Professional Development Calendar of Events Fall 2014 - Winter 2015 Register at All workshops are held at the FEA Conference Center (12 Centre Drive, Monroe Township, NJ 08831) unless otherwise specified. More detailed descriptions of workshop content can be found in workshop brochures at This is a Star Advantage Workshop. If you are a Premier Active or Private School NJPSA member, you may choose one starred workshop per year (July 1 - June 30) at no cost. Premier Active membership status is based on verification of membership for the year 2014-2015. Other members are not eligible for the Star Advantage Program. If you are unable to attend a program for which you have registered, call or write seven days prior to the program date to request the STAR benefit be credited back to your account. September Curriculum Aligned to the Common Core: The Missing Link Sep. 24, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Pat Wright and Donna McInerney Fee: $149 The latest school reform efforts have changed evaluation, assessments and standards. What has NOT changed is the way we think about curriculum. Based on the Connected Action Roadmap, this session focuses on the development of curriculum—the missing link in educational reform. Curriculum provides the connection between standards, assessments, evaluation and meaningful job-embedded professional development. This session will focus on essential collaborative conversations that foster consistent implementation across grade levels and content areas with a focus on using student data to drive instructional decisions. Understand how a truly viable curriculum is the tool that teachers need to ensure student learning and principals need to be effective instructional leaders. Growing, Supporting, and Strengthening the Teaching Profession in NJ Sponsored by the Garden State Alliance for Strengthening Education Sep. 27, 2014; 8:30 am - 2 pm Forsgate Country Club Register online by Sep. 17 at Fee: Free A summit for teachers, college/ university teacher educators, teacher leaders, principals, supervisors, school administrators, board members, legislators, education policymakers, public education supporters, and activists. Engage in a statewide action plan to connect critical elements supporting New Jersey public school educators and effective teaching. Transforming the Culture of Learning: Aligning the Common Core to Digital Literacy A Three-Day Series Sep. 30, Oct. 28, Dec. 9, 2014 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Alan November Fee: $375 per person for the three days Internationally known consultant Alan November is back by popular demand to engage school teams in this three-day series to design motivating, rigorous and creative lessons linked to web literacy. He will provide examples of successful lesson designs across grade levels and content areas directly aligned to the Common Core. The digital tools presented will provide both teachers and students with more creative ways to create content and to explain concepts. Day One: Building the Culture of the Engaged Classroom - Sep. 30 Day Two: Additional Design and Team Reports - Oct. 28 Day Three: Team Reports and Next Steps - Dec. 9 October The Role of Arts Education in New Jersey Education Reform Oct. 1, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Members of the New Jersey Arts Education Partnership Fee: $149 This session will include practical strategies to address the major educational initiatives, including: Student Growth Objectives: A panel discussion with arts supervisors, principals, and other experts will explore the process of developing effective SGOs in the arts. A representative from the New Jersey Department of Education will discuss what effective SGOs should include. Models of SGOs will be shared. Implementation of the Arts and the Common Core: Discuss models and examples of where the connection between the arts and the Common Core have been effective for the arts, English Language Arts, and math. Help reveal what is appropriate and what is not while maintaining the integrity of the arts to meet and exceed the state required arts standards. A Walk in the PARCC: This discussion will focus on the increased level of testing required by PARCC and strategies to minimize the impact on the arts education curriculum Beyond Compliance: Developing Quality SGOs to Advance Student Learning Oct. 3, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Marie Phillips, Innovative Educational Options, LLC For Grades K-12 and all content areas Fee: $149 Now that the first year of implementing the SGO requirement is completed, it is time to explore how to move beyond compliance and dedicate our efforts to enhancing student achievement. This session will focus on setting student learning goals that are attainable, yet challenging, and aligned to the standards. The presenter will share high quality SGOs and facilitate discussion based on shared experiences and best practice research. The SGO development and monitoring process will be reviewed, including pre-assessment strategies and the use of formative assessments. Teachers Leading: The Skills Required to Create Real Change in Today’s Schools Oct. 6, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Katherine Bassett, Alex Kajitani, Peggy Stewart, Joseph Fatheree - members of the National Network of State Teachers of the Year Fee: $149 Now more than ever, effective schools require effective leaders. To truly create change in today’s schools, these leaders must be teachers as well as administrators. This interactive session is for principals, supervisors, and teachers interested in becoming effective leaders. This interactive presentation developed and delivered by State Teachers of the Year, will include: How to lead adult learners, based on adult learning theory; How to create a collaborative environment and facilitate highly effective teams; and How to influence and lead changes in practice. Learn to lead change by leading others. You will leave this session ready to take action. Eco-Schools: A Leadership and Project-Based Learning Model for Student Achievement Sponsored by NJ Audubon and the NJ School Boards Association Oct. 8, 2014: 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Jennifer Dowd, John Henry For principals, teachers, parents, and school board members Fee: $149 Join us for this interactive session and learn how the Eco-Schools USA Program provides a framework to use your school and community as a context for learning through the lens of sustainability. Learn how the Eco-Schools program is highly engaging for students and is delivered in a multidisciplinary, project-based learning method that is aligned with the Common Core, uses backwards planning as a learning and assessment tool, and identifies relevant, real-world situations that are meaningful for your students. This session will provide essential leadership decision making strategies, along with lessons and unit designs that can transform your school and community and help lower the operational cost of your school. PARCC: An In-Depth Approach Across Content Areas (6 - 12) Oct. 9, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Dennis Fare and Kristen Trabona Fee: $149 Participants in this session will look closely at the performance-based and end-of-year sections of the ELA/literacy assessments, highlighting the shift in questions involving interactive literacy in English language arts, social studies, and science. Attendees will take sample practice tasks using online platforms, and will anchor and holistically score student sample writings. This is a must for science and social studies teachers to work closely with their ELA counterparts! ngage 2014 FEA/NJPSA/NJASCD Fall Conference October 16 and 17, 2014 Ocean Place Resort 1 Ocean Blvd., Long Branch, NJ Featured Speakers: Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch and Todd C. Whitaker More than 45 Workshop Sessions Register at Including Students with Disabilities in the State Assessment System Oct. 21, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Timothy Steele-Dadzie, Ed.D. and Elizabeth Celentano Fee: $149 For principals, directors and supervisors of special education, and CST Members This session will address both the PARCC assessment and the new alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities, Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM), as they relate to students with disabilities. The morning will focus on the PARCC accessibility features and accommodations, and how the use of technology will allow for the widest possible number of students to participate. It will provide a general understanding of the types of accessibility features and accommodations listed by administration, content area, and grade that are available for students in your school. The afternoon will focus on the new DLM designed to build connections from the Common Core to the expectations for those students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The construct of the assessment will be addressed, including technology requirements, staff roles and responsibilities, and student accessibility features. Instructional Materials Selection: Start with Why Oct. 21, 2014; 9 am - noon Presenters: Heather Hay, Dr. Tim Quinn, and Diane Barrie Fee: $75 EdTech investments require evaluation of hardware and software and often take up hours of time to investigate, evaluate and implement. In many cases, research shows that these investments are underutilized or misapplied. This session will explore the reasons why this occurs and will give The Foundation for Educational Administration participants practical steps to ensure that the district’s investment of time and resources are targeted toward the district vision. This will increase buy-in, usage and improve student outcomes. Participants will be asked to explore their district vision and goals, create a list of priorities and think through product evaluation and implementation procedures. They will leave the session with practical ideas, tools and a plan that can be applied to their next EdTech purchase. Developing SGOs for School Counselors Oct. 22, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Tim Conway and Nate Grosshandler Fee: $149 This session will focus on how to link student progress to the evaluation of school counselors. Learn how to build the capacity of school leaders to understand the roles of these professionals and determine how to set rigorous expectations that correlate to improved student achievement, behavior, attendance, and/or student safety. Developing a StandardsBased Curriculum in H/PE: An Essential Requirement in the SGO Process Oct. 22, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Debra Serafin and Linda Guerrini Fee: $149 This session will provide the tools necessary to effectively lead teacher professional learning communities in the process of developing a standards-based curriculum with student learning objectives in the area of Health and Physical Education. This first step in the teaching and learning cycle is critical in order to provide a viable curriculum in which students will be held accountable. The teaching and learning cycle will be addressed as a means to monitor student growth through SGOs and sustain quality instruction. Medal of Honor Foundation Character Development Program Oct. 23, 2014; 8:30 am - 3pm Presenters: Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation Fee: No Cost Register at events.aspx FEA is proud to present this nationally recognized character education training program, which will provide educators with the tools they need to bring the Medal of Honor Program into their classrooms. This extensive curriculum, which uses the Oral Histories of Medal of Honor Recipients, focuses on values and how students can use these examples of courage, commitment, sacrifice, integrity, citizenship and patriotism to influence change in their own school communities. Teachers and administrators from middle and high schools and across all disciplines are invited to attend, and substitute teacher costs can be reimbursed to the district or school. LeaderShop with Keith Nord Oct. 23, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm For teams of 5 students and 1 adult from Grades 7 through 12 Fee: $250/school team Veteran NFL player Keith Nord brings his nationally recognized leadership training to benefit NJ students. Participants will experience a variety of leadership exercises based on real-life situations. By going through this process of making leadership decisions and acting on them, students learn the art of leadership in finding ways to create power in the people around them. Designing and Implementing Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities (K - 8) Oct. 27, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Roberta Wohle Fee: $149 For general education and special education teachers; curriculum supervisors; special education supervisors The Common Core represents a new set of challenges for school personnel involved in the design and delivery of instruction for students with learning disabilities. This session will focus on the characteristics of students with learning disabilities in relation to effective assessment and instructional practices. Evidenced-based strategies intended to provide access to the standards and promote academic progress will be highlighted. Dyslexia: Impact on Learning and Effective Strategies Oct. 27, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Dr. Jane Petrozzino Fee: $149 This session is designed specifically for educators who are required to fulfill two hours of instruction on screening, intervention, accommodations, and the use of technology for students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia. The workshop will provide educators with an in-depth analysis of dyslexia, its effects on learning, and classroom strategies. In-District Programs If you are interested in quality training tailored to your school district’s needs, let FEA provide individualized training experiences in your district, designed specifically for your school and your staff. Call Jay Doolan or Linda Walko at 609-860-1200 for more information. November Chromebooks and the Common Core - A Google Summit Sponsored by NJASCD and NJPSA/FEA Nov. 3, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Google Experts Register at Fee: $149 This session will focus on Google Apps for Education, Chromebooks, and how the entire Google ecosystem is helping educators and schools achieve the Common Core. Learn how to integrate Chromebooks, Google Apps, and Edmodo into instruction aligned to the standards. This event will include members of the Google Apps for Education community and many sessions will be led by Google Certified Teachers and Trainers. All educators must know about this cuttingedge technology in order to prepare their students for college and career success. Using Data and Assessments to Improve Student Achievement Nov. 4, 2014; 9 am- 3 pm Presenter: Tracey Severns, Ed.D. Fee: $149 As instructional leaders, administrators must not only understand data and how to use it for their own purposes; they must know how to engage teachers in practices that place data at the center of their work. This session will address the leaders’ role in causing teachers to view data as essential to the work they do with students and colleagues, and to provide the strategies necessary to engage educators in databased, instructional decision making. During this highly interactive session, leaders will learn how to use data to measure student progress, analyze teacher performance, and examine the effectiveness of programs and practices. Specific activities will address the leaders’ role in identifying and utilizing data from various sources, facilitating data analysis activities and optimizing the use of local assessments to improve instruction. A Basic Guide to Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Nov. 10, 2014; 9 am – 3 pm Presenter: Gary Vermeire Fee: $149 This session is designed to provide I&RS team members and others with best practices for implementing the I&RS regulations. Participants will better understand the purposes, scope and evidence-based benefits of using the building-based multidisciplinary team model as a best practice for addressing student learning, behavior and health difficulties. They will also apply best practice procedures and skills for identifying and assisting students with learning, behavior and health difficulties. The session will include a framework for developing comprehensive I&RS action plans and ways to collect and organize data to assess the effectiveness of I&RS action plans. Connecting Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments with Common Core & PARCC: Planning Integration Across Content Areas (K - 12) Nov. 10, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Adele Macula, Ed.D. and Willa Spicer Fee: $149 Having an effective and dynamic curriculum is the foundation of a school/district’s instructional program. Ongoing formative and summative assessment is the core component of evidence-based instructional success. The curriculum, instruction, assessment triad intricately drives and impacts student achievement. This interactive workshop will offer participants opportunities to focus on standards-based curricula and integrated curriculum units, review content area exemplars targeting CCSS skills, examine assessment types and samples aligned with PARCC and consider the curricular implications offered through the Common Core Appendices and PARCC Model Content Frameworks. The Next Generation Science Standards: Rethinking and Redesigning Science Instruction and Learning Nov. 13, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Barbara Mammen Fee: $149 This session will identify the conceptual and instructional shifts called for by The Framework for K-12 Science and the new science standards recently adopted by the State Board. Collaborative activities will assist all participants in understanding and implementing the three components of the standards: Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. Creating PARCC-Like Math Tests: Preparing for the New Assessments (6 - 12) Nov. 14, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Judith T. Brendel Fee: $149 Designed for both administrators and teachers, this session will address how the new math standards will be assessed on PARCC tests, what resources are available, and how teachers need to modify what already exists. Pre-tests, unit assessments and cumulative exams all need to change to meet the rigor of the standards and the format of PARCC questions and tasks. Learn about the types of questions to be included on the PARCC and how they align to the Common Core. Become familiar with the resources available and create your own PARCC-like questions to prepare students. 12 Centre Drive, Monroe Township, NJ 08831-1564 • Phone: 609-860-1200 • Fax: 609-860-6677 • [email protected] • The Foundation for Educational Administration 12 Centre Drive Monroe Township, NJ 08831-1564 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID Trenton, NJ Permit No. 53 Professional Development Calendar of Events Fall 2014 - Winter 2015 Workshops Nov. 17, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Allison Morgan, TMI Lead Trainer/Consultant Fee: $149 This session will build an educational leader’s awareness of stress, and how to greatly minimize its adverse impact on individual performance in the classroom, school, and across the learning organization. Learn how to minimize stress and maximize your individual and collaborative performance. Discover how to harness a positive mindset amidst change and turbulence, and become an unwavering model for your professional staff, colleagues, parents, students and others. Through this session you will learn practical techniques to recognize and cultivate your personal strengths as an educational leader. Inspiring Your Students through Standards-Based Experiential Learning Nov. 21, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: Scott Rocco, Brad Currie, and Billy Krakower Fee: $149 Social media and technology have transformed the way educators connect, collaborate, and learn on a daily basis. This session will discuss how students, teachers, and administrators can leverage the power of technology and social media tools to help students meet the Common Core and new assessments. Learn how technology and social media can be integrated into the learning process to address PARCC. Understand how we connect and work with one another on a weekly basis to influence the education world on Twitter and beyond. December Preparing for PARCC: Shift into High Gear Dec. 1, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Erin Peacock Fee: $149 Are you and your school district still in NEUTRAL or PARK regarding the PARCC assessments? This session will assist you to shift confidently into DRIVE about all things PARCC. Learn how to lead successful Performance-Based and Endof-Year Assessment implementation. This session will cover every aspect of planning and preparation for PARCC 2015 including: Technology; Preparation Checklists; Pearson Access; Building Test Schedules for March and May 2015; Test Materials and Security; Professional Development; and Communication to All Stakeholders. Community Building (K - 6) Sponsored by the Developmental Studies Center and FEA Dec. 1, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Kelly Stuart, Developmental Studies Center Fee: $149 This session will focus on the Caring School Community (CSC), a nationally recognized, research-based K-6 program that builds classroom and schoolwide community while developing students’ social and emotional skills and competencies. CSC strengthens students’ connectedness to school—an important element for increasing academic motivation and achievement and for reducing violence and delinquency. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Dec. 4, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Lisa Katz, Center for Applied Special Technology Staff Fee: $149 This session will provide awareness training to learn the principles of the Universal Design for Learning Framework and the implications for instruction for all students, particularly students with disabilities. Presenters will be from the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), the organization for educational research and development working to expand the learning opportunities of all students through Universal Design. Attendees will gain an introduction to the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning and see the connections both to instruction and assessment. Believe in U: Empowering Students to Change their World Sponsored by Herff Jones Corporation and FEA Dec. 5, 2014; 9 am - 2 pm Presenters: Herff Jones and FEA Staff For teams of six participants (students and adults) from each school Fee: $250 per school team Students and staff from K to 12 are encouraged to attend this unique session that will assist participants to create classrooms, campuses, and learning communities where all students are empowered to change their world through choice and action. Training will include hands-on, engaging and interactive resources that build character, develop leadership skills, increase student and staff participation, and recognize student achievement and growth at all levels. The program is based on a set of fundamental principles coupled with practical ideas and examples that schools can customize to meet their individual needs. Understanding the REAL Role of the School Safety Team Dec. 12, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Pat O’Keefe Fee: $149 The work of your School Safety Team is instrumental in supporting other major school reform efforts. Your team and others will benefit from attending this session, which will address: • What does the ABBR say about the role of the School Safety Team? • What is school climate and how does it relate to academic achievement? • What data should our school safety team collect and analyze? • How do we develop an action plan? • Why is our School Safety Team’s work foundational in creating a climate that supports the highest levels of student and adult learning? s • de erinten nts • P rin Sup cip t. Principals Ass Nov. 20, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm at Princeton Marriott at Forrestal Keynote: Dr. Terry Peterson For School leaders including Chief School Administrators, Charter School Lead Persons, Building Administrators Fee: $149 includes materials and lunch Please visit for more information and to register. Research shows that high-quality expanded learning opportunities (ELOs)— such as afterschool and summer learning programs—have a positive impact on student attendance, behavior and coursework. Please join us for an engaging conversation about how school districts can utilize ELOs to support student success. Integrating Technology and Social Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning for PARCC Dec. 3, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenters: John Schoener and Maria Heckendorn Fee: $149 Primary components of all teacher evaluation systems involve sources of evidence that can be used for summative evaluations and formative purposes. This session will focus on developing a common understanding of how to collect the required critical evidence to support effective teacher observation/evaluation and to document a teacher’s skill in the planning and instructional processes. Participants will receive a tool kit that enhances their knowledge of evidence of practice. They will use these tools to assess teacher practice (on video) and review examples of completed teacher observations to determine how effectively evidence was used to document practice. Dec. 12, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Kathleen Regan, Ed.D. and Audrey Mutch Fee: $149 This session will provide elementary administrators and teachers with knowledge, skills, and a plan to develop and implement a standards-based report card supported by all school constituencies. Participants will learn how to develop a plan for change and create a well-articulated process to bring back to their district. Sample templates, rubrics, and resources will be provided. Discussion on the connection between standards-based report cards with monitoring and SGOs will occur throughout the session. • The Institute on Expanded Learning: Opportunities for Student Success Nov. 20, 2014; 9 am - 3 pm Presenter: Robert Zywicki Fee: $149 This session will explore strategies to leverage the expertise of all teachers to institutionalize the Common Core and prepare students for PARCC. Learn how teachers from social studies, science, arts, world languages, and technical subjects can provide instruction that supports the Common Core. Evidence, Evidence, and More Evidence: Are You on Target with Your Observations and Use of Artifacts to Support Teacher Evaluation? Transitioning to StandardsBased Report Cards (K - 5) als Sponsored by Junior Achievement of NJ and FEA Nov. 19, 2014; 9 am - 1:30 pm Presenters: Ashley Donecker, JA BizTown Director; Stephanie Karpowicz, JA Finance Park Manager; Crystal Law, JA Finance Park Director; Dawn Schwartz, Senior Vice President of Development, Communications & Capstones Fee: $75 (includes lunch) For principals, supervisors, and teachers in Grades 5 to 12 Junior Achievement is leading the charge in empowering students in New Jersey to own their economic success through turnkey, standards-based programs in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. This session will enlighten administrators and teachers about ways to enhance and supplement standardsbased learning by using JA’s nationally recognized curriculum provided to schools at no cost. Learn about JA’s capstone programs where students receive inclassroom lessons followed by a real-life simulation field trip, where they can put their knowledge into practice. Engaging All Content Areas in the Common Core Asst. Superi nte nd en t Fostering a Positive and Collegial Climate in a Time of Unprecedented Change Professional Learning for Leaders D ir ecto rs • S u p ervi s or s A partnership among NJASA, NJPSA, and FEA, with the support of NJDOE Cohorts Available: Cohort 4: January 21, February 17, and April 20, 2015 Cohort 5: February 20, March 26, and April 23, 2015 All Academy participants take the three core courses together with their cohort. Each participant will also choose two electives, which may be any professional development course listed in the fall, winter, or spring PD calendar from NJASA or FEA, including LEGAL ONE. For further information about how to register for the Academy and electives, visit and click on the NJ Leadership Academy Logo.
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