Asia Pacific Power & Renewables Deals 2014 first half year review and outlook October 2014 Asia-Pacific power and renewables deal activity has slowed significantly over the past twelve months. In our last publication, Power & Renewables Deals –2014 outlook and 2013 review, we highlighted that deal activity in AsiaPacific was predominantly influenced by China’s ‘go-abroad’ strategy (including China State Grid Corporation’s acquisition of Australian interests held by Singapore Power – US$7.5bn). Deal value for Asia-Pacific targets in H1 2014 was down 59% from H1 2013 as larger transactions seen in that period did not repeat in H1 2014. Notwithstanding, Asia-Pacific power and renewables deals in the first half of 2014 are characterised by themes which were evident in the latter half of 2013, most notably: 1. Improved equity market conditions in Australia which have boosted the IPO market and encouraged ‘scrip-forscrip’ deals. 2013 ended with the announcement of a predominantly scrip takeover of gas distributor Envestra by APA Group, Australia’s largest transporter of natural gas. However, the offer was overtaken by Hong Kong conglomerate Cheung Kong Group’s full cash offer for all remaining shares in Envestra. Cheung Kong had already owned 17.5% of Envestra. This was the largest Asia-Pacific deal in H1 2014 (US$3.8bn). 2. Reduced activity, both outbound and domestic, from China. 44% of deal value came from China in our last publication, compared to 17% in H1 2014. However, this largely reflected the aforementioned China State Grid – Singapore Power transaction. Excluding this deal, China activity represented 23% of total deal value in H1 2013, indicating that Chinese appetite for energy deals in 2014 remains relatively strong. Asia Pacific deals by value 30 25 US$bn Deal flow: Power & Renewables deals momentum has slowed over the past 12 months 28.1 24.7 19.5 17.3 20 15 11.6 10 5 H1 2012 H2 2012 H1 2013 H2 2013 H1 2014 Gas Electricity Renewables 3. Continued asset privatisations in Australia including the sale of the largest state-owned generator, Macquarie Generation to AGL Energy in June 2014 (US$1.4bn). 4. Renewables deals have significantly slowed in 2014, particularly in Australia where political uncertainty around renewable energy targets and the carbon tax has tempered deal flow. H1 2014 Asia Pacific deals by country Deal outlook: Asset privatisation expected to continue whilst renewables outlook in Australia is uncertain The deal outlook varies considerably by sector and by the different countries in the region. Australia accounted for 50% of Asia Pacific deals in H1 2014 and the environment for deals there remains promising due to privatisations of state-owned energy assets. In NSW, Delta Electricity’s power stations at Vales Point and Colongra have been announced to be sold, whilst Western Australia and Queensland are also expected to sell state-owned generation assets. Divestment of the electricity networks in these states has also been flagged, although are unlikely to occur before 2015. New Zealand infrastructure investor, Infratil recently announced the sale of its Australian energy assets including Lumo Energy and some generation capacity, to Snowy Hydro. Additionally, GDF Suez has indicated an interest to a sell a minority stake in its portfolio. However, the outlook for power deals in India continues to be uncertain due to the coal shortage and elections in 2014 stalling deal momentum. The outlook for renewable energy deal-making in Australia is somewhat clouded by the cessation of the carbon tax; and the recent review and possible reduction in the 2020 renewable energy targets by the Federal Government. Recent commentary from key players in the market indicate that any reduction in renewable targets would adversely impact the industry given investments already made in achieving the existing targets.. In other regions, interest in renewables is expected to be high from Chinese and Japanese investors as well as financial investors and pension funds. The Chinese government’s policy emphasis on clean energy may also drive increased renewable deal activity in China. 22% 50% 11% 17% Australia China India Other Asia Pacific Power & Renewables Deals 2014 first half year review and outlook Top 10 Asia Pacific Power & Renewables deals N.o Target name Target nation Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 Env estra Ltd (82 .5%) * Macquarie Generation Ltd Com panhia de Electricidade de Macau SARL (3 7 .98%) Masinloc Power Partners Co Ltd - MPPC (40.95%) Tongy ang Power Inc DUET Group (1 4.1 %) Australia Australia Macao Philippines South Korea Australia Gas Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity Gas 7 Qingdao Sky wide Energy Co Ltd China Gas 8 9 10 Vadinar Power Co Ltd (7 3 .99%) CSEC Guohua International Power Co Ltd (3 0%) Manila Electric Co - Meralco (5%) India China Philippines Value of transaction (US$m) Electricity Electricity Electricity Sub-t ot al Other deals Tot al Asia Pac deal value 3 ,81 5 1 ,3 56 61 2 453 42 2 37 6 3 65 3 49 339 3 02 8,387 3 ,1 63 11,551 Date Acquirer announced name 8-May -1 4 1 2 -Feb-1 4 1 5-May -1 4 2 6-Jun-1 4 1 8-Jun-1 4 2 0-May -1 4 Cheung Kong Group AGL Energy Ltd Nam Kwong (Group) Co Ltd Electricity Generating Public Com pany Ltd POSCO Co Ltd Spark Infrastructure Group Acquirer nation Hong Kong Australia Macao Thailand South Korea Australia 1 1 -Apr-1 4 Changchun Departm ent Jituan Store Co Ltd China 1 1 -Apr-1 4 Essar Oil Ltd 2 -Apr-1 4 CA Holdings Ltd 2 4-Jun-1 4 Metro Pacific Inv estm ents Corp India China Philippines * Cheung Kong Group reached 90% share ownership in August 2014 requiring compulsory acquisition of the remaining shares in Envestra Contacts Methodology Asia Pacific Power & Utilities Deals Leaders Territory contacts Jock O’Callaghan Asia Pacific Energy, Utilities & Mining Industry Leader Telephone: +61 3 8603 6137 Email: [email protected] Andy Welsh PwC Australia – Deals Power & Utilities Leader Telephone: +61 3 8603 2704 Email: [email protected] Victor Huang Telephone: +852 2289 2319 Email: [email protected] Takahiko Inoue Telephone: +81 90 5326 2229 Email: [email protected] China Gavin Chui Telephone: +86 10 6533 2188 Email: [email protected] India Kameswara Rao Telephone: +9140 6624 6688 Email: [email protected] Asia Pacific Power & Renewables Deals includes analysis of all global power utilities, renewable energy and clean technology deal activity. This version focuses on the Asia Pacific market and deal activity during the first six months of 2014. The analysis is based on published transactions form the Dealogic ‘M&A Global database’ for all electricity, gas utility and renewables deals. It encompasses announced deals, including those pending financial and legal closure, and those which are completed. Deal values are the consideration value announced or reported including any assumption of debt and liabilities. Comparative data for prior years and quarters may differ to that appearing in previous editions of our analysis or other current year deals publications. This can arise in the case of updated information or methodological refinements and consequent restatement of the input database. © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Australian member firm , and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. 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