MEEZAN BANK LIMITED In order to comply with Bank's obligations as prescribed by CDD/ KYC/ AML/CFT Laws of Federal Government of Pakistan as well as those of the Central Bank (State Bank of Pakistan) we filled-up the questionnaire. "Scheduled aThe Scheduled Estate •MEEZAN Bank was aSITE, Islamic IIIin \~ as hlCh Institution is not Shell Bank* BANK LIMITED Bank The was 1984. Official Website Address: (anot untn does maintain Shell Banks Taxation External Auditor: Identification No: 0787226-7 Karachi, Avenue, granted The bank was incorporated Pakistan onFerguson January foraccounts Meezan House C-25, Legal Principal Place of Business (Address): 1I:8JYes 1 2002 regulated tinandal sen' u • that Name of Institution: State Banking Is there Bank License of any Pakistan Regulatory No: (Central Authority Bank) Name of Local Licensing Authority State and Bank of January Pakistan (Central Bank) ~lrna'1agemen'), http:/ /for &and Co. Chartered Accountants p t1w A.F. BL-01Dated: 31, DNo I:8JYes Section I Status: -Ordinance, General Information • 1987. Certificate of Commencement of Business was 5 6 ment Finance Company on rcial Bank from March 20, 2002. cense on January 31, 2002 formally and commenced operations 1 rlision. Institution? issued as August permitted on 8, September 1997 under and carried 29, SRO 1997. 585(1)/87 out investment dated banking July 13, Companies 27, 1997 as a public limited company under the Bank Arrangements * ':;hell HallA n'l'ans 1 n,m" that has no ph, <;lCd! prt"ienlt' ('11Ine 1 Please indicate Stock Exchange Name(s) & Symbol(s) on which shares are traded: The shares of Meezan Bank are listed on Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). The symbol code is 'MEBL'. 2 Major Shareholding Name and Domicile Noor Financial Investment Pakistan Ltd. Kuwait Investment Islamic Development I\n "Ol-Vnlr Co. (Pvt.) Bank, Jeddah OJ legal l 30% Direct 9.32% Direct Ch\ l'i ur t dt, dill'cth b interests in the I sntutior X'V)1 0.; securities or otht r V) 3 (5% and above) Names of all owners** and their ownership Ownership interest Nature of eM (direct/indirect) 49.11 % Direct Co, Kuwait It\ Have there been any significant changes in ownership over the last five years? If yes, please provide details: Noor Financial Investment Company, Kuwait acquired 33.41 % shareholding of the Bank during the period of last five years. interest: ownership l lPt l I:8JYes DNo 4 DNo Are there any Politically Exposed Persons*** among your I:8JYes Institution's ownership structure and executive mana ement? If es, lease rovide details name and role: HE. Sheikh Ebrahim Bin Khalifa AI-Khalifa is the Chairman of Board of Trustees of Arab Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship Kingdom of Bahrain. Politic,.! \ eithu domesticall} and Investment Training for United Nations Industrial )erspns (PEPs) are indi\ i Juab \\ hl> .ll or b\ rl foreign co[ nb \, or In an intl',t'dtl of governll'ent, "~'1 or pol!tic.ans, se.lIor gO\ er'1m~ nt, J. l state owped coq'(lratIOnsj departm 'nts/ .lUtonOmOlJ'i 'Oll ll1 \: [duals i 1 till tnregomg Cc'tl'gone'i ranking or 11P l J P1" ntrusted tor l em 1 l r llll.ItctTVotfic iab, 'iel I 1.S (toes not mtt III ,( Please provide the principal types of Business Activity a) b) c) Islamic Commercial Corporate CommercialjSME Banking d) Consumer e) f) Investment Banking Retail Banking g) On Line Banking & Trade Services , Banking ~~ Terrorist and AML for and tothe Officer designated a Financial that is prevent Money Laundering AML compliance program require approvalprogram oflaws the Compliance Does the DNo FI a Institution's legal and regulatory compliance coordinating overseeing the FI have developed written documenting Has the (FI)policies country established I:8JYes 2 4 which has been3 approved1 senior by management? management of the FI? that has been approved by nd report senior suspicious transactions ~~~~. Organization, \\ ith proml ~ent p" ,Ii, '1 ganization, Section IV - Business Activity 1 Development f •• ll "tion<, Il al 0.; of C,tdtl eXll.t \ es It ( \ el middle dit by ose In the addition tthe o by FI the Does with inspections 5 have government Is and directed FI fully have compliant byPayable-through appropriate Central with (State therecord Bank FATF accounts? of retention recommendations Payable-through procedures as policies covering relationships D No Does the the DNo FI FI offer require anonymous that details its Bank for AML accounts? outgoing policies wire and transactions, practices ~No ~Yes ~Yes DYesbe ~Yes 6 7 policies and on a regular basis? 10 associates? 8 9 function or other independent third party (10 after temlination of Relationship) thirdYears parties topractices transact business on their own that behalfassesses AML 12 Section II - Risk Assessment 13 Does the FI have a risk focused assessment of its customer base and transactions of its customers? ~Yes 14 Does the FI determine the appropriate level of enhanced due ~Yes diligence necessary for those categories of customers and transactions that the FI has reason to believe pose a heightened risk of illicit activities at or through the FI? of well the understand Does FI collect information assess FI customer's the FI to tand he normal risk customers based onidentification street name as asrequirement the address, nationality, number, identification, Has Does telephone the the FI FIimplemented have procedures systems toand establish for the aitsrecord for of each its have athe toCustomer, collect information take steps DNo ~Yes ~Yes ~Yes Section Know Your Due Diligence and Enhanced of number and name, 18 and Know Your Customer Information collected at account 16 17 type official 19 rth, of valid recorded transactions, account opening, etc. (for example; nts 15 opening? III - DNo DNo Due Diligence Section IV - Reportable Transactions and Prevention & Detection of Transactions with Illegally Obtained Funds 20 Does the FI have policies or practices for the identification and reporting of transactions that are required to be reported to the authorities? ~Yes DNo V ks at es 23 22 with the are that banks 21 properly correspondent FI to the Wolfsberg Transparency Principles Does FIadhere have policies policies reasonably ensurethat that it only DNo have totoreasonably ensure they will [gIYes [gIYes and MT 205j205COV message formats? through any of its accounts or products? Section V - Transaction Monitoring 24 29 26 28 27 Does the FI have a monitoring program for suspicious or unusual activity that covers funds transfers and monetary instruments (such as travellers checks, money orders, etc.)? Does FItheDoes to employees FIemploy provide AML training relevant employees regarding FI retain records ofcommunicate its training sessions including have policies toto new AML related provide training the FI agents carry outtosome of the functions DNo [gINo [gIYes [gIYes DYes Section VI -the AMi Training 25 laundering? different must products be and reported forms services of tomoney and government internal laundering policies authorities, involving to prevent examples the money FI's of to relevant employees? [gIYes DNo I hereby confirm that the statements given above are true and correct. I also confirm that I am authorized to complete this document. _________ S_a_le_e_m_w_a_f_a_i Date: Official Contact Address: Telephone No(s): E-mail Address: ~[]J-· October, 2014 Meezan House C-25, Estate Avenue, SITE Area, Karachi, Pakistan +92-21-38103578 saleem. [email protected] Please send queries to: [email protected] (OR) via fax number: (+92-21)(36406046) (OR) via courier to the following postal address: Compliance Division Meezan Bank Limited Meezan House C-25, Estate Avenue, SITE Area, Karachi, Pakistan. _
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