MITCHELL SHIRE NEWS. Spring 2014 Register your sa le now. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 8 Fire Preparedness 10 2014 Pet Expo 14 Tap and Go DENISE DRYSDALE TO HEADLINE SENIORS’ FESTIVAL. The popular annual Victorian Seniors’ Festival celebrations will be taking place again this Spring and we’re delighted that this year’s local concert will be headlined by one of Australia’s most loved entertainers. Performing great songs including Vince Gill’s ‘Look At Us’ and ‘Being Green’, Denise will also perform a Dusty FOR MORE INFORMATION. Mitchell Shire Council Ph: (03) 5734 6200 Join the Garage Sale Trail Springfield medley mixed with some of her trademark comedy. Whether it’s singing great songs, doing impersonations, particularly her famous ‘chook walk’ or cracking gags, this lady is a peerless entertainer. Denise’s television career has been amazing, starting as a young girl on Follow us on: – Page 6 Kommotion and The Go Show and then guesting on every major television tonight show, such as Melbourne Tonight and The Don Lane Show. Denise has endeared herself to millions of Australians and now she’ll do the same in Mitchell. See page 12 for details of the concert venue and ticket booking. MEET YOUR COUNCIL. 1 2 3 7 8 9 4 5 6 5. COUNCILLOR DES CALLAGHAN - Central Ward Phone: 0407 534 360 Email: [email protected] 1. COUNCILLOR BILL MELBOURNE - North Ward Phone: 0400 822 593 Email: [email protected] 6. COUNCILLOR RODNEY PARKER - Central Ward Phone: 0428 587 273 Email: [email protected] 2. COUNCILLOR RHONDA SANDERSON - North Ward Phone: 0429 857 565 Email: [email protected] 7. COUNCILLOR SUE MARSTAELLER - South Ward Phone: 0458 951 045 Email: [email protected] 3. COUNCILLOR BILL CHISHOLM - North Ward Phone: 0408 459 292 Email: [email protected] 8. COUNCILLOR KEVIN MULRONEY - South Ward Phone: 0427 802 536 Email: [email protected] 4. COUNCILLOR ROSS LEE - Central Ward Phone: 0418 509 388 Email: [email protected] 9. COUNCILLOR BOB CORNISH - South Ward Phone: 0448 701 492 Email: [email protected] CONTACT US. General Enquires: (03) 5734 6200 After Hours Emergency: (03) 5734 6200 Fax: (03) 5734 6222 Email: [email protected] If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service: • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for (03) 5734 6200 • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (03) 5734 6200 • Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service then ask for (03) 5734 6200 Visit us: Broadford Library and Customer Service Centre 113 High Street, Broadford Kilmore Library and Customer Service Centre 12 Sydney Street, Kilmore Seymour Library and Customer Service Centre 125 Anzac Avenue, Seymour Wallan Library and Customer Service Centre Wellington Square,12/81 High Street, Wallan 2. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION SHEPPARTON NE VICTORIA 50 mins MANGALORE AIRPORT BENDIGO 60 mins 60 mins MITCHELL SHIRE TOOBORAC SEYMOUR PUCKAPUNYAL Northern Highway Goulburn River TALLAROOK Goulburn Valley Highway PYALONG BROADFORD 30 mins Hume Freeway KILMORE WANDONG/HEATHCOTE JUNCTION WALLAN BEVERIDGE 30 mins MELBOURNE AIRPORT 40 mins MELBOURNE Together with the community, building a sustainable future CBD 16. MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR. months Council has successfully attracted State Government funding to help Kilmore become more resilient in emergencies, and a second grant which will support planning for the revitalisation of the retail precinct. “As Mayor and a Kilmore resident, I am particularly pleased with the progress Council is making.” This will be my last Mayoral foreword for the Mitchell Shire News as my term of office ends in November when Council elects a new candidate to the role. I would like to welcome residents and readers to the Spring edition of Mitchell Shire News, your quarterly update on the projects and initiatives being undertaken across the municipality. As Mayor and a Kilmore resident, I am particularly pleased with the progress Council is making. Over the last few Council secured funding through the State Government’s Community Resilience Program to design and implement a Community Resilience Project for the township. This project aims to build and strengthen support networks in Kilmore to help our communities best prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. The revitalisation project will include the development of a Place Making Plan that considers the township’s current and future needs, particularly in the context of the Kilmore Wallan Bypass. These changes will be powered by the community and every resident will have an opportunity to get involved and share their views on Kilmore’s future look and feel. As the weather finally begins to improve, we find ourselves increasingly enjoying the outdoors with many of us reviving our gardens or tidying up our households. To assist your gardening and clean-up efforts, Council is once again offering its compost bin and worm farm subsidy and now also offers EFTPOS payments at all Transfer Stations across the Shire. No matter what your age or stage in life, there are great things happening this Spring. This year’s Seniors’ Festival has much to offer, including a concert headlined by Denise Drysdale at the Broadford Hall on Thursday 9 October. As always, I hope you read about something interesting, informative and new happening this season in your local township here in this edition of Mitchell Shire News. Cr Rodney Parker, Mayor THINGS TO SEE AND DO. We’ve recently upgraded our website events calendar /events making it easier to find out what’s happening in your local area. You can search a wide range of categories, from Art & Exhibitions, Community, Family, Food & Wine, Gardens & Agriculture, Indigenous, Lifestyle, Live Music, Markets and Multicultural, to Performing Arts, Shopping and Sports. REGISTER YOUR EVENT FOR FREE! Local event organisers can easily create a free listing on our website, through Events Victoria. Just follow the links, it’s really easy. Once you’ve registered your details and entered event information, there’s a short verification process after which your listing will be published on Council’s website and multiple sites across the country. For further information, please contact Council on 5734 6200 or email [email protected]. Together with the community, building a sustainable future 3. NOT TAKING IT FOR GRANTED. Last year Council received $12.3 million in competitive and non-competitive grant funds. Even at this early stage in the 2014/15 financial year, Council has been successful in receiving just over half a million dollars in grant funding and has lodged $1.8 million in new funding applications. These successful applications have seen a range of community projects delivered throughout Mitchell Shire. Grants can make the difference between having an idea and making that idea a reality. In Mitchell Shire’s case, Council has used grants to deliver improved community facilities. In just one example, the new skate parks in many of our towns were constructed with the assistance of grants received from the State and Federal governments. KINDERGARTENS IN BROADFORD, WANDONG AND WALLAN HAVE IMPROVED FACILITIES THANKS TO SUCCESSFUL GRANTS APPLICATIONS. 4. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION Council advocates for funding to help finance projects that we have identified as important for the community and we continually seek grant funding to extend the budgets for our major projects. Recent successful grant applications include funding for: • The Chittick Park and Goulburn Park redevelopment projects in Seymour • Mill Street upgrade in Kilmore • Wallan Transfer Station Solar Project • Upgrades to kindergartens in Wandong, Wallan and Broadford • Shade Sails at Seymour and Broadford outdoor pools • Public safety lighting at Hadfield Park in Wallan ABOVE: PREPARING TO UPGRADE GOULBURN PARK, SEYMOUR. BELOW: SOLAR INSTALLATION AT WALLAN TRANSFER STATION. COMPOST BIN AND WORM FARM SUBSIDY. DRAFT WALLAN STRUCTURE PLAN COMING SOON... SPRING INTO WALLAN3756. 27 SEPTEMBER UNTIL 2 NOVEMBER, 2014. Mitchell Shire Council is offering up to a 50% subsidy to encourage people to set up compost bins and worm farms. Rebates are capped at $30 per compost bin and $50 per worm farm. This subsidy is available from 27 September until 2 November, 2014 or until vouchers funds are expended, with a limit of one compost bin or worm farm per household within Mitchell Shire. The three easy steps to receive your subsidy are: 1. Pick up a voucher from one of the participating retailers, one of Mitchell Shire Council’s libraries or via Council’s website; We are approaching Stage 3 of the Wallan Structure Plan Consultation. Council has been working hard to ensure the Draft Wallan Structure Plan reflects the wide variety of feedback received from the community so far. 2. Purchase your compost bin or worm farm from a participating retailer; 3. Send the stamped voucher with your receipt to Mitchell Shire Council (postal details on voucher). The participating retailers are: Seymour - Seymour Timber and Hardware - Seymour Garden Centre Broadford - Broadford Timber & Hardware Kilmore - Kilmore Mitre 10 The consultation that follows the Draft Structure Plan will be your next opportunity to have your say on Wallan’s future. Wallan - Pretty Sally Home and Garden Online - Look out for the Draft Structure Plan on the project website – and help shape Wallan’s future. For more information contact Council’s Waste Education Officer on 5734 6200. We would like to thank everyone who has taken the opportunity to get involved. There will be more opportunities to comment once the Plan goes out for public exhibition. GIVE YOUR GARDEN A GREEN ADVANTAGE WITH COMPOST. Together with the community, building a sustainable future 5. GARAGE SALE TRAIL. GET ON THE GARAGE SALE TRAIL AND TURN YOUR CLUTTER INTO CASH. Have you accumulated a lot of ‘stuff’ over the winter months and are you dreading a big Spring clean this year? Fear not, because all Mitchell households, schools and community groups are invited to join thousands of Australians across the country on a Garage Sale Trail on Saturday 25 October. 6. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION Now in its fourth year, the Garage Sale Trail is expecting to see up to 10,000 garage sales taking place across the country with a whopping 1.5 million items for sale. Join in by hosting a garage sale or visiting others in your neighbourhood. This is a great chance to spring clean, sell your unwanted items and socialise with other local treasure hunters. All we ask is that you register your sale - for free - via so you can be found along the trail. There are lots of opportunities to make your sale stand out online, so why not unleash your creativity and see how many people you can attract to your garage sale? GREAT INITIATIVES WILL TRANSFORM AND INVIGORATE KILMORE. LINKING IN WITH OTHER PROJECTS. SPOTLIGHT ON KILMORE. “Kilmore residents have a lot to look forward to this year with over $1.16 million to be invested in revitalising the town. The Town Centre Revitalisation Plan aims to deliver an enhanced physical streetscape and a modern, mixed use environment, leading to an improved community and visitor experience. Delivered in partnership through Council, traders and the community, the project aims to create opportunities for economic and community growth. The Plan will primarily focus on Sydney Street and the area bounded by Clarke Street, Union Street, Melbourne Street, Kilmore-Lancefield Road, Foote Street and Victoria Parade. We won’t be standing still while the Revitalisation Plan is developed. Kilmore Town Hall is an important piece of local heritage and currently in need of major external and internal repairs. Plans are already in place to repair the building’s façade and make it water tight. Surfacing works and drain cleaning will take place in George Street, Green and White Streets, Griffin Street, Kings Lane and Sunday Creek Road. The culvert in Lamb Street will be supplemented with a second culvert and table drain works designed to avoid the road washing out. At Kilmore Leisure Centre we will replace the remaining old gym equipment, repair cracks in the building structure and investigate the cause to prevent further damage. Similarly, at Marie Williams Kindergarten we will replace the old boundary fencing and repair a large crack in the structure. Work will include foundation underpinning, painting and new floor coverings. At Hudson Park, the public toilet will be refurbished and work will include replacing the damaged façade and verandah posts, internal and external painting, replacing internal partitions and repairing the disabled entry. NEW DEVELOPMENT. The restoration of the building now used by the Amcal Pharmacy has set the scene for high quality heritage restoration along Sydney Street. Construction has now commenced on two more significant sites including the Kilmore Toyota dealership on Powlett Street and the adjacent mixed use, retail and commercial development. This higher level of attention and investment in Kilmore heralds an exciting year ahead with the potential to transform the landscape and consumer choices. The Mill Street Focal Space Project will deliver an improved link between Sydney Street and Kilmore Creek by restoring and landscaping the Creek and surrounds to improve the environment and create attractive recreational park space for the community. Together with the community, building a sustainable future 7. AFFECTED BY FIRE? ARE YOU FIRE READY? If you have been affected by fire and would like to talk to someone you can contact Nexus Primary Health. They provide counselling and trauma services for adults, youths and children. Contact Nexus Primary Health on 1300 773 352. WHAT COUNCIL IS DOING. WITH THE FIRE SEASON FAST APPROACHING, IT’S IMPORTANT THAT YOU’RE FIRE READY. Being one of the most fire-prone regions in the world, Victoria is expecting a higher than average risk of grassfires this season. To stay safe, it is vital that you have a Bushfire Survival Plan and leave the night before. You must have an effective and rehearsed Bushfire Survival Plan if you live or holiday in a high risk fire region and it should answer: 1. When should I leave? 2. What should I take with me? 3. What if my car won’t start? 4. What if it’s a school day? CFA has produced a Fire Ready Kit that can assist you in developing your Bushfire Survival Plan: plan-prepare/fire-ready-kit/ FIREREADY APP. The FireReady app is the official Victorian Government app for access to timely, relevant and tailored fire warnings and information. For more information visit FIRE READY VICTORIA. The CFA is targeting high fire risk communities for Fire Ready Victoria meetings over the next few months. Watch out for information in local papers and the CFA website: 8. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION Council recognises the potential threat that fire poses to the community every fire season. We aim to reduce this threat where possible by developing and implementing a Municipal Fire Management Plan and carrying out an annual program of works aimed at reducing fire risk across the community. PRIVATE PROPERTY. Council’s Municipal Fire Prevention Officer carries out inspections of private land within townships and low density residential areas to assess properties for fire hazards. Properties that are deemed a risk to themselves or neighbours are issued with a Fire Prevention Notice detailing works to be undertaken to reduce the risk. Property owners are required to comply with the Notice or Council will carry out the works on their behalf and pass the costs back to the owner along with administration costs. You may also receive a fine of $1,448 if you do not comply with the Notice. If you wish to discuss a Notice that you have received, please call 5734 6200. ROADSIDES. Council has undertaken a large amount of work as a result of the Mickleham-Kilmore fires, both assessing and removing a number of dangerous trees on roadsides. A large part of this work has already been completed, but you may see Shire staff working on our roadsides leading up to the coming fire season completing further works. The Municipal Fire Prevention Officer coordinates Council’s slashing and spraying program on the sides of identified roads in townships and some rural areas in the lead up to the fire season. WHAT YOU CAN DO. ON YOUR PROPERTY. • Seal gaps, vents and roof spaces to prevent embers entering your house • Keep grass and undergrowth trimmed, keep grass and weeds below 200mm • For rural and semi-rural allotments, reduce fuel by cutting or effective grazing for at least 20m around dwellings and other assets including your boundary fence and neighbours assets • Rake up and reduce leaf litter and overgrown shrubs • Remove branches overhanging buildings and leaf litter from roofs and gutters • This helps protect your house from direct flame contact and reduces the radiant heat • Store fuels and chemicals away from your house • Move woodpiles away from the house • Ensure underfloor areas are enclosed or screened • Consider safety requirements for your stock including a fire safe area or paddock by creating a mineral earth break and reducing fuel loads • The perimeter of any allotment boundary that adjoins a township is to have a minimum of a 10m wide fuelreduced fire break (slashed or grazed) • CFA has developed a ‘Landscaping for Bushfire’ brochure that can help you plan a ‘fire-safe’ garden for your property – visit COUNCIL RESERVES. Council regularly mows areas within townships and along Council managed thoroughfares to maintain town amenity. This work contributes to fuel reduction. BUSHFIRE SHELTER OPTIONS AND NEIGHBOURHOOD SAFER PLACES – PLACES OF LAST RESORT (NSPS). In conjunction with CFA and members of the community, Council is reviewing established NSPs. We are also working on identifying additional NSPs. By law an NSP assessment process must be followed to ensure that sites are compliant with state law. When additional NSPs have been designated the community will be notified. 10/50 RULE – THE RULES HAVE CHANGED. Under the 10/50 rule, landowners in a number of planning zones can remove any vegetation within 10 metres of their dwelling and all fine fuels within 50 metres without the need for a Planning Permit. This does not include roadsides or your neighbour’s property. If you are in any doubt about the works you are planning to do, contact Council’s Statutory Planning Department for advice. Further information at refer to 10/30 rule. GREEN WASTE DROP OFF. Council will accept green waste free of charge at the Broadford, Wallan, Pyalong and Seymour Resource Recovery Centres (Waste Transfer Stations) for the period starting Saturday 25 October to Sunday 30 November 2014. Residents need to show their Driver’s Licence or rates notice at the time of dropping off their green waste. For a full list of opening times, please visit Council’s website. BURNING OFF – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Council is urging owners and occupiers of land, whether vacant property or built on, to start cleaning up their properties now for the coming fire season. Check our website for advice and rules about burning off. After October 1 2014, a permit is required to burn off under certain conditions. GRASS: HOW LONG IS TOO LONG? Under Section 26 of Council’s Local Law No 1 Community and Environment 2013, an owner or occupier of land in a residential local law area must ensure that the land does not have grass or weeds present which exceeds 200 millimetres in height. Property owners or the occupier of the land are required to maintain the grass on private property all year round. Penalties apply for non-compliance. Infringement penalty: $200 Maximum penalty: $1000 If you are in doubt or have any questions please visit Council’s website or call our Customer Service Team on 5734 6200. All open air burning requires notification to the CFA on 1800 668 511. Fires are NOT to be lit on days of Total Fire Ban, Smog Alert days or during the CFA declared Fire Danger Period. Together Togetherwith withthe thecommunity, community,building buildinga asustainable sustainablefuture future 9. MITCHELL PET EXPO IS NOW IN ITS FIFTH YEAR AND PROVING TO BE HUGELY POPULAR. TREAT YOUR BELOVED FUR-FRIEND TO A GREAT DAY OUT. 2014 PET EXPO. Why not treat your beloved fur-friend to a great day out and visit Mitchell Shire Council’s Pet Expo in Wallan on Saturday 15 November? The day is guaranteed to be fun for all the family and prizes are up for grabs for those who enter one of our competitions with their pets. The expo is now in its fifth year and is proving to be hugely popular. Aiming to promote responsible pet ownership, the expo boasts many activities including displays, demonstrations and fun games for owners and their pets. Date: Saturday 15 November Free entertainment for children includes a petting zoo, jumping castle, face painting and a talented balloon artist. Adults and children will be able to enjoy displays of flyball and agility dogs. Alternatively why not try your dog out in the free lure course or take in a puppy pre-school class? Discounted pet microchipping will be available on the day, as well as a reduced price on Council Animal Registration. 10. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION Time: 10am to 3pm Where: Hadfield Park Wallan Admission: Free Also on hand to provide information and services are a collection of pet-related businesses, clubs and organisations, but we still encourage others who have not yet registered to consider attending to showcase their products and services. Council is currently taking applications from stallholders to participate in the event. Further information can be found on Council’s website TREAT YOUR BELOVED FUR-FRIEND TO A GREAT DAY OUT 2014 PET EXPO: IN IT’S FIFTH YEAR AND PROVING TO BE HUGELY POPULAR ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ICE?’ CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED. HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF YOUR COMMUNITY. The ‘What are you doing on ice?’ campaign highlights the addictive nature of the drug ice and the damage it can have on health and relationships. In an effort to educate young Victorians, the campaign presents a realistic picture of the downward spiral from occasional use to damaging addiction and provides important information on where to go for help. JOIN THE PANEL. Help shape the future of your community by joining our Community Panel and make a difference where it really matters. The Panel will be regularly invited to participate in discussions on a wide range of topics affecting the community, with key members being invited to participate in face-to-face community engagement activities and online surveys. Anyone can join the Community Panel, but you must live or work in the Shire and not be an employee or Councillor of Mitchell Shire Council. The Panel is not a formal decision-making body and is intended to complement other community engagement activities carried out by Mitchell Shire. As part of the campaign, concerned family and friends will be able to access new material containing practical advice and information on support services as well as a new website with details of the campaign and information about where to get help and support. Visit for facts, advice and to watch the videos. For more information or to sign up, please contact the Community Development Team on 5734 6200 or email [email protected]. SCHOOL CROSSING SAFETY. Council is urging parents and carers to play it safe around school crossings. Do not park in designated ‘No Stopping Areas,’ or 20 metres before and 10 metres after a school crossing. The fine for parking within these areas is $148. Drivers are also reminded that double parking while waiting for your child attracts a fine of $89. Please be extra cautious when driving in school crossing zones and bear in mind that sometimes children play around parked cars and may not be easily seen by on-coming traffic. Staying alert, reducing your speed and obeying the signage in school crossing zones greatly reduces the risk to children. PLAY IT SAFE AROUND SCHOOL CROSSINGS. Together with the community, building a sustainable future 11. GET READY FOR THE SENIORS’ FESTIVAL. Council is once again proud to host the Senior Citizens’ Concert as part of the Victorian Seniors’ Festival celebrations. This year, we are pleased to welcome back Denise Drysdale. Denise is one Australia’s best entertainers and has garnered enormous popularity in her career. Her show includes great songs such as Vince Gill’s ‘Look At Us’, ‘Being Green’ and a Dusty Springfield medley intermingled with some entertaining comedy. The concert will be held on Thursday 9 October 2014 in the Broadford Hall, Murchison Street, Broadford commencing 2.30pm. Tickets cost $7.50 (including light refreshments) and are on sale now from Mitchell Shire Council by calling 5734 6200. 12. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION SENIORS LIVE WELL FOR LIFE IN MITCHELL. In recognition of the positive and invaluable contribution seniors make to the community, did you know Council recently adopted a Living Well for Life Strategy? It aims to acknowledge and meet the needs of our aged community, ensuring Mitchell Shire is a great place to live. Get your copy of the Strategy by calling into one of our local Library and Customer Service Centres or by phoning 5734 6200. FREE SENIORS TRAVEL! In October make sure you carry your Victorian Seniors Card with you, as free travel is available for seniors from October 7 to October 12 on V-Line and metro lines. Conditions apply. For more information contact 1800 800 007. WELCOME BACK DENISE DRYSDALE. HAVE YOU JOINED THE MITCHELL CROWD? Join the Mitchell Crowd and support our local traders by shopping locally and displaying a ‘Live Local, Shop Local’ bumper sticker on your car. Bumper stickers can be collected from any of our Library and Customer Service Centres – for free! So far, almost 200 grade five students have met the Mitchell Crowd and learned why it’s important to shop locally. They’ve also learnt how supporting our local traders can boost our local economy, create jobs and deliver greater variety for consumers. Now rolled out to all Central and North Ward schools across Broadford, Kilmore and Seymour, the Mitchell Crowd campaign will be visiting all other schools over the coming weeks. So come on, join the Mitchell Crowd and support our local traders! THE MITCHELL CROWD IS GETTING GRADE FIVE STUDENTS ACROSS MITCHELL SHIRE EXCITED ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF LOCAL SHOPPING. “Supporting our local traders can boost our local economy, create jobs and deliver greater variety for consumers.” Together with the community, building a sustainable future 13. TAP AND GO. All Mitchell Shire Council Transfer Stations now accept EFTPOS payments on site. That’s great news for residents because it means you don’t need to worry about having enough cash and there’s no more struggling to park a trailer outside an ATM on your way to a Transfer Station. MITCHELL YOUTH ROOM. Drop in to the Mitchell Room to hang out, meet new people and take part in free activities in a supported environment. The Mitchell Youth Room offers services to young people aged 10 to 18 years. WHAT CAN YOU DO THERE? There is a variety of facilities and equipment to choose from: • PS3 and Wii U • Sporting equipment • Art and craft supplies • Kitchen • WiFi and laptops • Snacks are provided and everything is FREE! On entering the Transfer Station, your load will be price assessed by one of our Transfer Station Operators who will also help direct you to the appropriate recycling and tipping areas. Properly sorted recyclable materials are free to dispose of, however rubbish is charged by the size of the load; and other nonrecyclable materials such as car tyres and mattresses are charged by the piece. WHEN AND WHERE? Broadford Youth Room Leisure Centre Mollison Street, Mondays and Tuesdays from 3.30pm - 5pm Wallan Youth Room Wallan Multi-Purpose Centre, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3.30pm - 5pm (October 2014) For more information contact Mitchell Youth Services on 5734 6200 or email [email protected]. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL TRANSFER STATIONS NOW ACCEPT EFTPOS PAYMENTS ON SITE. GET ACTIVE IN GROUPS. Mitchell Leisure Services will be offering Group Fitness Classes at the Wallan MultiPurpose Centre from October. Programs includes Les Mills, Spin/Cycle, Boxercise and Senior classes. Also coming to Wallan is an exciting Teen Gym program. To find out more and stay updated on the latest developments across all things leisure, ‘Like’ our Mitchell Leisure Services Facebook Page. 14. MITCHELL SHIRE SPRING EDITION WHY DON’T YOU SEND ME A POSTCARD? TO OB OR AC HO TEL & Channel Nine’s popular Postcards television film crew recently visited the Shire to promote a snippet of what our region has to offer as part of the wider Discover Your Own Backyard Campaign. BR EW ER Y K LK S WAL VETERAN VIETNAM Host Lauren Phillips ventured out and filmed at four locations including: • The Great Victorian Rail Trail • Seven Hills Tallarook • Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk THE GREA T VIC TORIA N RA IL TR AIL • Tooborac Hotel and Brewery SEVEN HILLS The episode will air on Sunday 19 October at 5.30pm on Channel Nine, so get the popcorn ready! After Channel Nine airs the episode it will be available to view on OLD HUME HIGHWAY 31. Old Hume Highway 31 is a non-profit body dedicated to increasing the public’s awareness and usage of the Old Hume Highway with Mitchell Shire Council now supporting the cause. The association is lobbying for support from Federal, State and Local Government and the commercial sector to help preserve the history of this road and the historic landmarks along its route. With the Hume Freeway taking the majority of traffic between Melbourne and Sydney, the bypassed towns are feeling the impact. This project aims to tempt travellers off the beaten track to explore small town Australia. THERE IS HERITAGE, SCENERY AND FUN HIDDEN ON OLD HUME HWY 31. Highlighting the Old Hume Highway as a tourist destination in its own right offers an excellent reason to take the scenic slow road from Melbourne to Sydney. The route extends right through Mitchell Shire beginning just before Kalkallo. Much like Route 66 in the USA, Old Hume Highway 31 seeks to increase the number of visitors using the route. The project group has already seen the benefits of setting up an alliance with the National Historic Route 66 Federation in the USA, including sharing valuable experience. Works are now underway to develop a website that will offer a comprehensive listing of facilities along the route, establishing the Old Hume Highway as a major historical road in Australia. “Highlighting the Old Hume Highway as a tourist destination in its own right offers an excellent reason to take the scenic slow road from Melbourne to Sydney.” Together with the community, building a sustainable future 15. 11. LIVE MUSIC EMERGENCY SERVICES DISPLAY RIDES AND ACTIVITIES LOCAL FOOD AND WINE VENDORS SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER 1-5pm, Hadfield Park, Wallan FREE ENTRY, ALL AGES WELCOME Acknowledging the strength of the community and our local emergency service providers
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