CHAPTER TWO LAYOUTS AND LETTERING OBJECTIVES After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Identify six types of technical drawings based on the projection system they use . 2. Identify the line patterns used in technical drawings and describe how they are used. 3. Read and measure with the architects' scale, engineers' scale, and metric scale. 4. Identify standard drawing media and sheet sizes. S. Add lettering to a sketch. 6. Fill in a standard title block with the appropriate information. 7. Lay out a drawing sheet. Refer to the following standards: • • • • Y14.100-2004 Engineering Drawing Practice Y14.2M-1992 Line Conventions and Lettering Y14. 1- 2005 Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format Y14. 1M-2005 Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format LAY 0 U T SAN D LET T E R I N G HCm:1UIU.SSOMR'W:a:! ... ~& lO..fIANCfS StWl al!£D /IFl EJI"lATJoIGOIl'f lGt. ~ + I I 0Cll'1 ..... I THIS PART ISPRODUCED FROMAN ELECTRONIC DATA FILE PROVIDED TO THE VENDOR. DIMENSIONS SHOWNAREFORREFERENCE. ANY OTHER DIMENSIONS SHOULD BEOBTAINED FROMTHE MODEL. $HOPIfI) I . ...u.~r<S1ON$ARe "" DECtro\AL t«:Hf1. 1. RfMOVE AU. m.RRS L StWlP mGt$. 3. M:MOVE ""-L TOOU'<' MA.JlQ. 2.500 .500 I- ~ 1 - """""' I I OOCIlFlOoC 23 -.cNflJ "''' I H·250REF ~ 1 1 1.000 \ - . $.500 - """'" ,.... /1lI;y, .~~~~ 2S .. I OR2 l«SRATaAR { HONO OYNOJETRa!AACH.He. XWJ ArofN DllV!.I l\GlAtJE Ml 591 lt lH.fSS O"" BWtSE ~ TOlfiAHCf.S DlOMA1 U t O.l It.lCX t 00. XXJO:.tO.QXl "'''CT<lNAL :1: 1116 .. """...... ,. FOOT. BRIDGE RAIL EXTENSION TUBE ASSY 224-4WD-2IN GROUND co NOTSCAl.ETIe OAAWN:O c~rED: AU EIfA1OESlGNS.AAtfAJ-1GEMEN11 NolOP\NI$ NI:llCATEO ORIIIB"lESENTED IV TJ4S OfM.WNO AAE OWNID8f DTHOJE1 tesfAR'Oi we. A.NO waf ~r£D. !'Ia.V(;) ANDD£VB.Ol'tO FORUSE ON N O 1\1~ WITH THE Sf'ECftO POOJECt. tIONESUCHIDEAS. DESI:iHS. ARllANGEMDlT'S cePlANSWJ.llf usm aTOR ~0$8) TO Nlf PERSON. ""'" ORCClRPORAflON~ AHf PI.# ~E WHATSOevE1e WlJ11OU1' T\olf WIlfmH~ Of O'f'NOJf1 llEStARCtt He.. WT V"OA~: OYt<:lJO' I ESEMO l lHC. """"''''' ~.. tt); 'nJl7JJ6 .E . ''' m:>o lrom:>o JE 5 ,~11r.OIl ;I scae ~AAT OO I;l "" 01 21919100 lrltl.E.ASlo.-.1t: "'17JJ6 I...., I c< I . Layout with Title Block of a Small Part at Scale 1:1. Courtesy Dynojet Research, Inc. OVERVIEW Two dimensional technical drawings, whether they They also include an "alphabet of lines," where each are sketched by hand, drawn using instruments, line of the drawing represents certain information. drawn using a CAD program , or generated from 3D Lettering is also standardized, to make drawings quick solid models, follow certain rules so that they can be to create and easy to read and reproduce. Standard correctly interpreted. Unlike artistic drawings, which sheet sizes for drawings include a title block that pro communicate self expression and emotional content, vides important information such as the drawing technical drawings communicate how to manufacture name, company information, scale, revision numbers, or construct a product, system, or device. In order to and approvals for relea se of the d rawing. clearly describe this information, technical drawings adhere closely to formal standards. These formal standards include systems of projec tion for developing and understanding drawing views. Check the sites below for engineering graphics supplies and equipment • http://www.reprint-draph • http:/ / / -essco /draft/d raft.htm • http: / /www.graphic-design .com /Type /index.htm l 24 C HAP T E R 2 LAY 0 U T SAN D LET T E R I N G Picture plane or plane of projectiOn) Projectors ~ Behind every 20 drawing of an object is a space relationship involving the object and three "imagined" things : h~f ed 9 a UNDERSTANDING PROJECTIONS C b (a) Perspective Projection Pictur e plane or plane of projectiOn) Parallel projectors ~ I. The observer 's eye, or station point 2. The plane of projection 3. The projectors (also called visual rays or lines of sight). Figure 2.1 shows two drawings of a shape projected onto a plane as viewed by an observer, whose eye represents the sta tion point. The lines projecting from the corners (or vertices) of the object are the imagined lines, called projectors. To understand projection, imagine that the drawing is pro duced hy points, called piercing points, where the projectors would pierce the projection plane. The drawing may be a two dimensional representation on a sheet of paper, or it may be a two-dimensional representation shown on your computer screen. as shown in Figure 2.2, but the basic principles are the same . One reason 20 projection skills remain relevant, even with the advent of 3D modeling, is that computer monitors still display a 20 view on their flat screens . Types of Projections (b) Parallel Projection 2.1 The Concept of Projection There are two main types of projection: perspective and parallel. These are broken down into subtypes as shown in Figure 2.3. In perspective projections, the projectors come together at the station point to form a cone, as in Figur e 2.1a. Perspec tive drawings represent objects as we see them or as they would appear in a photograph. in parallel projections, the projectors are parallel, as shown in Figure 2.1b. Orthographic projections are one type of parallel projec tion . In orthographic (meaning right-angle) projections, the parallel projectors are perpendicular to the plane of projection. Because orthographic projections show objects in a way that their features can be represented at true size or scaled at a pro portion of true size. they are especially useful in specifying the dimensions needed in technical applications. If the projectors arc parallel to each other. but are at an angle other than 90° to the plane of projection, the result is called an oblique projection. Technical drawings of 3D objects usually use one of four standard types of projection, shown in Figure 2.3: • • • • 2.2 A View of a 3D Object "Projected" onto a Computer Monitor Multiview Axonornetric (isometric) Oblique Perspective Multivicw projection shows one or more neces sary views. Either of two systems are used to arrange the views in a multiview drawing: Third Angle or First Angle. You will learn about rnultiview projection in Chapter 4. Axonometric, oblique, and perspective sketches are meth ods of showing the object pictorially in a single view. They will be discussed in Chapters 14, 15, and 16. The main types of projection are listed in Table 2.1. Oblique proje ction One-p oint perspective Two-point perspective RS Third- angle projection 1 Three-point perspective 2.3 Trim etric projection Classification of Projections Table 2.1 Classification by Projectors. Clas5 of Projection Distance from Observer to Plane of Projection Direction of Projectors Perspective Finite Radiating from station point Parallel Infinite Parallel to each oth er Obl ique Infinite Parallel to each oth er and oblique to plane of projection Orthographic Infinite Perpendicular to plane of projection Axonometric Infinite Perpendicular to plane of proj ection Multiview Infinite Perpendicular to plane of projection 26 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING Drawing Vocabulary Drawing line s, lettering, mea surement system s, scale, sheet sizes and title blocks are pre sent ed in this chapter. Drawing Lines Projected drawing views use spec ific line patterns to repre sent object features. For example, when show ing a three dimensional ohj ect , som e lines represent the ed ges of surfaces that are hidden from that viewing direction. These hidden line s have a dashed line pattern to help the reader understand the drawing. Another type of line indicates the location of the cent er of a sym metric feature. such as a hole. Familiarity with the type s of lines used in technical drawing s help s you read drawings and create drawings that others can easily understand. Lettering The shapes of letters that arc easy to read and write arc described as part of drawing standards. Oft en free hand sketching is used early in the de sign pro ces s to present idea s and showing note s and information legibly helps present your idea s to others cle arly. Good lettering often make s or breaks a sketch . Measurement Systems Two me asurements sys tems are used for technical dr awings: the met ric sy stem and U.S . ens tornury unit s. It is important to be familiar with both measure ment system s to create and read drawings that are nsed worldwide. Scale Obvionsly a large item, a house or bridge for exam ple, cannot be shown full size on a paper sheet. To clearly convey important information about particularly large or small objects, you need to select an appropriate sheet size and show drawings to scale (proportionately smaller or larger than the actual size). Standard lettering sizes for drawings depend on the sheet size . Title Blocks Company information, the drawing scale , sheet size, and other information is included in a standard title block located in the lower right corner of the drawing to make it eas y to locate these important detail s on every drawing layout. 2.1 ALPHABET OF LINES Th e meaning of each line on a technical drawing is indicated by its width (thi ck or thin) and its particular line style. The per son who reads the drawing will dep end on the se line styles to know if a line is visible or hidden, if it represents a center axi s, or if it conveys dimension information. To make your drawings easy to read, make the contrast be tween thick and thin line s distinct. Thick lines (0.6 rnm) should be twice the width of thin lines (0. 3 mm ) as shown in Figure 2.4. The line gage in Figure 2.5 sho ws various widths. Figure 2.6 shows freehand line technique. You may find it helpful to lise 1/8 " graph paper at first to get a feel for the length of dashe s used in hidden lines and ccnterlines, Soon you will be able to estimate the lengths by eye . Figure 2.7 illustrates line styles for technical drawings. All lines (except constructio n lines) mnst be sharp and dark. For visible, cutting-plane, and short-break line s use thick lines . Thin drawing line s should be just as sharp and black, but only half the thickness of thick line s. Construction lin es and letter ing guide lines should be thin and light so that they can barely be seen at ann 's length and need not be erased. All line s should be uniform in width and darkness. Ideal lengths of the dashes used to form the line patterns are also shown in Figure 2.7. Thick (0.60 mm) Thi n (0 .30 mm) 2.4 .007 in . .010 in . .012 in . .014 in. .020 in . .024 in . .18mm .25mm .30mm .35mm .50mm .60mm .028 in . .031 in . .039 in. .047 in . .055 in . .079 in. .80mm .70mm 2,5 Centerline Dashes Thick and Thin Drawing Lines , 2.6 .. ----' 4~~ Too thick for a cent erline , , Good and Poor Freehand Line Technique 2.00mm Too thic k for a hidd en line .. (Sharp, dark and thick ) .. Too ind efinite, too light _____ ___ .-- .... _ , 1.40mm Visible Lines (Dark and th in with sharp ends) Too indefinite, too light 1.20mm Line Gage , ----- 1.00mm Hidden Line Dashes (Dark and thin with sharp ends) , I I I I ~ .. , '" Not a straight path . 1' , 'Too light ' .. .. 2 .1 AL P H ABE T 0 F LIN E S Visible line Hidden line Section line Thin 3.2mm (.12")-U- _ 1.6mm (.06") _I 1 :.-. 1.6mm (.06") _Ii _ ~ ~ Center line Thin !-19-38mm - 1 (.75-1 .5") 3.2mm (.12")_1 II Symmetry Thin.-l Dimension line, Ext ension line • - ,.---- -------: II '-----H- l-g5~~~~ -1 " ' -Thick Thin r Leaders 1 3mm (.125") horizontal tail ~ 3mm (.125") arrow LThiCk-I r---- -- - - -- -- -- --1-- ~! ~ t -~+ _I ! l ---J 1.6mm (.06") 6.4mm (.25") --1 , Cutting-plane lines - 11-1.6mm(.06") Thick Viewing-plane lines !-19-38mm (.75-1.5") Thick --c Short-break line Long-break line Phantom line _ _3.2mm (·12")- Lt_ J - -JI- - Thin I (.75-1.5 ") - r-~mm (.06") I Thin -~ a-: Jl---I' ~ I 19-38mm _ _ _ _---'1 ~- Freehand or fr::;'y drawn: : :g CAD _ 19-38mm _ 3.2mm (.12")--U~ I Stitch lines 1.6mm (.06") Thick - 11-1.6mm (.06") I -----~---.-------.; Thin 2.7 ---11 I 19-38mm 1-(.75-1.5") Alphabet of Lines (Full Size) I .-+-~ - ~ . ,- i:% ,/ r y::X: __ " , 1-(.75-1.5")-1 Chain lines ~~ Freehand or freely drawn 27 28 CHAPTER 2 L A Y O UT S AN D LET T ERI NG 2.2 FREEHAND LINES The main difference between an instrument or CAD drawing and a freehand sketch is in the appearance of the lines. A good freehand line is not expected to be precisely straight or exactly 2.3 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ::: When you create a technical drawing, the item you show will be manufactured or constructed using a particular system of measurement, which you indicate on the drawing. The metric system is the world standard used for measuring lengths. 10 2.3.32- uniform, as is a CAD or instrument-drawn line. Freehand lines show freedom and variety. Freehand construction lines are very light, rough lines. All other lines should be dark and clean. 4 X 112.20 THRU 45- -+-+ U.S. Customary Units 55- - u.s. customary units based on inch-foot and yard measure ments (where a yard equals exactly 0.9144 meters, there are 3 feet to the yard. and 12 inches to the foot) continue to be used in the United States. Drawings may use either measurement system and still follow ANSI!ASME drawing standards as long as the system of measurement is stated clearly on the drawing. Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9 show the same part dimensioned with the two different measurement systems. L._ _....u..---''-----'_.L&-......;-'~ 4 X Rl.3 POCKET T 5 2.8 A Drawing Dimensioned Using Metric Units The Metric System 4 X ~2 .20 '[}JRU 4 X R2.6.3 POCKET T 1.0 2.9 A Drawing Dimensioned Using U.S. Customa ry Units "1?l.... ~ ...., '<! r1 «> to ".... '" S' '" -i <ci ~ <C ~ N 2.00 [0.079] 4.6.3 (0.182] 4 X 1'12.20 TH RU 6..38 [0.251 ] [~0 .0 87] 9.00 [0..354) 11.00 [ 4.3.3J - - L........;_..:.L..---L_......I..---1..L...-......;~ 4 X R2.6.3[10.3J POCK ET w 1.0[.04] 2.10 A Dual Dimensioned Drawing Using U.S . Customary Units as th e Primary Units Today's metric system is the International System of Units. commonly referred to as SI (from the French name, Ie Systerne Internat ional d' Unites), It was established in 1960 by interna tional agreement and is now the international standard of measurement, with all countries in the world adopting it, although some continue using traditional U.S. units to a greater or lesser degree. The meter was established by the French in 179 1 with a length of one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth's equator to the pole. A meter equals 39.37 inches or approxi mately 1.1 yards. The metric system for linear measurement is a decimal system similar to the U.S. system of counting money. For example, Imm = I millimeter ( 1/1000 of a meter) [ em = I ce ntimeter (1/100 of a meter) = IOmm Idm = I decimeter ( 1/ lO af a meter) 10cm = l aO mrn = I meter 1m = 100 ern = 1000 mrn lkm = 1 kilometer = 1000 m = 100 ,000 ern = 1,000 ,000 mm The primary unit of measurement for engineering draw ings and design in the mechanical industries is the millimeter (rn rn). Secondary units of measure are the meter (m) and the kilometer (km). The centimeter (em) and the decimeter (dm) are rarely used on drawings. 2 .4 Som e indus tries ha ve used a du al dimensioning system o f millimeters and inches on drawings. How ever, this pract ice can be con fusin g becau se the sizes displ ayed in the two sys tems may co ntain rounding enol's. If two systems are sho wn, the pri mar y unit s are used for a ll manufacturing me asurem ent s and the seco nda ry system unit s (sho wn in parenth eses) are for ge n era l informati on purp oses only. Figure 2. 10 shows a dr awin g usin g dual dimen sion ing. Most large manufa cturers use all met ric dim ension s on the dr aw ing for ease and cons istency . D R AW I N G sc xL E 29 Many of the dimen sions in the illu strati on s and the prob lem s in this text are give n in metric unit s. Dim en sions that are give n in U.S. c ustomary units (inches and fee t, either decimal or fractional ) can be conv erted eas ily to metri c values. In stan dard practi ce, the ratio J in. = 25 .4 ITIm is used . Decimal equiv alent s tables can be found ins ide the back cover, and conv ersion tabl es are give n in Appendix 3 1. Many hand y unit co nversion sites are also avail able on the Web , at sites such as www .onl inecon version .com. 2.4 DRAWING SCALE Unl ike dra win g usin g a computer (where an object is drawn at its actual size so that the inform at ion stored in the co mputer file is acc urate) a pri nted or paper drawing may represent the ob je ct at its ac tual size (full size) , or may be larger or smaller than the object, dep ending on the size o f shee t used . Drawing scale is the reduction or enlarge me nt of the drawn o bject relative to the real o bject (Figure 2. 11). Planeof projectiOn) H,1fscale ' 2 fL., ~ Full scale Scale is stated as a rati o of the number of drawing unit s to the number of actual units. Fo r exa mple, a mach ine part may be sho wn on a shee t at half its actual size . a scale of I :2; a build ing may be drawn 1148 of its size , a scale of 1:48 (or in U.S. customary unit s, 114" I'); a ma p may be drawn 1/1200 actual size, a scale of I" = I00 ' o r I : 1200 ; or a print ed circuit board may be drawn four time s its size, a scale of 4:1. = l Twi" scale 2" ~ ~ , D 1:1~ 2.11 Reduced and Enlarged Scale. Many drawings mu st be shown at reduced scale for the object to fit on th e pap er. 2.5 SPECIFYING THE SCALE ON A DRAWING There are severa l accept abl e meth od s to note scale on the drawin g, but all of them sho w the relati on ship o f the size of the objec t as drawn to the siz e of the ac tua l objec t. For a part that is sho wn on the pap er at hal f its actua l size, list the sca le one o f these three ways : Pre fer red metri c scale ra tios arc I: I; I:2; I :5, I: 10, I :20, 1:50, I: 100, and 1:200. Map sca les are indi cated in term s of prop orti on s suc h as Scal e 1:62500 , fracti on s such as Seale 116250 0, o r graphically, suc h as 400 0 400 800 Ft 111M. , , • SCALE: 1:2 SC ALE: 1/2 SCALE: .5 For machin e drawings, the sca le indic ates the ratio o f the size o f the drawn object to its ac tua l size, regardle ss or the unit of measurement used. Expansion or enlarge me nt sca les arc given as 2: I, 4:1; 5:1, 10:1, and so on. Figure 2. 11 illustrates how the actua l object relates to a draw ing at half size and how that might be noted in the title block of the drawing. Figure 2. 12 shows the scale for a I to 24 redu ction noted in a title block. Architectural drawings in the U.S. typically list the scale based on the number of fractions of an inch on the drawing that represent one foot 0 11 the aetna] object. For example, SCALE : 118" = I'. The variou s sca le ca libra tions available on the metri c scale and the en gineer s' sca le pro vid e alm ost unlimited sca le ratios. 224j224-4W D IN G ROUND DYNO Sta nd ard Whe el Base 88 X 130 8 1224103 i!O.t.A$fDAft : 2.12 2123noo1 List Predominant Drawing Scale in the Title Block. Court esy of Oynojet Research, Inc. 30 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING 2.6 SCALES Scales are mea suring tools used to quickly enlarge or reduce drawing measurements. Figure 2.13 shows a number of sca les, including (a ) metric, (b) engineers' , (c) decimal (d) mechanical engineers', and (e) architects' scales. On a full-divided scale, the basic units are subdivided throughout the length of the scale . On open-divided scales. such as the architects' sca le, only the end unit is subdivided. Scales are usually made of plastic or boxwood. The better wood scales have white plastic edges. Scales can be (a) Metric scale (b) Engineer's scale (c) Decimal scale (d) Mechanical Engineer's scale (c) Architect's scale (I) Scale guard 2.13 Types of Scales either triangular or flat. The triangular scales combine se ve ral scales on one stick by using each of the triangle' s three side s. A scale guard sho w n in Figure 2.l3f can sa ve time and prevent errors by marking the s ide of the scale currently in use . Several scale s that are based 011 the inch-foot system of measurement continue in domestic use today, along with the metric system of mea surement, which is accepted worldwide for scien ce, technology, and international trade . 2.7 M ETRIC SC ALES 31 2.7 METRIC SCALES Metr ic sca les are ava ilab le in flat and triangular styles with a variety of scale graduations. T he triangular sca le illu strated (Fig ure 2. 14) has one full-size scale and live redu ced -size sca les, all full y d ivided . Usin g these sca les, a drawi ng ca n be made full size, enlarged size d, or redu ced sized. Full Size The I : I scale (Fig ure 2.14a top ) is full size , and eac h division is actuall y I mm in width with the num bering of the calib rations at 10 mrn inter vals. T he sa me sca le is also con venie nt for ratios of I: 10, I : 100, I : WOO, ancl so on. Half Size T he 1:2 sca le (Figure 2. 14a bott om) is one half size, and eac h divi sion equals 2 m in wi th the ca libra tio n 1:1 Ratio metric-scale (full size) 1--- - - -48.5 mm numbering at 20- unit intervals. Thi s scale is also co nve nie nt for rati os of 1:20, 1:20 0. I :2000, and so on. Th e rema ining four scales o n this tri angular metr ic sca le include the typ ical sca le rati os of I:5, I:25. and I:75 (Figures 2. 14b and c). Th ese ratios ma y also be enlarge d or redu ced by multipl yin g or divi d ing by a factor of 10. Met ric sca les are also avail abl e with othe r sca le ratio s for specific draw ing purpose s. Metri c scales are also used in map drawin g and in drawing force diagrams or other graphical co ns truc tions that involve such sca les as I mm = I kg and I mITI = 500 kg . - - - - I 'I "\\ ' \ , \" \ \ \" " \" \ I \ ' \, 1\1" I \ nil 1'' ' 1m (a) ~ w; \ 1\ "\,,, ,\ \ I \,\" I 11'1'> 1\'" 1\ II Ill.'> \lIl'> ~ 'l1\lI ~ >Il\lmm ISV ",,' 1\""\,, ,,\\1\ 1\ I \ 1'\""\,, 1'\"" 'I ,\ 2mml' I-35mm 1 - - - - - - - 290 mm - - - - - - 1 1:5 Ratio metric-scale (one-fifth size) 1-- -49mm 1:2 Ratio metric-scale (half-size) -175 mm-- '/ - 1-5 mm ,~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ V ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ V \ ~ V ~ ~ \ ~ ~ I ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ \ V ~ ~ ~ \ 0 0 ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ II \~m 'lllIl ~,~ \SOOmm \0\00 (b) _ L 20 mm--1r 50 mm1000 mm (1 meter)_ 1:25 Rati o metric-scale 1 :33'/) Ratio metric-scale (c) 1 :75 Ratio metric-scale 2.14 Metric Scales 32 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING MAKING MEASUREMENTS TO LAY OUT A ONE-FIFTH SIZE METRIC DRAWING 3500~ - , -2500- 500 - I 70 rnrn, on the: ,::::--- full metric scale 2500 f 1100 ~ I I Check length of your scaled line by calculating how many millimeters the length should he. then measur ing the line you have drawn with a full scale metric scale. In this case the 3500 rnm length should be 70 rum when shown at I :50 scale. Determine the full size measurements of the object you will draw. This example will layout a 3500 x 2500 111m flat plate with a rectangular slot in it. A picture of the part to be drawn with dimensions representing its actual size is sho wn above . Find your 1:5 ratio metric scale. like this one. e--: For accuracy, mark several distances wi thout repositioning scale Continue to layout the remaining lengths. Even slight errors in measurements when using a scale may accu mulate to produce a significant error, so work carefully. To avoid cumulative errors. instead of setting off distances individually by moving the scale to a new position each time . po sition the scale once and mark all of the distances by adding each success ive mea surement to the preceding one . Starting from the 0 end of the 1:50 scale, use a sharp pencil to make a thin , light. short line to mark off the length of the 3500 nun line. To make accurate mea sure ments. be sure to place the scale edge parallel to the line you are measuring on the drawing. and make your dashes at right angles to the scale. at the correct graduution mark, as shown. This is useful in dimensioning drawings, too . Keep in mind that providing dimensions from one end to each successive location (say. in the case of building a wall) makes it easier for the worker to lay it out quickl y and accurately. 2.8 ENG I NE E R S ' S e A L E S 33 2.8 ENGINEERS'SCALES An Engineers' scale is a decimal sca le graduated in unit s of I inch divided into 10,20,30,40,50, and 60 parts. These scales are also frequ ently called the civil engineers ' scales becau se they were originally used in civil e ngineering to draw large scale structures or maps. Som etimes the engineers' sca le is referred to as a chain scale. becau se it deriv ed from a chain of 100 link s that surve yors used for land measurements. Becau se the eng ineers' scale divides inches into decimal units, it is co nve nient in machin e drawing to se t off inch 2.15 dim ensions expressed in decimals. For example, to set off 1.650 " full size, use the 10 scale and simply set off one main div ision plus 6-1/ 2 subdivisions (Fig ure 2.15 ). To set off the same dim en sion half size , use the 20 sca le, since the 20 scale is exactly hal f the size of the 10 scale. Similarly. to set off the dimension quarter size, use the 40 scale. An engineers' scale is al so used in drawing stress dia grams or oth er graphical co nstructions to such scales as I" = 20 lb. and I" = 4000 lb. Engineers' Scale 2.9 DECIMAL INCH SCALES The wide spread use of decimal inch dim en sion s brought abou t a scale spec ifica lly for that use. On its full- size scale, each incb is divided into fiftieths of an inch , or .02". On half- and 2.16 quarter-size decimal sca les , the inches are co mpressed to half size or quarter size and then are divided into 10 part s, so that each subdivisio n stands for . 1" (Fig ure 2. 16). Decimal Inch Scale 2.10 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' SCALES The object s represent ed in machin e draw ing vary in size from small parts that measur e only fractions of an inch to part s of large dimension s. For this reaso n, mechanical e nginee rs' scales are divid ed into units representing inche s to full size, half size, quarter size, or eighth size (Figure 2.17). To dra w an obj ect to a scale of one-half size , for example. use the mechanical engi neer s' scale mark ed half size , which is grad uated so that eve ry 1/2" represent s I 'I. In othe r word s, the half- size sca le is simply a full-size scale compressed to half size. 2.17 Mechanical Engineers' Scale These sca les are useful in dividing dim ensions. For exam ple. to draw a 3.6" diam eter circ le full size, we need half of 3.6" to use as radiu s. Instead of usin g math to find half of 3.6" . it is easier to se t off 3.6" on the half- size sca le. .---- TI P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Triangular combination scales are available that include tull- and half-size me chanical engineers' scales, several architects ' scales, and an engineers' scale all on one stick. 34 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING Full size scale (16 divisions per inch) Note that the increments for the 3/16 scale begin at the 0 closest to the scale indicator Start at this 0 for measurements using _ the 3/32 scale 2.18 Architects' Scale 2.11 ARCHITECTS' SCALES The architects' scale is intended primarily for drawings of buildings. piping systems, and other large structures that mu st be drawn to a reduced scale to fit on a sheet of paper. The full-size scale is also useful in drawing relatively small object s, and for that reason this scale has rather general usage. Architects' scales have one full-size scale and ten reduced sized scales. (To fit them all on a three-sided scale, there arc two scales on the same edge of the scale, but each starts from the opposite end. Simply find the scale you want, and read the units from the zero closest to that end . Architects ' scales can be used to draw various sizes from fuJI size to 1/128 size . In all of the reduced scales, the major divisions represent feet and their subdivisions represent inches and fractions of inches . Note that on an architects' scale. the scale mark ed 3/4 means 3/4 inch = I foot , not 3/4 inch = 1 inch (that is, it means one -sixteenth size, not three-fourths size). Similarly. on an architects' scale. 1/2 mean s 1/2 inch = I foot , not 1/2 inch = 1 inch. In other words. on an architects ' scale, 1/2 means twenty-fourth-size, not half size. • Full Size: Each division in the full -size scale is 1/16" (Figure 2.18). Each inch is divided into halves, then quar ters, eighths, and finally sixteenths. You'll notice that the dividing lines are shorter with each subdivision. Measurements smaller than 1/16" must be made by esti mating. For example, 1/32" is half of one 1/16", so you would visually estimate halfway between 1/16" division line s. To measure 1/64", you would estimate one fourth of 1/16", and so on . • Half Size : Use the full-size scale, and divide every dimension by two. (Remember, do not use the 1/2" scale, which is intended for drawing to a scale of 1/2" = I', not half-size .) To create a half scale drawing using an architects' scale, divide your measurements in half and then layout the drawing. • Double Size: Use the full-size scale. and multiply every dimension by 2. .---- TIP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , AutoCAD software users sometimes become confused using architectural units. When selecting architectural units in which to enter lengths, keep in mind that a value of 1 is one inch, not one foot. 2.1 1 ARC H I TEeT S' 35 S CAL E S MEASURING WITH AN ARCHITECTS' SCALE Division lines represent 3/8" increments (in this case, I at full scale \ \ \ DECK 'I. \ \, \ ~ II \~ \'1. \\ I SCALE 3/8" = " To make measurements with an architects' scale, first determine which scale to lise hy reading the scale noted in the title block or noted below the view. In the example above, 3/8 inch = I foot. Fractional division lines represent' " at full scale* DECK Position the scale so that the 0 value is aligned with the left end of the line being measured and note the division mark nearest to the line's right end (in this case, 2). Slide the scale to the right so that the closest whole division you noted in Step 2 lines up with the right end of the line you are measuring. A fractional portion of the line you are measuring now extends on the left, past the scale's 0 mark. Counting toward the left, note how many fractional division marks are between zero and the left end of the line. (In this example, there are two.) Add the fractional value to the whole . value that you noted in Step 2. In this example. you noted 2 whole division lines, plus two fractional division lines, so the length of the line is 2'-2" at actual size. DECK Division line is now aligned with the other end of the line being measured Add the inches, counti ng back from the 0 value / ' On architects ' scales, there lire 12 fractional divisions, because there are 12 inches per/oat. \ \ \'), \ ~ \ \ II \'1. 36 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND ABCDEFGH abcdefgh Sans-serif lettering has no serifs, or spurs, at the ends of the strokes ABCDEFGH abcdefgh Roman letters are accented by thick and thin line weights ABCDEFGH abcdefgh Italic letters are slanted, whether serif or sans serif 2.19 Distinctions Between Roman, Italic, Serif, and Sans Serif Lettering LETTERING 2.12 LETTERING Lettered text is often necessary to completely describe an object or to provide detailed specifications. Lettering should be legible, be easy to create, and use styles accept able for traditional drawing and CAD drawing. Engineering drawings use single-stroke sans-serif letters because they are highly legible and quick to draw . (San s-serif means without serifs, or spurs.) A font is the name for a particular shape of letters . The particular font for engineering drawings is called Gothic. Figure 2.19 shows the distinctions between Roman, italic, serif and sans serif fonts . Lettering is a standard feature available in computer graphics programs. With CAD software, you can add titles, notes , and dimensioning information to a drawing. Several fonts and a variety of size s may be selected . When modifications arc required, it is easy to make lettering changes on the drawing by editing existing text. Freehand lettering ability has little relationship to writing ability. You can learn to letter neatly even if you have terrible handwriting. There are three necessary aspects of learning to letter: • knowing the proportions and forms of the letters (to make good letters, you need to have a clear mental image of their correct shape) • spacing of letters and words for legibility • practice 2.13 LETTERING STANDARDS AUTOCAD TXT FON T ROMAN SIMPLEX ROMAN DUPLEX TITLES l{~VP' l{eycp£ POJfl'S 2.20 An Example of Lettering and Titles Using CAD Most hand-drawn notes use lettering about 3 mm (1/8") in height. Light horizontal guidelines are useful to produce con sist ent letter height s. CAD notes are set using the keyboard and sized to be in the range of3 mm ( 1/8") tall according to the plotted size of the drawing. Lettering heights vary with the size of the she et and the intended use of the drawing. CAD drawings typically use a Gothic lettering style, but often use a Roman style for titles. When adding lettering to a CAD drawing, a good rule of thumb is not to use more than two fonts within the same drawing. See Figure 2.20 for a sample of the fonts available using CAD . You may want to use one font for the titles and a differ ent font for note s and other text. It may be tempting to use many different fonts in a drawing because of the wide variety available, hut this tends to look distracting on the drawing . Drawings that use too many lettering styles and size s have been jokingly referred to as having a "ransom note" lettering style. 2.14 VERTICAL LETTERS AND NUMERALS There are standard widths for the various letters. The propor tion s of vertical capital letters and numbers are shown in Figure 2.21. In the figure, each letter is shown on a 6-unit-high grid that shows its width in relation to its height. The numbered arrows indicate the traditional order and direction in which the lettering strokes are made. Aside from the letters I and W, letters are either five or six grid divisions wide, or about as wide as they are tall. Thi s is probably a little wider than your usual writing . It is easier to remember the six-unit letters if you think of them as spelling a name: TOM Q. VAXY. The letter I is a pencil width , and the letter W is eight grid-units wide (1-1/3 times its height). With the exception of the numeral 1, whieh use s only a pencil width , all numerals are five units wide. 2.15 LOWERCASE LETTERS Lowercase letters arc rarely used in engineering sketches ex cept for lettering large volumes of notes . Vertical lowercase let ters are used on map drawings, but very seldom on machine drawings. Lowercase letters are shown in Figure 2.22 . The lower part of the letter (or descender) is usually two-thirds the height of the capital letter. When large and small capitals are combined, the small capitals should be three-fifths to two-thirds the height of the large capitals. The inclined letters and numbers shown in Figures 2.23 and 2.24 will be discussed in the next section. 2 .15 LOW ERe A 5 E LET T E R 5 Straight-line letters 1- - 1 I~11 UJH fl ~ 1 ~ 1 ~; l' lgWZt: 1 ~ffit t}12 .~~t ~f\' - ~ l-Bffi3 W j Iftt-I , ~\ ~j ~ fJ l+'_j 2" - Letter "i" has short bars 2 /~ 1{31 \\ 1 \~ V110i 1 r3A!~4f, 2 ~~1 21 1 ~~. I r{%t1 [ 1I .t1j ~ ~t1 1 111 ft±{] ' rt2~ ~~1J 1 t t ~ t'17"1 l:~~ +rJ 3 " - "W" is only letter over 6 units wide. Letters in "TOM Q. VAXY" are 6 units wide -all others are 5, except " I" and "W" Curved-line letters rn . "~ :,f~~ ' ~l ~ .~-. ' ," . ); t.flHl t-JIJ 1~Ufi. l 'l ~ 'UI :"+;W) ~l ~ '~I ,~; ~i 1 The letters 0, Q, C, G and 0 are based on a true circle. The lower portion of of the) and U is elliptica l Curved-line letters and numerals The 8 is composed of two ellipses. The 3, S, and 2 are based on the 8 Curved-line letters and num erals Number "1" is a straight line. The 0, 6, and 9 are elliptical 2.21 Vertical Capital Letters and Numerals 2.22 Vertical Lowercase Letters 37 38 CHAPTER 2 L A Y O UT S AND LE TT E RI N G Straight- line lette rs 1 IE:H I/li;~- ;/!fj~~~~:; l 2_ 'I;,.,. Letter " i" has short bars AV~W 2 Curved- line lette rs ~ +j;"'~+f- 2 -745~ J '( 2@ ;t +--0 \ . J "."7" ~j/ r- " L' 1 I {j //,I _/JJIjj ~/_ - . c. T I/ 1 ~I ~ { I """"-- - ' ''''' The letters 0 , Q, C, G and D are based on a tru e ellipse, The lower portion of of the I and U is elliptical Curved -line lett ers and numeral s Cur ved-line lett ers and numerals Number " 1" is a straight line, The 0, 6, and 9 are elliptical 2.23 Inclined Capital Letters and Numerals 2.24 Inclined Lowercase Letters 2.16 INC LIN E D LET T E R SAN D N U M B E R S 39 2.16 INCLINED LETTERS AND NUMBERS Inclined (italic) capital lett ers and numerals, shown in Figure 2.23, are similar to vertical characters, ex cept for the slope. The slop e of the lett ers is about 68° from the hori zontal. Whi le you may pra cti ce drawing slanted hand lettering at approxima tely this angle, it is important in CAD dra wing s to a lways set the amount of inc line for the letters at the sa me value within a drawing so that the lettering is con sistent. Inclined low ercase letters, shown in Figure 2.24 , are similar to vertical low ercase lett ers . Keep in mind that only one style of lett ering. e ither verti cal or inclined, should be used throughout a drawing. 2.17 FRACTIONS Fractions are shown twice the height of the corresponding whole numbers. Make the num erat or and the denominator each about three-fourths as high as the whol e number to allow enough space betw een them and the fracti on bar. For dimensionin g, the most co mmonly used hei ght for whole numb ers is 3 mrn (1/8"), and for fractions 6 mm (1/4 "), as shown in Figure 2.25. 5 8 1 4 (a) 1 4" • Never let num eral s touch the fraction bar. • Cent er the denom inator und er the num erator. • Avoid using an incl ined fraction bar , except when lett ering in a narrow space, as in a part s list. • Make the fracti on bar slightly longer than the wide st part of the frac tion. 1 25 Y2 2 (b) 32 (c) 2.25 Common Errors in Lettering Fractions 2.18 USING GUIDELINES Use extrem ely light hori zontal guidelines to keep lette r height uniform. as sho wn in Figure 2.26. Capit al lett ers are co mmonly mad e 3 111m (1/8 ") high , with the space betw een row s of letter ing bein g from three-fifths to full height o f the letters. Do not use vertic al guidelines to space the di stance from one letter to the next within a word or se nte nce . Thi s should he done by eye while lettering. If nec essary , use a vertica l guideline at the be ginn ing o f a co lumn o f hand lettered text to help yo u line up the left edg es o f the following rows . Beginners can also use ran doml y spaced vertical guidelines to practice maint ainin g the correct slan t. ( vertical guide lines random IG1E-[[ ~±.I IEB1lSJILlb-' _+ + E~S]-+-~-'+-I-1-tI I TI P - - - - - - - - - - - - - , For even freehand letters • Use 1/8 " gr idded paper for drawing to make lettering easy. • Use a scale and set off a series of spaces, making both the letters and the spaces between lines of letters 1/8" high. • Use a gu ideline template like the Berol Rapidesign 925 shown in Figure 2.27 . • For wh ole numbers and fractions, draw five equally spaced guidelines. I 1 1 1 I ~['H-YB-~ .--yB- F r:t1 q:~ p;~ -~_ ~ - _0 1 \:-\J:S_EL~~q]I~JI_t USlES---+-~ Space betw een lines usually from ! to total height of letters 2.26 Using Guidelines ~ (--- - r--- 1 12 (- - - - - REVERSEWITl-I INKING PEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - . . ) '4 - - - ------.,) ~ 1 ]' C:::=====================:: JJ 12 ~ c:::==========================:::)d- BeroLRo piDesign. R-925 LEITERING AID 2.27 The Berol Rapidesign 925 Template Is Used to Quickly Create Guidelines for Lettering 40 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING 2.19 SPACING OF LETTERS AND WORDS Spacing Between Letters L may be shortened when followed by A. In typesetting, pairs of letters that need to be Uniform spacing between letters is done by spaced more closely to appear correctly are eye. Contrary to what might seem logical, called kerncd pairs. putting equal distances from letter to letter causes them to appear unequally spaced. The background areas between letters, not the dis Spacing Between Words tances between them, should be approxi Space letters closely within words to make mately equal to get results that appear each word a compact unit, but space words balanced. Figure 2.28 illustrates how using well enough apart to be clearly separate from equal spacing from one letter to the next does adjacent words. For both uppercase and low not actually appear equal. Space your letter ercase lettering, make spaces between words ing so that background areas appear equal, approximately equal La a capital O. like the example shown in the bottom balf of the figure . Some combinations, such as LT and VA, Spacing Between Rows may have to be slightly closer than other let Be sure to leave space between rows of letter ters to look correctly spaced. In some cases, ing, usually equal to the letter height. Rows the width of a letter may be decreased spaced too closely are hard to read. Rows slightly. For example. the lower stroke of the spaced too far apart do not appear La he related. LATHING literate u L.U u u u u U U UJ u U Using equal spacing from one letter to another does not actually appear equal, as in this example LATHING liierate U L.LJ U I U LJ U L....L....J W L...J U Spaceyour lettering so that background areas appear equal, like the example shown above 2.28 Visually Balancing Letter Spacing , - - - TIP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , Creating letters that appear stable Certain letters and numerals appear top-heavy when they are drawn with equal upper and lower portions like the example below. To correct this, reduce the size of the upper portion to give a balanced appearance, as in this example. If you put the central horizontal strokes of the letters B, E, F, and H at midheight, they will appear to be below center. To overcome this optical illusion, draw the strokes for B, E, F, and H slightly above the center as you letter, keeping letters uniform, as in the second example below. The same practice applies to numerals. In the illustrations below, the example at left looks top-heavy. Note how the example at right looks more balanced . A good exampl e of uniform lett ering REL AT IVELY These examples show what not to do Nonuniform style Nonuniform letter height REL AT I VE.LY RELAT IVELY Nonuniform angle R'LLAT ! V E L Y RELATIVELY Nonuniform stroke thickness RE LATIVELY RELATIVELY Nonuniform letter spacing RELATIVELY Nonun iform word spacing NOW IS THE TIME FOR EV E RY GOOD PERSON TO COME TO T HE AID 0;: OR HER COUNTRY 2 .20 2.20 LETTERING FOR TITLES In most cases , the title and related inform ation are lett ered in ti tle boxes or title strips as sho wn in Figure 2.29 . The main draw ing title is usuall y centered in a rectan gular space, whi ch is easy to do, using CAD. Wh en letterin g by hand , arra nge the title sy mme trically about an imagin ary centerline, as shown in Figure 2.30 . In any kind of title , g ive the most imp ortant word s prom inence by making the lettering larger. hea vier, o r both . Oth er data, such as scale and date, can be sma ller. Figure 2.31 shows examples of freehand lettering at actual size . LET T E R I N G F OR TI T L ES 41 TOOL GRINDING MACHINE. TOOL REST SLIDE SCA L E AMERICAN NEW DRAWN 2.29 : F UL L SIZ E MACHINE. COMPANY ev _ YORK CITY CHE CKED BY _ Balanced Machine-Drawing Title Scrap of paper underneath 2.30 2.31 Centering Title in Title Box Pencil Lettering (Full Size) , - - - TI P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Lettering with a Pencil • Since practically all pencil lettering will be reproduced, the lett ers should be dense black, not gr ay or blur red. Use a sharp, soft pencil, such as an F, H, or HB to make lett ering dark and sharp. • If you like using wooden pencils, sharpen them to a needle point, then dull the po int very slightly. • Don't w orry about making the exact letter strokes unless you find it difficult to make the letters look right, but do use them as a reference if you are having trouble drawing uni form, symmetrical lette rs. • Use extremely ligh t, 1/8 " (3 mm ) horizontal guidelines to regulate the height of letters. A few light, vertical or inclined lines randomly placed help you Visually keep the letters uni formly vertical or inclined . • Draw vertical strokes downward with a finger movement. • Draw hori zontal strokes from left to right with a wri st mov ement and with out turning the paper. • Draw curved strokes and in clined strokes with a downward motion. Leit-handers: Traditional lettering st rokes were designed for right handed people . Exper iment with each letter to find out which strokes are best and develop a system of stro kes that works best for you . lE Vertical Inclined 42 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING 2.21 DRAWING PENCILS High-quality drawing pencils help produce good quality tech nical sketches and drawings . Use light lines for construction lines, lettering guidelines, and precise layout work. Use dark, dense black lines for the final lines, lettering, and arrowheads. Drawings are often reproduced and the lines need to be dark for the copies to turn out well. Drawing pencils are made of graphite with a polymer hinder or clay binder. They are divided into 18 grades from 9H (the hardest) to 7B (the softest) as shown in Figure 2.32. Spe cially formulated leads of carbon black particles in a polymer hinder are also available in several grades for use on polyester film (mylar) . Hard leads are used where accuracy is required, such as on graphical computations and charts and diagrams. For other uses, their lines are apt to be too light. Medium leads are used for general purpose technical drawing, such as sketching. lettering, arrowheads, and other freehand work on mechanical drawings. Soft leads are not useful in technical drawing. They make smudged, rough lines that are hard to erase, and the lead dulls quickly. These grades are generally used for artistic drawing. Whieh grade of pencil works best for you depends on your hand pressure, the humidity, and the type of paper you are using. among other things. For light lines, use a hard lead in the range of 4H to 6H. For dark lines. use a softer lead in the range of 2H to B. Mechanical pencils are available with 0.3-, 0.5-, 0.7-, or 0.9-mm-diameter drafting leads in several grades (Figure 2.33). Their thin leads produce uniform-width lines without sharpen ing. The .5-mm lead is a good general size, or you can use a .7-mm lead for thick lines and .3 mrn for thin lines. r-- ~/Y~ .' ~ ~ 9H 8H 7H 6H 5H 4H Hard The hard leads in this group (left) are used whereextreme accuracy is required, as on graphical computations and chartsand diagrams. The softer leads in this group (right) are sometimes used for line work on engineering drawings, but theiruse is limited because the lines are apt to be too light. 2.32 ~ 2.33 F HB B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B Medium These gradesare for general purpose work in technical drawinq. The softer grades (right) are used for technical sketch ing, lettering, arrowheads, and other freehand work on mechanical drawinqs, The harder leads (left) are used for line work on machine drawinqs and architectural drawinqs, The Hand 2H leads are widely used on pencil tracinqs for reproduction. Soft These leads are too soft to be useful in mechanical drafting. They tend to produce smudged, rough lines that are hard to erase, and the lead must be sharpened continually. These gradesare used for artwork ofvarious kinds, and for full-size details in architectural drawing. Sharp conical point for general line work Thin leads require no sharpening Drawing Pencils (a) Drawing Pencil (b) Mechanical Pencil (c) Thin-Lead Mechanical Pencil Be aware that some lead holders require special sharpeners. You can sometimes tell the difference in hardness of a mechanical pencil lead just by looking at it. Smaller diameter leads are used for the harder grades and larger diameter leads are used to give more strength to the softer grades. Lead Grade Chart Drafting penci l leads avai lable in all grades ~ 3H 2H H TI P - - - - - - - , You might be surprised how much your drawings benefit from finding a style of pencil that suits your use. Soft pencils, such as HB or F, are mainly used in freehand sketching. Choose a pencil that: • Is soft enough to produce clear black lines, but hard enough not to smudge too easily • Is not so soft that the point breaks easily. • Feels comfortable in your hand . • Grips the lead without slipping. Grade Mark Do not sharpen this end! Plain wooden pencils work great. They are inexpensive, and it is easy to produce thick or thin lines by varying the amount that you sharpen them. An old trick to keep the lead sharp longer is to turn the pencil frequently as you work to wear it down evenly. Gum erasers and nylon erasers work well to pick up smudges without leaving much eraser dust. Nylon eraser strips that come in refillable holders like mechanical pencils can be convenient for areas that require some precision. A trick for erasing fine details is to sharpen the end of the eraser strip in a small hand-held pencil sharpener. 2.22 43 T E M P L ATE S 2.22 TEMPLATES Templates are available for a great vari e ty of specia lized needs (Fig ure 2.34 ). Templates may be found for drawing almost any ordinary draft ing symbols or repetitiv e feature s, 7 ! r . ,. 2.23 THE COMPUTER AS A DRAFTING TOOL /" Most people who creat e technic al draw ings usc CAD. Advantages includ e accu racy, speed, and the abilit y to present spatial and visual information in a vari ety of way s. However, these advantages don 't eliminate the need for drawin gs to be easily and accurately interpreted. CAD drawings use the same general concepts and follow the same draftin g standards as drawin gs created by hand. Most CA D drawings are plotted on standard shee t sizes and to similar scales as hand drawings. Both CAD and hand drawings should contrast thick lines for objects with thin lines for hidden , center, and dimensions to make the print ed drawing eas y to read . CAD drawings 2.34 Drawing Templates. Courtesy of Chartpak. should use co rrec t line patterns. Like wise, lettering on CAD draw ings should follow these same general guidelines as for hand drawings. One benefit of CAD is the ability to draw perfe ctly straight uniform line s and otbe r geo me tric elem ent s. Another is the ability to quickl y repr esent the variou s styles of lines (Figure 2.35). Making changes to a CAD draw ing take s about a tenth the time that it takes to edit a drawing by hand . Using CAD, yo u ca n quickl y plot drawing s to differ ent scales. Keepin g CA D drawing files organ ized, backing up data regularly, and fol lowin g conventions for naming files so that yo u can find them aga in are impor tant co nsiderations. Even the most skilled CAD user s need to also be skilled in freehand sketching, in order to quickly get idea s down on paper. Chin ; " c ) -.; r 1000 16 5 00 r LJ Tgg'll _ t I . ~__ ) C;;; 15 .75 0 j End """ 2.35 A Drawing Created Using CAD. Courtesy of Zuta Sport s, Inc. loI<'cl"'. 1Ccb. I"'.... ;"PIrolS " 0 ",, _ .<1 1"tI!t'.I/",.... ..... f \l" ~< . <'S 13 9f1S>....-dII.f ~ . ~:~to~~:1.·.:~~L~ I~~ ;::»n~=~ ZURA SpOrlS, Inc. . . ' ur MODEL SPACE AND PAPER SPACE IN AUTOCAD 2008 (A) In AutoCAD 2008, paper space allows you to see how various views of the full size model can be shown on a sheet of paper. Reprinted by p ermission of Pearson Education, tnc., Using CA D, you can make an accur ate model of the dev ice or struc ture . To do this, you create the object at the actu al size that it exists in the real world, usin g whatever system of measur e men t that you would use whe n co nstruc ting it. On pap er it is a different matter. You would have to have so me reall y large shee ts to print your building full size . Aut o CAD 2008 software uses the co nce pt of two "s paces," model space and paper space , to descri be how to tran sform the full size CAD model to prop ortionate vie ws that fit your shee t of paper. Unders tanding sca le as it relat es to paper dr awin gs or as it relates to creating layout s from a CA D drawin g is an important concept for technical dra wing because the ultimate goal is for drawings to be interpreted and used in the real world . There fore, they must be easy to prim and read . Upp er Saddle River, Nj. 00 00 r ----- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -, + o 6J [h - -{ o - [j Paper Space Icon . Laj'W12 Fp eclt y a pPO:!J l c e: co cne r r Ik~ 24'-7 3~ · . ·r·5 7116" •a-a' - - ---------- SNAP [GRiD DATHD POlAR OSNAP lo rRACK Dues DYN Lwr IMODEL - Amol6lionSc-*' 1;1 t!r .~ "t' (B) The wind ow at left shows a paper space representation of the full size CAD model in the smaller w indow at right. Note that AutoCAD uses icons to help users d ifferentiate the two "spaces." Courtesy of Autodesk, Inc. © 2006-200 7. All rights reserved. 2.24 S K ETC H I N G AND 0 RAW I N G M E0 I A 45 2.24 SKETCHING AND DRAWING MEDIA Man y cho ices of media (paper and other) are available for par ticular sketching or drawing purposes. Wheth er you are sketch ing or are plottin g a drawing from a CAD wor kstation, choose the type of sheet and size that suits your need s. Small notehook s or ske tch pad s are useful when work ing at a sit e or wh en it is necessary to quickly record infor mati on. Man y co mpanies use bound not ebook s of graph pap er for rec ording e ng ineering des ign notes for patent and docum entati on purposes. Graph pap er can be helpful in mak ing neat ske tche s like the one in Figure 2.36. Paper with 4, 5, 8, or 10 sq uares per inch is conv en ient for maintaining prop orti on s. A sketch pad of plain paper with a master grid shee t show ing through underneath work s well as a substitute for grid paper. You ca u create your own master grid shee ts using CAD. Specially ruled isometric paper is availabl e for isom etric sketching, or you can use CAD to create masters. Th e best drawing papers ha ve up to 100% pure rag stock. Their strong fibers hold up well for eras ing and foldi ng, and they will not discol or or grow brittl e with age. Good drafting paper sho uld have a fine grain (or too th) to pick up the graphit e I I I I I . .?,a~ '.9,94 ! "7iba /.50 I I I "~ I - I I ~5 I I I I . I I ,~ , I V I I I I .-; , ~~tg , !'?ILk ~RE' Ie --fL!R,4 4 ITA , I I I I , I Tr I.FVIV 1 'fI I 2.36 I I ~ .6 ~- I VI I I .S.S . u l ~<l>. Sketch on Graph Paper and produ ce clean, dense black lines. Paper that is too rou gh produ ces ragged , grainy lines, is harder to erase, and wears down pen cils quickly. Look for paper that has a hard surface that will not groove too eas ily under pencil pressure. 2.25 POLYESTER FILMS AND COATED SHEETS Polyester film is a high quality drafting material available in roll s and standa rd siz ed shee ts. It is mad e by bond ing a matte surfac e to o ne or both sides of a clear pol yester shee t. Its transparenc y and printing qualities are goo d and it provides an excell ent matt e dr aw ing surface for pencil or ink , it is easy 10 erase without leavin g gh ost marks, and it has high dimensional stability. Its resistance to crackin g, bending, and tear ing makes it very durabl e. Man y compa nies still plot their drawings in ink on pol yester film for long-term storage and rep rodu cti on. Even large coated sheets of aluminum (which provides a good dim ensi onal stability) have been used in the aircraft and auto indu stry for full-sca le layout s that were scribed into the coati ng with a stee l point rather than a pencil. 2.26 STANDARD SHEETS The re are ANSI/ASME standa rds for international and U.S. sheet sizes. Table 2.2 describes the height and width of these standard shee ts, the letters used to refer to them , and their margins and zones . Note that drawing shee t size is given as hei ght x width. Most standard shee ts use what is called a "landscape" orientation. The use of the basic sheet size. 8.5" x 11.0" or 210 mm x 297 nun , and its mul tiples permit filin g folded print s in stan dard files with or without correspondence . Th ese sizes can be cut from standard rolls of medi a. Table 2.2 Sheet Sizes. Nearest International Size (mm) International Numbe r of Zones International Margin A4 210 x 297 6 10 A* 8.5 A3 297 x 420 6 A2 420 x 594 Standard U.S. Size (In.) U.S. Number of Zones (width) U.S. Margin (in.) x 11.0 2 (optional) .50 10 B 11.0 x 17.0 2 (optional) .50 8 10 C 17.0 x 22.0 4 .50 Al 594 x 841 12 20 022 .0 x 34.0 4 .50 AO 841 x 1189 16 20 E 34.0 x 44.0 8 .50 .. May also be used as a vertical sheet size at 77" tall by 8.5 " wide. 46 L A YO UT S AN D L ETT ERIN G CHAPTER 2 2.27 STANDARD LAYOUT ELEMENTS Margins and Borders Eac h layou t begins with a border draw n insi de the sheet margin . D raw ings in the U.S . use a .50 " margi n. Refe r to Tabl e 2.2 for international shee t sizes and margins. So me co mpanies use slightly larger shee ts to provide fo r binding draw ings into a set. Th is ex tra allowance sho uld be added on to the standard sheet size so that the d raw ing border meets the size standards (see Fig ure 2.37). Figure 2.38 shows th e alterna te orientat ion of an A size d rawin g. num bers to make sure you are talk ing a bout the sa me item . Zon e number s are also useful fo r locat ing revis ion s. You should provid e zo ne numbers o n all sheets larger than size B. + Typical Letter Sizes . Most lettering on dra wings sbo uld be at least 3 mm or . 12 " (about 1/8") tall. Le t tering is typ ically s ized as foll ow s: Draw in g Titl e, Drawin g Size 6 mrn (.24 ") CAG E Code 6 mm (.24" ) Draw ing N umbe r, Re vision Lette r 6 mm (.24 ") Secti on and View Lett ers 6 111 m (.24 ") Z on e Le tters and N umbe rs 6 mm (.24") Draw ing Bl ock Headi ngs 2.5 rnm (. 10") All Others 3 nun (. 12" ) Zones You ha ve prob abl y see n zone numbers on maps, wh ere the marg in is subdivi de d by letters alo ng one side a nd by number s alo ng the othe r. Th ese are also use d alo ng the o uter edges o f technical d raw ings so th at you ca n refer to item s by the area o n the sheet where they are located. Th is is particularly use ful whe n a cl ient call s wi th a qu esti on. You ca n use zo ne A Size (vertical) . + i j ~ ~ 2.38 I + Vertical Orientation of A Size ~ Opt'lana I drawinq number block I 3 I -. 0 A Size (horizontal) c " V Revision history block 0 -- B Size Revision status block c I C Size V o Size I A 4 I I~ , 3 1 2.37 7 6 5 ,/ ........... Projection block - - . . . . . . , Zone I Tolerancing bloc k A B~ A M icrofi lm centering arrows 4 ~ 3 z I ~ Titl e block A Round corners optional on all sides U Typical Sheet Sizes and Bord ers. (See the inside front cover for Esize and international standard sizes.) ST AN 0 A R0 L A YO U TE L EM EN T S 2027 47 NAME ~ o nqmatmq o Company N ame 0 0 (and address if desired) Approval blocks \.. DRAWING TITLE 2.00 3.87 DRAFTEDBY: Name Date ENGINEERED: I I ADDITIONAL APPROVAL Name Date Name Date ~ ZE ADDITIONAL APPROVAL Name Date SCALE CAGE CODE OJII Sheet size / from table 2 1 - -- - - - - - - - - - 2.39 1.38 -1.38 I I j1 DWGNO. REV _ I SH EET 1 OF 2 I WEIGHT ~ II Predominant scale (use NONE when NTS) 2.75 I (actual or ) estimated) I .62 .25 -1 1.75 I 3.25 4.25 6.25 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------{ Title Block for A, B, and C Sized Sheets Title Block The title block is located in the lower right corner of the form at. Standard areas in the title bloc k provi de the follo wing informa lion. Refer to Fignre 2.39 for dim ensions for a typical title block for A, B, and C sized shee ts: Name Show the originating company or bus iness (and address if desired). Refer to Figure 2.40. Drawing Title Briefly descr ibe the item using a singular noun or noun phrase and modifiers if necessar y to distin guish it from similar items. Do no t use the term s " for" or "o r" in the title. For exa mple, "Dust Ca p" would be preferr ed over "Cap or Cover for Dust Protecti on," which is too wordy. Drawing Nu m ber Give eac h dra wing a uniqu e num ber, usin g the co mpa ny's numb erin g system. Sheet Revi sion Block Track the drawin g version usin g the numb er of the revision. Th e original release of the drawin g typ ically shows revision O. Approval Block List the name(s) of the person(s) approv ing the drawing and the date it was app roved . Additiona l areas of this block ca n be used for various design act ivities, if sepa rate approval is requ ired. For exa mple, a co mpany may use separate areas for structural design or manufac turing enginee r ing appro vals (Figure 2.4 1). Scale List the predominant scale for the drawing. Drawings may include details at other scales, which should he noted below the detail. If the drawing is not made to a particul ar scale, note NONE in the scale area. Refer to Section 2.6 . Drawing Size List the shee t size used for the drawing. This help s track the origi nal size when the drawi ng is rep ro duced at a sma ller size. Sheet Number Lis t the numb er of the sheet in the se t. us ing Whole num bers starting at 1. A format that lists this shee t out of the total number helps keep track of the e ntire set. For exa mple, I OF 2. CAG E Code List the Commercial and Government Entit y (CAGE) code if applicab le. This is a numh er assigned to NAME DRAWING TITLE ORAmOll'l' I f NGlNE . FH D: "OOl1'1ONAlIlJ'f'AOVAJ. A DDmON "'- A ~o\l. 2.40 SIZE CAGECODE SCALE I I DWGNO. I WEIGfIT REV I SHEET1 OF2 Company Name and Drawing Title NAME DRAWINGTITLE D!lAI TrD RY I I SCALE I WEIGHT I N(.iINH Il W . A(XKl IONo\l."-W11OVA.l. AOOI r lC\NA.L A;>Pfl lj\l A\. SIZE CAGECODE I DWG NO. REV I SHEET 1 OF 2 2.41 Approval Block, Scale, Revision, and Drawing Size NAME DRAWINGTITLE ORArTEOSV ENGINH Rt:O AODInoNAlAWl'lOVAI. AoornoNAl A,Pr P,OIIA, 2.42 SIZE I CAGECODE SCALE I I DWGN O. I WEIGHT REV I SHEET I OF 2 CAGE Code and Weight May Be Listed entities that manu factu re items for the government. Th e code is ass igned based on the original design activity. Weight List the actual or es timated weight of the part if requ ired (Figure 2.42). *For more for mats, ti tle blocks, revision blocks, and a list of materia ls blocks, see inside the front cover of th is book. 48 CHAPTER 2 LAYOUTS AND LET TERING 2.28 LAYOUTS A parti cular size sheet with a drawing bord er is called a layout. Using a CAD system, you may often be able to select from standard layouts or templates that set the sheet size limits, the border, and even the title block as the starting point for your drawing . Regardless of whether you draw by hand or use CAD or 3D modeling methods, you need to plan your sheet so that the information will fit and show clearly. When sketching, your layout may be a simple border and title strip along the bottom of the sheet (or you may be using preprinted tablet s that have space to record the sketch title, date, and other pertinent data). When creating a 2D CAD drawing, you may use a drawing template show ing the sheet and border and title block, perhaps using different templates or even software interface settings for different types of drawings, such as mechanical! manufacturing, architectural , or civil. When creating a 2D drawing to plot from a 3D sol id model, you may use a layout space that contains different view ports that allow you to show different views of the same 3D model with a bor der and title block. 2.29 PLANNING YOUR DRAWING OR SKETCH When laying out a drawing sheet, you will need to consider: Ample space for dimensions and details Too big for sheet. Leave more space notes and dimensions • the size and scale of the object you will show. • the she et size. • the measurement system (units) for the drawing. • (he space necessary for standard notes and title block. The object you are drawing is the "star" of the sketch. Keep the object near the center of the sheet. It should be boldly drawn, using thick visible line s. Make it large enough to fill most of the sheet and so that details show clearly (Figure 2.43 ). Show Details Clearly - -- - - - t- - -- - - I Too small to show detai ls clearly 2.43 Show Details Clearly by Selecting Appropriate Scale and Sheet Size Show small objects larger than their actual size to represent the details clearly. If the de tails are too small, switch to a larger sheet size and use a larger scale. You can also add details at a larger scale if necessary to show features that are smaller than the typical fea tures of the drawing, If you add details at a different scale. label the view, for example, DETAIL A, and note the scale for the detail below it. 2 .29 P LAN N I N G YOU R D RAW I N G 0 R 5 K ETC H 49 SHEET LAYOUT Given drawing To draw the part Orient paper shown in the and tape given figure, se lect the down, if you 8.5" sheet size, keeping in find that mind the size of the ob helPfUI~ j ect s. Show the part large enough to repre sent features clearly. 11" Use larger sheets for larger or more detailed objects. (8.5 x II" will he large enough for the part shown.) Add the border and title hlock to the sheet using the margin sizes specified in the standards. Refer to Table 2.2. Determine the units ~ ~ for the drawing. ! '~ Will it he metric or Lightly blo k i U.S. Customary (inches. , in cente rline feet and inches)? What system will he used to IV - Short dashes, construct. manu facture, not dbts and inspect the actual oh ject? Use that system of measurement for the drawing. Thi s part is iu inches. Befo re you hegin drawing, determine the sca le at which the object will best fit on the sheet. First, figure the available space within the draw ing border. For example the horizontal 8.5 x II" sheet with a .5" margin leaves 7.5 x 10". If you subtract space for a .375" title strip acro ss the bottom, it leaves 7.125 x 10" for the drawing. Now, consider the size of the object. Will it fit on the sheet at full- size ? Half-size'? Do you need to enlarge it to show small features larger than actual size? The 12" gasket shown in the example will fit well at half- size on the 8.5 x 11" sheet select ed and still show the details clearly. Use typi cal scales when possible. Refer to Section 2.5. Approximately center the object on the sheet. To do this, subtract the size of the scaled drawing from the available sheet space and use half of the difference on each side of the object . One quick technique is to find the center of the available space and lay out the drawing on each side of that centerline, Usiug CAD, you can easily move the drawing to the ce nter of the sheet visually. Lig t lv bloc in over II size to scale centering on lines Sketch es do not have to be perfectly centered, hut plan ahead so the drawing isn't crammed in one corner of the sheet. Let your drawing: be the "star" of the page. Rernem her to leave enough space aro und your drawing for notes and dimensions. If you don't, you will run out of room and your layout will look crowded. Lightly add details of the drawing. vn --. 0 0 - Add details Darken final drawing lines . " V-m . ~Y' fl -$ 1¥ Darken final lines and add title block ....--- TI P - - - - - - - - - - - - , Scale When Using CAD Keep in mind that when using CAD you will create the object the size that it actually exists in real life. On the plotted sheet, when showing the drawing to scale, it is easy to try a few different scales and see which fits. You can always change the scale later if needed. SCALING ANNOTATIONS AUTOMATICAllY USING AUTOCAD 2008 Iil!lAUloCAO 2008 · : " [ Ie 2f) ~<it \)ow Nor FOR R£SAl E · [C;lP rog rom FiI.,lAuloCAO 2008\Sampl•. . . O"lIt<lg ~ Amola6on v G]@[8] _ 0 lnW t f'2m\Ol 1001> x 'm' . . ~ lfl"tIU! 0l'NJW m...a .1/""""1 o..u 1tlOn<H: tt A f ,f r" You might thin k that di spl ayin g text in a CA D drawing is one of the easies t things to do. Yo u ca n qu ickl y type in the text yo u want to di spla y an d se lec t the fo nt, height sla nt, and ro tatio n ang le. Th at part is ea sy. but a nno tatio ns are useless if nob od y ca n read them. Wh en you cre ate drawings that will be plott ed on di fferent sized sheets or at di ffe rent sca les, sizing the te xt can require a lot o f planning . Take the plot architec tura l plan dra win g sho wn in Fig ure A for ex a mple . Wh en plo tte d to sca le 3" = 1'-0", the text sho wing dimen si on s is clearly visible . But wh en sho wn at o ne- twe lfth of that size, sc a le 1/4" = 1'-0", that same te xt becomes illeg ible. Th e abili ty to reu se the sa me C AD da ta at different scales witho ut having to recrea te the dra wing is one of its big adva n tages o ve r pen and paper dra wings. Yet c umbe rso me worka rounds were o nce necessar y to make legible text at different sca les. O ne workarou nd was ha ve severa l diffe rent sizes of the sa me te xt , whic h the user wo uld turn o n or off de pe ndi ng on what d ra wing sca le wa s used . No w, AuloCAD 2008 soft ware pro vid es a fe ature ca lled annotat ion sca ling . Here is how it works: Drawing o bjects that are co m monly used to a nno tate d rawings (provide text infor mat ion ) ca n have their a nnota tio n pro pe rty turned on. Thi s a llo ws yo u to create one anno tative object that displays a t d ifferent size s, based o n sca le pr operti es. In the AutoCA D soft wa re, o bject typ es that c an have anno tative o bject properties incl ude Te xt , Mtext, Dim en sion s, Hatch es, Tol er an ces, Mulrileaders , Leade rs. Blocks, and Att ributes. LlJ ~ 1M! Annotation Object Scale ~ 77.7'3G. ~9.5'i 1 9 . 0.0000 (A) Wh en plotted to scale 1/4 " = 1'-0" o n an 8.5 x 11" sheet, th e text sho w ing the dim ensions is clearl y visible . Courtesy of Object Scale List 1/ 4" = 1'·0" 3" = 1'·0" 3/16" = 1'.()" Add.. Q.elele Autodesk, Inc. © 2006- 2001. All rights reserved. 0.25paper units = 12 drawingunits o ! allscales selectedobjects o List scales QOmmon to all selected objects only 101 OK II Cancel 1[ !:!.elp (B) Using th e annotati on scaling feature of AutoCAD 2008 software, annotative te xt can be made legibl e a t var ious scales . Courte sy of Autodesk, Inc. © 20 06-200 1. All rights reserved. PORTFOLIO ~ Lrl o -' ou, I 4 ~ ' 'CIlJ'' $>¥oU. .. UIIIt""..... Ot ..... - THIS PARTISPRODUCEDFROM AN ElECTR()Io,nC 1OII5.1KIU.,.....~ , AU ~N4 "Da:NAl HOe. : IlWfJ'Io'lAUMIbS ....... 1OOel. J. 1If.M(MAlJ, lOOlM)WlM1 oe.1> DATA fU PROVDEI)10 THEveooe. D1oVtENSl()NS SHOWN ARE FOt1REFB1ENCE. ANY OIlER DIMENSIONS SHOUlDBE-OBTAJl.lEOFRQI.'\ THE MODB,. SEE ASSEMBLY DIRECTIONS FOR INSTRUCTIONSON SQUARING C HASSISASSEMBLY. .~ <:<: 0 §.. o Q.. Q " o ;:,.... 51.... ::l (3 ..>i. u o :0 <Ii ~ CHECK MRP SYSTEM FOR UPDATED BOM AND/OR UNLISTED PARTS & QUANTITIES. ITEM NO. 2 3 4 5 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 :;:; 1: ~ PART NUMBER 63224100 61124290 61124291 21620101 21620102 21226200 21224200 61124820 21195301 61124690 61129170 21226501 61124691 61124692 21626210 21226502 2122430J 21224300 21224302 21626211 36582034 36923100 36488100 3656 1045 "0 C DESCRIPnON DRUM MODULE CARRIAGE R U N~ER·RiGHT, M/CJ CA RRIAGE RUNNER·LEFT, M/C3 ANGLE, RAILMOUNT·LEFT ANGLE. RAILMOUNT-RIGHT BULKHEAD - DRUMMODULE CARRIAGE MIDDLEBULKHEAD FRONTCARRIAGE ASSY 3G SUPPORTBOX CARRIAGE FRONT PANEL ASSY HOOD WLDMNT·TOP· DRUM HOO D, DRUM MODULE CARRIAGERIGHTTOPCOVERASSY CARRIAGE LEFT TOP COV ERASSY WIRINGZ·BRACKET HOOD·SIDE. DRUM MODULE CARRIAGELEFTSIDE PANEL CARRIAGERIGHT SIDE PANEL CARRIAGE TOPCENTER PANELV2 NEWDYNO WIRING BRACKET SCREW. 3/8-16xl-I/4-, BH·Fl NG WASHER.3/8".HARDENED,FLAT,sn NUT.3/8· 16,NYLOCK SCREW,I/4·20xS/8",PH.TORX .... n:l Vl ~ "0 C ~ x u o :0 ,... (5 'Vi 's ~ n:l 01 UNRELEASED! FOR QUOTING OR PROTOTYPE ONLY DMI 50-0 11.Q04 3/8 NUT o s: Vl 01 ...,................. ae-. tJlI ,LQ , """""" .....,... .NO,Uo "' . f ven:, AUot.U.CDCHl.~~f'INoGI'OCAIIDOl!~"'''DM-''':;'''''Cl'Me''1 "--=nD"'.«a.!'IICICSlIOOOfM.~~Ol! ~....-u.~.,Ola.aolm 1ON«1'faIOool1'eot<»~I'CIINl'r~_~-.x.I"" "'-"'~OI0w.0.R~fC.. ~ rm&:l,Il!I'l6l.-.otl<. lOO "JCDlDtwl.taCtJ.~" Sof'TJ<l "0 >, 0 Cbosss Assembly for MC3 t:: ..0 II~ 711 26890 OTtlCUi!I -....ol NC.1 ~ C '~ ~Ih~ I . flONOt'.tC.AU'ItIlClt,o. CJ"UJlO: .. . . ~1IttlIlll()l1ilC.AlC)""CIlAMLtVCl"'!D AIC)ONll()I"fDK)tW~ AIC)I'II~_ 25 C '~ ...r 01 E <Ii ~ Vl o<\J Vl ~ c « ~ Vl <\J 0::: 52 CHA PT ER ~, a 2 LAYOUTS AND LETTERING • ...- . . . . IflOI "" 10 '1 . _1':;~~ ~ I ~ ~ "'c ""o!nocIioon2 _ l ln~ ."' '''''''_~ .om . - . "IIC\OOWQIll<,OP£C1 llC.A "'j TCiX'l.,l'n "."'CIn 0I0ll ... ."... \It IN ~~ \If '" ""....-""" . ..._ 00 _ 1 ;C>r1 ~C.'''' · IlO '' (eA) rJ.' 1,11'1<" .", 1>0«) erl t~ ...... t HUENEIIl E RO....D TRAffl C CONlll:Ol PIPE SU.. 12 ,U <l5c ffi ~ro~s(40+~ --B tro. ..-.. 1 CAlllGUA'S lIIUNIClPAL WAU R llCSTRler o ....I o u. A civil drawing showing approval blocks and eng ineers' stamp . Courtes y of Perlit er and Ingalsbee Consulting Engineers and I- Calleq uos Municipal Water District. 0::: o lMNrON 50trLU Q., \1K 0 e @ M'NJ A. fl}fP I "~f, "~1\'.tt" ~,w", VI~'Y_ ~JMMlf P1ff;;,lW;CDl~ . fJ(, 0 <D to. I>. s to.Jj<. 0 Pill'i!1.J?( "C<'l1('N . r>: :<Oft, 8i.{3[iN» i".ctK rne; WI\\'Die FAllOl'N fOI:'i:' 1il;1erM,\f1l ~ZIJ ~~~/16" ~ ~.ViNI~ 74.\2·: 2-' X24 ' p 74X24 2";11 X24" 7..\X2., 2, flJ1 ..i.!'[t,I!t,OC' ""r&r,'~ ~O (,o,.A75~,O: J VN'! <D 1 ~"ilZf I I/&'fl ' fiff · l r r ~'C, Cl~I'''' ""fiA .~ ~/8" -ttlII A ~ to 7/8" ~ NJ'O~·Art. V~.)l.fVW O'f:ftl'Sfa ~ f'1' ;rro '.~>!JOV'''' ,7, 8X13 a.~?C'..W F'/oiLWI mfl; VINI1. ff:Nt ~113" l'~r11'R'N1(j1ll:[;l'Il~Mlt.H' WO(!.i1 "'4 IIZ" (efoV eXl,f1OI! fI.'N tT.! "{;Mt,,~'f vir ;l'~ -"'<~'" PI I rOOR :x:}'WLU t,'!: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ SlZt tftX~:m IC()1(; OIlffi-vrVOCl1 I~ b ) m~'I(jI(Il00' 'Xfl;f1OI!I!OLIU I;f;NC,j vex-X) r;xlH'ICr. OGWI.' " lOB f!1'>.(,iWQb loot) INltRi - , t70Cf' A-iIiB °iXrtr~M 246B 'lfNf'CJJ'1U L'ot 5'~..J. 11·\WIJl fW''if~ :M.l1H\\' "( Qftf.(: '1I."nf'.'" L~I f~O'>,[lr vr.·Anu"" VIH'~"'t .\.~I "I" IoKJ1l: furClfIAI1C Q'!;/,fR ( 4) W'VOi'IS iNillf' f "'1'(. ' I.!M f INcr.• lOV1\Jr rc lj" :;ffi~\ ~ ,~ePNc \ t JYL. 'Mln: K%'i; -.,'1~~O (V'.7 '·W.EF':.. V~IVl. I,Hn" ' f!fN, rW If 0 :,1 JI'JCHF','<l: fr;IJ;H :xr.fl V0C9 'fW~!-fl'W.vm fUl.;lI', W F",." ,(UO,", .r,f I( t 11'M"I'fifOa,,- , 'A/X» '!ilJVJ FINI'+! . ro oc [;l' 'V1~I/otO 'INI'>'rOll!: '0 ' [;l'11'~ \VEO .. ~ Window and Door schedules are used in archite ctural drawings to specify the type of window or door, rough op ening size, rnanatacturer and othe informatio n. Courtesy of Frog Rock Desiqn, LLP. K EY W 0 R D S KEY WORDS Station Poin t Plane of Projection Proj ectors Piercing Points Perspecti ve Projecti on s Parall el Proj ect ion s O rthog raphic Projecti on s Oblique Projection Multi view Projecti on Drawing Lines Letterin g Measurem ent Systems Sca le Title Block s Thi ck Lines 53 CHAPTER SUMMARY Now that yo u have comp leted this chapter you should be able to: Unde rstand the basic prin ci ples of projecti on used in draw ings , o Dem onstr ate the line we ights (thic kness) and types (dashed or so lid) of lines used in the alpha bet of lines that specify meaning in techn ical drawings. o List the two main system s of measur em ent used on drawings. o Use different types of sca les to make measurem ent s. • Note the seale for a drawin g in the title block . Pape r draw ings are sca led before they are drawn. CAD draw ings are scaled wh en they are to be printed . • List the adv antages of seve ral different dr awin g medi a and the qu alit ies that distin gu ish them . o Add legibl e and qui ck to produce notes and dime ns ions to sketc hes using uppercase lett ers draw n by hand . o Lay out a sheet and rill in the infor ma tion in the title block usin g standard letter shape s. o Thin Lin es Freeha nd Lin e Co nst ruc tion Li nes REVIEW QUESTIONS Drawing Scale I . Draw the alphabe t of lines and lahcl eac h line. 2. Whi ch architects ' sca le represent s a size rat io of I:24'! Whi ch metr ic scale represent s a half size'! Which en gi neer s' scale wo uld be used for full size? 3. Which scale type is the only one to use fracti on s of an inch ? 4. Wh at are the main advantages of pol yester film as a draw ing media? 5 . What are the four standa rd types o f projecti ons? 6. Wh ich draw ing lines are thick? Whi ch are thin? Which are very light and sho uld not reproduc e when copied? 7. What font provid es the shape of standard engineering lettering? 8. Describ e the characteristics of goo d freehand lettering. 9. Wh y should guide lines be used for lett erin g ? 10. Lis t the standard items foun d in a title block. Scales Engi neers' Sca le Deci ma l Inch ArchitectsSc ale Fo nt Ser if Italic Rom an Sa ns Serif Guidel ine s Verti cal Inclined Kern ed Pairs Media Sheet Sizes Zo ne Number s Na me Dra wing Title Drawin g Number Shee t Re visiou Block App ro val Block Scale Drawing Size Sheet Numb er CA GE Co de Weight Layout 54 CHAP TER 2 LAYO U TS AND LETT E R ING EXERCISES Drawing Exercises Prac tice you r skills for making measurem ent s, layin g out dra wing s heets, and for m ing ueat standard lett erin g with these dra win g exerc ises . Th ese problems arc designed to fit eas ily on a shee t. (See the ins ide front cover o f thi s book or the form provid ed on the Web as a pd f file that yo u ca n print to ske tch on) . Dra w all co nstruction lines lightl y, usin g a hard lead (41-1 to 61-1), and all requ ired lines den se b lac k with a so fte r lead (F to 1-1). Dr aw yo ur co nstruc tio n lines lightly so that they do not need to be erase d. In exercises 2.1-2 .3 yo u will pract ice mea suring. and in Exe rcises 2.4-2.6 yo u will practi ce draw ing layo uts. Exercise 2 . 1 Measure the lines sho wn a bove and list their len gth s usin g mi llimete rs. List the inch me asurem ents for eac h in sq uare bracket s ter measur em ent. r[ to the right of the millime Exercise 2 .2 Measure the lines show n above and draw them at Scale I :2, Sc ale 2: I, and list their sca les bel ow them usin g the form Scal e: X :X. Exercise 2. 3 Measure the overall interior dim ensions of your roo m. Letter the meas ured len gth neatl y in the first co lumn as shown in the exa mp le. In the second co lum n list how long you would draw that line at a sca le of 1/4" == I'. third col umn at 3/~" == I', fourth co lumn at I" == I', fifth co lum n at I : 100 metri c scale ( 10 111m == I meter ) I PUBLICK . BASE. I I DAT E.: A UG. 1.2002 I DRAWN I N STITU T E OF T E CHN OL OGY SCAL E: 1/1 J O HN Q. I I' ; I' I 8 -1-02 F IXTURE B RA CKET BY : ..J O SE PH E . BLOUGH , JR. J A-6 I 3 I S EAT 25 I S H EET 2 Exercise 2.4 Create the layout for and 8.5 x II" sheet as shown at left. Exercise 2.5 Creat e the layout for the 210 mm x 297 mm sheet shown at left. Exercise 2. 6 Design a title block and layout for a C- sized sheet. Creat e a name and logo for your compauy. Use an attractive but .legible fo nt for the titles on your layout. If assigned, design a special north arrow to be used on your drawings. Lettering Exercises Layouts for lettering problems are given in Exercises 2.7-2.1 I. Draw complete horizontal and vertical or inclined guid e lines very lightly. Draw the vertic al or inclin ed guide lines through the full height of the lettered area of the sheet. For practice in ink letter ing. the last two lines and the title strip on each sheet may be lettered in ink, if assigned by the instructor. Omit all dimensions. Exercise 2 .7 Letter the words to your favorite song, joke, or inspirational quote of 50 word s or more. Use 1/8" tall UPPERCASE engineering lettering. Cent er the word s near the middle of the shee t. Make sure to leave a row of space between each row of lettering. Make sure that the subjec t you choose is profession al and appropriate. L AYOUTS AND L E T T ERI N G CHAPTER 2 +------,.----------..;~ .. .,- - SH E ET I : 1 - ---> .L'---L- - - =] 2: " - -, - 1\1 " r SHEET'" I ----i"'---~ - -- ---__, . l. - _ - -- S - - -, ---' y~ ====~ ETNE::t rA.T£l 1 - WAY:-tvl INlMI Z8 ITM n - EL 8ME-:: B EA'iZY -~-X E __ J I L,tIT"H ~Y_WB.E.E l-UN Bl _....=:=I WH t:z:=:::WAZi J ELAJ I I DAT E - " - - SEC T ION - - ----''---- - - = - I - - - - : NAM E "0 '0 Exercise 2.8 Layout shee t as shown. Add vertical or ' L I ~T E S ECTI ON = , N AME I Exercise 2 .9 See instructions for Exercise 2.8. inclined guide lines and fill in vertical or inclined capital letters as assigned. For decimal-inch and millim eter equiv alents of given dimen sion s. see inside back cover. I.. • SHEET _ 3 , f I I j SHE ET 4 1 ~----rj::....J..J~ _- j=----= ~ t I..... '{IV -~~ ~ V x =" .----- - - - - b I rz- - K I y c a p 9 - - . 4 d; - -- - -- --, 6 -' 8 __ 0, --1 ! j i=== 9 2 -h rn j d 5 ] d S ~ CTtON I NAM E _ _ _~ - l Exercise 2.10 See instruc tions for Exercise 2.8. Exercise 2. 1 1 See instructions for Exercise 2.8 .
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