Questions and answers relating to open procurement procedure – Eudravigilance... management – EMA/2014/30/BD

23 October 2014
Questions and answers relating to open procurement procedure – Eudravigilance data
management – EMA/2014/30/BD
Table of contents
Questions and answers ............................................................................... 2
Document history........................................................................................ 4
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An agency of the European Union
© European Medicines Agency, 2014. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Questions and answers
Our software factory is located in one of the EU member states and we would
The majority of the work will be performed at the contractor’s
like to know the possibilities that exist to develop fully or partially the project
premises using EMA tools; however a tracking tool for the work
from our installations.
is expected to be developed by the contractor. Was your
organisation successful, you could perform your work at your
Regarding the question above, we would like to know if you already have
Estimates for the workload and person-hours are included in
estimation about the profiles to include in the project and the effort
the technical specifications, available from the above link or at
man/month, man days or man/ hours per profile Intramuros and Extramuros.
Section 4 (Participation in the tender; pg. 19) of ‘Technical specifications’
Yes, a joint tender is permitted by EMA for this procurement
document refers only to the possibility of subcontracting (Section 4.2). However
there are several references to ‘Joint Tenders’ (in Sections 12, 13, 14 and 15)
in the same document. EMA’s “guidebook for tenderers” also mentions about
joint tenders and subcontracting as two options for collaborating with other
companies - in Section 5.
Therefore, if we wished to collaborate with another organisation, could you
please confirm if a joint tender will be allowed by the EMA?
Our organisation is registered in a country that does not have a public
Tenderers must meet the requirements in section 4.1 of the
procurement agreement with the European Union. However, we are considering
specifications, namely must be from the EU Member States,
collaborating with another organisation which does meet the public
EEA countries and any other country which has an international
procurement requirement. In such a case, must both tenderers be from
agreement with the Union in the field of public procurement.
countries which have a public procurement agreement, or will it be sufficient if
This applies to all tenderers, including all joint tenderers. If a
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only one of the tenderers meets this requirement? We ask because, in a joint
joint tender is successful then one contract will be signed with
tender, we believe that only one contract will be signed/required by the EMA.
all joint tenderers unless a Power of Attorney is in place
authorising one tenderer to sign on behalf of the others.
However, this does not change the requirement in section 4.1.
Please also confirm if both the tenderers are required to send in the “Tender
For a joint tender it is sufficient to send one tender
acknowledgement form” in case of joint tender? Or if it is sufficient that only
acknowledgement form.
one of the tenderers submits this form?
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Document history
Questions 1 - 5
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