Chemical Reaction Rate Jean Brainard, Ph.D. Say Thanks to the Authors

Chemical Reaction Rate
Jean Brainard, Ph.D.
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Printed: November 5, 2013
Jean Brainard, Ph.D.
Concept 1. Chemical Reaction Rate
Chemical Reaction Rate
• Define chemical reaction rate.
• Identify factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions.
Sodium reacts violently with water. That’s what is happening in the picture above. Why does sodium have such
explosive reactions? It’s because the reactions occur so quickly.
How Fast Does It Go?
How fast a chemical reaction occurs is called the reaction rate. Several factors affect the rate of a given chemical
reaction. They include the:
temperature of reactants.
concentration of reactants.
surface area of reactants.
presence of a catalyst.
At the following URL, you can see animations showing how these factors affect the rate of chemical reactions.
Temperature of Reactants
When the temperature of reactants is higher, the rate of the reaction is faster. At higher temperatures, particles of
reactants have more energy, so they move faster. As a result, they are more likely to bump into one another and to
collide with greater force. For example, food spoils because of chemical reactions, and these reactions occur faster
at higher temperatures (see the bread on the left in the Figure 1.1). This is why we store foods in the refrigerator or
freezer (like the bread on the right below in the Figure 1.1). The lower temperature slows the rate of spoilage.
Concentration of Reactants
Concentration is the number of particles of a substance in a given volume. When the concentration of reactants is
higher, the reaction rate is faster. At higher concentrations, particles of reactants are crowded closer together, so they
are more likely to collide and react. Did you ever see a sign like the one in the Figure 1.2? You might see it where
someone is using a tank of pure oxygen for a breathing problem. Combustion, or burning, is a chemical reaction in
which oxygen is a reactant. A greater concentration of oxygen in the air makes combustion more rapid if a fire starts
Q: It is dangerous to smoke or use open flames when oxygen is in use. Can you explain why?
A: Because of the higher-than-normal concentration of oxygen, the flame of a match, lighter, or cigarette could
spread quickly to other materials or even cause an explosion.
Surface Area of Reactants
When a solid substance is involved in a chemical reaction, only the matter at the surface of the solid is exposed to
other reactants. If a solid has more surface area, more of it is exposed and able to react. Therefore, increasing the
surface area of solid reactants increases the reaction rate. Look at the hammer and nails pictured in the Figure 1.3.
Both are made of iron and will rust when the iron combines with oxygen in the air. However, the nails have a greater
surface area, so they will rust faster.
Presence of a Catalyst
Some reactions need extra help to occur quickly. They need another substance called a catalyst. A catalyst is a
substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction. A catalyst isn’t a reactant, so it isn’t changed or used up in
the reaction. Therefore, it can catalyze many other reactions.
• How fast a chemical reaction occurs is called the reaction rate.
• Several factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction, including the temperature, concentration, and surface
area of reactants, and the presence of a catalyst.
• catalyst: Substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction but is not changed or used up in the reaction.
• reaction rate: Speed at which a chemical reaction occurs.
Concept 1. Chemical Reaction Rate
Watch the video about reaction rate at the following URL, and then answer the questions below.
1. What is collision theory?
2. How does collision theory relate to factors that affect reaction rate?
1. Define reaction rate.
2. List factors that influence the rate of a chemical reaction.
3. Choose one of the factors you listed in your answer to question 2, and explain how it affects reaction rate.
1. Left: Ciar; Right: Jeff Keacher. . Left: Public Domain; Right: CC BY 2.0
2. CK-12 Foundation. . CC BY-NC 3.0
3. Left: Flickr:thefixer; Right: Flickr:internets_dairy. . CC BY 2.0