THE AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE SOCIETY LTD MOSS VALE BRANCH SHOW 1st & 2nd November, 2014 MOSS VALE SHOWGROUND Saturday - Junior, Encouragement and Open Stock Horse Challenge Junior Challenge competitors under 15yrs riding a Registered ASH Encouragement Challenge competitors any age riding a Registered ASH who have not been placed in the TOP 5 OVERALL of ANY CHALLENGE Open Challenge riders over 13yrs riding a Registered ASH Proudly sponsored by ALLAN MACKAY AUTOS, Moss Vale. Wylarah Pastoral Co., Werombi Pines ASH, Redground ASH Saturday - Yearling, 2yr & 3yr old Futurities plus 4yr old Maturity Entries close 24th October 2014. Saturday - Youth Ring Unregistered Mares & Geldings may be used for riders under 13 yrs in youth classes only a day membership of $15 if competitors are not current ASH members Sunday - Dressage: Open & Youth sections EA 2014 Dressage Tests - Preliminary 1.2 & Novice 2.2 $8.00 per test. Entries taken on the day. Judging to commence at 11.00 am Sunday – full ASH show program Supreme Champion Led Horse Supreme Champion Youth Ridden Horse Supreme Champion Ridden Horse Cash plus many prizes & trophies For further details contact Cheryl Aynsley 0412 827 044 Anna King 0407 771 384 Each Horse & Rider (Handler) combination shall be issued with a Number on the day. NUMBERS will be available at the ticket office when purchasing your entry tickets. FUTURITY NUMBERS will be pre-assigned and to be used for all other show events for that horse Entries on the day $4.00 per class except where stated otherwise $5.00 per vehicle per day Gate Entry Fee – Lucky Gate Prize CANTEEN FACILITIES WILL BE AVAILABLE 1 Ring 1 – Saturday Commencing 10.00 am JUDGE: MRS ELIZABETH REYNOLDS, BEGA 1. Junior Judging – Under 13yrs 1a. Junior Judging - 13yrs and under 18yrs (classes 1 & 1a. to be judged together) 2. Junior Handler under 13yrs 3. Junior Handler 13yrs & under 15yrs 4. Junior Handler 15yrs & under 18yrs 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tiny Tots Ridden under 6yrs (must be led) Boy/Girl Rider under 9yrs Boy/Girl Rider 9yrs & under 11yrs Boy/Girl Rider 11yrs & under 13yrs Boy/Girl Rider 13yrs & under 15yrs Boy/Girl Rider 15yrs & under 18yrs Champion & Reserve Champion Boy/Girl Rider (NOT eligible for Supreme) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Hack. Rider to be under 9yrs Hack. Rider to be 9yrs & under 11yrs Hack. Rider to be 11yrs & under 13yrs ASH Hack. Rider to be 13yrs & under 15yrs ASH Hack. Rider to be 15yrs & under 18yrs Pleasure Hack. Rider to be under 13yrs ASH Pleasure Hack. Rider to be 13yrs & under 18yrs Champion & Reserve Champion Hack Ridden by a Youth 18. Stockman’s Turnout under 18yrs (not eligible for Champion) 19. Working Horse Rider under 13yrs 20. ASH Working Horse Rider 13yrs & under 15yrs 21. ASH Working Horse Rider 15yrs & under 18yrs 22. Utility Horse Rider under 13yrs 23. ASH Utility Horse Rider 13yrs & under 15yrs 24. ASH Utility Horse Rider 15yrs & under 18yrs Champion & Reserve Champion Working/Utility Ridden by a Youth SUPREME ASH RIDDEN BY A YOUTH (Unregistered Horses are ineligible for Supreme) YOUTH HIGH POINT AWARD Sponsored by Lone Pine ASH Stud (Unregistered Horses are ineligible for HIGH POINT AWARD) 25. Consolation Rider under 13yrs 26. ASH Consolation Rider 13yrs & under 18yrs 2 CHALLENGE EVENTS th ENTRIES for the three events will close on FRIDAY 24 October 2014. Entry on the day WILL NOT be accepted. Commencing Saturday 8.00am WEROMBI PINES ASH - JUNIOR CHALLENGE Open to riders under 15yrs riding a Registered ASH Entry fee of $15 per Horse Prize Money for Finalists JC a Hack JC b Working JC c Time Trial Pattern H6 Pattern W7 TBA on the day NO WORKING COW PATTERN FOR JUNIOR CHALLENGE (FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF JUNIOR CHALLENGE) REDGROUND ASH - ENCOURAGEMENT CHALLENGE Open to Riders who have not been placed in the TOP 5 OVERALL of ANY CHALLENGE Entry fee of $50 per Horse Prize Money for Finalists EC a Hack Pattern H6 EC b Working Pattern W4 EC c Time Trial TBA on the day EC d Cattle Phase – top 10 competitors from sections a, b & c. HIGHEST PLACED RIDER UNDER 18 YEARS - $50. (Sponsored by Werombi Pines Stud) (FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF ENCOURAGEMENT CHALLENGE) ALLAN MACKAY AUTOS - OPEN STOCK HORSE CHALLENGE Entry Fee $75.00 per Horse. Prize Money + Shirts for 10 Finalists CH a CH b CH c CH d Hack Pattern H14 Working Pattern W18 Time Trial TBA on the day Cattle Phase – top 10 competitors from sections a, b & c. HIGHEST PLACED RIDER UNDER 18 YEARS - $100 Sponsored by Lone Pine ASH Stud HIGHEST PLACED ASHLA RIDER - $100 Sponsored by Anisley Stud Cattle donated by Wylarah Pastoral Company The CATTLE PHASE for both the ENCOURAGEMENT and OPEN sections will take place on SATURDAY following completion of open challenge sections a, b & c – concluding with the presentation 3 Ring 2/3 – Saturday Commencing 1.00pm JUDGES: MRS TIFFANY ALLEN & MRS LYNNE KNIGHT FUTURITIES & MATURITY All entries will be allocated a NUMBER which will be displayed on the window of the Ticket Office. This number to be used for all events at the Show for this horse. Futurity/Maturity entries close 24th October 2014 – Entry Fee $30.00 A penalty of $20 will apply for entries on the day. Contact ANNA KING for information 0407 771 384 F1 ASH Yearling Futurity F2 ASH 2 Year Old Futurity F3 ASH 3 Year Old Snaffle Bit Futurity Led, Hack Pattern, H10, Working Pattern, W4 F4 ASH Four Year Old Snaffle Bit Maturity Led, Hack Pattern H9, Working Pattern, W5 4 Ring 1 – Sunday Commencing 8.30am JUDGE: MRS LYNNE KNIGHT, MILLERS FOREST JUNIOR HORSES LED 101 ASH Led Yearling Colt 102 ASH Led Colt 2yrs 103 ASH Led Colt 3yrs Champion & Reserve Led ASH Colt 104 105 106 ASH Led Yearling Filly ASH Led Filly 2yrs ASH Led Filly 3yrs Champion & Reserve Led ASH Filly 107 108 109 ASH Led Yearling Gelding ASH Led Gelding 2yrs ASH Led Gelding 3yrs Champion & Reserve Led ASH Gelding 110 SUPREME LED ASH (incl. Champions from Ring 2) Led Australian Light Horse To be led by ALH Trooper using Military Bridle 111 112 113 A.S.H.L.A. (not eligible for Champion) ASH Stockman’s Turnout 18yrs & over (not eligible for Champion) Best ridden ALH Troop Horse (to be ridden by ALH Mounted Trooper) JUNIOR HORSES RIDDEN 114 ASH Hack 2yrs (Snaffle Bit) 115 ASH Hack 3yrs (Snaffle Bit) 116 ASH Junior Pleasure Hack 3yrs & under 117 ASH Working 3yrs & under 118 ASH Utility 3yrs & under Champion & Reserve Ridden Junior ASH (Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden ASH in Ring 2) SENIOR HORSES WORKING 119 ASH Working Stallion, 4yrs & over 120 ASH Working Mare, 4yrs & over 121 ASH Working Gelding, 4yrs & over 122 ASH Station Horse, Open 4yrs & over, 123 ASH Working Horse, ridden by a Moss Vale Branch Member Champion & Reserve ASH Working & Station Horse POLOCROSSE HORSES Judging presentation of horse & rider, horse type and judged with stick & ball. 124 Polocrosse Horse, Rider under 18yrs 125 Polocrosse Horse, Rider 18yrs & over 5 Ring 2 – Sunday Commencing 8.00am JUDGE: MRS TIFFANY ALLEN, WOODVILLE SENIOR HORSES LED 201 ASH Led Stallion, 4yrs & over, not exceeding15hh 202 ASH Led Stallion 4yrs & over, over 15hh Champion& Reserve Led ASH Stallion 203 204 ASH Led Mare, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh ASH Led Mare 4yrs & over, over 15hh Champion & Reserve Led ASH Mare 205 206 ASH Led Gelding, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh ASH Led Gelding 4yrs & over, over 15hh Champion & Reserve Led ASH Gelding Led Champions eligible for Supreme Led in Ring 1 SENIOR HORSES RIDDEN 207 ASH Stallion Hack 4yrs & over, ridden in a snaffle bit 208 ASH Mare Hack, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh, ridden in a snaffle bit 209 ASH Mare Hack, 4yrs & over, over 15hh, ridden in a snaffle bit 210 ASH Gelding Hack, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh, ridden in a snaffle bit 211 ASH Gelding Hack, 4yrs & over, over 15hh, ridden in a snaffle bit 212 ASH Pleasure Hack, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh 213 ASH Pleasure Hack, 4yrs & over, over 15hh 214 ASH Hack, 4yrs & over, ne 15hh, ridden in a curb bit 215 ASH Hack, 4yrs & over, over 15hh, ridden in a curb bit 216 ASH Hack, ridden by a Moss Vale Branch Member Champion & Reserve ASH Hack Senior Horse 217 218 Open pair of ridden Australian Stock Horses Adult & Child (Child to be under 18yrs) SUPREME RIDDEN ASH (incl. Champions from Ring 1) DRESSAGE ARENA: JUDGING COMMENCING 11.00am ASH registered horses only D1 D2 ASH Preliminary 1.2, Open & Youth Sections ASH Novice 2.2 Open & Youth Sections You must state at time of entry whether you are entering Open or Youth section. Conducted under EA Rules. Helmets must be worn. Entry fee: $8.00 per test: 6 PROUD SPONSORS OF THE MOSS VALE BRANCH ANNUAL SHOW 2014 Allan Mackay Autos Open ASH Challenge. We thank Allan Mackay Auto, the Volvo dealership, and a family owned business for 35 years 242-245 Argyle St Moss Vale. Ph: 4869 1100. Pine Shavings Services Aust. (North Goulburn) Ha Ha Hair Lone Pine ASH Stud, K & C Turner Tony Beileiter - Farrier Services Derks Pet & Rural Produce Hinton ASH Stud (S Britton) Diane Hayden Prydes’ Easifeeds Anisley ASH Stud Evalock – Evans Family Landmark, The Howe Family Fernbrook Stud NJS Training Stables Tuffrock Coprice Werombi Pines Ash - Walsh Family ASH NSW State Management Snowy Mountains Stock Horses M.D & J.J Anderson Sonja Bowden Richard Selemes, Produce (chaff) Supplies (Boorowa Road, Narrawa) The Lacey Family Dara Pastoral Company, Cowra Denis Jackson Saddler Stable 8 Stance Stock Feeds & Jackie Long, (Ivery Park) Redground ASH The Ultimate Horse Shop, Goulburn Baxter Boots Goulburn Mower & Chainsaws Horseland, Moss Vale The Langton Family Bowral Co-Op Elders Cleary Mcdowall TJ Moore Photography Howe Family Werai Contracting Nethaway ASH - Jenny Weule Orangeville Pottery – Sue Skilling & Paul Rigby Dazzle Shampoo – Sydney Solvents The Moss Vale Branch Show Committee Would like to thank all of the Judges, Competitors, Volunteers Who work tirelessly to make our Show a success 7 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Please enter the Showground by the Illawarra Highway entrance Entries on the day, $4.00 per class except where otherwise stated Gate Entry Fee of $5.00 per Vehicle – Lucky Gate Prize 1. All people entering the grounds, competitors & handlers, do so at their own risk. Neither the Organizing Committee nor the Australian Stock Horse Society Ltd accept any liability for any accidents, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or any person or property whatsoever. 2. The Committee has the right to delete, defer or alter the programme on any day. 3. Stallions or Colts are not permitted to compete in Youth events. 4. All competitors in the Youth events to be suitably attired and must wear P.C.A./A.S.A. approved equestrian skullcaps in all events including rider & handler classes and whilst around a horse. 5. All COMPETITORS and OWNERS must be financial members of the Australian Stock Horse Society Ltd. Horse’s registration papers and current membership cards must be produced before competing. Day membership is available for non-member riders at a cost of $40.00 for Adults and $15 for Children under 18 years. 6. HIGH POINT YOUTH AWARD – one horse one rider rule applies. Competitors must compete in their own age group. 7. Consolation events open to those riders who have NOT won a ribbon in previous events. 8. Stockman’s Turnout – ASH Dress Attire. Equipment – Stock Saddle, ASH Saddle cloth, Single reined leather bridle, Snaffle bit. Spurs optional. Gear suggestions – Hobbles, oil skin coat, Saddlebag, Quart Pot and any appropriate items for a day’s droving. (Open to horses of any age) 9. Complaints/Protests – Any competitor or exhibitor may lodge a complaint in writing to the Secretary of the Show Committee within 30 minutes of the completion of the event. This must be accompanied by a fee of $50 and is refundable if the protest is upheld. Stabling & Camping Stabling please contact Anna King 0407 771 384 or email [email protected] . Limited number available. ALL MANURE MUST BE REMOVED TO SPECIFIED LOCATION WHEN YOU LEAVE Camping facilities, showers and toilets are available on the ground. There is no camping fee and portable yards may be used, (no electric tape) 8 FUTURITY & MATURITY ENTRY FORM Entries close 24th October 2014 ENTRY FEE: $30.00 A penalty of $20 will apply for entries on the day. Entry forms – mail Moss Vale ASH Branch c/- PO Box 26, BERRIMA NSW 2577 Pay via cheque: payable to ‘Moss Vale Branch ASHS’ OR Entry forms - email [email protected] .au Pay via Direct debit to: Australian Stock Horse Soc. Moss Vale Branch. BSB: 062 654. Account No: 1008 3754. Use competitor SURNAME as reference. F1 ASH Yearling Futurity F2 ASH 2 Year Old Futurity F3 ASH 3 Year Old Futurity F4 ASH 4 Year Old Snaffle Bit Maturity CLASS _______________________________________ HORSE’S NAME _______________________________________ FOALING DATE _______________________________________ ASH REGO NO. ________________________________________ OWNER _______________________________________ RIDER/HANDLER _______________________________________ ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF REGISTRATION PAPERS AND A COPY OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD 9 ENTRY FORM for JUNIOR CHALLENGE Entry Fee $15 per horse – ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 24th October 2014 Entry on the day WILL NOT be accepted Competitor Horses Name Entry fee TOTAL = ENTRY FORM for ENCOURAGEMENT CHALLENGE Entry Fee $50 per horse - ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 24th October 2014 Entry on the day WILL NOT be accepted Competitor Horses Name Entry fee TOTAL = Indicate with (Y) beside competitor’s name if Youth under 18 yrs ENTRY FORM for OPEN CHALLENGE th Entry Fee $75 per horse - ENTRIES CLOSE Friday 24 October 2014 Entry on the day WILL NOT be accepted Competitor Horses Name Entry fee TOTAL = Indicate with (Y) if Youth under 18yrs and (A) if ASHLA 10
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