Euroa Agricultural Society Inc. 124th ANNUAL SHOW 2014 (AFFILIATED E.F.A. AND V.C.A.) Member Victorian Agricultural Societies Association Saturday, 25 October, 2014 and Sunday, 26 October, 2014 Sheep - Cattle - Shearing Wool - Poultry - Dog Sections Miss Junior Showgirl Miss & Master Tiny Tot Competition All schedules and entry forms available online Mr N Mawson Mrs S Chapman Secretary (03) 5795 2527 President AH: (03) 5795 2769 0418 588 868 -1- -2- ADMISSION CHARGES MEMBERSHIP: $22.00 Member's/Early Bird Ticket, one Member's /Early Bird Guest Ticket and free entry for children under 16 years of age on Show Day. Tickets not sold at gates on Show Day. Concession in Entry Fees where indicated. Power to vote at Annual Meeting. Membership/Early Bird tickets available prior to Show Day only at Commonwealth Bank, Binney Street, Euroa, or by application to the Secretary, P.O. Box 46, Euroa 3666. Please forward a stamped addressed envelope for return of same. Secretaries office open one week prior to Show day from 9.30am to 4.30pm NON-MEMBERS: Adults: $12.00 each SATURDAY Children $5.00 each 6-16 years. Under 6 years of age admitted free Pension Concession Card Only: $10.00 Family Ticket: $25.00 admits 2 Adults and Children under 16 years of age. SUNDAY All Vehicles $15.00 each Pedestrians $2.00 each TRADE SPACE LIABILITY INSURANCE All trade space occupiers and stallholders must have an Insurance Policy (Public Liability) or copy of that Policy available for inspection. An Insurance Levy of $12 will be payable if the Policy or copy thereof is not available for presentation upon request from the Euroa Agricultural Society Inc. -1- Euroa Agricultural Society Sponsors 2014 GOLD SPONSORSHIP Australian Wool Innovation Limited Delta Training Dog News Australia International Animal Health Products McPherson Motors SILVER SPONSORSHIP Burton Stores Pty Ltd Central Tyres Shepparton Kemp Shearing National Australia Bank Ltd (Agri Business) Newmarket Rodwells Ltd Red Hill Hereford Stud SP Ausnet Tarcombe Herefords BRONZE SPONSORSHIP AAA Woolbuyers Pty Ltd Ausrural Bims Bins Brady & Kibble Burls Livestock Transport Choices Carpets Co pRice DPR Insurance Elders The Euroa Hotel Euroa Hot Bread Ford McKernan Engineering Franz Kloft Mechanical Repairs John & Joan Harris I W Milliken & Co Pty Ltd Kilcoolin Angus Landmark MMK Accounting Metry’s Poultry Auction Co North Monea Farms Naughton Family Purina Bill Sykes MP Techwool Trading Tehan George & Co Tenneriffe Rural Services Thompsons Home Furnishings Tolland Merino Stud Verge Pastoral Co -2- OTHER SPONSORS Helen Brook Petrostar Service Station Jim Brook Petstock Shepparton Dean Burden Shearing Neil Ralston Colin Broughton Rod Sloan Coles Express Euroa Smiths Family Butcher Cullen Family Stockowners Euroa Gazette Coral Stuart Hunter Rural Bruce Thompson M.C. Brook & Family Chris Thompson Jumbuck & Littlewood Stud Jim Walker John Kennedy Dr Bob Worotniuk Robert Love- Jumbuck Park Your World Photography Margni Park Think Livestock McCormick Seeds Angus McKinnon BSC Bearing & Power Transmission Solutions P & J Penman Plumbing Total Tools, Shepparton The Euroa Agricultural Society Inc wishes to express sincere thanks and appreciation for the continued generous support of its many sponsors -3- TIMETABLE OF EVENTS SATURDAY 7.30 a.m. Yard Dogs 8.15 a.m. Horse Classes - all day 9.00 a.m. V.C.A. Dog Classes - Finishing at 2.00pm 9.00 a.m. Shearing Events 9.00 a.m. N.R. Ralston Centre - Craft, home industries, horticulture, art. 9.30 a.m. Sheep Judging OTHER ATTRACTIONS: Sideshows Trade Exhibits Food Vans Public Bar 9.30 a.m. Poultry Judging 9.30 a.m. Cattle Judging 10.00 a.m. Wool - all day 11.45 a.m. Bill Sykes MP - Opening of Show 12.00 noon Miss Junior Showgirl Judging 1.00 p.m. Miss and Master Tiny Tots Competition 1.45 p.m. Garden Club Competition results SUNDAY Horse events - all day SHOW DATES BENALLA BERRIGAN COBRAM DOOKIE FINLEY KYABRAM NUMURKAH ROCHESTER SHEPPARTON WANGARATTA October 17/18,2014 October 5, 2014 October 25/26, 2014 November 1, 2014 September 7, 2014 October 18, 2014 October 22, 2014 February 22/23, 2014 October 10/11, 2014 October 10/11,2014 -4- GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. ALL ENTRIES, stating class and section must be made and entry fees paid to the Secretary by the closing dates stated in each Section, unless otherwise stated. All horse entries on day of Show. 2. ALL LATE ENTRIES WILL BE CHARGED DOUBLE ENTRY FEE. 3. At the time of entry, the Section and Class in which it is intended to exhibit must be stated and signed by or for the exhibitor. An Entry Ticket for each exhibit will be given to the exhibitor at the time of entry, stating the Section, Class and Number in which the exhibit has been entered. This Ticket must accompany the exhibit when placed, and no exhibit will be received without such Entry Ticket. 4. Every competitor in the Arena must produce an Entry Ticket to Stewards before competing. 5. All Exhibits in Livestock Sections to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor, except where otherwise stated. In all other Sections, exhibits must be grown by, or the original work of the exhibitor. 6. Exhibits to be on the ground and in their respective position by 9.00 a.m. 7. No exhibitor shall be allowed to wear ribbons, badge or mark until the exhibit has been finally judged. 8. The Society shall not be responsible for the loss of or for any damage or injury occasioned to any exhibit or the property of any exhibitor from any cause whatsoever and in this context the word "Society" shall be held to be the Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated. The exhibitor enters entirely at his own risk. In case any exhibit, whilst on the Society's Showgrounds, shall cause or be the cause of injury or damage to any other exhibit or exhibitor or to the person or property of any member of the Society or the general public, the owner of such exhibit shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Society, its Officers, Officials and Members from and against all damages, costs, claims, expenses or liabilities incurred in connection with such exhibits. The exhibitor shall be liable to the Society and its employees, Officers, and Officials for any damage or loss occasioned to any of them by the exhibit or the exhibitor or his agent. 9. The Judges, whose decisions shall be final, shall have the power of withholding prizes where there is no competition, or where, in their opinion, the exhibits are not considered worthy. 10. Should any exhibits which have gained First Prize be disqualified the next on the list does not necessarily obtain First Prize. The Disputes Committee, with or without the Judges' advice, shall be empowered to decide the question. 11. All protests to be lodged in writing within one hour of completion of judging of event. A cash deposit of $5 must be lodged with each protest, to be forfeited if the protest is proved frivolous. 12. In the event of any protest being received, the same will be considered by the Disputes Committee. -5- 13. Should any dispute arise for which no specific regulation is provided, it shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final. 14. The Society reserves the right to allot a trophy in place of prize money, or vice versa. In the event of a tie, prize monies will be divided equally between the winners in those Sections that offer prize monies. 15. Any person insulting or interfering with Judges or Stewards during the show will be subjected to removal from the Show Grounds, and the prizes (if any) awarded to him/her forfeited. 16. Any prizes not claimed on the day of the Show become the property of the Society. Prize money will be paid after 1.30 pm for all Sections. 17. All male animals competing in male animal classes must show visible signs of being entire, or the exhibitor must produce a certificate from a qualified veterinary surgeon, and any marks of spaying in heifers or cows shall render them ineligible to compete. Bulls one year and over must have ring through their nose, or controlled by a recognised controller. 18. Stallions will be allowed to leave the Showgrounds at the close of the Parade but will not be permitted to enter or leave by the main gate. 19. Any animal with a notifiable or contagious disease will be excluded from the Showgrounds. 20. The Stewards and Committee may require any exhibitor to make a signed declaration in the presence of a Justice of the Peace concerning any animal or article which they have reason to suppose is being exhibited contrary to the Rules of the exhibition. 21. All machinery in motion shall either be securely fenced or in such a position or of such construction as to be equally safe to every person as it would be if it were securely fenced. 22. The right to hold Side Shows, Amusements or Exhibition Stands in the Showgrounds must be arranged and paid for before the owners can gain admission to the grounds; and the owners shall, during the day, be subject to the orders of the Secretary; or as the President may decide. The Society reserves the right to stop any Side Show or other performances or exhibitions without giving any reason for such action, and all fees paid shall be forfeited to the Society. The authority of the President and Secretary shall be binding on the Society in this matter. 23. The Publishers of the Schedule and the Euroa Agricultural Society Inc., have made every endeavour to obtain correctness of details in all entries, but no responsibility shall be taken for any error which may occur. All owners and persons responsible for the liability of animals (as defined under) participating in the Euroa Agricultural Society Inc., Annual Show, are now covered for "Owner Liability Insurance" on receipt of Entry Fees. This Cover applies to all owners participating in events at the Show - it is not on a selection basis and applies to horses, beef and dairy cattle, sheep and dogs. This gives Cover from the time of entering the Showgrounds until leaving but does not include transit cover, and is in addition to Regulation No. 8 of the General Regulations. Costs of this Cover are included in Entry Fees of the above animal sections. OWNER LIABILITY INSURANCE -6- The Agricultural Societies of Victoria Rural Ambassador Award To be conducted annually, jointly by the RAS and VAS Ltd Aims: To highlight the talent, creativity and ingenuity of young rural Victorians and in doing so encourage entrants to be role models across local communities. To encourage and reward enthusiastic, skillful and industrious young people living or having an involvement in rural environments. To assist all entrants through their participation to develop strong communication and leadership qualities. Enable the applicant to gain greater proficiency in their chosen field and also to develop the applicants stature and reputation in that chosen field. Entry: Entrants must: Complete the official entry form and forward to your local Show Secretary. Provide information indicating their reason for applying for entry together with a curriculum vitae, indicating work experience, community participation and agricultural, and Show involvement if applicable. Requirements: Aged over 20 and under 30 years at the 1st May of the year of the State Final. Download the Rural Ambassador Award Information and Application form from www.vicagshows. for more details. Judging Criteria: Entrants to be judged in accordance with the following guidelines: Community involvement 15 points Country Show involvement 25 points General and rural knowledge 20 points Personality10 points Ambitions/Goals 10 points Communication skills 10 points Style, grooming and deportment 10 points Public presentation (final speech) 20 points TOTAL: 120 points Details: The competition will be run by qualification through Country Shows to Group Finals, with a State Final being held at the Royal Melbourne Show. All enquiries please contact Neville Mawson, C/o Euroa P.O., phone 5795 2198. Entries close Friday, 25th October, 2014, 5.00 pm. Prizes To be Advised Sponsors: Rural Finance, Ace Radio, Vas and the Weekly Times -7- VAS LTD Junior Show Ambassador AIMS OF THE COMPETITION • To give young people a chance to take part in a competition whilst still residing in their local district. • To be part of a local show and therefore highlighting the importance of shows. • To meet new people from all age groups with the same interests. AGE Open to males and females aged 16-19 years at the time of the local show. HOW TO ENTER Contact your local Agricultural Show Society secretary to find out details or visit LOCAL SHOW Prepare Resume and submit before local show to Secretary. Come along as requested to the show for judging by 2 judges, which will be a semi formal interview in which you will be asked questions about yourself and assessed as per judgeing criteria listed below. Winner at local show will go onto represent their Agricultural Society at the Regional Final. PRIZE Lapel Badge JUDGING CRITERIA Entrants must wear smart casual clothing and will be judged in accordance with the following guidelines: Community and/or show involvement 20 points Rural and General Knowledge 20 points Ambitions/Goals 20 points Communication Skills 20 points Personality and Confidence 10 points Overall Presentation 10 points Total 100 points -8- MASTER TINY TOT Age 3 - 7 years MISS TINY TOT Age 3 - 5 years LITTLE MISS SHOW GIRL Age 6 - 8 years MISS SHOW GIRL Age 9 - 12 years Fashions On The Field Age 13-17 years All ages as at 26th October, 2014 Head Steward: Judi Hanlon 5795 3411 Entries for above sections will be accepted at Burtons Stores Ladies Wear until 5pm Friday 25 October 2014 and on site from 11am to 11.45am on the day of the Show. Judging commences at 12 noon. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners receive a sash courtesy of the Euroa Agricultural Society; a show bag courtesy of the Showbag Factory; and a prize courtesy of sponsors. Lady Of The Day Will be chosen by judges after 1.30 pm. Winners will receive a sash coutesy of the Euroa Agricultural Society and a prize -9- SHEEP SECTION Included in entry fee 20¢ charge to cover cost of insuring all exhibitors to the value of $10 million against public liability. HEAD STEWARD: R G Love (03) 5798 1364 DEPUTY STEWARD: R Sloan (03) 5798 5228 / 0428 759 066 J Sloan: 0409 066 810 MERINO STEWARD: R Sloan 0420 759 066 POLL DORSET AND BRITISH BREED STEWARDS: R G Love, W Wood, L Cook, J Sloan, M McBurney, Mrs C. Stuart Black & Coloured Steward J. Sloan ENTRY FEE: Members $3, non-members $4. ENTRIES CLOSE: 2 days prior to Show. Limit 3 entries in any class. RAM ENTRIES will only be accepted from Brucellosis accredited free flocks or ram lambs over 4 months old which have shown a negative blood test for Brucellosis within 60 days (Vic.) and within 60 days (N.S.W.) of the Show. Documentary evidence should be carried to prove Brucellosis status of rams. VERMIN INFESTED AND DISEASED sheep will be disqualified and removed from the yards. THE ABOVE 2 RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. * OVINE JOHNE'S DISEASE - Sheep from tested and untested flocks will be penned apart. Documentation of flocks that have been tested for O.J.D. must be provided. All Sheep over 6 months must be Gudair vaccinated Entries to be penned in owners groups. Lambs sections to be shorn or woolly. Entries in British Breeds & Poll Dorset are restricted to animals bred from registered flocks and exhibited by members of A.S.B.B.S. or Poll Dorset Association. EXHIBITORS are requested to enclose stamped addressed envelope for return of exhibit numbers otherwise to be collected at Secretary's Office prior to penning sheep. PRIZES: 1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd Ribbon. BEST GROUP: 1 ram, 2 ewes. Max C Brook Memorial Trophy. Elders Trophy for Supreme Champion Sheep of the Show. - 10 - 1 Ram & 1 Ewe to be judged Mixed Pair or any breed (Trophy donated by Burls Transport Euroa) MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN THE STUD SHEEP SECTION: Trophy to the value of $100 donated by Jumbuck and Littlewood Studs. Judging to commence at 9.30 am A. Merino: Superfine, fine, medium and strong B. Poll Dorset * C. Dorset Horn * D. Southdown E. Suffolk F. White Suffolk * G. Hampshire Down * H. Ryeland * I. Dorset Down * J. Cheviot * K. Lincoln * L. English Leicester M. Border Leicester N. Romney * O. Shropshire P. Any other breed not mentioned. * Denotes Heritage Breed status Class: 1. Ram over 1½ years 2. Ram under 1½ years 3. Ram lamb born after 1st April 4. Ewe over 1½ years 5. Ewe under 1½ years 6. Ewe with her own breed of lamb at foot. 7. Ewe lamb born after 1st April (8) Group of one ram and two ewes (any age) (bred by Exhibitor) drawn from the above classes (Max C Brook Memorial Trophy). Black & Coloured Section Z (Any Breed Or Cross) Wool R. Superfine / Fine Wool S. Medium Wool T. Strong & Rug Wool Class 9 Ram Over 1 1/2 Yrs 10 Ram Under 1 1/2 Yrs 11 Ram Lamb Born After 1st April 12 Eve Over 1 1/2 Yrs 13 Ewe Under 1 1/2 Yrs 14 Ewe Lamb Born After 1st April 15 Group 1 Ram & 2 Ewe Any Age, Breed or Cross AAA WOOLBUYERS SHEPPARTON 58217855 OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 36 Wangauni Rd Shepparton Prompt Payment and service from Grant and Mick - 11 - COMMERCIAL SHEEP SECTION ENTRY FEE: Members $1, non-members $2 Per Class. Class 1: Group of 3 Merino ewe weaners under 1½ years owned and bred by the exhibitor: No studs eligible to enter this section. Group is judged on uniformity. Champion Sash will be provided. Class 2: Supreme Champion Merino ewe weaner: One ewe to be selected by owner from his group of 3 ewes. Trophy to the value of $50 donated by Landmark Euroa. All regulations regarding vermin infested sheep will be strictly enforce. Class 3: Group of 3 First Cross Ewe Weaners owned and bred by exhibitor. All sheep must be Gudair’d Vaccinated WOOL FLEECE SECTION ENTRY FEE: Members $1 per entry, non members $2 per entry. First $2, second $1, third, ribbon. STEWARDS: Andrew Douglas TROPHIES: Trophy for Most Valuable Fleece (Rams not eligible) Section 18 will not be eligible for champion fleece of show. The Society takes all care but no responsibility. Entries will be accepted up to 11 a.m. on Judging Day Friday, October 24. No late entries can be considered. Exhibitors are asked to pin a label on their entries with their name and address thereon. Hoggets fleeces MUST be described as such on label. The Judge classes the wool into its category, therefore entrants are requested only to identify hoggets. The Judge reserves the right, at his discretion, to unroll any fleece for closer inspection. The Judges decision is final. Wool Section opens Saturday 10 a.m. closes 4 p.m. Wet wool will not be judged. Exhibitors are asked to enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope with entry for return of entry cards, otherwise to be collected at the secretary's office. CLASS: 1. Superfine merino hoggets fleece - unhoused. 2. Fine merino hoggets fleece - unhoused. 3. Medium merino hoggets fleece - unhoused. 4. Strong merino hoggets fleece - unhoused. 5. Superfine merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. 6. Fine merino ewe/wether fleece - unhoused. 7. Medium ewe/wether fleece - unhoused. 8. Strong merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. 9. Comeback fleece. 10. FXB fleece. 11. XB fleece. 12. Best 1 kg. sample of fine merino lambs wool. 13. Best 1 kg. sample of medium merino lambswool. - 12 - 14. Best 1 kg. sample of strong merino lambswool. 15. Best 1 kg. sample of comeback lambswool. 16. Best 1 kg. sample of crossbred lambswool. 17. Skirted rams fleece, all breeds - unhoused. 18. Skirted rams fleece, all breeds - housed. 19. Strong wool section 30 micron and stronger. Championship ribbons will be awarded to: Best skirted rams fleece, all breeds, unhoused. Best hoggets fleece, superfine, fine, medium or strong. Best superfine merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. Best fine merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. Best medium merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. Best strong merino ewe or wether fleece - unhoused. Best CBK or FXB or XB fleece. Every care will be taken of the exhibits but the Society will not under any circumstances hold themselves responsible for damage misdelivery or theft of any of the exhibits. All exhibitors must have the side slips of entry form to collect entries after the Show on Saturday. Stewards have the right to put entries entered in the wrong section into the right section. FOR EUROA SSSupporting 2014 Euroa Show Authorised by Jenny Hamett, Level 5, 30 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000 - 13 - VICTORIAN AGRICULTURAL SHOWS LIMITED Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated ANIMAL HANDLING PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGMENT & WAIVER Name of participant:....................................................................................................................... Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd and Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated (together “the Suppliers”) advise that participation in animal handling at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. The handling of animals is a dangerous recreational activity as animals can act in a sudden and unpredictable way, especially when frightened or hurt. 1 By signing this waiver I acknowledged that: 1.1 participation in animal handling is a hazardous activity and may result in injury, loss, damage or death to me; 1.2 participation in animal handling requires certain skills. I declare that I have sufficient skills to be able to safely and properly participate in the events; 1.3 animals can act in a sudden and unpredictable ways, especially if frightened or hurt, or if exposed to loud or unfamiliar noises; 1.4 animal showing events will be held in close proximity to rides and large groups of people, and that there may be loud and unfamiliar noises which can frighten animals; 1.5 if the event is held outdoors, there are risks to me as a result of the weather conditions, including either extreme hot or cold weather, rain or wind; 1.6 insects or other animals may cause animals to become frightened and act in an unpredictable way; 1.7 there is inherent in events involving the handling of animals the risk of suffering injury including injuries caused by animals; and 1.8 I use the facilities of Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated entirely at my own risk, as I find them and with the prior acceptance of the risk of possible danger to me. 2 If I suffer harm while participating in an animal handling event, I will not hold the Suppliers, their employees or agents legally responsible for any injuries I suffer. I will not sue the Suppliers, their employees or agents for any claims, costs, damages or liability. I agree to release the Suppliers and their employees from legal responsibility for the services I have been provided. 3 I acknowledge and agree that my participation in the event and associated activities is a danger and may have inherent risks as a result of which personal injury (and sometimes death) may occur and I accept and assume all such risks of personal injury or death in anyway whatsoever arising from these activities and hereby waive my individual right to sue the Suppliers for all claims I or my representatives may have for such personal injury or death against the Suppliers in any way whatsoever arising from or in connection with these activities. 4 I will not consume any alcohol or illicit drugs while participating in the event and agree that such use may result in me being excluded from an event with no entitlement to any refund of money paid for entry to the Suppliers. - 14 - 5 I agree to be bound by the rules and guidelines of Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd as varied from time to time. Where the participant is over 18 years of age: I agree that I have read and understood this waiver prior to signing it and agree that this waiver will be binding on my heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree that this waiver shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature: ...................................................... Dated: Where participant is under 18 years of age (to be completed by a parent or guardian): I ...................................................................., being a parent or legal guardian of the above named participant hereby consent to my child participating in the following animal handling event ................................................................................................ I confirm that I have read and understood and explained to the participant, this waiver prior to signing it and agree that this agreement will be binding on my (and their) heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree that this waiver shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature: ...................................................... Dated: WARNING UNDER THE FAIR TRADING ACT 1999 Under the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria), several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named on this form is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you— • are rendered with due care and skill; and • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier. Under section 32N of the Fair Trading Act 1999, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you sign this form, you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Fair Trading Act 1999 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this form. NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in this form, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier's part. Gross Negligence is defined in the Fair Trading (Recreational Services) Regulations 2004. Page 2 1462157_1 - 15 - POULTRY SECTION HEAD STEWARDS: Tony Rogers STEWARDS: Provided by Euroa Poultry Club. ENTRY FEE: Members 30¢ each entry, non-members 50¢. JUDGES: All Poultry - Kelvin Smith EACH ENTRY: Membership $22. Members ticket entitles holder to reduced fee. Entries close 4:30 pm Tuesday, October 21st 2014. NOTE: Exhibitors are requested to enclose a stamped self addressed envelope for return of exhibit numbers, otherwise numbers to be collected at Secretary's Office or Poultry Pavilion prior to caging birds. Exhibits to be caged by 9 am and not to be removed prior to 4:00 pm but before 5;00 pm. Presentation of trophies 3:00 pm. Judging to commence at 9:30 am sharp. Prize Money and Trophies: First $1-00, second 50¢. POULTRY Trophies Grand Champion Bird in show - Perpetual Cup, re-donated by D & G Kneeshaw. Previous winners: 1989 D & G Kneeshaw. 1990 Stuart Holmes. 1991 D & G Kneeshaw. 1992 Roy Hull. 1993 John Donaldson. 1994 John Ferguson. 1995 Michael Holmes. 1996 Ralph Joyce. 1997 R Holmes. 1998 D & G Kneeshaw. 1999 D & G Kneeshaw. 2000 Rolly Holmes. 2001 R & L Holmes. 2002 Kelvin Smith & Julie Ball, 2003 R & L Holmes, 2004 R & L Holmes, 2005 Jim Sibraa, 2006 R & L Holmes. 2007 R & L Holmes. 2008 Jim Sibraa. 2009 Jim Sexton. 2010 Jim Sexton. 2011 R & L Holmes. 2012 Jim Sibraa. 2013 M & K Holmes. Donated bags of pellets to be awarded to Champion Bird of the Show & Champion Junior. Hunter Rural - Poultry Feed. The following awards have been donated by Metry’s Auction Co Table Top NSW Champion Bird of Show $40.00 Best Soft Feather Large $25.00 Best Hard Feather Large $25.00 Best Soft Feather Bantam $25.00 Best Hard Feather Bantam $25.00 Best Water Fowl $25.00 Best Turkey or Goose $25.00 Best Junior $10.00 Total $200.00 Metry’s Auction Co Perryman Lane, Table Top, NSW Conducting Regular Poultry Auctions at the Euroa Show Grounds Phone Braham Metry 0416 151 696 [email protected] - 16 - RIBBONS Poultry: Grand Champion Bird of Show, Reserve Grand Champion Bird of Show, Champion Standard Light Breed Male & Female, Champion Standard Heavy Breed Male & Female, Champion Soft Feather Bantam Male & Female, Champion Hardfeather Bantam Male & Female, Champion Waterfowl Drake & Duck, Champion Turkey/Goose, Champion Junior & Reserve Champion Junior, Champion Breeding Trio. DESCRIPTION AND ABBREVIATIONS A.O.R.C. Any other recommended colour A.O.R.V. Any other recommended variety O.E.G. Old English Game HARDFEATHER BANTAMS MALE Modern Black Red 1 Modern Duckwing 3 Modern Pile 5 Modern A.O.R.C. 7 O.E.G. Black Red Light Leg 9 O.E.G. Partridge or Wheaten Light Leg O.E.G. Black Red Dark Leg 11 O.E.G. Partridge Female O.E.G. Spangle 13 O.E.G. Duckwing 15 O.E.G. Blue Red 17 O.E.G. Blue Tailed Wheaten O.E.G. Blue 20 O.E.G. Black 22 O.E.G. Pile 24 O.E.G. A.O.R.C. 26 Indian Game Dark 28 Indian Game Jubilee 30 Pit Game 32 Trio Hardfeather Bantams 34 SOFTFEATHER BANTAMS Rosecomb any colour Pekin White Pekin Black Pekin Blue Pekin A.O.R.C. (state colour) Langshan Wyandotte White Wyandotte any colour (state colour) Sebright (any colour) Australorp Rhode Island Red Leghorn White Leghorn Black Leghorn A.O.R.C. (state colour) Belgium A.C. A.O.R.V. Bantams Ancona Trio Softfeather Bantams FEMALE 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4748 49 50 51 52 53 54 5556 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 - 17 - GEESE Embden Chinese Toulouse Roman A.O.R.V. Geese Geese Trio WATERFOWL Muscovy Pekin Rouen Khaki Campbell Campbell A.O.R.C. Indian Runner Cayuga Elizabeth Appleyard Buff Orpington Mallard Normal Mallard A.O.R.C. Black East Indian A.O.R.V. Waterfowl Waterfowl Trio 8889 9091 9293 94 95 96 97 98 99 100101 102103 104105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 TURKEY Bronze Wing White A.O.R.V. Turkey 118 119 120121 122 123 STANDARD HEAVY Australorp Indian Game Langshan Dorking Orpington Rhode Island Red Wyandotte White Wyandotte A.O.R.C. Plymouth Rock Sussex Pitt Game A.O.R.V. heavy breed Heavy Trio 125126 127 128 129130 131132 133134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143144 145 146 147 148 149 STANDARD LIGHT Andulasian Ancona Hamburg Leghorn White Leghorn A.O.R.C. Silkie Gold Silkie White Silkie A.O.R.C. O.E.G. Black Red O.E.G. Duckwing O.E.G. Blue Red 153154 155156 157158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 7475 7677 7879 8081 82 83 84 - 18 - O.E.G. Pile O.E.G. A.O.R.C. A.O.V. A.O.R.C. A.O.R.V. Light Breed Light Trio 175 177 179 181 183 176 178 180 182 JUNIORS UNDER 16 YEARS LIGHT BREED Old English Game Silkie Leghorn A.O.R.V. 186 187 188189 190191 192 193 HEAVY BREED Australorp Rhode Island Red Sussex Indian game A.O.R.V. 196197 198 199 200201 202 203 204205 HARDFEATHER BANTAM Modern (any colour) 208 209 Black Red Dark Leg 210 Partridge211 Black Red Light Leg 212 Wheaten213 Spangle 214215 Duckwing 216217 A.O.R.V. 218219 SOFTFEATHER BANTAM Australorp Langshan Leghorn Wyandotte Pekin Rhode Island Red A.O.R.V. 224225 226227 228229 230231 232233 234 235 236237 GEESE Chinese Embden A.O.R.V. 238239 240241 242243 WATERFOWL Muscovy A.C. Khaki Campbell Elizabeth Indian Runner A.C. A.O.R.V. 246 247 248 249 250251 252 253 254255 JUNIOR TRIO (any variety) 256 CHILDREN’S CLASSES Fluffiest Chook Loudest Chook Friendliest Chook 258 260 262 - 19 - 259 261 263 Ribbons donated for Children’s Classes by North East Poultry Association Size 125mm vertical and 50mm horizontal BIM’S BINS Commercial Domestic & Builders Bins to 3mtr bins & skips. Short and long term hire, we service to your requirements. PH-0438903378 Reliable-Competitive- Local Regards Bim Mitchell Franz Kloft Mechanical Repairs Mechanical repairs and services on Vehicles Brakes, Exhausts, Wheel Alignment, also Automatic Transmission Services. Batteries, Windscreen Repairs & Replacements & New Car Tyres. (03) 5795 2910 38 Railway St, Euroa Email: [email protected] Repairs & Service of vehicles - 20 - ANNUAL EUROA SHOW YARD DOG TRIAL Chief Steward: Graham Halsall Sections: 1.Encourage 2. Novice 3. Improver & Open Starting Time 7.30-am Novice Judge: Mr Ian Bates - Improver Open Judge: Mr Damien Clifford Finals will be held at 3-30 PRINCIPAL SPONSORS TENNERIFFE RURAL SERVICES CULLEN FAMILLY TOLAND MERINO STUD W B HUNTER PTY LTD PETROSTAR SERVICE STATION AUSRURAL With generous support from Franz Kloft Mechanical repairs P & J Penman Plumbers Yards Supplied By Chris Thomson: Bruce Thomson: John Kennedy: Jim Brook Graham Halsall Sheep Organized by: Colin Broughton Donated By Stuart & Sally Belcher Transport of Sheep: M Burls and Sons Livestock Transport Enquiries Phone (03) 5798 9530 - 21 - ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW Judging commences at 9.00 am Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1O, 11 & 18 (dogs) ALL5a,BREEDS Classes 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 1Oa, 11a & 18a (bitches) CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW Entries close Thursday 25 September 2014 Judging commences at 9.00 am Entry fee: $13.00 Baby $9.00 Classes 1, 2,Puppies: 3, 4, 5, 1O, 11 & 18 (dogs) Classes 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 1Oa, 11a & 18a (bitches) Judges: Entries close Thursday 25 September 2014 Entry fee: $13.00 1 and 6 Mrs C Scotton Groups Baby Puppies: $9.002, 3 and 7 Mr K Hodge Groups Mrs J Seary (NSW) Groups 4 and 5 Judges: Mrs C Scotton Mr K Hodge Mr K Hodge Mrs J Seary (NSW) Groups 1 and 6 General Specials Groups 2, 3 and 7 Groups 4 and 5 Mr K HodgeMiss S. Hesketh, General Specials Entries to the kennel secretary, PO Box 504, Mooroopna 3629 Ph: 0411 546 618 (no calls after 8 pm). Cheques made payable to Euroa AgriculturalEntries Society Inc.kennel secretary, Miss S. Hesketh, PO Box 504, Mooroopna 3629 to the 546 618 (no or calls afteron 8 pm). Cheques made payable to Euroa Catalogue:Ph: $60411 pre-ordered $10 the day Agricultural Society Admission: Exhibitors by Inc. pass as per ANKC regulations Catalogue: $6 pre-ordered or $10 on the day Exhibit Numbers: A Exhibitors stampedbyself-addressed envelope must be included with Admission: pass as per ANKC regulations entries andExhibit in theNumbers: case of multiple one envelope for each with exhibitor. A stamped exhibitors, self-addressed envelope must be included entriesand and sash in the case of multiple exhibitors, oneCash envelope forsash each exhibitor. Prizes: Trophy for all in show awards. and for all in group Prizes: Trophy and sash for all in show awards. Cash and sash for all in group awards. Best Dachshund All Varieties – sash Cottesloe Standard awards. Best Dachshund All Varieties – sash donated donated byby Cottesloe Standard Smooth Dachshunds Smooth Dachshunds Online entries available at Online entries available at The Euroa Agricultural Society would like to acknowledge Dr Bob Worotniuk for his service over many years caring for animals on Euroa Show Day - 22 - 20 14 SHEARING Open Shearing Championship 1st - 6th Place Intermediate Shearing Championship 1st - 6th Place Senior Shearing Championship 1st - 6th Place Local Shearing Champion 1st - 6th Place The James Naughton Memorial Event 1st - 3rd Place Shearing Competitions are conducted under the rules of the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SHEARING ASSOCIATION Entries close last mail Monday, October 20 * No late entries accepted Enquiries: Murray Tel: 0400 951 713 - 23 - EUROA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY INC. ANNUAL SHOW STUD CATTLE SECTION Saturday, 25 October 2014 Starting Time 9.30am EUROA SHOWGROUNDS Frost Street, Euroa Entry form and BJD on website Chief Steward: Bob Bailey 0448 480 204 or 5795 1759 Entry $5 per class Entries close 21/10/2014 - 24 - Junior Section Class1 Class 2 Junior Handler, 7-12 years Junior Handler, 13-18 years All Breeds Calf Classic Class 3 BULLS & HEIFERS, 12 months and under BRITISH SECTION Class 4 HEIFER, under 12 months Class 5 HEIFER, 12-15 months Class 6 HEIFER, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior British Female Class 7 Class 8 HEIFER, 18-24 months HEIFER OR COW, 24 months & over Champion & Reserve Senior British Female Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 BULL, under 12 months BULL, 12-15 months BULL, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior British Bull Class 12 Class 13 BULL, 18-24 months BULL, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior British Bull - 25 - Supreme British Exhibit Small Section Class 14 HEIFER, under 12 months Class 15 HEIFER, 12-15 months Class 16 HEIFER, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior Small Female Class 17 Class 18 HEIFER, 18-24 months COW OR HEIFER, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior Small Female Class 19 Class 20 Class 21 BULL, under 12 months BULL, 12-15 months BULL, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior Small Bull Class 22 BULL, 18-24 months Class 23 BULL, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior Small Bull Supreme Small Exhibit - Proudly sponsored by Margni Park Tarcombe Herefords and Poll Herefords Tim Hayes (03) 5790 4226 - 26 - European Section Class 24 HEIFER, under 12 months Class 25 HEIFER, 12-15 months Class 26 HEIFER, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior European Female Class 27 HEIFER, 18-24 months Class 28 COW OR HEIFER, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior European Female Class 29 BULL, under 12 months Class 30 BULL, 12-15 months Class 31 BULL, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior European Bull Class 32 BULL, 18-24 months Class 33 BULL, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior European Bull SUPREME EUROPEAN EXHIBIT - Proudly sponsored by Redhill Herefords Bos Indicus Section Class 34 HEIFER, under 12 months Class 35 HEIFER, 12-15 months Class 36 HEIFER, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior Bos Indicus Female Class 37 HEIFER, 18-24 months Class 38 COW OR HEIFER, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior Bos Indicus Female Class 39 BULL, under 12 months - 27 - Class 40 BULL, 12-15 months Class 41 BULL, 15-18 months Champion & Reserve Junior Bos Indicus Bull Class 42 BULL, 18-24 months Class 43 BULL, 24 months and over Champion & Reserve Senior Bos Indicus Bull Supreme Bos Indicus Exhibit - Proudly sponsored by Angus McKinnon To be judged at the conclusion of all other breed classes Class 44 All Breed pair of females $100 - Proudly sponsored by Neil Ralston Class 45 All Breeds Group of 3, both sexes to be represented $100 - Proudly sponsored by Kilcoolin Angus Class 46 INTERBREED FEMALE $100 - Proudly sponsored by Redhill Herefords Class 47 INTERBREED BULL $100 - Proudly sponsored by Ausrural Class 48 2014 SUPREME BEEF EXHIBIT $500 - Proudly sponsored by N.A.B Argibusiness & Landmark Euroa Ausrural PO Box 192, 43 Clifton Street, Euroa Vic 3666 Phone: (03) 5795 3033 Fax: (03) 5795 3055 Suppliers of all rural supplies including all stock feed, animal husbandry, fencing and also sales & repairs of mowers, pumps, chainsaws and much more. - 28 - PLEASE NOTE: on show day please report your attendance to Chief Cattle Steward upon arrival. The EA & PS may refuse to accept an entry, an exhibit or an exhibitor or any of them. Bulls over 9 months to be fitted with nose ring Bulls over 15 months to be handled by person over 18 years Females over 9 months to be fitted with nose grip Free exhibitors BBQ lunch Bedding supplied A copy of all animal’s registration must accompany your entries We would like to thank our Cattle Section sponsors for their generous support: N.A.B Argibusiness, Shepparton Landmark, Euroa Kilcoolin Angus, Euroa Redhill Herefords Burls Transport, Euroa Angus McKinnon Ausrual, Euroa Strathbogie Vet Clinic,Euroa Franz Kloft Mechanical Repairs, Euroa Magni Park Smith Family Butcher, EuroaMcCormick Seeds Rod Sloan Neil Ralston Tarcombe Herefords International Animal Health Prod. Tarcombe Herefords Tim Hayes (03) 5790 4226 RED HILL HEREFORDS - 29 - IAH Sales Pty. Ltd. 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Australia Freecall: 1800 801 201 Ph: 02 9672 7944 Fax: 02 9672 7988 Email: [email protected] Website: Ausmectin Cattle Pour - On ® The convenience of a pour - on… Ausmectin Cattle Pour-on - Ivermectin 5mg/mL • Control/treatment of ivermectin sensitive internal and external parasites. • Dose rate: 1mL per 10kg of body weight. • Excellent residual protection against parasitic reinfestation. • Effective in control of: gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, eyeworms, ® sucking and biting lice, sarcoptic and chorioptic mange mites, buffalo fly and cattle ticks. (see label and enclosed leaflet for details). • • Withholding: Meat 42 days; Milk: NIL. Available in 1L applicator packs, 5L backpacks and 20L packs. 13066_IAH-Ausmectin Cattle Pour-1 1 - 30 - 25/5/07 12:01:08 PM VICTORIAN AGRICULTURAL SHOWS LIMITED Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated CATTLE HANDLING PARTICIPANT RISK ACKNOWLEDGMENT & WAIVER Name of participant:....................................................................................................................... Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd and Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated (together “the Suppliers”) advise that participation in the practice of cattle handling at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. Cattle handling is a dangerous recreational activity and cattle can act in sudden and unpredictable ways, especially when frightened or hurt. 1 By signing this waiver I acknowledged that: 1.1 participation in cattle handling is a hazardous activity and may result in injury, loss, damage or death to me; 1.2 participation in cattle handling requires certain skills. I declare that I have sufficient skills to be able to safely and properly participate in the events; 1.3 cattle can act in sudden and unpredictable ways, especially if frightened or hurt, or if exposed to loud or unfamiliar noises; 1.4 cattle handling events will be held in close proximity to rides and large groups of people, and that there may be loud and unfamiliar noises which can frighten cattle; 1.5 as the event is held outdoors, there are risks to me as a result of the weather conditions, including either extreme hot or cold weather, rain or wind; 1.6 insects or other animals may cause the cattle to become frightened and act in unpredictable ways; 1.7 there is inherent in cattle handling events the risk of suffering injury including injuries from the cattle; 1.8 I am responsible for ensuring that I have and will wear equipment suitable for safely and properly participating in the event; and 1.9 I use the facilities of Euroa Agricultural Society Incorporated entirely at my own risk, as I find them and with the prior acceptance of the risk of possible danger to me. 2 If I suffer harm while participating in a cattle handling event, I will not hold the Suppliers, their employees or agents legally responsible for any injuries I suffer. I will not sue the Suppliers, their employees or agents for any claims, costs, damages or liability. I agree to release the Suppliers and their employees from legal responsibility for the services I have been provided. 3 I acknowledge and agree that my participation in cattle handling events and associated activities are a danger and may have inherent risks as a result of which personal injury (and sometimes death) may occur and I accept and assume all such risks of personal injury or death in anyway whatsoever arising from these activities and hereby waive my individual right to sue the Suppliers for all claims I or my representatives may have for such personal injury or death against the Suppliers in any way whatsoever arising from or in connection with these activities. - 31 - 4 I will not consume any alcohol or illicit drugs while participating in cattle handling events and agree that such use may result in me being excluded from an event with no entitlement to any refund of money paid for entry to the Suppliers. 5 I agree to be bound by the rules and guidelines of Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd as varied from time to time. Where the participant is over 18 years of age: I agree that I have read and understood this waiver prior to signing it and agree that this waiver will be binding on my heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree that this waiver shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature: ...................................................... Dated: Where participant is under 18 years of age (to be completed by a parent or guardian): I ...................................................................., being a parent or legal guardian of the above named participant hereby consent to my child participating in the following cattle handling event .................................................................................................... I confirm that I have read and understood and explained to the participant, this waiver prior to signing it and agree that this agreement will be binding on my (and their) heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators. I agree that this waiver shall be governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria. Signature: ...................................................... Dated: WARNING UNDER THE FAIR TRADING ACT 1999 Under the Australian Consumer Law (Victoria), several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named on this form is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you— • are rendered with due care and skill; and • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier. Under section 32N of the Fair Trading Act 1999, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you sign this form, you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Fair Trading Act 1999 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this form. NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in this form, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier's part. Gross Negligence is defined in the Fair Trading - 32 (Recreational Services) Regulations 2004. Page 2 Notes .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. - 33 - Name.......................................................................................................... Address...................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... - 34 -
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