Fjordland Nyheter KALENDAR Fjordland Lodge 1-508 Brookings, South Dakota

Fjordland Lodge 1-508
Brookings, South Dakota
Fjordland Nyheter
october 2014
Published 10 times per year
No. 8
October 23, 2014 - 7:00 pm, Lodge meeting at First
Lutheran Church, Election of Officers, Speaker Remember the Apron
It is fall in the air and the waffle irons are November 1, 2014 - Lutefisk Supper. No regular lodge
put away until next spring. I wish to thank every- meeting in November.
one for promoting and working at the waffle
feed.. A special thanks to Dennis Quissel for
October 23, 2014
chairing the event.
First Lutheran Church, Brookings SD
We have our membership Dinner Oct, 9,
7:00 pm
6:30, First Lutheran for $8.00 per meal. If you
bring a guest, your meal will be free along with Election of Officers
your guest meal. Please attend even if you do Speaker: ”Remember the Apron”
not have a guest attending, because we to show
support to our future members. Call Dennis Serving Chairs: Arnold & Doris Brown, Kathryn McKinney, Jean Lellelid
Micko,690-7021 for your reservations.
The officers nominated for 2015 are as
Serving Committee: Bev Craddock, Norma & Russ
Gantfoort, Paul Grande, Diane Keimig, Archie & Helen
President………………………………. Dennis Micko
V. President…………………………… Duane Allison
Counselor……………………………… Garry Grorud
Secretary………………….……………. Lyla Hanson
Financial Secretary………..…………. Mary Quissell
Assist. Financial Secretary…………….…. Jeff Jung
Treasurer………………….……..…… James Thvedt
Social Director………………….……… Bev Johnson
Culture Director………………….……….. Linda Vaa
Marshall……………………... Jaime Peralez-Segura
Marshall………………….………….. Dennis Quissell
Trustee (3 years)…..………….………. Spencer Vaa
Trustee (2 years)……………………. Dennis Quissell
Trustee(1 year)………………………….. Harry Bruns
Publicity Director…………... Sarah Vaa &
Jaime Peralez-Segura
Historians…………….…. Linda Vaa & Mary Quissell
Greeters……………….…… Darrell & Betty Johnson
Greeter……………….…..……………. Gwen Pickett
Foundation Director…………..……… Clark Hanson
Sports Director…………………………… Sarah Vaa
Music Directors………………………Norma Hanson
& Barbara Horten
Youth Director…..…………..…………….. Linda Vaa
Editor……………..…………………………. Jeff Jung
Web Director………………..…………….. Cody Jung
The election of officers will be at our
October Lodge meeting.
Editor’s note - The announcement for the October meeting below
is the same as it was in the September newsletter. That program
was not presented in September but will be at the October
meeting. Although in the past, October has been Foundation
Month, no fundraiser/auction will be held at the meeting this
month as it was held earlier this year.
October’s Program
The OCTOBER program will be ”Remember the
Apron”. I would like all of the members to find their
favorite apron, model it at the meeting, and give us
a short story about the apron. I’m sure a lot of us can
remember Grandma wearing an apron as she
cleans the house or begins the delicious meal. Even
Grandpa may have worn an apron while welding,
carving, or cooking on the grill. HELP ME BRING
Linda Vaa
Novemeber 1, 2014
First Lutheran Church, Brookings SD
6:30 pm
Lutefisk Supper is scheduled for Nov. 1,
6:30 First Lutheran Church. Contact Mary No Program
Quissell for your ticket.
Next Lodge Meeting, Oct.23, 7pm, First
Serving Chairs: Dennis & Mary Quissell
Spencer & Linda Vaa
Serving Committee: Jill Hankins, Barbara Horten, Jerry
Johnson, Carl Sunde, Sarah Vaa, Jaime PeralezSegura, Tom Yseth, Cynthina Jacobson
Sons of Norway – Fjordland Lodge 1-508
Board Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2014
Sons of Norway – Fjordland Lodge 1 – 508
Lodge Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2014
Meeting was called to order at Brookings Public
Library by President Garry Grorud at 7:00 pm with
eleven officers present.
Minutes of the September board meeting will be
approved at the next meeting after it is published in
the October Newsletter.
Officer’s reports were given. Treasurer Jim Thvedt
noted a negative balance of $-916.46. Vice President
Dennis Micko reported on plans for the Fall
Membership Drive, Oct. 9. The possibility of having
Norwegian musicians Inger-Kristine Riber and Ivi
Karnazi perform for the September Lodge program
was discussed. Cultural/Youth Director Linda Vaa
plans on leading the program, “Remembering the
Apron”, if the Norwegian musicians cannot perform
for the September Lodge meeting. Publicity director
Cindy Ostlie was notified that she may need to
advertise the musical event. The 2015 Budget
Committee is slated to meet @ 6:30, Oct. 6 prior to
the October Board Meeting.
Motion: President Garry Grorud will contact District
One director Barbara Olson to investigate the
possibility of having the Norwegian musical duo,
Inger-Kristine Riber and Ivi Karnazi, perform for the
September Lodge meeting, September 25, 2014.
Funds from the Milt Sorensen grant or money
budgeted for Workshops and Activities will be used
for expenses incurred in hosting the musicians.
Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Old Business: Irene Berman, Holocaust Survivor and
Speaker, will be speaking in Sioux Falls and
Watertown in October. Members from our Lodge may
want to hear her speak in Watertown at the Redlin
Center, October 12 @ 2:00 pm. There will be a Dance
Workshop with Mikkel Thompson on October 18,
First Lutheran Church. Waffle Feed tickets are
available from Jim Thvedt. Workers are sought for the
event, Saturday, Sept. 20. Lutefisk Dinner tickets are
now available, $15/ticket, for November 1, 2014.
New Business: Officers discussed candidates for the
new officer positions for 2015. The necessity of
trustee positions was discussed. New officer slate will
be announced at September Lodge meeting.
Announcements: Next Lodge Meeting, Sept. 25,
2014, – Next Board Meeting, October 6, 2014, 7 pm
– please note it is a week early because of Columbus
Day, library closed – 2015 Budget Committee meets
Oct. 6, 6:30 pm - Newsletter Deadline, September 26
– Candidates for the 2015 officer positions to be
announced at Sept. Lodge Meeting – SONS
Membership event with catered meal, Oct. 9, 2014
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Meeting was called to order at the First Lutheran Church
by Vice President Dennis Micko at 7:00 pm. He presided
and led in the presentation of the flags, the recitation of
the Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing of the national
anthems of the United States, Canada, and Norway.
There were 46 people in attendance with 2 guests,
Yvonne Fischer and Diane Kinney.
The August Lodge minutes were approved as printed in
the September newsletter. A correction was made to the
July Lodge minutes as published in the September
newsletter. The song sung by Lodge members was
recorded as “America the Beautiful”, and should have
read, “God Bless America”.
The 2015 slate of officers was presented to Lodge
members by Vice President Micko.
Members with September birthdays were honored:
Norma Hansen, LaDonna Micko, Dennis Micko, Jim
Thvedt, Donna Steenson, and Ellie Evenson.
A report on the September Waffle Feed was given by Jim
Thvedt. He noted a net income of about $850.00 from
the waffle feed. Dennis Quissell thanked all workers for
the event.
Special announcements: Holocaust survivor and
speaker Irene Levin Berman will be speaking at the
Redlin Art Center on Oct. 12, 2:00 pm. Members are
encouraged to attend and to read her book, “We Are
Going to Pick Potatoes: Norway and the Holocaust, the
Untold Story.”
Members are encouraged to read the book, “Starling”, by
Tristan Nansen, a novel about love and survival, and
Scandinavian immigration in the 1800’s. ‘Starling’ is the
name of a European migratory bird found in
A Sons of Norway Membership event with meal by Mac’s
Catering will be held Oct. 9, 6:30 pm, First Lutheran
Church basement. Meal free if you bring a guest.
Door Prize was won by Dennis Micko.
The colors were retired and the meeting adjourned at
7:20 pm.
The program, a musical duo from Norway, pianist IngerKristine Riber and vocalist Ivi Karnazi, were introduced
by social director, Mary Negstad.
Next month’s program, “Remember the Apron”, was
announced by Linda Vaa. Members are encouraged to
bring a treasured apron next month and discuss it.
Previously slated speaker, Karen Dusaas will be unable
to make it to the October Lodge meeting.
The table prayer was said and refreshments were
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Jorenby
Visit Fjordland ‘s website.
Fjordland Lodge Website -
Are you turning 65? To check on competitive
rates for Medicare Supplement Plans call
Garry Grorud for details - Toll Free; 1-877-377-
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Jorenby
Fjordland Lodge #508 Sons of Norway
Meetings 4th Thursday of the Month with the following Exceptions:
2nd Saturday in November (Lutefisk Dinner)
2nd Thursday in December
All meetings are in the basement of the First
Lutheran Church in Brookings, Corner of 8th St and Main Ave.
Garry Grorud (873-2783)
Vice President
Dennis Micko (873-2108)
James Thvedt (692-2413)
Financial Secretary:
Mary Quissell (693-3310)
Jeff Jung (692-6086)
Sons of Norway – Fjordland Lodge 1 -508
Board Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2014
One our newest members Neva Mackey with Sons Of
Norway CEO Eivind Heiberg with her new sweater she
won at the Hostfest sponsored by Sons Marketing Dept.
The newest members of Fjordland 508 are Ruth
Hevle and John and Neva Mackey. Be sure to greet
them at the next meeting.
Youth and Dance News
On August 23rd the dancers went to Joy Ranch near
Watertown and helped the Sout Dakota State
celebrate their 125 birthday. It was rather warm out
that day but it was so much fun to dance in the street
and visit with so many people from near and far.
Abbey Smith did have her picture in the Watertown
newspaper for her dancing.
On September 13th we did dance at The
Neighborhood Nursing Home here in Brookings. It is
always fun to dance for people we know. And of
course we had a trip for ice cream after the dance.
Meeting was called to order at Brookings Public Library
by President Garry Grorud at 7:00 pm with nine officers
Minutes of the September and October board meetings
will be approved after they are published in the
Officer’s reports were given. Jim Thvedt reported a
cash flow balance of -$579.49 for the month and an
income of $826.44 from the September Waffle Feed.
Vice President Dennis Micko discussed the
Membership Drive with catered meal scheduled for
Thursday, October 9, 2014, First Lutheran Church,
6:30 pm catered meal, 7:30 program which includes
Nordic Nimble Feet dancers.
Motion: If the number attending the Membership Drive
is up to 25 persons, Fjordland Lodge will pay for a
catered meal for the event provided by Mac’s Catering.
Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Motion: If the number attending the Membership Drive
is up to 50 persons, Fjordland Lodge will pay for a
catered meal for the event provided by Mac’s Catering.
Motion seconded. Motion carried.
Cultural/Youth Director Linda Vaa discussed upcoming
dance performances and a dance workshop scheduled
for Saturday, October 18, 2014, with instructor Mikkel
Motion: Fjordland Lodge will request a Milt Sorenson
grant to pay for 2/3 of the $460.00 to host a dance
workshop with Mikkel Thompson on October 18, 2014,
in Brookings, SD, First Lutheran Church. Motion
seconded. Motion carried.
Old Business: Plans for the Membership dinner, Oct. 9,
and Lutefisk dinner, Nov. 1, were discussed. Holocaust
survivor and speaker Irene Berman will speak in Sioux
Falls, Sat. Oct. 11, Morrison Commons, Augustana
College, 6:15 pm. She will also speak in Watertown,
Sun. Oct. 12, Redlin Art Center, 2pm.
New Business: The 2015 proposed budget was
presented to Fjordland Lodge officers.
Motion: Fjordland Lodge will present the proposed
2015 budget to members at the October Lodge
meeting for approval. Motion seconded. Motion
Announcements: October Lodge Meeting, October 23,
7 pm, “Remembering the Apron”- Nov. board meeting,
Nov. 10, 7pm, Brookings Library. Nov. Lodge mtg. will
be held at the Lutefisk Dinner, Nov. 1, 6:30 pm.
Newsletter Deadline, Oct.30.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.
We are now anxious for the dance workshop on
October 18th when Mikkel Thompson comes from
Sweden to teach us some new dances. The workshop
goes from 12:30 until we can’t dance any longer or Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Jorenby
about 6:00 pm .
Then on October 25th in Hobo Day and we will be in
the parade at 9:30am and hope the weather is good.
Last year we did cancel out because of the weather. FJORDLAND 1-508 LODGE MEETINGS WILL BE
Finally, DO NOT forget the Lutefisk feed on November HELD IN THE BASEMENT OF THE FIRST LUTHERAN
1st at First Lutheran Church.
Please note that the doors at the church lock
automatically at 8:00 pm. If you anticipate arriving late
for the meeting, you should arrange for someone to
meet you at the door
Leif Erikson Day – Oct 9
Viking Longboat Delayed, Not Defeated
An official U.S. holiday, Leif Erikson Day
commemorates the achievements of famous Norse
explorer, Leif Erikson. Credited with being the first
to reach the North American continent, Erikson
arrived almost four centuries before Columbus.
The Draken Harald Hårfagre–the largest replica Viking
longboat ever built–set sail in late June from
Haugesund, Norway toward Liverpool, England. Using
only human power to row its 50 oars and the wind
behind its 3,200 square foot sail of pure silk, the crew
intended to make a stopover at the Isle of Man before
In honor of this special date, let’s take a closer look at continuing to England. Unfortunately, three days into
a few facts about the holiday and the man that the voyage, the ship encountered large waves and
high winds, causing the mast to snap and plummet
inspired it.
Erikson or Eiriksson or Ericson? - The spelling of Leif
Erikson’s name varies in relation to the language it is Vicki Inglis, a volunteer crew member who blogs at
being translated to. In his own language, Old Norse,, was asleep on board
at the time and recalls being “woken by a loud crack by
his name would have been Leifr Eirksson.
my head, like the sound of a locker slamming shut,
Family Ties - Leif was the second son of legendary followed by rumbling, then urgent shouting. Wearing
Norse explorer, Erik the Red, who is believed to have only long underwear and a t-shirt, with bare feet, I
established the first European settlements in climbed out of the tent through a tangle of rope. The
Greenland around A.D. 980. Erik the Red was thick shrouds snaked across the roof of the tent, and
supposed to join his son’s expedition to North had smashed down on the galley, spilling sugar grains
America but a fall from horseback prior to the ship’s across the deck like ice crystals. Turning to look
boarding left Erik with misgivings about the voyage. forward, the huge rå (yard) lay across the beam of the
Believing his fall to be a sign of an ill-fated trip, Erik ship, the red sail pooling underneath and spilling over
the rails into the water. And a space where the mast
stayed behind.
should be.”
Where in North America is Vinland? - The
Groenlendinga saga suggests Erikson made three Astonishingly, the top 16 feet of the mast fell off to one
landfalls: the first at Helluland, now widely believed to side of the boat, while the larger part, roughly 55 feet
be Baffin Island in the present-day Nunavut, Canada; long and 2 feet in diameter, broke off in the other
the second in Markland or what we would now know direction. Neither part had damaged the body of the
ship, but floated off to the side. Despite the close
as Labrador, Canada; and Vinland.
quarters on board, no crew members were injured
Although it is believed that Vinland is located during the accident.
somewhere in Newfoundland, perhaps at the
excavated site of an 11th-century Viking base camp On July 10th, the captain announced that the crew and
found at L’Anse aux Meadows in the 1960’s, the ship would forge on toward Liverpool, with slight
definitive site of the settlement remains heavily adjustments to their route. They would go through the
Caledonian Canal rather than sailing around northern
debated. In fact, the
etymology of the Norse word itself has yielded at Scotland without a sail. They navigated to Inverness,
least two possible meanings, “wine-land” or “pasture- passing through Loch Ness and on to Fort Augustus,
land” depending on translation and interpretation of Neptune’s Staircase, the Isle of Mull, and Islay. Despite
the descriptions provided in the sagas. While it is not having a sail, the ship arrived in Liverpool ahead of
predominantly believed that the correct translation is schedule.
“wine-land,” theorists point out that the wild grapes
described in the sagas cannot be found today as far During the ship’s passage through the Caledonian
north as Newfoundland. Explanations for this are Canal, two crew members who are boatbuilders, Arild
varied, offering that perhaps Erikson’s men mistook and Ola, traveled around Scotland in search of timber
wild berries for grapes, that the climate was warmer for a new mast that could withstand the voyage back to
and more hospitable during that time, or that the Norway. They selected a massive Douglas fir from
saga-writers simply embellished the abundance of Dumfries, which was transported by semi trailer,
arriving just after the longship.
the land to make it more appealing.
O s t, or cheese, is a major part of the Norwegian
diet. Here is a little background on diff e re n t
Norwegian cheeses. When you’re done, try
finding the words in the word find .
Once the boat was docked in Wallasey near Liverpool,
the ship was cleaned and re-tarred and the sail
stretched, before the boat was opened
for public viewing.
J a r l s b e rg – A sharp cheese similar to Swiss that is now popular
in the US.
G j e t o s t – Also spelled geitost. A goat cheese with a sweet yet
strong f l a v o r.
N o r v e g i a – Norway’s most popular cheese with a soft, mild
N ø k k e l o s t – A tasty holiday treat with a mild, seasoned taste.
G a m a l o s t – A sharp, coarse brown cheese. Favorite of Edvard
H ø v e l - Cheese slicer
Ti n e - Norway’s largest cheese
Proposed Budget
Makes about 120 (1 1/2-inch) meatballs.
5 pounds ground meat ( beef, veal, pork; ground
three times)
2 medium onions, finely ground (save juice)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. allspice
1 T. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup half & half
1/2 cup cracker meal or matzo meal
4-5 beef bouillon cubes or 4-5 tsp. instant beef
2 tsp. Kitchen Bouquet Flour
Eric Peterson, Amherst, Wisconsin, "helps Mom mix
and shape hundreds of tiny meatballs in early
December. We freeze them to serve on Christmas
Eve. They are tasty as an appetizer as well as a main
dish with carrots, mashed potatoes, and lefse."
Heat over to 350 degrees. Combine all meatball
ingredients, knead by hand 5 minutes or more to
blend spices into meat. Lightly grease or coat shallow
baking pans with no-stick cooking spray. Form small
round meat balls; dipping hands into cold water to
shape smooth. Bake 10 to 15 minutes. Place
meatballs in large kettle; add bouillon cubes, meat
drippings from baking pan and water to cover. Stir in
Kitchen Bouquet. heat to boiling; reduce heat and
simmer 1 hour. Remove meatballs. Thicken gravy
with flour to desired consistency.
1 cup unsalted butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 2/3 cups flour
Anticipated Income - 2015
Membership Dues
Insurance Offset
Lunch Contributions
From Endowment Fund
Fund Raising Events/Activities
Waffle Feeds
Jam Sales
Lutefisk Supper
Misc. Sales
Lefse Sales
New Member Income
Anticipated Expenses - 2015
Convention Delegates
One-half of biennial expenses
Heritage Workshops and Activities
(Endowment Funded)
Heritage Workshops and Activities
(Lodge Funded)
Lodge Supplies
New Member Promotions
Newsletter and Directory Printing
Officer Education
Programs and Meetings
Property and Management
Rent and Storage
Ski for Light
Youth and Dancers
Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F).
In a food processor, combine butter, sugar, egg, egg
yolk and flour until the dough forms a ball. Do not
overwork. Press 2/3 of the dough into the bottom and
up the sides of a 9" springform.
Combine ingredients for the filling and pour into the
Roll out remaining dough to a thickness of 1/8". Cut
into 2 1/2" strips. Lay the strips in a lattice pattern
over the filling. Place a strip of dough around the
edge of the cake.
Bake about 50 minutes.
Kan du svare på disse spørsmål om
Norge og Amerika?
1. Norges Grunnlov ble skrevet etter mønster av
hvilke to land?
2. I hvilke land fikk Kongefamilien asyl under
2. Verdenskrig?
3. Hvilken kjent amerikansk president skal ha
hatt norsk avstemning?
4. Ifølge en presidents kunngjørelse, når skal
“Leif Ericsson Day” feires?
5. Hvilken viktig dato ankom det første norske
innvandrerskip til New York?
6. Hva heter den el
Svar: 1. USA og Frankrike 2. USA og
Storbritannia 3. George Washington
4. 9.Oktober 5. 9.Oktober, 1825 6. Luther
College i Decorah, Iowa
1 1/3 cups ground almonds
1 1/4 cups confectioner's sugar
2 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon rum extract
2 tablespoons water
Fjordland Lodge #508
Sons of Norway
215 8th St W
Brookings, S D 57006
Non-Profit Org
US Postage Paid
Brookings SD
Permit No. 17
Address Service Requested
october 2014
In the finest of democratic traditions, Norway's next series of
banknotes will incorporate two designs into one harmonious
union. Having earlier this year invited eight design studios to
contribute ideas, Norges Bank has selected the blocky and
abstract work of Snøhetta for the reverse of its new notes and
the more traditionally artful depictions from The Metric
System for the front.
The theme that was set for this task was simply "the sea,"
which has been represented by Snøhetta in the form of highly
pixelated coastal landscapes. One of the interesting themes
that runs through the design is how the wind of the sea
intensifies in sync with the value of the note, resulting in
square, static blocks on the 50 kroner note and elongated
strips of color on the 1,000 kroner note. It's an unashamedly
modern style that the designers intentionally built around
pixels in the belief that they are "our time's visual language."
The Metric System takes a more literal approach by just
presenting beautiful drawings of ships, fish, a lighthouse, and
a family by the sea, providing a neat juxtaposition with
Snøhetta's abstractions. What's more, says Norges Bank, the
more classic design on the front is better suited to integrating
the necessary security components without making them
obtrusive. So it seems like the perfect marriage between
abstract and realistic, young motifs and old. The winning
submissions from Snøhetta and The Metric System form the
basis for the final design of Norway's 2017 release of new
Vær så god! /va-sh-aw gooh/
The City of Bergen
You’re welcome!
lit: be so good
Unnskyld! /oohn-sh-ewl/
Sorry! or Excuse me.
Vær så snill! /va-sh-aw sneell/
Please/ lit: be so kind
Kondolerer /kon-doo-lehrr-ehrr/
My Condolences
lit: condolate
God bedring /gooh beh-drr-ing/
Get well soon.
lit: good ‘betterment’
Jeg er glad i deg! /yay ahrr glahd ee day/ I’m fond of you.
lit: I am happy in you.
Jeg elsker deg! /yay ehl-skehrr day
I love you!
Lykke til! /lewk-keh til/
Good Luck!
lit: luck to
God ferie! /gooh feh-rree-eh/
Have a good holiday!
lit: good vacation
God tur! /gooh toowrr/
Have a good trip!
lit: good trip