Slovenski kras in jame v preteklosti Trevor Shaw l Alenka Čuk PART 2 CERKNIŠKO JEZERO AND RAKOV ŠKOCJAN Chapter 1 THE KARST T 49 € This book describes and illustrates many aspects of the history of the Slovene karst and its caves, from the 16th to the 20th centuries. From the meaning of the word karst and the characteristic surface of karst country it moves to the underground world of caves. Some of their exploration is detailed and also the impression that they made on early visitors, painters and photographers. Modern tourism derives from the tours led by Thomas he karst regi ons of Slovenia , like those world, resu in many oth lt from the er parts of the rock being uble in rain limestone whi water. This of a long des not only cau ch is slightly the presenc criptive poe ses a lack of sole of caves and m in 1537, emp behaviour and surface stre undergroun hasizing the characteris saying that ams and d rivers, but tic of karstic strangeness only the wat In later cen also other feat of its landscape. er nymphs ing fissures turies it was In particular, ures knew the cau in the rock a similar sen dre w hundreds solution of se of it. results in con se of wonder in which som intersect(later million e-shaped dep or curiosity e residual soil cau s) of people sed others ressions – doli that collects, and farmers to to visit kno to explore cave nes – allow cultivat wn more is som caves. It also es that had s that were etimes add ion. Bigger, never been called collapse little known, ed ofte by seen n to enter pas vertical-sid dolines resu before and discover whe saged depressions even to des lt when the caves or cav re they led. cend deep sha ground surf ities formed There is also ace collapse fts to by undergr include the ano s into ther oun immense pits d streams. sort of curiosi explain thes Collapse doli at Škocjanske ty: the desire e strange thin The caves nes to understand jame. gs – intermi and spectac tites, and the ttent lakes, and ular feature appealed to very caves them stalagmites s of karst hav visitors and 1665, but in selves. There and stalactravellers, as e for centuri that year bot phenomena was not muc they do to es h the Philosop have always h of this befo Society in Lon tourists tod seemed stra hica re to what mos l Transactio don and the ay. Karst nge becaus t people are ns of the Roy Journal des Paris started e the fam y Sca al are differen seen from afar iliar with. In vans (“Schola publication t . These wer particular, rs’ Journal” like mountai could scientifi e issued regu caves cannot ) in ns but only entered. Suc c authors writ larly so that be after they hav h strangenes e they abo not ut wou their discove only s often mea e been actu ld also kno or fanciful ries and exp nt mystery, ally w that thei might be foun were equally where the une lanations; r ideas wou d, like the dra of legend (Fig interested. ld be read xpected gons, kobalte It is this sort . 2). by others who was attracte n or nibelung of early scie d by the inte In the preh ntific curiosi en rmittent lake istoric bronze Early writers ty that at Cerknica, centre, the age when Ško were most Cer entrance sha kni cjan because they interested ško jezero. near Divača ft of the nea in the caves the gateway were strange was a cult rby Mušja jam to the underw of karst regi and unfami surface of the a was regarded ons liar. But it was orld, the sam Legends hav karst landscap as e underworld the formerly e fairies in the those who e that made as in Greek bare cave of Vile travelled acro jama. There the stronge myth. nica and a dra st impression are many oth ss it. The mai the Adriatic gon at Postojn er such folk on n route from Institute of lay acro ss such a regi tales, studied ska central Eur Slovene Eth part of Italy on in western ope to by members nology in Ljub inla The strange nd of the Slovenia (Fig from Trieste, ljana. ness of cave became wid . 4) and a so it was here s not only ple. As can ely known. that its cha attracted lege be seen, som Indeed it was itself became racter first nds but also e karst feat for impressed thos 104known as this reason ures such as peoKarst. that the regi e who saw them Cerkniško on at exaggerate in the 16th cen jezero so d size on map tury that they The Word s (Fig. 3). The were drawn Karst same lake was This word also the sub ‘Karst’ is of ject very ancient ing has und origin and ergone man its precise y changes meanover the yea rs. Derived from a Fig. 1 The bare hills ide, now tree-cov ered, above Veliki Otok church. The hill Sovič is behind on the left, with Postojna to right. The floo its ds are those of 1924 or a few years earli Photo. S. Grad er. enigo. Notranjski muz Postojna colle ej ction Cook who first came to Postojnska jama in 1868. Music in that cave has a very long history for dancing or concerts. The relation between caves and people is a constant theme as are the problems facing all travellers in pre-railway days. One of the very first women to explore difficult caves is seen at Škocjan. Also touched upon is Darwin’s interest in Slovene cave animals and the mis-use of stalagmites from the caves. 9 features of Caves are not the only curious ce and disapthe karst. The sudden appearan3 of the “lake” pearance of water over 25 km puzzled peoof Cerknica (Cerkniško jezero) and a half ple as early as 1537 and a century and foreign, were later scientists, both Slovene behaviour. attempting to explain this strange land to be the enabled This seasonal change fishing. We now used for both farming and is the rise on know that the simple explanati floodwater the and fall of the water table, and then ing out from underground passages problem returning into them. A practical blocked the occurred when tree branches ng solution was entrances and a civil engineeri th devised in the 19 century. Slovenski kras in jame v preteklosti Slov ene Cars t and Cave s in the Past Trevor Sh aw | A len k a Ču k Fishing through the ice at Rešeto on Cerkniško jezero in 1714, an oil painting by Steinberg in Narodni muzej, Ljubljana, inventory no. 781 Kraške jame, pa tudi posebna in zanimiva slovenska pokrajina – kras – že stoletja privlačijo obiskovalce. A vendar je bilo v preteklih stoletjih le peščici dano občudo vati najrazličnejše kraške formacije in pri sluhniti bučečim podzemeljskim rekam. Kar nekaj obiskovalcev je izkušnje in opaža nja zapisalo v dnevnike in jih v tiskani obliki celo objavilo. V knjigi, ki je plod dolgolet nega angleško-slovenskega sodelovanja (svetovno znanega preučevalca zgodovine speleologije in slovenske zgodovinarke), so povzeti njihova opažanja in vtisi, dopol njeni z ilustracijami oziroma s fotografi jami iz tistega časa. Nepreklicno naročam Nepreklicno naročam Ime in priimek / ustanova Naslov Datum Dobo modernega turizma je začel Tho mas Cook, ki je prve organizirane skupine v Postojnsko jamo pripeljal leta 1868. V tej jami že vrsto let prirejajo glasbene oziroma plesne prireditve. To je le en vidik odnosa med človekom in jamo, ki ga obravnava knjiga. V 39 poglavjih spoznamo na pri mer težave, s katerimi so se spoprijemali obiskovalci jam pred uvedbo železnice, iz vemo, da je ena izmed pionirk – raziskovalk jam – raziskovala prav Škocjanske jame, da so živali, ki jih najdemo v slovenskih jamah, pritegnile pozornost samega Darwina in še veliko več. izvodov knjige Slovenski kras in jame v preteklosti po ceni 30€ (po izidu 49€) izvodov knjige Slovene Carst and Caves in the Past po ceni 30€ (po izidu 49€) podpis Način plačila: Kupnino poravnam s položnico Kupnino poravnam z nakazilom / plačilom predračuna prek banke Kupnino poravnam s kreditno kartico (priložite podatke o kartici) prednaročila sprejemamo do 15. 6. 2015 Naročeno mi pošljite po pošti (poštnina znaša 3,4 €) Naročeno prevzamem osebno v Knjigarni Azil, Novi trg 2, Ljubljana (datum izida sporoči založnik) Naročilnico pošljite po pošti: Založba ZRC, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana ali na e-poštni na naslov: [email protected] Telefon: 01/470 64 65, Faks: 01/425 7794 IUvod 1Kras 2 Kraške reke na prvih zemljevidih 3 So argonavti prečkali slovenski kras pod zemljo? 4 Nekaj zelo nenavadnih »načrtov« jam (okoli 1750) 5 Potovanje na kras 6 Gostilne na krasu 7 Biologi na obisku 8 Proteus in človek (in Darwin) 9 Kapniki iz slovenskih jam, namenjeni prodaji, preučevanju in javnemu predstavljanju 10Množična proizvodnja podob – leporelli, reklamne kartice, razglednice in medalje II Cerkniško jezero in Rakov Škocjan 11 Cerkniško jezero in kako je postalo slavno 12Prve razlage obnašanja jezera 13Cerkniško jezero in njegove jame 14Rakov Škocjan 15Regulacija poplavljanja kraških polj in Viljem Putick IIIPostojnska jama 16Raziskovanje in merjenje v Postojnski jami 17Obiskovalci v Postojnski jami pred letom 1818 18Obiskovalci Postojnske jame po letu 1818 19Thomas Cook in turistični paketi 20Postojnska jama v poljudnih knjigah 19. stoletja 21Jamski vodiči in njihove svetilke 22Električna razsvetljava v Postojnski jami 23Podzemna železnica v Postojnski jami 24Grottenfest 25Glasba in Postojnska jama 26Slikarji v Postojnski jami 27Čisto prve fotografije Postojnske jame 28Podzemna poštna urada v Postojnski jami 29Druge jame postojnskega jamskega sistema: Črna jama, Pivka jama in Otoška jama 30Ivan Andrej Perko IVŠkocjanske jame, Vilenica 31Škocjan in tamkajšnji udornici 32Raziskovanje Škocjanskih jam 33Škocjanske jame za turiste 34Škocjanske jame leta 1891 – izlet Planinskega društva 35Poldi Fuhrich v Škocjanskih jamah med letoma 1921 in 1922 36Jama Vilenica V Nekatere druge jame 37Planinska jama 38Jama pod Predjamskim gradom 39Sveta jama, Križna jama in Dimnice
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