St. Paul’s Parish 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A 26 OCTOBER 2014 Incorporating the Communities/Churches of Moss Vale, Berrima, Bundanoon, Burrawang, Robertson, Sutton Forest and Penrose Park Mission Statement As a unique Parish, with vibrant station churches, we of St Paul’s Parish strive to be an active, welcoming, compassionate, Catholic Community, with Christ as our model. As Eucharistic people, we seek to grow in our faith, sharing our talents with each other and spreading God’s teachings through word, action and example. PARISH PRIEST Fr Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE Presbytery: 24 Garrett St. Moss Vale OFFICE HOURS 9.00am to 1.00pm Monday, Thursday & Friday 12 noon to 5pm Wednesday Phone: 4868 1931 Fax:4869 3586 Email: [email protected] Website: Pauline Fathers:4878 9192 SUNDAY MASS TIMES CHILDREN’S MASS St Paul’s Moss Vale Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 9.30 am St Peter’s Burrawang 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 8.00 am 2nd, 4th Sunday - 5.00 pm St Brigid’s Bundanoon 2nd, 4th Sunday - 8.00 am 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 5.00 pm St Francis Xavier Berrima 1st Sunday of the month - 11am Penrose Park Monastery Sunday - 9am and 11am English 10am Polish 2nd Sunday of each Month WEEKDAY M ASS TIMES St Paul’s Mon Wed Thurs Fri - 8.00 am NO MASS TUESDAY St Paul’s College Saturday - 8.00am Penrose Park Monastery 11am Daily Sunday 26 October Sunday 1 November D & D Healy J & H Fairfax K Lambourne, L Harrison B & S Wilson St Brigid‟s 8am/5pm P Balk, P Scalan B Lane, K Perkins St Peter‟s 8am/5pm M Cronin D Virtue Offertory: 6pm Vigil T & C Saker J Simpson, A Pearson J MacKay, M Norris A Breen, M D‟Adam St Brigid‟s 8am/5pm Gilbert Family S Marr/ C Gill St Peter‟s 8am/5pm L Cronin E & G McRae ROSTERS Readers: 6pm Vigil 9.30 am 9.30am Flowers St Paul‟s Church Clean St Paul‟s St Brigid‟s Counters: Children’s Liturgy PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: RECONCILIATION St Paul’s Moss Vale Saturday 5 - 5.30 pm After Weekday Masses & on request St Peter’s Burrawang 2nd Sunday after 5.00 pm Mass St Brigid’s Bundanoon 1st Sunday after 5.00 pm Mass EXPOSITION AND ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT St Paul’s Moss Vale Following Friday morning Mass at 8 am NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Following Wednesday morning Mass 8 am BAPTISMS—BY APPOINTMENT There is one preparation meeting held on the last Thursday of each month at 6.30pm for those wishing to enroll in the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptisms held on 1st Sunday at Berrima, & 3rd Sunday at St Paul‟s Moss Vale. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meeting 9.30am on 2nd Thurs of each month from Feb to Nov. All welcome. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following A Strode, A Dulhunty St Paul‟s International Students in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Call E Petersen E Petersen from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. By their L McPherson, B & A Whyte J Gerada, K Donnan way of life, may they provide a conT Grainger Jo Cuttriss vincing sign of your Kingdom for the Wladyslawa Peszko, Beverly Burns, Carl Church and the whole world. Dietz, Lady Hilary Goodman, Richard We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. A Strode, A Dulhunty Z Williams Zaranski, Johnny D‟Adam, Chris Cudmore, Frank Finlayson, Franciszek Janowski, Jozefa Kossakowska, John McCarthy, Robert Johnson, Elizabeth Dromgold, Ronald Manaton, Shirley Wilks, Jim Avery, , Barry Ellsmore, Colin McCue, Harry Clout, Tom Gill, Hyde, Tilden, Conroy, Poidevin, Murphy, Dromgold, Dwyer, Halls, Lawler, Saker & Allport families and for all the Holy Aged Care & Sick in the Parish: SomeSouls & for the deceased members of the times people would like a visitor from the Friends of the Suffering Souls. Parish. We have pastoral carers who offer this ministry of visitation. Contact the Parish Office. Sick: Kevin, Kaye, Phil, Kathy, Kylie, Emily, Errol, Edna, Maree, Harley, Kaye, Elaine, Bruce Shepherd, Murial Dromgold, Marilyn, Anthony, Joan Hahn, Julia, John, Catherine, Anne, Stuart, Mike, Nicole, Brian, Peter, Elizabeth, Jacqui Mack, Janet Laverty, Bridget, Paula, Margaret, Keith, and all on the Intercessory Prayer List. Deceased: Dennis O‟Neill, Cecilia & John McPherson, Jack Simpson, Anthony Vaughan, Robert Cooper, Chris Kelly, Wladyslaw Peszko, John Riordan, Patrick Kirton, Trevor Sommer, Edna Finlayson, Gail Edwards, Mrs Pawlicha, Edna Miller, Susan Buckley, Tom Hammerton, George & MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. AMEN We welcome new parishioners to our Parish and would love to get to know you. Please make yourself known to one of the greeters at the door or Fr Jarek. If you would to join the Intercessory Prayer list contact Sue or Brian 48841205 or [email protected] PARISH NEWS ..... MISSION SUNDAY 2014 NOVEMBER M ASSES Wed 29 Oct: Sacristans meeting Tues 4 Nov: PPC meeting 5pm Sat 8 Nov: P & F Spring Ball Sun 9 Nov: Scripture Mass at 5pm Burrawang Wed 12 Nov: Altar Serving training 4.15pm Thurs 13 Nov: CWL meeting & AGM Jamaica is a nation deeply troubled by 9.30am violence and crime. With the second- Thurs 13 Nov: Stewardship 3.30pm highest rate of gun-killings anywhere in Fri 21 Nov: First Reconciliation 7pm the world, communities across Jamaica St PAUL’S SCHOOL NEWS... live in constant fear. By supporting the P & F SPRING BALL: Saturday 8 Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal November. Please contact school today or by becoming a „Friends in Faith‟ if you wish to purchase tickets. partner with a monthly gift, you are helping the youth of Jamaica, and throughout Raffle tickets to support the P & F will be the world, grow up to be fully alive, and sold after the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 9 achieve their dreams of a positive and November. hope-filled future. Please give generously. OUTSIDE OUR PARISH ... SACRISTAN MEETING/TRAINING Masses during the month of November will be offered for our deceased relatives, friends, parishioners and all the Holy Souls. If you would like to add your intentions please fill in a November Mass envelope and give to Father or place on the 2nd collection plate. Sat November 1: ALL SAINTS 8am Mass at St Paul‟s International College Sunday November 2: ALL SOULS ‘All Souls Day commemorates the faithful departed, those baptised Christians in purgatory. Purgatory still exists in Church teaching – it is “the state of those who die in God‟s friendship, assured of their eternal salvation, but who still have need of purification to enter into the happiness of A further meeting will be held on heaven”. (Compendium of the CateWednesday 29 October at 10am chism, n. 210). The day purposely folST PAUL’S ALTAR SERVERS ROSTER lows All Saints Day in order to shift the focus from those in heaven to those in 25 Oct 6pm: Baxter, Alexis, Matilda purgatory.‟ 26 Oct 9.30am: Caitlin, Ashleigh, Erin 1 Nov 6pm: Luka, Grace, Holly Mass will be at St Patrick’s Sutton For2 Nov 9.30am: Taylah, Chloe, Hayden est on Monday 3 November at 8.30am followed by Blessing of the Graves. Altar Server Training dates are as folPLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO 8AM lows: 12 November, 26 November & 10 December. Parents are encouraged to MASS ON MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER AT MOSS VALE. attend these meetings if they are able. Blessing of Graves: Berrima 2 Nov 12.30pm Bundanoon 2 Nov after 5pm Mass Moss Vale 6 Nov after 8am Mass Burrawang 9 Nov after 5pm Mass CALLING FOR HELP We are calling for parishioners who are willing to go on the roster for Flowers for the Altar & cleaning of St Pauls Moss Vale. To date, we have no one to do the flowers for the weekend of 29/30 NovemLIGHT OF TORAH ber. As previously mentioned we have a Our meetings are held in the small group of parishioners at the moParish Meeting room on ment, however are hoping to increase Wednesdays at 9.30am All their numbers. You do not have to be a welcome. florist to assist. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to assist. ST PATRICK’S SUTTON FOREST The Sutton Forest Cemetery Trust would PARISH BBQ like to thank all who helped with the Working Bee last Saturday at St Patrick‟s Our sincere thanks, Michael McCue FOUND Parish BBQ next Saturday 1 November after the Vigil Mass. BYO salads and desserts to share. PET’S RAFFLE LAST SUNDAY A red dog lead was found outside the school, if you have lost one contact the Thankyou to all who supported the raffle school. Thank you and congratulations to Lynne Harrison on winning the prize. MASSES HELD AT AGED CARE HOMES BLESSING OF CARS Mass is celebrated on the last Thursday of the month at Warrigal Care Bunda- There will be a blessing of cars on the noon at 3pm and on the fourth Wednes- weekend of November 15 / 16, this will day of the month at Harbison Moss Vale occur after all Masses on this weekend. at 2pm. Parishioners are most welcome THANK YOU to attend either of these Masses. Next Mass this Thursday 30 October at Thank you to Patrick Edwards for the Warrigal, Bundanoon. excellent job he did of upgrading the lights at St Paul‟s Church. PARISH DIARY DATES....... ENCOUNTER EVENING – WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Are you questioning where God is calling you in your life? Are you seeking a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ? Come along to this reflective evening, chat with others on the journey – married, single, ordained, religious – and spend time in prayer and discernment. “The Venue”, 18 Cawley Street, Bellambi. Wed 29 October, 7.00pm to 9.30pm (includes dinner). Who‟s invited: Young men and women wanting to deepen their relationship with God and explore where they are going in life. Cost: Free. RSVP: Jenny Raposio/ [email protected]/4222 2411 Mt Carmel Retreat Centre Varroville. 1 Nov: day retreat: Love and Beauty, St Teresa‟s poetry, a resource to bring love and beauty to our life of faith today. 9304pm $20 BYO lunch. ALSO 14-16 Nov: Teresian Themes, explore Themes in St Teresa‟s writings - friendship with Christ and growth in prayer. Cost $220 (Concessions available) Sat 6 Dec: „Inspire Retreat‟ presented by The Catholic Guy Team Venue: Centenary Hall, Holy Cross College, Ryde Cost: $45 singles or $65 couples More info: brochures in foyers. Date Claimers: Caritas Australia 50th Anniversary Mass Tues 12pm on 18 November at Wollongong Cathedral followed by light luncheon at Xavier Centre. 18-20 May 2015: One Heart Many Voices Conference - details in foyer FROM BISHOP PETER A copy of a letter of thanks from Bishop Peter Ingham, DD is in the foyer of all churches for anyone who would like to read it. 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A ENTRANCE ANTIPHON 26 October 2014 which is coming. The word of the Lord Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION RESPONSORIAL PSALM REFLECTION The second text is from the opening paragraphs of Pope Benedict XVI’s 2005 encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), and sums up beautifully the message of today’s Scripture readings: Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction” In acknowledging the centrality of love, Christian faith has retained the core of Israel‟s faith, while at the same time giving it new depth and breadth. The pious Jew prayed daily the words of the Book of Deuteronomy which expressed the heart of his existence: “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might” (6:4-5). Jesus united into a single precept this commandment of love for God and the commandment of love for neighbor found in the Book of Leviticus: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (19:18; cf. Mk 12:29-31). Since God has first loved us (cf. 1 Jn 4:10), love is now no longer a mere “command”; it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us. Jn 14:23 Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will FIRST READING keep my words, and my Father will love Exodus 22:20-26 them and we will come to them. Alleluia! The Lord said to Moses, 'Tell the sons of GOSPEL Israel this, "You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as Matthew 22:34-40 strangers in the land of Egypt, You must When the Pharisees heard that Jesus not be harsh with the widow, or with the had silenced the Sadducees they got orphan; if you are harsh with them, they together and, to disconcert him, one of will surely cry out to me, and be sure I them put a question, `Master, which is shall hear their cry; my anger will flare the greatest commandment of the Law?‟ and I shall kill you with the sword, your Jesus said, `You must love the Lord your own wives will be widows, your own God with all your heart, with all your soul, children orphans. "If you lend money to and with all your mind. This is the any of my people, to any poor man greatest and the first commandment. The among you, you must not play the usurer second resembles it: you must love your with him: you must not demand interest neighbour as yourself. On these two from him. commandments hang the whole Law, "If you take another's cloak as a pledge, and the Prophets also.‟ you must give it back to him before The Gospel of the Lord sunset. It is all the covering he has; it is LITURGY NOTES the cloak he wraps his body in; what else Sunday Preface: VI would he sleep in? If he cries to me, I will Eucharistic Prayer: II listen, for I am full of pity." ' Acclamation: When we eat this Bread... Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB The word of the Lord. Ps 17:2-4. 47.51. R. v.2 R. I love you, Lord, my strength. 1. I love you, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my saviour. My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold. The Lord is worthy of all praise: when I call I am saved from my foes. (R) 2. Long life to the Lord, my rock! Praised be the God who saves me. He has given great victories to his king and shown his love for his anointed. (R) SECOND READING Thessalonians 1:5-10 You observed the sort of life we lived when we were with you, which was for your instruction, and you were led to become imitators of us, and of the Lord; and it was with the joy of the Holy Spirit that you took to the gospel, in spite of the great opposition all round you. This has made you the great example to all believers in Macedonia and Achaia since it was from you that the word of the Lord started to spread – and not only throughout Macedonia and Achaia, for the news of your faith in God has spread everywhere. We do not need to tell other people about it: other people tell us how we started the work among you, how you broke with idolatry when you were converted to God and became servants of the real, living God; and how you are now waiting for Jesus, his Son, whom he raised from the dead, to come from heaven to save us from the retribution CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation In light of today‟s Scripture readings, let us reflect on two Pope’s Prayer Intentions for October texts this week. The first is #42 from Lumen Gentium, the Universal: That the Lord Dogmatic may grant peace to those Constitution on the parts of the world most batChurch of the Second Vatican Council. tered by war and violence. God is love, and he who abides in love, For Evangelization: That World Misabides in God and God in Him”. But, God sion Day may rekindle in every believer pours out his love into our hearts through zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to world. us; thus the first and most necessary gift is love, by which we love God above all PRAYER FOR PRIESTS things and our neighbor because of God. O my God, help those priests who Indeed, in order that love, as good seed are faithful to remain faithful; to may grow and bring forth fruit in the soul, those who are falling, stretch forth each one of the faithful must willingly Your Divine Hand that they may grasp it as their support. hear the Word of God and accept His In the great ocean of Your mercy, lift those Will, and must complete what God has poor unfortunate ones who have fallen, that begun by their own actions with the help being engulfed therein Thy Great Loving of God‟s grace. These actions consist in Heart. Amen. the use of the sacraments and in a Precious Blood of Jesus protect them! special way the Eucharist, frequent Saint John Vianney, pray for them. participation in the sacred action of the PRAYER TO ST MICHAEL Liturgy, application of oneself to prayer, self-abnegation, lively fraternal service Saint Michael the Archangel, and the constant exercise of all the defend us in the battle; keep us safe virtues. For charity, as the bond of from the wickedness and snares of perfection and the fullness of the law, the devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray, and You, O prince rules over all the means of attaining of the heavenly host, by the power holiness and gives life to these same means. It is charity which guides us to of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other our final end. It is the love of God and the evil spirits who wander through the world seeklove of one‟s neighbor which points out ing the ruin of souls. Amen. Pope Leo XIII Readings taken from The Sunday Missal, Jerusalem Bible the true disciple of Christ. Fill in the missing words to complete the story. love second God answered yourself teacher heart first test commandment 2 Spaces available Contact the Parish Office 48681931 Email: [email protected] PLEASE TAKE YOUR BULLETIN HOME
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