MAX LUCADO DAV I D J E RE MIA H M A RK LO W RY RE G IST ER O NLINE ! 226 MOULTO N ST E AST IV AN P ARKER GAIT H ER V O C AL B AN D W W W . C E L E B R ATO R S . O R G DE CATU R , AL 3 5 6 01 YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN THE CELEBRATORS INTERCESSION NOW CONFERENCES: HAVE A LOOK INSIDE! 8 00 3 7 4 1 5 5 0 NONP ROFIT ORG US POSTAGE P A I D DECATUR AL 35601 PERMIT NO 880 I NTERC E S S I O N N O W FA L L CAL L TOL E E R F 2 014 I NT E R CES S I O N W e C r y O u t W e B o w D o w n W e o f f e r W e G o o u r s e l v e s f o r t h Max Lucado David Jeremiah Bill Gaither Phil Waldrep Benny Tate Mark Lowry 4 1 0 2 55 1 . 4 7 3 800 . 0 R S T E! I G R E D AY TO L eC o n te C en ter P i geo n Fo rge, Ten n es s ee N O W AL I C SPE ASIS H P M ER E Y A R P L S m o ky Mo u ntai n C o nven ti o n C enter P i geo n Fo rge, Ten n es s ee Ivan Parker Charles Billingsley C allaway Garden s P i n e M o u ntai n , Geo rgi a LEConte Center NEW October 20-23, 2014 TN Pigeon forge USA Ivan Parker Gospel Artist Bill Gaither And The Gaither Vocal Band Concert Artists Max Lucado Author & Bible Teacher D av i d J e r e m i a h CoMPeLLing WeDneSDaY nigHt Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church, San Diego, California PRAYER SERVICE! • MaX LuCaDo • VoiCeS of MoBiLe Mark Lowry Comedian & Musician Voices of Mobile Vo c a l E n s e m b l e M o n d ay, O c t o b e r 2 0 7:00 p.m. Charles Billingsley Wo r s h i p L e a d e r Phil Waldrep Conference Host T u e s d ay, O c t o b e r 2 1 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Noon. 7:00 p.m. Conference Only: $125 per person Conference with Standard Lodging* for 3 nights at the Early Bird rate: $199 ea. at 4 per room $219 ea. at 3 per room $249 ea. at 2 per room $349 ea. at 1 per room Add $20 ea. after: 7/23/14 Bal. & names due: 9/3 /14 Charles Billingsley and David Jeremiah Break Mark Lowry Free time begins Gaither Vocal Band W e d n e s d ay, O c t o b e r 2 2 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Noon. 7:00 p.m. Charles Billingsley and David Jeremiah Break Ivan Parker Free time begins Prayer Service with Max Lucado and the Voices of Mobile T h u r s d ay, O c t o b e r 2 3 9:00 a.m. All prices include the $25 non-refundable deposit per person. * See deluxe options online: Charles Billingsley and David Jeremiah 11:00 a.m. Charles Billingsley and Max Lucado Adjourn for home Doors open 1 hour before each session Smoky TN Pigeon forge USA Mountain Convention Center October 27-30, 2014 PINE Mountain USA Phil Waldrep Evangelist, founder, Phil Waldrep Ministries Doug Berky Mask Artist M o n d ay, O c t o b e r 27 7:00 p.m. GA The Specks and Benny Tate Rick Webb Family Worship Leaders Fantasy In Lights T u e s d ay, O c t o b e r 28 Christmas Lights Display Tour The Specks and Benny Tate Break David Pendleton Free time begins Mark Trammell Quartet Tuesday & Wednesday Mornings 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Noon. 7:00 p.m. W e d n e s d ay, O c t o b e r 29 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. TBA. The Specks and Benny Tate Free time begins Smith Family Dinner Theater T h u r s d ay, O c t o b e r 30 Benny Tate Pastor, Rock Springs Church, Milner, Georgia 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. The Specks and Benny Tate Adjourn for home Doors open 1 hour before each session Breakfast Buffet Christmas at Callaway Gardens December 8-10, 2014 David Pendleton Concert Artists The Specks Worship Leaders Smith Family Rick Webb Family and Phil Waldrep T u e s d ay, D e c e m b e r 9 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Noon. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Conference Only: $125 per person Conference Only: $125 per person Conference with Lodging for 3 nights at the Early Bird rate: Conference with Callaway Lodging for 2 nights at the Early Bird rate: $199 ea. at 4 per room $219 ea. at 3 per room $249 ea. at 2 per room $359 ea. at 1 per room Add $20 ea. after: 7/30/14 Bal. & names due: 9/10/14 $179 ea. at 4 per room $199 ea. at 3 per room $249 ea. at 2 per room $349 ea. at 1 per room Add $20 ea. after: 8/10/14 Bal. & names due: 10/22/14 Dinner Theater Wednesday Evening Show 7:00 p.m. Rick Webb Family and Phil Waldrep Break Doug Berky Free time begins Fantasy In Lights W e d n e s d ay, D e c e m b e r 1 0 Comedian & Ventriloquist Mark Trammell Quartet M o n d ay, D e c e m b e r 8 All prices include the $25 non-refundable deposit per person and admission to the Smith Family Dinner Theater. See: All prices include the $25 non-refundable deposit per person, 2 breakfast buffets, and admission to Fantasy In Lights. See: 11:00 a.m. Rick Webb Family and Phil Waldrep Adjourn for home Doors open 1 hour before each session For nearly 2o years Celebrators has provided mature believers with unforgettable experiences. JOIN US Phil and Debbie Waldrep Celebrators conference Hosts P r a y e r E m p h a s i s 2 0 1 4 Celebrators in 2014 will bring fresh changes for the thousands of mature believers who join us each year! You will notice the new logo, illustrating that people of all stages of life can have a new beginning. Regardless of our ages, we can know and have the joy of living because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. But not everyone knows, understands, or accepts the joy of living found in Christ. Rather, much of our hurting world has turned its back on God in pursuit of its own joy, and the effects are heartbreakingly evident. This year Celebrators will emphasize prayer and intercession for our churches, our nation, and our families. With the theme “Intercession Now,” each day will include a special time of prayer for the needs of those present and for the needs of our world. 1/800/374/1550 E x c i t i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s David Jeremiah, Bill Gaither and the Gaither Vocal Band, Mark Lowry, and Charles Billingsley will share their insights and talents October 20-23, 2014 at the new LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The very moving and powerful prayer service Wednesday evening (October 22) will feature speaker Max Lucado and the Voices of Mobile singers. Do you enjoy a smaller crowd? Join us at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center October 27–30, 2014 where Benny Tate, pastor of the Rock Springs Church in Milner, Georgia, will share his life-impacting messages. The Specks will lead worship, and the Mark Trammell Quartet will have you tapping your toes. Comedian and ventriloquist David Pendleton will keep you in stitches, and everyone attending will be guests of the Smith Family Dinner Theater Wednesday night. If you prefer an intimate setting and an emphasis on Christmas, then you will want to join us for the Celebrators Christmas at Callaway Gardens December 8-10, 2014. Phil Waldrep’s inspiring messages and the Rick Webb Family’s uplifting songs will renew your spirit. Doug Berky, one of the nation’s best mime and mask artists, will intertwine laughter with serious reflections about life. To top the experience, you will tour the renowned “Fantasy In Lights,” one of the most breathtaking displays of Christmas lights in the world. These conferences fill quickly, so make your plans now to join us. For additional information, you may visit or speak with a conference concierge at 1/800/374/1550. Your enthusiasm and participation continue to inspire our vision for this ministry. In 2014 you can expect great value and variety at three different venues, including: •Fresh additions to our programming •Inspiring Gospel music, worship, and laughter •Fellowship time with old and new friends •New LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge •Autumn colors in the Great Smoky Mountains •Christmas lights and two breakfast buffets at Callaway Gardens •Wholesome fun and delicious food at the Smith Family Theater •New sights and familiar touches •And so much more You will head home with a bolder Christian walk and a better understanding of the Word of God. Make Celebrators your fall getaway destination this year!
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