How to STOP Graffiti Guide A practical resource for territorial authorities, schools, businesses and private residents. Prepared by the Ministry of Justice Acknowledgements This publication was developed by the Crime Prevention Unit of the Ministry of Justice through funding provided to the Tag Out Trust, Waitakere City. The development of the Graffiti Guide was managed by Iris Donoghue from Tag Out Trust. The Guide was written by Fay Freeman from Freeman Associates Limited with the illustrations and graphic design provided by Yvette Harris from Elusive Design. The project team provided invaluable input into the development of the Guide. Members of the project team were: Iris Donoghue Tag Out Trust – Managing Trustee Graeme Bakker Manukau Beautification Trust – General Manager Stewart AndrewsAuckland Regional Graffiti Free Project – Project Coordinator Claire Milne Christchurch City Council – Community Development Advisor Jane Cullimore Timaru District Council – Project Manager, Safer Communities Lesley Daly Ministry of Justice – Policy Manager, Crime Prevention Unit Abby Thornley Ministry of Justice – Community Advisor, Crime Prevention Unit Marama Paki Ministry of Justice – Senior Community Advisor, Crime Prevention Unit Disclaimer Neither the Crime Prevention Unit of the Ministry of Justice nor any other individual or organisation involved in the preparation of the Graffiti Guide accepts any liability for loss or damage arising to any organisation from the use of the information contained in this Guide. The examples, key messages and information presented in this Guide are representative examples of the ways in which a territorial authority, community group or individual might respond to the challenge of graffiti vandalism. They are presented for the purpose of illustration only, and are in no way a statement of how particular issues or decisions must be dealt with. Your use of this Guide constitutes acceptance of the contents of this disclaimer. Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Graffiti Vandalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ What is Graffiti Vandalism?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Who Does Graffiti Vandalism?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Why Does Graffiti Vandalism Occur?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 The STOP Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ Enforcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 6 What should I/we do if we find graffiti vandalism?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ■ Reporting Graffiti Vandalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 ■ Assessing Graffiti Vandalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ■ Removing Graffiti Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 ■ Protecting the Surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ■ Preventing Graffiti Vandalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 ■ Decision Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ■ Historic Places Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Now What?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ■ Graffiti Eradication Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ■ Best Practice Management Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ■ Media Coverage of Graffiti Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ■ Best Practice Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ■ Graffiti Eradication Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19 ■ Mediums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 What Resources are available to me? ■ Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ■ Informative Websites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ■ Local Authorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 References ■ Appendix A: ■ Appendix B: ■ Appendix C: ■ Appendix D: Ideas from Territorial Authorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Graffiti Management Toolbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-26 Best Practice Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 Hutt Valley Graffiti Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 2 Introduction Graffiti vandalism1 has become a major problem for almost all New Zealand territorial authorities. Ugly scrawls deface the walls and structures of our cities and towns. Graffiti Vandalism STOP The STOP Strategy2 defines graffiti vandalism in the same way as the Summary Offences Act 1981: Graffiti Vandalism in the act of a person damaging or defacing any building, structure, road, tree, property, or other thing by writing, drawing, painting, spraying or etching on it, or otherwise marking it – They can also be found on roads, bridges and road signs throughout the country and in some places they have even appeared on rocks and cliff faces. The cost to territorial authorities, infrastructure providers and businesses is substantial. In 2006 it was estimated that $5 million was being spent annually on cleaning up graffiti in Auckland alone. The STOP Graffiti Guide is a practical resource for everyone who is affected in some way by graffiti vandalism. The Guide describes best practice methods of eradicating graffiti vandalism in order to deter and/or minimise opportunities for graffiti vandalism. Eradication methods include painting over, removal with chemicals, cleaning off and replacement. 1 Know How - Beat Graffiti Guide 2006, Local Government New Zealand What is Graffiti Vandalism? (a) Without lawful authority; and (b) Without the consent of the occupier or owner or other person in lawful control. Posting notices and bills on street lamps and other places without authority falls within the scope of Section 33 of the Summary Offences Act 1981. Posting notices and bills is not part of the Graffiti Guide focus and issues relating to posters and notices should be referred to the territorial authority that may have by-laws that provide controls over this activity. 2 The STOP Strategy, P24 3 STOP Who does graffiti vandalism? STOP There is very little New Zealand specific research on graffiti culture. However, the experience of territorial authorities in New Zealand is that graffiti vandalism is usually committed by people with the following characteristics3: Why does graffiti vandalism occur? The Dictionary of Art4 says that graffiti vandalism has three distinct genres: 1) The first is “individualised or popular graffiti including bathroom wall marking (latrinalia), signatures, proclamations of love, witty comments in response to advertisements and any number of individual, political or social commentary (folk epigraphy)”. 2) The second genre is gang graffiti. This is used as markers by gangs and consists of cryptic codes and initials rigidly styled with specialised calligraphies. Gang graffiti is used to indicate group membership, to distinguish enemies and allies and to mark boundaries which are both territorial and ideological. According to the Dictionary this type of graffiti may merge with other art forms like tattoo and clothing styles to create a bounded system “the concerns of which may incorporate illegitimate economic and social practices that branch far beyond the reaches of the actual graffiti”. 3) The third genre of graffiti, graffiti art, is commonly called “hip-hop” or “New York style” graffiti and derives from a tradition of subway graffiti that originated in New York during the 1970s. This type of graffiti has spread to large urban centres around the USA and the rest of the world. Aged 10 to 29 years (predominantly 12-19 years) Any ethnicity, culture, gender and socio-economic background Employed and unemployed; in school and truants Children of stable and unstable families Students, artists and political activists In New Zealand graffiti vandalism incorporates all three genres and the trends change over time5. Prior to 2006 most tagging was road facing graffiti on residential fences and minor shopping centres. By the end of 2006 the trend changed to high visibility locations high up on buildings and above shop awnings. Early 2006 also saw an explosion in scratching and etching of windows in bus stops and small shopping centres. The end of 2007 brought an increase in tagging on trucks and vehicles which had been hardly heard of the previous year. In 2008 there was an unprecedented number of reports of graffiti on private residential houses and garages. This may be because private property is not covered under most graffiti removal contracts and the graffiti vandalism perpetrators want maximum exposure. Beat Graffiti – Know How Workshop hosted by Local Government New Zealand and the Crime Prevention Unit, Ministry of Justice, 16 August 2006. 3 4 5 Graffiti Definition: The Dictionary of Art: Tag Out Trust, Waitakere City, September 2008 4 The STOP Strategy The STOP Strategy was developed by the Crime Prevention Unit of the Ministry of Justice in September 2008. The Strategy includes an amendment to the Summary Offences Act 1981 and the Crimes Act 1961. The STOP Graffiti Guide is based on the STOP Strategy Graffiti Vandalism Intervention Framework of prevention, management and enforcement. Enforcing the law is primarily the responsibility of the Police (with support from territorial authorities), so this Guide focuses mainly on management and prevention. The STOP Strategy recognises that many people display considerable artistic talent and can express this via graffiti style graphics. However, if in the course of this “expression” they mark or damage someone else’s property without permission, it is a crime. STOP PREVENTION Crime Prevention is the anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk and the initiation of some action to reduce the likelihood the crime will occur. Crime prevention also involves the promotion of activities, attitudes and behaviours that create and maintain safe communities where crime cannot thrive6. The goals of graffiti vandalism prevention initiatives are to reduce the number of people engaging in graffiti vandalism and reduce the amount of graffiti vandalism being perpetrated in New Zealand communities. Prevention strategies may include education in schools (the Ministry of Education is developing curriculum materials), publicity about the negative impacts of graffiti vandalism on a community, or encouraging people to report suspicious behaviour in their community to the Police. EDUCATION STOP PUBLICITY AWARENESS VIGILANCE IN REPORTING MANAGEMENT Management of graffiti vandalism involves: assessing the graffiti vandalism; removing the vandalism; protecting surfaces against further vandalism; and preventing vandalism from reoccurring. Graffiti vandalism management is everyone’s responsibility including: householders, retailers, business park landlords and tenants, utility companies, education providers, community groups, transport operators, and territorial authorities. ASSESS REMOVE PROTECT SURFACE PREVENT KEY MESSAGE The concept of a legal graffiti wall does not fit with the Government’s legislative stance on the sale and possession of spray paint cans to minors. In effect, a legal graffiti wall would send contradictory messages to young people. 6 The STOP Strategy, p12 5 STOP ENFORCEMENT Graffiti vandalism is a crime. The legal framework for graffiti vandalism enforcement is the Summary Offences Act 1981, as amended by the Summary Offences (Tagging and Graffiti Vandalism) Amendment Act 2008, and the Crimes Act 1961. Under the Summary Offences (Tagging and Graffiti Vandalism) Amendment Act, Judges can require offenders to undertake community work such as cleaning up tagging and graffiti vandalism. The maximum penalty for graffiti vandalism is a $2,000 fine and/or a community based sentence. The Act also prohibits the sale of spray cans to under 18 year olds and restricts physical access to spray cans in stores so that the public cannot access them without the assistance of a shop employee. A person who sells spray cans to under 18 year olds commits an offence punishable by a fine of up to $1,500. The Crimes Act 1961, Section 269(2) – intentional damage provides penalties of a prison term up to seven years for intentionally damaging property. Neither the Summary Offences Act nor the Crimes Act name any agency as specifically responsible for enforcing those Acts. Therefore, either the Police, territorial authorities, or potentially any other relevant agency, can investigate and prosecute graffiti offences. KEY MESSAGES The STOP Strategy7 emphasises that graffiti enforcement action should not unnecessarily bring children and youth into the formal criminal justice system. The Government expects that the Police will take primary enforcement responsibility for the following sections of the Summary Offences Act: 11 Wilful damage offences 11AGraffiti vandalism offences 11B Graffiti implement possession offences. The Government expects that territorial authorities will take primary enforcement and compliance monitoring responsibility for the following sections of the Summary Offences Act: 14AProhibition of spray can sales to under 18 year olds offence 14B Physical restriction of access to spray cans in shops offence. Collaboration between agencies is a key to effective enforcement (notably Police and Territorial Authorities). Community work, where graffiti offenders may actually remove graffiti vandalism from communities, is likely to be an appropriate penalty for many offenders. Wherever possible, victims’ needs should be considered as part of the enforcement process – various means of compensation and restitution can be applied (including participation in a restorative justice process). STOP NEW FUNDING As part of the STOP Strategy, new funding has been provided to support anti-graffiti vandalism initiatives. $2 million per year for three years will be provided to support community action to combat graffiti vandalism including small initiatives, contestable funding and restorative justice for victims of tagging and graffiti vandalism and the offenders responsible. 7 The STOP Strategy, p30 - 35 6 What should we do if we find graffiti vandalism? STOP REPORTING GRAFFITI VANDALISM Graffiti vandalism must be easy to report otherwise the public will not do so. This means the public must have access to the right information on whom to phone or email if they see graffiti vandalism either after the event or whilst it is is occurring. Members of the public must also have confidence that when graffiti is reported it will be removed promptly. Ensure personal safety first. Do not approach or photograph an offender. Wait until the graffiti vandal is out of the immediate area before taking a photo of the vandalism. Be sure to note a detailed description of the offender. STOP BEST PRACTICE REPORTING GUIDELINES ■ Establish a graffiti hotline 0800 number, e.g. at a local authority call centre that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ■ Advertise this service widely so that all residents know who to contact. ■ Ensure call centre staff are fully trained and a Frequently Asked Questions system for graffiti vandalism is in place. ■ Develop a standardised graffiti reporting form to ensure consistency in gathering relevant and important information. ■ Photograph all incidences of graffiti vandalism and record them in a master database connected through the call centre to the Police call centre to match graffiti vandalism tags. Take Photo ■ Analyse graffiti vandal behaviour in order to build a record of where graffiti vandalism is occurring, when it is occurring and which tagger/s are doing it. Telephone ■ Target prolific taggers and hot spots identified through the database. ■ Use the graffiti vandalism analysis to provide evidence for prosecutions. Text/Pixt Email 7 STOP LONGER-TERM OPTIONS FOR REPORTING GRAFFITI VANDALISM8 ■ Establish a fully automated reporting and recording process via a web based system with the ability to integrate voice, text messaging and website reporting with police recording systems. www POLICE RECORDING SYSTEM assessing graffiti vandalism When graffiti vandalism is reported it is important to firstly assess: ■ The type of surface on which the graffiti is located. ■ The graffiti instrument/s that have been used. ■ The removal method options available. ■ The amount of graffiti. ■ Environmental factors such as the height at which the graffiti vandalism is located. STOP REMOVING GRAFFITI VANDALISM Removing graffiti is the responsibility of property owners and managers including: residents; retailers; business park landlords; utility companies; education providers; school caretakers; transport operators (e.g. rail); territorial authorities; private graffiti removal companies and community groups contracted by territorial authorities to remove graffiti. ■ Establish an electronic reporting form which has the capacity to include both digital imaging and Global Positioning System codes that will simultaneously be forwarded to contracted cleaners for rapid removal. ■ Ensure all graffiti incidents, together with picture evidence, can be reported to a central point using a diverse range of technologies and automatically processed through to Police and contractors for follow up action. STOP The removal of graffiti vandalism requires a number of decisions to be made, including the most appropriate removal method and the ease of removal (i.e. the time and effort it will take to remove). The most effective strategy against graffiti vandalism is to remove it as quickly as possible and to persist in removing it. Removal of graffiti vandalism should be done as quickly as possible because: ■ Solvents dissolve paint more easily if it is not completely dried and hardened. ■ The appearance of the property and the neighbourhood is improved making it less likely to attract further graffiti vandalism. CENTRAL POINT ■ Graffiti vandals will be deprived of the reward and satisfaction of recognition. FOLLOW-UP Graffiti Vandalism Reduction Strategy 2007 – 2010, Office of Crime Prevention, Western Australia Police, p11 8 8 Paint Over: The most common and relatively cheapest form of removing graffiti vandalism. Using dark colours is recommended to avoid a shadow or ghosting effect. Try to keep the colour palette to a minimum to minimise costs and time spent matching paint colours. KEY MESSAGE A Service Level Agreement drawn up between all those parties responsible for graffiti removal will assist in providing a “clean street” approach to graffiti management by helping ensure a consistent approach to the timely removal of graffiti vandalism. Removing with Chemicals Clean Off Replacement For personal safety reasons this method requires care as well as an understanding and some training in the use of chemicals. This is because some substances may create a shadow or ghosting effect on certain surfaces when the graffiti is removed. As safe standards for graffiti removal and the use of appropriate chemicals are essential, it is important to seek expert help. Problems can occur when unapproved chemicals are used for graffiti removal in public places such as schools or community buildings. Some territorial authorities provide graffiti removal kits. These may include graffiti remover, safety glasses, gloves, instructions and safety information. This includes the use of sand and soda blasting. This option is more expensive than either painting over or removing with chemicals. All territorial authorities must ensure that the abrasive removal or covering of graffiti vandalism is not treated as a permitted activity under the Resource Management Act 1991. Removing graffiti vandalism should be clearly stated in regional and district plans as a non-complying or prohibited activity in relation to historic heritage. The definitions of repair and maintenance in relation to listed historic heritage in regional and district plans require review in this regard. The abrasive cleaning of graffiti vandalism should be clearly defined as “damage” and should trigger resource consent. May be more cost effective when dealing with signage or where the damage cannot be painted over, chemically removed or cleaned off. Successful community initiatives for removing graffiti include the following: ■ Assisting neighbours in removal, especially if they are less mobile. ■ Community clean up days. KEY MESSAGE Property Owners (including businesses, schools, utility companies, transport companies and territorial authorities) should establish a consistent policy for removal of graffiti. Best practice is to remove graffiti on priority areas such as streets subjected to high pedestrian traffic within six hours and routine areas within 24 hours. ■ The Neat Street Programme: Through the use of Neat Street awards the community is encouraged to take pride in where they live, liaise with their neighbours and enter to win one of six ‘Neat Street’ signs which is attached to the lamp post at the beginning of the street. Ask your local authority for more information. ■ “Adopting” a wall, signal box, phone box, fence, etc. 9 STOP PROTECTING THE SURFACE STOP PREVENTING GRAFFITI VANDALISM Decisions need to be made by the appropriate person (owner, manager etc.) about how the surface can be protected to prevent further graffiti vandalism from occurring. Finally, decisions need to be made on the best methods to prevent further graffiti vandalism from occurring. High value surfaces will require the advice of specialist, professional operators to determine the best ways in which to protect the surface and remove graffiti vandalism. For example, large civic buildings such as the Auckland Town Hall or heritage sites such as the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Wellington need both expert protection and expert removal to avoid damage to the surfaces. Changing the environment so no further graffiti vandalism occurs is the responsibility of territorial authorities, business park landlords, utility companies, transport operators and private residents. A very effective crime prevention strategy is application of CPTED principles (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). The term CPTED was coined by Dr C. Ray Jeffrey in the early 1970s, who described it as follows: “CPTED is the proper design and effective use of the built environment that can lead to a reduction in the form and incidence of crime and improvement in the quality of life”. Because the market for specialist graffiti protection and removal is small in New Zealand, there are very few professionals available with the experience and expertise to determine the most appropriate protective coatings taking into account the surface substrate (natural stone, concrete, painted surfaces, signage), aesthetics, hit-risk and frequency, and preferred maintenance methods. CPTED seeks to reduce opportunities for crime through the design and management of built and landscaped environments. Areas that are subject to constant graffiti vandalism can increase fear and disorder in the local community and distort perceptions about the actual level of crime and safety10. There are companies that are recognised market leaders in graffiti protection and removal that provide services on a New Zealand-wide basis. Contact the territorial authority for advice on who you should contact for advice. The larger paint companies in New Zealand also offer advice on protective surfaces and graffiti removal. VIRGINIA CREEPER SCREEN BUSHES & TREE PLANTING TEXTURED SURFACE GOOD LIGHTING The potential for graffiti to occur can be reduced by creating surfaces and modifying settings that interfere with offenders’ perception of a wall or space as an empty and inviting “blank canvas” waiting to be filled. For example: ■ The use of Virginia Creeper or tree planting will eliminate a blank wall. ■ Protected wall murals will fill a blank space. ■ The use of rough cast materials. ■ Good lighting will discourage graffiti vandalism. ■ Planting screen bushes or trees will protect a fence. WALL MURALS 10 Graffiti Vandalism Reduction Strategy 2007 - 2010, Crime Prevention, Western Australia Police, p14 10 Territorial authorities have the opportunity and responsibility for ensuring public spaces are well designed as this can significantly reduce the level of crime and antisocial behaviour that occurs. The CPTED design theory takes into account the relationship between the physical environment and the users of that environment. The seven CPTED qualities for well designed, graffiti free places are: ■ Access: safe movement and connections. ■ Surveillance and sightlines: see and be seen. ■ Layout: clear and logical orientation. ■ Activity mix: eyes on the street. ■ Sense of ownership: showing a space is cared for. ■ Quality environments: well designed, managed and maintained environments. ■ Physical protection: using active security measures. The most iconic demonstration of the quality environments component of CPTED in New Zealand is the famous Hundertwasser toilets in Kawakawa, Northland. Frederick Hundertwasser worked with students from Bay of Islands College in the design. The finished product is a work of art, from the grass roof, to gold balls, ceramic tiles, bottle glass windows, mosaic tiling, copper handwork, cobblestone flooring, individual sculptures and a living tree integrated into the design structure. In simple language CPTED in practice with respect to prevention of graffiti involves: ■ Restricting access to the “canvas”. ■ Minimising solid vertical surface areas. ■ Using rough textures. ■ Improving lighting. ■ Improving natural surveillance. ■ Using protective coatings (professional advice needed). STOP ASSESS the graffiti vandalism to be removed surface eg. utility box/ wooden fence/ painted concrete etc. The Ministry of Justice is planning to develop CPTED guidelines focusing specifically on the prevention of graffiti vandalism ( environment implement used removal method amount of graffiti environmental factors (eg. height) eg. 4m above street level eg. paint over/ chemical remover/ clean off/ replacement etc. eg. spray can/ permanent marker/ sticker etc. (area of graffiti that needs to be removed) eg. 4m2 REMOVE the graffiti vandalism eradication method best method of eradication eg. paint over it/ soda blast it etc. ease of eradication (time, effort) eg. ½ an hour with 3 people eradicating it are there options to protect the cleaned surface? eg. graffiti resistant paint/laminate etc. PREVENT the graffiti vandalism STOP KEY MESSAGE DECISION PROCESS other options other options for eradication eg. paint over it/ soda blast it etc. PROTECT the surface best method to prevent further vandalism eg. use of foliage / fencing / urban murals etc. ISSUES TO CONSIDER Issues to consider for graffiti vandalism eradication include, for example: ■ Permission from property owner required for removal. ■ If graffiti is old it will take twice as long to remove. ■ Fragile surfaces. ■ Historic structures, etc. 11 STOP HISTORIC PLACES TRUST Territorial authority staff and contractors must be familiar with the Historic Places Act 1993. The Historic Places Trust can be contacted for advice before any cleaning operations are carried out so that damage does not occur. Always check if the building (this includes a structure) is historic heritage: ■ Is the building listed in the regional or district plan? ■ Is the building registered by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust? ■ Is the building an archaeological site? Now What? STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION STRATEGY A graffiti vandalism strategy will outline the territorial authority’s approach to managing graffiti and can be developed once a territorial authority has an understanding of the extent of the graffiti vandalism problem. The STOP Strategy11 identifies the key questions that should be asked when developing such a strategy. The graffiti vandalism strategy should include the following: ■ Is the building included in another public heritage inventory? ■ If the building is historic heritage, the Historic Places Trust should be contacted for advice before any cleaning operations are carried out as the abrasive nature of the cleaning may damage the heritage values of the place. Historic Places Trust Heritage Advisers are available for consultation by contacting their offices in Kerikeri, Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Contact details can be found on the Historic Places Trust website: ■ A goal which sets a measurable target for the council so that council can evaluate progress more effectively. For larger buildings or groups of buildings (historic areas) the preparation of a graffiti management plan (or treatment plan) should involve Historic Places Trust consultation. A vision statement of the outcome the council is seeking. ■ Objectives which combine prevention, removal and enforcement approaches. ■ Methods to show how the strategy will be implemented. Once the extent of the problem has been assessed then an appropriate response can be formulated in the graffiti vandalism strategy. Suggestions and options for those dealing with the clean up and management of graffiti vandalism are included within this document. These can be used to guide development of a wider graffiti vandalism strategy that includes prevention, management and enforcement measures. In some instances (i.e. large graffiti treatment projects), owners or local authorities should seek the advice of a conservation architect. The conservation architect should ideally be a member of the New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials (NZCCM): – (note many practising conservation architects are not members of the NZCCM). For more information on dealing with places of historical significance that have been damaged by graffiti vandalism, contact your nearest Historic Places Trust office (see the web address above) or contact the Historic Places Trust National Office, Antrim House, 63 Boulcott Street, Wellington (phone (04) 472 4341). 11 The STOP Strategy, p18 12 KEY MESSAGES STOP BEST PRACTICE MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES 1. Prioritise – it is sometimes better to select areas where you can make a difference. ■ Undertake an audit to assess the scale of the local graffiti vandalism problem. 2. The most effective crime prevention strategies involve communities working together. ■ Work out what resources will be required to deal with the problem. ■ If insufficient resources are available, work out ways in which further resources can be found. ■ Clearly identify who is responsible for removing graffiti in which locations and, if possible, try and work collaboratively to ensure a removal standard is maintained. ■ Agree a standard time frame for removal of graffiti (this may vary depending on whether or not the graffiti is in a high profile location). ■ Remove the graffiti within the specified timeframe. 3. CPTED design principles are very effective at preventing or reducing graffiti vandalism occurring in town centres and along fence lines. 4. Promote the message that graffiti is not acceptable in your community. Effective graffiti vandalism prevention strategies may involve local businesses, schools, councils and community organisations working together to address specific issues. This may include: ■ Police ■ Keep New Zealand Beautiful ■ Neighbourhood support ■ Infrastructure providers ■ Retailers ■ Professional graffiti removal companies ■ Community groups ■ Community elders ■ Housing New Zealand ■ Education representatives ■ Maori wardens ■ Youth justice authorities ■ Truancy officers ■ Salvation Army ■ Youth representatives ■ Past graffiti vandalism offenders An example of a graffiti vandalism strategy is included in the appendices to give you some ideas and guidance on developing your own strategy. STOP media coverage of graffiti issues The STOP Strategy discourages the display of examples of graffiti vandalism in media, broadcasting or publicity materials as it is thought to encourage graffiti vandals by giving them the exposure they desire. STOP practice note When considering the use of campaign billboards as part of a community education strategy, be mindful that these can themselves quickly become a target for graffiti vandals. 13 STOP BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES13 ■ People Power: Improve the volume and quality of graffiti vandalism information by encouraging the public to report graffiti. ■ Getting the Facts: Establish and maintain accurate baseline data through improved graffiti incident reporting and recording. ■ Cooling Down Hot Spots: Improve the coordination and time taken to remove graffiti vandalism in local communities. ■ Safe and Smart: Ensure only the safest and most appropriate techniques and products are used in the removal of graffiti vandalism. ■ DIY Designing Out Graffiti: Make it more difficult and less appealing for offenders to commit graffiti vandalism by considering the materials and designs used in the built environment. ■ Breaking Bad Habits: Reduce the number of juveniles engaging in graffiti vandalism by assisting them to acquire, in an educational setting, the attributes of respect and responsibility. ■ Grants for Innovation: Provide financial assistance for innovative local graffiti reduction strategies. ■ Hot Spot Watching: Increase the quality and quantity of visual intelligence gathered to assist Police in the investigation of an offence and increase the likelihood of arrest. ■ The 3 Rs – Respect, Responsibility and Restoration: Make sure that juvenile graffiti offenders are made accountable to the community for their actions under a case managed approach. Graffiti Vandalism Reduction Strategy 2007 – 2010, Office of Crime Prevention, Western Australia Police, p8 13 Restroom in Hundertwasser Museum, Vienna 14 STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION TOOLKIT Brick Response Options for removal Ease of Cover-up Concrete ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sandblasting Pressure washing Soda-blasting Painting Buffing/polishing ■ Medium Easy, medium or difficult Ease of Removal What you can do/where you can go for help and action Options for removal ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sandblasting Pressure washing Soda-blasting Painting Sanding Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Ease of Removal ■ Difficult Easy, medium or difficult ■ Difficult Easy, medium or difficult Resources/Tips Response Easy, medium or difficult ■ After graffiti is removed from the brick surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. Resources/Tips What you can do/where you can go for help and action ■ After graffiti is removed from the concrete surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. 15 STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION TOOLKIT Metal Response Glass Options for removal ■ Cleaning with chemicals ■ Painting ■ Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Easy, medium or difficult Ease of Removal What you can do/where you can go for help and action Challenges Options for removal ■ Cleaning with chemicals (if marked) ■ Buffing/polishing ■ Replace (if etched) Ease of Cover-up ■ Not applicable Easy, medium or difficult ■ Easy to Medium Easy, medium or difficult Resources/Tips Response Ease of Removal Easy, medium or difficult ■ After graffiti is removed from the metal surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. Resources/Tips ■ Check with manufacturer or retailer that the chemical will remove the graffiti vandalism from the metal surface without leaving shadows or a ghosting effect. Challenges What you can do/where you can go for help and action ■ Medium (depending if graffiti is marked or etched) ■ After graffiti is removed from the glass surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. ■ Check with manufacturer or retailer that the chemical will remove the graffiti vandalism without leaving shadows or a ghosting effect. ■ Check with manufacturer whether the product is abrasive and will damage the glass surface. 16 STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION TOOLKIT Plastic Response Wood Options for removal ■ Cleaning with chemicals ■ Painting ■ Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Easy, medium or difficult Ease of Removal What you can do/where you can go for help and action Challenges Options for removal ■ Painting ■ Sanding ■ Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Ease of Removal ■ Difficult Easy, medium or difficult ■ Medium to difficult Easy, medium or difficult Resources/Tips Response Easy, medium or difficult ■ After graffiti is removed from the plastic surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. Resources/Tips What you can do/where you can go for help and action ■ After graffiti is removed from the wood surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. ■ Check with manufacturer or retailer that the chemical will remove the graffiti vandalism without leaving shadows or a ghosting effect. 17 STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION TOOLKIT Traffic Signs Plastic Rubbish Bins Response Response Options for removal ■ Cleaning with chemicals - solvents ■ Replacement ■ Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Easy, medium or difficult Ease of Removal ■ Medium Easy, medium or difficult Resources/Tips What you can do/where you can go for help and action Challenges Options for removal Ease of Cover-up ■ Cleaning with chemicals - solvents (methylated spirits) ■ Buffing/polishing Easy, medium or difficult ■ Possibly difficult - may discolour area cleaned Ease of Removal ■ Medium Easy, medium or difficult ■ After graffiti is removed from the sign, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. ■ An option to consider is the replacement of damaged signs. Resources/Tips What you can do/where you can go for help and action ■ After graffiti is removed from the bin surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. ■ Check with manufacturer or retailer that the chemical will remove the graffiti vandalism without leaving shadows or a ghosting effect. ■ Traffic signs may be reflectorised special paint will be needed. 18 STOP GRAFFITI ERADICATION TOOLKIT Footpaths Response Utility Boxes Options for removal ■ Sandblasting ■ Waterblasting ■ Soda-blasting Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Easy, medium or difficult Ease of Removal Easy, medium or difficult Response ■ Easy Options for removal ■ Painting ■ Buffing/polishing Ease of Cover-up ■ Easy Ease of Removal ■ Easy Easy, medium or difficult Easy, medium or difficult Resources/Tips What you can do/where you can go for help and action ■ After graffiti is removed from the utility box surface, apply an anti-graffiti laminate or paint to make future graffiti removal easier. ■ Utility companies should consider anti-graffiti measures during the manufacturing of utility boxes. ■ Painted murals are a good way to discourage graffiti vandalism. 19 Mediums Mediums used to cause graffiti vandalism: ■ Aerosol spray paint – including enamel, road marking, fluorescent and automotive touch-up paint and more. ■ Rocks, keys or anything that will etch and scratch glass. ■ Pens, pencils, chalk. ■ Graffiti art aerosol spray paint. ■ Felt tip markers – all shapes and sizes. ■ Liquid shoe polish. ■ Home made refillable markers (refilled with Indian ink). ■ Cigarette lighters to burn into ceilings and walls. ■ Paint in bags or water balloons – usually thrown from cars. ■Faeces – smeared on toilet walls in parks. ■ Standard water based paint – normal paint used for many household applications is used with rollers to do large tags that cover many square metres (called stompers by taggers). ■ Blood. ■ Mud and dirt. ■ Stickers – tag is written onto a sticker then applied to a surface. ■ Knives, pocket knives – used to carve into wooden structures. (Just about anything that can be used to mark/ scratch/deface). 20 Bibliography Informative Websites The STOP Strategy (Stop Tagging Our Place), 2007 – 2010, prepared by the Crime Prevention Unit, Ministry of Justice, September 2008. Ministry of Justice Stop Strategy Beat Graffiti – Know How Workshop, hosted by Local Government New Zealand and the Crime Prevention Unit, Ministry of Justice, August 2006. KnowHow Beat Graffiti Guide, Local Government New Zealand and the Crime Prevention Unit, Ministry of Justice, 2006. Historic Places Trust New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials Goodbye Graffiti and Crime Prevention websites and Auckland Region Graffiti Free Project: Project Charter “Partnership Programme”, a joint project between Police and Local Government to reduce graffiti in the Auckland Region. Graffiti Hurts – Community Resources Summary Offences (Tagging and Graffiti Vandalism) Amendment Act 2008. Bristol City Council: Graffiti reporting and removal: Graffiti education Graffiti Management Policy, City of Sydney, December, 2004. Graffiti Hotline UK Graffiti Vandalism Reduction Strategy, 2007 – 2010, Office of Crime Prevention, Western Australian Police. Anti-Graffiti Education and Diversionary Initiatives Graffiti Definition: The Dictionary of Art. UK Home Office Far North District Council article on Hundertwasser toilets sourced from the internet on 26th August 2008. Keep New Zealand Beautiful Katikati Mural Town Local Government New Zealand Hip Hop Learning: Graffiti as an Educator of Urban Teenagers, sourced from the internet on 7 July 2008. 21 Local Authorities A B C D F G H I Ashburton District Council Auckland City Council Auckland Regional Council Banks Peninsula District Council Bay of Plenty Regional Council Canterbury Regional Council Carterton District Council Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Central Otago District Council Chatham Islands Council Christchurch City Council Clutha District Council M Dunedin City Council N Far North District Council Franklin District Council Gisborne District Council Gore District Council Grey District Council Hamilton City Council Hastings District Council Hauraki District Council Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Horowhenua District Council Hurunui District Council Hutt City Council K O P Q Invercargill City Council Kaikoura District Council Kaipara District Council Kapiti Coast District Council Kawerau District Council Mackenzie District Council Manawatu District Council Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Manukau City Council Marlborough District Council Masterton District Council Matamata-Piako District Council Napier City Council Nelson City Council New Plymouth District Council North Shore City Council Northland Regional Council Opotiki District Council Otago Regional Council Otorohanga District Council Palmerston North City Council Papakura District Council Porirua City Council Queenstown-Lakes District Council continued... 22 Local Authorities Continued... R S T U Rangitikei District Council Rodney District Council Rotorua District Council Ruapehu District Council Selwyn District Council South Taranaki District Council South Waikato District Council South Wairarapa District Council Southland District Council Southland Regional Council Stratford District Council Taranaki Regional Council Tararua District Council Tasman District Council Taupo District Council Tauranga City Council Thames-Coromandel District Council Timaru District Council Upper Hutt City Council W Waikato District Council Waikato Regional Council Waimakariri District Council Waimate District Council Waipa District Council Wairoa District Council Waitakere City Council Waitaki District Council Waitomo District Council Wanganui District Council Wellington City Council Wellington Regional Council West Coast Regional Council Western Bay of Plenty District Council Westland District Council Whakatane District Council Whangarei District Council Use of creeper, textured surfaces & plants will help to deter graffiti vandalism 23 APPENDIX A Ideas from Territorial Authorities Following are some ideas from territorial authorities around New Zealand on graffiti management14 OFFENDERS If possible, talk to graffiti vandalism offenders to help understand more about what motivates them, where they like to tag etc. SCHOOL CHILDREN HOTLINES Many territorial authorities have hotlines and some use these to collect information on incidences of graffiti vandalism. It is important that the information collected includes the location of the graffiti vandalism, the time that it occurred, and the medium used to apply it. TERRITORIAL STAFF Territorial authorities often have employees deployed in the city who could also be used to report incidences of graffiti (for example parking wardens). Be sure to inform staff why they are being asked to collect the information and develop a reporting framework to ensure consistent information is recorded. Talking to students in primary and secondary schools can be a useful way of understanding more about why graffiti vandalism is taking place. CONTRACTORS Territorial authorities are likely to have contracts with a number of different contractors such as street cleaners, security guards, bus shelter maintenance etc. As part of the service contracts, territorial authorities can ask contractors to report graffiti. NEIGHBOURHOOD SUPPORT GROUPS Neighbourhood Support Groups are active in many areas and will have a good understanding of issues of concern to local residents. Talking to them might provide some useful information on where and when graffiti vandalism is occurring. PROSECUTION RECORDS Talk to the Police to gather information from prosecution records. This may contain useful information on the methods graffiti vandals have used, when incidences of graffiti vandalism have occurred, and who has been responsible. Building a good working relationship with the Police will also assist your graffiti vandalism strategy. INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDERS GRAFFITI DATABASE LOCAL POSTIES Some territorial authorities have established databases to record incidences of graffiti as well as store photographs of the tags. This information may be able to be used to assist Police in prosecuting offenders. See Box 1 for information on the set up and operation of the Auckland City Graffiti Tracker. Graffiti vandalism often occurs in rail corridors, on bus shelters, at train stations, on electrical boxes and other infrastructure structures. Talk to your local infrastructure providers to see if they have any records of incidences of graffiti. Posties are out on the streets nearly every day. They might be in a good position to report incidences of graffiti in order to identify spots that are regularly tagged. You will need to contact New Zealand Post to discuss this further. KnowHow Beat Graffiti Guide 06, Local Government New Zealand, p5 14 24 APPENDIX B Graffiti Management Toolbox Following is a toolbox15 for graffiti vandalism management RAPID REMOVAL Rapid removal (preferably within 24 hours) is the most effective way to prevent graffiti reappearing because it reduces the recognition that graffiti vandals desire. It also shows that the affected area is being monitored and looked after. If graffiti is left on a structure it is likely that more will appear. PROTECTIVE COATINGS Graffiti protection coatings are painted on top of natural or painted surfaces to form a protective shield. Graffiti will stick to the protective coat instead of the normal surface. Many different products are available and are usually either clear or ‘sacrificial’ coats. Clear coat is a long life, hardened cover similar to a clear varnish or paint, from which the graffiti can be wiped. Sacrificial coats are totally or partially removed with the graffiti. Before purchasing a graffiti protection coating, you need to consider the cost and what product best suits your situation. You may require professional advice. GRAFFITI REMOVAL KITS ■ Territorial authorities may like to consider providing graffiti removal kits free of charge to members of the public and local businesses. ■ Before distributing graffiti removal kits, ensure the contents meet health and safety requirements. ■ The kits may contain: graffiti remover, safety glasses, gloves, instructions and safety information. REMOVAL TIPS Auckland City Council has developed some removal tips for communities that could form part of your graffiti strategy and its implementation. How you tackle the graffiti will depend on: ■ The materials used by taggers (usually oil based spray paint or felt-tip pen). ■ The type of surface (discuss removal with the supplier or manufacturer before starting). ■ If graffiti is being removed for the first time try different methods on a small test area first. ■ Check before you proceed to a larger area that the removal method is not causing more damage. ■ Try to remove tags when they are fresh by using methylated spirits, turps, paint stripper or branded graffiti removal products. ■ Paint your walls or fence in dark colours. Colours that will cover in one coat are most effective (e.g. green or brown). If the surface is a lighter colour than the graffiti you may get a ghosting effect. ■ A painted wall is easier to keep graffiti free because any further tags can simply be painted over. ■ Clean unpainted walls or fences by sanding, sand-blasting, soda-blasting or waterblasting. ■ Keep any unused fence paint and a brush handy in case you need it to cover over tagging. ■ Protect the driveway and footpath from paint drops and spills when painting out tagging. ■ The chemicals in graffiti removal products can be hazardous so always wear protective clothing including a mask. Store out of reach of children. KnowHow Beat Graffiti Guide 06, Local Government New Zealand, p16-17 15 25 STOP GRAFFITI management TOOLBOX ADVICE FROM TERRITORIAL AUTHORITIES WHEN CONSIDERING A REACTIVE APPROACH TO GRAFFITI ■ Work with private property owners to get them to take responsibility for removing graffiti on their own properties before offering a free service – it is best to encourage them to maintain their own properties. ■ Protective coatings can be expensive so check the price and lifespan before setting a policy on the use of protective coatings. ■ It may be easier to manage contracts for removal if only one contractor is used where possible – avoid fragmentation of contracts. ■ You will need to get the permission of a private property owner before removing graffiti. This can be done by getting the property owner to write a letter to the territorial authority giving blanket approval for removal. ■ If the removal service is provided free of charge for both public and private property then uptake is likely to be greater. ■ If using volunteers to remove the graffiti it can be better to use small well organised groups rather than large numbers of volunteers. This way it is easier to control the quality of the work. ■ Recognise the great work of volunteers! This can be done by inviting them all to an informal lunch with the Mayor where they are all given certificates of appreciation, free access to public swimming pools, a Christmas gift, etc. ■ Some paint companies have an agreement whereby members of Keep New Zealand Beautiful can get paint at a discounted price for the removal of graffiti vandalism. ■ Look for funding options through central government agencies, community grants, trusts, pub charities, etc. ■ Kitty litter is great for soaking up spilt paint. ■ Territorial authorities might consider owning their own graffiti removal vans. ■ Always supervise community paint-outs to ensure a good quality job. They are usually done well but a poor job could affect your ability to get future paint-outs done in your community. 26 APPENDIX C Best Practice Examples STOP auckland city’s graffiti tracker database Auckland City’s ‘graffiti tracker’ database16 was developed as a tool to enhance the City’s zero tolerance to graffiti vandalism strategy. The database captures digital photographic images of graffiti tags, addresses of incidents, the cost of damage repair, and complainant details. The images and information are used during the interviews of graffiti vandals and as evidence in court. STOP tag out trust vehicles Tag Out trucks are set up for the removal of graffiti by painting out, water blasting or sanding as per the methodology set out under the terms of the council contracted Tag Out services. Other contractors’ and commercial operators’ trucks will be set up differently depending on the types of services they offer. For example, commercial contractors who apply sacrificial and non-sacrificial graffiti coatings will also carry hot water blasters to remove graffiti from those coatings. The Auckland City Police consider the database to be a very valuable resource assisting their partnership with the City in combating the graffiti vandalism problem. The statistics and modus operandi data generated by the database ensure that the zero tolerance strategy’s resources are targeted most effectively. A database enables information sharing between territorial authorities and other agencies. Relatively inexpensive software was purchased and the database was built by I.T. staff. The database is managed by the contract company that delivers the removal component of the zero tolerance strategy. SUITABLE TRUCKS Trucks under three tons are best suited for this purpose. They are large enough to carry all the necessary equipment but small enough to be easy to park and access difficult areas like parks (be aware of any weight restrictions that might apply, e.g. bridges). An HT licence is not needed for vehicles under 4.5 tonnes. Trucks typically suited to this type of work have refrigerated rear units which will help keep the paint cool extending its shelf life. Most of these trucks will also have horizontal sliding doors as opposed to vertical sliding doors. Vertical sliding doors are less desirable as they can be problematic and raise health and safety/RSI issues (pictured is an example of each). TIP Ensure you are clear about exactly what information you want to capture in the database prior to building it and make sure that the information entered is accurate. Vans can be used for graffiti removal, but chemicals and paint smells must be isolated from the driver. KnowHow Beat Graffiti Guide 06, Local Government New Zealand, p6 16 27 STOP APPENDIX C tag out trust vehicles EQUIPMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY (OSH Approved) All of the trucks carry similar equipment. ■ Health and safety manual. ■ Paint – all water based acrylic paints. Colours carried vary depending on the area covered. ■ Hi-Visibility vests. ■ Graffiti Removers – citrus based graffiti remover both in liquid and gel form, methylated sprits, turpentine, paint stripper, acetone, fuelite and commercial removal products. ■ Water blaster – 4000 psi, 50 metre hose reel, hand spray gun, 1.5 metre extension and various nozzle attachments. ■ Road cones. ■ “Painting in progress” signs. ■ Emergency paint spill kits. ■ First aid kit. ■ Ladder. ■ Orange hazard light mounted externally (must be visible from both front and rear of truck). ■ Rags, scrapers, steel pads, stiff bristle brushes, broom/dust pan and brush. ■ MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) forms. ■ Both power and battery operated sanders, angle grinders and belt sanders. ■ Eye protection, hearing protection, chemical resistant gloves, fine particle face masks. ■ 600 litres of water carrying capacity. ■ Wet paint tape. ■ Roller pole extensions. ■ Fire extinguisher. ■ Signs on rear of truck advising other motorists that the truck stops often. ■ Petrol generators both 750 watts and 2000 watts. ■ All trucks fitted with GPS tracking (this is not a necessity if you are considering a similar initiative). 28 APPENDIX D Hutt Valley Graffiti Strategy objectives methods Vision Statement: Our vision is for communities to live in a graffiti free city. ■ Maintain a streamlined centralised reporting system. Goal: To substantially reduce graffiti (particularly in the highly visible arterial routes within Hutt City). ■ Develop and implement a means to encourage staff to report graffiti. ■ Update website information regularly. Based on a three tier approach: 1. education – to prevent the likelihood of graffiti occurring 2. environment – to increase notifications, reporting and the likelihood of getting caught 3. enforcement – to increase penalties and encourage people to accept consequences objectives methods Adopt a rapid removal policy – removal within 24 hours of receiving permission Include: Increase use of intelligence and assessments of repeat target areas and repeat offenders ■ Build database of repeat target locations, offenders and tags using digital photography. ■ Analyse trends and patterns to predict where and when graffiti hits might occur. ■ Secure cooperation from law enforcement agencies, particularly Community Police. ■ Secure cooperation from graffiti removal contractors. ■ Proactively visit frequently tagged sites and target highly visible areas. ■ Undertake CPTED site assessments in repeat areas and address contributing factors such as surface and surveillance issues. ■ Target CBD and suburban shopping areas. ■ Engage support from Housing New Zealand. ■ Seek sponsorship from local paint manufacturers. Reduce access to graffiti tools ■ Use volunteers to help out in their own communities. Continually improve identification and notification processes Include: Include: ■ Distribute information outlining how to report and deal with graffiti. ■ Distribute permission forms seeking permanent consent from private property owners to remove graffiti. continued... Include: ■ Establish a database and use geographical mapping tools to identify retailers and locations of offending. ■ Encourage retailers to reduce accessibility of paint spray cans and other common graffiti tools. Encourage them to adopt a no sale to under 18 year olds policy. (Note: this has since become a legal requirement - refer to page 6 of the Guide). ■ Monitor trends and provide feedback to retailers and the wider community. 29 objectives methods Increase enforcement ■ Establish a database of offenders and known tags and key locations. ■ Support schools to identify known taggers and engage with schools to assist taggers to understand the consequences of their actions. ■ Encourage the legal professionals and courts to assist in engaging with taggers. ■ Share information with Police about taggers. Strengthen and further develop child, youth and adult education Include: ■ Continue to run Art 4 Change mural programmes. ■ Work with schools via the new New Zealand Curriculum: social studies, health, music, dance, visual art and performance. ■ Work with after-school programmes. ■ Work with alternative schools. 30
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