds, 0£ the additional +seozidtie< md fhe Mumbi gad per=*age 0£ additional +seozium held by thooe holders If the +seouriti- are +equity Ieouriti#,- a fli iblitinr! 0.Jh,1, of the m,trlitir.-1 36 +scouribes settiog out the number ofholders in the categories 1 -1,000 1,001-5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001 - 100,000 100,001 and cvs 37 - A oopy af any tr* deed fix the additional +Ieourities + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appendix 38 P* 5 843 -> Fax Server Page 22/10/2014 14:45 7 of 12 For personal use only Entities that have ticked box 34(b) 38 Number of +Iecur es for which +quotation issol:* 39 +Cl=s of' +scodi for whioil Fiatti- 6 =Sh 40 Do the +0eouritim rank equally in all re,peou from be +i=ue dabe with m 3,"Ing +Cla= af quoted +Ieouritia•? If the additional +,colidtim do not rank equIlly, ple state • the date from which they do •be Bil,nt to whicil bey puticipate for the nsit dividend On the cue O£ a #u< distzib,ition) or interest paymmt • the extent to which th:y do tiot rank equally, oths an in relation to the net vidend. distzibution or intereit psynmt 41 Reion ix request ix quotation 11h af r,- d 9014 d af 1,"lillk= *od Of i=ued upon oomrmion of anotber +scouxig, olmily id=Eify that ofher +0eourig) knlbs 42 +Clms Number and +cla= af all +securi#es quoted on ASX (iligh,Glig the +Ieourities in olm,Ie 38) + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= Appendix 38 Pge 6 04/08/2013 843 -> Fax Server Page 22/10/2014 14:45 8 of 12 For personal use only Quotation .greetnent 1 +Olotton af our additional +securities is in ASX's absolutc discretion. ASX may quote the +securities on any conditions it docidcs. 2 We wasant the following to ASX • Tho issuo of th© +Bocuribcs to bo quotod complies with th© liw and is not foran illogal purposo. • Thoro is no romon why 11'n o +Socuritia should not bo grm,tp,1 +quo,mtirv, • An offer of *c +sccuritics for sale within 12 months :incr thcir issue will not rcifirc di clog[Irc undcr sectrn 707(3) or section 10120(6) of thc Act Notz AI Iti, mi, Id to dih <11191* wirti Ic= digete *r hi =a ki li • - to be dib 10 Il Soction 724 or soc,Hon 10168 of th© Corporations Ad docs not apply to any 'Pplicatk,ns roocivod by us in rel.tion to any +80(ouriti to bo quotod -,1 that no»«ono hm any right to return any +Boouritics to bo Womd unds sootions 737, 738 or 1016F of tho Corporations Act at th© tgoo that wo request diat #10 +Bocuritics bo quotod • If wo 50 a trust, wo warrant 11 Mt no person h= tho right to r,dnrn tho +securities to be quoted undcr section 10198 offhc Co,porations Act atthc time that worcqicst that th© +sccuritics bc quoted. 3 Wc will indcmnify ASX to the fullest extcni permitted by liw in respect of any cld,4 action or Dpcnic arising from or conncdod with any breach of th© warr,ntics in this agreement 4 We give ASX the information and documents reifired by this form. If any information or document is not available now, 14, will give it to ASX before +. of the +securities begir=. We z:knowledge that ASX is relying on the bio,mation Ed documents. We wimmt that they are (willbe) true and ccynpletel Sign hcre: Datc: 22/10/2014 Bany Sc ct y) Print ns,Ir: Scott Waddell + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appendix 38 Pge 7 22/10/2014 14:45 843 -> Fax Server Page 8 of 12 Appendix 3B - Annexure 1 For personal use only Calcullation of placement capacity under rule 7.1 and rule 7.lA for eligible entities odigid Olmlll A,„did OUDVll Part 1 liulo 7.1 - buu oxo=ding 18% of oapital S:,p 1.' Cdoule, A", tho bas, 11$,m hm whioh th, 0,oommt capactty la cdculated hen nimberof My pa +ordl,sy 208,883,663 securRIes on leslie 12 months before the +Issue date or date of agreement to Issue Addthefolow : · imber of fuly paid +ord#sy BecurRIes lesued h that 12 nionth period underan . - In nile 7.2 · Nuniber of fuly paid +ordhay securRIes Issued *that 12 nior h period with sh elloldi apIMIlld · n*er of pa p d +ord* secur es #1/ became ml paid h #iat 12 morth period 36,725,630 . Inck,de only o Ny securmes here alherdess=of 4-* secicaillies caniid beadjed · Inch,de hem 81 appicable) te securmes the su4iact Of the Appen* 38 10 45 fhis R,m is amie,oad · It may be useful to set out Issues of securmes on.sentckates as sepe,* h sms Subhdthe nlmber of fuly pal +ordhq ...es cance i dl, that 12 month petod .A" 245,609,293 + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= Appendix 38 Pge 8 04/08/2013 22/10/2014 14:45 843 -> Fax Server Page 10 of 12 Stip 2: Caloulats 15% of A" For personal use only B" 0.15 /AUB: #is Ek,e carina¢be chang04 al/*4'A' by 0.15 36,841,394 8*p 3: Ciloulati «C ,the amount d plieement eapoolty undor rule 7.1 thath= dready bon ueed hd nimber of +efly secur208 keued bil or Eveed b be lesued h that 12 n,onth pe od nof coc/]thg those Issued: · Under m e,[ce.otion h rule 7-2 · Under rule 7.lA • Vah seasly holderapproval -der rule 7.1 or rule 7.4 · 77,#s *b e * sacu#88 un%3ss Viedicaly e):A,ded - nofAm# arliay Milillylies · Inch,de here (Nappicable) the securiles the su4iact Ofthe Appen* 38 10 45 fhis R,m is amie,oad · It may be usefulto setout Issues of securmes on.sentckates as sepe,* h*sms U= Step 4: Subtraot =C" from rA" x =B"] to o,loulato rem,Ining plaooment capacity unhrn,le 7.1 'A'x 0.15 36,841,394 A r n£,nbermust be-ne as sholin 5*2 Sub:rad 'Cr NI Not ni ber mudbe m assho#m in 543 ToW rA' x 0.151 - -C 36,841,394 LA 09: this h ths,emahhg placementcapacRy under rule 7.1] + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appendix 38 Pge 9 22/10/2014 14:45 843 -> Fax Server Page 11 of 12 Part 2 For personal use only Rul07.1A- Addllonal piaoomint oapaoity for,Ilglbli inntles St p 1: Cilouhao A", tho bui ngur from whkh thi pia=m,nt oapaolty Is oalilitd .A" 245,609,293 ible: nimbermust be=ne as shovi in Step l ofPart 1 St,p 2: Cdou//0 10% of UA" .D" 0.10 Aob: #ws wave camot be changed 211*ly 'A' by 0.10 24,580,929 Stip 3: Calculate 921, the amount of plaoement oap,014 undirnie 7.lA * t h=,Iready boon uied h# nlinber of +nfily -Irmi=:,1= MI or agreed b be 166ued h thi 12 morth period under rule 7.lA At*s · . 77,#s am,as 00 4* sacu#Sss - nof As# anb"Wyss(Untes · Inck,de hem -li*picable- te securmes the sublectofthe Appen* 38 00,%*doh #}ds *,mis anneN,d .Do =*Ab.*y =, R slon undarrub 7.1 (#,ey must be deat v h in Part 1), or forwhich spect securRy holderapprval has been obtained - It may be useR,1 to setout Issues of securmes on dlerent dek as sepE,am ./.ms NI + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= Appendix 38 P.se 10 04/08/2013 22/10/2014 14:45 843 -> Fax Server Page 12 of 12 St,p 4: Subhot -E" from rA" x iD"J co o•louku. r,maining For personal use only plient eapaolly undw nle 7.fA 'A'x 0.10 24,580,929 Aola-nimbermust be=ne as shown /n 542 Sube»d 'E' NI ible: nimbermust be=ne as shovi in Sisp 3 ToW rA' x 0.101 -'2 24,560,929 Note: 0,#s M #ieremahlig place,ne,1 capacity underrule7.lA + See ch.f 19 for 81£ned tct= 04/08/2013 Appemdix 38 Pise 11
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