PT INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (Persero) BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ALUMINIUM SMELTER PLANT EXPANSION AT PT. INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO) PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (refer as INALUM) Smelting Plant, PO BOX 1, Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra Indonesia 2014 CHAPTER I INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS A. GENERAL 1. Scope of Procurement Procurement Department of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) hereby invites International/National qualified consulting services company to submit proposal for the defined work “Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero)”. Further details of work will be described in Terms of Reference (TOR). 2. Employer Employer for this work is PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), in this circumstance shall be represented officially by Director in charge or authorized officer of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero). 3. Applicable Rule The Decree of Board Directors of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) No.002/DIR/2014 dated May 16, 2014 and its amendment (if any) shall be applied and govern for guidance of this procurement procedure. 4. Applicant Requirements 4.1. International and National qualified consulting company may participate in this tender procedure. 4.2. Bidders required to submit the following business license if appropriate: a. Surat Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK) for national consulting company issued by Indonesian government. b. Izin Perwakilan Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi Asing (IPBUJKA) for International consulting company which their representative office is located in Indonesia issued by Indonesia government. c. Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi Penanaman Modal Asing (IUJKPMA) for International consulting company which registered in Indonesia as Foreign Owned Company (PMA) issued by BKPM. d. Equivalent business license issued by country of origin for International consulting company neither has representative office in Indonesia nor PMA. 4.3. Bidders must demonstrate experience as described in TOR. 4.4. Bidders shall provide engineers with minimum qualification as decribed in TOR. 4.5. Bidders shall submit all required administrative documents. 5. Observance Against the Highest Standard of Ethics 5.1. Bidders shall underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive procurement procedure that precludes abusive practices. 5.2. In respect of above provision, Bidders shall neither offer nor granted directly of indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any procurement persons or other person involved in this procurement procedure nor accept such advantages in connection with his bid in the present of tendering process or in the event of contract awarding or in the subsequent execution of contract. 5.3. Any person involved in this procurement procedure shall avoid and prevent from conflict of interest to comply with the above 5.1 provision. 5.4. A conflict of interest as described in provision 5.3 above arises when : 2 a. the board of director or the board of commissioner of a company concurrently take same position in others companies and then the companies participate in the same procurement procedure. b. any person who work for the Employer directly/indirectly control and/or run a business activities in a company participating in this procurement procedure. 5.5. In the event any Bidder fails to comply with provisions described in this article 5, the Employer shall be entitled to exclude immediately the Bidder from the procurement procedure or, if the contract is awarded to such a Bidder, to immediately cancel such contract. B. DOCUMENTS 1. Contents of Bidding Documents 1.1. This bidding documents comprises of the following documents : a. Instruction to Bidders b. Terms of Reference (TOR) c. Forms to use d. Evaluation procedure 1.2. The Bidder shall be required to examine all instruction, forms, terms and specification in this Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bidding Documents or Submission of a bid not substantially satisfy to the Bidding Document in every respect will be at Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. 1.3. The Bidder may ask for clarification in written for every instruction, forms, terms and specification in this Bidding Documents before time limit of submission of a bid. 2. Language The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence/drawings and documents relating to the bid exchanged by Bidder and the Employer shall be written in ENGLISH. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder written in another language shall be accompanied by an ENGLISH translation. In case of any conflict, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the ENGLISH translation shall govern. 3. Tender Briefing 3.1. In the tender briefing, procurement department together with another in charge involved in this procurement procedure will explain all information related to the defined work and the procurement procedure as well another issues might arise out in the tender briefing. 3.2. If it is required to make the defined work clearer, a site visit may follow the tender briefing. Any cost and expense arising out of such visit shall be borne by the Bidder. 3.3. In order to avoid discrepancies and ambiguities in all aspects, all Bidders are invited to attend a briefing tender and/or site observation at 10.00 (Jakarta Time), Main Office Smelting Plant PT. Inalum, Kuala Tanjung, Kabupaten Batu Bara, North Sumatra, Indonesia on Oct. 22, 2014 In the presence of Bidder’s representatives, if any present, duly authorized by a competent person and having the Letter of Authority. The Bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign a paper evidencing their attendance. The briefing tender is a must and un-presence will not be entertained 3 C. BID PREPARATION 1. Cost and Expense for the Preparation of Bid 1.1. All costs and expense for preparation/submission of a bid shall be borne by Bidder. 1.2. The Employer shall not be responsible for any loss of Bidder in relation with the preparation/submission of a bid. 2. Documents of Bid 2.1. Bids are submitted in two envelopes consisting of Technical Proposal (1st envelope) and Price Proposal (2nd envelope). 2.2. Technical proposal shall comprise as follows : a. Covering letter of technical proposal signed by president director/company leader of the company or the endorsee of president director/company leader. b. Administrative documents consist of : 1. Deed of Establishment of the company and its latest amendment 2. Financial Statement for the last three years 3. Declaration of Undertaking 4. Declaration of Interest 5. Statement on Complying with Decree of the Board of Directors of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium No.SK-002/DIR/2014 dated May 16, 2014. c. Technical proposal document, consist of : 1. Description of methodology and work programme 2. Working Schedule 3. List of personnel (including the qualification of personnel and the assignment) 4. Company experience according to the TOR 5. Curriculum Vitae of expert for the work 2.3. Price proposal shall comprise as follows : a. Covering letter of price proposal signed by president director/company leader of the company or endorsee of president director/company leader. b. Summary of price proposal c. Remuneration of personnel in detail d. Direct reimbursable cost in detail 2.4. Price quoted shall be in United States Dollar (USD) currency. 3. Quotation Validity and Duration of Work 3.1. The bid shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days counted from the bid date. 3.2. Duration of work described in the bid shall not longer than mentioned in TOR. D. SUBMISSION OF BID 1. Enveloping & Marking of Bid 1.1. The Bidder shall prepare the bid in 2 (two) sets, clearly marking each ‘ORIGINAL’ and ‘COPY’ as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the ‘ORIGINAL’ shall govern. 1.2. The 2 (two) sets of Technical Proposal shall be enclosed in 1st envelope duly sealed and marked by ‘TECHNICAL PROPOSAL for FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ALUMINIUM SMELTING PLANT EXPANSION AT PT. INDONESIA 4 ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO)’. The 2 (two) sets of Price Proposal shall be enclosed in 2nd envelope duly sealed and marked by ‘PRICE PROPOSAL for ‘FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ALUMINIUM SMELTING PLANT EXPANSION AT PT. INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO)’. 1.3. The two envelopes mentioned in provision 12.2 above containing Technical Proposal and Price Proposal of bids separately shall be enclosed in a large envelope duly sealed and marked by ‘BID FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ALUMINIUM SMELTING PLANT EXPANSION AT PT. INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO) REF No. 2046184’. 2. Submission of Bid 2.1. The Bids complete in all respect and duly sealed and marked are submitted directly in the office of Mr. Suryadi Munir, General Manager for Procurement Department, PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium PO BOX 1 Kuala Tanjung, Kabupaten Batu Bara 21257 North Sumatra, Indonesia. 2.2. Bidders have option to remove, replace, change, or add the submitted bids before time limit of submission of bid. 2.3. The Bids shall be submitted according to the following schedule : Day : Tuesday Date : November 18, 2014 at the latest Time : 14.00 (Jakarta Time) Place : Main Office, Smelting Plant, PT. Inalum (Persero) Address : Kuala Tanjung, Kabupaten Batu Bara, North Sumatra, Indonesia 2.4. Any Bids which are submitted out of the time limit mentioned on provision 13.3 above shall be automatically rejected and will be returned to the Bidder in sealed envelope. E. OPENING & EVALUATION OF BID 1. Opening of 1st Envelope of Bid 1.1. Opening of 1st Envelope of Bid shall be conducted on the same day of time limit of Bid submission on November 18, 2014, at 14.00 (Jakarta time). 1.2. All bidders or his representative which accompanied by the letter of authority shall present on this opening bid and un-presence will not be entertained 1.3. In case only 2 bidders quoted then the quotation shall be returned the respective bidders and the time limit shall be extended. The extended anouncement will be declared at official website, or 2. Evaluation of 1st Envelope of Bid 2.1. Tender committe shall conduct an evaluation on 1st Envelope of Bid consisting of administrative evaluation and technical evaluation. 2.2. Evaluation method, criteria, and the procedure for 1st Envelope of Bid will be described on Chapter IV of this tender documents. In case there are any revisions on the evaluation method, criteria, and the procedure will be explained in the Tender Briefing. 3. Notice of Evaluation Result of 1st Envelop of Bid 3.1. Notice shall be extended to all bidder once result of administrative evaluation and technical evaluation of bid is obtained. 5 3.2. Procurement Department of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) will return the unopened Price Proposal containing in 2nd Envelope of Bid for Bidder who does not pass the evaluation of administrative and technical proposal. 4. Opening of 2nd Envelope of Bid 4.1. Bidder who pass the evaluation of administrative and technical proposal shall be invited to present the opening of 2nd envelope of Bid 4.2. In the even no bidder or only 1 (one) bidder present the bid opening then the opening of bid still continue to be opened. 5. Evaluation of 2nd Envelope of Bid 5.1. Tender committe shall conduct an evaluation on 2nd Envelope of Bid consisting of evaluation of Price Proposal. 5.2. Evaluation method, criteria, and the procedure for 2nd Envelope of Bid will be described in detail on Chapter IV of this tender documents. In case there are any revisions on the evaluation method, criteria, and the procedure will be explained in the Tender Briefing. 6. Joint Evaluation 6.1. Once evaluation of Price Proposal is completed, Tender Committe shall conduct a joint evaluation of Technical Proposal and Price Proposal. 6.2. Technical Proposal and Price Proposal shall be weighted of 65% and 35% respectively in joint evaluation. 6.3. Joint Evaluation result will be expressed in Final Score (FS). The formulation is FS = {Score of Technical Proposal x Technical Proposal of Weight} + {Score of Price Proposal x Price Proposal of Weight} 7. Notice of Tender Nominee 7.1. Upon completion of joint evaluation, the Employer shall give notice of tender nominee to all Bidders and make available such notice over official website of the Employer and correspondances. 7.2. Result of joint evaluation is final and not subject to any objection from any parties. F. FAIL AND CANCELLATION OF BID 1. BID FAIL The bid shall be fail and rejected if the following action occurs, 1.1 The bids received beyond from the stipulated time limit or; 1.2 The bids submit through PT. Inalum (Persero)’ s employee or; 1.3 The bids are not sealed or glue or tight close or; 1.4 The bids do not comply with the stipulated Bidding Documents or; 1.5 The bids do not mention the bids reference as required or; 1.6. The bids do not put the signature, the official stamp and the date. The bids fail shall stamp “FAIL” or “DISQUALIFICATION” and shall mention the cause of the reason herein above. 6 2. CANCELLATION OF BID 2.1 The bid cancellation can be done before issuing Purchase Orde (PO)/ Contract award; 2.2 The risk of the possibility of cancellation of bid shall be conveyed in Bidding Document and emphasizing in Tender Breifing 2.3 The cancellation of bids shall be carried out if fullfill the one of the following circumstances, 1. The change of Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2. The budget is not allocated or not cover enough after got negotation 3. Court decision 4. There is an indication of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Act 5. Force Majeure 7 CHAPTER II TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) Title : Terms of Reference for Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) (INALUM) in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Basic of Law The TOR for Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at INALUM was established based on Company Long Term Planning up to 2019 to double the capacity through optimization of existing smelter and construction of a Brownfield Aluminium Smelter. 1.2General Overview 1.2.1 PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium was established on January 6, 1976 as a Joint Venture Company between the Government of Republic of Indonesia (GOI) and 12 Japan investor companies. PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium has become state owned enterprise (SoE) with 100% shareholding by GOI since December 19, 2013, and the company name was officially changed to become PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero). INALUM owns and operates two (2) Hydroelectric Power Plants at Sigura-gura and Tangga and an Aluminium Smelting Plant in Kuala Tanjung, all in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The installed capacity of Hydroelectric Power Plant is 603 MW. The aluminium smelter consists of 3 potlines with 170 pots side-by-side arrangement in each potline. The pots are prebaked of improved Sumitomo’s SM-17 technology and the capacity has been improved from the initial 225,000 tons of aluminium per year (tpy) to 250,000 tpy. The smelter was started up in 1982 and is facilitated with green anode plant, bake furnaces, rodding shop, casthouse, gas cleaning plant and laboratory. Blue box system was installed in 2007 to facilitate smelter process and operation with sophisticated control system. Two berths were constructed to support operation of the smelter: A-berth (for incoming raw material) with capacity of 25,000 DWT and B-berth (for outgoing ingots) with capacity of 16,000 DWT. The trestle goes 2.5 km off shore to get 10.5 meters draft. The product is aluminium ingot with specification as follows: Tabel 1. INALUM aluminium product specification Grade 1.2.2 Fe (%) Si (%) Cu (%) Al (%) S1-A 0.04 max 0.04 max 0.01 max 99.92 min S1-B 0.06 max 0.04 max 0.01 max 99.90 min G1 0.20 max 0.15 max 0.01 max 99.70 min Smelter Expansion Plan The shareholder plans to increase INALUM capacity through optimization of the existing plant as well as the construction of a brownfield Aluminium Smelting Plant, dedicated materials handling and storage facilities. A Long Term Plan is established for Aluminium Smelting Plant Expansion Project to double capacity to become of 500,000 tpy by 2019. It consists of some development projects as follows: 1) Optimization of existing plant: INALUM wants to increase production capacity from 250,000 tpy to be 300,000 (additional 50,000) tpy by 2018. 8 2) Diversification of product: By this Project, for the purpose of added value, INALUM product will not only primary aluminium in ingot shape but also aluminium alloy in other forms (such as billet, slab etc.), which will contribute by 40% out of the total product by 2016. 3) Smelter Expansion Project, which consists of project as follows: (1) Power Plant: A 600 MW expandable to 1000 MW Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP) will be constructed to supply energy demand for ca. 350 MW to the Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion. The construction must be including supporting facilities such as port, coal yard, warehouses, water treatment, waste treatment, etc. It is expected to be in operation by end of the year 2018. (2) Port: Existing berth will be upgraded and expanded to accomodate demand of expansion plant and coal fired power plant. (3) Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion: To build additional potlines with capacity of 200,000 tpy and related plants equipments and facilities, hence total production capacity will be 500,000 tpy by 2019. It shall be expandable for additional capacity next phase. Construction of Brownfield Aluminium Smelter with latest technology (high productivity and energy efficiency) should consist of all supporting facilities such as carbon plant, casthouse, alumina handling and gas cleaning system, recycled materials and utilities. Our preliminary study indicated that the expansion of the existing aluminium production facilities to achieve a total capacity of 500,000 tons per annum is technically, operationally and economically attractive to be built. Therefore it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study for the Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion Project. 2. OBJECTIVE This TOR is presented to be used by a Consultant with the objective of submission of a proposal on feasibility study for the expansion of the aluminium smelter plant at INALUM. The results of this feasibility study will be used by INALUM in making decision to step further to EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction). 3. BENEFIT TAKER The project will give the benefit to the company, shareholder, domestic aluminium industries, surrounding community and others by producing of approximately 500,000 tons per year of aluminium and alloy by 2019. 4. PROPOSITION The Technical Consulting Services for Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion Project at INALUM is prepared for the following proposition: A. Location of work is at INALUM Kuala Tanjung – Batu Bara, North Sumatra, Indonesia. B. All activities of feasibility studies, such as basic design, calculation on bill of quantity, assistance for tender evaluation, economical aspect, supervision and reporting are series of activities that relate to each other. C. All designs must refer to international standards (JIS, DIN, ASTM and etc.) D. The work should not disturb operation of the smelter. E. All man power should be covered by insurance with evidence of payment before commencement of work. F. All information and documents received by the Consultant is confidential and should not be disseminated to any party without the written consent of INALUM. G. All tools and equipments related to the activities of service becoming the responsibility of the Consultant. 9 H. In each step of work, Consultant should make coordination and/or approval from INALUM and other parties concerned. I. The proposal, reports and the engineering deliverables in support of the report are written in English. J. Bid shall be kept valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the bid due date / extended due date. K. The Bidder is expected to examine all instruction in this Terms of Reference document. The Terms of Reference together with all its appendices thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by Bidders, unless deviations are specifically stated by the Bidder. Failure to furnish all information required by the Terms of Reference document or Submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Terms of Reference document in every respect will be at Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. L. Cost of the Technical Consulting Services should be in United States Dollars (US$). 5. REQUIREMENTS The design and technology should fulfill INALUM’s requirements as follows: A. Adopt the most optimum (CAPEX and OPEX) latest design and technology: to describe the excellence of proposed design and technology. B. Superior operation and maintenance enabling enhanced operational efficiency: to describe manual of operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. C. Low energy consumption: to describe energy consumption. D. Fully automatic: to describe the control system. E. Clean production with environment friendly: to describe design and technology that pay attention to clean production and environment. F. Minimum adverse impact on environment due to plant construction: to describe work procedure that pay attention to environment and safety. G. Open ended architecture: connectable to any technology provider of equipment and facilities. H. Expected Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion performance: I. J. a. Production : 200,000 tpy b. Amperage : 400 kA or more c. Current Efficiency (CE) : Min. 94% d. DC Power Consumption : Max. 13,000 kWh/t Al e. Anode Effect (AE) f. Pot life : Min. 6 years g. Net Anode Consumption : Max. 400 kg/t Al : Max. 0.05 times/pot/day Expected specification of molten aluminium produced: a. Aluminium (Al) Purity : Min. 99.7% b. Iron (Fe) Content : Max. 0.1% The specifications of alumina being nominated are provided in the tabel below: 10 Table 2. Alumina Specification +150 mesh K. Raw material for Smelter, will be transported from other regions in Indonesia. The details of the places of origin of the alumina and coal are provided in the table below. No. 1 No. 1 2 3 Table 3. Nominated places of origin of alumina Region Alumina Site Location Tayan Menukung, Sandai, Pantus, Balai Berkuah, Kendawangan, West Kalimantan Munggu Besar Table 4. Nominated places of origin of coal for CFPP Region Coal Site Location South Sumatra Tanjung Enim West Sumatra Sawah Lunto, Ombilin East Kalimantan Tarakan, Kutai L. Environment (Government regulation): a. HF gas emission : max. 10 mg/m3 b. CO2 gas : max. 9,000 mg/m3 (inside workplace room) c. CO gas : max. 29 mg/m3 d. CF4 gas : minimum e. C2F6 gas : minimum f. Total Cyanide (CN) : max. 0.50 mg/l (water) M. Other Plant and Equipment Expansion as follows: a. New Green Plant and supporting facilities 11 b. New Rodding plant and supporting facilities c. New Open Type Baking Plant and supporting facilities d. Raw Material Storage (Silo) and Handling for New Reduction Potline and other plants e. New Gas Cleaning System for New Reduction Potline f. New Utility Facilities g. Pot tending machine (include anode cavity cleaner) h. Alumina conveying system i. Ex situ Pot Reconstruction j. Pot ramming machine k. Ladle Cleaning Shop l. Casting Plant N. The Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion should achieve total capacity of 200,000 tpy by 2019 hence it should be started-up gradually since end of year 2018 (accommodated by the completion of the coal-fired power plant project). O. The financial model should be made by including all the projects in INALUM Aluminium Smelting Plant Expansion Project. P. The Consultant should recommend the capacities of the Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion which is expandable for future expansion project. Q. The capacities mentioned above are indicative only. The Consultant should finally recommend the capacities based on the outcome of their studies. 6. SCOPE OF SERVICE 6.1 Feasibility Study The Consultant is assigned to conduct a Feasibility Study on INALUM Smelter Expansion Project, at Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra Province in Indonesia. In general, the feasibility study must cover: A. Comparison of commercially available technologies in terms of operation, maintenance, investment, the effect on the environment complete with its prevention and the estimation of equipment lifecycle. Adopt the most optimum (CAPEX and OPEX) latest design and technology. B. Study on economic and financial analysis such as source of raw material, prospect of product market, investment cost, operating and maintenance costs, Return on Investment (ROI), Break Event Point (BEP), Interest Rate of Return (IRR) and variable cost, etc, related to INALUM Aluminium Smelter Expansion Project. C. Transportation of equipment’s during construction, and site evaluation including preliminary evaluation on soil. D. Evaluation on the environmental impact, to identify and quantify the amount of waste generated during the production process in the form of solid, liquid or gas with a way of processing complete with solution to environment. E. Selection of technology completed with process control system, energy and material balance. F. Description of occupational for implementation and operation. G. Identification of project risks. H. Front End Engineering Design (FEED) By making basic design of Aluminium Smelter Expansion, the Consultant should propose feasibility study to be as follows: a. Description on Basic Design of Plant Technology and facilities, completed with : 1) Lay out drawing 12 2) Main equipment list and specification 3) Simulation of flow process by technical software application. 4) Basic drawings: process, mechanical, electrical, control and instrumentation, civil and structural. 5) etc. b. Comparison on modern latest aluminium smelter plant technology and facilities design: 1) Pot performance: Current Efficiency, DC Consumption, AE Frequency, Net/Gross Anode Consumption, etc. 2) Pot operation parameter, standard and procedure 3) Cell design and arrangement 4) Cell modeling, heat balance and MHD calculation 5) Process control (hardware and software) 6) Alumina Point Feeder (hardware and software) 7) Aluminium Fluoride Feeder (hardware and software) 8) Pot tending machine (including anode cavity cleaner) 9) Alumina conveying system 10) Pot reconstruction and ramming machine 11) Ladle Cleaning Shop 12) Gas Cleaning System 13) Anode and Cathode design 14) Carbon Plant 15) Casting Plant (products and machineries) 16) Raw Material Storage (Silo) & Handling, Utilities, Services and Off-Site Facilities 17) Logistics and Infrastructure Facilities 18) Man power 19) etc. I. Financial Model a. The financial model should consist of all the projects in INALUM Aluminium Smelting Plant Expansion Project as follows: 1) Optimization of existing plant 2) Diversification of product 3) Smelter Expansion Project, which consists of some projects such as Coal Fired Power Plant 600 MW (expandable to 1000 MW), Port Expansion and Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion. b. The Consultant shall make a consolidation financial model by referring to result of financial analysis in feasibility study report, which would have been done accordingly by Consultant of each project. 6.2 Tender Documents for EPC A. To prepare the documents of Terms of Reference (TOR) for construction of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion. 13 6.3 B. To calculate of bill of quantity (BQ) and cost estimation to build Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion included material, equipment, man power, transportation and etc. C. To recommend alternative vendor of equipment including supporting facilities that will be used to build Aluminium Smelter Expansion. D. To recommend alternative EPC contractor. Evaluation To assist to evaluate the incoming quotation from EPC Contractors. 6.4 Supervision service during the construction work 6.5 A. To give daily supervision in order to ensure the materials and working procedures comply with the contract documents and regulations in INALUM. B. To give the written instruction to contractor clearly regarding the construction work in order to achieve the best performance. C. To check all the materials based on specifications and material testing certificates. D. To ensure that work has been done carefully based on technical design and drawing (Layout Drawing and Flow Sheet). E. To inspect and give the written instruction to contractor for repairing/replacing all the things those not meet with design/specification. F. To ensure the volume of work has been carried-out correctly, accurately, safely, environment friendly and on-timely according to work schedule. Commisioning To assist commissioning test to ensure technical performance of project fulfills specifications as described in the contract. 7. SCHEDULE The schedule of Aluminium Smelter Expansion Project is as below: A. Technical Consulting Services of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion Project at INALUM should be conducted up to construction of Brownfield Aluminium Smelter to achieve total capacity 200,000 tpy by 2019. The Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion should be started up gradually since end of year 2018. B. Delivery of Document a. Submission of the Technical Proposal and Bidding Documents should be completed within one (1) month from the date of tender announcement by INALUM. b. The time period for the feasibility Study will be six (6) months max. The work is to be completed as per following schedule from the date of award of study: c. 8. 1) Submission of the Draft Feasibility Report and Presentation to INALUM Management should be completed in five (5) months from the date of award by INALUM. 2) Submission of the Final Feasibility Report should be completed within one (1) month from the date INALUM conveys her comments on of the Draft Feasibility Report and presented at INALUM. Submission of completion report should be submitted four (4) weeks after project would have been finished. CONSULTANT EXPERIENCE A. The Consultant should have experience on a consulting service of greenfield and/or brownfield of Aluminium Smelting Plant in the last fifteen (15) years with evidence on good performance. INALUM people should be allowed to visit the Plant where the projects were constructed. B. In order to arrange the Technical Consulting Services of Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion Project at INALUM, the project should consist of experienced and specialist as follows: 14 a. Project Manager/Leader Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Preferably 15 years experiences or had been at least 3 times as Project Team Leader on greenfield and/or brownfield aluminium smelter plant project. b. Reduction Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Reduction Plant Specialist on similar project. c. Carbon Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Carbon Plant Specialist on similar project. d. Casting Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Casting Plant Specialist on similar project. e. Gas Cleaning System Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Gas Cleaning System Specialist on similar project. f. Electrical Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Electrical Engineer on similar project. g. Mechanical Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Mechanical Engineer on similar project. h. Civil (construction) Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Civil (Construction) Engineer on similar project. i. Financial Analyst Min. Bachelor Degree in Economic/Finance/Accounting/Management. Preferably 10 years experiences or at least 2 times as Financial Analyst on similar type and class of project. 9. DOCUMENT A. Documents to be submitted on Quotation a. Company Profile completed with list of experience on a consulting service of greenfield and/or brownfield of Aluminium Smelting Plant in the last fifteen (15) years (reference customer list, address and performance of Aluminium Smelter Plant Project). b. Detail project organization and name of personnel completed with certificate of expert. c. Schedule of work, method of work and proposal on safety procedures. 15 B. C. d. Implementation method or manner of activities, list of equipment and tools, references for standards and response to terms of reference. e. Guarantee statement for work result. f. Cost break down of price for the Technical Consulting Services of Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion Project at INALUM for each project described in Scope of Service is to be provided with detail manhours and rate for each personnel involved in accordance with the level of competence. In case of there is collaboration or consortium among Consultants firm, please describe the consolidation fee. Document after signed of contract. a. Detail of schedule and methodology of work. b. Final project organization and name of personnel completed with certificate of expert c. Labor insurance. Final Report on Completion a. The report contains the result of feasibility study completed with backup engineering data and it should be presented. b. Draft of final report shall be made 5 copies c. Final report shall be made 10 copies 10. CRITERIA OF TECHNICAL EVALUATION A. Administration Aspect The evaluation will be done based on the completeness and validation of the submitted documents with maximum 20% from total score. B. Technical Aspect The evaluation will be done based on the ability of Consultant to carry out this project with minimum 80% from total score. 11. CLARIFICATION A. Consultant may conduct written correspondence for clarification to INALUM before the deadline for submitting the quotation document. B. INALUM has rights for clarification on the originality of the supporting documents for cross check the detailed information of previous clients. Consultant has no objection related to it. C. All direct and indirect costs associated with preparation and submission of bid (including clarification meetings and site visit, if any) shall be to bidder’s account and INALUM will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 12. GUARANTEE AND PENALTY A. Consultant guarantees and is responsible for item of work as specified in document contract. B. If the results of work do not meet with specifications in document contract, INALUM has right to give penalty to Consultant C. The expert and skill labors should meet the list submitted by Consultant at bidding. If Consultant uses labors which does not meet the list otherwise already been declared in document after signed contract, INALUM has authority to cancel the contract without any compensation. 13. OTHERS A. The Consultant should not do any EPC work in this project, either direct or indirect. B. Collaboration among Consultants shall be permitted for bidding (confirmation letter should be attached). 16 14. ATTACHMENT A. Attachment 1 : Schedule of Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at INALUM B. Attachment 2 : Evaluation Format for Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at INALUM C. Attachment 3 : Lay out of INALUM Smelting Plant D. Attachment 4 : Summarized Data of INALUM’s Existing Aluminium Smelter Plant and the Associated Facilities E. Attachment 5 : Summarized Data of INALUM’s Existing Power Plant and the Associated Facilities 17 18 Evaluation Format for Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion at INALUM NO. DESCRIPTION OF TOR I. 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) TECHNICAL ASPECT COMPANY PROFILE Address Investor / Owner Core Businesses Number of Employees Establishment Certification 2. PROPOSITION B. Continuity C. Standards D. Manner E. Man power insurance F. Confidential secrecy G. Tools and equipments H. Coordination Approval I. Languange J. Validity K. TOR inception L. Currency M. Submission of proposal 3. REQUIREMENTS A. Design and technology B. Superior operation and maintenance C. Energy consumption D. Fully automatic E. Clean production with environment friendly F. Environment G. Open ended architecture H. Expected Aluminium Smelting plant performance: I. Expected specification of molten aluminium produced: J. Specifications of alumina K. Origin of the alumina and coal L. Environment (Government regulation): M. Other Plant and Equipment Expansion INALUM REQUIREMENT WEIGHT UNIT BIDDER 1 :… QUOTATION VALUE SCORE 80 5 Adminstration Adminstration Adminstration Adminstration Adminstration Adminstration Adminstration 5 All activities of feasibility studies, such as basic design, calculation on bill of quantity, assistance for tender evaluation, economical aspect, supervision and reporting are series of activities that relate to each other. All designs must refer to international standards (JIS, DIN, ASTM and etc.) The work should not disturb operation of the smelter. All man power should be covered by insurance with evidence of payment before commencement of work. All information and documents received by the consultant is confidential and should not be disseminated to any party without the written consent of INALUM. All tools and equipments related to the activities of service becoming the responsibility of the consultant. In each step of work, consultant should make coordination and/or approval from INALUM and other parties concerned. The Proposal, reports and the engineering deliverables in support of the report are written in English. Bid shall be kept valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the bid due date / extended due date. The Bidder is expected to examine all instruction in this Terms of Reference document. The Terms of Reference together with all its appendices thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by Bidders, unless deviations are specifically stated by the Bidder. Failure to furnish all information required by the Terms of Reference document or Submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Terms of Reference document in every respect will be at Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of his bid. Cost of the Feasibility Study Services should be in United States Dollars (US$). The proposal submission is two (2) stages submission with envelope system; consists of one (1) technical aspect and one (1) business aspect, with requirements as follows: The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence/ drawings and documents relating to the bid exchanged by Bidder and INALUM shall be written in ENGLISH. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder written in another language should be accompanied by an ENGLISH translation. In case of any conflict, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the ENGLISH translation shall govern. The Bidder shall prepare required number of copies of the bid, clearly marking each ‘Original Bid’ and ‘Copy of Bid’ as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the ‘Original Bid’ shall govern. The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. The name and position held by each person signing must be typed or printed below the signature. The person or persons signing the bid shall initial all pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature. The complete bid shall be without alterations, interlineations or erasures, except as may be necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be rewritten & initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. The proposals must be received by INALUM at the latest by one (1) month 20 The most optimum (CAPEX and OPEX) latest design and technology: to describe the excellence of proposed design and technology. Superior operation and maintenance enabling enhanced operational efficiency: to describe manual of operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Low energy consumption: to describe energy consumption. Fully automatic: to describe the control system. Clean production with environment friendly: to describe design and technology that pay attention to clean production and environment. Minimum adverse impact on environment due to plant construction: to describe work procedure that pay attention to environment and safety. Open ended architecture: connectable to any technology provider of equipment and facilities. Production : 200,000 tpy Amperage : 400 kA or more Current Efficiency (CE) : Min. 94% DC Power Consumption : Max. 13,000 kWh/t Al Anode Effect (AE) : Max. 0.05 times/pot/day Pot life : Min. 6 years Net Anode Consumption : Max. 400 kg/t Al Aluminium (Al) Purity : Min. 99.7% Iron (Fe) Content : Max. 0.1% Recommendation by Consultant Recommendation by Consultant HF gas emission : max. 10 mg/m3 CO2 gas : max. 9,000 mg/m3 (inside workplace room) CO gas : max. 29 mg/m3 CF4 gas : minimum C2F6 gas : minimum Total Cyanide (CN) : max. 0.50 mg/l (water) New Green Plant and supporting facilities New Rodding plant and supporting facilities New Open Type Baking Plant and supporting facilities Raw Material Storage (Silo) and Handling for New Reduction Potline New Gas Cleaning System for New Reduction Potline New Utility Facilities Page 1 of 4 19 NO. DESCRIPTION OF TOR N. Start up O. Financial Model P. Expandable 4. 1) Q. Consultant Recommendation SCOPE OF SERVICE Feasibility Study A.Comparison of commercially available technologies B.To study of economic and financial analysis C.Transportation D.Environmental E.Technology F.Description of occupational for implementation and operation G. Identification of project risks H. Front End Engineering Design (FEED) I. Financial Model 2) 3) 4) Tender Documents for EPC Evaluation Supervision service during the construction work INALUM REQUIREMENT WEIGHT UNIT BIDDER 1 :… QUOTATION VALUE SCORE Pot tending machine (include cavity cleaner) Alumina conveying system Ex situ Pot Reconstruction Pot ramming machine Ladle Cleaning Shop Casting Plant The Aluminium Smelter Expansion should achieve total capacity of 200,000 tpy by 2019 hence it should be started-up gradually since end of year 2018 The financial model should be made by including all the projects in INALUM Aluminium Smelting Plant Expansion Project. The consultant should recommend the capacities of the brownfield smelter project which is expandable for future expansion project. Consultant's recommendation on brownfield smelter capacity 35 The consultant is assigned to conduct a Feasibility Study of Aluminium Smelter Plant Expansion in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra Province in Indonesia. Comparison of commercially available technologies in terms of operation, maintenance, investment, the effect on the environment complete with its prevention and the estimation of equipment lifecycle. Adopt the most optimum (CAPEX and OPEX) latest design and technology. Study on economic and financial analysis such as source of raw material, prospect of product market, investment cost, operating and maintenance costs, Return on Investment (ROI), Break Event Point (BEP), Interest Rate of Return (IRR) and variable cost, etc, related to INALUM Brownfield Smelter Expansion Project Transportation of equipment’s during construction, and site evaluation including preliminary evaluation on soil. Evaluation on the environmental impact,to identify and quantify the amount of waste generated during the production process in the form of solid, liquid or gas with a way of processing complete with solution to environment Selection of technology completed with process control system, energy and material balance Evaluation of the environmental impact, general description of clean coal and carbon capture technology Description of occupational for implementation and operation Identification of project risks Making basic design of Brownfield Smelter a. Description on Basic Design of Plant Technology and facilities 1) Lay out drawing 2) Main equipment list and specification 3) Simulation of flow process by technical software application. 4) Basic drawings: process, mechanical, electrical, control and instrumentation, civil and structural. 5) etc. b.Comparison on modern latest aluminium smelter plant technology and facilities design: 1) Pot performance: Current Efficiency, DC Consumption, AE Frequency, Net/Gross Anode Consumption, etc. 2) Pot operation parameter, standard and procedure 3) Cell design and arrangement 4) Cell modeling, heat balance and MHD calculation 5) Process control (hardware and software) 6) Alumina Point Feeder (hardware and software) 7) Aluminium Fluoride Feeder (hardware and software) 8) Pot tending machine (including anode cavity cleaner) 9) Alumina conveying system 10) Pot reconstruction and ramming machine 11) Ladle Cleaning Shop 12) Gas Cleaning System 13) Anode design 14) Carbon Plant 15) Casting Plant (products and machineries) 16) Raw Material Storage (Silo) & Handling, Utilities, Services and Off-Site Facilities 17) Logistics and Infrastructure Facilities 18) Man power 19) etc. a. The financial model should consist of all the projects in INALUM Aluminium Smelting Plant Expansion Project as follows: 1) Optimization of existing plant 2) Diversification of product 3) Smelter Expansion Project, which consists of some projects such as Coal Fired Power Plant600 MW, Port Expansion and Aluminium Smelter Expansion. b. The Consultant shall make a consolidation financial model by referring to result of financial analysis in feasibility study report, which would have been done accordingly by Consultant of each project. A.To prepare the documents of Terms of Reference (TOR) for construction the Coal Fired Power Plant, port and Brownfield Smelter. B.To calculate of bill of quantity (BQ) and cost estimation to build power plant, port and Brownfield Smelter included material, equipment, man power, transportation and etc. C.To recommend alternative vendor of equipment including supporting facilities that will be used to build power plant. D.To recommend alternative EPC contractor. To assist to evaluate the incoming quotation from EPC Contractors. A.To give daily supervision in order to ensure the materials and working procedures comply with the contract documents and regulations in INALUM. B.To give the written instruction to contractor clearly regarding the construction work in order to achieve the best performance. C.To check all the materials based on specifications and material testing certificates. D.To ensure that work has been done carefully based on technical design and drawing (Layout Drawing and Flow Sheet). E.To inspect and give the written instruction to contractor for repairing/replacing all the things those not meet with design/specification. F.To ensure the volume of work has been carried-out correctly, accurately, safely, environment friendly and on-timely according to work schedule. Page 2 of 4 20 NO. DESCRIPTION OF TOR 5) Commisioning 5. CONSULTANT EXPERIENCE A. Aluminium Smelter B. Leader and Member Qualification II. 1. ADMINSTRATION/PRODUCT SUPPORT SCHEDULE A. Technical Consulting Services B.Delivery of Document INALUM REQUIREMENT WEIGHT UNIT BIDDER 1 :… QUOTATION VALUE SCORE To assist commissioning test to ensure technical performance of each project fulfills specifications as described in the contract. 15 The consultant should have experience on a consulting service of greenfield and/or brownfield of Aluminium Smelting Plant in the last fifteen (15) years with evidence on good performance. INALUM people should be allowed to visit the Plant where the projects were constructed. a. Project Manager/Leader Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering. Preferably 15 years experiences or had been at least 3 times as Project Team Leader on greenfield and/or brownfield aluminium smelter plant project. b. Reduction Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Reduction Plant Specialist on similar project. c. Carbon Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Carbon Plant Specialist on similar project. d. Casting Plant Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Casting Plant Specialist on similar project. e. Gas Cleaning System Specialist Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Physics/Chemistry. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Consultant for Gas Cleaning System Specialist on similar project. f. Electrical Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Electrical Engineer on similar project. g. Mechanical Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Mechanical Engineer on similar project. h. Civil (construction) Engineer Min. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. Preferably 10 years experiences or had been at least 2 times as Civil (Construction) Engineer on similar project. i. Financial Analyst Min. Bachelor Degree in Economic/Finance/Accounting/Management. Preferably 10 years experiences or at least 2 times as Financial Analyst on similar type and class of project. 20 5 Should be conducted up to construction of Aluminium Smelter Expansion to achieve total capacity 200,000 tpy by 2019 The Aluminium Smelter Expansion should be started up gradually since end of year 2018. a.Submission of the Technical Proposal and Bidding Documents should be completed within one (1) month from the date of tender announcement by INALUM. b.The time period for the feasibility Study will be six (6) months max. The work is to be completed as per following schedule from the date of award of study: 1)Submission of the Draft Feasibility Report and Presentation to INALUM Management should be completed in five (5) months from the date of award by INALUM. 2)Submission of the Final Feasibility Report should be completed within one (1) month from the date INALUM conveys her comments on of the Draft Feasibility Report and presented at Inalum. c.Submission of completion report should be submitted four (4) weeks after project has been finished. 2. 1) DOCUMENT Documents to be submitted on Quotation 10 a.Company Profile completed with List of experience on a consulting service and construction of greenfield and/or brownfield of Aluminium Smelting Plant in the last fifteen (15) years (reference customer list, address and performance of Aluminium Smelter Plant Project). b.Detail project organization and name of personnel completed with certificate of expert. c.Schedule of work, method of work and proposal on safety procedures. d.Implementation method or manner of activities, list of equipment and tools, references for standards and response to terms of reference. e.Guarantee statement for work result. f. Cost break down of price for the Technical Consulting Services of Feasibility Study on Aluminium Smelter Expansion Project for each project described in Scope of Service is to be provided with detail manhours and rate for each personnel involved in accordance with the level of competence. In case of there is collaboration or consortium among Consultants firm, please describe the consolidation fee 2) Document after signed of contract. 3) Final Report on Completion 3. CLARIFICATION 4. GUARANTEE AND PENALTY a. Detail of schedule and methodology of work. b. Final project organization and name of personnel completed with certificate of expert c. Labor insurance. a. The report contains the result of feasibility study completed with backup engineering data and it should be presented. b.Draft final report shall be made 5 copies c.Final report shall be made 10 copies A. Consultant may conduct written correspondence for clarification to INALUM before the deadline for submitting the quotation document. .B. INALUM has rights for clarification on the originality of the supporting documents for cross check the detailed information of previous clients. Consultant has no objection related to it. C.All direct and indirect costs associated with preparation and submission of bid (including clarification meetings and site visit, if any) shall be to bidder’s account and INALUM will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. A.Consultant guarantees and is responsible for item of work as specified in document contract. 1 2 Page 3 of 4 21 NO. 5. DESCRIPTION OF TOR OTHERS INALUM REQUIREMENT B. If the results of work do not meet with specifications in document contract, INALUM has right to give penalty to consultant C. The expert and skill labors should meet the list submitted by consultant at bidding. If consultant uses labors which does not meet the list otherwise already been declared in document after signed contract, INALUM has authority to cancel the contract without any compensation. A.The consultant should not do any EPC work in this project, either direct or indirect. B.Collaboration among Consultants shall be permitted for bidding (confirmation letter should be attached). TOTAL SCORE CONSLUSION TOTAL PRICE WEIGHT UNIT BIDDER 1 :… QUOTATION VALUE SCORE 2 100 Notes 1. Values based on NO 1 2 3 CRITERION Very fulfill Fulfill Not quote / Not fulfill VALUE 0.8 ~ 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.7 0 ~ 0.4 2. Passing grade for recommend : Total Score ≥ 80 (Equipment Classs A) Page 4 of 4 22 Attachment-3 New Alumina Silo and Gas Cleaning System New Potlines 23 Summarized Data of INALUM’s Existing Aluminium Smelter Plant and the Associated Facilities 23 Summarized Data of INALUM’s Existing Power Plant and the Associated Facilities 24 CHAPTER III FORMS TO USE A. Covering Letter of Technical Proposal (Form-1) [LETTER HEAD] TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ______________,_____________2014 No. : _____________________ Enclosure : _____________________ To : PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) Attn. Mr. Suryadi Munir General Manager Procurement Department Subject : Technical Proposal for Technical Consulting of ___________________________ In relation to notice of tender for Technical Consulting _____________________, having learned all terms and condition required we herewith would like to submit Technical Proposal for Techncial Consulting of ___________________. This Technical Proposal shall be valid for a perid of 60 (sixty) calendar days counted from the date of this proposal. We herewith enclosed the required documents as follows : 1. Power Attorney from president director/company leader if appropriate, 2. Administrative Data 3. Deed of Establishment of the company and its latest amendment 4. Audited Financial Statement for the last three years 5. Declaration of Undertaking 6. Declaration of Interest 7. Statement on Complying with Decree of the Board of Directors of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium No.SK-002/DIR/2014 dated May 16, 2014. 8. Technical Proposal, consisting of : a. Description of methodology and work programme b. Working Schedule c. List of personnel (including the qualification of personnel and the assignment) d. Company experience according to the TOR e. Curriculum Vitae of expert for the work By submission of this proposal, we agree to be bound with all terms and conditions described in procurement document. Sincerely Yours, [Name of Company] ____________________ Name & Position 25 B. Administrative Data (Form-2) 1. Company Identity 1. Name of Company 2. Status 3. Address Phone No. Fax No. E-Mail 4. Head Office Address Phone No. Fax No. 2. : : Head Branch : : : : : (filled out, in case the bidder is a company branch) : : Legal Base of the Establishment of the Company (Please enclose the Deed) 1. Deed of Establishment of company a. Deed Number b. Dated 2 The latest Deed of Amendment a. Deed Number b. Dated : : : : 3. The Board of Management a. Commissioner No. Name Position in the Company b. Board of Director No. 4. Name Position in the Company Financial Data a. Composition of Share Ownership No. Name Address Percentage 26 b. Statement of Financial Position in the Last 3 Years (Please enclode the audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years) Type of Financial Information Historic Information for the Last 3 (Three) Years in USD 2013 2012 2011 Information from Balance Sheet Total Assets (TA) Total Liabilities (TL) Net Worth (NW) Current Assets (CA) Current Liabilities (CL) Information from Income Statement Total Revenue (TR) Profits Before Taxes (PBT) Profits After Taxes (PAT) 27 C. Declaration of Undertaking (Form-3) [LETTER HEAD] DECLARATION OF UNDERTAKING ___________,_____________2014 I, the undersigned, : Name : __________________________________ Position : __________________________________ Acting for and on : __________________________________[company name] behalf of In relation with procurement at PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), hereby declare that: 1. I and our company will not commit to fraudulent, corruption, collusion, and nepotism action in any form and/or any manner; 2. I and our company will comply with the procurement process in a clean, transparent, and professional manner in order to provide the best outcome in accordance with the applicable law and regulations; 3. In case I and our company are convicted of failing to comply with this declaration, then I and our company am prepared to be subject to a sanction in accordance with the provision of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) as well as civil and criminal sanction in accordance with the applicable law and regulations. [Company name] ___________________ [Name & Position] 28 D. Declaration of Interest (Form-4) [LETTER HEAD] DECLARATION OF INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE IN PROCUREMENT PROCESS ___________,_____________2014 I, the undersigned : Name Position : …………………………………………………………………………… : …………………………………………………………………………… : PT ..………………………………………………… Acting for and on behalf of Address : …………………………………………………………………………… Phone/Fax : …………………………………………………………………………… Email : …………………………………………………………………………… Hereby declare in trueness that after learning of qualification documents for the procurement which will be carried out by PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), I declare interest in the procurement process to complete. We make this declaration with full awareness and sense of responsibility. PT_______________ (FullName) Position 29 E. Statement on Complying with Decree of the Board of Directors of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium No.SK-002/DIR/2014 dated May 16, 2014 (Form-5) [LETTER HEAD] STATEMENT ON COMPLYING WITH THE DECREE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PT INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO) NO. SK-002/DIR/2014 DATED MAY 16, 2014 ___________,_____________2014 I., the undersigned : Name : …………………………………………………………………………… Position : …………………………………………………………………………… Address : …………………………………………………………………………… Hereby declare that we shall comply with those specific parts of the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) No.SK-002/DIR/2014 dated May 16 2014 and its amendment (if any in future) as well as other related documents where we are involved in the tender or the work at PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium. We make this declaration in trueness and with full responsibility to be used accordingly. Sincerely Yours ______________________ (Sign & Name) 30 F. List of Personnel (Form-6) Please describe key expert, expert/assistant expert, and staff for this work in this form No. Name Date/month /years of Birth 1 2 3 Education Position in the work Work Experience (years) Profession /Expertise Certificate/ Diploma 4 5 6 7 8 G. Company Experience in the Last 10 Years (Form-7) Please describe company experience in the Last 10 Years by using this form No. 1 The Owner/ Service User Name of Work Package Field/Sub Field of Work Location 2 3 4 Contract *) Completion Date According to Name Address/ Phone No/ Date Value Contract Handover Minutes 5 6 7 8 9 10 31 H. Curriculum Vitae (Form 8) [LETTER HEAD] CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Position in this work : __________ 2. Company Name : __________ 3. Name of Personnel : __________ 4. Place & Date of Birth : __________ 5. Latest Education : __________ (Please mention institution and enclose the Ceritificate) 7. Language : __________ 8. Working Experience a. Subject : __________ b. Work Location : __________ c. Employer : __________ d. Company Name : __________ e. Job Description : __________ 9. Employment Status : Permanent or Temporary 32 I. Covering Letter for Price Proposal (Form 9) [LETTER HEAD] ______________,_____________20__ Nomor : _____________________ Enclosure : _____________________ To : PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) Attn. Mr. Suryadi Munir General Manager Procurement Department Subject : Price Proposal for Technical Consulting of ___________________________ In relation to notice of tender for Technical Consulting _____________________ No.____ dated ___________, having learned all terms and condition required and also with reference to our Technical Proposal No._____ dated _________, we herewith would like to submit Price Proposal for Techncial Consulting of ___________________ amounting to USD_______. This Price Proposal shall be valid for a period of 60 (sixty) days counted from the proposal date. According to terms and conditions, we herewith enclose the following documents: 1. Summary of price proposal 2. Remuneration of personnel in detail 3. Direct reimburseable cost in detail By submission of this proposal, we agree to be bound with all terms and conditions described in the procurement document. PT_________________ _____________________ Position J. Summary of price proposal (Form-10) 33 SUMMARY OF PRICE PROPOSAL No. Total Price (USD) Description I Remuneration of Personnel II Direct Reimburseable Cost Sub-total VAT 10% Total K. Remuneration of Personnel in Detail (Form-11) REMUNERATION OF PERSONNEL Personnel Name Position Experience Unit Price Man Month (USD) Man Month Amount (USD) Total Amount L. Direct reimbursable cost in detail (Form-12) 34 DIRECT REIMBURSEABLE COST Kind of Cost Traveling Cost Item Air Ticket Airport Tax Travelling Document Inland Traveling Consumable Reporting Cost Car rental (including Fuel) Office Consumable Printing Consumable Preliminary Report Intermediate Report Final Report Unit Qty Unit Price (USD) Amount (USD) Vise versa-man Vise versaman Man-Trip Day Lot Lot Book Book Book Others TOTAL AMOUNT CHAPTER IV EVALUATION PROCEDURE 35 A. METHOD The following method shall be used in the evaluation : 1. Administration : Rating System 2. Technical Proposal : Rating System 3. Price Proposal : Rating System 4. Final Score : Joint evaluation of technical & price proposal B. EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Administration Detail criteria evaluation shall refer to TOR , Chapter III, attachment-2. In case there are any revisions will be explained in the Tender Briefing. 2. Technical Proposal Detail criteria evaluation shall refer to TOR , Chapter III, attachment-2. In case there are any revisions will be explained in the Tender Briefing. 3. Price Proposal Formula : Score N = QP N / LQP x 100 Whereas : N = Bidder QP = Quoted Price LQP = Lowest Quoted Price 4. Joint Evaluation to gain Final Score (FS) Formula: FS = {Score of Technical Proposal x Technical Proposal of Weight} + {Score of Price Proposal x Price Proposal of Weight} 36
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