WHY NORWAY Norway has a very strong and dynamic economy. GDP per capita is the second highest in Europe. It will be interesting to see how oil price is affecting the market but the forecast for the coming years shows continuous growth through 2015. At the same time, the unemployment rate is expected to be around 3, 5 %. The Norwegian State owns the world’s biggest investment fund,The Government Pension Fund Global, with an about 5.000 billion NOK/600 billion Euro (3/2014). The strong economy makes Norway an interesting market despite the market size and the current situation makes to look cost effective solutions internationally. Maritime Norway counts for less than one per mil of the world’s population, but is a super power in maritime business. Norwegian ship owners control 7 per cent of the global fleet, and shipping companies (including rig and drilling rig companies), maritime service providers, ship and rig building yards, and ship equipment manufacturers hold a leading position in a wide variety of areas. The Norwegian maritime sector is the largest export industry after oil and gas and comprises 7 500 companies, 100 000 employees, a turnover of around EUR 50 billion and approx. 10 per cent of the national wealth creation. Many Norwegian maritime service providers rank amongst the largest and most important in the world in several areas. There is still a high level of shipyard activity along the coast and those that remain have become highly specialized during recent years and are highly proficient in the areas in which Norwegian ship owners excel. Shipyard segments: offshore vessels, small specialist vessels, fishing vessels and passenger ferries, but last year (2012), 95 per cent of the vessels ordered at Norwegian shipyards were offshore vessels. Norway is home to maritime equipment manufacturers in a wide variety of areas, including motors and engines, pump systems, navigation equipment, surface coatings, heating systems, ships furniture and positioning systems to name a few. Norwegian maritime equipment manufacturers supply about 7 per cent of ships equipment purchased worldwide, and export in the region of 50-60 per cent of their total production. Areas of business opportunities 1. Hull design, propulsion and maneuvering systems 2. Energy efficient and low emission engines 3. LNG on-board storage and bunkering systems, including ship-to-ship 4. LNG transport and distribution 5. Renewable energy on-board vessels, including battery technology and land power 6. Equipment and vessels for operations at deeper and more distant areas 7. Equipment and vessels for environmental operations in the Artic 8. Methods and technology for evacuation, search and rescue in the Artic 9. Equipment and vessels to explore the Ocean Space (energy, mining, aquaculture, biotech) 10. Solution and systems for efficient analyses, modelling, prototyping, design and simulation, computer based and physical. Source: Invest in Norway Construction industry Norway will have 6 million inhabitants by 2029, according to Statistics Norway. The population will grow in every county of the country. The most rapid growth is expected in Oslo, Akershus and Rogaland. The population of Oslo is expected to rise from 613 000 in 2012 to 832 000 by 2040. This growth leads to a lack of housing and services in the country. A large part of the research in Norway relies heavily on activities taking place internationally, especially in Europe and the other Nordic countries. The Government will spend NOK 508 billion (EUR 63.5 billion) on transport over the next ten years. Business opportunities are in following sectors in which we would like to see Finnish businesses joining the Minister’s delegation: New technologies (e.g. safety, measurements) in infra and construction industry - Infra construction in roads, railways, harbors, power line Suppliers to following segments: Steel, prefabricated concrete, metal works, interior/furnishing, system interior, windows, façade, glass/alu, sandwich elements, technical packages. Source: NHO, Nasjonal transport plan For more information on the visit and the business opportunities in Norway, please contact: Ms. Kirsti Tarvainen, Manager, Phone: +358 40 34 33 434 Ms. Lotta Eiroma, Project Coordinator, Phone: +358 40 716 2628 Mr. Antti Mäkikyrö, Head of Trade Center, Finpro Oslo, Phone: +358 40 34 33 380 or +47 40 469 657 Mr. Matti Rasimus, Head Industry, Marine & Offshore, Arctic Technology, Phone: +358 40 34 33 308 Ms. Maria Westerholm, Senior Project Manager, Phone: +358 40 34 33 431 Kehittämisavustusta Rakennerahasto ELY-keskuksesta Suomessa toimivilla yrityksillä on mahdollisuus hakea kehittämisavustusta vienti- ja kansainvälistymishankkeisiin ELY-keskuksesta. Jos yrityksellä on käynnissä ELY-keskuksen rahoittama yrityksen kehittämisavustus/kansainvälistymishanke tai jos yritys suunnittelee sellaisen hakemista, nämä matkakulut voidaan soveltuvin osin sisällyttää avustuksen/uuden hakemuksen piiriin mikäli yritys on sisällyttänyt ko. alueen hakemuksensa kohdemaaksi. Avustushakemus on kuitenkin jätettävä ennen osallistumisvahvistusta. ELY-keskuksen myöntämää tukea voidaan myöntää pääsääntöisesti enintään 50 % avustuksen piiriin hyväksyttävistä kuluista. Matkustuskustannuksiin voidaan sisällyttää lentomatkat, majoituskustannukset sekä päivärahat. Avustuksen suuruus on enintään 50 %. Lisätietoa avustushakemuksesta saatte alueenne Rakennerahasto ELY-keskuksesta: http://www.rakennerahastot.fi/ Osoitelähde: Finpron sidosryhmärekisteri. Mikäli et halua jatkossa vastaanottaa kutsuja, ajankohtaisia tiedotteita tai muuta materiaalia Finprolta, ole hyvä ja lähetä sähköposti osoitteeseen [email protected]. Address Source: Finpro’s Stake Holder Register. 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