The Council of Lingnan University 嶺 南 大 學 校 董 會 The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer are appointed under Section 12(2)(a), (2)(b) and (2)(c) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: Chairman: Mr AUYEUNG Pak-kuen, Rex Deputy Chairman: Mr IP Shing-hing, Simon, JP Treasurer: Mrs SHUEN LEUNG Lai-sheung, Loretta 歐陽伯權先生 葉成慶太平紳士 孫梁勵常女士 Members: (A) 10 members appointed by the Chief Executive who are specified in their appointments to be ex-officio members of the Court under Section 12(1)(a) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: Mr AUYEUNG Pak-kuen, Rex Ms CHEUNG Marn-kay, Katherine Mr IP Shing-hing, Simon, JP Ms KWONG Sum-yee, Anna, MH Mr LAM Fan-keung, Franklin, BBS Mrs SHUEN LEUNG Lai-sheung, Loretta Mr SLOSAR John R Mr WONG Kwan-yu, BBS, MH Mr YAO Cho-fai, Andrew, JP (1 seat vacant) 歐陽伯權先生 章曼琪女士 葉成慶太平紳士 鄺心怡女士 林奮強先生 孫梁勵常女士 史樂山先生 黃均瑜先生 姚祖輝太平紳士 (B) 8 members appointed by the Chief Executive under Section 12(1)(b) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: Mr AUYANG Pak-hong, Bernard Mrs CHAN NGAN Man-ling, Edith, MH Mr DORFMAN Robert Mr DOWNEY Martin Prof. IP Yuk-keung, Albert Ms NG Mien-hua, Nikki Mr WOO Chun-kuen, Douglas Ms YEUNG Wing-yan, Wendy 歐陽伯康先生 陳顏文玲女士 杜勳明先生 葉毓強教授 黃敏華女士 吳宗權先生 楊穎欣女士 (C) 7 members nominated by the Lingnan Education Organization Limited and appointed by the Chief Executive under Section 12(1)(c) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: 陳斌博士 招天聰先生 羅世傑醫生 李以力博士 Dr CHAN Pun, David, HonLLD Mr CHIU Tin-chung, Ernest Dr LAW Sai-kit, Frank Dr LEE Ye-lick, Alex 1/2 Adm/401/Council 李錦褀先生 譚國權醫生 唐德曼博士 Mr LI Kam-kee Dr TAM Kwok-kuen, Vincent Dr TONG Thelma (D) 3 members elected by the eligible staff among themselves in accordance with statutes and appointed by the Council under Section 12(1)(d) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: 劉智鵬教授太平紳士 羅榮健教授 楊繼賢博士 Prof. LAU Chi-pang, JP Prof. LAW Wing-kin, Kenneth Dr YEUNG Kai-yin, Tommy (E) 2 members elected by the Senate from among its members in accordance with statutes and appointed by the Council under Section 12(1)(e) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: 陳冠雄教授 樂美德教授 Prof. CHAN Koon-hung Prof. HJORT Mette (F) The President as an ex-officio member under Section 12(1)(f) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: 鄭國漢教授太平紳士 Prof. CHENG Leonard K, JP (G) The Vice-President as an ex-officio member under Section 12(1)(g) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: 夏爾馬教授 Prof. SHARMA Shalendra (Acting) (H) The President of the Students’ Union as an ex-officio member under Section 12(1)(h) of the Lingnan University Ordinance: (To be advised) --- Secretary to the Council: Mrs TSANG TAI Mo-oi, Monica (Director of Administration and Registry Services) 2/2 Adm/401/Council 曾戴慕愛女士
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