Kindergarten – 12th Grade Family Handbook 2014-2015 School Year 1 INTRODUCTION Quest Preparatory Academy is committed to providing a safe, positive, and supportive learning environment for every student. The Family Code of Conduct is a cooperative effort of students, teachers, parents, and administration that sets forth the rules and regulations that govern the students' involvement with the academic, social, and recreational programs of Quest Preparatory Academy Schools. Our goal is to promote learning for life in a safe, drug, and violence free environment. To accomplish this, it is necessary to establish and require adherence to a well-defined standard of acceptable behavior. A school is a community and the rules and regulations are established for the protection of the rights of all members of that community. Violation of school rules and regulations that are harmful to the rights and privileges of others will not be tolerated. The purpose of the policies and procedures contained in this handbook is to present not only guidelines for responsible student citizenship, but to provide a systematic and consistent approach to handling violations of these policies which may arise in the school setting. The objective of school discipline is to allow for student growth in abilities, attitudes, and habits that are essential to acceptable and self-controlled behavior. We strongly believe that the partnership between home and school is vital in the development of each child. We encourage parents to take the time to review this handbook with their children. Everyone’s knowledge of and cooperation in following the guidelines set forth in this policy will greatly enhance our ability to create an exceptional school system for every child. Please read, sign, and return the Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement/Receipt Form, School Year 2014-2015, found at the conclusion of this handbook. 2 Table of Contents Letter from the Superintendent 4 Policies and Procedures 6 Attendance 9 Campus Arrival and Departure 14 Dress Code 15 Campus Procedures & Expectations 18 Discipline 20 Classroom Policies 22 Food Services/Lunch Program 23 Alexander Campus 24 Bridger Campus 28 Montecito Campus 31 Azure Campus 33 3 Quest Families, First, let me sincerely thank each of you for your interest in and support of Quest Preparatory Academy. The community dedication to this organization will help ensure that we become the premiere charter school in the Las Vegas valley, our ultimate goal. Secondly, please share my enthusiasm when I tell you that 2014-2015 will be an amazing year for all of us. We will open the school year with highly skilled and degreed teachers in every classroom at our Alexander, Bridger, Montecito, and Azure campuses. Dedicated site administrators will be resident at each campus, and our support staff stands second to none. All to say, this upcoming year will prove to be successful, rewarding, and fun. Teachers will be focusing on instruction that aligns to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Nevada Academic Content Standards; and we will do our best to target our instruction for each and every student, ensuring that we are meeting his/her academic, social, and emotional needs. In addition to high academic expectations, there will be many opportunities for students to participate in sports, music, and club related classes/activities. Your support of our efforts will be a key factor in achieving success for all. Schools are a reflection of the community they serve and since Quest families have already demonstrated their commitment, I do not see how we can fail in our “quest” to produce life-long learners that are ready to meet life’s challenges once they leave our classrooms. Know that we will continue to encourage communication both to and from you, and we hope you will visit our schools often. It is with great anticipation that we open the 2014-2015 school year. I speak for the entire staff and the Governing Board when I tell you how excited we are to be part of the Quest Prep family. Respectfully, Debra J. Roberson, Superintendent 4 GOVERNING BOARD David Olive, President Anthony Barney, Vice President Jeff Egger, Treasurer Krist Walicky, Secretary Jolene Wallace, Member Zeola Charles, Member Tim Zeidler, Member ADMINISTRATION Debra Roberson, Superintendent Mahina Gago, Azure Site Administrator Janelle Veith, Alexander and Montecito Site Administrator Cherie Larson, Bridger Site Administrator Melissa Hester, Office Director Stephanie Gabany, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Terry Sobrero, Special Education Coordinator Rochelle Barney, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator Cortney Sobrero, Athletic Director 5 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Academic Excellence The following policies, rules, and regulations set forth in this handbook are for the benefit of the students and all other members of the Quest Community. A student’s sharing of his/her talents in athletic, artistic, academic, dramatic, and other aspects of Quest life will contribute to his/her own growth as well as to the welfare of fellow students. Required Notices and Parent Information Governing Board Meetings Governing Board Meetings notices are posted at all four campuses and the Azure business office, and can be found on the Quest website at least three business days prior to the scheduled meeting date. Special Education Quest Preparatory Academy complies with State and Federal laws. Special education programs are available for students with specific disabilities. For questions and concerns regarding special education, please contact the Special Education Department at your campus. Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students.” As a parent you have the right to the following: Participation of your child in school programs and activities, including extracurricular programs and activities, to the maximum extent appropriate, free of discrimination based upon the student’s disability and at the same level as students without disabilities; Receipt of free educational services to the extent they are provided students without disabilities; Receipt of information about your child and your child’s educational programs and activities in your native language; Notice of identification of your child as having a qualifying disability for which 6 accommodations may need to be made and notice prior to evaluation and placement of your child and right to periodically request a re-evaluation of your child; Inspection and review your child’s educational records including a right to copy those records for a reasonable fee; you also have a right to ask the school to amend your child’s educational records if you feel the information in the records is misleading or inaccurate; should the school refuse to amend the records, you have a right to a hearing and to place an explanatory letter in your child’s file explaining why you feel the records are misleading or inaccurate; A hearing before an impartial hearing officer if you disagree with your child’s evaluation or placement; you have a right to counsel at the hearing and have the decision of the impartial hearing officer reviewed. Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTO bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school. Withdrawals/Transfer Coordinate with campus Office Manager at least three days prior to the last day of attendance to obtain and complete required forms. All library books, laptops, iPads, athletic equipment and textbooks must be returned before the student’s last day of enrollment. Records will be held until all school balances and fees are up to date. Classroom Placement Great care is taken to find the optimal classroom placement for each child who attends Quest Preparatory Academy. Teachers work with current grade level teams and the next year’s grade level team to form classes, along with the administration. Parent input is valued regarding the individual needs of the child; however, due to the difficulty of creating a well-balanced group of students in each classroom, requests for a specific teacher cannot be honored. Every effort will be made to create a high-energy classroom that will support learning needs for student growth and school success. Visitors/Parent Volunteers Every person who is entering the building must check in at the front desk. Visitors and volunteers are required to sign-in and receive a visitor’s badge. To ensure the safety of our students, no one will be permitted on school grounds without a badge. Teachers are instructed to direct visitors without a badge to the front office. It is imperative that Quest staff knows who is on campus at all times. It is mandatory for all visitors to enter the building via the front doors, regardless of how often they may visit 7 the school. Volunteering or observing in the classroom is at the teacher’s discretion. Anyone interested in volunteering or observing at Quest Preparatory Academy must contact the teacher and/or administration for availability and classroom policies. Restricted Areas The teacher’s lounge and workroom are for Quest Preparatory Academy staff use only. Students and parents are prohibited from entering and using school equipment. Homework Policy Parents may expect children to have homework based on the individual requirements of each teacher. Parents are requested to help guide their child during homework, but not complete the assignment for their child. Report Cards/Progress Reports Students will receive report cards at the end of every nine-week quarter. Any concerns in regards to a student’s grades and/or report card may be discussed through appointment with the student’s teacher as well as during Parent/Teacher conferences. Grading Scale A B C D F 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 59% and below ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY Student tests/assignments may be disqualified without the right of make-up when plagiarism is evident, or the teacher’s test taking procedures have been violated. Academic honesty is vital to the success of a student. When the students have engaged in academic dishonesty, their work and their evidence of true ability is compromised, therefore the student will be disciplined. Academic dishonesty is described as: Copying another’s work either paper of electronic, such as homework, classwork, or answers to a test. Cheating is only using the same work for more than one assignment without both of the involved teacher’s permission. 8 Collusion – Allowing someone else to copy or cheat off of another’s work. Passing information related to a test. Duplicating – Copying someone else’s file or assignment in part or in whole. Paraphrasing – Using an author’s ideas by rewording or rearranging the author’s original words. Paraphrased materials still require the student to acknowledge the source. Students will address documentation concerns to their teacher. Plagiarising. Plagiarism occurs when students: Copy or look at someone’s answers to a test. Have someone take a test for them. Copy someone’s homework. Have parents, friends, or siblings do their homework for them. Ask friends for the answers to an assignment. Ask others what questions were on a test they missed. Have someone write an essay for them. Copy and paste information from an Internet site onto their essay without citing it as a source. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. A referral will be given for the act of cheating. Students who are found to be in violation of the Academic Honesty Policy will be subject to academic and/or administrative disciplinary action. An automatic “no credit” will be given to the assignment, with no opportunity for a resubmission. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will face grade penalties on assignments/tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information of students. ATTENDANCE POLICY NINETY PERCENT (90%) ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT BY LAW In order to receive credit for the term, 90% attendance is required in each assigned class. Classes missed due to school approved activities through Quest Preparatory Academy, e.g., field trips, performing groups, student government, etc., are excluded. Students who miss school due to NON-Quest activities (Ex. auditions, performances, sporting events, etc.) will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the site administration. Administrators are authorized to excuse additional absences for extended illness, injury, or extenuating medical circumstances upon satisfactory verification including licensed doctor’s certified note or letter. In such cases, to receive credit, students are expected to make up missed work in a timely manner. Credit may be withheld if work is not completed and submitted to the correct teacher. 9 Absence Defined Absence is defined as a student's non-attendance in his/her assigned classroom during an assigned period. Absences Verified Absences are verified if the parents/guardians notify by phone or note (authorized school activities are not considered absences) within one day of the student’s return to school. If a student is ill for more 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required. A verified absence can either be an excused or unexcused absence. Excused Absences An excused verified absence includes: student illness, medical appointments, courtordered appointment in which the student must be present, family funeral, and any religious holidays or ceremonies. Unexcused Absences An unexcused verified absence includes any reason other than listed above (for example, vacation, out of town, car trouble, attending appointments not scheduled for student, etc.). Absences - Leaving Campus A parent or guardian with proper identification must sign out any student needing to leave campus. Students who become ill during the school day must get permission from the teacher to go to the school nurse and/or health aide. The school nurse and/or health aide has the authority to determine if the child is too ill to remain at school and will call the parent/guardian as needed. Leaving campus without checking out through the office is considered truancy. Unverified Absences If a student has 10 or more consecutive unverified absences, the school has the right to withdrawal the student from Quest Preparatory Academy. If an appeal conference is requested, the student, parent, teacher, and administration shall confer to determine future action. Truancy Truancy by definition is any intentional unauthorized or illegal absence from class. This applies to students of their own free will who choose to skip or “ditch” one or more classes during school hours. 10 Truancies and Extracurricular Events/Clubs If students are truant for ANY part of the school day, they will be ineligible to participate at the next event or practice. This does include sporting events. The student is expected to attend and dress out, but they will not be able to participate. Tardy A tardy student is defined as any student who is not inside the building within five (5) minutes of the school day start time. To address this occurrence, especially at the start of first hour, the following tardy procedures have been established: To reduce classroom interruptions caused by students arriving late to class. To reduce the number of students loitering on campus. To teach the “life” skills of promptness and responsibility. Tardy Policy Student tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational process. Tardiness interferes with time to teach and infringes on the educational rights of other students. Teachers at Quest Preparatory Academy are required to follow the Tardy Procedure. Excused Tardy An acceptable excused tardy is: Student illness Medical appointment for student (must have a doctor’s note) Court (must have documentation) Consequences All students that have 5 unexcused tardies or have three or more unexcused and/or unverified absences within one attendance period (month) will receive a truancy letter and loss of school privileges as determined by the site administrator. Any student that has eight or more unexcused tardies or six unexcused/unverified absences within one attendance period will receive a 2nd truancy letter and loss of school privileges in-school suspension. Students that receive seven unverified/unexcused absences in a semester, loss of credit may occur. If a student loses credit due to excessive absences, tardiness or truancy, a letter will be mailed home explaining the reason for loss of credit as well as the procedure to appeal for credit (applicable grades 6-12). If the truancy continues without improvement, a 3rd truancy letter will be sent home. 11 Any further action may include a referral to the Governing Board for possible expulsion from Quest Preparatory Academy. Student Responsibilities Students are obligated to attend classes for which they are scheduled. Students are expected to: 1. Be prompt to all classes. 2. Check out with the attendance office prior to leaving campus early. Students must have prior permission to leave campus. Absences from students leaving without permission from attendance or administration will remain unverified and be become unexcused. 3. Report to class first and obtain permission from the teacher to leave class for any reason. 4. Report directly and immediately to the attendance office upon arriving late to school. Students are not to loiter in cars, around campus, in restrooms, and/or hallways. 5. Have all absences excused with a note by parent no later than one day upon returning to school. 6. Request and complete any work missed for verified absences within three (3) days. Student work requested shall be turned in by the third school day upon returning in order to receive credit. 7. Maintain ninety percent (90%) attendance does not imply that a class will be automatically passed. Students must attain a passing grade to receive credit. Parent Responsibilities It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that students attend school regularly and inform the school of any absence. By law, students under the age of 16 are required to attend school. Parent’s responsibilities include the following: 1. Assuring that students under the age of 16 enroll in school and attend 12 regularly. 2. Excusing student absences by Contacting the attendance office prior to an absence. Calling on the day of the absence before 10:00 am. Sending note with student upon return to school. 3. Verifying absences within 24 hours. 4. Initiating conferences after a review of the information contained in Infinite Campus with Teachers to discuss excessive absences or loss of credit. School administrator or Office Manager to discuss unverified absences or to appeal teacher actions. School administrator to discuss or appeal teacher actions. School Responsibilities It is the school’s responsibility to 1. Maintain accurate attendance records. 2. Make a reasonable effort to inform students and parents of the attendance policy and procedures (summer mailer, handbook, student meetings). 3. Make a reasonable effort to communicate with parents regarding excessive absences (e-mail, direct calls, mail and report card). 4. Meet with parents upon request. 5. Inform parents after a student’s third (3rd) unverified absence. 6. Notify student and parent of loss of credit. 7. Provide attendance summaries to parents upon request. 8. Explain the attendance policy and procedures at the beginning of school. Teacher Responsibilities 1. Take attendance daily and keep accurate records. 2. After three absences per term in a daily block class, discuss reasons for absences and warn students of consequences. Teachers will contact the Office Manager for verification and email home. 13 3. Contact parent as soon as absences interfere with academic performance. 4. Consult with student regarding possible loss of credit, and provide make up work for students with excused absences. 5. Determine whether students will receive credit based upon academic performance and attendance in each assigned class. Arrival or Departure from Campus Quest Preparatory Academy maintains a closed campus policy. Once a student arrives on school grounds, the student is to remain on campus until the end of the school day. Parents/guardians picking up students before dismissal are required to sign the student out at the front office and state a purpose for taking the student out of school. If a child is to be picked up by someone other than his/her legal guardian, office staff must be notified and that individual must be prepared to show photo I.D. Closed Campus Policy – Lunchtime Quest maintains a closed campus during the lunch period at all schools. Students may not leave campus for lunch unless they have their parent, legal guardian or authorized emergency contact person sign them out of school in the attendance office for their assigned lunch period. All students are to remain only in designated areas during lunch. Quest does not allow parents to call in for students in order to leave campus for lunch. This causes a disruption to the campus during lunch. Students are required to remain in dress code during the lunch period. Leaving Campus During the School Day Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day unless they have an approved appointment, shortened class schedule, attend classes at an approved educational institution or are assigned to an approved internship/work program. Any student leaving campus for any other reason will be marked truant. Students who are eighteen and older may only leave campus after signing themselves out at the attendance office. Campus Pass Regulations Students are expected to be in class when class begins. Students should rarely need to leave class until the dismissal bell rings. For those rare occasions when teachers grant a student permission to leave class, a campus pass must be carried. NO STUDENT SHOULD BE OUT OF CLASS WITHOUT A SIGNED PASS. Only staff members or an administrator may excuse a student who is tardy from one activity on 14 campus to another by writing a pass. Dress Code Standards for Quest Preparatory Academy The purpose of a uniform dress code is to make clothing a non-issue, so the focus is on education rather than appearance. Students have every opportunity to express their individuality through their coursework and activities. It is the policy that all students abide by the specific uniform requirements, including the styles and color specifications explained on the uniform policy below. Students must remain dressed in the appropriate school uniform while on school property each day, including field trips during the school day. There are special spirit days and dress down days designated throughout the year that allow students to wear special designated attire. All uniforms must be purchased through the school-approved vendor, Campus Club. Any new students enrolling must have proper uniform attire before attending. Quest administration will administer appropriate discipline reports and other consequences as necessary. Any further decisions regarding questionable attire will be made at the site administrator’s discretion. This policy will be strictly enforced. Dress Code Violation 1st violation - Verbal warning and violation letter. 2nd violation - Violation letter and phone call. The student is not allowed to go to class until in compliance. 3rd violation - Violation letter, phone call, and loss of school privileges (i.e.: field trip, assemblies, field day, school dress down, etc.) or other disciplinary action deemed appropriate by school administration. The student is not allowed to go to class until in compliance. 4th violation - Violation letter with out-of-school suspension. Chronic violations will result in a required re-entrance interview between parent/guardian and site administrator. Continued violations will result in a referral to the Governing Board to determine possible long-term suspension and/or expulsion. 15 Tops ALL uniform tops must be purchased through the school-approved vendor, Campus Club, and must include the Quest logo. Shirts must fit appropriately. During colder months, students may wear long-sleeved shirts under their polos. The long sleeve shirt must be solid navy blue, hunter green, or white. No multicolored or waffle undershirts allowed. Students may not wear sweatshirts under vests or polos. Students may not alter the bottoms and tops except to make them fit properly (i.e. cutting slits at the bottom of the pants or tying the side of shirts). Outerwear/Sweatshirts/Jackets Outerwear purchased through Campus Club may be worn at any time throughout the day. Store bought winter coats, and/or jackets may be worn outside the building only. Trench coats are not allowed. Sweatshirts: Quest sweatshirts (Quest gray sweatshirt and Quest navy zip up hoodie) OR solid navy blue zip up hoodies (no graphics) may be worn over uniform shirts inside classrooms. Hoods must be down while inside school. Campus Club offers monogramming on the sweatshirt hoods. The monogram may have the last name or initials on it. The vendor will not include first names due to student safety. We strongly encourage parents to write or monogram their child’s name somewhere inside the clothing. Quest Preparatory Academy is not responsible for any lost items. Bottoms All bottoms must be worn at the natural waist line, not below. Bottoms must fit appropriately. Dress khaki pants and shorts must be uniform style. NOT ALLOWED - stone colored, jeans that are khaki, skinny khakis, flare khakis, five-pocket pants, or other inappropriate styles as determined by site administration. Shorts, skirts, and skorts may not be shorter than two inches above top of knee and may not be longer than the kneecap. Pants must be long enough to touch the top of the shoe or cover the anklebone. Girls may wear white or navy short shorts under dresses, but the shorts cannot be longer than the length of the dress. Only navy blue leggings may be worn under skirts, dresses, and skorts. Tights are not allowed. 16 Shoes & Accessories Any shoes may be worn with the following exceptions: No shoes with wheels. No lace up shoes of any kind that go above the ankle. No open-backed shoes. No open-toe shoes. No wedges or heels. Socks must be solid white, black, navy or hunter green. Hair accessories must blend with the uniform colors (navy, hunter green, khaki, gray, and/or white). NO NEON. Bandanas and hats are not authorized for wear with the uniform. All hats must be removed from uniform when inside school at all times. Exceptions due to medical issues will be considered on an individual basis by site administration Jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets) may be worn if they are small in size (nondistracting) and do not exhibit any offensive symbols. Students may not have any visible body piercing (nose, eyebrow, tongue, gauges, etc.). Quest Preparatory Academy is not responsible for lost or damaged jewelry. No gloves, leg warmers, or sleeves are allowed. Physical Education (P.E.) Uniforms K-5: P.E. uniforms are OPTIONAL. P.E. uniforms involve the t-shirt, mesh navy shorts, and sweats. Students choosing to wear P.E. clothing must come to school dressed in their P.E. uniform only on the days they are scheduled for P.E. Add to the first part. 6-12: P.E. uniforms are MANDATORY for any athletic class during the school day. Students will wear their regular Quest uniform to school and dress out in their P.E. uniform for P.E. class only. P.E. uniforms involve the t-shirt, mesh navy shorts, and sweats. Spirit and Dress-Down Days 17 Spirit days are days when there is a specific theme for dress. If a student is not participating in the spirit day, the student must dress in his/her regular uniform. Dressdown days are special days on which students may dress out of uniform. Written notice will be given in advance to parents regarding any scheduled dress down days. Students may not wear the following on dress-down days: Clothing with offensive pictures or logos, torn or irregularly faded jeans or clothing showing bare midriff Spaghetti straps (tank top straps must be 3 fingertips wide) Short shorts and skirts (shorts and skirts must be fingertip length) Flip flops or backless sandals - must adhere to shoe and accessories policies Visible undergarments Responsibility Students and their parents/guardians have the responsibility to be aware of the school’s specific dress code and to conform to these requirements. If in doubt, do not wear it. If students or parents have any questions about which specific attire or accessories are in compliance with the dress code, they should contact the site administration office prior to the student wearing the item. Campus Procedures and Expectations Personal Belongings Unless authorized by staff for a specific school activity, students’ personal belongings, electronic/communication devices are to remain off and concealed inside a purse or backpack during the school day. Students misuse of such devices, or if use of such devices disrupts the educational environment, will result in any school personnel confiscating the device. Please note that Quest WILL NOT BE not responsible for lost or missing items nor will the school investigate when the items are presumed stolen. Quest’s recommendation regarding this policy is that student’s should keep ALL personal devices at home. Cellular Phones Cellular phone use by students is prohibited during normal instructional school hours. If students bring a cell phone to school for emergency situations or to call their parents, they must be turned off during school hours. In the event a student is found using his/her cellular phone, it will be immediately taken away and kept with designated staff. If a parent needs to contact the student, they must call the school’s office. 1st offense - The office will keep the personal belongs/electronic devices until the end 18 of the school day. 2nd offense - The office will keep the personal belongs/electronic devices until the end of the school day and a parent must sign out the device before it will be released. 3rd offense - The student will receive detention per teacher or administrator discretion. 4th offense - The student will be suspended (This consequence will also apply to any student using another person’s cell phone or electronic device). Communication and Emergency Data It is the parent’s/guardian’s/student’s responsibility to ensure the correct home address, telephone numbers, and emergency contact information are on file at the school at all times. Any changes to this information must be done in person during the school office hours. This is crucial to the child’s safety in case of illness or emergency. If contact(s) are unavailable, then the proper authorities will have to be notified. In-School Assemblies and Events Assemblies or events which take place during the school day are considered instructional time. All students are required to attend and exhibit school-appropriate behavior. Attendance is defined as remaining inside the designated area. Nonattendance is considered truancy. Refer to the truancy policy. School Dances Attending dances at Quest Preparatory Academy is a privilege. All currently enrolled students may attend on-campus dances unless they are under suspension or other school mandated restrictions. If a student wishes to bring a guest who is not a Quest student, he/she must complete the Dance Guest Form for QUEST site administrator approval no later than 4:00 pm two days prior to the dance. High School guests must provide a current school or government ID and be under 22 years of age at the time of the dance. Forms may be obtained in the front office of the site. All discipline policies are applicable at dances and other extra-curricular activities. Dress code at these events follows the same length and condition restrictions as the extra-curricular dress code. If a student’s apparel is deemed inappropriate, or revealing enough to concern a staff member, the student may be denied entry to the event. All school dances operate under the “One Entry– One Exit” rule. Because of liability issues, students and guests attending Quest dances will not be permitted to reenter upon leaving. Illness and Medication at School No medication can be given to students unless parents have completed the Medical Release Form and submitted it to the front office. A health provider will contact the parent/guardian for further information or directions. 19 The medical containers MUST be labeled by the pharmacist and include student’s name, prescribing pharmacist’s name, proper dosage, and instructions for administration. Students are not permitted to have any kind of medication in their possession while on school grounds (this includes cough drops, medicine strips, EpiPen, etc.). The nurse will make medication available at prescribed times. All medication must be presented in the original prescription containers and current by date. Expired prescriptions will not be accepted. Quest does not provide any over-thecounter medication including aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin All ill students will be referred to the nurse where they will be assessed and parent notified at the health assistance’s discretion. Custody In cases where custody/visitation affects the school, the school shall follow the most recent court order at all times on file with the school. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent or parents having joint custody to provide the school with the most recent court order. Restraining orders, court orders, and injunctions can only be modified or rescinded by a court. The most current information on file will be implemented by administration staff. DISCIPLINE Suspension Suspension is the denial of a student's right to attend school. If an in-school suspension program exists, at the discretion of building administration, it may be utilized as an alternative to out-of-school suspension. If a student is serving an inschool suspension, the student is responsible for obtaining his/her school work for the day and will receive credit for assigned work completed in this program. Students are expected to remain on task and be productive. Students serving suspensions will not be able to attend any Quest activities or events. Students may not occupy any Quest property for the duration of the suspension unless issued an in-school suspension. Students who are suspended during the school day are expected to leave campus immediately. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the student will remain in the office and serve their suspension the next day. If a student is suspended, either in school or off campus, that student may not participate in any extracurricular events on the day they are suspended or anytime during the suspension. This does include, but is not limited to, sporting events, field trips, and school-sponsored dances. In addition, no monies will be refunded if a student misses the event because of a suspension. The student must request missing assignments upon his/her return to school. For a student to receive credit for missed work, the assignments must be made up during the time period allowed. If work is not made up during that time, the student will lose credit for the assignments. Suspension Appeal Procedures 20 Should the student and parent or guardian request a review for the student regarding the suspension, that review shall be held before the building administrator(s). During the appeals process, said student shall remain in class. If the building administrator determines that the student's presence in school would present a danger to the student her/himself, or to other students, school personnel or the educational process, then the student shall be suspended out of school pending the decision of the Administrator or Governing Board Representative. A review at the assigned school campus level shall be held within three (3) school days of the suspension unless the parent's requests a delay. A delay may be granted for as long as one week. If a review hearing does not occur within one week, the disciplinary action will go into effect. The building administrator is the level of appeal on short-term suspensions, except in cases where the principal was the suspending administrator or a witness against the student. In such cases, the appeal shall be directed to the Governing Board Representative whose decision shall be final. Expulsion Expulsion is the total and permanent exclusion of a student from Quest Preparatory Academy Schools. The Governing Board designee has the authority to impose an expulsion based upon misconduct. If the Site Administrator recommends that an expulsion is warranted and the Governing Board Representative/designee agrees with the administrator's decision, the student and the parent(s) or guardian(s) shall be notified in writing. Expulsion Appeal Procedures A hearing before a Governing Board Representative will be held for the purposes of (1) determining the truth or falsity of the charges against the student and, (2) if the charges are true, the appropriate disciplinary measures. The student and/or his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) may notify the school that they waive their right to a hearing before a Governing Board Representative by signing the Disciplinary Hearing Waiver. In such case, the building administrator's recommended disciplinary penalty shall be imposed. The Governing Board may amend the sit e administr at or ’s charges upon motion of the building administrator, student, parent(s) or guardian(s), or amend the charges upon his/her own motion to conform to the evidence presented at the hearing. Additionally, the Governing Board may impose a greater or lesser penalty than that imposed or recommended by the building administrator. If the sit e administrator decides that the student's presence in school would 21 present a danger to the student her/himself, or to other students, school personnel or the educational process, then the student shall be suspended out of school pending the decision of the School Governing Board. If the student would not present a danger as described above, the student may return to school pending the decision of the School Board or Representative. The Governing Board's decision shall be given orally to the student and parent(s) or guardian(s) not later than two (2) business days after the close of the hearing. A written decision shall be mailed not later than five (5) business days after the close of the hearing. The School Board due to extenuating circumstances, however, may enlarge these timelines. The Governing Board's decision is final on all long- t e r m suspensions. If the Governing Board's decision is expulsion, the student and/or his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) may choose one of the following options for the appeal. Students Suspected of Substance Abuse If a teacher or administrator suspects a student of being under the influence of abused medications or any other mood altering substance due to a suspicious aroma, the student’s appearance and/or the student’s behavior, Quest has the right to suspend the student. Selling any of these substances is illegal. The student will be suspended and the police may be notified. Safety Concerns Our number one concern is maintaining a safe, positive learning environment for our students and staff. If a school official believes there is a safety concern (or suspicion based on behavior), the police will be notified. Classroom Policies Student Disruption of the Education Process or Violation of Classroom Procedures Students at Quest Preparatory Academy have the right to a quality education, free from unnecessary disruptions or distractions. Quest’s administration and staff have the responsibility to determine when a student’s behavior is inappropriate, in violation of policy and/or disruptive. Examples of behavior considered classroom disruptions are, but not limited to: students not performing assigned tasks; a student exhibiting any behavior that interferes with the teacher's right to teach or student’s right to learn; students speaking out at inappropriate times; students are moving around the classroom inappropriately. Food and Drinks No food or drinks are allowed in the classrooms without prior approval from the 22 classroom teacher and/or Administration. Academic Honesty Policy Student tests/assignments may be disqualified without the right of make-up when plagiarism is evident or the teacher's test taking procedures have been violated. Academic Honesty is vital to the success of a student. When the students have engaged in academic dishonesty, their work and their evidence of true ability is compromised therefore the student will be disciplined. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Food Services/Lunch Program At Quest Preparatory Academy, we participate in the Free and Reduced National School Lunch Program. Parents are qualified based on state guidelines. If your income changes during the school year, we ask that you complete another application in order to re-qualify your family. Applications must be renewed yearly. We ask that ALL FAMILIES fill out a lunch application, even if they do not qualify for free or reduced priced meals. Lunch is provided daily by CCSD. If you do not qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, the cost of lunch for your child is $2.00 for K-5th graders, $2.50 for 6th-8th graders, and $3.25 for 9th-12th graders per day. Please remember to check your child’s lunch account every Monday, as we order our meals in advance. If you reach an overdue balance of $10.00, your child may not receive a regular menu lunch from the school, but could be offered an alternative item. If you wish to bring food to share with your child’s class (ex. cake, cupcakes, juice, etc.) it must be store bought. We cannot accept any food that is homemade, due to the health department regulations. 23 Alexander Campus Kindergarten 7550 W. Alexander Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89129 Phone: (702) 431-6270 Fax: (702) 461-6450 24 Quest Preparatory Academy Kindergarten General Information Kindergarten Campus 8:00 am 8:15 am 8:20 am 3:00 pm 3:10-5:30 pm Drop Off. Doors will not open until 8:00 am School Wide Pledge of Allegiance Instruction Begins Dismissal After-Care Program (Aftercare - Students must be registered and paid in advance each week.) Arrival For all students, school arrival is 8:00 am. All students must enter through front entry. Students arriving after 8:15 am will receive a tardy slip from the school office. No parent will be allowed to remove a student from campus after 2:30 pm to protect the integrity of instruction. Departure Students are to remain at school until 3:00 pm upon dismissal. Students are to exit the campus through designated areas, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students are required to stay within their designated area with their teacher until they are picked up. Only students involved in aftercare or other adult supervised Quest activities may remain on campus past 3:10 pm. Drivers Please be aware of traffic guidelines. If you are picking up and dropping off students you must abide by rules for safety and the wellbeing of all individuals. Grading Scale 4- 90-100% - Exceeds Standards 3-80-89% - Meets Standards 2-70-79% - Approaching Standards 1-69% - Emerging 25 Classroom Discipline Plan Classroom teachers will handle day to day discipline within their classroom or team: The discipline model used in each Kindergarten classroom will be based off the Red, Yellow, and Green color system. Green = Yellow = Red = Excellent day, model student behavior Warning, behavior needs to be corrected Loss of a privilege and parent contact Teachers and Parents will partner to ensure that students achieve high standards of academic and social success. Quest Preparatory Academy will utilize individual and group meetings with the teacher to educate students on proper behaviors and work on areas of weakness such as: Social skills, friendship groups, and dealing with hardships. Behavior contracts will be used on an individual basis to provide support, direction and structure for success on our campuses. Alternative Placement Once classroom discipline ladder is reached the teacher finds that the behavior seriously interferes with teaching and learning, the student shall be removed from the class. All steps outlined dealing with removal from the classroom will be specifically followed. A discipline ladder is designed to ensure that all students are given the best opportunity to acquire the necessary skills for learning. If a student is placed on the discipline ladder, the student may no longer be able to participate in a full day program setting and will be assigned to a half-day with dismissal at 11:30 am. Furthermore, the student will be unable to attend special afternoon activities such as: celebrations, and special events, which may be schedule during such time. Should the student continue with social behavior and is unable to behave in the alternative placement upon administrative review the student may be subject to expulsion. Discipline will be dealt with based on a case-by-case circumstance. The severity of some discipline infractions may dictate more serious consequences. All consequences are administered at the discretion of the designated administrator. DISCIPLINE 26 Disruption – of school and classroom activities: such as inability to participate in classroom instruction causing disruption to the learning process, habitually biting/hitting students or teachers, causing harm to others, depending on nature and severity (yelling, screaming, or use of inappropriate voice and or behavior at any time). First Offense - Notify parents; classroom consequence enforced, infraction documented, student may receive one day suspension. Second Offense - Repeat process from first offense; student may be placed on student social behavior contract; student may receive 1 day suspension. Third Offense - Repeat process from first offense; student will be placed on social behavior contract, request a parent/teacher/ administrator conference; student may receive 1 day suspension. Fourth Offense - Repeat process from first offense; request a parent/teacher/ administrator conference, possible alternative placement from full day program. Fifth Offense - Repeat process from first offense; request a parent/teacher/ administrator conference, 1-5 day suspension, may recommend removal from Kindergarten program. 27 Bridger Campus Grades K-6 1300 Bridger Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Phone: (702) Fax: (702) 28 Daily School Schedule 7:45 am Drop off begins with morning supervision. All students must report to the appropriate classroom designation outside on the basketball court. 8:00 am School Wide Opening- Students lead to class by teacher. 8:05 am Instruction Begins. All students are expected to be on time. Students who enter the building after instruction begins will be directed to the front office for a tardy pass. 2:45 pm Dismissal. 3:00-6:00 pm After-Care Program - Students must be registered and paid for in advance. Arrival All students must enter through the designated gate. Students arriving after 8:05 am must enter through the front office and receive a tardy slip to proceed to class. No student will be allowed into class without one. Departure Students are to remain at school until 2:45 pm upon dismissal. Students are to exit the campus escorted by their teacher through the designated areas. Students are required to stay within those designated areas until released by the teacher for pick up. Only students involved in Aftercare or other adult supervised Quest activities may remain on campus beyond 3pm. Walkers must have a completed walking permission slip on file in the office to be released. All walkers must use the sidewalk when entering and exiting school grounds. Students and parents will be re-directed for safety purposes. No parents will be allowed in the office, inside school campus or connecting hallways during the dismissal period for safety reasons. All drivers need to be aware of traffic guidelines to ensure the safety of all persons. When picking up your student, please be patient. We understand that everyone has someplace to be; please arrive early enough if necessary. After School If a child is attending the Aftercare Program, it is imperative that parents fill out the required paperwork and provide the proper contacts. Program hours are from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Payment is required every Friday prior to the next week of care. Please refer to the Quest Aftercare Manual for more information. 29 Lost and Found To prevent lost items, please label your child’s coat, lunch box, sweater, etc. Students may claim lost items in the lost and found located in the lunch room. Any items that are not claimed by the middle and end of each quarter will be donated to a designated organization. If your mild loses any personal belongings, please check the lost and found as soon as possible. 30 Montecito Campus Grades K-5 6610 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149 Phone: (702) 631-4751 Fax: (702) 586-0836 31 Daily School Schedule Drop off begins with morning supervision. All students must report to the multi-purpose room and line up with their class. 8:00 am School Wide Opening. 8:05 am Instruction Begins - Students who enter the building after instruction begins will be directed to the office for a tardy pass. 2:45 pm Dismissal. 3:00 - 6:00 pm After-Care Program - Students must be registered and paid for in advance. Departure Students are to remain at school until 2:45 pm upon dismissal. Students are to exit the campus through designated areas, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students are required to stay within their designated area with their teacher until they are picked up. Only students involved in aftercare or other adult supervised Quest activities may remain on campus past 3:00 pm. Walkers must use the sidewalk when entering and exiting school grounds. Students and parents will be re-directed for safety purposes. We ask that drivers please be aware of traffic guidelines. If parents are picking up students in front of the building they must abide by rules for safety and well-being of all individuals. After School If your child is attending the aftercare program, it is imperative that parents fill out the required paperwork and provide the proper contacts. Program hours are from 3:00pm-6:00pm. Payment is required every Friday prior to the week of care. For specific information, please refer to the Quest After-Care Manual. Lost and Found Any items that are not claimed by the end of each quarter will be donated to a deserving organization. If your child loses any personal belongings please check the lost and found as soon as possible. Any uniform apparel will be washed and held throughout the school year. If a uniform item is not claimed within 2 weeks, it may be donated to another student if needed. Please label your child’s coat, lunch pail, sweater, and other personal belongings. Students may claim lost items in the lost and found located in the multi-purpose room. Any lost item still remaining in the multi-purpose room at the end of the year will be donated to charity. 32 Azure Campus Grades 6-12 7485 W. Azure Drive Las Vegas, NV 89130 Phone: (702) Fax: (702) 33 General Information School Schedule Quest Preparatory Academy middle and high school hours are from 7:30 am to 2:25 am, Monday through Friday. The middle and high schools will implement an alternating block schedule designating A days and B days; any changes with shorter week days will be at the discretion of administration. Both days will have different classes, allowing students to take a total of eight classes in a full school year. Middle School Period A1/B1 7:30 am – 8:55 am Period A2/B2 9:00 am – 10:25 am Lunch 10:30 am – 10:55 am Homeroom 11:00 am – 11:25 am Period A3/B3 11:30 am – 12:55 pm Period A4/B4 1:00 pm – 2:25 pm High School Period A1/B1 Period A2/B2 Homeroom Lunch Period A3/B3 Period A4/B4 7:30 am – 8:55 am 9:00 am – 10:25 am 10:30 am – 10:55 am 11:00 am – 11:25 am 11:30 am – 12:55 pm 1:00 pm – 2:25 pm Schedule of Instruction Each grade will include the core subjects: English, math, science, history, physical education, computers, health, career technical education (high school), and electives. 6th grade – eight credits 7th grade – eight credits 8th grade – eight credits TOTAL MIDDLE SCHOOL CREDITS: 24 9th grade – eight credits 10th grade – eight credits 11th grade – eight credits 12th grade – six to eight credits TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS: 30 - 32 Students may retake a required course they have failed one time. If a student fails, or does not meet competency in, a required course a second time, administration will determine the best method for a student to recover credit for that course. Scheduling The State of Nevada, NAC 387.345, requires all high school enrolled students as listed: 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students must be enrolled in six classes or the equivalent of six periods per day. Due to our block schedule, it would be equivalent to four periods a day. 12th grade students must be enrolled in at least four classes or the equivalent of four periods per day. Due to our block schedule, it would be equivalent to two periods a day. Senior students with less than a full schedule will not be allowed to remain on campus. Quest will not provide a study hall for students who have before or after school commitments. A senior who is enrolled in less than four classes must have transportation to arrive and/or leave campus at the appropriate time. If transportation is not available or the student has before or after school commitments, the best option may be to enroll in a full day schedule. 34 Schedule Changes Schedule changes will only be granted within the first two weeks of the start of semesters one and two. Each student schedule is made with the required courses needed toward advancement and in compliance with the master schedule. If a schedule change is needed, administration will consult the student, parent, and teacher. No schedule changes will be granted the first two weeks of each semester. When students do not receive their requested courses, their alternate choices will be used as a guide. Administration reserves the right to use alternate choices when necessary. Administration will make selections based on availability when students fail to note their alternative choices. Administration reserves the right to change a student schedule without permission in order to better balance class size, create a safer environment, or other administrative reasons to improve the education of the student and educational climate of the school. Schedule changes may only be approved by administration. Quest does not make schedule changes for the following reasons: Teacher preference Classroom preference with friends Class order preference Valid reasons for a schedule change: Course requested is cancelled due to low enrollments. Student has already received credit for the same course. Student has failed a class required for graduation. Student did not complete appropriate prerequisite class(es). Class size requires balancing. Addition of a course needed to graduate on time. Addition of a course required for college admissions. High School Graduation Requirements The Governing Board of Quest Preparatory Academy has mandated 22½ credit hours as necessary for graduation from Quest Preparatory Academy. Students transferring from another state or foreign country will have their transcripts evaluated for comparable required classes and the requisite number of credits for graduating. Passing all portions of the NHSPE test is required for graduation in the state of Nevada. 35 Required Courses Standard Advanced Diploma English 4 4 Math 3 4 Science 2 3 World History/Geography 1 1 US History 1 1 US Government 1 1 PE 2 2 Art/Humanities 1 1 Computers 0.5 0.5 Health 0.5 0.5 Electives 6.5 6 Total 22.5 24 Nevada High School Proficiency Exams Ending with the class of 2017, students are required to demonstrate competency of Nevada Academic Content Standards in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. These tests will be given in the spring of a student’s sophomore year with additional opportunities available during their junior and senior years, should they fail to demonstrate competency at the end of their sophomore year. All tested students in high school are required to pass the NHSPE for graduation. High School Valedictorian and Salutatorian Valedictorian status is awarded to the student(s) earning the highest weighted Grade Point Average in their graduating class. Salutatorian status is awarded to the student(s) earning the second highest weighted Grade Point Average in their graduating class. Candidates for these honors will be identified at the end of the third quarter of their senior year. The final ranking will be based on any and all completed high school credit granting courses, including those courses which receive the weighted GPA. Grading Scale A B C D F 90% - 100% 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 59% and below Grade Point Average (GPA) 36 The GPA is calculated for each student for the purpose of reflecting a student’s academic achievement over his/her middle and high school experiences. Grade points are awarded for the following grades: GPA Points Grade Regular Honors A 4 5 B 3 4 C 2 3 D 1 2 F 0 0 To calculate the GPA, add the sum of the grade points and divide by the number of credits taken. The calculation is as follows: GPA = Sum of grade points ÷ Number of credits taken Honors Weight Students will earn a weighted grade point factor for successful completion of Honors courses per semester. Each semester of an honors course will be an additional 0.025 added to the standing GPA. Advantages of Honors Courses Most competitive colleges and universities consider not only students’ grades, but also their academic background evidenced by courses listed on the transcript, letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors, and SAT I or ACT scores. Enrollment will assist students in their preparation for college entrance exams. The weighted GPA is used when determining ranking in class. Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship The State of Nevada’s Millennium Scholarship program provides financial support to Nevada’s high school graduates who plan to attend an eligible Nevada community college, state college, or university. Students may receive up to a maximum award of $10,000 for undergraduate coursework during the six years following your high school graduation. There is no application form to complete. If students meet all Millennium Scholarship requirements upon high school graduation, the academic advisor will submit your name at the end of June to the Office of the State Treasurer. Students will receive an award notification mid to late July. Policy guidelines and requirements for eligibility can be obtained by calling 1-888-477-2667 or at Please note that this information is subject to change in state law, polices adopted by the NSHE Board of Regents, availability of funding, and any related matters hereto. Dr. E. Wayne Roberson Scholarship 37 Current seniors can apply for the EWR Scholarship towards an institution of higher learning. Applications will be available April 1, 2015. All candidates must have their applications submitted by May 1, 2015 to be considered for the. The recipient(s) will be announced at the senior commencement ceremony. Credit for Late Enrolling Students Students entering after the second week of a semester and have transfer grades will start from that point the semester and may earn full credit for that class. Students entering during the first or third quarter without transfer grades will be excused from work missed, but must pass the content posttest with a 70% or higher to receive credit for that class. Late Transfer Credit Earned Students who transfer into Quest at any point during the second or fourth quarter and have received a grade of C or better thus far in a class they are currently enrolled in and are enrolled in the same class at Quest to finish the semester and have transferred from a school that awards 0.5 credits per semester will be awarded 0.5 credits on the successful completion of that class. Outside Credit Students must obtain permission prior to enrolling for courses that will be used towards graduation requirements. The academic advisor must receive transcripts by April 1st of senior year. Students should first contact administration. The student may not be allowed to participate in commencement if this is not done. Reasons for taking coursework outside of Quest: Quest does not offer the course. The student’s schedule contains a conflict. The course will further develop the student’s career or college opportunities. The student needs or wants to take more than eight courses a year. Students will not be given permission to substitute a course offered with one taken off campus if prior approval has not been obtained. Fifth Year Seniors If a student’s original year of graduation is 2014, but fails to meet the state requirements for graduation (credit deficiency/failed to pass the HSPE), the student can return for a fifth year. However, the student must be coded correctly in our school’s system to ensure that he/she is counted as a non-graduate for the four year adjusted cohort rate, and is rolled over for a fifth year. The student is not “reclassified”. He/she continues to be a 12th grader working on graduating in his/her fifth year. Millennium Scholarship. If students qualify for the Millennium Scholarship as a fifth year student, 38 they will be eligible to receive the scholarship based on their original graduation date. For example, if a student was scheduled to graduate in 2013, but did not graduate until 2014, he/she would have five years to use the Millennium Scholarship instead of six years. NCAA. Student-Athletes must be registered for the NCAA Clearinghouse prior to the fifth year student school year. The NCAA will determine the collegiate student-athlete eligibility years. Student-athletes can participate in a fifth year of competition without the liability of Quest Preparatory Academy. Fifth year student-athletes MUST sign a waiver that he/she understands their college eligibility years will be determined strictly by the NCAA. Athletic Eligibility Athletes must be constantly aware of their success and struggles academically. Academics are prerequisites to not only play at the high school level, but to be considered as a qualifier at the collegiate level. The Athletic Director has established the eligibility requirements for Quest Prep High School Student-Athletes aligned with the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association grading policy. Quest Preparatory Academy (high school) is currently sanctioned by the NIAA and is in full compliance of NIAA academic eligibility guidelines and procedures. If a student is not academically eligible, he/she is not athletically eligible. Athletic Department Grade Policy The academic eligibility of a Quest Student-Athlete is determined on the day immediately after the school distributes the grades for the semester. To be eligible to participate in a sport, Quest Student-Athletes must comply with the academic requirements set forth. A Quest Student who enrolls in his or her first semester in the ninth grade is academically eligible to participate in any sport. A minimum of 2.0 is needed to try out for any Quest athletic sport. If the grade point average of a Quest Student-Athlete is less than 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) at the end of a semester, and after the school conducts a nine-week review, the student is ineligible to participate in a sport for the remainder of the semester. Quest Student-Athletes must receive a passing grade (D or above) in each class in which he/she enrolls during the season for the sport; and maintain a grade point average of not less than 2.0 for the immediately preceding semester. A student will automatically be suspended if at any time a student receives an F on their progress report (every four weeks). Quest Student-Athletes will participate in study skills during the duration of their suspension until a passing grade has been completed. At the discretion of the administration, Quest reserves the right to withhold a Quest Student- 39 Athlete from practice or competition due to behavioral issues in the classroom, around campus, or while participating in Quest athletics. Game Day Policy. If a Quest Student-Athlete misses any class period during season, they do not participate in any after school activities of the same day absence. A student must attend all classes the day of a game. Unexcused absences will result in the Student-Athlete’s non-participation for that day. On any local tournament weekends, if a student misses any class on Friday, he/she must sit out the first game of the tournament on Saturday following the day/class they missed on Friday. Travel Policy. Quest Student-Athletes must attend five full school days prior to traveling with one’s perspective sport. A student may not miss a class during the five school days prior to traveling. If a student has two or more unexcused absence(s) during this time, the student is not permitted to travel. The only excused absence will be if class is missed during the five day period for Quest athletics/ if two travel dates run within a five day period. Travel rosters must be submitted one week prior to tournament travel. Every Student-Athlete will be approved based on their academic and disciplinary standing at the time of the tournament. It is the Student-Athlete’s responsibility to collect all school work and arrange make up dates with teachers for work and assignments they will miss due to traveling with a Quest athletic team. Student-Athlete Expectations Along with the privilege of competing for and representing Quest Prep High School come responsibilities and expectations. Athletes are held to a higher standard because of their high public visibility where names and pictures may appear in local newspapers. Peers, teachers, and community members know high school athletes and whom they represent. If Quest Prep High School’s athletic program expects to continue to receive broad support and respect, we must work hard to earn it each and every day. Our actions are scrutinized not only on the field of play, but in the classroom, around the campus, and throughout the community. “Be the best you can be… every day, in every way, and on every play!” This commitment to total effort is what a studentathlete is all about. Winning is not an outcome, it is an attitude! Participation. Athletics are voluntary. Participation is not required for graduation, and thus, being on a sports team is not a right but a privilege that is earned. With this privilege comes the responsibility to maintain our established standards of conduct both on and off the field. Athletics as a Segment of the Education Program. Athletics is just one of the many parts of an educational program that is provided to our students. The main reason that students are in school is to learn which is supported by our priority to academia. Maintaining academic eligibility is the responsibility of the student and not of any coach, teacher or parent. Academic eligibility can also be lost due to poor attendance or citizenship. Transcripts Requests must be made through the front office, in completing a transcript request form. These must be signed and returned before it can be processed as an unofficial or official. If it is official, they must be sent directly to the third party, which must be indicated with contact information on the request form. Each student will be allowed five requests per school year, with a $5 charge for every transcript after five. Requests will take 24 – 48 hours, so please plan accordingly. 2014-2015 Middle School Course Offerings 40 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Math 7 ACC Math 8 COMPUTERS Algebra 1 (HS credit) Computer Literacy 6 SCIENCE HEALTH Science 6 Health Education Science 6 ACC PHYSICAL EDUCATION Science 7 PE 6 Science 7 ACC PE 7 Science 8 PE 8 Science 8 ACC ELECTIVES SOCIAL STUDIES 8th Grade Studies Social Studies 6 Music Social Studies 6 ACC Art Social Studies 7 Intro to Business Social Studies 7 ACC Intro to Juvenile Justice Social Studies 8 Student Council Social Studies 8 ACC Student Aide English 6 English 6 ACC English 7 English 7 ACC English 8 English 8 ACC READING Reading 6 Reading 6 ACC Reading 7 Reading 7 ACC Reading 8 Reading 8 ACC MATH Math 6 Math 6 ACC Math 7 2014-2015 High School Course Offerings 41 ENGLISH COMPUTERS Spanish 4 Honors English 9 Business Software Applied Office Practice English 9 Honors Applications Student Aide English 10 Life Strategies English 10 Honors HEALTH Principles of Leadership English 11 Health Education Study Skills Applied English 11 Honors American Studies English 12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION English 12 Honors Physical Education I Physical Education II MATH Personal Wellness & Algebra 1 Wellness I Geometry Geometry Honors CAREER TECH Algebra 2 EDUCATION PreCalculus H Art I Statistics H Art II Freshman Studies SCIENCE Sophomore Studies Biology Junior Studies Biology Honors Career Education Science Foundations Publications I Chemistry H Music Production Graphic Design Sports Marketing I SOCIAL STUDIES Business Software U.S. History Applications U.S. History Honors World History ELECTIVES World History Honors Spanish 1 U.S. Government Honors Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors 42 Juvenile Justice Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgment/Receipt Form School Year 2014-2015 It is Quest Preparatory Academy’s hope that this handbook will promote a better understanding of the school policies, procedures, and expectations. Please sign and return this page to the office of your campus immediately upon receipt. Thank you. I have read and agree to abide by the policies set forth in this handbook. PRINT Student Name _________________________________________________________________________ When Quest Preparatory Academy requires a parent/guardian’s signature, all such forms and documents must be signed by the student’s legal parent/guardian. No documents requiring a parent signature can be signed by the student or anyone other than the legal parent/guardian. Parents cannot give their child(ren) or any other person permission to sign on their behalf under any circumstances. Mother’s/Guardian’s Signature Father’s/Guardian’s Signature Student’s Signature_____________________________________ Grade ______________________ Date _______________________ NRS 392.456 provides more information on parental involvement, and family engagement and responsibility. 43
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