Evaluation of Tuberculosis Score Charts against Bacteriologically Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Induced Sputum among Children at Bugando Medical Centre Issa Sabi, MD A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Medicine (Paediatrics and Child Health) of the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences 2014 1 DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT I Issa Sabi hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for similar or any other degree award. Signature: …………………………………DATE: …………………………………. This dissertation is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the Copyright Act 1999 and international and national enactment, in that behalf on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part, except for short extracts in fair dealing, for research or private study, critical scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without written permission of the directorate of postgraduate studies, on behalf of both the author and the CUHAS- Bugando. i CERTIFICATION The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend acceptance for examination by the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences-Bugando, a dissertation titled: Evaluation of Tuberculosis Score Charts Against Bacteriologically Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Induced Sputum among Children at Bugando Medical Centre” in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the award of degree of Masters Medicine (Paediatrics and Child Health). Signature ……………………………… Date ………………………….. Dr. Rogatus Kabyemera, MD, M.MED Peaditrician, Department of Peadiatrics Bugando Medical Centre Signature ……………………………… Date ………………………….. Prof. Stephen .E. Mshana, MD, M.Med, PhD Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando Signature ……………………………… Date ………………………….. Dr. Robert N. Peck, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College Consultant physian, Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando ii DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my lovely wife Hadija iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is the result of the contributions of many people. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to: My supervisors Dr. Rogatus Kabyemera, Prof. Stephen E. Mashana and Dr. Robert Peck, for their continuous support and valuable inputs to this work. The Department of Peadiatrics and Child Health, BMC for their valuable contributions and continuous support towards this study. Mrs Lisa E. Gerwing-Adima, TB laboratory of BMC for her valuable advice and continuous support in all laboratory related matters. Dr Kassanga, department of radiology of BMC, despite his busy schedule he was able to interpret chest X-rays of all patients enrolled in the study. Dr. Benson Kidenya, Department of Biochemistry of Catholic university of health and allied sciences, for statistical analysis. Dr Andrea Rachow, Department of Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine, Klinikum der Universitaet Muenchen and Dr. Petra Clowes, NIMR-Mbeya Medical Research Centre (NIMR-MMRC) for their great support and facilitating the availability of LJ culture slants and related consumables and for facilitating the training and providing some of the equipments for sputum induction. The office of the Regional TB and Leprosy Coordinator in Mwanza, for realizing the importance of this study and provide the support for Xpert MTB/RIF assay and its related consumables. iv The parents and care takers of the all the children who were enrolled in the study for their consent to participate in this study. Without their consent this study would not have been done. My fellow residents, for their continuous support and inputs in this study. Lastly but not least my family for bearing with me during the time of this study. I spent very little time with them for the entire period of the study. v Table of Content DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT........................................................................... i CERTIFICATION .........................................................................................................ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ iv LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ xi LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................xii OPERATIONAL DEFINITION ................................................................................ xiii ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... xv ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................xvii 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement .......................................................................................... 3 1.3 Rationale of the Study ..................................................................................... 3 1.4 Research Questions ......................................................................................... 4 1.5 Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4 1.5.1 Broad Objective ....................................................................................... 4 vi 1.5.2 2.0 Specific Objectives .................................................................................. 4 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 6 2.1 Difficulties in Diagnosing Pulmonary TB in children .................................... 6 2.2 Pediatric TB Score chart ................................................................................. 6 2.3 Specimen Recovery Methods .......................................................................... 8 2.4 Confirmation of Pulmonary TB in children ....................................................... 10 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS...................................................................... 12 3.1 Site Description ............................................................................................. 12 3.2 Study design .................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Sample size .................................................................................................... 12 3.4 Study Population ........................................................................................... 13 3.5 Data collection............................................................................................... 14 3.5.1 Standard diagnostic procedures ............................................................. 14 3.5.2 Laboratory procedures ........................................................................... 16 3.5.3 Study duration and management of study subjects ................................ 17 3.6 Outcome of the study .................................................................................... 18 3.7 Study Variables ............................................................................................. 18 vii 3.8 Statistical analysis ......................................................................................... 18 3.9 Data quality and assurance ........................................................................... 19 3.10 Ethical consideration ..................................................................................... 19 4.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Baseline Characteristics ................................................................................ 21 4.2 Specimen recovery ........................................................................................ 23 4.2 Specimen recovery ........................................................................................ 24 4.3 Common presenting symptoms ..................................................................... 24 4.4 Radiological Characteristics .......................................................................... 25 4.5 Patients Follow-up.............................................................................................. 26 4.6 Yield for Mycobaterium tuberculosis from one induced sputum ................. 27 4.7 The proportion of PTB cases ......................................................................... 27 4.8 Sensitivity, Specificity, & Positive/Negative predictive values .................... 28 4.9 Factors associated with microbiologically confirmed PTB ............................... 29 5.0 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................... 32 5.1 Sputum Induction as a method of specimen recovery method...................... 32 5.2 Proportion of patients who had pulmonary tuberculosis ............................... 33 viii 5.3 Sensitivity and specificity of the TSCs ......................................................... 34 5.4 Factors associated with confirmed TB .......................................................... 35 6.0 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................... 37 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 38 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY.................................................................... 39 9.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 40 10.0 APPENDICES............................................................................................... 44 10.1 Data Collection Form ................................................................................ 45 10.2 Standardized Chest X-ray Review Tool .................................................... 50 10.3 Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form ........................................... 52 10.3.1 Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form .................................... 52 10.3.2 Karatari ya maelezo na form ya ridhaa .................................................. 55 10.4 Sputum induction .......................................................................................... 58 10.5 Diagnostic Scoring Systems .......................................................................... 63 10.5.1 Keith Edward Score Chart ..................................................................... 63 10.5.2 MASA System ....................................................................................... 64 10.5.3 Fourie Scoring System ........................................................................... 64 ix 10.5.4 Brazilian MoH Scoring System ............................................................. 65 10.6 Tuberculin Skin Testing ................................................................................ 66 10.7 Study Budget ............................................................................................. 71 10.8 Test for HIV Diagnosis ................................................................................. 72 10.9 Research Clearance Certificate.................................................................. 74 x LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Baseline characteristics of study participants ................................................ 22 Table 2: Follow up among patients enrolled in the study ............................................ 26 Table 3: Yield for MTB from one induced sputum among patients enrolled in the study ............................................................................................................................. 27 Table 4: TB cases based by Peadiatrics TB score charts and Diagnostic classification among patients enrolled in the study ........................................................................... 28 Table 5: Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of TSCs against microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB............................................................................................. 29 Table 6: Baseline characteristics associated with confirmed TB among patients enrolled in the study ..................................................................................................... 30 Table 7: Radiological features associated with confirmed Pulmonary TB among patients enrolled in the study ....................................................................................... 31 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Study flow diagram ...................................................................................... 23 Figure 2: Common presenting symptoms among patients enrolled in the study ......... 25 xii OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Children were categorized by using classification group on the basis of different clinical, radiological, and microbiological information as shown below: Pulmonary TB: A child with pulmonary TB symptoms who had M. tuberculosis confirmed in sputum by culture or Xpert MTB/RIF assay, or a child without M. tuberculosis confirmation but had clinical and radiologic features that prompted empirical treatment for pulmonary TB. Pulmonary TB case was further categorized as shown below based on diagnostic classification as previously proposed by Graham et al (1). In addition to that classification Xpert MTR/RIF assay was also a confirmatory test for pulmonary tuberculosis in this study. Confirmed tuberculosis: Patients were classified as ‘‘confirmed TB’’ when they presented with: 1. At least 1 of the signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis and 2. Microbiological confirmation is obtained by culture, Xpert MTB/RIF assay Probable tuberculosis: Patients were classified as ‘‘probable tuberculosis’’ cases when they presented with: 1. At least 1 of the signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis and 2. Chest radiography is consistent with intrathoracic disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 3. There is at least 1 of the following: (a) A positive clinical response to anti-tuberculosis treatment (b) Documented exposure to M. tuberculosis (c) Immunological evidence of M. tuberculosis xiii infection Possible tuberculosis: Patients were classified as ‘‘possible tuberculosis’’ when they presented with at least 1 of the signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis and either (1) One of the following: (a) A positive clinical response to anti-tuberculosis treatment (b) Documented exposure to M. tuberculosis (c) Immunological evidence of M. tuberculosis infection or (2) Chest radiography is consistent with intrathoracic tuberculosis disease NB: if at least 1 of (1) and (2) are both present, then this case should be classified as ‘‘probable tuberculosis.’’ PTB unlikely: Symptomatic but not fitting the above definitions and no alternative diagnosis established Not PTB tuberculosis: Established alternative diagnosis or no clinical deterioration on follow-up in the absence of tuberculosis therapy xiv ABBREVIATIONS AFB Acid Fast Bacilli BAL Bronchoalveolar Lavage BMC Bugando Medical Centre CUHAS Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences CXR Chest X-ray GL Gastric Lavage HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus IUATLD International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease LIP Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia LJ Löwenstein - Jensen MASA Medical Association of South Africa MoHSW Ministry of Health and Social Welfare MTB Mycobacterium Tuberculosis NPA Nasopharyngeal Aspiration NTLP National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme PCP Pneumocystis jerovecii pneumonia PPTB Paediatric Pulmonary Tuberculosis PTB Pulmonary Tuberculosis RIF Rifampicin xv TB Tuberculosis TSC Tuberculosis Score Chart TST Tuberculin Skin Test WHO World Health Organization xvi ABSTRACT Background: Bacteriological confirmation of childhood TB continues to be difficult due to the unavailability of diagnostic facilities, difficulties in obtaining samples, and poor performance of smear microscopy. As a result various peadiatric TB scoring tools were invented in order to help in clinical diagnosis. Therefore this study was done to evaluate various peadiatric tuberculosis score charts for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB against bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB in the paediatric department of Bugando Medical Centre (BMC). Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from October 2013 to April 2014 among children suspected to have pulmonary TB at BMC. All children were assessed for TB by using pediatric tuberculosis score charts (Keith Edward, MASA, Fourie and Brazil MOH). Sputum induction was attempted in all patients to obtain sputum which was examined by fluorescent acid fast smear, LJ culture and Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive value of the score charts against pulmonary TB cases were determined. Results: A total of 192 patients were enrolled in the study over a period of 5 months. Males formed 53.7% of all the participants. Median (IQR) age was 1.9 (1.2 – 4.4) years. Sputum specimen was obtained in 187 (97.4%) patients; sputum induction was successfully performed in 183 (95.8%) patients. Forty (20.8%) patients were diagnosed with pulmonary TB; among them 10 (5.2%) had confirmed pulmonary TB. Generally, the sensitivity of pediatric TB score charts was poor for diagnosing pulmonary TB (10% - 50%). No baseline characteristics had significant association with confirmed pulmonary TB. Airspace opacification and cavities on chest X-ray had strong association with confirmed PTB with p-values of <0.01 and 0.01 respectively. Conclusion: Sensitivity and specificity to detect pulmonary TB with peadiatric TB score charts evaluated in this study were very low. Induced sputum is possible in our setting therefore bacteriological confirmation of pulmonary TB should be attempted in every child suspected to have TB. CXR components should be incorporated in all TB scores to increase xvii the sensitivity. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Tuberculosis (TB) is still a major public health problem and associated with high morbidity and mortality; globally about nine million new cases and two million deaths occur annually. It is estimated that about one-third of the world population has been infected by the mycobacterium that causes TB. Childhood TB contributes a significant proportion of the global TB burden. Of the estimated 9 million new TB cases that occur annually about one million cases (11%) occur in children less than 15 years of age. About 75% of the reported TB cases in children occur in 22 high TB burden countries (2,3). According to the Global TB report of 2011, Tanzania ranks at number 20 among 22 high TB burden counties. Data from the National TB and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) from 2004 to 2011 show that childhood TB contributes about 10% to all notified cases in Tanzania. In 2010 alone, there were 5,216 TB case notifications in children less than 15 years of age, which accounted for 8.7% of the total new case notifications. However, data from studies done in Kilimanjaro and Mwanza regions suggest that the contribution of childhood TB in Tanzania might be even higher than the estimated worldwide average (4,5). The magnitude of TB disease among children in Tanzania is difficult to ascertain due to challenges in diagnosing and reporting. In a retrospective review of the TB registry at Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) a total number of 1,023 TB patients were treated from January to December 2012 including 79 children of less than 15 years of age who contributed about 7% of the reported TB cases. There were no confirmed TB 1 cases; therefore all children were treated based on either Keith Edward score chart or X-ray findings. In most resource-constraint settings, the diagnosis of pulmonary TB (PTB) in children is usually based on history of TB contacts, positive Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and radiological findings suggestive of TB. However, in developing countries the diagnosis of PTB is usually difficult because the contact history is often not clear, the tuberculin test is often false positive due to routine BCG immunization, and because of difficulties in interpreting chest radiographs especially in HIV-coinfected patients where HIV-related pulmonary disease such as lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP). But also common viral and bacterial infections of the lung may present with similar symptoms and radiological patterns. Confirmation of tuberculosis by culture, which is considered the gold standard for confirmed TB diagnosis, is important where, for example, there is difficulty in clinical diagnosis, the contact history is not known or drug sensitivity is required. Sputum induction is the preferred method for collecting sputum in children because children do not have enough strength to expectorate. Several studies have shown that induced sputum has a higher diagnostic yield than expectorated sputum in children and is comparable to or better than gastric lavage specimens (6–10). Sputum induction has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure even in children as young as 1 month of age (8,11). Currently in Tanzania, it is recommended that sputum induction is performed at district, regional and zonal referral hospitals, where appropriate equipments and personnel are available (Tanzania National Guideline for Management of TB in 2 Children, 2012). Despite of availability of experts at BMC, sputum induction to obtain sputum sample is so far not performed on children suspected to have TB. 1.2 Problem Statement Accurate and consistent diagnosis is critical for the effective management of children with TB, for measuring the precise burden of childhood TB, the TB-related morbidity and mortality, and to establish drug susceptibility patterns. In our setting, despite of the availability of facilities and expertise bacteriological confirmation of childhood TB continues to be difficult due to the difficulty in obtaining samples in children, poor performance of smear microscopy, long turnaround time for culture results and the perception that microbiologic yield is low. Currently, several studies have confirmed that microbiologic confirmation is feasible and useful to exclude drug resistant TB (6). Clinical scoring systems such as the Keith Edward Scoring Chart (12) have commonly been used as a diagnostic tool to diagnose TB in children. However those systems are poorly validated, may not be generalizable to different settings, and are not adapted for use in HIV-infected children (6,13). 1.3 Rationale of the Study This study evaluated the Keith Edwards, MASA, Fourie and Brazilian MoH diagnostic score charts against culture for the diagnosis of peadiatric PTB. While in other setting, various clinical scores have been shown to have low sensitivity and low specificity especially when applied in HIV-endemic areas (14,15), these scoring systems are are still being used in our setting for want of a better alternative. 3 Sputum induction is not routinely done at BMC and many hospitals in Tanzania. Therefore, this study also investigated the feasibility of sputum induction as a method for sample collection, in order to improve the diagnosis of peadiatric PTB in our setting. This study was also aiming to provide baseline data from our local setting that would be helpful to plan future studies of childhood TB. Prior studies of pediatric TB at Bugando have not included confirmation of PTB with culture and microscopy, so the true incidence of TB among pediatric inpatients at BMC is not yet known. 1.4 Research Questions What is the sensitivity and specificity of pediatric tuberculosis score charts compared to microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB case? 1.5 Objectives 1.5.1 Broad Objective To evaluate paediatric tuberculosis score charts in the diagnosis of pulmonary TB against culture or Xpert MTB/RIF assay performed on induced sputa from children suspected to have TB in the pediatric departments of BMC. 1.5.2 Specific Objectives 1. To determine the proportion of patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis among children suspected to have pulmonary TB in the peadiatric department of BMC. 4 2. To determine the sensitivity and specificity of pediatric TB score charts against microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB cases among children suspected to have TB in the peadiatric department of BMC. 3. To determine the baseline characteristics which are associated with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary TB among children suspected to have PTB in the peadiatric department of BMC. 4. To assess the utility of sputum induction performed among children suspected to have pulmonary TB in the Peadiatric department of BMC. 5 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Difficulties in Diagnosing Pulmonary TB in children The difficulties in diagnosing peadiatric pulmonary TB (PPTB) have been known for decades. The main contributing factors for diagnostic difficulties are the nonspecificity of signs and symptoms, pauci bacillary nature of PPTB, problem with specimen recovery methods and limitations of the diagnostic test itself (7). Symptoms of TB in children are often non-specific, and a significant proportion of paediatric patients may be asymptomatic during the initial stages of the disease. Among those who are symptomatic the symptoms may include cough, fever, weight loss, night sweats, and wheezing. Several studies have been done to attempt to determine signs and symptoms that can be used for PPTB diagnosis but results showed poor sensitivity and specificity because the symptoms of PPTB can be similar to symptoms of other diseases such as pneumonia, asthma and congenital pulmonary diseases (7,16). 2.2 Pediatric TB Score chart The clinical presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis is often non-specific and there is increased variability in the interpretation of radiological findings. These variabilies become even more evident in the presence of HIV co-infections when other opportunistic infections present with overlapping clinical and radiological findings (6,14,15). To improve the diagnostic accuracy several pediatric Tuberculosis Score Charts (TSC) have been designed for resource limited countries to facilitate the diagnosis of 6 TB in children. TSC are mainly checking the combinations of clinical and radiological evidence of disease in the presence of a positive history of TB contact or a positive TST result. Several studies have described the performance of those scoring system (6,7,12–15,17,18); however those systems are poorly validated and cannot be generalized in different epidemiological settings and have not been adapted for use in HIV endemic areas (6,13). The Keith Edwards score chart has been recommended by the Tanzania NTLP for the diagnosis of TB in children (Tanzania National Guideline for Management of TB in Children, 2012) and is commonly used at BMC (BMC treatment guidelines). This score was developed in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and is based almost entirely on clinical findings; microbiological tests and radiology results are not included in the main score, as it is argued that these investigations are not widely available. This score was designed for the diagnosis of both pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB. The original study proposes a score >7 being suggestive of TB based on clinical experience, but this is not validated (12). Studies that have been done to evaluate the performance of Keith Edwards score chart have shown good sensitivity and specificity if applied to children not infected with HIV (17,18); however, in HIV endemic areas it has been shown to have very low specificity (14,19). The Fourie score was designed in 1993 when the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) appointed a task group to develop a scoring system which will show more acceptable sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values. The initial assessment of the Fourie score showed a sensitivity and specificity of 41% and 44%, respectively, for young children (0–4 years) compared to older children (5 – 14 years) with sensitivity and specificity of 62% and 50% 7 respectively (20). They therefore proposed the score to be applied as screening tool to select individuals with a high probability of tuberculosis for further examination at a referral centre. The Brazilian MOH score was mainly designed for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in children and was once evaluated against pulmonary TB cases diagnosed by culture and clinical features together; its sensitivity and specificity were 89% and 86% respectively (21). 2.3 Specimen Recovery Methods Gastric Lavage: Although rarely performed at BMC, three consecutive early morning gastric lavages (GL) is the most common recovery method used to obtain specimen for mycobacteriological confirmation in limited resource countries. In addition to low culture yield, GL has many disadvantages:- specimens must be taken on three sequential days early every morning before breakfast to achieve optimal yields. Furthermore, the procedure itself is unpleasant for the child, semi invasive and usually requires hospitalization as well as additional training of the staff. Therefore, GL is difficult to be done on an outpatient basis where care for most TB suspected children are usually provided. In addition, GL may not be optimal for collection of these specific samples because it is known that a low pH kills tuberculous bacilli (22) and this may affect the growth in subsequent culture media. In addition, peristalsis movement in the evening and while the patient is sleeping makes it likely that many of the TB organisms may have left the stomach by the time of specimen collection. Sputum Induction: Sputum induction has been successfully used in several studies as an alternative to GL to obtain specimen for microbiologic confirmation of PTB in 8 children. After pretreatment with an inhaled bronchodilator, nebulization with hypertonic (3%–5%) saline is performed, and secretions are obtained by suctioning or by expectoration in older children (8,11,23). Precautions must be taken to prevent nosocomial transmission during sputum induction. The procedure should be performed in a well ventilated room equipped with UV lighting or in the open air, and sufficient time should be allowed between procedures (6). Appropriate particulate respirators (N95 or FFP2) should be used by staff. Sputum induction has been shown to be feasible, safe, and effective even in infants of one month of age (8,11,23). Two studies involving hospitalized infants in a tertiary care facility in South Africa successfully obtained samples from 95% of the children. In the first study (8), one induced sputum sample yielded more positive culture results (10% of samples) than three sequential GL samples (6% of samples), in the second study (23), the cumulative yield from three induced sputum samples (87%) was greater than that of three GL samples (65%). One induced sputum sample was equivalent to three GL samples (23) and the yield was similar in both HIV infected and HIV uninfected children. Sputum induction has a number of advantages over GL as it can be performed as an outpatient procedure, it is relatively easy to perform, and the yield is higher. The remained challenge is to change the perception of health care workers that microbiologic confirmation of PPTB is not possible and to implement sputum induction as a routine investigative procedure in all health care facilities Alternative Methods of Specimen Recovery: Alternative methods used for specimen recovery include nasopharyngeal aspiration (NPA), bronchoalveolar lavage 9 (BAL) and string test to obtain stomach contents. NPA is achieved by passing a canula through one nostril into the nasopharynx; it is minimally invasive and easy to perform. A previous study done in Uganda suggested that the culture yield from NPA was similar to that from sputum induction (24% vs 22%) (9). However, in two studies from Yemen (24) and Peru (25) the culture yields from NPA were low. BAL is a resource intensive and invasive procedure and therefore not recommended for microbiologic confirmation of tuberculosis in resource limited settings. The string test has not been well studied in a pediatric population and does not seem suitable for young children. 2.4 Confirmation of Pulmonary TB in children Confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in pulmonary TB can be performed by (direct or indirect) smear microscopy, by culture or by identification of M. tuberculosis cellular components such as nucleic acid or cell wall component in biological sample. The introduction of fluorescent microscopy with Auramine staining has improved the sensitivity of microscopy and reduced operator time when compared with traditional acid-fast stains, such as Ziehl-Neelsen. However, this advance is unlikely to significantly improve the performance of smear microscopy which currently detects only 10-15% of tuberculosis cases in children (26). Sputum culture on solid media is the current reference standard for the confirmation of pulmonary TB. Despite the high specificity which sputum culture can achieve in the diagnosis of pulmonary TB if combined with a molecular speciation test, it is thought to have relatively poor sensitivity (30% to 40%) when compared to a clinical reference standard in children (26). The other limitations of the traditional culture 10 technique are slow turnaround time and the need for highly trained personnel, making it difficult to use as a routine test in a setting with limited resources. The current recommendation by WHO is that Xpert MTB/RIF assay may be used as initial diagnostic test in all children suspected of having PTB and supports the use of a single sputum specimen for diagnostic testing. The sensitivity of this test is better than smear microscopy and is comparable to culture on solid media (27). In addition, it simultaneously detects resistance to rifampicin which is a marker for MDR tuberculosis. However, smear microscopy and culture remain essential for monitoring of therapy for those who are on TB treatment and for monitoring MDR TB as it was shown for adults, that Xpert MTB/RIF assay remains positive for a long time even in successfully treated TB cases (28). 11 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Site Description This study was conducted in the department of paediatric and child health at Bugando Medical Centre, Tanzania. BMC is a consultant and teaching hospital for the Lake and Western zones of the United Republic of Tanzania. Situated along the shores of Lake Victoria in Mwanza, it has 900 beds and it serves both inpatient and outpatients. It is a referral centre for tertiary specialist care for eight regions, including Mwanza, Geita, Simiu, Mara, Kagera, Shinyanga, Tabora and Kigoma. It serves a catchment population of approximately 13 million people. The department of peadiatrics and child health has a capacity of 121 beds. The department is subdivided into general peadiatric wards, malnutrition wards, semi intensive care unit, neonatal unit, neonatal intensive care unit and outpatient department. 3.2 Study design A cross sectional hospital based study was conducted over a five-month period from October 2013 to April 2014. 3.3 Sample size Sample size was estimated using the Buderer’s formula (29), to determine the sensitivity(SN) and specificity(SP) of 90% with absolute precision of less than 10% at a 95% confidence interval [CI] with a 18.9% prevalence of PTB among TB suspects in children(11). 12 Sample size (n) based on specificity= Z21−α/2 × SN ×(1−SN) L2 × Prevalence Sample size (n) based on specificity = Z21−α/2 × SP ×(1−SP) L2 × (1−Prevalence) where n = required sample size, SN = anticipated sensitivity, SP = anticipated specificity, α = size of the critical region (1 – α is the confidence level), z1-α/2 = standard normal deviate corresponding to the specified size of the critical region (α) L = absolute precision desired on either side (half-width of the confidence interval) of sensitivity or specificity. Based on the above formula the minimum sample size (n) was estimated to be 186 children suspected to have PTB. 3.4 Study Population Children aged 2months to 12 years with respiratory TB symptoms as defined by Graham et al (1) who were seeking care in the paediatric department of BMC, and met the inclusion criteria were enrolled into the study. Inclusion criteria • Written informed consent • Any one of the following: Persistent (> 2 weeks), non-remitting cough 13 Persistent (> 1 weeks) and unexplained fever (380C) Unexplained weight loss/failure to thrive: 5% reduction in weight compared with the highest weight recorded in last 3 months History of TB contact within the preceding 24 months Exclusion criteria 3.5 • Patient on TB treatment • Patient on Isoniazid Prophylaxis Treatment (IPT) • Known asthmatic or expiratory wheezes on auscultation Data collection 3.5.1 Standard diagnostic procedures The enrolment of the children suspected to have pulmonary TB included the delivery of study information and obtaining an informed consent, the medical history of participants, a physical examination with collection of detailed anthropometric data such as middle upper arm circumference for children above 6 months (MUAC), weight, and height. Furthermore HIV testing and chest radiography was part of the enrolment visit. All children aged 2 months to 12 years admitted to the peadiatric at wards were screened for TB symptoms. Parents or guardians of those who fulfilled the criteria were asked to consent for enrollment into the study. Children suspected to have PTB who were referred from the outpatient clinic were also enrolled once they fulfilled the eligibility criteria. 14 All enrolled children were re-assessed using the Keith Edward, MASA (30), IUATLD or Fourie (20) and Brazilian MoH (31) diagnostic charts. Details of these TB score charts are provided in appendix 5. Chest X-Ray was taken in frontal view and was read by an independent radiologist who was blinded to the study. A lateral view CXR was taken only when suggested by the radiologist. CXR findings were reported in a standardized form with predetermined terminology to describe CXR abnormalities (32) (Appendix 2). Chest X-rays were defined as “consistent with tuberculosis” if there was a positive response for any one of the radiological features. A TST, using intradermal injection of 5 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative (Mantoux) (TUBERSOL®, Sanofi Pasteur Limited, Canada), was performed by trained personnel on the volar aspect of the left forearm. The transverse diameter of induration was measured in millimetre after 48 to 72 hours. A positive TST was regarded as a measurement of ≥10mm in HIV-uninfected children, and ≥ 5mm in HIV-infected children (actual measurement in mm was recorded) (Appendix 6). One sputum specimen was obtained by sputum induction (Appendix 4) which was done by the investigator. A Pulmo – Mist II nebulizer (Nidek Medical, USA) delivered 5 mL of 5% sterile saline solution for 10 to 15 minutes. Salbutamol solution 2.5mg was added to the nebulizer solution to prevent bronchoconstriction. Sputum was obtained by suctioning through the nasopharynx with a sterile mucus extractor of catheter size 7 or 8. Specimens were transported directly to the laboratory for processing. New sterile disposable nebulizer masks, medication tanks and tubing were used for each patient. Non disposable parts (tube connecting suction machine to mucus trap) were cleaned and decontaminated after every use by submerging in 2% 15 glutaraldehyde for 20 minutes and allowed to air-dry. Data from a previous study shows that parts of sputum induction equipment which are highly contaminated with M. tuberculosis can effectively be decontaminated with glutaraldehyde (33). Information about the HIV status was extracted from hospital patient files. Those with no results were asked to have an HIV test, by using an HIV rapid test according to the algorithm of the National HIV/AIDS guideline (Appendix 6.8). Information about other diseases and tests not included in this study were extracted from BMC patient files. All admitted children were followed up for resolutions or persistence of TB symptoms until discharge from hospital and then two months after being discharged through phone calls. Children from the outpatient clinic were tellephonically followed up for any treatment they were receiving for up to two months. During follow up, TB symptoms (persistent cough, persistent fever, weight loss, etc) were specifically asked for and those who were still experiencing symptoms after two months were advised to come back to the clinic for re-assessment. No follow up was done after two months and patients who were still experiencing symptoms were advised to continue follow up and further workup through BMC outpatient clinic. 3.5.2 Laboratory procedures All laboratory procedures were performed at the routine medical microbiology laboratory of the Bugando Medical Centre. Sputum specimens were processed for Fluorescent smear microscopy with Auramine stain to detect AFB in sputum. Smear microscopy were read as follows; 1-9 AFB per 100 scanned fields were recorded in absolute number, 10-99 AFB per 100 scanned 16 fields were reported as (1+), 1-10 AFB per field scanned were reported as (2+) and >10 AFB per field scanned as (3+). TB PCR (Xpert MTB/RIF assay) was also performed on sputum samples when GeneXpert® MTB/RIF cartridges were available. After microscopy and Xpert MTB/RIF assay, the remained sputum samples were processed for LJ culture. At the beginning of this study we did not have LJ culture media available, therefore all the samples collected from October to December (30 patients) and sputum samples collected from January to December (40 patients) were stored at -200C for up to four weeks while waiting for LJ culture media to arrive. Sputa were then decontaminated by modified Petroff’s methods using 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and then concentrated by centrifugation at 3000g. After centrifugation it was cultured onto slopes of Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium with glycerol (GLJ) and pyruvate (PLJ), and incubated at 37oC for 8 weeks. Each sputum sample was inoculated in 2 LJ slopes. Culture slopes were inspected on weekly a basis to observe growth. 3.5.3 Study duration and management of study subjects Recruitment was done over a period of 5 months from October 2013 to April 2014. All treatment decisions were taken independently of the study classification by the clinicians who were taking care of the patient. However, laboratory study results were made available to the attending clinicians in order to assist the treatment decision. In the case of positive cultures, patients were called back after culture results to be informed of their results and referred to the TB clinic for treatment, if TB treatment had not yet been initiated. 17 3.6 Outcome of the study The primary outcome of this study was defined as the number of microbiologically confirmed TB cases. Secondary outcome was defined as the number of total TB cases identified according to the diagnostic classification and the number of sputum inductions performed. 3.7 Study Variables Independent Variables Dependent Variables Age Positive sputum culture Sex Positive sputum smear microscopy TB contact Positive Xpert MTB/RIF HIV status Positive TB score Duration of TB symptoms Weight for age Weight for height/length TST results BCG vaccination/scar Chest X-ray findings 3.8 Statistical analysis Completed interview schedule was coded by numbers and entered into computer software MS Excel 2007. Cross-checking and data cleaning was done. The data were then transferred to STATA version 13 (Stata Corp, Inc., College Station, TX, USA) software for analysis. Variables were summarized as proportions for categorical variables and median with IQR for continuous variables. Associations between 18 variables were explored by logistic regression or Fischer’s exact test where appropriate. All statistical tests were considered significant if the two sided P-value (p) was <0.05. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive (PPV) value, and negative predictive value (NPV) of Keith Edward score, MASA score, Fourie Score and Brazilizn MOH score were calculated against pulmonary TB case by using 2–by–2 contingency table. 3.9 Data quality and assurance The investigator interviewed and examined all patients. All information obtained from the patients were recorded in structured questionnaires and kept in a hard cover file. The files were stored by the investigator. Only the investigator and study team had access to patient information. Questionnaires were then coded by numbers and entered in computer software MS Excel 2007. Cross-checking and data cleaning were done. During data cleaning and cross checking missing information were obtained by going back to the structured questionnaires and lab results. The data were then transferred to STATA version 13 (Stata Corp, Inc., College Station, TX, USA) software for analysis. 3.10 Ethical consideration Ethical clearance and approval were obtained from the joint CUHAS and BMC Ethics review board. Written informed consent was obtained from parents/guardians of the study participants. Witnessed oral consent was obtained from illiterate parents or guardians in the presence of impartial witness. Confidentiality was assured and unauthorized persons had no access to the collected data. Each study subjects was 19 assigned study identification number, which were kept confidential throughout the study period. 20 4.0 RESULTS 4.1 Baseline Characteristics From October 2013 to April 2014 a total of 1032 patients were screened for enrollment in the study. Almost all screenings (98.4%) were inpatients admitted to the general peadiatrics and malnutrition wards of BMC. A total of 197 (19.1%) children were eligible for enrollment in the study. A total of 192 (97.5%) patients were enrolled in the study; 5 (2.5% of all eligible patients) patients were excluded due to unstable medical conditions which made it impossible to investigate the child and perform induced sputum Of the 192 children enrolled in the study. One hundred and three (53.7%) were male. Median age among participants was 1.9 years (IQR 1.2 – 4.4). Only 4 (2.1%) participants had a history of known TB contacts. Almost all children (92.7%) had received BCG vaccination at birth. About half of the patients (49.5%) had severe acute malnutrition. HIV test were positive in 15.1% of all participants while 9.4% were HIV exposed children (Table 1). 21 Table 1: Baseline characteristics of study participants (n=192) Characteristics Number (%), Median [IQR] Sex Male Age in years (Median) Below 2years 2 years - <5 years 5 years and above TB contact Yes No Unknown BCG vaccine Yes No Unknown Nutrition Status Normal Mild acute malnutrition Moderate acute malnutrition Severe acute malnutrition Weight for age Normal Mild underweight Moderate underweight Severe underweight TST Positive HIV status HIV positive HIV exposed** HIV negative Unknown HIV status Type of patients Inpatient Outpatient 103 (53.7) 1.9 [1.2 – 4.4] 100 (52.1) 47 (24.5) 45 (23.4) 4 (2.1) 176 (91.7) 12 (6.3) 178 (92.7) 13 (6.8) 1 (0.5) 48 (25.0) 25 (13.0) 24 (12.5) 95 (49.5) 38 (19.8) 33 (17.2) 28 (14.6) 93 (48.4) 22 (11.5) 29 (15.1) 18 (9.4) 129 (67.2) 16 (8.3) 175 (91.2) 17 (8.8) **Children below 18 months of age who had positive HIV antibody test but not yet confirmed by DNA PCR 22 Figure 1: Study flow diagram 1032 patients were screened for enrollment into the study from October 2013 to March 2014 1015 (98.4%) inpatients 17 (1.6%) outpatients 807 (78.2%) did not meet eligibility criteria 28 (2.7%) died before being screened 197 (19.1%) we eligible for enrollment 5 (2.5%) excluded because of critical medical condition 192 (97.5%) enrolled in the study 175 (91.1%) inpatients 17 (8.9%) outpatients 5 (2.6%) not tested due to lack of sputum sample 187 (97.4%) tested by fluorescence microscopy and by LJ culture 73 (39.1%) not tested due to shortage of cartridges 114 (60.9%) tested by Xpert MTB/RIF assay 23 4.2 Specimen recovery Sputum specimen was obtained in 187 (97.4%) patients. A single sputum induction was successfully performed in (183) 95.8% patients, in 3 (1.6%) patients sputum specimen was obtained by nasopharyngeal aspiration because they were not able to tolerate the sputum induction procedure. Sputum specimens were not obtained in 5 (2.6%) patients. The average volume of sputum obtained was 2.4 mls (range 0.5 – 12). Epistaxis was the only adverse event reported among participants and was experienced in 25 (13.4%) patients. Epistaxis stopped soon after the procedure without any intervention in all cases. No serious complications occurred after the procedure. 4.3 Common presenting symptoms Cough, fever, and weight loss were the most common TB symptoms reported among the participants with 96.6% (185 patients), 94.8% (182 patients) and weight loss 69.8% (134 patients) respectively. Hemoptysis constituting 0.3% (5 patients) was the least symptoms reported (Figure 2). 24 Figure 2: Common presenting symptoms among patients enrolled in the study Percent (Proportion) of patients 100 80 60 40 20 0 Cough Night sweat 4.4 Fever Weight loss Fatigue Difficulty in breathing Chest pain Hemoptysis Radiological Characteristics Chest X-ray in frontal view was obtained in all participants. One hundred and thirteen (58.8%) had abnormal chest X-ray findings, of them 53 (46.9%) had findings consistent with TB. Airspace opacification and hilar lymphadenopathy were the most common radiological findings presenting in 27 (50.0%) patients and 20 (37.0%) patients respectively in patients with features consistent with pulmonary TB. Airway compression (1 patient) and vertebral spondylitis (1 patient) each constituting 1.8% were the least reported radiological findings. Other radiological findings were miliary pattern, pleural effusion and cavities which were present in 12 (22.2%), 11 (20.4%) and 11 (20.4%) respectively. 25 4.5 Patients Follow-up At enrollment 38 (19.8%) were eligible for initiation of TB treatment; 36 (94.7%) of those who were eligible started on ant TB medication, 2 (5.3%) died before treatment initiation, 1 (2.6%) had anti TB stopped after having alternative diagnosis confirmed. At 2 months follow up 4 (2.1%) patients who were not on TB medication were found eligible for TB treatment; 2 of them were started on TB treatment, 1 died and 1 was lost to follow up. There were 18 (9.4%) patients who died after enrollment; among those who died 7 (38.9%) patients were on TB treatment. At 2 months follow up there were 20 (10.4%) deaths. All deaths occurred in patients who were admitted. Twenty three patients (12.0%) were lost to follow up (Table 2). Table 2: Follow up among patients enrolled in the study PTB n (%) No PTB n (%) Total (%) Two months follow up for previously admitted patients No TB symptoms 22 (62.9) 100 (71.4) 122 (69.7) 2 (5.7) 11 (8.4) 13 (7.4) 10 (28.6) 10 (7.14) 20 (11.4) Loss to f/u 1 (2.9) 19 (13.4) 20 (11.4) Sub total 35 (100.0) 140 (100.0) 175 (100.00) TB symptoms Died Two months follow up for patients referred from outpatients clinics No TB symptoms 4 (80.0) 8 (66.7) 12 (70.6) TB symptoms 1 (20.0) 1 (8.3) 2 (11.8) Loss to f/u 0 (0.0) 3 (25.0) 3 (17.6) Sub total 5 (100) 12 (100) 17 (100) 26 4.6 Yield for Mycobaterium tuberculosis from one induced sputum Sputum was obtained from 187 (97.4%) patients. There were 10 (5.3%) patients whom PTB were confirmed by culture and/or Xpert MTB/RIF assa. Yield for MTB was 1.1%, 4.3% and 2.6% from sputum smear microscopy, sputum culture and Xpert MTB/RIF assay respectively (Table 3). Among patients who had bacteriological confirmation of pulmonary TB, 1 patient had confirmation by both positive culture and Xpert MTB/RIF assay, 2 patients had confirmation by positive Xpert MTB/RIF assay while culture was negative, and in the remaining 7 patients confirmation was by positive culture alone. Half (4 patients) of those with positive culture had no GeneXpert performed. Fluorescent AFB smear was positive in 2 patients among them one had both positive culture and positive Xpert MTB/RIF assay while the other had positive culture and GeneXpert not performed. Table 3: Yield for MTB from one induced sputum among patients enrolled in the study Positive cases Total n (%) Sputum smear 187 2 (1.1) Culture 187 8 (4.3) Xpert MTB/RIF 114 3 (2.6) 4.7 The proportion of PTB cases The overall proportion of pulmonary TB cases was 20.8% (40 patients) among patients who were enrolled in the study. The proportion of confirmed Pulmonary TB was 5.2% (10 patients). There were 10 (5.2%) with probable PTB and 20 (10.4%) patients with possible PTB. 27 About 64% of all the patients had a score suggestive of likey TB based on Fourie score, 22.9% of the patients had likely TB based on Keith Edward score while very few (3.6%) had a score suggestive of suspected TB by MASA score (Table 4). Table 4: TB cases based by Peadiatrics TB score charts and Diagnostic classification among patients enrolled in the study (N = 192) n (%) Keith Edward Score TB Likely 44 (22.9) TB Unlikely 148 (77.1) MASA score Suspected TB 7 (3.6) Not suspected TB 185 (96.4) TB likely 122 (63.5) Fourie TB unlikely (36.5) Brazilian MOH score Very likely PTB 14 (7.3) Possible PTB 42 (21.9) Unlikely PTB 136 (70.8) Diagnostic Classification 4.8 Confirmed PTB 10 (5.2) Probable PTB 10 (5.2) Possible PTB 20 (10.4) Unlikely PTB 37 (19.3) No TB 115 (59.9) Sensitivity, Specificity, & Positive/Negative predictive values All scores showed low sensitivity against microbiologically confirmed PTB case (10% - 50%). MASA scores showed higher specificity of 97.2% but lowest sensitivity, Fourie score showed very low specificity of 34.5%. Positive predictive 28 values (4.1 – 16.7%) were very low for all scores; negative predictive values (NPV) ranged from 92.4% to 96.3% for all scores (Table 5). Table 5: Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of TSCs against microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB Positive TB Confirmed Sv (%) Sp (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) Score Charts TB case (n=10) Keith Edward 02 20.0 76.2 4.6 94.4 MASA 01 10.0 97.2 16.7 95.5 Fourie 05 50.0 34.5 4.1 92.4 Brazilian MOH 05 50.0 73.5 9.6 96.3 Sv = Sensitivity; Sp = Specificity; PPV = Positive predictive value; NPV = Negative predictive values. The calculations were based on a total 187 patients whom sputum samples were obtained. 4.9 Factors associated with microbiologically confirmed PTB There were no baseline characteristics which had significant association with confirmed pulmonary TB (Table 6). Airspace opacification, cavities and vertebral spondlytis on chest X-ray were significantly associated with confirmed pulmonary TB with p-values of <0.01, 0.01 and 0.05 respectively (Table 7). In addition, chest X-ray with any finding consistent with pulmonary TB was significantly associated with confirmed pulmonary TB case. 29 Table 6: Baseline characteristics associated with confirmed TB among patients enrolled in the study P-value Characteristics Confirmed TB (%) No TB (%) Sex Male 4 (40.0) 97 (54.8) 0.52 Female 6 (60.0) 80 (45.2) Age (years) < 5 years 8 (80.0) 40 (22.6) 1.00 ≥ 5 years 2 (20.0) 137 (77.4) TB contact Yes 1 (10.0) 3 (1.7) 0.20 No 9 (90.0) 165 (98.3) BCG vaccine Yes 9 (90.0) 165 (93.2) No 1 (10.0) 11 (6.2) 0.52 Unknown 0 (0.0) 1 (0.6) Nutrition status Severe malnutrition 5 (50.0) 88 (49.7) 1.00* No severe malnutrition 5 (50.0) 89 (50.3) Weight for age Severe underweight 4 (40.0) 86 (48.6) 0.75 No severe underweight 6 (60.0) 91 (51.4) TST Positive 3 (30.0) 18 (10.2) 0.09 Negative 7 (70.0) 159 (89.8) HIV status Positive 1 (10.0) 27 (27.2) Negative 7 (70.0) 118 (66.7) 1.0 HIV exposed 1 (10.0) 17 (9.6) Unknown status 1 (10.0) 15 (8.5) *p-value was calculated by chi-square test. In all other variables p-values were calculated by Fischer’s exact test. 30 Table 7: Radiological features associated with confirmed Pulmonary TB among patients enrolled in the study (N = 187) Characteristics Confirmed TB (%) n = 10 No TB (%) n = 177 P-value* Airway compression 0 (0.0) 1 (0.6) 1.00 Hilar lymphadenopathy 2 (20.0) 16 (9.0) 0.25 Airspace opacification 6 (60.0 27 (15.3) <0.01 Miliary 1 (10.0) 10 (5.7) 0.46 Cavities 3 (30.0) 6 (3.4) 0.01 Pleural effusion 1 (10.0) 9 (5.1) 0.43 Vertebral spondylitis 1 (10.0) 0 (0.0) 0.05 CXR consistent with PTB 7 (70.0) 43 (24.3) <0.01 *p-value was calculated by Fischer’s exact test 31 5.0 DISCUSSION In this study, which included 192 pulmonary TB suspected children, we evaluated the performance of four pediatric score charts for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB, to bacteriological confirmation in culture or Xpert MTB/Rif assay performed on induced sputa. These scores and many other scores were designed to be used in developing countries with high TB prevalence and limited resources. Most of these scores were designed during a time when HIV was less prevalent and it were shown to be useful when used in HIV negative population (17). 5.1 Sputum Induction as a method of specimen recovery method This study has shown that sputum induction is feasible and safe for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in our setting. It is less invasive, needs little specific equipment and is easy to perform. Furthermore, it can be done on outpatient basis although almost all of the patients in this study (91%) were inpatients. About 95% of patients in this study were successfully induced and no serious adverse effects occurred. Mild epistaxis occurred in 25 (13.5%) patients, which was consistent with one other study, where epistaxis was mostly observed in patients who had sputum aspirated through the nasopahrynx instead of expectoration after sputum induction (34). The yield from LJ culture was 4.3% and that from Xpert MTB/RIF assay and fluorescent AFB smear microscopy were 2.6% and 1.1%, respectively. Although the yield from culture has been shown to be higher compared to Xpert MTB/RIF assay in other studies (8,23,34), it is difficult to compare the yield between culture and Xpert MTB/RIF assay in this study because Xpert MTB/RIF assay was not performed in all 32 patients; about half (4 patients) of those with positive culture had no GeneXpert assay performed. 5.2 Proportion of patients who had pulmonary tuberculosis Forty patients (20.8%) were diagnosed to have pulmonary TB based on their diagnostic classification (confirmed TB, probable TB and possible TB). The proportion of patients who had confirmed pulmonary TB (5.2%) was very low, if compared with other studies in different setting. In this study, where we were trying to determine the sensitivity of various pediatric score charts, we decided to choose very sensitive inclusion criteria in order not to miss those with mild forms of pulmonary TB, who could easily be missed by many scores. Therefore, by being more sensitive our inclusion criteria also could have allowed many patients who did not have TB to enter the study with the consequence of having a low yield in sputum culture or Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Our patients had a high rate of severe acute malnutrition (50%) and HIV (15%), which also could easily confound with performance of test for tuberculosis diagnosis. A previous study in Uganda (9), where they used very strict inclusion criteria (Positive TST and chest X-ray consistent with PTB), the proportion of patients with confirmed TB was 27.3%. However, a recent study (11) done in the same setting where severe pneumonia was used as an eligibility criteria, the rate of confirmed TB dropped to 6.3% which is comparable with the 5.2% which we found in our study,. A singe sputum sample was collected in our study, compared to other studies (8,9,23,34) were multiple samples were collected on 2 or 3 consecutive days, which certainly would have maximized the yield. A very recent study in Botswana (35), 33 where also only one sample was collected, the proportion of confirmed TB was 6% which is again comparable with our findings. Sputum sample for about half of the participants in this study were frozen at -200C for up to 4 weeks while waiting for arrival of new LJ culture media; this also would have minimized the yield. 5.3 Sensitivity and specificity of the TSCs The sensitivity of all four peadiatric TSC evaluated in this study is very low. Keith Edward, the TSC that is commonly used in our setting, has a sensitivity of 20.0% which is much lower than previously reported from Zambia (14). The MASA score had a sensitivity of 10.0% which is very low and could be explained by the fact that it needs a triad of suggestive TB symptoms, CXR consistent with TB as well as a positive TST which is a limiting factor in our setting with a high rate of HIV and severe malnutrition. The Fourie score, which was originally designed for screening purposes to identify TB suspects to be referred for further examination (20), showed a sensitivity (50%) in comparison to other scores. It was designed with less strict criteria, probably to make it more sensitive as a screening tool, but the sensitivity of 50% is still unsatisfactory. Although it has shown a fair NPV, its specificity and PPV are too poor to make it useful for diagnostic purposes. There was a wide variation in the specificity of the four scores; the MASA score showed a high specificity (97%) and a good NPV (95%) which makes it a useful tool to exclude PTB. However, the demonstrated very low sensitivity and PPV (16.7%) makes it a poor diagnostic test. The Keith Edward score had a specificity and NPV of 76.2% and 94.4%, respectively, which makes it useful in the confirmation or 34 exclusion of PTB. Sensitivity and PPV were low the overall performance of the score could be improved if radiological criteria (CXR) were included as one of the components to diagnose pulmonary TB. The Brazilian MOH score was designed mainly for the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in outpatients in Brazil (21,31). In our study it demonstrated a low sensitivity (50%) and PPV (9.6%), and a fair specificity of 73.5% with good NPV (96.3%). However, although most of our study participants were inpatients, we had expected this score to perform better than the other three scores. The observed big differences between these scores in our study might be attributed to the fact that most of these scores were designed to screen for both pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB. Extrapulmonary TB is known to be common among children (36,37), and can not be confirmed without culture and/or PCR of blood, urine, stool and histologic samples of appropriate organs. We were not able to perform these additional investigations in our study and are therefore not surprised that some cases of TB that were noted to be likely or probable by TB scoring systems were not confirmed by micrological examination of the sputum. Further studies are needed to determine the burden of extrapulmonary TB among children in our setting. 5.4 Factors associated with confirmed TB Diagnosis of pulmonary TB in children is always difficult due to the non specific nature of symptoms and the fact that bacteriological confirmation is not always possible due to the low bacilli load in childhood TB. In this study we found no baseline characteristics which were significantly associated with microbiologically confirmed TB cases. Chest X-ray finding consistent with pulmonary TB had 35 significant association with microbiologically confirmed TB (p-value <0.01). I addition, cavitation and airspace opacification were the specific radiological features which showed significant association with microbiologically confirmed TB (p-values 0.01 and <0.01 respectively). In another study (38), it was found that cavitations and hilar lymphadenopathy had a significant association with confirmed TB. This is important as Chest X-ray findings are not included in the score that is used in our setting. The justification for the choice of this score chart was that Chest X-rays are expensive and not readily available. However, this does not apply today where Chest X-rays are obtainable in many hospitals in limited resource setting. Our findings advocate the inclusion of Chest X-rays as one of the score criteria in order to improve its performance. 36 6.0 CONCLUSIONS • Sensitivity and specificity of peadiatric tuberculosis score charts evaluated in this study perform poorly for the detection of pulmonary TB and there were wide variations among the scores. • Bacteriological confirmation of pulmonary tuberculosis in children is possible in our setting and may be useful in detecting drug sensitive or resistant TB. • Sputum induction for obtaining sputum has shown to be useful and safe for mycobateriological confirmation of pulmonary tuberculosis in children in our setting. • Chest X-ray findings consistent with pulmonary TB have shown to be significantly associated with microbiologically confirmed pulmonary TB; hence Chest X-ray findings should be included in tuberculosis score charts. 37 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS • Bacteriological confirmation of pulmonary TB should be attempted in every child presenting with TB symptoms. • Sputum induction should be emphasized and all clinicians should be trained on how to perform it, as it has shown to be easy, safe and useful in obtaining samples for bacteriological confirmation of pulmonary TB in children. Future studies should evaluate the benefit of inducing more than 1 sputum sample. • Chest X-ray components should be incorporated in all pediatrics TSCs, especially in the score chart recommended for our setting. Radiological features such as cavities and airspace opacity have shown to have significant association with PTB in our study. Inclusion of chest X-ray findings might improve the performance of these scores. • Further studies are needed to determine the prevalence of extrapulmonary TB among children in Tanzania and whether the pediatric TB scoring systems are useful in diagnosing these children. 38 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This is a single-centre study and may not be generalizable to other healthcare settings. The TSCs that were evaluated in this study were designed for different purposes; some such as Keith Edwards were designed for the diagnosis of both pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB, while others such as the Brazilian MOH were designed for the diagnosis of mainly pulmonary TB. The Fourie score was designed as a screening tool to identify patients for further TB work up. Therefore, the diversity of the results is no doubt at least partly due to the different intentions of the TSCs. Because this was the first time that sputum induction was performed at BMC, only one induced sputum sample was collected for each patient. Performance of only one induced sputum sample may have lead to an underdiagnosis of pulmonary TB. Investigations in this study focused on pulmonary tuberculosis, there may have been a bias against diagnostic scores that included features of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. 39 9.0 REFERENCES 1. Graham SM, Ahmed T, Amanullah F, et al. 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Present symptoms Has the participant got any of the Duration of the last episode: following symptoms at the moment? 1 = 1-7 days 2 = 8-14 days (Multiple answers possible 3 = 15-27 days 4 = 1-3 months 5 = > 3 months Cough 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Fatigue/lethargy 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Difficulty in breathing 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Fever 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Chest pain 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Night sweat 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown 45 Haemoptysis 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Weight loss over last month 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown Other symptomPlease specify: ____________________________ 3. Past medical history Has the participant ever been tested for 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown TB? If yes, when was the last TB test? 1□ During the last 3 months 2□ During the last 12 months 3□ Other____________________ If yes, which tests were performed? 1□ clinical examination 2□ chest X-ray (multiple answers possible) 3□ sputum 4□ TST 5□ others, specify ________________________ 6□ no tests done 9□ unknown Has the participant ever been diagnosed 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown of having TB? 1□ during the last 3 months If yes, when was the participant 2□ during the last 12 months diagnosed of having TB? 3□ other____________________ Was the participant ever diagnosed of 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown having HIV? 1□ during the last 3 months If yes, when was the participant first 2□ during the last 12 months tested being HIV positive? 3□ other____________________ Did the participant ever receive a BCG 1□yes 2□no 9□unknown vaccination? (Check for BCG scar) 46 Clinical Examination Form Weight |___|___|, |___|kg Height |___|___|___|, |___| cm MUAC |___|___|, |___| cm Temperature |___|___|, |___| °C for children above 6 months of age Respiratory rate ________ / min Pulse rate ________ / min TST 1□ applied TST 2□ not applied If TST apllied please give the following information: Date of test (DD/MM/YYYY) |___|___| |___|___| |___|___|___|___| Result (48‐72h) |___|___| mm General Appearance General condition 1□ good 2□ reduced Pallor/anaemia 1□ yes 2□ no Dehydration 1□ yes 2□ no Weight for age (%) 1□ > 90 2□ > 80 3□ 60 – 80 3□ ill 4□ critically ill 4□ < 60 Weight for height/length 1□ No malnutrition 2□ Mild milnutrition 3□ Moderate malnutrition 4□ Severe malnutrition Lympadenopathy 1□ yes 2□ no If yes, please specify: 1□ Cervical (multiple answers) 2□ Sub mandibular 3□ Supra clavicular 4□ Axillary 5□ Inguinal 6□ Others _______________ Others Specify _______________________________________________ 47 Respiratory system Any abnormal finding Dyspnoea (multiple answers possible) Percussion abnormal (multiple answers possible) Auscultation abnormal (multiple answers possible) Others abnormalities 1□ yes 2□ no 1□ yes 2□ no 1□ yes 2□ no 1□ yes 2□ no Specify _______________________________________________ Abdominal system Any abnormal finding 1□ yes Abdominal tenderness? Specify location 1□ yes ____________ Distension 1□ yes 2□ no 2□ no 2□ no Ascites 1□ yes 2□ no Palpable mass 1□ yes 2□ no Hepatomegaly 1□ yes 2□ no Others abnormalities Specify _______________________________________________ Nervous system Any abnormal finding 1□ yes 2□ no Alert 1□ yes 2□ no Lethargic/drowsy 1□ yes 2□ no Unconscious 1□ yes 2□ no Confused 1□ yes 2□ no Abnormal muscle tone 1□ yes 2□ no Neck-stiffness 1□ yes 2□ no Anterior fontanelle 1□closed / normal Others abnormalities Specify _______________________________________________ 48 2□bulging 3□sunken Skeletal system Any abnormal finding 1□ yes If yes, specify: 1□ Joint pains location: ______________ 2□ Swelling of joint location: ______________ 3□ Joint deformity location: ______________ 4□ others please specify: __________________________ 2□ no Other affected System Any abnormal finding 1□ yes 2□ no If yes, specify: Chest X –Ray report Any abnormal finding 1□ normal 2□ abnormal (see CXR report) 49 10.2 Standardized Chest X-ray Review Tool Study ID Date of X-Ray (DD/MM/YYYY) |___|___|___| |___|___| |___|___| |___|___|___|___| Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Initials of Participant |___|___|___| (initials of first name, middle |___|___| |___|___| |___|___|___|___| name, sure name) or Age Sex |______|M/F Years: |___|___| Months: |___|___| Instructions: Tick only one of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ or ‘Not Visible’ for each category of abnormality identified (numbered 1 – 8). 1. Airway compression and/or tracheal displacement Yes No Not Visible If yes, specify location: 3. Air space opacification Yes No Not Visible If yes, specify location: 5. Pleural effusion Yes No If yes, specify location: Not Visible 4. Nodular picture = Miliary or large widespread and bilateral Yes No Not Visible If yes, specify location: 6. Calcified parenchyma (Ghon focus) Yes No Not Visible If yes, specify location: 7. Cavities Yes No If yes, specify location: Not Visible 8. Vertebral spondylitis Yes No Not Visible If yes, specify location: Technical quality AP view Lateral view 2. Soft tissue density suggestive of lymphadenopathy Acceptable Acceptable Yes No If yes, specify location: Poor but readable Poor but readable 50 Not Visible Not acceptable not readable Not acceptable not readable Definition: Chest X-ray will be defined as “consistent with tuberculosis” if there is a positive response for any 1 of the radiological features, at the same location, by at least 2 expert reviewers. 51 10.3 Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form 10.3.1 Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form Study ID No _____________ You are invited to participate in a research study on “Evaluation of Paediatric Tuberculosis Score Chart against Smear Microscopy and Culture from Induced Sputum among children PTB suspects at Bugando Medical Centre”. You have been asked to participate because your child has been found with symptoms of TB disease. We ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to participate in this study. I Dr. Issa Sabi am going to conduct the study as a partial fulfillment of master of medicine degree course of CUHAS-Bugando. The study is funded by MoHSW of Tanzania and is planned to enroll 235 children. The study proposal has been approved by the ethics and research committee of CUHAS – Bugando. Study Purpose The purpose of this study is that diagnosis of TB in children is difficult because children do not have ability to produce sputum for confirmation of TB disease. Currently at BMC the diagnosis of TB in children is made using peadiatrics TB score chart which check for the presence of clinical symptoms and signs. This may cause problems especially in areas of high rate of HIV infection because many symptoms due to TB disease are similar with symptoms and signs due to HIV related infections and other disease of the respiratory system. This may results in incorrect diagnosis of TB in children. 52 Therefore, this study will evaluate the performance of peadiatrics TB score charts in diagnosis of TB of the lungs in comparison to sputum microscopy and culture performed on induced sputum. This will not in any way affect the way you will be managed in the ward. Study Procedures Before you enter the study we will check whether you fulfill the criteria to enter the study. The procedure will involve us asking you about your child’s HIV infection status, performing Tuberculin Skin Testing and chest x-ray. These are important tests for any patient suspected of Tuberculosis. Sputum will be induced by inhaling nebulized fluids which will cause the child to produce and cough out sputum. TB PCR (GeneXpert) will also be performed although results of the test will not be part of this project. Risks of Participation in the Study Inhaling nebulized fluid for sputum induction can very rarely cause shortness of breath, which will be treated by the study investigator/doctors and is not dangerous. Benefits of Participation in the Study There will be no direct benefits to you from this study. However, information obtained from this study may be of benefits to the community because will improve the diagnosis of TB in children. Confidentiality In this study all information will be kept private. In any publications or presentations, we will not include any information that will make it possible to identify your child as a subject. 53 Right to Withdrawal Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right to withdrawal from the study at any time if you decide to do so and you do not have to give reason. Your decision of whether or not to participate in this study will not affect your relationship with the research team. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without affecting those relationships, or diagnosis or treatment you will receive. Contacts and Questions This study is headed by Dr. Issa Sabi, CUHAS – Bugando (Study investigator). You may ask any question you have now. If you will have questions later, or in the event of study related injury you are encouraged to contact him at: Dr. Issa Sabi, P.O.Box 1464 Mwanza, Tell: +255 713 558722 Statement of Consent I have read the above information. I have asked questions and have received answers. I consent to participate in this study. NAME……………………………………… FILE NUMBER……………………………… Participant’s name NAME………………………………....SIGNATURE…………………….DATE…………. Parent/guardian NAME…………………………………SIGNATURE…………………….DATE………… Witness NAME…………………………………SIGNATURE…………………….DATE…………. Study Investigator 54 10.3.2 Karatari ya maelezo na form ya ridhaa Nambari ya utafiti _____________ Unakaribishwa kushiriki katika utafiti kuhusu “Tathmini ya chati za alama za kifua kikuu cha watoto (Peadiatrics TB score chart) dhidi ya kupimo cha makohozi kwa hadubini na kuotesha kwenye makohozi yaliyozalishwa kwa kuvuta mvuke wa maji ya chumvi miongoni mwa watoto wanaodhaniwa kuwa na kifua kikuu katika hospitali ya Bugando”. Umeombwa ushiriki kwasababu mtoto wako amekutwa na dalili za kifua kikuu. Tunaomba usome hii fomu na uulize maswali yoyote uliyonayo kabla ya kukubali kushiriki kwenye huu utafiti. Mimi Dkt. Issa Sabi nitafanya utafiti huu ikiwa ni moja ya mahitaji katika kukamilisha shahada ya udhamiri ya udaktari was binadamu ya CUHAS-Bugando. Utafiti huu unagharamiwa na wizara ya afya na usitawi wa jamii ya Tanzania na utahusisha watoto wasiopungua 235. Utafiti huu umeidhinishwa na kamati ya maadili na utafiti ya CUHASBugando. Dhumuni la utafiti Dhumuni la utafiti huu ni kwamba utambuzi wa kifua kikuu kwa watoto ni mgumu kwa sababu watoto hawana uwezo wa kutoa makohozi ili kuhakikisha ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu. Kwasasa katika hospitali ya Bugando utambuzi wa kifua kikuu kwa watoto unafanywa kwa kutumia chati za alama za kifua kikuu kwa watoto ambazo zinaangalia uwepo wa dalili na alama za ugonjwa. Hii inaweza kuleta matatizo hasa katika maeneo ambayo yana maambukizi mengi ya virusi vya ukimwi (VVU) kwasababu dalili nyingi za ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu zinafanana na dalili za magonjwa yanayotokana na VVU na magonjwa mengine ya mapafu. Hii inaweza kusababisha utambuzi usiosahihi wa kifua kikuu kwa watoto. 55 Kwahiyo, utafiti huu utatathimini chati za alama za kifua kikuu cha watoto katika kutambua kifua kikuu cha mapafu kwa kulinganisha na kipimo cha makohozi cha hadubini na kuotesha vijidudu vya kifua kikuu kutokana na makohozi yaliyo yaliyozalishwa kwa kuvuta mvuke wa maji ya chumvi. Hii haitaathiri tiba utakayoipata ukiwa wodini kwa njia yotote ile. Taratibu za utafiti Kabla ya kuingia kwenye utafiti huu tutaangalia iwapo mtoto wako anatimiza vigezo vya kuingia kwenye utafiti. Taratibu zitahusisha sisi kukuuliza juu ya hali ya maambikizi ya VVU ya mtoto wako, kufanya kipimo cha TST (mojawapo ya kipimo cha kifua kikuu) na kupiga X-rei ya kifua. Hivi ni vipimo muhimu kwa mgonjwa yoyote anaedhaniwa kuwa na ugonjwa wa kifua kikuu. Makohozi yatatolewa kwa kuvuta maji ya chumvi yaliyovukizwa ambayo yatamfanya mototo wako kutoa na kukohoa makohozi. Kipimo cha PCR (GeneXpert) pia kitafanyika ingawa matokeo ya kipimo hayatakuwa sehemu ya huu mradi. Hatari za kushiriki katika utafiti Kuvuta maji yenye chumvi yaliyovukizwa kwa ajili ya kutoa makohozi kwa nadira sana kunaweza kusababisha kubanwa na pumuzi, ambako kunaweza weza kutibiwa na daktari wa utafiti na siyo hatari. Faida za kushiriki katika utafiti Hakutakuwa na faida za moja moja kwako kutokana na huu utafiti. Hata hivyo, taarifa zitakazopatikana kutoka kwenye huu utafiti zinaweza kuwa na manufaa kwa jamii kwasababu zitaboresha utanbuzi wa kifua kikuu kwa watoto. 56 Usiri Katika huu utafiti taarifa zote zitatunzwa kwa siri. Katika machapisho au maonyesho yoyote hatutaweka taarifa ambazo zitawezesha kumtambua mtoto wako kama mshiriki. Haki ya kujitoa Kushiriki katika huu utafiti ni hiari. Una haki ya kujitoa kwenye utafiti huu wakati wowote kama utaamua kufanya hivyo na hautotakiwa kutoa sababu. Uamuzi wako wa kushiriki au kutoshiriki katika huu utafiti hakutoathiri mahusiano yako na watafiti. Kama utaamua kushiriki, uko huru kujitoa wakati wowote bila kuathiri mahusiano hayo, au utambuzi wa ugonjwa wako au tiba utakayopata. Mawasiliano na Maswali Utafiti huu unaongozwa na Dkt. Issa Sabi, CUHAS – Bugando. Unaweza kuuliza swali lolote ulilonalo sasa. Kama utakuwa na maswali baadae, au kuumia kutokana na kushiriki kwako katika utafiti tunakuhimiza kuwasiliana nae kupitia: Dkt. Issa Sabi, S.L.P 1464 Mwanza, Simu: +255 713 558722 Tamko la Ridhaa Nimesoma maelezo hayo hapo juu. Nimeuliza maswali na nimepewa majibu. Ninaridhia kushiriki katika huu utafiti. JINA------------------------------------------------------- Namba ya Faili ---------------------Jina la mshiriki JINA………………………………….Sahihi ……………………..Tarehe…………… Mzazi/mlezi JINA………………………………….Sahihi ……………………..Tarehe…………… Shuhuda JINA………………………………….Sahihi ……………………..Tarehe…………… Mtafiti 57 10.4 Sputum induction Sputum induction can be used to obtain sputum from children or adults suspected with pulmonary TB, who are unable to produce sputum. It is regarded as a routine procedure with a low risk and few adverse events. Possible adverse events are coughing spells, broncho-constriction and nosebleeds. The procedure involves the insertion of a sterile suctioning tube through the nasopharynx after nebulisation with a 5% NaCl solution. Sputum is then aspirated with a suctioning pump. Sputum induction can be done as an outpatient procedure and requires a fasting period of at least 3 hours prior to procedure. Sputum induction is an aerosol generating procedure, and must thus be performed in an isolated room with adequate ventilation. If available, an ultraviolet light must be switched on when the room is not in use. Material Nebulizer kit Sterile paediatric oxygen mask (disposable) Sterile suction tube (disposable)attached to mucus trap (size 7 to 8 French) Sterile sputum container Sterile gloves Adult mask (N95) 58 Pulse oxymeter 5% NaCl solution Salbutamol inhalate Devices, instruments and aids Nebulizer machine Labels Permanent marker Transport box with cool packs Disposable waste container Oxygen cylinder Procedure Explain to the patient/parent/guardian the reason for sputum induction for sputum collection and how the procedure is performed. Explain to him/her that a fasting period of about 3 hours is required before the sputum induction procedure It is helpful to warn the patient that the inhalation might tickle a bit and can cause the urge to cough, but that it is not going to hurt. The patient’s cooperation makes the procedure easier. Obtain an oral consent for the procedure 59 Record the following prior to procedure: Time, pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (RR), oxygen saturation (if oxygen saturation is below 90% DO NOT do the procedure) and chest examination findings. Procedure: Prepare the nebulizer and fit the aspiration pump with a new sterile suctioning tube Fill the medication tank with 5ml 5% saline solution (do not use normal saline) Add 4 drops of Salbutamol to the medication tank Reconnect the nebulizer cap to the medication tank Connect the air tube, one end to the compressor unit (nebuliser machine) and the other end to the bottom of the medication tank Fit the mask to the top of the medication tank Fit the mask to the patients face to ensure a close fit Record PR, RR, oxygen saturation throughout the procedure according to the control sheet for sputum induction With the patient in the upright position, nebulise with 5 % hypertonic saline. Inhalation period should last 10-15 minutes and should be individually adapted A sputum collection container should be available at all times. If the patient feels to urge to cough and expectorate spontaneously, even during inhalation, it should be done into the sputum collection container 60 In case the patient did not cough/expectorate spontaneously during inhalation: after 10 - 15 minutes of inhalation, position the patient lying down in the left lateral position with a wedge under the shoulders and percuss chest and back vigorously to loosen sputum After percussion insert a sterile suctioning tube through the naso pharynx and turn the suctioning pump on Mucus will be trapped in the mucus trap Remove the mucus trap, label the trap with the patient ID and sample number or transfer sputum into labelled sterile sputum container Transfer the specimen directly to the TB laboratory in a transport box with cool packs If not enough sputum is generated after 15 minutes, inhaling can be repeated without the addition of Salbutamol. Discontinue if: Continuous oxygen saturation of less than 90% Marked increase in respiratory rate (more than 30% of baseline) Moderate or severe lower airway obstruction Severe increase in coughing Patients with the following characteristics should not undergo sputum induction: Inadequate fasting (less than 3 hours prior to procedure) Severe respiratory distress (including rapid breathing, wheezing, hypoxia) 61 Oxygen saturation of less than 90% Intubated patients Patients with increased risk of bleeding, e.g. low platelet count Reduced level of consciousness History of significant asthma (diagnosed and treated by a clinician) Quality assurance Check if all containers are labelled, forms are filled and samples are complete before handing everything over to the laboratory. 62 10.5 Diagnostic Scoring Systems 10.5.1 Keith Edward Score Chart CLINICAL FEATURES 0 Duration of illness < 2 (weeks) Nutrition (% weight for >80 age) Family history of TB None 1 2-4 2 3 >4 60 – 80 < 60 Reported by family Proven sputum +ve Yes Unexplained fever, night No sweats, no response to malaria treatment TST positive No Lymph nodes: large, No painless, soft sinus in neck/axilla Malnutrition not No improving after 4 weeks CNS: change in No temperament, fits with or without abnormal csf findings Joint swelling, bone No swelling, sinuses Unexplained abdominal No mass, ascities Angle deformity of spine No Total score A score of 7 or more indicates a high likelihood of TB. 63 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SCORED 10.5.2 MASA System CLINICAL FEATURES YES NO Failure to gain weight Cough > 2 weeks Poor response to antibiotics TST positive Adult TB contact Suggestive CXR Threshold criteria for suspected TB: TST + CXR + any 1 other. 10.5.3 Fourie Scoring System CLINICAL FEATURES 0 – 4 YRS 5 -14 YRS SCORE Close contact with a known case of TB 2 2 TST positive 2 2 Persistent cough 2 1 Low wt/age (<90%) or progressive weight loss 3 3 Unexplained/prolonged fever 1 2 Total A score of ≥ 5 is suggestive of TB 64 10.5.4 Brazilian MoH Scoring System SCORE CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS 1. Fever or cough, lost energy, sputum, weight loss, night sweats >2wks. 2. No symptoms or symptoms < 2wks 3. Respiratory infection improving with or without antibiotic therapy for common bacteria +15 0 -10 CXR 1. Enlarged hilum or miliary pattern +15 2. Exudate or patch shadow (with or without cavitations) unaltered > 2wks or worst with antibiotic therapy for common bacteria. +15 3. Exudate or patch shadow (with or without cavitations) < 2wks +5 4. Normal -5 CONTACT WITH TUBERCULOSIS ADULT 1. Close < 2yrs +10 2. None or occasional 0 BCG vaccination and TST 1. BCG ≥ 2yrs or no BCG ( ≥10mm) +15 2. BCG < 2yrs ( 15mm) +15 3. BCG yes/no (5mm to 9mm) +5 4. BCG yes/no ( ≤ 5mm) 0 NUTRITIONAL STATUS 1. Severe malnutrition (grade 3) +5 2. Eutrophic or no severe malnutrition 0 TOTAL SCORE Score interpretation: ≥ 40 PTB very likely; 30 -35 possible PTB; ≤25 PTB unlikely. 65 10.6 Tuberculin Skin Testing A TST is the intradermal injection of a combination of mycobacterial antigens which elicit an immune response (delayed-type hypersensitivity), represented by induration, which can be measured in millimeters. The TST using the Mantoux method is the standard method of identifying people infected with M. tuberculosis. Multiple puncture tests should not be used to determine whether a person is infected, as these tests are unreliable (because the amount of tuberculin injected intradermally cannot be precisely controlled). Details of how to administer, read and interpret a TST are given below, using 5 tuberculin units (TU) of tuberculin PPD-S. An alternative to 5 TU of tuberculin PPD-S is 2 TU of tuberculin PPD RT23. Administration Locate and clean injection site 5–10 cm (2–4 inches) below elbow joint 9 Place forearm palm-side up on a firm, well-lit surface 9 Select an area free of barriers (e.g. scars, sores) to placing and reading 9 Clean the area with an alcohol swab Prepare syringe 9 Check expiration date on vial and ensure vial contains tuberculin PPD-S (5 TU per 0.1ml) 9 Use a single-dose tuberculin syringe with a short (¼- to ½-inch) 27-gauge needle with a short bevel 9 Fill the syringe with 0.1 ml tuberculin Inject tuberculin 9 Insert the needle slowly, bevel up, at an angle of 5–15 ° 9 Needle bevel should be visible just below skin surface. 66 Check injection site After injection, a flat intradermal wheal of 8–10 mm diameter should appear. If not, repeat the injection at a site at least 5 cm (2 inches) away from the original site. Record information Record all the information required by your institution for documentation (e.g. date and time of test administration, injection site location, lot number of tuberculin). Reading: The results should be read between 48 and 72 hours after administration. A patient who does not return within 72 hours will probably need to be rescheduled for another TST. Inspect site Visually inspect injection site under good light, and measure induration (thickening of the skin), not erythema (reddening of the skin). Palpate induration 9 Use fingertips to find margins of induration. Mark induration 9 Use fingertips as a guide for marking widest edges of induration across the forearm 9 Measure diameter of induration using a clear flexible ruler 9 Place “0” of ruler line on the inside-left edge of the induration 9 Read ruler line on the inside-right edge of the induration (use lower measurement if between two gradations on mm scale). Record diameter of induration 9 Do not record as “positive” or “negative”. 9 Only record measurement in millimeters. 9 If no induration, record as 0 mm. Interpretation: 67 Definitions of Positive Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) Results in Infants, Children, and Adolescents Induration 5 mm or greater Children in close contact with known or suspected contagious people with tuberculosis disease. Children suspected to have tuberculosis disease 9 Findings on chest radiograph consistent with active or previous tuberculosis disease 9 Clinical evidence of tuberculosis disease Children receiving immunosuppressive therapy or with immunosuppressive conditions, including human immunodeficiency (HIV) infection 9 Induration 10 mm or greater: Children at increased risk of disseminated tuberculosis disease: 9 Children younger than 4 years of age 9 Children with other medical conditions, including Hodgkin disease, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, or malnutrition Children with likelihood of increased exposure to tuberculosis disease: 9 Children born in high-prevalence regions of the world 9 Children frequently exposed to adults who are HIV infected, homeless, users of illicit drugs, residents of nursing homes, incarcerated or institutionalized, or migrant farm workers 9 Children who travel to high-prevalence regions of the world Induration 15 mm or greater: 9 Children 4 years of age or older without any risk factors 68 These definitions apply regardless of previous bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunization; erythema alone at TST site does not indicate a positive test result. Tests should be read at 48 to 72 hours after placement. Evidence by physical examination or laboratory assessment that would include tuberculosis in the working differential diagnosis (e.g., meningitis). Including immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids False positive reactions Some persons may react to the TST even though they are not infected with M. tuberculosis. The causes of these false-positive reactions may include, but are not limited to, the following: 9 Infection with non-tuberculosis mycobacteria 9 Previous BCG vaccination 9 Incorrect method of TST administration 9 Incorrect interpretation of reaction 9 Incorrect bottle of antigen used False negative reactions Some persons may not react to the TST even though they are infected with M. tuberculosis. The reasons for these false-negative reactions may include, but are not limited to, the following: 9 Cutaneous anergy (anergy is the inability to react to skin tests because of a weakened immune system). 9 Recent TB infection (within 8-10 weeks of exposure). 9 Very old TB infection (many years). 9 Very young age (less than 6 months old). 9 Recent live-virus vaccination (e.g., measles and smallpox). 69 9 Overwhelming TB disease, septicaemia 9 Some viral illnesses (e.g. measles and chicken pox). 9 Incorrect method of TST administration. 9 Incorrect interpretation of reaction. 9 Malnourishment, (advanced) HIV-infection or other reasons for immunosuppression (e.g. steroid therapy) 70 10.7 Study Budget S/N Item Unit cost (Tsh) Quantity Total cost (Tsh) Proposal Development 1 Proposal writing and printing 500.00 60 30,000.00 Proposal photocopying (pages) 50.00 60pgx15cp 45,000.00 Questionnaire photocopying(pages) 50.00 20,000.00 Stationery 400 Lump sum 100,000.00 2 Lab investigation and equipments Suction machine 350,000.00 1 350,000.00 Nebulizer machine 150,000.00 1 150,000.00 3,500.00 200 700,000.00 500.00 150 75,000.00 Tuberculin skin test (10 doses vial 35,000.00 10 350,000.00 LJ culture 10,000.00 200 2,000,000.00 5,000.00 200 1,000,000.00 Lump sum 500,000.00 Lump sum 800,000.00 TOTAL 6,120,000.00 Nebulizer masks Mucus traps Chest X ray 3 Data analysis, report writing and printing 4 Contingency fund 71 10.8 Test for HIV Diagnosis A: Children over 18 Months 72 B: Infant and Children below 18 months 73 10.9 Research Clearance Certificate 74
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