CLASS OF 2015 SESSION MEMBERS & ELDERS IN ACTIVE SERVICE Elder Nana Osei Nyarko ……….… /………… (347) 575 2418 Elder Johnson S. Adomako ……..... /………… (917) 432 7321 Elder Ernest Appau Danso …...….. /………… (917) 669 3408 CLASS OF 2016 Elder Philip Adarkwa ………….…. /………… (718) 758 4072 Elder Samuel K.B. Carr ………..….. /………… (917) 495 4136 | (718) 293 7186 Elder Gifty Addae Yeboah ……….. /………… (646) 377 2286 Elder Faustina Owusu Ansah ...…. /………… (347) 271 5173 CLASS OF 2017 Elder Ntow Agyei Danso …….…... /………… (347) 270 6891 Elder Daniel Ogyiri /………… (718) 652 6016 Elder Grace Obeng /………… (718) 652 6680 Elder Isaac Boateng /………… (347) 575 4185 Elder Adelaide Quartey /………… (914) 964 5187 FOR PASTORAL CARE AND CHURCH CONCERNS, CONTACT; Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso Cellular: (914) 920 8354 Home/Manse: (347) 326 5453 Email: [email protected] NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? Call at least two hours prior to Sunday Service(s). DEACON AFORO (646) 545 0698| DEACON ATTOR (646) 342 4503 North Bronx Location South Bronx Location 4371 Martha Avenue Bronx, NY 10470 1272 Ogden Avenue Bronx, NY 10452 SERVICE: 10:00AM ~ 12:00PM SERVICE: 5:00PM ~ 7:30PM CHURCH LOCATIONS 4371 Martha Avenue - Bronx, NY 10470 (Corner of East 240 Street & Martha Avenue) | Accessible by Buses BX31, BX16, and BX34 1272 Ogden Ave - Bronx, NY 10452 (Between West 168 & 169 Streets) | Accessible by MTA Buses 11 and 13 ; Number 4 & D Trains MAILING ADDRESS/ MANSE 425 East 239th Street. Bronx, NY 10470 Phone: (347) 427 7190 | Fax: (347) 427 7189 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Divine Worship Bulletin SUNDAY OCTOBER 26, 2014 19th Sunday after Trinity “BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHINGS.” 2 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY W elcome to the Emmanuel Presbyterian Reformed Church, Bronx, New York. We are more than happy to have you in our Service today. Our acknowledgement goes to all new members and individuals visiting for the first time to either Worship Services. It is our hope and prayer that you derive inspiration and joy as you are filled with the awesome peace and blessing of our Almighty God. If you do not have a home church of your own, we extend a hand of fellowship to you to join us in this ministry. We are very confident that you will feel at home with us. God Bless you. ON OUR CALENDAR TODAY 19th Sunday after Trinity Bible Studies PREACHING THE WORD Elder Isaac Boateng (Woodlawn) Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso (Highbridge) LITURGISTS Elder Nana Yaw Ogyiri (Woodlawn) Elder Gifty Addai-Yeboah (Highbridge/Ogden) Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso PASTOR Elder Samuel K.B. Carr CLERK OF SESSION Mr. Maxwell Osam DIRECTOR OF CHOIR Bro. Eugene Owusu-Mensah ORGANIST Elder Ernest Appau-Danso FINANCIAL SECRETARY Ishmael K. Hodanu OFFICE SECRETARY In reverence to God, we remind you to please turn all cell phones off. 11 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY WORSHIP LEADERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY– NOVEMBER 2, 2014 WOODLAWN OGDEN PREACHER(S) Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso Elder Johnson Saka-Adomako LITURGIST(S) Elder Nana Akwasi Osei-Nyarko Deacon Francis Amoah Mary Asabea Darbo (1st & 3rd) Sis. Chelsea Manwo (English) Bro. Edward Badu (2nd) Mrs. Dora Osei Assinor (Twi) READERS NEXT SUNDAY AT A GLANCE 20th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY HOLY COMMUNION BIRTHDAY FUNDRAISING (KOFI & AMA) Deacon Enoch Offoe Attoram (Ga) THEME: “SERVING IN HUMILITY.” Joshua 3:7-17 | 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 | Matthew 23:1-12 OUR VISION, MISSION & CORE VALUES 1.0. VISION: To be Christ centered, Evangelistic, Disciplined, Democratic, United, Self-sustaining and a Growing Church 2.0. MISSION: To uphold the centrality of the word of God, and through the enablement of the Holy Spirit adopt a holistic development of her material resources to; a. Improve Church growth through evangelism and nurture b. Attain self-sufficiency through effective resource mobilization. c. Address all factors that inhibit development through advocacy and effective delivery of social services d. Uphold the Reformed Tradition and cherish partnership with the worldwide body of Christ. 3.0. CORE VALUES : Discipline, Faith, Transparency, Accountability, Honesty, Hard work, Love, Truth, Justice, Right Attitude. 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 3 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY UPCOMING EVENTS DATES SERVICE AT WOODLAWN @10:00AM SOCIAL EVENTS/ ACTIVITY TIME NOVEMBER 15 MUSICAL CONCERT LED BY CHURCH CHOIR 6:30-11PM NOVEMBER 22 NAMING & OUTDOORING –ALEX ADUAMAH FAMILY VENUE WOODLAWN 10AM-5:00PM WOODLAWN NOVEMBER 29 FUNERAL RITES - MOTHER OF MARY GRANT CARR TO BE ANNOUNCED DEC 1 - 6 2ND WEEK OF FASTING & PRAYER WEEK LONG DECEMBER 14 BAPTISM BOTH LOCATIONS DECEMBER 21 CONFIRMATION SERVICE BOTH LOCATIONS DECEMBER 24 FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS WOODLAWN SEMINARS, RETREATS & TRAINING PROGRAMS NOV. 8, 2014 LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR ELDERS, DEACONS & GROUP LEADERS SAT@9AM-2PM NOV. 29, 2014 TRAINING FOR FINANCE COMMITTEE DEC. 6, 2014 TRAINING FOR THINK TANK & HARVEST C’TEE MEMBERS ALL EVENTS TO BE HELD AT SAT@9AM-2PM WOODLAWN SAT@9AM-2PM Organ Prelude Organist Call to Worship Liturgist Hymn of Praise ♫♫ O Worship the King - Asempa Hymnal #43 Liturgical Prayers Liturgist BIBLE STUDIES Praises/ Worship and Passing of the Peace Led by Praise Team Solo with Tithe Presentation Scripture Readings First Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Second 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Third Matthew 22:34-46 LEADERS OF MORNING DEVOTION OCTOBER 27 - 31 NOVEMBER 3-7 Soloist READERS 10 Miss Zipporah Opare Mr. Kojo Karikari Miss Zipporah Opare Hymn of Preparation ♫ A Charge to keep I have - Asempa #291 Sermon Elder Isaac Boateng ELDER NANA AKWASI OSEI-NYARKO THEME: “BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHINGS.” MRS. LUCY FRIMPONG-MANSO NOVEMBER 10-14 ELDER NANA YAW OGYIRI Affirmation of Faith All NOVEMBER 17-21 CAROLINE MAAME NYARKOWAA Regular Offerings Songs by Praise Team NOVEMBER 24-28 AUNTIE BEATRICE SOLOMON Dedication of Offerings Prayer by An Elder Notices & Acknowledgements Clerk of Session DECEMBER 1-5 DECEMBER 8-12 MRS. ANYIMADU (MARYLAND) VERY REV. DR. YAW FRIMPONG-MANSO DECEMBER 15-19 ELDER GRACE ASIEDU-MENSAH Intercessory Prayers Led by Liturgist DECEMBER 22-26 DEACON SALINA ASANTEWAA Closing Hymn ♫♫ Commit your way of living - Asempa Hymnal #250 NANA KONADU Closing Prayer & Benediction Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso Organ Postlude Organist DEC. 29 - JAN. 2, 2015 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LEADING MORNING DEVOTION? PLEASE CONTACT PASTOR ELDER JOHNSON SAKA-ADOMAKO & BRO. EMMANUEL TAMAKLOE FOR “ABANSORO” 4 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL CONCERNS WORSHIP HYMNS FOR TODAY’S MORNING SERVICE O, WORSHIP THE KING 1. O worship the King, all glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. 2. O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space, His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. 3. The earth with its store of wonders untold, Almighty, Thy power hath founded of old; Established it fast by a changeless decree, And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea. 4. Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light; It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain. A CHARGE TO KEEP I HAVE 1. A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky: 2. To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil: O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will! 3. Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! 4. Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die. CONFIRMATION LESSONS COMMENCING SOON All candidates for Confirmation should register with the Clerk of Session or with Pastor as classes are scheduled to begin shortly. MEMBERS ON OUR PRAYER LIST Ms. Susana Serwaa was involved in a serious vehicular accident. Please pray & call Ms. Sandra Sarkodieh, sister of Sylvia Sarkodieh, was blessed with a baby boy. (646) 725 1338 (718) 450 1027 MEMBERS BEREAVED Ms. Faustina Moore lost her father in Ghana. Please call her @ Elder Nana Osei-Nyarko lost his younger brother in Ghana. Please call him @ Mrs. Mary Grant Carr lost her mother in Ghana. Please call her @ (908) 265 6178 (347) 575 2418 (718) 293 7186 PRAYER LINE Please note the Schedule for our Prayer Line; MORNING DEVOTIONS …………………………………………………..…... (SUNDAYS—FRIDAYS) Saturdays Excluded BIBLE STUDIES ……………………………………………………….…………. (SATURDAY EVENINGS) AFTERNOON PRAYERS………………………………………………………… EVENING PRAYERS……………………………………………………………... 5:00AM - 6:00AM 9:00PM - 11:00PM 12:00PM - 1:00PM 10:00PM—12:00AM TO ACCESS THE PRAYER LINE, DIAL: (712) 432 0075 | ACCESS CODE: 109497# 2ND WEEK OF FASTING & PRAYER WHEN? DECEMBER 1-6, 2014 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT EBOLA - SPECIAL PRAYER FOR OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS IN WEST AFRICA Our hearts go out to our Brothers and Sisters in Ebola stricken communities in West Africa and all over the World. We encourage you to pray for The Lord’s intervention and wisdom in eradicating this menace to society. Support the new Peace and Global Witness Offering of the Presbyterian Mission Agency that aims to provide relief and hope by visiting 8 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 5 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY COMMIT YOUR WAY OF LIVING NEWS & EVENTS IN THE CONFERENCE OF GHANAIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES DATE EVENTS/ HAPPENINGS NOV. 16-21, 2014 Leadership and Prayer/Deliverance Retreat VENUE: America’s Keswick Retreat Center led by Catechist Abboah-Offei and the Grace Evangelistic Team of Akropong, Akuapem. All member-churches are requested to send their Prayer & Deliverance teams and all interested persons to this all important training event. The cost per participant is $500.00 for self contained rooms with double occupancy. Please contact Elder Isaac Yaw Baah at (267) 873-9763 with the number of participants to the event by September 30, 2014. HARVEST PLEDGE REMINDER WE REMIND ALL MEMBERS WHO MADE VARIOUS PLEDGES TO UPDATE THEIR PAYMENTS WITH THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT AS SOON POSSIBLE. GOD BLESS YOU! 1. Commit your way of living Into the hands of God. He is your maker, giving You help along the road. He, who controls the weather, Whom winds and seas obey, He also holds together Your life from day to day. 2. Cheer up and put your sorrow And trouble far away. Don't keep until tomorrow What you can solve today, You do not have to carry These burdens in your soul. You do not need to worry, For God is in control. 3. Put all your trust in Jesus, He wants the best for you. In all your work and business Find out what he would do. Don't let the world defeat you By fear and anxious care: Allow the Lord to meet you; And speak to you in prayer. APOSTLES’ CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. MISSED LAST SUNDAY’S SERVICE? Request a copy of the sermon on CD - now available every Sunday @$5.00 or visit our website at Contact Elder Johnson ( 917) 432 7321 or Sister Mary (718) 600 5874 I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. 6 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7 SERVICE AT HIGHBRIDGE/ OGDEN - 5:00PM Processional Hymn ♫♫ Onyankopɔn dom yɛn behyira - PH #285 Introit by Church Choir ♫♫ Onyame honhom kronkron. PH # 263 Call to Worship Liturgist Invocational Hymn ♫♫ Anuonyam ne aseda. PH #42 BIBLE STUDIES Worship & Prayer Time Led by Worship Team / Liturgist Praises and Passing of the Peace Led by Praise Team Song/Solo with Tithe Presentation Song by Ms. Comfort Addo First Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Second 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Third Matthew 22:34-46 READERS Scripture Readings Mrs. Sarah E. Osam (English) Deacon Kwasi Twum Barimah (Twi) Mrs. Albertina Azu Sam (Ga) Anthem led by Mr. Maxwell Osam Church Choir Sermon Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso THEME: “BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHINGS.” Affirmation of Faith All Regular Offerings Songs by Praise Team Dedication of Offerings Prayer by An Elder Notices & Acknowledgements Clerk of Session Intercessory Prayers Led by Liturgist Closing Hymn ♫♫ Fa wo nkwa hyɛ wo yɛfo. PH #562 Closing Prayer & Benediction Very Rev. Dr. Yaw Frimpong-Manso Recessional Hymn ♫♫ Kristo Asafofo PH #410 19th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY WORSHIP HYMNS FOR TODAY’S AFTERNOON SERVICE PH # 285 1. Onyankop]n, dom y[n behyira y[n na tew w'anim kyer[ y[n, kyia y[n, na ma yenhu wo kwan asase so ne wo nkwagye amanaman no mu. 2. Onyankop]n, aman beyi w' ay[, aman nyinaa beyi wo din ay[ Y[n ani gye, y[to ahosan dwom s[ wokyer[kyer[ w]n wo nkwa kwan 3. K], so kyer[ y[n wo trenee mu kwan, na s[ asase ab] n'aduan no, ma y[nsow trenee aba saa ara, na yensuro wo, na y[nn] wo daa, PH #562 1. Fa wo kwan hy[ wo Y[fo, wo Nyankop]n no nsam, na fa wo ho to no so w] wo yaw nyinaa mu. ¶ Suwusiw [ne mframa na ]kyer[ ne kwan, wo nso ]b[kyer[ wo ]kwan ama wo nan. 2. Wo ho na fa to Nyame ne ne tumi no so, [nna wo ho b[t] wo na w'adwuma ak] so. ¶ {ny[ adwenem haw kwa na w]de nya b'ribi; Kot] Onyame sr[ no, na ]b[boa wo. 3. }domfo ne Nokwafo ne no, nanso onim nea [ma nk]so pa ne nea [pempem. ¶ Na n'ade a ]pawee w] ne nyansa mu no, na ]b[y[ ama wo, na asi wo yiye. PH #263 PH # 42 1. Onyame Honhom Kronkron, bra b[tena me komam! Kan no na me na woo me, na wo woo me bio. ¶ Woy[ Onyame bi, wufi Agya ne Ba no, w'anu'nyam te s[ w]n de, yebeyi w'ay[ daa. 1. Anuonyam ne aseda Y[ soro Nyankop]n de daa }dom y[n pii hw[ y[n so daa na b]ne bi antumi y[n ¶ Yesu mu na y[s] n'ani afei y[n bere so ]dwo, na y[n as[m no w]adi p[. 2. Fa wo tumi bra y[n mu, begye y[n b]nem! Na y[br[ b]ney[ mu, yenni aho]den. ¶ Bra betu y[n komam ne y[n tirim b]ne no, b[sa y[n honhom yare, b[tew y[n ho koraa PH #410 2. Yeyi w' ay[, y[da w 'ase y[hy[ wo anu'nyam ara; y[n agya a onni adannan n'odi y[n so p[p[ ne wo; ¶ w'aho]den no so dodo, nea wop[ b[y[ ampa; mo, mo, s[ woy[ saa Wura! 3. O Yesu Kristo, Nyame Ba, woagye y[n w] y[n b]ne mu, y[n patafo ara ne wo, woama y[n ho at] y[n ho. ¶ Onyame Guammaa, fa wo dom gye y[n kra fi awer[hom, na hu y[n mm]b] daa nyinaa. 1. Kristofo asafofo, 4. Honhom papa, kyigyinafo, monhy[ akode pa! wo a wode daa adepa na momma mo ho ny[ mo den ma gyidifo no, y[sr[ wo, Onyame tumi mu! s[ mma ]bonsam mmfa y[n so, ¶ beyi awer[ho nyinaa, 2. Asafo Yehowa, na Y esu ab] din awu. Onyame Tumfo] Wo na yehw[ wo kwan ara! de ne tumi b[hy[ ne mma n' w]atumi ako 3. Eyi nti munkura Onyame akode, na moatumi agyina daa de akosi ase. 4. Munnyina h] yiye, mony[ mo ko mu nnam, n']b[ma awie yiye ne daa ahomekam. Please TURN OVER for Today’s Notices...
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