LEADERSHIP The FELLOWSHIP SERVICE Arrow INSIDE THIS ISSUE OA Coordinator Report 2 Assoicate Adviser’s Minute Interview a Committee Chairman 3 OA Troop Representative Information 2015 Lodge Officers 4 Chiefly Speaking 5 Ceremonies Committee Update NOAC 2015 6 2 OA Coordinator Report Who is Andrew Fugleberg? By: Ryan Teigen, Lodge Secretary-Elect By: Andrew Fugleberg, Lodge VC of Chapters-Elect Hello Fellow Arrowmen! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Ryan Teigen. I was the OA Coordinator this summer for the last three weeks at our lovely home, Camp Wilderness. I can honestly say that is was one of the greatest experiences of my life! Over the summer, we had roughly 30 members go through their Brotherhood Ceremony, which was huge! Also, we had roughly 50 people called-out! The #PorcupineSwag shirts were also a very successful thing that we did at camp this year! Every Wednesday was OA Day, and OA members could purchase these Safety Green TShirts for only 12 dollars! This summer was truly an eye opener for what is really means to do Cheerful Service. I wasn’t the most active OA member before this summer, but now that I’ve seen what it’s like, I LOVE it! I hope to see Cheerful Service out of every one of you who read this, and I also look forward to being Pa-Hin’s Lodge Secretary in 2015. It’s going to be a great year! The #Porcupineswag t-shirts available at Camp this summer were a huge success!! My name is Andrew Fugleberg and I’m currently 17 years old. My birthday is October 27th. I’m a senior at May-Port CG High School located in Mayville, North Dakota. My favorite color is blue, my favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla, and dogs are my favorite animal. I’m involved in several extracurricular activities. I participate in Speech, Drama, Music, FBLA, and Student Council. After high school, I’ll be attending NDSU and majoring in Animal Science. Once I complete my Bachelor’s degree, I want to go to graduate school and become a Veterinarian so I can help people and animals simultaneously. For the last three summers I’ve been working at Camp Wilderness in Scoutcrafts. My favorite thing about the OA is being involved in the ceremonies. I think they are really fun and interesting! My favorite scouting memory goes back to when I was a cub scout. I was forced to attend Camp Wilderness with my whole family because my parents were the leaders, and I couldn’t be left home alone. Since I didn’t want to be bored all week, I took every merit badge Scoutcrafts had to offer. By the end of the week, I had completed all the work to receive the merit badges, but because I was a cub scout, the requirements didn’t transfer over. However, I received a “Super Scout of the Future” Award from past Lodge Chief Jack Golden. That amazing week inspired me to earn my Eagle Scout award and work at camp. As 2015’s Vice Chief of Chapters, I really want to focus on improving communication throughout the lodge. One of my goals includes calling every chapter chief at least once each month to check on them and make sure everything is going smoothly. I want to be involved in every single chapter and give the chiefs the tools needed to thrive. Every member of the Order of the Arrow should feel personally involved in the organization. I believe that 2015 will be an amazing year for our lodge! 3 Lodge Associate Adviser Minute By: Tyler Scott, Lodge Associate Adviser, OA Troop Reps. “Things of the spirit count: brotherhood – in a day when there is too much hatred at home and abroad; cheerfulness – in a day when the pessimists have the floor and cynics are popular; service – in a day when millions are interested in getting or grasping, rather that giving.” --Dr. Edward Urner Goodman As another wonderful summer wraps up, we find ourselves headed back to school and anticipating cooler weather. But I encourage you to keep kindling the spirit our founder mentions in the quote above. The quote is over 50 years old, yet it still holds true today. As Arrowmen we are in a unique place to share our guiding principles with everyone else. Be a brother to someone in need of a friend at school or work; maintain your cheerful spirit, “even in the midst of irksome tasks, and weighty responsibilities;” lastly, do all you can to be of service to others. We are all members of committees and groups, parts of a larger “whole.” Goodman suggests though, that these three simple ideals, Brotherhood, Cheerefulness, and Service are what make the Order of the Arrow matter. During the hectic hustle and bustle of your day, take time to reflect on our three guiding principles. We do not always have our sashes on, but our thoughts and actions should always mark us as members of this esteemed Order. Interview a Committee Chairman – Ben Pitkin By: Jason Dombrowski, Chapter 8 Secretary Meet Ben Pitkin. Ben is currently the Publications Committee Co-Chairman for the Pa-Hin Lodge. He tells me that after being on two other committees, John Bisbee told him this was the right committee for him. He is currently attending Dickinson High School. Next year, he plans to attend the South Dakota School of Mines. He has been in scouting since he was in the 4th or 5th grade. He also considers Dickinson his hometown even though he was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ben is not an Eagle Scout (yet) and also doesn’t know how many Merit Badges he has earned. He is currently working at a local community center as a lifeguard and his favorite sport is swimming. One of his most memorable scouting experiences happened during his first year at Camp Wilderness. He and one of his friends took the canoeing merit badge that week and both of them decided to do the canoeing for the Iron Man competition. Misfortunately, neither of them were the best canoers because they ended up going double the length they had to go. An interesting fact about Ben is that he has been to thirty-five different states, including North Dakota. I also asked him what his favorite superhero is and he says Batman. That is all that I have to say about Ben Pitkin. If I were you, I would want to meet him! Ben also serves as a ceremonialist when he is asked to! 4 Chapter 14 Update OA Troop Representatives By: Aaron Gochanour, OA Troop Rep. AdAs of recent, Chapter 14 members have been Hoc Committee Chairman holding meetings in Stanley, ND. The Williston sector has elected 4 or 5 new ordeal memThis article is directed right at Troop bers thatThis have yet tohopefully be calledprovide out. Wesome intend Reps. should tobreathing call themspace out on Thursday, April 3rd. and reassurance until theI am unsure the Stanley done Troop on Repwhat Handbook can besector made. has In this lately. about lackstart of information I article Sorry a Troop Rep the should to get an idea have, I missed last few meetings and I must of his responsibilities, if he has none as of yet. withhold As theannames of our new ordeal OA Rep, your actual dutycandiis to dates because they have yet to be called out. be active in your lodge and chapter, then go back to your Unit and update them about what is going on,13 upcoming events, deadlines, Chapter Update Chapter Meetings, etc. The 13 OAChief Rep serves as By Brandon Martin, Chapter the liaison between the Order of the Arrow and thethis Troop. These duties I’m include, buttoare notit For chapter update, going keep limited to the following: simple. Our meetings have had some shabby attendance, and more adults then youth. serving as a communication We are planning on changing that though, we link between Lodge, meet the last Thursday of the the month at Good Chapter, and Troop; Shepard Lutheran Church in Bismarck, I hope assisting with of organizing the to see you there! The planning the Western Spring Conclaveannual is coming along well, and Unit Election; should be finished soon. See you coordinating OAaround. activities with the Troop assisting with leadership skills training in the Troop Chapter 4 Update 2015 Lodge Officers By Davyn Thomson, Chapter 4 Vice-Chief By: John Bisbee, Lodge Chief-Elect We would like to to be thank of the guys that We wentwill to Indian Win2015 is going an awesome year! be th a blast hanging out with all kinds of ter in Fargo! We had celebrating the 100 Anniversary of the Order of the arrowmen the Lodge! Arrow andfrom thereacross are many festivities that will come with that. Throughout the next year, you will all hear about Here are some upcomingtodates to remember: awesome opportunities celebrate, including NOAC, ArrowTour, and many other events! At Fall Conclave April Captain America at Midway Cinema 2014,15, officer elections were Movie held. The 2015 officers will 9, starting at 7:00pm. be: April will be a planning meeting at Calvary, starting at Lodge30Chief: John Bisbee ([email protected]) around lasting till around 7:00pm. Lodge 6:00pm, Vice-Chief of Committees: Jarod Smith ([email protected]) Lodge Chapters: May 2-4Vice-Chief will be ourof Spring CampAndrew at Swift Fugleberg Falls, we may end ([email protected]) up doing a call-out there. Lodge Treasurer: Travis Olson ([email protected]) Lodge Secretary: Teigen ([email protected]) May 6 will be our Ryan monthly meeting at Calvary, starting at 7:00pm! We are all looking forward to a great year and plenty of opportunities Chapter Events! PleaseWilderness!! don’t May 9-11 will to be attend our Spring Conclave at Camp hesitate to let any of us know if you have any questions or if you have idea that would love to help And last but an certainly notyou least, May 20 to at share 6:00pm, we are make 2015 an awesome year! We look forward to seeing meeting at Starland Archery, just bring $4 and a bow if you you at Winter and many after have one, and aFellowship positive attitude! Seeevents you at to ourfollow chapter and that! Lodge events!! The OA Rep should also be a leader and encourage the following: year-round resident camping in the Troop older scout participation in high adventure scouts to actively participate in community service projects Arrowmen taking on leadership positions within the Troop Arrowmen to actively participate in Lodge and Chapter activities and to become Brotherhood members Ideally, as an OA Rep there are a few performance standards that should be met to ensure a successful program, and an informed Troop. An Arrowmen should be active in his Troop, since that was one of the duties he promised to fulfill after completing his Ordeal. An OA Rep should attend at least 75% of all Troop meetings, activities, and service projects. He should also attend at least 50% of all OA events and remain in good standing with his dues. There should be good and regular communication between the SPL, and he should provide monthly meeting announcements. At least one main Lodge event should be attended (i.e. Spring/Fall Conclave, Winter Fellowship, and Lodge Leadership Development). As it stands, there is a Committee working to construct a Handbook to be used by the OA Troop Rep as a guide through his term. This book is planned to have a Lodge calendar for the upcoming year, contact information for Lodge and Chapter Officers and Advisors, as well as committee chairmen. It will instruct the Troop Rep how to go about being active and being a successful communication link to his troop. This Handbook will also answer any questions that a Troop Rep may have. 5 Chiefly Speaking: “Leaving our Legacy for the next 100 years” By: Seth Murray, Pa-Hin Lodge Chief My Fellow Arrowmen, What a fantastic Sumer! Thank you to everyone that helped out at Camp Wilderness this summer with all of the OA program stuff! Also thank you to everyone that camp to Fall Conclave and Section Conclave! Both events were jam packed with attendees, and they were both a lot of fun! This edition is a little long but has IMPORTANT INFORMATION, so bare with me! For starters I want to say Congratulations to a few people; congratulations to John Bisbee, Jarod Smith, Andrew Fugelberg, Travis Olson, and Ryan Teigen, on being elected as the 2015 Lodge Officers, you guys have a great team, and also have a very big year ahead of you good luck and best wishes to you all! I have to say congratulations to Jarod again on being elected as the 2014-2015 Section C1-A Secretary, I was also elected as the Section Vice Chief for 20142015. On October 31st, we will be having our annual Lodge Leadership Development (#LLD2014) in Bismarck, ND at the Law Enforcement Academy (1320 Schafer Street, Bismarck, ND 58501).The theme for the year is “Leaving our Legacy for the next 100 years”. LLD this year is going to be a little different the in the past. This year when you register you will need to make a decision on which path you would like to follow for the weekend. The paths you can take are: Chapter Officer, Committee Members, Advisors, and a General Session. You will get a schedule of which training cells to attend when you arrive at the event, Friday night (October 31st). As a special treat we have invited the Governor of North Dakota, as well as a State Supreme Court Justice, our very own Scout Executive Travis Christopher, our Council President Al Erickson, our Bismarck Office staff; Cory Wrolstad and, Ric Jensen, as well as our Past Lodge Advisor Steve Shark. We have some great things planned for LLD this year, to find out more go to the Lodge Website (www.pa-hin.com/events.html), to register for LLD go to www.nlcbsa.org click on the “Calendar” tab, go to October 31st, and click on OA-LLD and follow the instructions from there! Oh and did I mention that its ONLY $10 to attend?! Be there! For our members (Chapter Chiefs, standing Committee Chairmen and or, designees) of our Lodge Executive Committee our next meeting will be at LLD on November 1st, 2014 at 7:30pm. If you are unable to attend we will have the conference call number available. It’s been a great year so far, but it’s not over! We have a lot of things yet to accomplish! I’m on board are you?! I hope to see you at LLD October 31st – November 2nd in Bismarck. As always have a great time in school everyone, and if you have any questions please ask me! Oh and remember: #LeaveYourLegacy! Yours in Brotherhood, Seth Murray 2014 Pa-Hin Lodge Chief [email protected] 701-403-7129 6 Ceremonies Committee Update By: Drew Sagsveen, Ceremonies Committee Co-Chairman This past February, I received a call from the Pa-Hin Lodge Vice Chief of Committees John Bisbee. I had known John for a few months before then, and he had played an important role for putting me through my Brotherhood ceremony. During the call, John presented a task to me, to plan this spring’s Indian Winter. I had never attended one before, and I never really planned on it, but for a task that needed to be done, I was willing to help. After several hours of phone conversations, several dozen emails, two trips to Starbucks and once out to lunch, everything came together. The event was all ready to go, and I admit I was pretty nervous. Friday night of the event, I left Bismarck after playing bass for a school performance at around 9:00 and made the trek to Fargo. Around midnight I wandered in the front doors of the Center for Scouting and saw a lot more people than anticipated! Throughout the weekend, we had over 40 people attend the event, which was held at the John L. Wanzek Center for Scouting in Fargo, ND. Throughout the weekend, some of the activities we held were an Ordeal Ceremony run-through, choker making, the OA Mobile Trading Post, freeze tag, presentations on speaking, regalia and memorization, the scout shop open all day Saturday and fabulous cooking provided by Daryl Kalla. Spring Indian Winter 2014 was a huge success! Thank you all for coming, and keep an eye out for information on the upcoming December Indian Winter in Bismarck (yes, this is something new!), and our spring Indian Winter which is going to be partnered with Naguonabe Lodge! NOAC 2015: A Century of WWW Are you ready to experience a week you’ll remember for the rest of your life? Then join the lodge at the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference, August 3-8 in East Lansing, MI. NOAC is a weeklong event with classes and activities designed to heighten your knowledge about your chapter and lodge. This includes subjects like beadwork, ceremonies, regalia, publications, how to run meetings, budgets, SCUBA, patches, lodge/chapter operations, and so much more! The lodge spends a few days to travel to and from the event and along the way stops at regional attractions such as Six Flags, Henry Ford Museum, Wisconsin Dells, and the Chicago Science Museum. bu o The cost for this NOAC is $900 and a $100 deposit holds your spot on the bus. You can register at http://www.nlcbs.org/Event.aspx?id=4121 to put your deposit and get more information at pa-hin.com, see you in 2015!
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