Gilad Asharov Updated: October 23, 2014 School of Computer Science and Engineering The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rothberg A402 Jerusalem Israel [email protected]∼asharov Current Position The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Post-Doctoral Researcher Hosted by: Dr. Gil Segev April 2014 – current Research Interest My research interest is in the field of cryptography, with a focus on secure multiparty computation (MPC). My research concentrates on the question of feasibility. This includes the question of what cryptographic tasks can and cannot be realized under what cryptographic assumptions, and is related to theoretical foundations of cryptography. In particular, my main interest is in achieving fairness in secure computation. In addition, I am also interested in efficiency of MPC, and closing the gap between the theory and practice of MPC. This includes the design of new realistic models that enable constructions and protocols with high efficiency. I am also interested in the intersection between GameTheory and Cryptography. Education Bar-Ilan University Ph.D. in Computer Science Field of Research: Cryptography. Thesis: Foundations of Secure Computation: Perfect Security and Fairness. Advisor: Prof. Yehuda Lindell. Bar-Ilan University M.Sc. in Computer Science Field of Research: Cryptography. Thesis: Utility Dependence in Correct and Fair Rational Secret Sharing. Advisor: Prof. Yehuda Lindell. summa cum laude Bar-Ilan University B.Sc. in Computer Science magna cum laude 2009 – 2014 2008 – 2009 2002 – 2005 1 of 4 Employment History Academic: IBM Research, T. J. Watson Center, Hawthorne, New York Summer intern. Summer 2011 Industry: Mentor Graphics Inc., Herzliya, Israel Software Engineer. 2005 – 2009 Scholarships and Awards • ICORE-algo Postdoctoral fellowship, The Israeli Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms, 2014. • Rector’s prize for outstanding Ph.D. students, Bar-Ilan University, 2011. • President’s Scholarship for excellent Ph.D. students, Bar-Ilan University, 2010 – 2013. • Dean’s outstanding research students award, for achievements in studies and the research work, BarIlan University, 2009. • Dean’s Undergraduate List of Excellence, 2002–2004, faculty of exact sciences, Bar-Ilan University. Professional Activities More than 30 reviews in the following publications (external reviewer): TCC 2015, Eurocrypt 2015, Financial Crypto 2015, ACM CCS 2014, DISC 2014, SCN 2014, CRYPTO 2014, STOC 2014, Distributed Computing (journal), Journal of Applied Mathematics, ASIACRYPT 2013, ESORICS 2013, CRYPTO 2013, Eurocrypt 2013, TCC 2013, PKC 2013, Inscrypt 2012, SCN 2012, ICITS 2012, CANS 2012, ICALP 2012, CRYPTO 2012, TCC 2012, Journal of Cryptology, CRYPTO 2011, ICITS 2011, CT-RSA 2011 and CRYPTO 2010. Teaching Assistant (All in Bar-Ilan University) Data Structures (89-120) Spring 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Lecturer: Prof. Shmuel Tomi Klein (2010-2013), Prof. Amihood Amir (2014). Complexity (89-320) Lecturer: Dr. Yair Dombb. Fall 2012 Introduction to Cryptography (89-656) Lecturer: Prof. Yehuda Lindell. Fall 2009 Publications Book Chapter (Invited) 1. Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell, The BGW Protocol for Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation. In Secure Multiparty Computation, M. Prabhakaran and A. Sahai (Ed.), Cryptology and Information Security Series, IOS Press. 2 of 4 Journal Publications 1. Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell, A Full Proof of the BGW Protocol for Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation. In Journal of Cryptology (to appear) 2. Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell, Utility Dependence in Correct and Fair Rational Secret Sharing. In Journal of Cryptology, Volume 24, Issue 1 (2011), Pages: 157–202. Publications in Refereed Conferences 1. Gilad Asharov, Towards Characterizing Complete Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation. In TCC 2014, pages 291-316. 2. Gilad Asharov, Yehuda Lindell, Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner, More Efficient Oblivious Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation. In ACM CCS 2013 – ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, pages 535548. 3. Gilad Asharov, Yehuda Lindell and Hila Zarosim, Fair and Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation with Reputation Systems. In ASIACRYPT 2013, pages 201-220. 4. Gilad Asharov, Yehuda Lindell and Tal Rabin, A Full Characterization of Functions that Imply Fair Coin Tossing and Ramifications to Fairness. In TCC 2013, Springer (LNCS 7785), pages 243-262, 2013. 5. Gilad Asharov and Claudio Orlandi, Calling Out Cheaters: Covert Security With Public Verifiability. In ASIACRYPT 2012, Springer (LNCS 7658), pages 681-698, 2012. 6. Gilad Asharov, Abhishek Jain, Adriana L´opez-Alt, Eran Tromer, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Daniel Wichs, Multiparty Computation with Low Communication, Computation and Interaction via Threshold FHE. In EUROCRYPT 2012, Springer (LNCS 7237), pages 483–501. 7. Gilad Asharov, Yehuda Lindell and Tal Rabin, Perfectly-Secure Multiplication for any t < n/3. In CRYPTO 2011, Springer (LNCS 6841), pages 240–258, 2011. 8. Gilad Asharov, Ran Canetti and Carmit Hazay, Towards a Game Theoretic View of Secure Computation. In EUROCRYPT 2011, Springer (LNCS 6632), pages 426–445, 2011. (In submission to Journal of Cryptology) 9. Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell, Utility Dependence in Correct and Fair Rational Secret Sharing. In CRYPTO 2009, Springer (LNCS 5677), pages 559–576, 2009. 3 of 4 Talks in Conferences and Seminars Towards Characterizing Complete Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation. • Theory Lunch, computer science department, The Technion, Israel. March, 2014. • TCC 2014, University of California, San-Diego (UCSD), CA. February, 2014. • MIT Cryptography and Information Security Seminar, MIT CSAIL, Boston, MA. February 2014. • Boston University Cryptography Seminar, Boston, MA. February 2014. • NYU Cryptography Seminar, New-York University, NY. February, 2014. • GTACS – The Greater Tel-Aviv Area Cryptographic Seminar, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel. December, 2013. A Full Characterization of Functions that Imply Fair Coin Tossing and Ramifications to Fairness. • Theory Lunch, computer science department, The Technion, Israel. March, 2013. • TCC 2013, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. March, 2013. • GTACS – The Greater Tel-Aviv Area Cryptographic Seminar, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel. February, 2013. Calling Out Cheaters: Covert Security with Public Verifiability. • Asiacrypt 2012, Beijing, China. December, 2012. Multiparty Computation with Low Communication, Computation and Interaction via Threshold FHE. • Eurocrypt 2012, The University of Cambridge, England. April, 2012. • GTACS – The Greater Tel-Aviv Area Cryptographic Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, March, 2012. • Computer Science Seminar, Ben-Gurion University, Israel. February, 2012. Perfectly-Secure Multiplication for any t < n/3. • Computer Science Theory Seminar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. November, 2011. • CRYPTO 2011, Santa Barbara, California, USA. August, 2011. Towards a Game Theoretic View of Secure Computation. • Eurocrypt 2011, Tallinn, Estonia. May, 2011. • IBM Research, T. J. Watson Research Center, New-York, USA. March, 2011. • GTACS – The Greater Tel-Aviv Area Cryptographic Seminar, Bar-Ilan University, March, 2011. Utility Dependence in Correct and Fair Rational Secret Sharing. • Computer Science Seminar, The Open–University, Israel. March, 2011. • Guest lecturer at Cryptography and Game Theory course, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, December, 2009. Instructors: Ran Canetti and Alon Rozen. • CRYPTO 2009, Santa Barbara, California, USA. August, 2009. • Computer Science Seminar, Ben-Gurion University, Israel. June, 2009. • Tel-Aviv – Weizmann Cryptography Reading Group, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. April, 2009. 4 of 4
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