Fairfax Station ❖ Clifton ❖ Lorton Walking Dead Follow on Twitter: @LFSCConnection News, Page 3 Connect Four Election 2014, Page 4 Entertainment, Page 10 ❖ Sports, Page 16 ❖ Classified, Page 17 South County High Chamber Singers performed in the Oct. 16 Fall season concert titled “At the Water’s Edge.” South County Presents ‘At the Water’s Edge’ Photo by Terrance Moran/The Connection News, Page 14 October 23-29, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com online at www.connectionnewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 1 2014 FCFT President’s Award for Outstanding Advocacy for the Employees of FCPS Karen Garza Superintendent, FCPS Ramona Morrow President, FCCPTA Megan McLaughlin (Braddock District) Elizabeth Schultz (Springfield District) Pat Hynes (Hunter Mill District) Patty Reed (Providence District) Sandy Evans (Mason District) Dan Storck (Mount Vernon District) Tammy Derenak Kaufax (Lee District) Ryan McElveen (At Large) Janie Strauss (Dranesville District) Ilryong Moon (At Large) The Fairfax County Federation of Teachers would like to thank all of the 2014 award winners listed above for their consistent advocacy, proactive communications, and support of our workforce over the past year. We publicly acknowledge their efforts to make a difference in the lives of FCPS employees. Thank you for caring about us; it matters and is appreciated. 2 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News Photos by Robyn Witschey Clifton’s “haunted” bridge lives up to the hype, at least for a few hours during the community’s Haunted Trail event to be held from 7-10 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 25. Walking Dead By Tim Peterson The Connection ulie Thompson isn’t a voodoo priestess. But the stay-at-home mother, of Clifton plays, one, one night of the year, in a skit for Clifton’s Haunted Trail. “Voodoo draws from so many different religions; it freaks people out because you can’t peg it,” said skit leader Sara Holbrook. “Voodoo altars typically have a raised piece in the middle with statue of Virgin Mary, rum bottles all around, a rosary and voodoo dolls.” Holbrook and Thompson’s skit will be more of an “authentic” installation piece than choreographed skit, due to Holbrook’s extensive research. “I want to make it as detail-oriented as possible,” said Holbrook, “as visually layered and rich as possible. It’s the same feeling set designers get. That’s the part that appeals to me.” J A Fairfax County urban legend, the “Bunnyman” has been known to appear during Clifton’s Haunted Trail. Clifton residents put on a bigger, scarier Haunted Trail on Saturday, Oct. 25. She doesn’t mind the role-playing and exhilaration of scaring people, however. “When you realize you’ve disguised yourself so effectively that people look at you and they’re like Whoa, you get a reaction, that’s really cool,” said Holbrook, also a stay-at-home mom living in Clifton. “I have no desire to act in my real life, but it’s fun one night of the year.” CLIFTON’S ONE-AND-DONE “Haunted Trail” around the eight-acre Buckley Park has been an annual fundraiser for the historic town since 2001. “It was Civil War-era town,” said Thompson. “A lot of people have said these historic homes, residences are thought to be haunted. We thought this was something cool to embellish.” The first year included just five skits, performed as visitors are lead around the tiki torch-lit park trail, but over the years the trail has ballooned to nearly two dozen skits for the 2014 fright fest. Each skit includes the math.” “It’s a great fundraiser for the town,” said Holbrook. “It reinforces that sense of community Clifton’s known for: coming together and seeing what all your friends have done.” Bitner said the one to two-mile circular loop trail should take about half an hour to traverse. Afterwards, and for children too young (they don’t recommend much below 12 years old) to walk the trail, the Trail team will be showing spooky movies and serving concessions, including food from Clifton’s Italian restaurant Trattoria Villagio. six to seven people. They span the gruesome gamut. “This year we’re doing haunted toys, a Civil War scene,” said Thompson. “There’s always vampires, witches, pirates, scary clowns. And someone does kind of a ‘Silence of the Lambs’ thing. He doesn’t call it anything.” There’s also appearances from a gang of hidden chainsaw operators, a botched (we can’t say how) electric chair execution and periodic appearances from Fairfax County’s own urban legend the Bunnyman. Upwards of 200 volunteer actors and hospitality crew from Clifton, South County and Centreville High Schools and Robinson Secondary School will put on this year’s event from 7-10 p.m. on Oct. 25. Project manager Steve Bitner said they’re expecting several thousand visitors to come through the town and trail. “In that three hours, we had close to 3,000 come through a few years ago,” said Bitner. “It’s a big event for the town when you do TICKETS for adults are $15 and children under 12 are $10. In case of inclement weather, the one planned rain date is Oct. 26. “With 2-3,000 people in one space, there’s a lot of energy that comes with that,” said Bitner. “You have humans that know how to scare, hiding behind trees and tarps. They can be spontaneous. That makes a huge difference.” hospitals to treat ill pasDulles Now Screening for Deadly Virus Local sengers arriving from Africa. Photo by Reena Singh/The Connection By Reena Singh The Connection ulles International Airport was one of five airports in the nation to begin screening for Ebola on Thursday. The Center for Disease Control and Protection trained staff to check all passengers arriving from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to check for signs of illness to prevent more passengers from infecting others during their daily interactions. “We work to continuously increase the safety of Americans,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden in a press release. “We believe these new measures will further protect the health of Americans, understanding that nothing we can do will get us to absolute zero risk until we end the D www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Dulles International Airport was selected as one of five airports in the nation to begin screening travelers arriving from African nations affected by Ebola. Ebola epidemic in West Africa.” The press release states that travelers from the three African countries will be escorted to a separate screening location af- ter having their passport reviewed, observed for any signs of illness or fever. If there are no symptoms present, the individual will be given instructions on how to self-moni- tor themselves. If the trained professional believes they are at risk for Ebola, however, they will be “referred to the appropriate public health authority” for further evaluation. CDC Communication Specialist Anita Blankenship said she would not be able to reveal where individuals would go if they had Ebola symptoms. “CDC has Memorandum of Agreements with hospitals near U.S. ports of entry that have agreed to evaluate ill travelers if a serious communicable disease is suspected,” she said in an email. “The actual hospital names are confidential under the terms of the agreement.” The press release noted that most travelers arriving from Africa with a fever tested positive for malaria. “In the last two months since exit See Ebola, Page 8 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 3 Election 2014 Connect Four Complete ballot of 11th District candidates faced off in Lake Ridge. more jobs. The more people you have working, the more are paying Social Security. That’s our problem now.” Harrold was straightforward yet affable, and consistent in applying the filter of is this something federal government should be involved in, if any government? “I thought about running as the pro-traffic candidate,” he dead-panned to a question about transportation expansion. “It didn’t poll well.” By Tim Peterson The Connection t wasn’t so much a down and dirty debate as a no-frills four-way question-and-answer session. Not that AARP and the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area (LWVFA), two of the sponsors of the “Meet the Candidates” series billed the Oct. 14 event as such. Tuesday’s meeting was the penultimate of seven events in the series, with the final being a District 8 The roughly 100 voters in attendance at the Westminster continuing care retirement community dining room had the opportunity to witness the rare occurrence of all four District 11 congressional candidates present under the same roof, answering the same questions. Those who missed the proceedings can see video of the nearly two hours (with a recess in the middle to switch the camera tape) on the League of Women Voters’ YouTube page. Suzanne Scholte (Republican), Gerry Connolly (Democrat, Incumbent), Joe Galdo (Green) and Marc Harrold (Libertarian) approached the dais microphone in ballot order, starting with Scholte. Each candidate was given three minutes for an opening statement, then two minutes per question to deliver a response. Olga Hernandez, organization director for LWVFA, posed a battery of questions to the panel of candidates, including suggestions from the audience. I CANDIDATES weren’t generally afforded the opportunity to respond directly or rebut another candidate’s claim, though Scholte and Connolly wasted no time in taking their first opportunities to indirectly butt heads over the Affordable Care Act, known affectionately (or infamously, depending on persuasion) as “Obamacare.” “We’ve never had something like this,” said Scholte in her response to the question “What is one thing you would change about the Affordable Care Act,” “where the parties didn’t work together for a solution. Photo by Tim Peterson/The Connection From left: 11th District candidates Suzanne Scholte, Gerry Connolly, Joe Galdo and Marc Harrold participated in a four-way question-and-answer program at the Westminster in Lake Ridge. That’s why it’s been such a disaster.” “I couldn’t disagree with my opponent more,” Connolly said in turn. “I’m proud of having voted for the Affordable Care Act. It is transforming lives in America as we speak. 7.3 million people who were uninsured are now insured. And another 3 million people are accessing Medicaid. And there would be 400,000 more of them here in Virginia if my opponent’s party would only stop blocking that expansion down in Richmond.” Scholte also called out Connolly for siding with his party and voting for the Sequester. In his subsequent response, the incumbent responded directly: “I opposed it. Last year I was the only one of Northern Virginia congressmen to vote against the continuing resolution to fund the government, because I said it baked in sequestration.” Galdo and Harrold each came to the plate with more direct responses to the Affordable Care question than each other, favoring reforming and repealing Obamacare, respectively. “I would change it to a single-payer plan,” said Galdo, “put it under Medicare. Rather than going through insurance companies, increasing the cost and complexities of the system, that would simplify it and lower costs.” “I believe it is a step towards a singlepayer system,” Harrold said. “I don’t think there’s a real way to favor Obamacare without realizing that it’s a slippery slope. It’s a huge encroachment on a major portion of the economy.” For the bulk of the questions, that ranged in subject from ideas to stabilizing Congress and strengthening Social Security to stances on new voter identification laws and federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the four candidates responded in large part as advertised. Scholte and Connolly touted their individual successes while picking apart the other’s party’s deficiencies. Galdo was understated and pragmatic, drawing agreement from other candidates with his simplified two-step assessment for Social Security. “One is lift the ceiling on Social Security taxes,” he said. “That would create additional revenue for the Social Security trust fund. The second is create GMU Communications Forum nication, nonprofits and government. Registration is strongly encouraged for the speed mentoring session; contact Brittany Sanders at [email protected]. THERE WAS LITTLE DISSENTION among the panel in support of transportation infrastructure expansion, like extending the Metro Yellow Line, favoring immigration reform, decrying the partisan unproductiveness of the current Congress and perceiving the new voter identification laws in Virginia as discriminatory and threatening to fundamental civic rights. “What could the new law be designed to do other than suppress votes?” said Connolly. “The claim is it is designed to make sure there’s no voter fraud. There is no voter fraud in Virginia.” Whereas Planned Parenthood was one of the more divisive questions: Scholte did not support federal funding, citing the abortions facilitated by Planned Parenthood as her central disagreement. Connolly referenced his voting record against the proposals to defund the organization in Congress and drew rare applause from the otherwise calm crowd with his favoring a woman’s right to choose. Galdo supported funding on the grounds of the “valuable health care services” provided by Planned Parenthood, despite his personal disagreements with abortion in the majority of cases. Harrold joined Scholte in not favoring funding, if only from the small government stance. “In the public discourse,” he said, “the question is whether public funding should be used. It is intimate and because it’s intimate, it should be left without any government interference.” At the end of the formal program, voters had the opportunity to meet the candidates face-to-face and ask additional questions. Area Roundups Election Officers are Sought Fairfax County needs 2,700 election officers, particularly bilingual citizens. Election officers must be registered voters in Virginia and complete required training and forms. People may choose to accept the $175 payment for a full day or volunteer their time. For more information, go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections and click the “training and education” button or call 703-324-4735, TTY 711. Sign up at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ elections/working.htm. GMU students will engage with some of the nation’s leading communication professionals during a free career forum, Tuesday, Oct. 28, from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., in Dewberry Hall. #AllThingsSocial will examine social media and integrated digital communication as a global phenomena and opportunity for today’s graduates. Aaron Sherinian, the U.N. Foundation’s vice president for communications and public relations, will present the keynote address, followed by a panel discussion and speed-mentoring session by professionals in news, public relations, corporate commu- 4 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 Volunteering Made Easy Fairfax County introduces its new volunteer management system, paving the way for easier navigation of county volunteer opportunities. People may visit volunteer.fairfaxcounty.gov, fill out one application and search for opportunities meeting their interests by geographic location, dates, type of people or program type. They may view positions from a variety of agen- cies track their hours and review upcoming volunteer jobs. They may even volunteer to serve during emergencies. Police, Fire Games Help Needed The 2015 World Police and Fire Games will need upwards of 3,000 people to take on a wide variety of roles across the National Capital Region. These include welcoming visitors, transporting athletes, joining the medical team, assisting sports coordinators, helping out behind the scenes on the technology team. For more information or to volunteer, go to http:/ /fairfax2015.com/volunteer. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News Library Celebrates 75th Anniversary n Saturday, Oct. 18, the Fairfax County Public Library system held their annual Library Jubilee Gala. The night celebrated the Fairfax County Public Library’s 75th anniversary with both a live and silent auction, entertainment provided by the George Mason University School of Music and a keynote speech by Gary Noesner, a former FBI Hostage Negotiator and author of “Stalling for Time.” Among the night’s attendees were Congressman Gerry Connolly, Delegates Eileen Filler-Corn and Ken Plum and Fairfax Chairman Sharon Bulova. The event was held at the at the City of Fairfax Regional Library this year. O Delegates Eileen FillerCorn (D-41) and Ken Plum (D-36) celebrate Fairfax County Public Libraries 75th Anniversary at the Library Jubilee on Saturday, Oct. 18. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Enjoy Our Oyster Bar New Varieties Arriving Weekly Thursday—Saturday 4-9 P.M. 9000 Lorton Station Blvd., Lorton, VA 703-372-1923 • firesidegrillva.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 5 Fairfax Station, Lorton & Clifton Opinion Yes to Fairfax Transportation Bond $84 million for pedestrian, bike and trail improvements. f more than 75 projects included in the current proposal, on the ballot for Nov. 4, all but seven are designed to make Fairfax County safer and more inviting for pedestrians and bicyclists. Voters will decide on Election Day whether to authorize $100 million for: ❖ Spot road improvements to increase roadway capacity, reduce congestion, improve safety, and improve transit access ($16 million) ❖ Pedestrian improvements to improve capacity, enhance safety and complete missing pedestrian links that connect neighborhoods, and improve access to schools, Metrorail stations and activity centers ($78 million) ❖ Bicycle improvements that include developing new bicycle facilities, constructing trails, adding bicycle parking and enhancing acces- O www.ConnectionNewspapers.com @LFSCConnection sibility ($6 million) Fairfax voters have a long history of approving bond questions for local transportation, schools and parks. This should be no exception. Franconia Road, Alexandria, 22310 West Springfield Governmental Center 6140 Rolling Road, Springfield, 22152 Mason Governmental Center - 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, 22003 Vote For more information, call 703-222-0776 or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/ absentee.htm You’ll need photo identification to vote either on Election Day or absentee. Any registered voter can apply for a free Virginia Voter Photo Identification from any general registrar’s office in the Commonwealth. Voters applying for the Virginia Voter Photo ID Card will have to complete the Virginia Voter Photo Identification Card Application, have their picture taken, and sign the digital signature pad. Once the application is processed, the card will be mailed directly to the voter. The importance of voting, and the difference just a few votes can make, is on display in Virginia, where close elections decided by a fraction of a percent of total voters have set the stage for some big changes. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 4. But you don’t have to wait until then. In person absentee voting is underway at Fairfax County Governmental Center and seven satellite locations thru Nov. 1. Office of Elections, 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Conf. Rooms 2/3, Fairfax, 22035. Now - Oct. 31, Monday thru Friday - 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturdays, Oct. 25 and Nov. 1, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Satellite Voting Locations Include: Franconia Governmental Center - 6121 — Mary Kimm, [email protected] Don’t Honk at Me for Being Cautious By Donna D. Carey Springfield n 2007, a member of my family was nearly killed by a driver who failed to yield on green turning left from Old Keene Mill Road onto Huntsman Boulevard. The driver then claimed to be on Government business at the time and with the help of a Government insurance company seemed to avoid much personal inconvenience despite having caused a terrible accident. My loved one survived but has never been the same physically. Even with some reimbursement for hospital stays, nothing can replace healthy lung capacity or vertebrae or account for years of subtle after effects. When it comes to traffic accidents, there is no question prevention is the best cure. Traffic accidents ruin people’s lives every day. Everyone who lives in West Springfield knows the Huntsman intersection is dangerous. Even I worse is the intersection of Bauer/ Greeley and Old Keene Mill. Even with warning signs and flashing lights, impatient drivers routinely tear through the red light at Bauer. Hard red lights – not even a hint of yellow. Nearby residents are at high risk having to navigate this intersection every day. The intersection needs cameras and 24/7 police presence. Unfortunately, there are many dangerous roads and intersections, and communities just do not have the money to police every one all the time. So it is up to us to be careful. Great - what are the odds. When I approach the Bauer signal, I try to wait to make sure all the cars have stopped before I move on my green light, for my sake and others. It makes me angry to see drivers speed through the red light. I do honk at these drivers, not only because it infuriates me that they are selfish and careless with other people’s safety but also because I hope they will wake up and think twice the next time. Yes, someone saw that. Yes, people care. Yes, you are accountable. I’ve seen the consequence of your careless attitude, and it’s devastating. On the other hand, when do I hear someone honk at me? Not for running a red light. No, they honk at me for being careful. Okay, so maybe I’m going to wait a few extra seconds for that next batch of cars to drive by before I make my left turn on green. Why? Because my loved one was nearly killed by someone making a careless left turn. When I’m turning right, I stop first to make sure the coast is clear before I move. Why? Because my loved one was almost killed by a careless driver. Don’t honk at me for being cautious. Think about what you’re doing. A horn is negative reinforcement. If you honk at someone and that person is inclined to be intimidated, then next time they approach a signal they are going to think, “Oh, I have to rush and take a chance so that person behind me won’t honk at me.” And then they might kill someone. Relax. Take a breath. Say a prayer. Think about how thankful you are for all your limbs and your lungs and your family. Before you know it, that person in front of you will have moved and you can be on your way. By being calm and cautious, you could save someone’s life. What if it were your loved one in the middle of the intersection when a person runs a red light? If the light is yellow, STOP. If the light is red, STOP. It’s only a couple minutes. Running red lights is a crime. If you must honk at someone, honk at the person who just ran a red light. If you catch me running a red light, yammering on my cell phone, weaving in and out, cutting you off, then fine, go ahead and honk at me. But don’t honk at me for being cautious. Show your appreciation for people who care more about your life than their own need to get somewhere. Show them some patience. trians and bicyclists benefit everyone through enhancing safety, providing active transportation options, providing opportunities for routine exercise, expanding access to recreational opportunities, and improving quality of life. Improvements funded by the bond will also permit more “Safe Routes to School,” or opportunities for children to walk or bike to school. The goals and objectives of both our plan and the transportation bond issue are aligned in encouraging a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and improving connectivity throughout the county. Please support the bond by a “yes” vote on Nov. 4. An independent, locally owned weekly newspaper delivered to homes and businesses. Published by Local Media Connection LLC 1606 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Free digital edition delivered to your email box. Go to connectionnewspapers.com/subscribe NEWS DEPARTMENT: [email protected] Kemal Kurspahic Editor ❖ 703-778-9414 [email protected] Amna Rehmatulla Editorial Assistant 703-778-9410 ext.427 [email protected] Tim Peterson Community Reporter 703-314-0789 [email protected] Jon Roetman Sports Editor ❖ 703-752-4013 [email protected] @jonroetman Victoria Ross County Reporter ❖ 301-502-6027 [email protected] ADVERTISING: For advertising information e-mail: [email protected] 703-778-9431 Steve Hogan Display Advertising, 703-778-9418 [email protected] Andrea Smith Classified Advertising, 703-778-9411 [email protected] Debbie Funk National Sales 703-778-9444 [email protected] David Griffin Marketing Assistant 703-778-9431 [email protected] Editor & Publisher Mary Kimm [email protected] @MaryKimm Executive Vice President Jerry Vernon [email protected] Editor in Chief Steven Mauren Managing Editor Kemal Kurspahic Photography: Deb Cobb, Craig Sterbutzel Art/Design: Laurence Foong, John Heinly Production Manager: Geovani Flores Special Assistant to the Publisher Jeanne Theismann [email protected] @TheismannMedia Letter to the Editor Vote ‘Yes’ on Transportation To the Editor: We are writing about the Nov. 4 voter referendum on transportation bonds for Fairfax County. The Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax is a diverse coalition of individuals and public, community, and business organizations that have joined forces to improve commu- nity health by mobilizing resources, increasing awareness, and promoting change. The Partnership has identified investments in infrastructure that support physical activity as a major priority in its community health improvement plan. Investments in facilities and pathways for pedes- 6 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 CIRCULATION: 703-778-9426 Circulation Manager: Ann Oliver [email protected] Marlene Blum and Julie Knight Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax/Co-Chairs www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Thirty-Six FCPS Students Named to Virginia Honors Choir ocal musicians from 14 Fairfax County public schools have been named to the Virginia Honors Choir for 2014. This select choir is open only to the top 125 singers from around the Commonwealth of Virginia, and is the highest honor a choir student can attain during his or her high school career. Thirty-six Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) students were selected for the choir, and six students were V www.ConnectionNewspapers.com named alternates. The students will perform at the Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) convention in Norfolk on Nov. 22. FCPS students named to the 2014 Virginia Honors Choir are: ❖Annandale High School: Annika Hackfeld and David Furney ❖Centreville High School: Nancy Brittain, Jin Young Lee, and Karsten Kim, and alternates Kayla Ebright and Alexandria De La Rosa. ❖Chantilly High School: Claire Hewer, Michael Mason, Jake Fries, and Troy Fries. ❖Fairfax High School: Tia Maxfield, Laurel Romoser, and James Derrick. ❖Herndon High School: Sarah Overton. ❖Lake Braddock Secondary School: Christos Kokkinis and alternate Mary DeMarco. ❖Langley High School: Vivian Vaeth, Ali Burk, Sarah Salem, Connor Kianpour, Andrew Myers, Ethan Zell, and alternate Yasmeen El-Rafey. ❖Madison High School: Ben Parsell. ❖Marshall High School: Kailee Sibley, Nadia Duncan, and Alex Mourao. ❖Oakton High School: John Ferri. ❖South Lakes High School: Catherine Evans and alternate Jessy Eubanks. ❖West Potomac High School: Shana Merker and Sam Rainey. ❖Westfield High School: Abigail Martin and alternate Jonathan Bidinger. ❖Woodson High School: Suzanne Howard, Hope Carey, Ariana Hooberman, Lara Taylor, Jacob Nelson, Will Everett, Caleb Yoo, and Jon Miller. Auditions were open to seniors enrolled in choral programs at their respective schools. Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 7 News Photo by Reena Singh/The Connection The Center for Disease Control and Protection sent trained staff to Dulles International Airport to help screen passengers for Ebola. Ebola Precautions SPECIAL CONNECTIONS CALENDAR Advertising Deadlines are the previous Thursday unless noted. OCTOBER Publishing A+ Camps & Schools....................................................10/15/14 Election Preview I .........................................................10/22/14 Election Preview II ........................................................ 10/29/14 NOVEMBER Election Day is Tuesday, November 4. Wellbeing..........................................................................11/5/14 HomeLifeStyle................................................................11/12/14 Holiday Entertainment & Gift Guide I........................11/19/14 A+...................................................................................11/25/14 Thanksgiving is November 27. DECEMBER Wellbeing..........................................................................12/3/14 HomeLifeStyle: Home for the Holidays.......................12/10/14 Hanukkah begins December 16. Holiday Entertainment & Gift Guide II......................12/16/14 A+ Camps & Schools....................................................12/16/14 CHILDREN’S CONNECTION .............................................12/24/14 E-mail [email protected] for more information. AwardWinning Newspapers & Online 703-778-9431 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Reaching Suburban Washington’s Leading Households • Alexandria Gazette Packet • Arlington Connection • Burke Connection • Centre View • Chantilly Connection • Fairfax Connection • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection • Great Falls Connection • McLean Connection • Mount Vernon Gazette • Oak Hill/Herndon Connection • Potomac Almanac • Reston Connection • Springfield Connection • Vienna/Oakton Connection From Page 3 screening began in the three countries, of 36,000 people screened, 77 people were denied boarding a flight because of the health screening process,” it states. “None of the 77 passengers were diagnosed with Ebola and many were diagnosed as ill with malaria, a disease common in West Africa, transmitted by mosquitoes and not contagious from one person to another.” HUNTER MILL SUPERVISOR Cathy Hudgins noted in a press release that Reston Hospital Center was the closest hospital to Dulles International. “Some residents have expressed fear,” she stated. “While we should all have concern, we must not let that turn to panic. Remember, Ebola is not new to Reston. Twenty-five years ago, we worked with appropriate local, state, and federal agencies to contain Ebola, and I believe that we should be able to do the same today.” She said that Reston Hospital Center, like other Northern Virginia hospitals, are preparing themselves for possible sick patients - whether for Ebola, malaria or other illnesses. “If authorities make the decision that Reston Hospital Center, or any other facility in Fairfax County, is the best option to treat and possibly save an individual’s life, then I will support the decision reached by the medical professionals who have all of our best interests at heart,” stated Hudgins. Blankenship did not answer when asked if other passengers will be notified whether a traveler from their plane was taken to the hospital for symptoms or tested 8 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 County Schools Prepared for Ebola Threat Fairfax County Public Schools is communicating with parents regarding the risks of Ebola in a school setting, according to FCPS spokesperson John Torre. All county schools already require a strict physical exam before enrolling. Torre said they are working with the county Health Department to implement further measures. “Health care providers are screening patients for travel history and have received guidance on how to respond appropriately when they determine a patient is at high risk for Ebola,” he said. “Effective Oct. 10, FCPS began screening new students for their recent travel history. Students who have visited one of the Ebola-affected countries in the last 21 days will receive an additional assessment by the Health Department to determine the individual’s risk.” Torre said all students who go to the nurse’s office with a fever will be screened for their travel history as well. “If a student, or a member of his/her household, has recently visited one of the Ebola-affected countries, the Health Department will follow-up with an additional assessment of the student and his or her family members to determine their risk and, if warranted, take appropriate public health actions,” he said. positive or how professionals can tell the difference between a traveler with Ebola or other illnesses. Inova Fairfax spokesperson Tracy Connell said she did not know if they were one of the designated hospitals for Dulles International. However, she did say an individual who vomited and had a fever was taken to the hospital on Friday afternoon for possible Ebola symptoms. At the time, she said the hospital was waiting for the county Health Department to determine whether to test the patient for Ebola. The hospital is equipped with an isolation room and personal protective equipment for staff to keep themselves safe. In the last week, the staff even ran several emergency drills to prepare for a worstcase scenario epidemic. “If a patient has the symptoms, we’re trained to treat it as if they have Ebola,” she said. A WOMAN WAS ALSO TESTED for Ebola symptoms last week in Loudoun County after coming back from Africa recently. Al- though her tests came back negative for the virus, Rep. Frank Wolf said there was not enough concern about the epidemic before it came on American soil. “Since July, I have been voicing concern that there is not a sufficient plan in place to deal with the deadly disease,” he said in a press release. “Last week, I called on the Obama Administration to appoint one person to coordinate a response. Regrettably, my recommendations have fallen on deaf ears. Today I am calling for a ban on travel from those West African nations battling Ebola.” In addition to screening at the arrival gate, first responders are being trained on safety protocols when arriving at the scene for someone who is displaying Ebolalike symptoms. “Ebola prevention is based on principles and approaches that we use every day,” said State Health Commissioner Marissa J. Levine in a press release. “However, there are unique aspects of Ebola that require us to make sure our plans and processes are up to date for this new concern.” www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Area Roundups Holiday Food Drive for Needy Families Wellness Fair at Lake Ridge The holidays are almost here, with all the joy of family gatherings and tasty meals around the table. But for many local families, the holidays are a time of hunger. So the Sully District Police Station, Westfields Business Owners Assn. and Western Fairfax Christian Ministries have teamed up to help feed them, but they need help from the community. They’re asking people to bring non-perishable food items to the Sully police station, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard in Chantilly, between now and Sunday, Nov. 9. Once the food is gathered, volunteers will create and deliver food baskets to these families in need throughout Centreville, Chantilly, Clifton and Fairfax Station. Non-perishable food items include, but aren’t limited to: canned vegetables, canned fruit, gravy, soup, bagged/canned beans, tuna, salmon, chicken, rice, instant potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, spaghetti sauce, flour, sugar, oil, macaroni and cheese, cereal, oatmeal, brownie mix, cookie mix, cake mix, frosting, pancake mix, syrup and canned cranberries. The Fairfax County Police Department cannot accept gift cards or money donations. Those wishing to donate a gift card or money, should contact Jennie Bush at [email protected]. Westminster at Lake Ridge retirement community is well known for members who remain independent, active and engaged. The community plans to share their “secrets” of longevity at an upcoming Wellness Fair on Thursday, Oct. 30, from 11 p.m. to 4 p.m. The fair is open to the public and will showcase the various dimensions of wellness found in the continuing care retirement community. The event will feature demonstrations of fitness classes by Gold’s Gym, as well as, Tai Chi, Zumba and Yoga. The community’s Rehabilitation Center will be conducting complimentary health screenings. The dining director, Tom Weaver, and the kitchen staff of Westminster at Lake Ridge will be showcasing healthy food preparation techniques and the staff dietician will be on hand to answer questions about nutrition for older adults. The Wellness Fair also will have exhibits staffed by representatives from various groups within the community who will have information to hand out. One of the ways many Westminster at Lake Ridge members stay young is by giving their time to benevolent and volunteer opportunities. The Wellness Fair will also See Roundups, Page 15 PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT The Virginia Police Benevolent Association, Inc. The Fairfax County Chapter Urges you to support strong, effective law enforcement by voting for the following candidate on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. BARBARA COMSTOCK US House of Representatives, 10th District VOTE TUESDAY November 4th Paid for by the Southern States PBA, Inc. PAC Fund. 2155 Hwy 42 S, McDonough, GA 30252. Chris Skinner, president; Dave Soderberg, senior vice president; Donald Scott, vice president; Joe Naia, secretary. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 9 Photo courtesy of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum The Fairfax Station Railroad Museum is only one-quarter mile from Ox Road, but transports visitors back to the 1800s. 40 Years of Potomac Valley Watercolorists Public Opening Reception. 7-9 p.m. Workhouse Arts Center, 9601 Ox Road, 22079 Lorton. This exhibit of 100 watercolor painting celebrates the 40 year anniversary of the Potomac Valley Watercolorists. http:// workhousearts.org THROUGH FRIDAY/NOV. 3 Adventures in Learning. 9:30 a.m.2:45 p.m. Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5114 Twinbrook Road, Fairfax. This program is open to all adults age 50 or better. Registrants bring a bag lunch and stay for a full day of classes/activities and socializing, or pick and choose the classes that interest them the most. $30. www.scfbva.org or 703-3234788. THROUGH FRIDAY/OCT. 31 Photos courtesy of Paul Awad Pumpkin Patch. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Messiah United Methodist Church, 6215 Rolling Road, Springfield. Pumpkins are available from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. daily until Oct. 31, when the patch closes at 6 p.m. 703-569-9862. THROUGH SUNDAY/FEB. 8, 2015 Dressing for the Occasion: An Exhibition of Costumes and Textiles Representing Fairfax Personalities and Events. Exhibition. Fairfax Museum & Visitor Center, 10209 Main Stree, Fairfax. Open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 703-3858414. WEDNESDAY/OCT.22-MONDAY/OCT.27 Disney On Ice Presents Frozen. Patriot Center, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Feld Entertainment, Inc. announces that its 34th Disney On Ice spectacular will bring to life the Academy Award-winning and number one animated feature film of all time, Disney’s Frozen. www.patriotcenter.com. FRIDAY/OCT. 24 Actress Susannah Wells will be part of filming an episode of the Western web series “Thurston” at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. “We’re trying to find ways to help community and provide facilities available in reasonable condition,” said Michael Chinworth, vice president of the Friends of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. “We want people to use it, to show it off, and help elevate historical awareness in the area.” Filming for the episode will take place in and outside the museum on Oct. 26 from 4-6:30 p.m. and is open to the public. The museum will be open that day from 1-4 p.m. The Fairfax Station Railroad Museum is located at 11200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. Admission is free for children under 5 and Museum members; $2 for children ages 5-15; $4 for adults 16 and older. 10 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 — Tim Peterson United States Navy Band’s Skipjack Quartet. 8 p.m. Old Town Hall, 3999 University Drive, Fairfax. The Navy Band’s newest ensemble, the Skipjack Quartet, consists of vibraphone, guitar, double bass and drums. The Skipjack Quartet specializes in elegant jazz and Latin stylings of the Great American Song Book, derived from Broadway and popular songs of a bygone era. 703385-2712. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. 8 p.m. George Mason University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Warm-hearted theatrical experience presented by the School of Theater and the School of Music. $15$25. 888-945-2468. FRIDAY/OCT. 24-SATURDAY/NOV. 1 Workhouse Arts Center Haunted Trail. 7-10 p.m. 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. During an exclusive event for six hair-raising nights only, visitors can walk the Haunted Trail with friends and family. Visitors will experience the macabre outdoor scenes in the lesser traveled areas of the historic prison campus and enjoy special effects, live scare actors and a nightmarish, immersive storyline about a growing horde of infected SATURDAY/OCT. 25 – FRIDAY/OCT. 31 St. Peter’s in the Woods Pumpkin Patch. 5911 Fairview Woods Dr., Fairfax Station. St. Peter’s in the Woods Annual Pumpkin Patch is a community outreach fundraiser. Pumpkins and Gourds of all sizes available for purchase. Come buy a pumpkin and help support community outreach. SATURDAY/OCT. 25 Tales to Tails. 10:30 a.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Read to a therapy dog. Ages 6-12 with adult. 703-293-6227. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. George Mason University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Warm-hearted theatrical experience presented by the School of Theater and the School of Music. $15-$25. 888-945-2468. Clifton Haunted Trail. 7-10 p.m. Chapel Road, Clifton. A terrifying annual event that winds through Clifton’s 8 Acre Park. Visit cliftonhauntedtrail.com. Dog Adoption. 12 -3 p.m. Petco, Greenbriar Towncenter, 13053 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway, Fairfax. Call 703-817-9444 or visit www.hart90.org/. SATURDAY/OCT.25-SUNDAY/OCT.26 Fairfax Symphony Orchestra presents Copland and Stravinsky. 8 p.m. George Mason University’s Harris Theatre, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Classical performance by the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra. www.fairfaxsymphony.org more. It will end with Trunk or Treat for the kids at sun down. Free. 703378-7272, ext. 225, [email protected]. MONDAY/OCT. 27 Music and Movin’ with Miss Susan. 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. 703293-6227. Crazy 8s Math Club. 4:30 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Join Bedtime Math’s Crazy 8s to build stuff, run and jump, make music, make a mess…it’s a totally new kind of math club. School age. 703-293-6227. WEDNESDAY/OCT. 29 Bilingual Storytime. 4 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Bilingual storytime in English and Spanish. Build your child’s early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. 703-293-6227. Genealogy Help Desk. 7 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Bring family history stumpers to the experts. Accomplished genealogists and library staff will be on hand to assist. Ask at the Virginia Room desk or call 703293-6227, option 6. Adults, Teens. George Mason University Visiting Filmmakers Series. 7:30 p.m. Johnson Center, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax. Showing of Out in the Night, with question and answer with director Dorosh Walther, producer Giovanna Chesler, and professor and subject Renata Hill. Free. Open to public. 703-993-2768. THURSDAY/OCT. 30 Preschool Storytime. 10:30 a.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Build your child’s early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. 703-293-6227. Genealogy Databases. 2 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Search for your ancestors using the library’s genealogy databases and other free Internet databases. Adults, teens. 703-2936227. FRIDAY/OCT. 31 The National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China: Cirque Peking. 8 p.m. George Mason University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. With a combination of traditional and modern music, colorful sets, and imaginative props, the National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China is among Asia’s most acclaimed ensembles. $29-$48. 888-945-2468. SATURDAY/NOV. 1-MONDAY/DEC. 15 FCPS Art Teachers Exhibition. Building W-16 McGuireWoods Gallery, Workhouse Arts Center, 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton. FCPS art teachers display their art. 703-5842900. www.workhousearts.org. SATURDAY/NOV. 1 The Robinson Marketplace. 10 a.m.4 p.m. 5305 Sideburn Road, Fairfax. Shop at over 80 vendors at the Holiday Market, raffle and silent auction sponsored by the Robinson Secondary School PTSA. Visit www.robinsonptsa.org. SATURDAY/NOV. 1-SUNDAY/NOV. 2 Cabaret Series: Heroes Cabaret. 8 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m Sunday. W-3 Theatre, Workhouse Arts Center, 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton. Songs and music of heroes and anti-heroes. 703-584-2900. www.workhousearts.org. THURSDAY/NOV. 2 Nate Hausmann Author Talk. 2 p.m. Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax. j.talks event. Author with autism shares his story. $11/$9/$7. 703-323-0880. New Orleans Legends: Featuring the Preservation Hall Jazz Band and Allen Toussaint. 7 p.m. George Mason University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Join us for an evening of music. The legendary jazz and New Orleans R&B pianist Allen Toussaint recently received the highly prestigious National Medal of Arts by President Obama in recognition of his seminal influence on New Orleans music. Tickets: $29-$48. MONDAY/NOV. 3 Move & Groove with Mr. Skip. 10:30 a.m. Old Town Hall, 3999 University Drive, Fairfax. Mr. Skip, who is all about music and movement, sings original and classic kids songs like Old McDonald to the five and under crowd. He gets the kids off their seats and moving. For more information, visit www.fairfaxarts.org or call 703-352ARTS. Now’s A Great Time for Your Landscape Project! Free Patios, Free Patios, Walkways, Walkways, Retaining Retaining Walls, Walls, Landscaping & & so so much much more! more! Estimates Estimates Landscaping Hosta Special! Fall Color! Pansies and Mums! Pansies $1.29 25% Off All Varieties Bagged, 60 s Playground Chips Shredded Bulk ice 8! & Organic Compost r Hardwood Mulch 50-75% OffwesteP200 Mulch 99 $ c $24.99 cu. yd. 29. cu. yd. $3.49 Pottery Lo Sin ill R (From left) Garrett Brennan of Herndon, Evan Casey of Silver Spring and Felipe Cabezas play outlaws in the web series “Thurston” filming Oct. 25 at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. THROUGH SATURDAY/OCT. 25 drones. Evening trail, $10; daytime trail, $5. EF osie was the town prostitute. That was before she married an outlaw. Now she’s leaving him in the past and setting off for a new life out west. On a train, of course. “Historically, the railroad was just such a great thing like that,” said Paul Awad, a professor of filmmaking at the Art Institute of Washington and director and co-producer of the Western web series “Thurston.” “It really enabled all the people to travel; they’re all heading west.” Rosie has been a character in all three seasons of “Thurston,” a project Awad and his wife Kathryn O’Sullivan, a theater, play and communications professor at the Manassas campus of Northern Virginia Community College, produce together. With the series set in a fictional 1880s Kansas Ozarks mining town, Awad and O’Sullivan have had challenges finding proper costumes and locations to shoot near their Reston home. “We tend to write these things and not know how to film them,” joked Awad. The final episode of the third season of “Thurston” will feature two characters embarking on trains, which brought Awad and his wife to the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, housed in a restored 1854 Orange & Alexandria Railroad Station. “Even though it’s a little later than the series is set, it’s perfect,” said Awad. “It’s close to our house and seems like a great mixing of what we’re doing and what they’re doing.” Send notes to the Connection at [email protected] or call 703-778-9416. The deadline is the Friday prior to the next paper’s publication. Dated announcements should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. FRE Railroad Museum Hosts Western Film Crew Entertainment 9023 Arlington Blvd., Fairfax, Virginia 10% Off All Citrus Citrus All Plants 2 miles west of I-495 on Rt. 50. 1 mile from I-66 (Vienna Metro) 703-573-5025 ➠ Open 7 days a week Visit our new Web site: www.cravensnursery.com SATURDAY/OCT. 25-MONDAY/JAN. 19 Dada Re-Discovered. Building W-16 Vulcan Gallery, Workhouse Arts Center, 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton. Dada Re-Discovered explores how contemporary media and ideas can filter past Dada concepts and artwork. The exhibit will feature sound, video, performance and other visual mixed media. 703-584-2900. www.workhousearts.org. DR. GENE SWEETNAM DR. GRACE CHANG O P T O M E T R I S T S SUNDAY/OCT. 26 Outdoor Filming. 4-6:30 p.m. Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, 11200 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax Station. Outdoor filming of an online Western series titled, “Thurston.” Public invited to watch the filming that afternoon. The Railroad Museum will also be open that day from 1-4 p.m. www.fairfax-station.org. 703-4259225. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. 4 p.m. George Mason University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. Warm-hearted theatrical experience presented by the School of Theater and the School of Music. $15$25. 888-945-2468. Concert Series U.S. Army Strings. 4:30-6 p.m. Fairfax United Methodist Church, 10300 Stratford Ave., Fairfax. Free concert. Offering may be taken. 703-591-3120. Music from Oberlin at Oakton. 7:30 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton. Music from Oberlin at Oakton is a musical outreach program designed to give conservatory students an opportunity showcase their musical talents. Free. 703-281-4230, [email protected]. Neighborhood Fall Festival. 5-8 p.m. King of Kings Lutheran Church and Preschool, 4025 Kings Way, Fairfax. Fun activities for the entire family. There will be a moon bounce, games and prizes, a maze and haunted room, food, hot cider, s’mores, face painting, story time, crafts, a costume parade, raffles, pumpkin decorating and much www.ConnectionNewspapers.com TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS • Family & Pediatric Vision Care • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Treatment of Eye Diseases • 21 years Naval Service, 6 years Active Duty • Laser Vision Consultants • Over a thousand frames in stock • We carry all major brands of contact lenses • In-house lab Most Insurances Accepted: Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Care First, Medicare, Tricare In-network Doctor, Vision One Discount, Avesis, Aetna HMO/PPO/POS, PHCS, VSP® Network Doctor, EyeMed Vision Care, United Healthcare, VA Medicaid WE WELCOME YOUR DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION 5204A Rolling Rd. Burke Professional Center Burke, VA 22015 8951 Ox Rd., Suite 100 Shoppes at Lorton Valley Lorton, VA 22079 703-425-2000 703-493-9910 www.drsweetnam.com • www.sightforvision.com www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 11 News Photo by Abigail Constantino/The Connection More Information Lyme Disease Signs and Symptons http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/signs_symptoms/ National Capital Lyme Disease Association http://www.natcaplyme.org/ Fairfax County Fight the Bite http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hd/westnile/lymedisease.htm Under Our Skin http://www.underourskin.com/#home-emergence C OMMUNITIES OF W ORSHIP FREE TRUNK or TREAT A Family Friendly Halloween Alternative October 31, 2014 • 6:30 to 8:30 PM FREE Admission, Moon bounce, Face painting, Balloon animals, Games, Food, and More! Call 703.383.1170 to register your decorated vehicle… the best-decorated vehicle will win a prize! At Jubilee Christian Center 4650 Shirley Gate Rd Fairfax, VA 22030 703.383.1170 Panelists, from left, Steve Thomas, Eboni Cornish, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Joseph Annibali, Tara Fox, Heather Applegate, Kate Sheridan, Joshua Smith, and Nancy Fox, present their experiences treating and living with Lyme disease on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at Fairfax High School during a public forum on Lyme disease. Lyme Disease, ‘The Great Imitator’ ate Sheridan was a star athlete and an A-student up until the fifth grade when she suddenly developed flu-like symptoms and one day woke up with a rash on her face in the shape of a bullseye. Her parents took her to the doctor and she was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Soon, she was in a wheelchair and was transferred to a special needs class. “Losing control over your body and feeling yourself sliding backwards and there’s nothing you can do to stop it,” have been her experience since she was diagnosed. With the support of family, friends, teachers, counselors and a team of doctors, Sheridan was able to graduate from Oakton High School after five years. Now, the 19-year-old is a student at George Mason University and has even started an intense exercise program. She calls herself a “survivor of Lyme disease.” Sheridan represented the patient perspective in a forum on the impact of Lyme disease in Fairfax County students held on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at Fairfax High School. “Why are we talking about a tiny bug?” said Executive Director of the National Capital Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Association Monte Skall. had Lyme disease,” he said. “I have never been so excited to have had Lyme disease” compared to ALS. Prior to Thomas’ epiphany, he had had three negative tests for Lyme disease in a three year period. The disease is hard to diagnose for a variety of reasons. Psychiatrist Joseph Annibali described Lyme disease as the “Great Imitator” because it and its coinfections can mimic other diseases. As chief psychiatrist at Reston Amen Clinics, he has seen cognitive and psychiatric issues resulting from the disease, such as brain fog or clouding of consciousness, ADHD, anxiety, mood disorders, OCD, and anger. Annibali’s daughter also has Lyme disease. Because the disease’s symptoms often appear as symptoms of other illnesses, treatment can be hard to pinpoint. Heather Applegate, a psychologist for Loudoun County Public Schools who was undiagnosed for many years, said that the prescription of medication for diseases that are not Lyme disease are common occurrence. “Tick-borne illness has confounded the brightest of parents and the best of doctors,” said Skall. “The saddest thing is an undiagnosed patient,” said Applegate. Children who go undiagnosed causes the family fear for the child’s survival and mistrust of health care and school officials. “I’m confident that Fairfax County Schools are dealing with undiagnosed” cases, she said. “It’s a good idea for the school system to be educated about these kids,” said Applegate. The test for Lyme disease is also unreliable. Nancy Fox has written books and curricula about Lyme disease education. On the day she was tested in 2003, her first result in the morning was negative but she tested positive for Lyme disease later that afternoon. LYME may not be grabbing the headlines, like Ebola, but the Centers for Disease Control estimates Lyme cases to be 300,00 per year and Fairfax County has an average of 212 new cases per year for the past five years, said Skall. Steve Thomas, a teacher at Kilmer Middle School in Vienna, would consider Sheridan lucky—her diagnosis was immediate and accurate. Thomas’ symptoms occurred in 2005, while he and his family were living in Nicaragua. Two years later, his mysterious affliction forced his family to move back to the United States. Doctors told Thomas that he had ALS. He and his family started planning for his death. It was while watching the documentary Under Our Skin that something clicked for him. “I immediately knew I RESEARCHERS at George Mason University have made some progress in creating a more accurate and timely test for diagnosis called Nanotrap Urinary Antigen Test for Lyme. Lance Liotta and Alessandra Luchini of the George Mason Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine said that the test has the potential to increase the specificity and level of sensitivity for Lyme antigens. It is also non-invasive and can test the efficacy of treatment. How does one prevent Lyme disease? Avoid ticks and tick places, dress properly—long sleeves, long pants—apply repellents and insecticides, and check for ticks, suggested Joshua Smith of the Fairfax County Health Department. But with all these precautions, he said “it is still possible for ticks to escape these defenses.” Lyme Disease Association holds forum on impact of disease on Fairfax County students. Jccag.org By Abigail Constantino The Connection K Looking for a New Place of Worship? Visit Antioch Baptist Church! All Are Welcome! Sunday Worship 8, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Sunday School for Children & Adults 9:30 a.m. Married Couples Sunday School 11:30 a.m. 703-425-0710 • www.antioch-church.org 6531 Little Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 9800 Old Keene Mill Rd. 703-455-7041 Sunday School 9:15 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM www.calvaryfamily.com “Continuing the ministry of Christ on earth” To Advertise Your Community of Worship, Call 703-778-9418 12 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Photos by Steve Hibbard/The Connection News Fairfax County Sheriff Deputy Jenny Chesky with Fiona, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid with Johnny, and Deputy Aaron Waple with Igby. There were 307 people registered to walk in the K-9 Krawl which raised awareness of domestic violence. K-9 Krawl Held at Government Center n observance of October being Domestic Vio lence Awareness Month, Fairfax County Police personnel from the agency’s Victim Services Unit hosted the 8th Annual K-9 Krawl; a 5K Walk with 307 registered walkers held at the Fairfax County Government Center on Saturday, Oct. 18. The event was created to highlight the link between domestic violence and the link to animal cruelty. In I 2013, the police department received over 11,000 domestic violence calls for service; an average of 928 per month. There were over 1,600 assaults on family members and 293 violations of protective orders. More than 1,900 people were arrested for offenses relating to domestic violence. — Steve Hibbard Lori Muhlstein of Fairfax with Macy. Sara Simmons of Fairfax with Ruby. Find Your Children Safe & Sound KIDDIE COUNTRY RE G NO IST W ER ! DEVELOPMENTAL LEARNING CENTER DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE SCHOOL YEAR AND SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS Designed to provide a complete, happy, safe learning environment in harmony with the needs of the child. CHILDREN AGES 2-5 Full (6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.) and half day (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) programs SPECIAL FEATURES Developmental Curriculum • Degreed Teachers • Registered Nurse • Music Director • Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks • Heated Swimming Pools • Spacious Shaded Playgrounds • Planned Orientations and Presentations for Parents • State Licensed BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS AGES SIX-ELEVEN YEARS GRADES 1-6 Transportation provided to Terra Centre, Fairview, White Oaks, and Cherry Run Elementary Schools. Emphasis on special events, sports, time for homework, and student’s choice of activities. KINDERGARTEN Registrations are now being accepted for the 2014-2015 School Year. Two Virginia certified teachers per classroom. Program emphasizes language arts, math, computer literacy, science, social studies, social development, art, music and physical development. FULL DAY SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM AGES SIX TO ELEVEN YEARS Program is organized into weekly themes packed with FANTASTIC FIELD TRIPS, A SENSATIONAL OVERNIGHT CAMP OUT, DAILY SWIMMING, SPORTS, DANCING, MUSIC, AND AN END OF THE SUMMER “SMASH” MUSICAL PRODUCTION BY OUR CAMPERS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. KIDDIE COUNTRY I Burke Centre Fairfax Station (Fairfax) 6000 Schoolhouse Woods Rd. Burke, Virginia 22015 703-250-6550 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Come See Our Award-Winning Facilities! KIDDIE COUNTRY II (Both Schools Winners of American Institute of Architects Awards) Burke-Springfield Fairfax Station (Lorton) 9601 Old Keene Mill Rd. Burke, Virginia 22015 www.kiddiecountry.com 703-644-0066 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 13 News Middle school Chamber Singers High School Chamber Singers South County Presents ‘At the Water’s Edge’ n Thursday, Oct. 16, South County High School presented its Fall season choral concert titled “At the Water’s Edge.” With accompaniment by pianist Mike Langlois South County featured six choral arrangements under the direction of Jennifer Willard. Alison Sail and David Gigrich provided lighting and sound for the evening’s concert. Each of the five South County Choral groups performed two selections and all the choral groups were combined to Sing “Like a Mighty Stream” to close out the program. South County’s has five choral groups. There are three middle school groups – Concert Ladies, Men’s Chorus, and Ladies Select. Together there are 110 students participating at the middle school level. The two high school choral groups have 60 members broken between the Symphonic Choir and the Chamber Singers. Membership in the Chamber Singers is achieved through auditioning and ability to site read music and perform without accompaniment. Jennifer Willard of Lorton is the Director of South County’s High School choral program. She organizes a choral program every school quarter. The next choral program will be held on Dec. 9. O Middle School Concert Ladies — Terrance Moran Photos by Terrance Moran/ The Connection Combined Choral Groups 14 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News Area Roundups From Page 9 Helping End Hunger One Step At a Time feature examples of worthwhile volunteer projects. Westminster at Lake Ridge is a Continuing Care Retirement Community located at 12185 Clipper Drive, Lake Ridge, Va., next to the historic, riverside Town of Occoquan, just across the river from Fairfax County and 30 minutes from Washington, D.C. For more information contact Michelle at 703-4963440, or visit wlrva.org. The 22nd Annual Burke Area CROP Walk to be held Nov. 23. rea residents can help end hunger and raise funds for disaster relief on Sunday, Nov. 23, at the 22nd Annual Burke Area CROP [Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty] Hunger Walk – a humanitarian outreach to our local, national, and international Area residents can help end hunger and raise communities. funds for disaster relief on Sunday, Nov. 23, at Organized locally, an estimated 400 people the 22nd Annual Burke Area CROP (Communities will participate in the 6K (3.6-mile) or op- Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk. tional Golden Mile walk. Registration for the Photos contributed event begins at 1:30 p.m. followed by the walk at 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 23, at Living Savior Lutheran Church, 5500 Ox Road, in Fairfax Station and ends at Fairfax Presbyterian Church, Fairfax. Shuttles will be available at both the starting and ending locations. Walkers will enjoy live entertainment and refreshments at the conclusion of the walk. “I invite each of you to walk on November 23 in kinship and solidarity with neighbors near and far to make a difference,’’ said Janet Smith, coordinator of the Burke CROP Hunger Walk. “CROP walkers walk so struggling families can rebuild their lives, whether it’s here in the U.S., Latin America, or Africa.” The walk begins at Living Savior Lutheran Funds raised by CROP Hunger Walkers na- Church, 5500 Ox Road in Fairfax and ends at tionwide feed the hungry, assist uprooted Fairfax Presbyterian Church. people, and empower families and communities around the world to help themselves. collecting pledges from sponsors. Sponsor/registraTwenty-five percent of the money raised in the tion envelopes can be obtained from participating Burke Walk stays in the Burke, Springfield, Fairfax, congregations, or by contacting Janet Smith 703-455Fairfax Station, and Clifton area to support the im- 9025 or [email protected]). “And if you can’t portant anti-hunger and emergency assistance pro- walk on Walk day, or just want to broaden your horivided by Ecumenical Community Helping Others zon of sponsors, you can walk on the web with us,” (ECHO) and Western Fairfax Christian Ministries Smith said. Visit www.crophungerwalk.org/burkeva to find out how. (WFCM). For more Walk details, visit www.burkecropwalk.org. CROP Hunger Walk participants raise money by A Bathroom Remodel Special $6,850 Celebrating 15 Years in Business! TWO POOR TEACHERS Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Select your products from our Mobile Showroom and Design Center Fully Insured & Class A Licensed Est. 1999 Free Estimates 703-999-2928 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Visit our website: www.twopoorteachers.com Farmers Market on Thursdays Each Thursday, from 3-7 p.m., the Fairfax County Government Center hosts a farmers market in its parking lot. The Government Center is at 12000 Government Center Parkway in Fair Oaks, and the season’s last two markets are slated for Oct. 23 and Oct. 30. BURKE PROFESSIONAL PLAZA The Corner of Rt. 123 (Ox Rd.) & Burke Centre Pkwy. Met Life, Delta, BCBS/Carefirst and United Concordia Provider Weekdays • Saturdays • Evenings 24 Hour Emergency Care 5631-B Burke Centre Parkway Burke, VA 22015 4600 John Marr Dr., Suite #401 Annandale, VA 22003 8998-E Lorton Station Blvd. Lorton, VA 22079 • Free Initial Exam • 40+ Years Experience • Two Board Certified Orthodontists • In Network Providers for MetLife, Delta Dental & United Concordia 703-750-9393 www.dutson-ellisortho.com To advertise, please call Steve Hogan at 703-778-9418 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 15 Lorton/Fairfax Station/Clifton Connection Sports Editor Jon Roetman 703-752-4031 or [email protected] Sports Robinson goalkeeper Caroline Freeman recorded a shutout against Centreville in the Conference 5 tournament quarterfinals on Oct. 20. Robinson’s Addie Walsh scored a goal against Centreville in the Conference 5 tournament quarterfinals on Oct. 20. Robinson Goalie Freeman Shuts Out Centreville Rams earn regional berth with tournament victory. “She is one of my key players on defense. She’s explosive. I think she’s the top goalie in the area.” By Jon Roetman The Connection n a matchup of quality goalkeepers with their seasons on the line, it was Robinson’s Caroline Freeman who walked off the field with a clean sheet and an opportunity to play another day. The Robinson field hockey team defeated the Centreville Wildcats 3-0 in the win-orgo-home quarterfinal round of the Conference 5 tournament on Oct. 20 at Robinson Secondary School. Both Freeman and Centreville’s Kylie LeBlanc entered the contest in the top five for saves in the Washington, D.C.-metro area, according to stats from the Washington Post’s allmetsports.com. The Rams and Wildcats were locked in a scoreless tie in the second half before Robinson scored three goals in a span of five minutes, including two against LeBlanc. Robinson’s Addie Walsh scored the game’s first goal with 20:35 remaining in the second half. Katie O’Loughlin found the back of the cage less than two minutes later, and Charlotte Clark put the finishing touches on the 3-0 win. “I think once we got that first goal,” Rams head coach Lindsay Arnsmeyer said, “they just calmed down.” LeBlanc, a sophomore, tallied four saves and finished her season ranked third in the area with 160. “She’s aggressive,” Centreville head coach Demby Banbury said. “She is not afraid. And if you look at her, she’s constantly ready. Even if the ball is [at the other end of the field], she’s never just standing there. She’s always focused and she’s only a sophomore.” Freeman, a senior, had three saves and sits in fifth with a 114 and an opportunity — Robinson field hockey coach Lindsay Arnsmeyer about Caroline Freeman I Katie O’Loughlin and the Robinson field hockey team secured a berth in the 6A North region tournament with a 3-0 win over Centreville on Oct. 20. to add to her total. “[Freeman has] been amazing,” Arnsmeyer said. “She is one of my key players on defense. She’s explosive. I think she’s the top goalie in the area.” Freeman became a field hockey goalie her freshman year. Her comfort level grew after a couple seasons and now she wants to play at the collegiate level. “I was just sort of thrown into the position,” Freeman said. “… I was a soccer goalie and my teammates needed a [field hockey] goalie for freshman year because they didn’t have one. They said it’s just like [playing] soccer goalie. It wasn’t. It was a new thing. I got more comfortable in the pads to the point where soccer goalie became hard to play because I wasn’t comfortable without pads.” Arnsmeyer said Freeman has taken control during her senior season. “Last year, she was a little timid with some of the things that she did,” Arnsmeyer said. “She wouldn’t come out as much. Now, she 16 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 just commands the circle. It’s her circle and she doesn’t want anyone to be in it. She makes sure all her teammates are being aware of what’s going on, too. “… Her communication at the beginning of last season was terrible and that was the main thing that we focused on, that she needs to be talking the whole time. Now, you can always hear her.” The victory advanced Robinson to the conference tournament semifinals and earned the Rams a berth in the 6A North region tournament. The Rams faced No. 1 seed and defending state champion Westfield in the semifinals on Wednesday, after The Connection’s deadline. The conference tournament championship game is Thursday, Oct. 23 at Oakton High School. Sports Roundups West Springfield Football Beats Lake Braddock The West Springfield football team sits in second place in the Patriot District after knocking off defending champion Lake Braddock 16-14 on Oct. 17 at West Springfield High School. The Spartans improved to 5-2, including 3-1 in district play. West Springfield will travel to face Annandale at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24. Robinson Football Suffers First Loss The Robinson football team was knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten, losing to Westfield 31-14 on Oct. 17. The Rams (6-1) will travel to face Oakton at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com 703-778-9411 Home & Garden Zone 2: • Burke • Fairfax • Springfield • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL connectionnewspapers.com IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS The HANDYMAN A DIVISION OF NURSE CONSTRUCTION Recessed Lighting Licensed/Bonded/Insured Ceiling Fans Phone/CATV Office 703-335-0654 Computer Network Cabling Mobile 703-499-0522 Service Upgrades [email protected] Hot Tubs, etc… GUTTER GUTTER GUTTER CLEANING Gutters and Downspouts Cleaned Small Repairs • Gutter Guards PINNACLE SERVICES lic/ins 703-802-0483 free est. email [email protected] web: lawnsandgutters.com Friendly Service with a Friendly Price! HANDYMAN BATHROOM REMODELING, DRYWALL, PAINTING, CERAMIC TILE, CARPENTRY, POWER WASHING & MUCH MORE You have tried the rest - NOW CALL THE BEST!! Proudly serving Northern VA - 46 yrs. exp. Licensed Insured We Accept VISA/MC 703-441-8811 703-971-2164 We Accept All Major Credit Cards Licensed, Insured, Bonded • Free Estimates • Class A Lic 703-863-7465 R&N Carpentry ✦BASEMENTS ✦BATHS ✦KITCHENS Foreclosure specialist/Power washing ✦Exterior Wood Rot More! Deck & Fence repair, Screen Porches No jobs too large or small 703-987-5096 LAWN SERVICE PINNACLE SERVICES, INC. LAWN SERVICE MOWING, TRIMMING, EDGING, MULCHING & TRIM HEDGES Friendly Service for a Friendly Price INS. IMPROVEMENTS Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work. TREE SERVICE ANGEL’S TREE REMOVAL Brush & Yard Debris Trimming & Topping Gutters & Hauling -Thomas A. Edison Angeltreeslandscaping-hauling.com 703-863-1086 703-582-3709 240-603-6182 TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE Quality Tree Service & Landscaping Reasonable prices. 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Salary + Bonus + Benefits! 301-333-1900 301-333-1900 ☎☎ Weekdays 9-4 ☎☎ ☎☎ Weekdays 9-4 ☎☎ Institute Conservator: Restore, maintain, or document objects in museum/institute collections for storage, research, or exhibit. FT. Req: BA, 6m exp. Resume to Art Discovery Institute, 2931-C Eskridge Rd, Fairfax, VA 22031. Carrier Wanted Immediately! 264 Burke Connections in The Oaks Thursday only driveway deliveries $16.63 per week, paid monthly supplies and papers brought to your home must live nearby! leave name & phone number: 703-778-9426 Accountant A small tax and financial services firm in Northern Virginia is seeking a permanent, part time tax preparer. The ideal candidate must have a good understanding of individual tax preparation and work independently. Good people skills. Five years experience/EA/CPA preferred. Competitive wage and very flexible hours. A good place to work. Send resume to: HR, PO Box 2544, Springfield, VA 22152 25 years of experience Free estimates 703-868-5358 703-802-0483 BRICK AND STONE www.ConnectionNewspapers.com 703-494-5443 24 Hour Emergency Tree Service 703-922-4190 BUSINESS OPP PAVING 35 Years Free Experience! Estimates! Free est. 37 yrs exp. Licensed, Insured Handyman Services Springfld • Burke • Kingstowne Light Electrical • Plumbing • Bathroom Renovation • Ceramic Tile • Drywall Repair IMPROVEMENTS 703-520-3205 N-VA Joseph Sealcoating Specialist RCL HOME REPAIRS www.rclhomerepairs.com Junk, Rubbish, Homes, Offices, Commerical, Yard/Construction Debris, Lot Clear out, 24 hrs day, General Hom Work. 703-863-1086 703-582-3709 240-603-6182 Employment TELEPHONE JUNK HAULING TELEPHONE A great opportunity to A great opportunity to A&S CONSTRUCTION Bathrooms, Kitchens, Flooring, complete remodeling. LAWN SERVICE LIC. ANGEL’S HAULING Junk Trash Removal, Yard/Construction Debris, Garage/ Basement Clean Out, Furniture & Appl. Remodeling Homes, Flooring, Kitchen & Bath, Windows, Siding, Roofing, Additions & Patios, Custom Deck, Painting SPRINGFIELD HANDYMAN Good Rates Experienced LANDSCAPING PAVING Phone: 703-887-3827 Fax: 703-830-3849 E-mail: [email protected] www.rncontractors.com Home Repairs HAULING LANDSCAPING R.N. CONTRACTORS, INC. HANDYMAN S mall Zone 2 Ad Deadline: Tuesday Noon CONTRACTORS.com Quality Tree Service & Landscaping Reasonable prices. Licensed & insured Spring Cleanup... Tree removal, topping & pruning, shrubbery trimming, mulching, leaf removal, planting, hauling, gutter cleaning, retaining walls, drainage problems, etc. 25 years of experience – Free estimates 703-868-5358 24 Hour Emergency Tree Service HOW TO SUBMIT ADS TO Newspapers & Online CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Zones 1, 5, 6 .................... Mon @ noon Zones 2, 3, 4 .................... Tues @ noon E-mail ad with zone choices to: classified@connection newspapers.com or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411 EMPLOYMENT DEADLINES Zones 1, 5, 6 .................... Mon @ noon Zones 2, 3, 4 .................... Tues @ noon E-mail ad with zone choices to: classified@connection newspapers.com or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411 Educational Internships Unusual opportunity to learn many aspects of the newspaper business. Internships available in reporting, photography, research, graphics. Opportunities for students, and for adults considering change of career. Unpaid. E-mail internship@connec tionnewspapers.com ZONES Zone 1: The Reston Connection The Oak Hill/Herndon Connection Zone 2: The Springfield Connection The Burke Connection The Fairfax Connection The Fairfax Station/Clifton/ Lorton Connection Zone 3: The Alexandria Gazette Packet The Mount Vernon Gazette Zone 4: Centre View North Centre View South Zone 5: The Potomac Almanac Zone 6: The Arlington Connection The Vienna/Oakton Connection The McLean Connection The Great Falls Connection Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 17 Zone 2: • Burke • Fairfax • Springfield • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Classified 26 Antiques 6 RE Wanted We pay top $ for antique furniture and mid-century Danish/modern teak furniture, STERLING, MEN'S WATCHES, jewelry and costume jewelry, paintings/art glass/clocks. Schefer Antiques @ 703-241-0790. Email:[email protected] We Buy Houses Any Condition, Area or Situation Fast Cash! Call 610-451-6610 101 Computers 101 Computers 703-778-9411 Zone 2 Ad Deadline: Tuesday Noon 21 Announcements 21 Announcements ❖ When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. -Ethiopian Proverb SATURDAY/OCT. 25 MONDAY/OCT. 27 Serving the Area Since 1995 Library Tech Help. 11 a.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Get library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults. Bring library card, eBook reader and laptop. 703-293-6227. English Conversation Group. 7 p.m. Burke Centre Library, 5935 Freds Oak Road, Burke. Adult. Gloria Monick, [email protected] 703250-0877. ➣ Speed up Slow Computers ➣ Troubleshooting ➣ Virus Removal ➣ Computer Setup (571) 265-2038 [email protected] 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Send notes to the Connection at [email protected] or call 703-778-9416. The deadline for submissions is the Friday prior to publication. Dated announcements should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. Teen Advisory Board Meeting. 10:30 a.m. Burke Centre Library, 5935 Freds Oak Road, Burke. Board members meet biweekly to plan and implement projects and programs that will enhance library services for teens. Age 13-18. Free. 703-249-1520. Take Control of Your Blood Sugar. 3 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. R.N. and Certified Health Counselor Anita Capizzi discusses how to lower blood sugar levels naturally through simple diet and lifestyle changes. Adults. 703-293-6227. HDI COMPUTER SOLUTIONS JENNIFER SMITH Bulletin Board 21 Announcements 21 Announcements TUESDAY/OCT. 28 PUBLIC HEARING FOR TOWN OF CLIFTON ZONING ORDINANCE, PROPOSED ADDITION OF CHAPTER 13, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF CLIFTON TOWN COUNCIL AND TOWN OF CLIFTON PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Notice is hereby given that the Town of Clifton Town Council and the Town of Clifton Planning Commission will hold a joint Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Meeting Hall, 12641 Chapel Road, Clifton, VA 20124 to consider the amendment of the Town of Clifton’s Zoning Ordinance, resulting from the requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Regulations, to adopt Fairfax County’s Chapter 124 of the Code of the County of Fairfax, Stormwater Management Ordinance, into the Town Code, as Chapter 13 of the Town of Clifton Code. The proposed revision to the Town Code by the addition of Chapter 13 of the Zoning Ordinance is available for review and downloading on the Town’s website at www.cliftonva.us and a hard copy of the proposed Chapter 13, Stormwater Management Ordinance Zoning Ordinance may be examined at the Clifton Post Office, 12644 Chapel Road, Clifton VA, 20124. All interested parties are invited to attend and express their views with respect to the proposed adoption of Chapter 13 to the Town of Clifton Zoning Ordinance of the Stormwater Management Ordinance. 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Find us on Facebook and become a fan! Library Tech Help. 2 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Get library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults. Bring library card, eBook reader and laptop. 703-293-6227. English Conversation Group. 7 p.m. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce St., Springfield. Practice and improve English conversation. Adults. 703-451-8055. English Conversation Group. 7 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Practice speaking English with others and improve skills. Adults. 703-293-6227. WEDNESDAY/OCT. 29 English Conversation Group. 7 p.m. Pohick Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, Burke. Practice English with others and improve skills. 703-644-7333. THURSDAY/OCT. 30 Walk-in EBook and Computer Clinic. 10 a.m. Pohick Regional Library, 6450 Sydenstricker Road, Burke. Help with downloading library eBooks. Bring device and its account ID and password. Help with basic computer skills. Adults. 703-644-7333. Library Tech Help. 6 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library, 10360 North St., Fairfax. Get library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults. Bring library card, eBook reader and laptop. 703-293-6227. SATURDAY/NOV. 1-SATURDAY/NOV. 22 NVRC Collecting Blankets for Refugees. Several Fairfax County locations. Northern Virginia Regional Commission will collect blankets to help Syrian refugees. For more information, go to www.helpsyrianrefugees.net/ SUNDAY/NOV. 9 Recycling Event. noon-5 p.m. Petco, 13053 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway, Fairfax. Recycle outdated electronics and save a dog’s life. Questions on what to bring, [email protected]. www.facebook.com/ events/362845497196002/ SATURDAY/NOV. 15. NAACP Branch Election. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke (behind Kings Park Library). Election of branch officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee. To vote in the branch election, you must be a member in good standing and branch membership must be dated before Oct. 16, 2014. A form of ID is required. 703-591-4488. THURSDAY/DEC. 4-SUNDAY/DEC. 7 Huge Holiday Book Sale. Times vary. Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce Street, Springfield. Come and find those perfect books, CDs and DVDs for the holiday. Call for hours, 703-451-8055. ONGOING Singers Wanted for the Celebration Singers. The women’s show choir is interested in new talent to perform at various Northern Virginia community sites. Practices are Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in Burke. Contact Gayle Parsons, 703-644-4485 or email [email protected]. Online Scavenger Hunt. Visit Fairfax tasks those interested in becoming “citizen ambassadors” to the county (those informed on fun, creative weekend outings in the area) to find two Fairfax County Ambassador icons hidden throughout the fxva.com website in order to join the ambassador team; those who find all five hidden pins will receive a complimentary gift. www.fxva.com/online-ambassador. Senior Fall Prevention Classes. 1:30-2:30 p.m., at the Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Drive, Fairfax. Tuesday and/or Thursday classes in a heated pool designed to work on balance and core muscles for injury prevention. $10. 703-667-9800. American Red Cross CPR, First Aid and AED. Various times, at 2720 State Route 699, Suite 200, Fairfax. One-year certification, digital or print materials and continued education on Mondays through Thursday and Saturday. $70110. www.redcrossnca.org. Dementia Care Givers Support Groups. Various times, at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5114 Twinbrook Road, Fairfax. The groups are for those caring for someone with dementia or for those interested in learning more about providing care giving to a person with a disorder that affects memory and cognition and may impact behavior and physical abilities. 703-4518626 or [email protected]. Faith Notes www.Facebook.com/ connection newspapers 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Send notes to the Connection at [email protected] or call 703778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Dated announcements should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. Burke Presbyterian Church is embarking on a six-week study of the book by writer, theologian and activist Brian McLaren entitled “Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?” McLaren claims that his Christian identity moves him “toward people of other faiths in wholehearted love, not in spite of their non-Christian identity, and not in spite of [his] own Christian identity, but because of [his] identity as a follower of God in the way of Jesus.” All are welcome to join this conversation on Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m., Oct. 26 – Nov. 23 at Burke Presbyterian Church, 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke. www.BurkePresChurch.org, 703-764-0456. 18 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 Are You 50 or Better? Please join us for the next Lunch N’ Life sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke on Thursday, Nov. 20, (12-2 p.m.) at Lutheran Church of the Abiding Presence, 6304 Lee Chapel Rd, Burke. The Program will feature Jari Villaneuva, a Bugler, speaking on The History of Taps. For reservations, call Faye Quesenberry, 703-6200161, by Nov. 14. The cost is $10; checks payable to SCFB. If transportation is needed, call the SCFB office 703-323-4788. See www.scfbva.org for more information. Fairfax Baptist Temple, at the corner of Fairfax County Parkway and Burke Lake Roads, holds a bible study fellowship at 9 a.m. Sundays followed by a 10 a.m. worship service. Nursery care and children’s church also provided. 6401 Missionary Lane, Fairfax Station, 703-323-8100 or www.fbtministries.org. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com POTOMAC RIVER ALEXANDRIA TOYOTA 3750 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Alexandria, VA 22305 703-684-0710 ALEXANDRIA TOYOTA www.alexandriatoyota.com Service Department Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:00am to 5:00pm Saturday, 8:00am to 5:00pm TOYOTA LIFETIME GUARANTEE Mufflers•Exhaust Pipes•Shocks•Struts ServiceCenters Keep Your Toyota a Toyota 27 YEARS OF RECEIVING THIS HONOR Toyota mufflers, exhaust pipes, shocks, struts and strut cartridges are guaranteed to the original purchaser for the life of the vehicle when installed by an authorized Toyota dealer. See us for full details. Let’s Go Places You Have Saturdays Off That’s Exactly Why We Don’t! www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 ❖ 19 # 1 in Virginia 703-425-8000 David Levent MARSHA WOLBER Lifetime Member NVAR Top Producers 703-338-1388 Top 5% of Agents Nationally www.marshawolber.com [email protected] Selling Virginia’s Finest Homes Cell: 703-618-4397 Member, NVAR Multi Million Dollar Sales Club Fairfax Station – $1,200,000 5 acre Estate with Sparkling Pool View more photos at www.hermandorfer.com JUDY SEMLER 703-503-1885 [email protected] www.JudysHomeTeam.com Fairfax/Kings Park West $484,500 Lovely 4 bedroom home with garage * Wood floors * Updated kitchen that opens to private patio * Living room with fireplace * Family room opens to deck & hot tub * Large fenced back yard * Fresh paint & carpet. Call Judy for more information. Come to the HEART of Real Estate, since 1980 Proudly Serving Northern VA KAY HART, CRS, GRI Associate Broker Life Member NVAR Top Producer [email protected] 703-503-1860 Falls Church/Pimmit Hills $1,999 per month Just 2.4 miles to Silver Line’s McLean Metro Station & 3.1 miles to Tysons Station * Fresh paint throughout * Wood floors, carpet in bedrooms * Updated kitchen & bath * Dining room opens to large multi-level deck in fenced flat back yard backing to trees * Driveway parking. Call Judy 703-503-1885 or [email protected] STEVE CHILDRESS “Experience…with Innovation!” Life Member NVAR Top Producers Buyer Broker since 1973! 703-981-3277 Mortgage rates are still LOW… and inventory is UP! Contact me NOW for assistance to find and negotiate the best price and terms for your new DREAM HOME! Bristow $419,900 WOW! Don’t miss this move-in-ready home with sunfilled morning room and one of Braemar’s best yards backing to treed common area! 4 BRs, 2.5 BAs, lux master bath, and granite kitchen. www.9811SolitaryPl.com Pep Bauman “Put Pep’s Energy to Work for You” 703-314-7055 PepLnF.com C U O N N D T E R R A C T Clifton – $949,000 Gorgeous 5 acre setting with Pool North Reston $949,900 Updated and gorgeous! 3 finished levels, 5 BR, 3 & 1/2 BA, walkout basement, 2-story foyer, library, spectacular updated kitchen, hardwood main level, many built-ins and upgrades. Open floor plan, backs to wooded parkland. 703-981-3277 or [email protected] Sterling $368,900 Beautifully renovated 4 bedroom, 4 bath, 3level T/H. Gorgeous updated kitchen w/granite, S/S appliances. New paint & carpet. Family room with F/P. L/L bdrm suite with F/P & walkout. Wonderful deck & patio, custom landscaped yards. Sheila Adams 703-503-1895 JON SAMPSON [email protected] jonsampsonrealtor.com 703-307-4357 Life Member, NVAR Multi–Million Dollar Sales Club Life Member, NVAR TOP PRODUCERS Burke Condo Rental $1,800 A Perfect 10 ** Main Level Burke Cove Condo With Patio! 3 BR, 2 Full BA, Huge Storage Rm, New Kitchen, All Updated *** Available Now! Mary Hovland 703-946-1775 Cathy DeLoach 571-276-9421 Your REALTORS* Next Door Fairfax $535,000 Nicely updated 4 BR/2.5 BA Colonial in sought-after Kings Park West. Kitchen has attractive cabinetry w/granite, stainless appliances, gas cooking & breakfast bar adjoining dining room. Patio off Kitchen & DR makes for some great outdoor meals! Upgraded baths, hardwoods, sitting room with access to patio & quiet backyard. Close to VRE, Metrobus, schools & shopping. Fairfax $529,900 Looking for that perfect home? Well...here it is! 4 Levels of perfection, 4 BR’s, 3 Baths, Updated Kitchen w/stainless steel appliances, granite, Hardwd Floors, LL FR w/FP, Level 4 makes that perfect media room. Call Sheila 703-503-1895. Terrific End Unit Town House in Parkside at Dulles. 1,500 sq ft in this 3 BR/3 BA home. $306,000 BARBARA NOWAK & GERRY STAUDTE “My Virginia Home Team” 703-473-1803, 703-309-8948 [email protected] www.MyVirginiaHomeTeam.com Richard Esposito 703-503-4035 [email protected] Service is the difference I provide ELLIE WESTER 703-503-1880 L&F Founder’s Club Lifetime NVAR Top Producer Life Member, NVAR Million Dollar Sales Club [email protected] C U O N N D TR E R A C T Fairfax Middleridge Rental $2,300 Single Family Home with 4 BR, 3 BA, NEW GAS HEAT, 1-Car Gar * Fenced Yard * May consider 1 small dog * Robinson HS ** Shows very well *** Available Oct. 1 * Call Kay for Appointment/ INFO 703-503-1860 Lorton $600,000 Shows Like a Model! This gorgeous SF home features 4 BRs, 2 Full and 2 half BAs, gourmet Kit w/Silestone Ctrs, Sun Rm & Large FR. Fully finished LL w/huge Rec Rm & Exercise Room. A must-see! Fairfax $379,900 This 3-level town home has been updated. New kitchen, windows, hardwood floors, the list goes on. Located in the heart of Fairfax across the street from the VRE. Alexandria $939,900 Charming Belle Haven Old English style stone home set amidst exquisite English gardens with views of the Potomac River and National Harbor. Four bedrooms include a Lower Level nanny or guest suite. Many updates. Access the Realtors’ Multiple Listing Service: www.searchvirginia.listingbook.com 20 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 23-29, 2014 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
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