Product & Market Penetration October, 2014 Powerpoint Templates

Product & Market
October, 2014
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Reasons to be Excited
 Introduce our Product Line
 Market Revenues available to Micromem
 Genesis of our Product Strategy
 A Robust Pipeline of Client Proposals
 Second Tier Product Development Opportunities
 Big Changes in 2014
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Nanoparticle Concentration Sensor Platform
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Enhanced Secondary Oil Recovery using
MAST Nanoparticles
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Cement Integrity Sensor
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Hydro Fracking Sensor
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Automotive Oil Pan Plug Sensor Suite
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Power Transformer Oil Degradation Sensor
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Analysis of Wear Materials in Lubricating Fluids
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2014 MAST Product Portfolio
Corrosion Under Insulation Sensor Platform
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MAST Family of Products!
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Saudi Aramco
Project Number: 13-NRE-0106
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0106
Product Designation: Nanoparticle Concentration
Sensor Platform
Detection of breakthrough water in production
oil wells via magnetic/upconverting means
MAST Market Opportunity
 Client Rollout of 14 lab version of platform: $1.2M USD
 Client Rollout of 2500 production wells: $375M USD
scheduled in 2014 through 2016 (20% penetration)
 Licensing opportunities in non oil producing markets:
$218M USD
Product Development
 $300K USD Proof of Concept delivered and field
tested by client
 Preproduction platform delivered to client
Commercialization Tasks
 Follow on contract for $0.5M USD for field
 Follow on contract for $1.2M USD for rollout of lab
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Detection of magnetic nanoparticles in fully
opaque process streams
Project Number: 13-NRE-0107
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0107
Product Designation: Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery
using MAST Nanoparticles
MAST Market Opportunity
 Client contract includes 200 deployments $24M USD
 Client requires 30 tons of particles $7.8M USD
 Beyond initial client engagement conservative market
penetration is 2000 wells: $300M USD
 Particle requirements 300 tons: $78M USD
Product Development
 $24M USD contract, stage gate contract particle
development, lab testing and full field test on
production well.
 Particles presently in rock/oil emulsion
conservation test
 Lab testing to-date yields successful results with
particle function capabilities
 Field testing to commence
Commercialization Tasks
 Full field deployment
 Negotiate royalty license with particle manufacturer
 Ruggedize sensor platform with secondary power
source and ultrasonicator injection deliverable
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Embedded Sensor Technology to permit direct
assessment of the integrity of cement in well
Project Number: 13-NRE-0109
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0109
Product Designation: Cement Integrity Sensor
MAST Market Opportunity
 1800 client wells @ 100K sensor/well * $5/sensor = $0.9B (3
year rollout exclusivity)
 Beyond initial client period of exclusivity 1000 wells/year @
100K sensors/well * $5/sensor= $0.5B/yr.
 Evaluate ROI for establish field service NEWCO
Product Development
 $5.4M USD joint product development contract
 18 mos. POC through pre production silicon
 24,000 psi and 355 deg. F hostile packaging
 Demonstration of design proposal met client
 Proceeding to next stage, including client funding
Commercialization Tasks
 $2.9M USD extended field trial with second spin
 Select foundry and field service partner
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Nanotechnology sensors capable of
measuring x,y,z coordinates of hydraulic
Project Number: 13-NRE-0110
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0110
Product Designation: Fracking Sensor
Operational and Performance CapabilitySummary
 1000 fracks * 5 years * 240,000 sensors/frack * $3/sensor=
$3.6B USD Client exclusivity period
 Due to undermining environmentalist claims with this ability,
there will be pressure to expand beyond initial client draw.
 Evaluate ROI for establish field service NEWCO
Product Development
 $4.9M USD joint product development
 18 mos. POC through pre production silicon
 Demonstration of design proposal met client
 Proceeding to next stage, including client funding
Commercialization Tasks
 $5.8M USD extended field trial with second spin
 Select foundry and field service partner
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Pervasive deployment of permanent wireless
corrosion sensors under insulation
Project Number: 13-NRE-0112
Development ID: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0112
Product Designation: Corrosion Under Insulation
MAST Market Opportunity
 Sponsoring client rollout 100,000 sensors/install @ $25= $2.5M
 Sponsoring client rollout command center software $150K USD
 Target refineries, pipelines, chemical plants, pulp & paper facilities
600,000 miles of pipe in North America
 Assuming 2% penetration of market per year = $100M USD/year
Product Development
 MEMS sensors attached to pipes under insulation
communicating wirelessly
 Initial field trials scheduled for Q214
 $360K USD for initial POC trial
 Demonstration of design proposal met client
 Proceeding to next stage, including client funding
Commercialization Task
 $3.5 M USD conversion to MEMS silicon and
software finalization for command center
 Negotiate foundry and sales chain partner(s)
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Project Number: 13-AUT-0108
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0108
Product Designation: Integrated Analytical Lab on
Chip in Automotive Oil Pan Plug
Integrated Lab-on-Chip in Automotive Oil Pan
MAST Market Opportunity
 Client requesting 5 years exclusivity in return for 30 million
sensor platforms $300M USD
 Tier One manufacturing decision results in a $2 USD/unit
royalty on exclusivity volume $60M USD
 Luxury boats, planes, helicopters, DOD vehicle fleet $250M
 Follow on deployment to other auto companies: $500M USD
Product Development
MAST invested $250K USD to build client POC
Successfully completed 6 month dynamometer
testing of sensor platform
Product chosen to be included in client’s
Presidential Strategic Roadmap
Commercialization Tasks
 Interviewing client Tier One manufacturers for
 Initial costing by suppliers meets clients’ target price
 $2.2M USD production engineering contract
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Northeast Utilities
Project Number: 13-Utl-0111
Product Development: IP-R5717-MASTINC-0111
Product Designation: Power Transformer Oil
Degradation Sensor
Measuring partial discharges and advising
Operations as to actionable decisions in real time
MAST Market Opportunity
 Client rollout 200 units $30M USD (assumes only 30%
penetration of target transformers)
 Frost & Sullivan contracted to size overall market including
DOD/Homeland Security interest in mitigating National Grid
 6,000 target transformers in NA (20%) represents $0.9B
Product Development
 $5.4M USD joint product development with
Northeast Utilities
 $1.7M USD silicon field evaluation
 Includes expert system to serve Operations with
actionable recommendations
 First phase complete and client approved
Commercialization Tasks
 Initial rollout and deployment within product
development partners company
 MAST and client will form joint LLC to market and
deploy technology to other utilities
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Castrol innoVentures
Project Number: 13-AUT--113
Development ID: IP-R5717-MASTINC0113
Vehicle MEMS device for real-time analysis of
wear materials in lubricating fluids
Product Designation: Analysis of Wear Materials in
Lubricating Fluids
MAST Market Opportunity
 Initial client market sizing is 30 million units over 5 years
$300M USD
 Follow on market dynamics and MAST opportunity similar to
that of the oil pan plug
Product Development
 $2.5M USD joint product development contract
through pre production silicon and field testing
 Demonstration of Miniaturize Laser induced
Spectroscopy (MEMS) met client requirements
Commercialization Tasks
 $2.5M USD hardened silicon manufacturing
 Select manufacturing partner
 Royalty agreement has been reached
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In Oil Wells
in EOR
Oil Plug
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Materials in
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Robust Pipeline going into 2014
$171M USD
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Rapid Prototyping
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Our Innovation Model
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Intellectual Property Status
In 2013 MAST:
Captured 16 product innovations for provisional patent preparation
Submitted 7 provisional patents to attorney
Attorney submitted 7 provisional patents to USPTO
Attorney submitted 7 utility patents to USPTO
Received 1 non-final office action back from USPTO
Attorney filed for PCT protection in several targeted countries on 6
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Our Business Model
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Nano Systems Drive Form Factor
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Planned Changes in 2014
Updated Website
Adding additional internal
engineering talent
Adding additional subcontractor
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Why are Fortune 100 Companies
Choosing MAST?
 100% alignment with their
business problem
 NEMS/MEMS changes all the
 Open Innovation business model
is difficult for established
 We are Fearless!
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