gaNORDICbib GA pohjoismaissa

An Indexed Bibliography of Genetic
Algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic
compiled by
Jarmo T. Alander
Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering: Automation
University of Vaasa P.O. Box 700, FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
phone: +358-6-324 8444, fax: +358-6-324 8467
Report Series No. 94-1-NORDIC (Updated 2015/02/15 18:35 )
available at
c 1994-2014 Jarmo T. Alander
Copyright c
Cover image: 2007
Jarmo Alander, All rights reserved.
University of Vaasa West entrance.
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
While this bibliography has been compiled with the utmost care, the editor takes no responsibility for
any errors, missing information, the contents or quality of the references, nor for the usefulness and/or
the consequences of their application. The fact that a reference is included in this publication does not
imply a recommendation. The use of any of the methods in the references is entirely at the user’s own
responsibility. Especially the above warning applies to those references that are marked by trailing ’†’ (or
’*’), which are the ones that the editor has unfortunately not had the opportunity to read. An abstract
was available of the references marked with ’*’.
1 Preface
1.1 Your contributions erroneous or missing?
1.1.1 How to cite this report? . . . . . .
1.2 How to get this report via Internet? . .
1.3 Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Introduction
3 Statistical summaries
3.1 Publication type . . .
3.2 Annual distribution . .
3.3 Classification . . . . .
3.4 Authors . . . . . . . .
3.5 Topic distribution . .
3.6 Conclusions and future
4 Indexes
4.1 Books . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Journal articles . . . .
4.3 Theses . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 PhD theses . .
4.3.2 Master’s theses
4.4 Report series . . . . .
4.5 Patents . . . . . . . .
4.6 Authors . . . . . . . .
4.7 Subject index . . . . .
4.8 Annual index . . . . .
4.9 Geographical index . .
A Bibliography entry formats
Chapter 1
“ Living organism are consummate problem solvers. They exhibit a versatility
that puts the best computer programs to shame. ”
John H. Holland, [1]
The material of this bibliography has been extracted from the genetic algorithm bibliography [2], which
when this report was compiled (February 15, 2015) contained 23240 items and which has been collected
from several sources of genetic algorithm literature including Usenet newsgroup and
the bibliographies [3, 4, 5, 6]. The following index periodicals and databases have been used systematically
• A: International Aerospace Abstracts: Jan. 1995 – Sep. 1998
• ACM: ACM Guide to Computing Literature: 1979 – 1993/4
• BA: Biological Abstracts: July 1996 - Aug. 1998
• CA: Computer Abstracts: Jan. 1993 – Feb. 1995
• CCA: Computer & Control Abstracts: Jan. 1992 – Dec. 1999 (except May -95)
• ChA: Chemical Abstracts: Jan. 1997 - Dec. 2000
• CTI: Current Technology Index Jan./Feb. 1993 – Jan./Feb. 1994
• DAI: Dissertation Abstracts International: Vol. 53 No. 1 – Vol. 56 No. 10 (Apr. 1996)
• EEA: Electrical & Electronics Abstracts: Jan. 1991 – Apr. 1998
• EI A: The Engineering Index Annual: 1987 – 1992
• EI M: The Engineering Index Monthly: Jan. 1993 – Apr. 1998 (except May 1997)
• Esp@cenet patents – Apr. 2002
• IEEE: IEEE and IEE Journals – Fall 2002
• N: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports: Jan. 1993 - Dec. 1995 (except Oct. 1995)
• NASA NASA ADS www bibliography database: – Dec. 2002
• P: Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings: Jan. 1986 – Dec 1999 (except Nov. 1994)
• PA: Physics Abstracts: Jan. 1997 – June 1999
• PubMed: National Library of Medicine Jan. 2000 – Oct. 2000, 2011-2013
• SPIE Web The International Society for Optical Engineering – June 2002
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Your contributions erroneous or missing?
The bibliography database is updated on a regular basis and certainly contains many errors and inconsistences. The editor would be glad to hear from any reader who notices any errors, missing information,
articles etc. In the future a more complete version of this bibliography will be prepared for the genetic
algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries research community and others who are interested in this
rapidly growing area of genetic algorithms.
When submitting updates to the database, paper copies of already published contributions are preferred. Paper copies (or ftp ones) are needed mainly for indexing. We are also doing reviews of different
aspects and applications of GAs where we need as complete as possible collection of GA papers. Please,
do not forget to include complete bibliographical information: copy also proceedings volume title pages,
journal table of contents pages, etc. Observe that there exists several versions of each subbibliography,
therefore the reference numbers are not unique and should not be used alone in communication, use the key appearing as the last item of the reference entry instead.
Complete bibliographical information is really helpful for those who want to find your contribution
in their libraries. If your paper was worth writing and publishing it is certainly worth to be referenced
right in a bibliographical database read daily by GA researchers, both newcomers and established ones.
How to cite this report?
You can use the BiBTEX file GASUB.bib, which is available in our site in directory
reports/report94-1 and contains records for GA subbibliographies for citing with LATEX/BibTEX.
How to get this report via Internet?
Versions of this bibliography are available via www from the following site:
The directory also contains some other indexed GA bibliographies shown in table A.1. In case you do
not find a proper one please let us know: it may be easy to tailor a new one.
The editor wants to acknowledge all who have kindly supplied references, papers and other information on
genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries literature. At least the following GA researchers have
already kindly supplied their complete autobibliographies and/or proofread references to their papers:
Dan Adler, Patrick Argos, Jarmo T. Alander, James E. Baker, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Helio J. C. Barbosa,
Hans-Georg Beyer, Christian Bierwirth, Peter Bober Joachim Born, Ralf Bruns, I. L. Bukatova, Thomas
Bäck, Chhandra Chakraborti, Nirupam Chakraborti, David E. Clark, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Yuval
Davidor, Dipankar Dasgupta, Marco Dorigo, J. Wayland Eheart, Bogdan Filipič, Terence C. Fogarty,
David B. Fogel, Toshio Fukuda, Hugo de Garis, Robert C. Glen, David E. Goldberg, Martina GorgesSchleuter, Hitoshi Hemmi, Vasant Honavar, Jeffrey Horn, Aristides T. Hatjimihail, Heikki Hyötyniemi
Mark J. Jakiela, Richard S. Judson, Bryant A. Julstrom, Charles L. Karr, Akihiko Konagaya, Aaron
Konstam, John R. Koza, Kristinn Kristinsson, Malay K. Kundu, D. P. Kwok, Jouni Lampinen, Jorma
Laurikkala, Gregory Levitin, Carlos B. Lucasius, Timo Mantere, Michael de la Maza, John R. McDonnell,
J. J. Merelo, Laurence D. Merkle, Zbigniew Michalewics, Melanie Mitchell, David J. Nettleton, Volker
Nissen, Ari Nissinen, Tatsuya Niwa, Tomasz Ostrowski, Kihong Park, Jakub Podgórski, Timo Poranen,
Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Colin R. Reeves, Gordon Roberts, David Rogers, David Romero, Sam Sandqvist,
Ivan Santibáñez-Koref, Marc Schoenauer, Markus Schwehm, Hans-Paul Schwefel, Michael T. Semertzidis,
Davil L. Shealy, Moshe Sipper, William M. Spears, Donald S. Szarkowicz, El-Ghazali Talbi, Masahiro
Tanaka, Leigh Tesfatsion, Peter M. Todd, Marco Tomassini, Andrew L. Tuson, Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario,
Gilles Venturini, Hans-Michael Voigt, Roger L. Wainwright, D. Eric Walters, James F. Whidborne, Stefan
Wiegand, Steward W. Wilson, Xin Yao, Xiaodong Yin, and Ljudmila A. Zinchenko.
The editor also wants to acknowledge Elizabeth Heap-Talvela for her kind proofreading of the manuscript
of this bibliography and Tea Ollanketo and Sakari Kauvosaari for updating the database. Prof. Timo
Salmi and the Computer Centre of University of Vaasa is acknowledged for providing and managing the
online web site, where these indexed bibliographies are located since Summer 2012.
Chapter 2
“Many scientist, possibly most scientist, just do science without thinking too
much about it. They run experiments, make observations, show how certain
data conflict with more general views, set out theories, and so on. Periodically,
however, some of us—scientists included—step back and look at what is going
on in science.”
David L., Hull, [7]
The table 2.1 gives the queries that have been used to extract this bibliography. The query system as well
as the indexing tools used to compile this report from the BiBTEX-database [8] have been implemented
by the author mainly as sets of simple awk and gawk programs [9, 10].
Table 2.1: Queries used to extract this subbibliography from the source database.
Chapter 3
Statistical summaries
section of a book
part of a collection
journal article
proceedings article
PhD thesis
MSc thesis
This chapter gives some general statistical summaries of genetic algorithms in the Nordic and
Baltic countries literature. More detailed indexes
can be found in the next chapter.
References to each class (c.f table 2.1) are listed
• Denmark 66 references ([11]-[76])
• Estonia 1 references ([77]-[77])
• Finland 886 references ([78]-[962])
number of items
• Iceland 6 references ([963]-[968])
Table 3.1: Distribution of publication type.
• Latvia 4 references ([969]-[972])
• Lithuania 4 references ([973]-[976])
• Norge 38 references ([977]-[1014])
Annual distribution
• Sweden 125 references ([1015]-[1139])
Table 3.2 gives the number of genetic algorithms
in the Nordic and Baltic countries papers published annually. The annual distribution is also
shown in fig. 3.1. The average annual growth of
GA papers has been approximately 40 % during
late 70’s - early 90’s.
Observe that each reference is included (by the
computer) only to one of the above classes (see the
queries for classification in table 2.1; the textual
order in the query gives priority for classes).
Publication type
This bibliography contains published contributions
including reports and patents. All unpublished
manuscripts have been omitted unless accepted
for publication. In addition theses, PhD, MSc
etc., are also included whether or not published
Table 3.1 gives the distribution of publication
type of the whole bibliography. Observe that the
number of journal articles may also include articles published or to be published in unknown
Every bibliography item has been given at least
one describing keyword or classification by the editor of this bibliography. Keywords occurring most
are shown in table 3.3.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Table 3.4 gives the most productive authors.
total number of authors
Alander, Jarmo T.
Mantere, Timo
Lampinen, Jouni
Koljonen, Janne
Nordin, Peter
Haataja, Juha
Banzhaf, Wolfgang
Räihä, Outi
Olsson, Björn
Hirvensalo, Mika
Moghadampour, Ghodrat
Table 3.2: Annual distribution of contributions.
Fränti, Pasi
Koskimies, Kai
Bräysy, Olli
Hyötyniemi, Heikki
Nevalainen, Olli
Nissinen, Ari S.
Sandqvist, Sam
Torresen, Jim
Vaario, Jari
Table 3.3: The most popular subjects.
2 authors
7 authors
7 authors
15 authors
14 authors
6Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries 35 authors
151 authors
number of papers
ccc c
(log scale)
Table 3.4: The most productive genetic algos s
s ss s ss
rithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries authors.
s ssss
c cc cccc
cc c
c c
c c c
c c cc
Figure 3.1: The number of papers applying genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic
countries (•, N = 1148 ) and total GA papers
(◦, N = 23240 ). Observe that the last few years
are most incomplete in the database.
Topic distribution
Topic distribution
Table 3.5 gives the distribution of topics as compared to the total database.
1148 100.00
δ[%] ∆[%]
Table 3.5: The distribution of topics (n) compared (δ and ∆) to the topic distribution of the total
nNT otal
database (N ). In the comparison column: δ% = %special−%all and ∆ = (1 − N
nT otal ) × 100%. ∆ is the
relative (%) deviation from the expected number of special papers. Observe that a paper may contain
several topics.
Conclusions and future
The editor believes that this bibliography contains references to most genetic algorithms in the Nordic
and Baltic countries contributions upto and including the year 1998 and the editor hopes that this
bibliography could give some help to those who are working or planning to work in this rapidly growing
area of genetic algorithms.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Chapter 4
Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Electrical Engineering Series (Finland), [667]
The following list contains all items classified as
Adaptive Behavior,
Adv. Eng. Softw. (UK),
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration,
Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol.,
An indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms: Years 19571993, [2]
Det Levende Spil Biologisk Form og Kunstigt Liv,
Annals of CIPR,
[702, 750, 830]
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Applied Physics Letters,
Differential Evolution, A Practical Approach to Global Optimization, [356]
Explorations in Quantum Computing,
[963, 1121]
Applied Physics Letters, Interdisciplinary and General
Physics, [1055, 1057]
Applied Soft Computing,
[386, 494, 504, 1082, 864]
Genetic Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Tuning and Learning
of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases, [1028]
[151, 153]
[177, 188, 196, 210, 240, 241, 242]
Näkökulmia laskennalliseen tieteeseen – Alkuräjähdyksestä
kännykkään [Views to Computational Science –
From Big Bang to Mobile Phones], [745]
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Artificial Life,
[48, 53]
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. (France),
Quantum Computing in Solid State Systems,
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Quantum Computing,
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Atmospheric Environment,
The Garden in the Machine. The Emerging Science of Artificial Life, [37]
total 10 books
[335, 721, 734]
Biological Cybernetics,
Biological Invasions,
Building and Environment,
Bulletin of EATCS,
Journal articles
The following list contains the references to every
journal article included in this bibliography. The
list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name
of the journal.
Acta Forestalia Fennica,
Canadian Journal of Forest Research,
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,
[190, 243, 692]
Cognitive Computing,
Complexity (USA),
Comput. Econ.,
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.,
Computational Optimization and Applications,
Acta Ophthalmologica, [1076]
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
Acta Polytech. Scand. Math. Comput. Manag. Eng. Ser.
(Finland), [720]
Computer Science Review,
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Computer-Aided Design,
Computers & Industrial Engineering,
Computers & Operations Research,
Control Cybern. (Poland),
CSC News,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
[514, 1085, 814]
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
International Journal of Computer Math.,
[170, 599, 806, 829]
Diversity and Distribution,
Electromotion (Romania),
International Journal of Health Geographics,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
[479, 515]
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, [327, 423]
Engineering Optimization,
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, [29]
Electric Power Systems Research,
Energy and Buildings,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, [985]
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
[419, 510]
European Journal of Operational Research,
[197, 340, 453]
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
European Transactions on Electrical Power,
International Journal of Innovative Computing Information
and Control, [460, 466]
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information
and Control, [507]
International Journal of Neural Systems,
International Journal of Remote Sensing,
International Journal of Systems Science,
Europhysics Letters,
Evolutionary Theory,
International Journal on Intelligent Automation and Soft
Computing, [826]
Ironmaking & Steelmaking,
Expert Syst. Appl. (UK),
Expert Systems and Applications,
Expert Systems with Applications,
Forest Ecology and Management,
Forest Science,
[475, 1075, 495, 512]
J Chem Inf Model,
[357, 389]
J. Comput. Acoust. (Singapore),
Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications,
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,
[152, 168, 189, 233, 321, 323, 430, 524,
545, 586, 603, 644, 853, 854, 861, 862]
Journal of Chemometrics,
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,
Journal of Computational Chemistry,
Journal of Computational Physics,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, [1050]
Journal of Computer Science and Technology,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Journal of Electronic Imaging,
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computations,
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing,
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,
[302, 339]
Journal of Hydroinformatics,
Journal of Global Optimization,
Journal of Heuristics,
Journal of Lightwave Technology,
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Journal of Molecular Biology,
[1054, 1010]
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
[388, 388, 967]
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
[997, 999]
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
[406, 408]
Journal of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics,
[78, 79, 80, 81]
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter,
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,
Journal of Systems Architecture,
[548, 594]
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Information and Software Technology,
[1025, 490, 509]
Information Technology and Control,
[395, 654]
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management,
Journal of Financial Economics,
Journal of Food Engineering,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Information Sciences,
IEE Proceedings Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences,
Helsingin Sanomat,
IBM asiaa,
Journal of Theoretical Biology,
[221, 282]
Machine Learning,
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies
and Applications, [331]
Software - Practice and Experience (UK),
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,
Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer
Chemistry, [502]
Suomen Lääkärilehti,
Materials and Manufacturing Processes,
[846, 847, 849]
[476, 487]
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
Medical Image Analysis,
Methods of Information in Medicine,
Microwave and Optical technology Letters,
Muhely (The Hungarian Journal of Modern Art),
TEK - Tekniikan akateemiset,
Tekniikan maailma,
Tekniikan näköalat,
Tekniikka & Talous,
[236, 311, 317, 370, 379, 411, 537, 551,
Neural Processing Letters,
[301, 801]
NMR in Biomedicine,
578, 623]
Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications,
The Computer Journal,
Numerical Astrophysics,
Optical Engineering,
The International Journal in Computer Simulation,
The Journal of Chemical Physics,
[349, 425]
Optics Communications,
[325, 1056]
Parallel Computing,
Pattern Analysis & Applications,
Pattern Recognition,
Physica C,
Theoretical Computer Science,
Pattern Recognition Letters,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
Physical Review B,
Physical Review Letters,
[1078, 1080, 34]
[1020, 19, 31]
[274, 296]
Tiede 2000,
[576, 588]
Tieteessä tapahtuu,
[312, 566, 810]
Transportation Science,
Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vaasa University Journal,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications, [468]
Vaasan Yliopistolehti,
[206, 287, 319, 573, 624, 799]
Water Research,
Progress in Physical Geography,
WSEAS Transactions on Computers,
Protein Engineering,
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships,
Reliable Computing,
[607, 617]
Remote Sensing,
Remote Sensing of Environment,
Scandinavian Audiology,
Silva Fennica,
Soft Computing,
total 306 articles in 208 series
[77, 326]
Robotics and Machine Perception,
Yliopisto – Acta Universitatis Helsingiensis,
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics,
[488, 503, 712]
Physical Review A,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Optics Express,
The following two lists contain theses, first PhD
theses and then Master’s etc. theses, arranged in
alphabetical order by the name of the school.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
PhD theses
Aalborg University,
Blekinge Institute of Technology,
Helsinki University of Technology,
[155, 255, 271, 283, 285,
314, 324, 352, 358, 394, 409, 650, 714, 741, 749, 786, 821,
Helsinki University of Technology?,
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan,
University of Miami,
University of Oslo,
University of Tampere, [413, 422, 662]
University of Turku,
[711, 758]
University of Umeå,
[117, 416, 513, 517, 518, 643, 645, 705,
719, 788, 807, 809, 815]
[150, 272]
total 59 thesis in 19 schools
[1068, 1071, 1079]
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet,
Stockholm University,
University of Vaasa,
Lappeenranta University of Technology,
Mälardalen University,
University of Kuopio,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Tampere University of Technology,
[307, 404, 483, 670, 793]
Universidad politécnica de Valencia,
Report series
The following list contains references to all papers published as technical reports. The list is
arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the
University Exeter,
University of Aarhus,
Aarhus University,
University of Helsinki,
[185, 341, 855]
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, [858]
University of Louisville, [769]
University of Oulu,
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola,
[328, 432]
University of Pennsylvania,
[1136, 1139]
Helsinki University of Technology,
University of Turku,
[146, 310, 329, 354, 800, 805]
University of Vaasa,
[184, 309, 376, 452, 482, 802]
total 59 thesis in 21 schools
Linköping University,
Lund University,
Novacast AB,
Rolf Nevanlinna Institute,
SINTEF Applied Mathematics,
This list includes also “Diplomarbeit”, “Tech. Lic.
Theses”, etc.
Blekinge Institute of Technology,
[1043, 1064]
Chalmers University of Technology,
Helsinki University of Technology,
[105, 129, 158, 159, 218,
260, 276, 277, 332, 334, 343, 367, 372, 381, 417, 529, 540,
543, 698, 726, 744, 813]
Lappeenranta University of Technology,
Lund Institute of Technology,
Mälardalen University,
[162, 336]
[251, 256]
[131, 154]
[147, 772, 776]
Tampere University,
Tampere University of Technology,
Teknologian kehittämiskeskus (Tekes) [Finnish Technology
Development Centre], [811]
Teknologian kehittämiskeskus [Finnish Technology Development Centre], [765]
Teknologian kehittämiskeskus [Technology development
centre], [707]
Royal Institute of Technology,
Simula Research Laboratory,
Royal Institute of Technology,
Master’s theses
Aarhus University,
[143, 371, 531, 658, 843]
Lappeenranta University of Technology,
University of Tampere, [200, 342]
[35, 38]
Tampere University of Technology,
The Aarhus School of Business,
The University of Texas at Austin,
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, [270]
Turku Center for Computer Science (TUCS),
University of Helsinki,
University of Dortmund, [1092, 1103]
[655, 701, 839]
University of Industrial Arts Helsinki,
University of Joensuu,
[628, 630]
University of Jyväskylä, [609]
University of Oulu,
University of Pensylvania,
University of Tampere, [134, 434, 444, 539, 627, 673, 695, 804]
University of Turku,
[530, 631, 709]
University of Vaasa,
[519, 520, 521, 522, 559, 606, 671, 682,
725, 773, 777, 778, 827, 835, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877,
879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889,
891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901,
903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913,
915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925,
927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937,
939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949,
951, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962]
Universität Frankfurt,
VTT Automation,
total 157 reports in 33 institutes
The following list contains the names of the
patents of genetic algorithms in the Nordic and
Baltic countries. The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the patent.
Circuit elements and parallel networks with logically entangled terminals, [391]
Genetic procedure for multi-deck elevator call allocation,
Method and apparatus for allocating passengers by a genetic algorithm, [228]
total 3 patents
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
The following list contains all genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries authors and references
to their known contributions.
Aalto, Daniel,
Alford, Gordon,
Aavikko, Reino,
Ali, M. M.,
Ali, S.,
Ali, Shaukat,
[997, 999]
Abrahamsson, Christoffer,
Afzal, Wasif,
[1067, 1069,
Banzhaf, Wolfgang,
[1088, 1091,
1092, 1093, 1095, 1099, 1100, 1103,
1104, 1105, 1108, 1109, 1112, 1123]
Agarwal, A.,
Åhlfledt, Andres,
Aho, Isto,
Ahonen, Hannu,
Aila, Timo,
Airaksinen, Tuomas,
[486, 489]
[298, 337]
Aittoniemi, Kari,
Åkerholm, Johan M.,
Ala-Laurinaho, Juha,
Becker, Bernd,
Behjat, Vahid,
Bendahl, Par-Ola,
Bene, Jozsef Gergely,
Benediktsson, Helgi,
Benediktsson, J. A.,
Benediktsson, Jon A.,
[965, 966, 968]
Antonelo, Eric Aislan,
Berg, Henrik,
Anttila, Rauno,
Bergholm, Ville,
[237, 394]
Araújo, Miguel B.,
Bergström, Agneta,
Arcuri, Andrea,
Bhattacharya, Kankar,
Arminen, Mikko,
164, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176,
177, 210, 240, 247, 250, 253, 255,
257, 258, 261, 286, 284, 288, 294,
295, 315, 320, 373, 378, 383, 396,
400, 405, 406, 408, 414, 421, 425,
426, 447, 448, 467, 519, 520, 521,
522, 523, 550, 559, 560, 562, 565,
598, 606, 607, 610, 611, 612, 613,
614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 622,
659, 671, 672, 676, 677, 678, 679,
680, 681, 682, 683, 687, 688, 725,
729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735,
736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 742, 753,
765, 773, 770, 777, 779, 780, 781,
783, 825, 835, 836, 839, 842, 845,
864, 865, 873, 866, 874, 875, 876,
867, 868, 84, 877, 869, 870, 878,
871, 879, 109, 110, 872, 880, 2, 111,
881, 882, 884, 883, 885, 886, 887,
87, 888, 889, 890, 891, 893, 892,
894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900,
901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907,
908, 909, 93, 910, 911, 94, 912, 913,
914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920,
921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927,
928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934,
935, 112, 113, 936, 937, 938, 939,
940, 941, 942, 114, 943, 944, 945,
946, 115, 98, 947, 99, 948, 949, 100,
950, 951, 116, 952, 101, 953, 954,
955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961,
962, 128, 118, 121, 123, 124, 127]
Ala-Siuru, Pekka,
[289, 296,
297, 317, 319, 321, 323, 430, 524,
551, 566, 623, 660, 721, 785, 1131]
Arkkio, Antero,
Alander, Jarmo T.,
Andersson, L.,
Biles, William E.,
Arentoft, Peter Rolann, [35]
Ala-Kleemola, Timo,
Bauer, T.,
Aittokallio, Tero,
Bathen, Tone F.,
Andersson, G.,
Andreoiu, Adrian,
Andersson-Engels, Stefan,
Airaksinen, V.-M.,
Barklund, Jonas,
Anderson, David G.,
Ahola, Timo,
Barenco, Adriano,
[791, 850]
Allen, Franklin,
Ahola, Heikki,
Barba, P. Di,
Billard, A.,
Bingham, Chris,
Bjerre Jensen, Peter,
Björk, Mathias,
Björkqvist, Mats,
Björkvist, Jerker,
Bligaard, T.,
Bochko, Vladimir,
Bodén, Ida,
[866, 869]
Bofin, Anna,
Bogdanos, C.,
Bohlin, Markus,
[1065, 1068]
Aslam, Muhammad Waqar,
Aspnäs, Anders,
Astola, Jaakko T.,
[275, 532,
547, 574, 633, 696]
Augustsson, P.,
[635, 694,
747, 748, 775]
[1035, 1040]
Aukee, Pauliina,
Auramo, Yrjö,
Autere, Antti,
[408, 525,
552, 562, 567, 83, 85, 86, 103]
Auvinen, P.,
Bonissone, Piero P.,
Axelsson, Jakob,
[1129, 1130]
Borgefors, Gunilla,
Babovic, Vladan,
[11, 15, 16]
Borgvall, H.,
Bäck, Andreas,
Borisov, A.,
Back, Barbro,
[568, 626, 661]
Borisov, Arkady,
[970, 971, 972]
Bose, Tamal,
[313, 363]
Boström, Pointus,
Bosund, V.,
[79, 80, 81]
Backman, Antti,
Ballerini, Lucia,
[1027, 1030]
Bandaru, Sunith,
Bounsaythip, Catherine, [688, 767, 794]
Banks, William E.,
Boxberg, Fredrik,
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Braaten, Øivind,
Denessiouk, Konstantin, [796, 829]
Ferariu, L.,
Braaten, O.,
D’Errico, Francesco,
Ferno, Marten,
Brameier, M.,
Dibble, Harold L.,
Feyzi, M. Reza,
Bravo-Abad, J.,
[1041, 1048]
Didriksen, J. N.,
Figueiredo, Mauricio,
Finne, Antti,
Finnilä, Tapio,
Bräysy, Olli,
[184, 241, 251,
256, 339, 359, 788, 812, 827, 837]
Briand, L. C.,
Dinov, Ivo D.,
Dobrin, Bogdan P.,
[347, 388,
397, 454]
Floréen, Patrik B. J.,
[528, 581,
Briand, Lionel C.,
[997, 999]
Dolia, Alexander N.,
Brink, Anders,
Donner, K. J.,
Fowler, John W.,
Briquet, Ludovic G. V., [499]
Dote, Y.,
Fragassi Souza, R.,
Broman, Göran,
Downing, Keith,
Francone, F. D.,
[986, 1002,
700, 822]
Cabeza, Mar,
Francone, Frank D.,
Doya, Kenji,
[1045, 1053,
Calsamiglia, John,
Calvo, Rodrigo,
Drechsler, Rolf,
Cao, Maria D.,
Dullaert, Wout,
Caprani, O.,
Dutilleux, Guillaume,
Caraffini, Fabio,
Edelvik, Fredrik,
Carlborg, O.,
Eden, Patrik,
Carlsson, B.,
Edengren, Magnus,
Carlsson, Lova,
Egiazarian, Karen,
[275, 696]
[1092, 1095,
Frank, P. M.,
Fränti, Pasi,
[135, 140,
144, 165, 281, 302, 488, 503, 628,
690, 713]
Fredin, Johan,
Fredriksson, Kimmo,
[691, 701]
Frolund, Sidsel,
Fujii, Nobutada,
Fullmer, Brad,
Fulop, Ferenc,
Caunite, Inta,
Ehtamo, Harri,
[133, 790]
Cervera, Francisco,
Ejlersen, O.,
Chakraborti, Nirupam, [445, 487]
Ekert, Artur,
Chen, Jun,
Eklund, Sven E.,
[1038, 1049]
Gallimore, Michael,
El-Arini, M. M.,
Gamalielsson, J.,
[1053, 1062]
Elfwing, Stefan,
Gabbouj, Moncef,
Christenhusz, Maarten J. M.,
Christensen, Henrik I.,
[1045, 1053,
1062, 1063]
Christiansen, F. B.,
Cockcroft, Victor,
Codrea, Marius C.,
[298, 337]
Cordón, Oscar,
[1028, 1031]
Costas, Adrian,
Crucifix, Michel,
[407, 438,
477, 484, 538, 547]
Gao, Xiao-Zhi,
[163, 460,
463, 466, 507, 823]
El-Kwae, Essam A.,
Garg, Vijayendra K.,
Elo, Sara,
Geigel, Joe,
Eloranta, Timo,
[627, 662, 673]
Gel, Esma S.,
Emmeche, Claus,
[37, 45, 73]
Geladi, Paul,
Ericson, Christer,
[1083, 1132]
Eriksson, Ljusk Ola,
Eriksson, R.,
[1036, 1106]
Gershman, Alex B.,
Ersoy, O. K.,
[965, 966]
Gillam, J. Christopher, [1060]
[1047, 866,
869, 123]
Gendreau, Michel,
Cupertino, F.,
Dal, Allan,
Damsbo, Martin,
Damsbo, M.,
Dargys, A.,
[974, 975]
Evertsson, Gustav,
Das, S.,
Fan, Hui-Yuan,
[263, 300]
Datta, Rituparna,
Fang, Hongliang,
Datta, S.,
Feldman, M. W.,
Feldt, R.,
Esbensen, Henrik,
[36, 38, 42,
[251, 256,
339, 359]
Glette, Kyrre,
[990, 992]
43, 44, 46, 74]
Gomes-Martins, David, [492, 508]
Gómez-Ramı́rez, Eduardo,
Göös, Janne,
[639, 703, 768]
Graham, Allan MacKenzie, [347, 388]
Deb, Kalyanmoy,
[439, 468,
497, 510]
Feldt, Robert,
Deckers, Jozef,
1070, 1125]
Graham, C. H.,
Gregersen, A.,
Gribbestad, Ingrid S.,
[1023, 1067,
Gritz, Larry,
Harala, Sauli,
Honkanen, Seppo,
[325, 349]
Grönroos, Marko A.,
Harju, Maarit,
Honkela, Timo,
[767, 856]
Harju, P. Taneli,
[649, 714]
Hori, Koichi,
Gu∂mundsson, Markús, [964, 967]
Guisan, A.,
Harju, Toni,
Hos, Csaba,
Guldogan, E.,
Härkonen, Henna H.,
Gulinck, Hubert,
Harremoes, Poul,
Huapeng, W.,
Haapanen, Reija,
Hasan, Ala,
Huhtamäki, Jukka,
[470, 479,
491, 515]
Haataja, Juha,
[137, 166,
170, 172, 190, 243, 529, 569, 599,
608, 692, 792, 828, 838, 846, 847,
848, 849]
Hacksell, Uli,
Hadaytullah, Hadaytullah,
Hadaytullah, Vathsavayi,
[462, 506]
Haddow, P. C.,
[978, 1011]
Haddow, Pauline C.,
Hahn, James,
Haikarainen, Sakari,
Haikonen, Pentti O. A., [391, 458]
Håkansson, Andreas,
[1041, 1048,
1050, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1061]
Hultman, Max,
Hatono, I.,
Huovila, Henrik,
Hautamäki, Ville,
Hurme, Markku,
Haverinen, Janne,
[269, 293,
328, 119]
Huttunen, Anu,
Hedström, Anders,
Heikkilä, Anna-Mari,
[746, 784, 808]
Heikkilä, Janne,
Heikkinen, Risto K.,
Hytönen, Jarmo,
Heikkola, Erkki,
[486, 489]
Hytönen, Tuomas,
Heikonen, Jussi,
Hyvönen, Eero,
Heinonen, Jukka,
Hakkarainen, T.,
[78, 79, 80, 81]
Heiskala, Juha,
Häkli, Janne,
[492, 508]
Hekanaho, Jukka,
[572, 625,
631, 663]
Helle, Mikko,
Halme, Aarne,
[570, 595, 605]
Hemmati, Hadi,
Halme, Merja,
Hemmati, H.,
Halonen, Kari A. I.,
Hemminki, Jarmo,
Hämäläinen, Ari,
[571, 600, 90]
Henrion, Gerard,
Hämäläinen, Jari P.,
[268, 292]
Herajärvi, Juha,
Hämäläinen, Matti,
[160, 658, 764]
Hämäläinen, Perttu,
[371, 378]
Hämäläinen, P.,
Hämäläinen, Timo,
[591, 654, 670]
Hamarneh, Ghassan,
Hamdy, Mohamed,
[479, 491, 515]
Hammer, Bjork,
[31, 33]
Handroos, H.,
[265, 716]
Högberg, Anders,
Hänninen, Risto,
Höglund, Henrik,
Hansen, K.,
Hansen, Kim Kortermand,
[437, 442]
[188, 242, 634,
693, 743, 766, 774, 840, 843, 120]
[192, 244,
264, 575, 601]
[275, 532,
574, 580, 633, 638, 696, 793]
Hyötyniemi, Heikki,
Heimonen, Teuvo,
Hallikainen, Matti,
Huttunen, Heikki,
Hynynen, Katja M.,
[630, 640]
Hedberg, Martin H.,
Hakkarainen, Juha,
Hallam, John,
[174, 632,
746, 808]
Iacca, Giovanni,
[472, 490,
493, 509, 511]
Ijspeert, A.,
Ikäheimo, Jouni,
[138, 333]
Ikonen, E.,
Ikonen, Ilkka,
[635, 694,
747, 748, 769, 775]
Ilonen, Jarmo,
Ilvonen, Mikko,
Ince, T.,
[438, 484]
Ingimundarson, J. I.,
[965, 966]
[573, 614,
Iqbal, Muhammad Zohaib,
616, 739]
Herrera, Francisco,
[1028, 1031]
Ivanchenko, Elena V.,
Hijmans, R. J.,
Ivansson, Sven M.,
[327, 351]
Jaakkola, Antti,
Jacobsen, K. W.,
Jacobsson, Henrik,
Jakobsson, Matti,
Jakobsson, Stefan,
Jaksetic, Patricija,
Jakubik, P.,
Hollmen, J.,
Jana, Arindam,
Holm, Søren,
Jansen, Johanna M.,
Hiltunen, Teri,
Hirvensalo, Mika,
[147, 167,
212, 248, 254, 310, 316, 711, 723,
760, 772, 776]
Hoffmann, Frank,
[1026, 1028,
1029, 1031, 1123]
Hansen, L. K.,
Holmström, Lasse,
Jäntti, Anssi,
Hansen, T. K.,
Honkanen, Jukka,
Järn, Staffan,
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Järvinen, Jari,
Kangas, Jari,
[141, 795]
Klapuri, Harri,
Jäske, Harri,
[636, 699]
Kanniainen, Olli,
[400, 408, 952]
Klemola, Kimmo,
Jastrzebski, Rafal P.,
[437, 442]
Kantanen, Helena,
[206, 799]
Koch, P.,
Jensen, Frank,
Karanta, Ilkka,
Kodali, Shyam P.,
Jensen, J. B.,
Karczewicz, Marta,
Koehler, Kondrad F.,
Jensen, Kaj Aage,
Karjalainen, Erkki,
Kohonen, Teuvo,
Jenssen, Mikkel T.,
Karjalainen, Risto,
[534, 791, 850]
Koistinen, Hannu,
Jóhannessen, G. H.,
Kärkkäinen, Ismo,
Koivisto, Hannu,
Johanssen, Anette M.,
Kärkkäinen, Mikko,
Koivisto, Päivi,
[361, 492, 508]
Karlberg, Peter,
Koivisto, Pertti,
[574, 580, 638]
Karppinen, Ari,
[327, 351]
Koivo, Heikki N.,
Johansson, Christian,
Johansson, Jonas,
Johansson, Lennart B.-A.,
Johansson, Marcus,
Johnson, M. S.,
[591, 654,
107, 860]
[357, 389]
Katila, Matti,
Kauhanen, Erkki A.,
Kauhaniemi, Kimmo,
[451, 564,
796, 829]
Johnson, Mika,
Johnsson, Mika,
[710, 709]
Jokinen, Hannu,
Jokinen, Olli,
Kaukoranta, Timo,
[507, 715, 724]
Jönsson, Anders,
Jonsson, Per,
Juhola, Martti,
[186, 728,
754, 771, 789, 803]
[628, 690,
713, 800]
[634, 693,
774, 826, 840]
Koivumäki, T.,
Kaski, Tuomas,
Johnson, Mark S.,
Jokinen, Tapani,
Kaski, Kimmo,
[415, 423,
436, 459, 648, 826]
Kok, Joost N.,
[528, 581,
700, 822]
Koksalan, Murat M.,
Kolehmainen, Mikko,
[327, 351, 450]
Koljonen, Janne,
[373, 374,
385, 387, 396, 400, 402, 405,
408, 418, 420, 424, 425, 452,
467, 475, 866, 869, 952, 121,
Keijzer, Maarten,
[11, 15, 16]
Kemppainen, Harri,
Kontio, Juho,
Kentala, Erna L.,
[186, 789]
Kontkanen, Petri,
Keränen, Mika,
[298, 337]
Korhonen, Pekka,
Keskinen, Kari I.,
Kornienko, Yury,
Keskitalo, Jukka,
Korning, Peter G.,
Koski, Riitta,
Kettunen, Arto,
[535, 554,
587, 637]
Jukkanen, Mikko,
Julsgaard, Brian,
Jumppanen, Anne,
Junes, Heikki,
Juntti, M. J.,
[345, 368, 708]
Kim, N.,
Juodis, L.,
Kinghorn, B.,
Jurva, Erkki,
Kinnunen, Lauri,
[335, 578]
Jussila, Pekka,
Kinnunen, Tomi,
Justesen, P. D.,
Kiranyaz, Serkan,
Juuso, E. K.,
[431, 757]
Kaasalainen, Mikko,
Koskimäki, Esa,
Khalil, M. S.,
Khan, M. Khalid,
Kilkki, Juha,
[139, 195,
245, 265, 272, 290]
[639, 703,
744, 768]
Koskimies, Kai,
[427, 429,
440, 443, 462, 465, 480, 505, 506,
516, 695]
Koskinen, L.,
Kosonen, Iisakki,
Kosters, Walter A.,
Kostov, Konstantin S.,
[355, 369]
Kozhekin, Alexander,
[407, 438, 484]
Kraft, Johan,
[1065, 1071]
Kishore, N. N.,
Kragelund, Lars V.,
[58, 59]
Kitti, Mitri,
Krantz, Lena,
Kabuka, Mansur R.,
Kivelä, Aki,
Krestyannikov, Evgeny, [347, 388]
Kakar, Manish,
Kivijärvi, Juha,
Kalderstam, Jonas,
[140, 144,
165, 302, 329, 628, 690, 713]
Kivinen, Veli-Pekka,
Kalro, Naveen P.,
Kjellström, Gregor,
Kämäräinen, Joni-Kristian,
Kämäräinen, Olli,
[344, 366, 382]
Krink, Thiemo,
Krishtalka, Leonard,
Kristiansen, Ulf R.,
Krohn, Jorgen,
[1097, 1121,
Kladas, A.,
Kreuger, Per,
Kukkonen, Jaakko,
Leino, Raili,
[311, 537]
Lund, Henrik Hautop,
[47, 48, 50,
52, 53, 61, 63]
Kumar, Anup,
[635, 747,
Leino, Sami,
Leino, Yrjö,
[172, 828]
Leirs, Herwig,
748, 775]
Kumar, Karthikeyan S., [498]
Kuosmanen, Pauli,
[532, 574,
Leiviskä, Kauko,
580, 633, 638]
[377, 456,
495, 755]
Kuusk, Andres,
Kuuskankare, Mika,
Leren, T. P.,
Kyngäs, Jari,
Kyngäs, J.,
Leren, Troud P.,
Leskinen, Jyri,
Lestander, Torbjörn,
[1046, 1047]
Lewis, J. E.,
[630, 640, 697]
Kyyrä, Jorma J.,
Kyyrö, J.,
[355, 369]
Lahdelma, Risto,
Lahtela-Kakkonen, Maija,
Lundström, Kerstin,
Luoto, Miska,
Luukanen, Arttu,
[492, 508]
Lysgaard, Steen,
Määttä, Juha A. E.,
MacCallum, Robert M., [1044]
Magdalena, Luis,
[1028, 1031]
Magyar, Gábor,
[146, 710, 709]
Mahfouf, Mahdi,
Makariunas, K.,
Mäkelä, Asko J.,
Li, J.,
Li, Zexian,
[345, 368]
Mäkelä, M. M.,
Liang, Shunlin,
Mäkelä, Marko M.,
[704, 715,
722, 726, 756]
Lewis, James E.,
[585, 593]
Lähteenmäki, Jussi,
Lundgren, Steinar,
Lahtinen, Jussi,
[641, 752, 797]
Lieska, K.,
Mäkelä, M.,
Laine, Pauli,
Lilleberg, J. O.,
Mäkelä, Sampo,
[492, 508]
Laine, Tei,
Lim, Meng-Hiot,
Mäki, Toni,
Laitinen, E.,
Lindell, René,
Mäkinen, E.,
[427, 429,
440, 443, 465, 480]
Laitinen, Teija,
[626, 661]
Lindfors, Ilpo,
Lammi, S.,
Lindgren, Fredrik,
Lampén, Tapio,
Lindgren, Kristian,
[1134, 1135]
Lampinen, Jouko,
Lindholm-Sethson, Britta,
Mäkinen, Erkki,
Lampinen, Jouni,
[142, 195, 196,
246, 249, 252, 263, 266, 267,
291, 300, 304, 301, 303, 306,
573, 612, 622, 672, 681, 687,
727, 729, 736, 740, 753, 770,
802, 824, 831, 834, 841, 844]
Langdon, William B.,
[866, 869]
[134, 539,
555, 673, 695]
Mäkinen, J.,
Mäkinen, Raino A. E.,
[593, 602,
609, 642, 651, 816]
Lindmark, Björn,
Mallipeddi, R.,
Lindoe, Brian,
Maltamo, M.,
Lindvall, Thomas,
Mannila, Markus,
Lipsanen, H.,
[78, 79, 80, 81]
Mantere, Timo,
Liu, Junhong,
[267, 273,
210, 247,
315, 318,
374, 384,
402, 403,
665, 676,
779, 780,
864, 122]
Lappalainen, Juhani,
Larsen, N.,
Lonning, Per E.,
Latham, William,
López-Zanón, D.,
[1041, 1048]
Latva-aho, M.,
[345, 368]
Lotvonen, S.,
Mäntykoski, Janne,
[540, 556, 562]
Louhenperä, Risto,
Marcu, T.,
Lu, Fadian,
Marean, Curtis W.,
Lu, Wei,
Markus, K.,
Marquis, Jon L.,
Martı́, Javier,
Laurikkala, Jorma,
[186, 200,
706, 728, 754, 771, 789, 803]
291, 306]
Laursen, P. S.,
Lazar, Laszlo,
Leardi, Riccardo,
[1047, 21, 996]
Lee, Jong Won,
Luciano, Giorgio,
Martikainen, Jarno,
Lehtinen, Hannu,
Lukin, Vladimir V.,
Martikka, H.,
Lehtinen, Joonas,
Lukkari, Jukka,
Mateescu, Oana,
Lehtiniemi, Tuukka,
Lukkarinen, Tommi,
Matero, Sanni,
Lehtonen, Jukka V.,
[796, 829]
Lukschandl, Eduard,
Matila, Jukka,
[737, 742]
Lehtonen, M.,
Lukschandl, E.,
Mattila, M.,
[78, 79, 80, 81]
Lu, Yue,
[1065, 1074,
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Mattsson, Johanna M., [473]
Myllyoja, Ninni,
Nordlund, Kai,
May, Alex C. W.,
[564, 796]
Najim, K.,
Nordman, Mikael,
Mayoh, Brian,
Nandi, A. K.,
Nordström, Anna-Lena, [1085]
Mäyrä, Outi,
Nandi, Asoke Kumar,
Nordström, Tony,
Mazumder, Pinaki,
[42, 43]
Naso, D.,
Nordvall, Gunnar,
McInerney, Tim,
Nastac, Iulian,
Norrgård, Filip,
Mehrmand, Arash,
[1064, 1070]
Nazarian, Bamshad,
Nørgaard, Lars,
Meinander, Tor,
Neerinckx, Simon B.,
Nørskov, J. K.,
Meltaus, J.,
Neimane, V.,
Nurmi, Jari,
[395, 395, 399]
[433, 526]
Nurminen, Elisa M.,
Nyberg, T. R.,
Nylund, Martin,
Nyström, Ingela,
Nyström, Josefina,
[866, 869]
Ohenoja, Markku,
Ohkura, Kazuhiro,
Ohlsson, Mattias,
Ohsuga, Setsuo,
Oja, Erkki,
Ojala, Jari,
Ojala, Pekka,
[591, 654]
Ojanen, Teemu,
Oksanen, A.,
Oksanen, Jani,
Oleynik, Maxim P.,
Olmer, Markus,
[1100, 1105]
Olofsson, T.,
Olsen, Dag Rune,
Meltaus, Johanna,
Neittaanmäki, Pekka,
Menth, Stefan,
Neri, Ferrante,
Meriläinen, Vesa,
Mether, Lotta,
Michalewicz, Zbigniew, [70]
Mielonen, Matti,
[433, 471,
472, 490, 493, 509, 511]
Nesseris, Sawas,
Nevalainen, Olli,
[140, 144, 298,
302, 337, 628, 690, 710, 709, 713]
Nice, William F.,
[565, 618]
Miettinen, Kaisa,
[268, 476, 798]
Nielsen, Carsten Uhd,
Miglino, O.,
Nielsen, M.,
Miglino, Orazio,
[48, 52]
Niemi, Tapio,
Nieminen, Kimmo,
Niemistö, Antti,
Miikkulainen, Risto,
[132, 553,
584, 646, 666, 851, 852]
Mikaelsson, Therese,
Niittymäki, Jarkko,
[149, 197, 271]
Mikkola, Topi,
[158, 794]
Niittymies, Tommi,
Miller, Julian F.,
Nilsson, K.,
Nilsson, Martin,
Niska, Harri,
[327, 351, 450]
Niskanen, Antti O.,
[181, 260, 324]
Mininno, Ernesto,
[472, 490,
509, 511]
Mirea, L.,
Mitra, Tamoghna,
Moghadampour, Ghodrat,
[376, 645,
677, 678, 730, 732, 737, 739, 742,
779, 809, 832]
Mohamed, Faisal A.,
Moilanen, Atte,
[183, 583,
741, 782]
Montet-White, Anta,
Moriarty, David E.,
Nissinen, Ari S.,
[541, 648, 693,
743, 766, 774, 786, 826, 840, 843]
Nolfi, Stefano,
Nolle, Lars,
Olsson, R.,
Nolte, Thomas,
Olszewski, Deborah I.,
Nordahl, Mats G.,
[1102, 1135]
O’Neill, Michael,
Nordahl, Mats,
Ong, Yew-Soon,
Opanasyuk, Oleg,
[1078, 1080]
Orkas, J.,
Östergård, Patric,
Möttönen, Mikko,
Nordahl, M.,
Mukhtar, Emad,
Nordal, Inger,
Muller, Juliane,
Nordal, I.,
Munshi, Prabhat,
Nordin, Peter,
Murgu, Alexandru,
[585, 647]
Murray, Alan,
Mutafungwa, Edward,
Myllymäki, Petri,
768, 797]
[641, 752,
[1015, 1019,
1024, 1025, 1034, 1036, 1094, 1101,
1106, 1114, 1118, 1120, 1128]
[553, 584,
646, 666, 852]
Olsson, Björn,
Nohle, L.,
[1016, 1017,
1022, 1023, 1035, 1040, 1084, 1088,
1091, 1092, 1093, 1095, 1099, 1100,
1103, 1104, 1105, 1108, 1109, 1112,
Nordin, P.,
[221, 282,
340, 504, 814, 833]
Östman, Fredrik,
Ostrowski, Tomasz,
Othman, A. M.,
Ovaska, Seppo Jari,
Nordling, Torbjörn E. M.,
866, 869, 123]
Östermark, Ralf,
[406, 408,
Ovaska, Seppo J.,
[163, 313,
353, 363, 463, 466, 649, 820]
Oyro, G.,
Packalen, P.,
Pagliarini, L.,
Pagliarini, Luigi,
Pain, Jean Pierre,
Pakarinen, Lauri J.,
Plessky, V. P.,
[330, 371]
Remeikis, V.,
Plukis, A.,
Rickers, Peter,
Polani, Daniel,
Riionheimo, Janne,
Polzik, Eugene S.,
Rintala, Tommi,
Poranen, Timo,
[134, 342]
Rissanen, Jorma,
Poso, Antti,
Risvik, K. M.,
[1006, 1009]
Postila, Pah A.,
Risvik, Knut Magne,
Price, Kenneth V.,
Rodningen, O. K.,
Roininen, M.,
Ronge, Andreas,
Röning, Juha,
[269, 293]
Rönkkönen, Jani,
[304, 474]
Rostami, Naghi,
Rouvinen, A.,
Ruban, A. V.,
Rudnicki, M.,
Ruhoff, P. T.,
[543, 557,
650, 667, 674, 715, 724]
Prügel-Bennett, Adam, [60]
Panere-Walawege, R. K., [993]
Pulkkinen, Jenni,
[407, 484]
Pulkkinen, Pietari,
[415, 423,
Paraoanu, G. S.,
Partanen, Petja,
Puranen, J. Santeri,
Parviainen, Asko,
Pursula, Matti,
[149, 197]
436, 441, 459, 483]
Parviainen, Olli,
Pursula, Pekka,
[219, 492]
Patel, Leena N.,
Pyälä, Heli,
Patkai, B.,
Pyrhönen, Juha,
Pyykkö, Ilmari V.,
[186, 789]
Paukku, Timo,
[152, 168,
233, 586, 603, 853, 854]
Pyylampi, Tero,
Paulinas, Mantas,
Rela, Leo,
Palko, Sakari,
Pinilla, Mirta Rodriguez,
[777, 781,
815, 842, 845]
Ruhoff, Peder Thusgaard,
Rummukainen, Mikko,
Pedersen, Gerulf K. M., [22, 23]
Qu, Yang,
[395, 395, 399]
Ruohonen, Mika,
Pedersen, Jan T.,
Quaade, Ulrich J.,
Ruokolainen, Juha,
Pekola, J. P.,
Ragade, Rammohan K., [747, 748, 775]
Ruokolainen, K.,
Peltonen, Jaakko,
Ragade, Rammonhan K.,
Ruoppila, V. T.,
Pentikäinen, Olli T.,
[449, 481]
Rahola, Jussi,
Ruotsalainen, Marja,
Pentikäinen, Ulla,
Räihä, Outi,
Ruotsalainen, Ulla,
[347, 388]
Penttinen, Jorma,
Ruuskanen, Juhani,
[327, 351]
Périaux, Jacques,
[642, 651, 816]
Räisänen, Antti V.,
[492, 508]
Ryderfors, Linus,
Perkkiö, Juha-Matti,
Rajaniemi, S.,
Ryhänen, Tapani,
Persson, Johanna,
Rajkumar, N.,
Persson, Mikael,
Ranki, Ville,
Pesonen, Mauno,
[535, 554, 587]
Ranta-aho, Anssu,
Saarenmaa, Liisa,
Petersen, Kjell,
Rantakari, Pekka,
[492, 508]
Saarinen, Jukka,
[591, 654]
Peterson, A. Townsend, [1060, 25]
Rantamäki, Minna,
Saario, Ari,
[404, 419]
Peterson, Andrew T.,
Rapin, Nicolas,
Säily, Jussi,
[492, 508]
Pettersson, F.,
Räsänen, Petri,
[535, 554, 587]
Salmelin, Riitta,
[160, 658, 764]
Pettersson, Frank,
[305, 487]
Rauch, Wolfgang,
Salmi, Tapio,
Philipp, Patrick,
Rayn, Conor,
Salminen, Kari,
Piazza, Enrico,
Rødningen, Olaug K.,
Salminen, Tomi,
Piche, Robert,
Reittu, Hannu,
Salomaa, M. M.,
Pietiläinen, Kimmo,
Rekonen, Heikki,
Salomaa, Martti M.,
Pihlavisto, Marjo,
Rekonen, Petri,
Salonen, Ilpo,
[413, 422,
427, 429, 434, 440, 443, 444, 457,
462, 465, 480, 505, 506]
Ryynänen, Matti,
[341, 544,
652, 668, 717, 733, 762, 817, 849]
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Sánchez-Dehesa, José,
[1041, 1048,
1050, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057]
Simula, Tapio,
Suominen, Petteri,
Singh, S. N.,
Suotula, Janne,
Sipilä, Markku,
Suuriniemi, Martti,
Sveinsson, J. R.,
[965, 966]
Svenmarker, Pontus,
Svento, R.,
Sykes, Martin,
Systä, T.,
Szakonyi, Zsolt,
Sanchis, Lorenzo,
[1041, 1048,
Siren, Kai,
[470, 479,
491, 515]
1050, 1054, 1055]
Sandholm, Tuomas,
[106, 856]
Sirviö, K.,
Sandhya, Karthik,
Sitter, Beathe,
Skaar, Johannes,
Skaar, J.,
[1006, 1009]
Skipper, Jakob,
Sandqvist, Sam,
[283, 546, 589,
653, 669, 675, 82, 104, 105, 102]
Sappinen, Jorma,
Sarparanta, Juhani,
Saukkosaari, Hannu,
Savelyev, Vladimir V.,
Savini, A.,
Savola, Juha,
Savolainen, M. T.,
Savolainen, Ville,
Saxen, Henrik,
[445, 487]
Saxena, D.,
Schellwat, H.,
Szelestey, Péter,
Skogstad, Ståle Andreas, [991]
Tahvanainen, Jari,
Skon, J.,
Taipale, Ossi,
[154, 811]
Skriver, H. L.,
Takahashi, Arita,
Slättman, Peter,
Takala, Tapio,
Smirnov, Alexander,
[437, 442]
Smolander, Sampo,
[226, 718]
Snoad, Nigel,
Snyder, James P.,
Soininen, Juha-Pekka,
[395, 395, 399]
Soldani, David,
Taskinen, L.,
Taxén, L.,
Taylor, William R.,
Terechonkov, Roman,
Terzopoulos, Demetri,
Souza Jr., Paulo A. de, [686]
Tessem, B.,
Sparén, Anders,
Tewary, U.,
Srivastava, Soumil,
Thomsen, Ren,
Stanković, Radomir S., [275]
Thuiller, Wilfried,
Sten, Johan,
Tiilikainen, Jouni,
Stenberg, Markku,
Tilli, J.-M.,
Stenman, Ulf-Håkan,
Tirri, Henry,
Steponski, T.,
Stidsen, T. J.,
Schmidt, M.,
[51, 57]
Sormunen, J.,
[79, 80, 81]
Schönberg, T.,
[595, 605]
Sorokin, Sergey N.,
Sefrioui, M.,
Selek, István,
[432, 494]
Senthilnath, J.,
Seppänen, Jouko,
[259, 590]
Sere, Kaisa,
[568, 626, 661]
Setälä, Henri,
Sgard, Franck C.,
Shattuck, David W.,
[347, 388,
397, 454]
[288, 294,
295, 868]
Sorsa, Janne,
Shenton, Martha,
Stidsen, Thomas,
Shirvany, Yazdan,
Stidsen, T.,
Shmulevich, Ilya,
Stoica, Peter,
Shoemaker, Christine A.,
[492, 508]
Tarvainen, Pasi,
Tamminen, Aleksi,
Soleng, H. H.,
Semmler, Klaus,
Tanskanen, P.,
Takeshita, Toyoaki,
Tanskanen, Jarno M. A., [155, 820]
Schlosser, T.,
Self, Guy,
[378, 592,
819, 857]
Storn, Rainer M.,
[78, 79, 80,
81, 409]
[80, 81]
[641, 752,
768, 797]
Tjornfelt-Jensen, M.,
Tofferi, Tuomo,
Toga, Arthur W.,
[347, 388,
397, 454]
Tohka, Jussi,
[204, 307,
347, 388, 397, 454]
Toivanen, Jari,
[268, 593,
602, 609, 642, 651, 798, 816]
Sholl, David S.,
Strand, Carina,
Sidoroff, Ilja,
Suganthan, P. N.,
Toivonen, Tuuli K.,
Sieranta, Mika,
[539, 555]
Sukov, A.,
Tokola, T.,
Sigurdsson, H. S.,
[965, 966]
Suominen, Kalle-Antti, [274, 576, 621]
Tolvi, J.,
Silander, Tomi,
[641, 752, 797]
Suominen, Petri,
Tommiska, Matti,
[157, 358, 656]
Tomppo, Erkki,
[308, 326, 362]
Välisuo, Petri,
[161, 408,
Wang, Xiaolei,
[463, 466, 507]
Wanne, Merja,
West, Brian R.,
[325, 349]
West, Dixie,
414, 482, 731]
Tompuri, Vesa,
Toppuri, J. J.,
Valjakka, J.,
Valkealahti, Kimmo,
[350, 751]
Valtonen, Martti,
[629, 684]
Vanhaeran, Marian,
Westerlin, V.,
Vanhala, Jukka,
[107, 860]
Wettig, Hannes,
[752, 797]
Vänskä, Tommy,
Wezel, Michiel C. van,
Varonen, Mikko,
Wide, P.,
Varteva, Risto,
[861, 862]
Wijkman, Pierre A. I.,
Vartiainen, Juha J.,
[202, 352]
Vasara, Petri,
Williams, Colin P.,
Vašek, Vladimı́r,
Windshügel, Björn,
Vaskelainen, L.,
Wirtz, Tom,
Vaskelainen, Vesa,
Wisz, M. S.,
Vathsavayi, Sriharsha,
[505, 516]
Wohlfarth, Barbara,
Vatilo, Jussi,
Wolff, K.,
[1035, 1040]
Vegge, Tejs,
Xiong, Gang,
Vekara, Timo,
Xiong, Guang-Yu,
Xu, Can T.,
Xu, Mantao,
Yang, Zhenyu,
Yang, Zhijing,
Torkar, Richard,
[1067, 1075]
Törmä, Päivi,
[151, 621]
Törmänen, Pasi,
[657, 719, 732]
Törn, Aimo,
Torresen, Jim,
982, 984, 989, 990, 992, 1003, 1008,
1013, 1014]
Torvinen, S.,
Tossavainen, Teppo,
Truve, Staffan,
[1138, 1139]
Tufekci, Suleyman,
Tufte, G.,
[978, 1011]
Tufte, Gunnar,
Tuominen, Sakari,
Tuomisto, H.,
Tuononen, Marko,
Tuovinen, Reijo,
[492, 508]
Velden, Alex J. M. Van der,
Tupeinen, Hannu M.,
Turunen, Ilkka,
Turunen, Pekka,
Tyni, Tapio,
Uchibe, Eiji,
Verma, K. S.,
Vesterback, Joni,
[513, 867]
Viana Ramos, R.,
Viero, Tomi J.,
Yasunaga, Moritoshi,
Viikki, Kati,
[186, 803]
Yli-Harja, Olli P.,
Vilhelmsen, Lasse B.,
[31, 32, 33]
Ylilauri, Mikko,
Virkkala, Raimo,
Ylinen, Jari,
Virolainen, Jari,
Visa, Ari,
Viskari, Tuomas,
Voutilainen, Mikko,
Vucic, Vedran,
Vuorenmaa, Petri,
[676, 738]
[199, 228,
560, 610, 616, 739]
Tyystjärvi, Esa,
Vepsäläinen, Marja-Leena,
[298, 337]
[1045, 1053,
[1086, 1089,
1111, 1113]
Ueda, Kanji,
[702, 750, 830]
Ulla, S.,
Ursem, Rasmus K.,
[14, 28, 68]
Usinskas, Andrius,
Uusitalo, Mikko A.,
Uutela, Kimmo,
[160, 658, 764]
Vaario, Jari,
[548, 558, 561,
594, 604, 702, 750, 830, 858, 859]
Vainio, M. I.,
[357, 389]
Vuori, Jarkko,
Yliniemi, Sanna,
Yllö, Petri,
Zelinka, Ivan,
[239, 249,
824, 834, 841, 844]
Zenger, Kai,
Zhang, Yu,
Zhang, Zhi-yu,
[549, 556,
597, 656, 749, 863]
Vainio, Mika,
[199, 228,
560, 610, 616, 677, 678, 739]
[213, 570,
595, 605]
Wahde, M.,
[209, 65, 66]
Zhao, Qinpei,
Zhu, Zhechen,
Vainio, Mikko J.,
Wallenius, Jyrki,
Vainio, Olli,
[313, 363]
Walton, Krista S.,
Valente, Marc,
Wang, Changhong,
Välimäki, Vesa,
Wang, Qiaoling,
Zinchenko, Lyudmila A., [288, 294, 868]
total 1122 articles by 1030 different authors
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Subject index
All subject keywords of the papers given by the editor of this bibliography are shown next.
Annual index
Annual index
The following table gives references to the contributions by the year of publishing.
[93, 94, 1131, 73, 1133, 76, 1138]
[84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99,
101, 102, 103, 106, 108, 112, 113, 114, 116, 74, 1134, 851,
75, 855, 1139]
[82, 83, 86, 89, 90, 92, 98, 100, 104,
105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 115, 1129, 1130, 1132, 846, 847, 848,
849, 850, 1135, 852, 1136, 853, 854, 1137, 856, 857, 858, 859,
860, 861, 862, 863]
[2, 523, 524, 35, 525, 526, 36, 527,
37, 1083, 38, 528, 964, 529, 39, 530, 40, 531, 532, 533, 534,
535, 536, 41, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 1084, 1085, 542, 543,
544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 1086, 550, 551, 552, 553, 42,
554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 43, 561, 562, 44]
[519, 520, 521, 522, 559, 563, 564, 565,
566, 567, 568, 1000, 1087, 45, 46, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573,
574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 47, 582, 48, 583, 584,
585, 1088, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595,
596, 597, 1089, 598, 1090, 599, 600, 601, 49, 50, 602, 1091,
1001, 603, 51, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 52, 609, 1092, 610, 53,
611, 612, 1093, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 876, 877,
878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 886, 888, 889, 893, 895, 896,
897, 898, 901, 902, 903, 906, 907, 908, 909, 912, 913, 915,
918, 919, 920, 921, 923, 925, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935,
939, 941, 942, 946, 947, 950, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 961]
[620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 1094,
1095, 965, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636,
1096, 637, 1097, 638, 639, 640, 641, 54, 642, 643, 55, 644,
645, 646, 647, 1098, 648, 1099, 1100, 1101, 56, 649, 650, 651,
1102, 652, 653, 57, 58, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661,
662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673,
1103, 674, 675, 676, 1104, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683]
[684, 685, 686, 687, 1105, 966,
688, 1002, 689, 1106, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697,
1107, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 59, 704, 705, 706, 707,
708, 709, 710, 711, 1108, 712, 713, 1109, 714, 1110, 715, 60,
716, 717, 718, 719, 1003, 720, 61, 1111, 721, 1004, 722, 723,
1112, 724, 1113, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733,
734, 735, 736, 737, 740]
[218, 276, 738, 739, 741, 742, 743,
1114, 1005, 971, 62, 744, 967, 63, 745, 746, 747, 748, 1115,
1006, 749, 750, 751, 972, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758,
64, 65, 759, 760, 1116, 1007, 761, 762, 763, 1008, 764, 1117,
765, 766, 1118, 767, 768, 769, 1009, 770, 771, 66, 772, 773,
774, 775, 1010, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781]
[969, 970, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181,
1025, 184, 17, 185, 186, 983, 1026, 187, 188, 189,
192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 984, 200,
203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 973, 1027, 208, 209, 210,
213, 18, 214, 215, 216, 217, 1028, 219, 220, 221,
224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233,
236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 1029, 242, 243, 244,
1030, 247, 248, 1031, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,
257, 258, 938, 944, 948]
[259, 1032, 974, 260, 261, 1033, 985, 19,
262, 263, 264, 986, 1034, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271,
272, 273, 274, 275, 20, 277, 278, 279, 1035, 280, 281, 1036,
282, 1037, 1038, 283, 284, 285, 1039, 286, 287, 975, 288, 289,
290, 291, 292, 293, 1040, 294, 295, 296, 884, 885, 937, 951]
[1041, 297, 987, 1042, 1043, 298, 299,
77, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 988, 308, 309,
310, 1044, 311, 312, 1045, 313, 1046, 314, 315, 1047, 316,
317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 874, 887, 890, 891, 953]
[118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
126, 127, 128, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,
989, 333, 334, 335, 1048, 336, 337, 338, 339, 21, 340, 341,
1049, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 868]
[347, 1050, 348, 349, 350, 22, 351,
352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 990, 1051, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361,
1052, 1053, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 1054, 369,
1055, 1056, 864, 865, 866, 870, 894, 905, 936, 954]
[1057, 1058, 23, 370, 371, 372, 373,
374, 1059, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 991, 381, 382, 1060,
1061, 383, 384, 385, 869, 871, 875]
[78, 79, 80, 81, 386, 387, 388, 388, 992,
24, 389, 976, 390, 391, 1062, 392, 393, 394, 395, 395, 396,
397, 1063, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 910, 922, 926, 927,
929, 949, 952]
[404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410,
25, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 993, 26, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 873, 892, 899,
900, 916, 924, 928, 940, 945]
[117, 430, 1064, 27, 431, 994, 432,
433, 995, 996, 1065, 434, 28, 435, 436, 438, 1066, 439, 1067,
1068, 440, 441, 442, 1069, 443, 444, 911]
[782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 1119, 1120,
787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 1011, 1012, 792, 793, 794, 968, 795,
796, 67, 797, 798, 799, 800, 1121, 801, 802, 803, 804, 1122,
805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 1123, 1124,
815, 816, 68, 69, 1125, 817, 818, 70, 71, 1126, 819, 820, 72,
1013, 1127, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 1128, 827, 828, 829,
830, 831, 832, 833, 1014, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840,
841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 917]
[437, 445, 446, 447, 448, 1070,
29, 449, 450, 451, 452, 1071, 453, 454, 455, 1072, 456, 1073,
457, 458, 459, 460, 997, 461, 462, 463, 1074, 464, 465, 466,
467, 960, 962]
[468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473,
474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485,
30, 486, 487, 488, 489, 1075, 490, 491]
[129, 130, 1015, 1016, 131, 977,
132, 1017, 133, 134, 1018, 135, 978, 136, 979, 1019, 137,
138, 139, 140, 141, 980, 142, 143, 144, 11, 145, 1020, 146,
147, 148, 981, 1021, 1022, 12, 149, 150, 151, 152, 13, 1023,
14, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 15, 161, 162, 163,
164, 1024, 165, 166, 982, 167, 168, 16, 169, 170, 171, 172,
173, 174, 175, 176, 914]
[492, 1076, 493, 494, 1077, 495, 496,
497, 498, 31, 499, 998, 500, 501, 1078, 502, 503, 504, 505,
506, 507, 1079, 508, 509, 510, 32, 1080, 511, 867]
[512, 1081, 513, 514, 33, 515, 999, 516,
1082, 943]
[963, 517, 34, 518, 872, 904]
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Geographical index
The following table gives references to the contributions by country.
• Australia: [1020, 25]
• Belgium: [339, 26]
• Brazil: [686, 1052]
• Canada: [251, 256, 1039, 359]
• China: [1018, 263, 300]
• Denmark: [11, 12, 14, 20, 73, 76, 74, 75,
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
69, 70, 71, 72, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]
• Estonia: [77]
• Finland: [132, 140, 265, 267, 268, 284, 291, 292, 93, 94,
84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106, 108,
112, 113, 114, 116, 851, 855, 82, 83, 86, 89, 90, 92, 98,
100, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 115, 846, 847, 848,
849, 850, 852, 853, 854, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861,
862, 863, 2, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531,
532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542,
543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553,
554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 561, 562, 519, 520, 521,
522, 559, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571,
572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582,
583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593,
594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604,
605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615,
616, 617, 618, 619, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882,
883, 886, 888, 889, 893, 895, 896, 897, 898, 901, 902,
903, 906, 907, 908, 909, 912, 913, 915, 918, 919, 920,
921, 923, 925, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 939, 941,
942, 946, 947, 950, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 961, 620,
621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631,
632, 633, 634, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643,
644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654,
655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665,
666, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677,
678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 687, 688, 689,
690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700,
701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711,
712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722,
723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733,
734, 735, 736, 737, 740, 218, 276, 738, 739, 741, 742,
743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753,
754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764,
765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775,
776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786,
787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797,
798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808,
809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819,
820, 821, 822, 823, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831,
832, 833, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 842, 843, 845,
917, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162,
163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173,
174, 175, 176, 914, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194,
195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216,
217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229,
230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241,
242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 252, 253, 254,
255, 257, 258, 938, 944, 948, 259, 260, 262, 264, 266,
270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279,
282, 283, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 293, 296,
937, 951, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 304,
307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315,
318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 874, 887, 890,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,
335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344,
868, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354,
357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366,
369, 864, 865, 866, 870, 894, 905, 936, 954,
372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381,
384, 385, 869, 875, 78, 79, 80, 81, 386, 387,
390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398,
401, 402, 403, 910, 922, 926, 927, 929, 949,
405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 414,
417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425,
428, 429, 873, 892, 899, 900, 916, 924, 928,
117, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438,
441, 442, 443, 444, 911, 437, 445, 446, 447,
450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458,
461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 960, 962,
470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478,
481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489,
492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500,
503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511,
513, 514, 515, 516, 943, 517, 518, 872, 904]
• France: [985, 1060, 996]
• Germany: [1088, 1091, 1092, 1095, 1099, 1100, 1103,
1104, 1105, 1108, 1109, 1112]
• Iceland: [965, 966, 968, 963]
• Italy: [1047, 1058]
• Japan: [1045, 1053, 992, 1062]
• Latvia: [971, 972, 969, 970]
• Lithuania: [973, 974, 975, 976]
• Luxemburg: [999]
• Norway: [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006,
1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 977,
978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 986, 987, 988, 989,
990, 991, 993, 994, 995, 997, 998]
• Spain: [1028, 1031, 1041, 1048, 1050, 1054, 1055, 1056,
1057, 380]
• Sweden: [1017, 1022, 1023, 1038, 1131,
1134, 1139, 1129, 1130, 1132, 1135, 1136,
1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1093,
1097, 1098, 1101, 1102, 1106, 1107, 1110,
1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120,
1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1015,
1021, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1030,
1034, 1035, 1036, 1040, 1042, 1043, 1044,
1051, 1059, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066,
1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075,
1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082]
• The Czech Republic: [824, 834, 841, 844, 239, 249]
• United States: [964, 635, 967]
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(Denmark), 31. August - 2. September 1992. IEEE, New York. * CCA 468/94 EEA 541/94 ga:Nielsen92a.
[76] Jakob Skipper. The computer zoo – evolution in a box. In Varela and Bourgine [1141], pages 355–364.
[77] Hongliang Fang, Shunlin Liang, and Andres Kuusk. Retrieving leaf area index using a genetic algorithm with a canopy radiative transfer model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(3):257–270, ? 2003.
[78] Jouni Tiilikainen, M. Mattila, T. Hakkarainen, V.-M. Airaksinen, and H. Lipsanen. Nonlinear fitnessspace-structure adaptation and principal component analysis in genetic algorithms: an application to
x-ray reflectivity analysis. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40(1):215–218, 7. January 2007.
[79] Jouni Tiilikainen, V. Bosund, M. Mattila, T. Hakkarainen, J. Sormunen, and H. Lipsanen. Fitness function
and nonunique solutions in x-ray reflectivity curve fitting: crosserror between surface roughness and mass
density. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40(14):4259–4263, 21. July 2007. GA07bJouniTiilikainen.
[80] Jouni Tiilikainen, V. Bosund, J.-M. Tilli, J. Sormunen, M. Mattila, T. Hakkarainen, and H. Lipsanen. Genetic algorithm using independent component analysis in x-ray reflectivity curve fitting of
periodic layer structures. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40(19):6000–6004, 7. October 2007.
[81] Jouni Tiilikainen, J.-M. Tilli, V. Bosund, M. Mattila, T. Hakkarainen, J. Sormunen, and H. Lipsanen. Accuracy in x-ray reflectivity analysis. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40(23):7497–7501, 7. December
2007. GA07dJouniTiilikainen.
[82] Sam Sandqvist. On finding optimal potential customers from a large marketing database – A genetic
algorithm approach. In Albrecht et al. [1140], pages 528–535. GA:ANNGA93/Sam.
[83] Antti Autere. An empirical study of population and non-population based search strategies for optimizing
a combinatorial problem. In Albrecht et al. [1140], pages 375–384. GA:ANNGA93/aau.
[84] Jarmo T. Alander. Kauppamatkustajan ongelma ja geneettiset algoritmit [Traveling salesman problem
and genetic algorithms]. Technical Report 1992/2, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Machine
Engineering, Laboratory of Automobile Technology, 1992. (in Finnish) GA:AjoNavi92.
[85] Antti Autere.
Optimointi [Optimization and GA].
In Alander [88], pages 105–117.
(in Finnish)
[86] Antti Autere. GA and 3D bin packing. In Alander [89]. GA:Autere93a.
[87] Jarmo T. Alander. On optimal population size of genetic algorithms. In Patrick Dewilde and Joos Vandewalle, editors, CompEuro 1992 Proceedings, Computer Systems and Software Engineering, 6th Annual
European Computer Conference, pages 65–70, The Hague, 4.-8. May 1992. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE
Computer Society Press. GA:CompEuro92 ⇒
[88] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Geneettiset algoritmit – Genetic Algorithms, number TKO-C53. Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), Department of Computer Science, 1992. (Proceedings of a GA Seminar held
at HUT) GA:GArapo92.
[89] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the First Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications, volume TKO-A30 of Research Reports, Espoo (Finland), 4.-5. November 1992 1993. (partly
in Finnish) GA:GArapo93.
[90] Ari Hämäläinen. GA and neural networks. In Alander [89]. GA:Hamalainen93a.
[91] Sauli Harala. Geneettinen ohjelmointi [Genetic programming by Koza]. In Alander [88], pages 133–144.
(in Finnish) GA:Harala92.
[92] Henrik Huovila.
GA ja piirisimulointi [GA and circuit simulation].
In Alander [89].
(in Finnish)
[93] Jarmo T. Alander. Neural darwinism / Edelman. In Olli Simula, editor, Natural and Artificial Parallel Computation. Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Laboratory of
Computer and Information Science, 1991. GA:INFO91.
[94] Jarmo T. Alander. On finding the optimal genetic algorithms for robot control problems. In Proceedings
IROS ’91 IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems ’91, volume 3, pages
1313–1318, Osaka, 3.-5. November 1991. IEEE Cat. No. 91TH0375-6. GA:IROS’91.
[95] Pekka Jussila. Sääntöjärjestelmät [Rule based systems and GA]. In Alander [88], pages 83–94. (in Finnish)
[96] Hannu Lehtinen. Liikeratojen optimointi [Robot path planning by Davidor]. In Alander [88], pages 73–82.
(in Finnish) GA:Lehtinen92.
[97] Sami Leino. Skedulointiongelma [Scheduling and GA]. In Alander [88], pages 95–104. (in Finnish)
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[98] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms and robot control, a review. In Robotikdagar 93, pages C4–,
Linköping, Sweden, 2.-3. June 1993. Tekniska Högskolan i Linköping. GA:Robotik93.
[99] Jarmo T. Alander. On Boolean SAT and GA. In Alander [88], pages 190–207. GA:SAT.
[100] Jarmo T. Alander. Laskennallinen evoluutio, geneettiset algoritmit ja keinoelämä [Computational evolution, genetic algorithms, and artificial life]. In Seppo Linnaluoto and Jouko Seppänen, editors, SETI
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, An International Interdisciplinary Seminar, pages 164–171,
Heureka, Vantaa, Finland, 6.-7. March 1993. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. (in Finnish) GA:SETI93.
[101] Jarmo T. Alander. Johdanto geneettisiin algoritmeihin / An introduction to genetic algorithms. In
Eero Hyvönen, Jouko Seppänen, and Markku Syrjänen, editors, STeP-92 Tekoälyn uudet suunnat, volume 3, pages 1–10, Espoo, 9.-11. June 1992. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). (in Finnish)
[102] Sam Sandqvist. On finding optimal potential customers from a large marketing database – A genetic
algorithm approach. In Eero Hyvönen, Jouko Seppänen, and Markku Syrjänen, editors, STeP-92 Tekoälyn
uudet suunnat, volume 3, pages 35–38, Espoo, 9.-11. June 1992. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). GA:STeP-92/Sam.
[103] Antti Autere. An empirical study of three algorithms for optimizing a combinatorial problem. In Eero
Hyvönen, Jouko Seppänen, and Markku Syrjänen, editors, STeP-92 Tekoälyn uudet suunnat, volume 3,
pages 11–20, Espoo, 9.-11. June 1992. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). GA:STeP-92/aau.
[104] Sam Sandqvist. GA and database queries. In Alander [89]. GA:Sam93a.
[105] Sam Sandqvist. On finding optimal potential customers from a large marketing database – A genetic
algorithm approach. Licenciate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science,
1993. GA:SamLis.
[106] Tuomas Sandholm. 1-D fraktaalin inverssi [1-D fractal inverse and GA]. In Alander [88], pages 126–132.
(in Finnish) GA:Sandholm92.
[107] Jukka Vanhala and Kimmo Kaski. Protein folding simulation by GAs. In Alander [89]. GA:Vanhala93a.
[108] Petri Yllö. Satunnaistajan etsintä [Genetic programming random number generator by Koza]. In Alander
[88], pages 145–152. (in Finnish) GA:Yllo92.
[109] Jarmo T. Alander. On robot navigation using a genetic algorithm. In Albrecht et al. [1140], pages 471–478.
also as [110] GA:autoga93.
[110] Jarmo T. Alander. On robot navigation using a GA. In Proceedings of the First Finnish Workshop on
Genetic Algorithms and their Applications [89]. (also [109]) GA:autogaR93.
[111] Jarmo T. Alander. GA bibliography. In Proceedings of the First Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms
and their Applications [89]. GA:biblio93.
[112] Jarmo T. Alander.
Rinnakkainen ga [Parallel GA].
In Alander [88], pages 118–125.
(in Finnish)
[113] Jarmo T. Alander. Optimal GA. In Alander [88], pages 164–179. also as [94] GA:parameters.
[114] Jarmo T. Alander. Population size. In Alander [88], pages 180–189. also as [87] GA:psize.
[115] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms and robot control. In Proceedings of the First Finnish Workshop
on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications [89]. (also [98]) GA:robotics93.
[116] Jarmo T. Alander. Mahdollisia sovellutuksia [Potential applications of GA]. In Alander [88], pages 208–210.
(in Finnish) GA:sovel.
[117] Mikko Jukkanen. Sähkömoottorin osavarianttien määrän Pareto-optimointi geneettisellä algoritmilla.
Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2009.
[118] Jarmo T. Alander. On the basic genetic algorithm parameters - an empirical study. In Jarmo T. Alander,
Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 19–32, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also STeP04GA.
[119] Janne Haverinen. Utilizing the fundamental effect of space in creating purposeful dynamic systems. In
Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th
Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 137–150, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September
2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also ) STeP04Haverinen.
[120] Heikki Hyötyniemi. Processes of life: towards a unified model? In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and
Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference,
volume 3, pages 190–216, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). STeP04Hyotyniemi2.
[121] Janne Koljonen, Juhani Lappalainen, Jarmo T. Alander, and Antti Backman. LEDall – adaptive LED
lighting system. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004,
Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 114–126, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also
report04-2/ STeP04LEDall.
[122] Timo Mantere. Reciprocal elitism in GA optimization. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and
Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference,
volume 3, pages 151–160, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). (also ) STeP04Mantere.
[123] Torbjörn E. M. Nordling, Janne Koljonen, Jarmo T. Alander, and Paul Geladi. Genetic algorithms as
a tool for wavelength selection. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors,
STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 99–113,
Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also ftp://ftp. STeP04NIR.
[124] Jarmo T. Alander. The origin of life by selection among peptides. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru,
and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 180–189, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence
Society (FAIS). (also STeP04OLife.
[125] Heli Pyälä. Optimising hang-glider trajectories by a genetic algorithm. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka
Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 161–170, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also ) STeP04Pykala.
[126] Tommi Rintala. Kite design by genetic algorithm. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki
Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 171–179, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). (also ) STeP04Rintala.
[127] Janne Koljonen and Jarmo T. Alander. Solving the “urban horse” problem by backtracking and genetic
algorithm – a comparison. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 127–136, Vantaa
(Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also ftp://ftp.uwasa.
fi/cs/report04-2/ STeP04UHP.
[128] Jarmo T. Alander. Evolutionary algorithms in cybernetics - a bibliographical overview. In Jarmo T. Alander, Pekka Ala-Siuru, and Heikki Hyötyniemi, editors, STeP-2004, Proceedings of the 11th Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Conference, volume 3, pages 11–18, Vantaa (Finland), 1.-3. September 2004. Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Society (FAIS). (also STeP04cyber.
[129] Mitri Kitti. Computation of incentive stackelberg solution [Stackelbergin pelin kannusteratkaisun laskeminen]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2000. †www /TKK ga002MitriKitti.
[130] Jarmo T. Alander. Folding proteins in lattice models using hydration. In Matti Kaivola and Eero Noponen,
editors, Proceedings of the XXXIV Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, volume TKK-FA797 of Helsinki University of Technology Publications in Engineering Physics, page 229, Espoo (Finland),
9.-11. March 2000. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics.
[131] Piero P. Bonissone and Juhani Sarparanta. Oppivien ja älykkäiden järjestelmien sovellukset 1994-1999
[adaptive and intelligent systems applications 1994-1999]. Technology Programme Report 20, TEKES,
National Technology Agency, 2000. (partly in English) ga00aBonissone.
[132] Daniel Polani and Risto Miikkulainen. Eugenic neuro-evolution for reinforcement learning. pages 1041–
1046, 2000. ga00aDPolani.
[133] Harri Ehtamo. Optimointi – mallintamista, matemattiikkaa, geneettisiä algoritmeja. Polysteekki, (1):12–14,
2000. ga00aEhtamo.
[134] Erkki Mäkinen, Timo Poranen, and Petri Vuorenmaa. A genetic algorithm for determining the thickness of
a graph. Series of Publications A-2000-5, University of Tampere, Department of Computer and Information
Sciences, 2000. ga00aErkkiMakinen.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[135] Pasi Fränti. Genetic algorithm with deterministic crossover for vector quantization. Pattern Recognition,
21(1):61–68, ? 2000. †Franti /lop ga00aFranti.
[136] Gordon Alford. Paradigms in molecular computing. In Heikki Hyötyniemi, editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Finnish
Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 105–110, Espoo (Finland), 28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga00aGordonAlford.
[137] Juha Haataja. Parasta etsimässä [Searching for the best]. In Juha Haataja, Jari Järvinen, Jari Koponen,
and Peter Råback, editors, Laskennallinen Tuotekehitys – Suunnittelun Uusi Ulottuvuus, pages 40–49. CSC
– Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Helsinki (Finland), 2000. (in Finnish) ga00aHaataja.
[138] Jouni Ikäheimo. Sähkömoottori mittojen mukaan [Tailoring electrical motor]. In Juha Haataja, Jari
Järvinen, Jari Koponen, and Peter Råback, editors, Laskennallinen Tuotekehitys – Suunnittelun Uusi Ulottuvuus, pages 83–88. CSC – Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Helsinki (Finland), 2000. (in Finnish) ga00aIkaheimo.
[139] Juha Kilkki. Optimisation of the metal structures by evolution algorithms. In J. Kesti and P. Mäkeläinen,
editors, Viidennet Teräsrakenteiden Tutkimus- ja Kehityspäivät, volume ?, pages 237–244, Espoo (Finland),
18.-19. January 2000. ? † ga00aJKilkki.
[140] Juha Kivijärvi, Pasi Fränti, and Olli Nevalainen. Efficient clustering with a self-adaptive genetic algorithm.
page 377, 2000. ga00aJKivijarvi.
[141] Jari Kangas. Comparison between two prototype representation schemes for a nearest neighbor classifier.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, volume 2, pages 773–776,
Barcelona (Spain), 3.-7. September 2000. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. †www /IEEE ga00aJariKangas.
[142] Jouni Lampinen. Multiobjective nonlinear pareto-optimization. Pre-investigation report, Lappeenranta
University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing, 2000. ga00aJouniLampinen.
[143] M. S. Khalil. Evolutionary methods in chemical engineering. Report 64, Helsinki University of Technology,
Department of Chemical Technology, 2000. †Hurme ga00aKhalil.
[144] Juha Kivijärvi, Pasi Fränti, and Olli Nevalainen. Efficient clustering with a self-adaptive genetic algorithm.
In ?, editor, Proceedings of SCI’2000, volume 3, pages 241–246, Orlando, FL, ? 2000. ? †Franti /lop
[145] M. M. Ali and Aimo Törn. Optimization of carbon and silicon cluster geometry for Tersoff potential using
differential evolution. In C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos, editors, Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology, pages 287–300. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000. †MathRev
2000k:92010 ga00aMMAli.
[146] Gábor Magyar. On Solution Approaches for Some Industrially Motivated Combinatorial Optimization
Problems. PhD thesis, University of Turku, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 2000. ga00aMagyar.
[147] Mika Hirvensalo. Computing with quanta - impacts of quantum theory on computation. Technical Report
386, TUCS, 2000. ga00aMikaHirvensalo.
[148] Edward Mutafungwa. Application of a genetic algorithm to optical cross-connect node dependability
enhancement. In Heikki Hyötyniemi, editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI
of Today’: Symposium on Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 9–16, Espoo (Finland), 28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).
[149] Petri Suominen, Matti Pursula, and Jarkko Niittymäki. The optimization on membership functions of
fuzzy traffic signal control using genetic algorithms. In Matti Pursula, editor, Proceedings of the 11th
Mini-Euro Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Systems and Science, and 7th EuroWorking Group Meeting on Transportation, volume 98 of Helsinki University of Technology Transportation
Engineering Publications, pages LVIII(+4), Espoo (Finland), 2.-6. August 2000. Helsinki University of
Technology. ga00aPSuominen.
[150] P. Tanskanen. The evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method: Theoretical aspects and the modified
evolutionary structural optimization (MESO) method. PhD thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology,
2000. ? † ga00aPTanskanen.
[151] Päivi Törmä. Kvanttitietokoneet ja kvanttikryptografia. Arkhimedes, (5):28–32, 2000. ga00aPaiviTorma.
[152] Timo Paukku. Kvanttitiedon salaneuvos. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):C15, 9. September 2000. ga00aPaukku.
[153] Hannu Reittu. Kvantti-informaatio. Arkhimedes, ?(3):20–22, 2000. ga00aReittu.
[154] Ossi Taipale. Adaptive and intelligent systems applications 1994-1999. Technology Programme Report 18,
TEKES, National Technology Agency, 2000. ga00aTaipale.
[155] Jarno M. A. Tanskanen. Polynomial predictive filters: Implementation and Applications. PhD thesis,
Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Intelligent Power Electronics, 2000. ga00aTanskanen.
[156] Tomi Salminen. Geneesys – katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelämään nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A
review of 3D artificial life and outline of its future]. Master’s thesis, University of Industrial Arts Helsinki,
Media Laboratory; Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, Medialaboratorio, 2000. (in Finnish;$\
sim${}tosalmin/thesis/) †www ga00aTomiSalminen.
[157] Matti Tommiska. Area-efficient implementation of a fast square root algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2000
IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, volume ?, pages S–18–1–S–18–4,
Cancun (Mexico), 15.-17. March 2000. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga00aTommiska.
[158] Topi Mikkola. Algorithm library for large scale vehicle routing. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of
Technology, 2000. †www /TKK ga00aTopiMikkola.
[159] Tuomas Viskari. Loistehon säätömodulin kehittäminen [developing of the reactive power controller]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2000. †www /TKK ga00aTuomasViskari.
[160] Kimmo Uutela, Matti Hämäläinen, and Riitta Salmelin. Global optimization in the localization of brain
activity. In C. J. Aine, Y. Okada, G. Stroink, and S. J. Swithenby, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth
International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG 96), volume 1, pages 369–372, Santa Fe, NM, 1996
2000. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. †report? ga00aUutela.
[161] Petri Välisuo. Finite word length recursive digital filter optimization with genetic algorithm. In Heikki
Hyötyniemi, editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 17–22, Espoo (Finland),
28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga00aValisuo.
[162] Vesa Meriläinen. Diskreetin optimoinnin käyttö mekatronisen koneen virtuaalisuunnittelussa. Master’s thesis, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2000.
[163] Xiao-Zhi Gao, Seppo J. Ovaska, and Y. Dote. Motor fault detection using Elman neural network with
genetic algorithm-aided training. In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, volume 4, pages 2386–2392, ?, ? 2000. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga00aXiao-ZhiGao.
[164] Jarmo T. Alander. Extending HP lattice model with non-local hydration. In Satoru Miyano, Ron Shamir,
and Toshihisa Takagi, editors, Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, volume 30 of Frontiers Science, pages 118–119, Tokyo (Japan), 9.-11. March 2000. Universal Academy Press, Inc. (Proceedings of the
Extended Abstracts of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology,
April 8.-11., 2000, Tokyo (Japan) ga00bAlander.
[165] Pasi Fränti and Juha Kivijärvi. Randomised local search algorithm for the clustering problem. Pattern
Analysis & Applications, 3(4):358–369, ? 2000. †Kivijarvi ga00bFranti.
[166] Juha Haataja. How to solve it: Modern heuristics [book review]. Tietoyhteys, (4):30–31, September 2000.
(in Finnish) ga00bHaataja.
[167] Mika Hirvensalo. Quantum computation – towards a new computational paradigm. In Heikki Hyötyniemi,
editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications,
Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 97–104, Espoo (Finland), 28.30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga00bMikaHirvensalo.
[168] Timo Paukku. Tiedevuosi 2000 — melkein scifiä. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):C14, 23. December 2000.
[169] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms. In Heikki Hyötyniemi, editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Conference, page 1, Espoo (Finland), 28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga00cAlander.
[170] Juha Haataja.
The ten most important algorithms of the century.
CSC News, 12(3):18–19, 2000.
[171] Jarmo T. Alander. Evolution of genetic algorithms - a brief bibliographical review. In Heikki Hyötyniemi,
editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications,
Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 3–8, Espoo (Finland), 28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga00dAlander.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[172] Juha Haataja, Jari Järvinen, and Yrjö Leino. page 31. CSC-Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Espoo (Finland),
2000. †TKKpaa ga00dHaataja.
[173] Jarmo T. Alander and Timo Mantere. Genetic algorithms in automatic software testing - analysing a
faulty bubble sort routine. In Heikki Hyötyniemi, editor, STeP-2000 — Millennium of Artificial Intelligence, ’AI of Today’: Symposium on Applications, Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence
Conference, pages 23–31, Espoo (Finland), 28.-30. August 2000. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). ga00eAlander.
[174] Jarmo T. Alander and Markku Hurme. Geneettiset algoritmit kemiassa – optimointia vaihtoehtoja karsimalla. Kemia-Kemi, 27(8):633–636, October 2000. ga00fAlander.
[175] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Automatic test image generation by genetic algorithms for testing
halftoning methods. In David P. Casasent, editor, Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIX: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume SPIE-4197,
pages 297–308, Boston, MA, 5. -8. November 2000. The International Society for Optical Engineering,
Bellingham, WA. ga00gAlander.
[176] Jarmo T. Alander and Timo Mantere. Genetic algorithms in software testing - experiments with temporal
target functions. In Pavel Ošmera, editor, Proceedings of the 6th International Mendel Conference on Soft
Computing (MENDEL 2000), pages 9–14, Brno (Czech Republic), 7.-9. June 2000. Technical University
of Brno. ga00hAlander.
[177] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms – an introduction. Arpakannus, (1):19–32, 2001. (in Finnish; ga01aAlander.
[178] Anssu Ranta-aho. Qubits made of molecular magnets. In Tero T. Heikkilä, Mikio Nakahara, and
Martti M. Salomaa, editors, Quantum Computing, Physical Realizations, Report Series, Nro TKK-F-A810,
pages 240–251. Helsinki University of Technology, Materials Physics Laboratory, Espoo (Finland), 2001.
[179] Antti Finne. Qubits based on NMR on ensembles of molecules in liquids: physical basis. In Tero T. Heikkilä,
Mikio Nakahara, and Martti M. Salomaa, editors, Quantum Computing, Physical Realizations, Report
Series, Nro TKK-F-A810, pages 91–99. Helsinki University of Technology, Materials Physics Laboratory,
Espoo (Finland), 2001. ga01aAnttiFinne.
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[283] Sam Sandqvist. Aspects of modelling and simulation of genetic algorithms: a formal approach. PhD
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[284] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Testing halftoning methods using genetic algorithms - comparing
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[285] Teppo Tossavainen. System Usability of Complex Technical Systems. PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2002.
* TKKpaa
[286] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Developing and testing structural light vision software by coevolutionary genetic algorithm. In The Proceedings of the Second ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and
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[287] Toni Mäki. Tekniikan tutkimusinstituutti esitteli hankkeensa [A project introduction]. Vaasan Yliopistolehti, ?(2):12–13, 6. May 2002. ga02aToniMaki.
[288] Jarmo T. Alander, Lyudmila A. Zinchenko, Sergey N. Sorokin, and Maxim P. Oleynik. Modelling radiation
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[289] Anon. Kvanttiaika lähestyy. ITviikko, ?(16):23, 18. April 2002. ga02bAnon.
[290] Juha Kilkki. Formulation of the optimisation model for the differential evolution optimisation algorithm. In
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[291] Junhong Liu and Jouni Lampinen. Adaptive parameter control of differential evolution. pages 19–26, 2002.
[292] Jari P. Hämäläinen, Hannu M. Tupeinen, Lauri J. Pakarinen, Johan M. Åkerholm, and Alex J. M. Van
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[293] Janne Haverinen and Juha Röning. A stochastic evolutionary neuron migration process with emerged Hebbian dynamics. In Artificial Life VIII: The 8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis
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[294] Jarmo T. Alander, Lyudmila A. Zinchenko, and Sergey N. Sorokin. Analysis of fitness landscape properties
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[295] Jarmo T. Alander, Sergey N. Sorokin, Vladimir V. Savelyev, and Elena V. Ivanchenko. Fitness function
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[296] Anon. Radio syntyi luonnonvalinnalla [radio receiver by selection]. Tiede, ?(7):15, 24. October 2002.
[297] Anon. Immuunijärjestelmä tietoverkoille. Tietokone, ?(?):27, February 2003. ga03aAnon.
[298] Marius C. Codrea, Tero Aittokallio, Mika Keränen, Esa Tyystjärvi, and Olli Nevalainen. Feature learning
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[300] Hui-Yuan Fan and Jouni Lampinen. A trigonometric mutation operation to differential evolution. Journal
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[301] Jarmo Ilonen, Joni-Kristian Kämäräinen, and Jouni Lampinen. Differential evolution training algorithm
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[302] Juha Kivijärvi, Pasi Fränti, and Olli Nevalainen. Self-adaptive genetic algorithm for clustering. Journal
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[303] Jouni Lampinen. Cam shape optimisation by genetic algorithm. Computer-Aided Design, 35(8):727–738,
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[304] Jani Rönkkönen and Jouni Lampinen. On using normally distributed mutation step length for the differential evolution algorithm. In Radomil Matoušek and Pavel Ošmera, editors, Mendel 2003, 9th International
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[305] Jukka Heinonen and Frank Pettersson. Scheduling a specific type of batch process with evolutionary
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[306] Junhong Liu and Jouni Lampinen. Population size adaptation for differential evolution algorithm using
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[307] Jussi Tohka. Global Optimization-Based Deformable Meshes for Surface Extraction from Medical Images.
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[308] Lasse Holmström, Matti Hallikainen, and Erkki Tomppo. New modeling and data analysis methods for satellite based forest inventory (MODAFOR). Final report, Rolf Nevanlinna Institute, 2003.
[309] Timo Mantere. Automatic Software Testing by Genetic Algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Vaasa,
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[310] Mika Hirvensalo. Studies on Boolean functions related to quantum computing. PhD thesis, University of
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[311] Raili Leino. Valoa voi nyt viedä säkissä [You can now carry light in a bag]. Tekniikka & Talous, ?(44):6,
18. December 2003. ga03aRailiLeino.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[312] Riitta Koski. Ohjelmistoa voi testata luonnonvalinnalla.
Pohjalainen, 100(?):16, 22. May 2003.
[313] Seppo J. Ovaska, Tamal Bose, and Olli Vainio. Genetic algorithm-aided design of predictive filters for
electric power applications. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, volume 2, pages 1463–1468. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 5.-8. October 2003. ga03aSeppoJOvaska
[314] Wei Lu. Optimum design of cold-formed steel purlins using genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, Helsinki
University of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003. ga03aWeiLu.
[315] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Generating and testing halftoning filters co-evolutionarily. In P. R.
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WSEAS. (available on CD) ga03bMantere.
[316] Mika Hirvensalo. Tarinoita kvanttilaskennasta [short stories about quantum computing].
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[317] Anon. DNA], optiikka, nanoputki vai kantti? [DNA, optics, nanotube, or quantum? Tekniikka & Talous,
?(?):15, 20. March 2003. ga03cAnon.
[318] Timo Mantere. Software testing by evolutionary algorithms. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Southeastern
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[319] Anon. Automaattinen ohjelmistojen testaus geneettisillä algoritmeilla [Automatic software testing by
genetic algorithms]. Vaasan Yliopistolehti, ?(3):32–33, 27. June 2003. (in Finnish; news about Timo
Mantere’s Doctoral thesis on GAs) ga03dAnon.
[320] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Testing digital halftoning filters by generating test images and
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[321] Anon. Venäjä voitti koodisodassa Yhdysvallat [Russia beated us in code war]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):C13,
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[322] Timo Mantere. Generating test images and halftoning filters with co-evolutionary GA. In Nikos Mastorakis,
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[323] Anon. Kvanttilaskenta helpottuu yhä [Quantum computing becoming easier]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):C13,
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[324] Antti O. Niskanen. Control of Quantum Evolution and Josephson Junction circuits. PhD thesis, Helsinki
University of Technology, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics, 2004. VTT Publications
[325] Brian R. West and Seppo Honkanen. MMI devices with weak guiding designed in three dimensions using
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[326] Erkki Tomppo and Merja Halme. Using coarse scale forest variables as ancillary information and weighting
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[327] Harri Niska, Teri Hiltunen, Ari Karppinen, Juhani Ruuskanen, and Mikko Kolehmainen. Evolving the
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[328] Janne Haverinen. Adaptation Through Stochastic Evolutionary Neuron Migration Process. PhD thesis,
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[329] Juha Kivijärvi. Optimization Methods for Clustering. PhD thesis, University of Turku, TUCS, 2004. †M.
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[330] J. Meltaus, P. Hämäläinen, M. M. Salomaa, and V. P. Plessky. Genetic optimization algorithms in the
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[331] J. Tolvi. Genetic algorithms for outlier detection and variable selection in linear regression models. Soft
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[332] Janne Riionheimo. Parameter estimation of a plucked string synthesis model via the genetic algorithm.
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[333] Jouni Ikäheimo. Optimization of an electrical machine using distributed computation. In Leila Puska,
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[334] Juho Kontio. Neuroevolution based artificial bandwidth expansion of telephone band speech [Neuroevoluutiopohjainen puhelinpuheen taajuuskaistan keinotekoinen laajentaminen]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004. †www /TKK ga04aJuhoKontio.
[335] Lauri Kinnunen. Konesuuntainen säätö vastaa käyttäjän tarpeisiin [flexibility by machine direction
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[336] Leo Rela. Evolutionary computing in search-based software engineering. Master’s thesis, Lappeenranta
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[337] Marius C. Codrea, Tero Aittokallio, Mika Keränen, Esa Tyystjärvi, and Olli Nevalainen. Genetic feature
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[338] Timo Mantere. Generating test images and halftoning filters with co-evolutionary GA. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 3(1):7–12, ? 2004. †Mantere ga04aMantere.
[339] Olli Bräysy, Wout Dullaert, and Michel Gendreau. Evolutionary algorithms for the vehicle routing problem
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[340] Ralf Östermark. A multipurpose parallel genetic hybrid algorithm for non-linear non-convex programming problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 152(1):195–214, 1. January 2004. * www
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[341] Matti Ryynänen. Characterisation and optimisation of hybrid insertion devices using genetic algorithms.
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[342] Timo Poranen. Approximation Algorithms for Some Topological Invariants of Graphs. PhD thesis, University of Tampere, Department of Computer Science, 2004. ga04aTimoPoranen.
[343] Tuomas Kaski. Taitoa vaativien tehtävien oppiminen ja suoritus WorkPartner-robotilla [Learning and performing skill demanding tasks with WorkPartner robot]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology,
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[344] Veli-Pekka Kivinen. A genetic algorithm approach to tree bucking optimization. Forest Science, 50(5):696–
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[345] Zexian Li, M. J. Juntti, and M. Latva-aho. Low complexity semi-blind maximum-likelihood multiuser receiver for MC-CDMA systems. In Proceedings of the 15th 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
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[346] Timo Mantere. Finding the natural problem in the BayerDispersed Dot method. In J. Zhang, J.-H. He,
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[347] Jussi Tohka, Evgeny Krestyannikov, Ivo D. Dinov, Allan MacKenzie Graham, David W. Shattuck, Ulla
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[348] Adrian Costas and Iulian Nastac. Assessing the predictive performance of artificial neural networkbased classifiers based on different data preprocessing methods, distributions and training mechanisms.
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Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[349] Brian R. West and Seppo Honkanen. Determination of ion exchange parameters by a genetic algorithm.
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[350] David Soldani and Kimmo Valkealahti. Genetic approach to QoS optimization for WCDMA mobile
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[351] Harri Niska, Minna Rantamäki, Teri Hiltunen, Ari Karppinen, Jaakko Kukkonen, Juhani Ruuskanen, and
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[352] Juha J. Vartiainen. Unitary Transformations for Quantum Computing. PhD thesis, Helsinki University of
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[353] Jarno Martikainen and Seppo J. Ovaska. Hierarchical two-population genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of
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[354] Joonas Lehtinen. Coding of Wavelet-Transformed Images. PhD thesis, University of Turku, TUCS, 2005.
[355] Konstantin S. Kostov and Jorma J. Kyyrä. Genetic algorithm optimization of peak current mode controlled buck converter. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Mid-Summer Workshop on Soft Computing in
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[356] Kenneth V. Price, Rainer M. Storn, and Jouni Lampinen. Differential Evolution, A Practical Approach
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[357] M. I. Vainio and M. S. Johnson. McQSAR: a multiconformational quantitative structure-activity relationship engine driven by genetic algorithms. J Chem Inf Model, 45(6):1953–1961, November-December 2005.
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[358] Matti Tommiska. Applications of Reprogrammability in Algorithm Acceleration. PhD thesis, Helsinki
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[361] Päivi Koivisto and Johan Sten. Genetic algorithm applied to determine the spherical wave expansion from
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[362] S. Rajaniemi, Erkki Tomppo, K. Ruokolainen, and H. Tuomisto. Estimating and mapping pteridophyte
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[363] Seppo J. Ovaska, Tamal Bose, and Olli Vainio. Genetic algorithm-assisted design of adaptive predictive
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[364] Tommi Niittymies. Hämmästyttävä kvanttitietokone murtaa salauskoodit! [Surprising quantum computer
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[365] Timo Mantere. A min-max genetic algorithm for min-max problems. In Yuping Wang, Yiu ming Cheung,
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[366] Veli-Pekka Kivinen. Katkonnanohjausta geneettisellä algoritmilla [Optimisation of cutting by genetic
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[367] Vesa Vaskelainen. Superconducting tetrahedral quantum bit. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics, 2005. †TKK/F ga05aVVaskelainen.
[368] Zexian Li, M. J. Juntti, and M. Latva-aho. Genetic algorithm based frequency domain multiuser detection
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[369] Konstantin S. Kostov and Jorma J. Kyyrä. Genetic algorithm controller optimization for SMPS. In
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[370] Jukka Lukkari. Kvanttitietokone tulee 15 vuoden päästä [Quantum computer appears within 15 years].
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[371] Johanna Meltaus, Perttu Hämäläinen, Martti M. Salomaa, and V. P. Plessky. Design of coupled SAW
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[372] Jussi Vatilo.
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[373] Janne Koljonen and Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithm for optimizing fuzzy image pattern matching.
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[374] Timo Mantere and Janne Koljonen. Solving and rating sudoku puzzles with genetic algorithms. In
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[375] Matti Katila. Empirical errors of small area estimates from the multisource National Forst Inventory in
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[376] Ghodrat Moghadampour. Genetic Algorithms, Parameter Control and Function Optimization: A New
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[377] Outi Mäyrä, Timo Ahola, and Kauko Leiviskä. Time delay estimation and variable grouping using genetic algorithms. Report A 32, University of Oulu, Control Engineering Laboratory, 2006. * Google
[378] Perttu Hämäläinen, Timo Aila, Tapio Takala, and Jarmo T. Alander. Mutated kd-tree importance sampling
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the Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), pages 39–45, Espoo (Finland),
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[379] Peter Karlberg. Liikenne sujuu evoluutiolaskennalla [fluent trafic control by evolutionary computation].
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[380] Risto K. Heikkinen, Miska Luoto, Miguel B. Araújo, Raimo Virkkala, Wilfried Thuiller, and Martin Sykes.
Methods and uncertainties in bioclimatic envelope modelling under climate change. Progress in Physical
Geography, 30(6):751–777, ? 2006. ga06aRistoKHeikkinen ⇒
[381] Tuukka Lehtiniemi. Genetic algorithm optimization of antennas for mobile terminals [Matkapuhelinantennien optimointi geneettisellä algoritmilla]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2006. †www
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[382] Veli-Pekka Kivinen. A forest-level genetic algorithm based control system for generating stand-specific
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Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[383] Janne Koljonen and Jarmo T. Alander. Effects of population size and relative elitism on optimization speed
and reliability of genetic algorithms. In Timo Honkela, Tapani raiko, Jukka Kortela, and Harri Valpola,
editors, Proceedings of the Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), pages
54–60, Espoo (Finland), 25.-27. October 2006. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga06bKoljonen.
[384] Timo Mantere. A min-max genetic algorithm with alternating multiple sorting for solving constrained
problems. In Timo Honkela, Tapani raiko, Jukka Kortela, and Harri Valpola, editors, Proceedings of
the Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), pages 61–67, Espoo (Finland),
25.-27. October 2006. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga06bMantere.
[385] Janne Koljonen. On fitness distance distributions and correlations, GA hardness, and population size with
a family of square-root fitness functions. In Timo Honkela, Tapani raiko, Jukka Kortela, and Harri Valpola,
editors, Proceedings of the Ninth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2006), pages
68–74, Espoo (Finland), 25.-27. October 2006. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga06cKoljonen.
[386] Eduardo Gómez-Ramı́rez, K. Najim, and E. Ikonen. Forecasting time series with a new architecture for polynomial artificial neural networks. Applied Soft Computing, 7(4):1209–1216, August 2007.
[387] Janne Koljonen, Markus Mannila, and Merja Wanne. Testing the performance of a 2D nearest point
algorithm with genetic algorithm generated Gaussian distributions. Expert Systems and Applications,
32(3):879–889, April 2007. ga07aJKoljonen.
[388] IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(5):696–711, May 2007. ga07aJussiTohka.
[389] M. I. Vainio and M. S. Johnson. Generating conformer ensembles using a multiobjective genetic algorithm.
J Chem Inf Model, 47(6):2462–2474, November-December 2007. †PubMed ga07aMIVainio ⇒ http:
[390] Marja Ruotsalainen, Timo Ala-Kleemola, and Ari Visa. GAIS: A method for detecting interleaved sequential patterns from imperfect data. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational
Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM 2007), pages 530–534, Honolulu, HI, 1.-5. April 2007. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga07aMarjaRuotsalainen.
[391] Pentti O. A. Haikonen. Circuit elements and parallel networks with logically entangled terminals, 2007.
(U. S. patent no. 7,161,385. Issued 01/09/2007) †Haikonen ga07aPenttiOAHaikonen.
[392] Teuvo Heimonen and Janne Heikkilä. Monicular, point based pose estimation of artificial markers
by using evolutionary computing. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, volume ?, page ?, Aalborg (Denmark), 10.-14. June 2007. ? ga07aTeuvoHeimonen ⇒
[393] Timo Mantere. A min-max DE/GA hybrid for constrained problems. In The 4th International Conference of on NEXT2007, pages 188–191, Seoul (Korea), 25.-27. October 2007. Korea Electronic Forum.
[394] Ville Bergholm. From the Control of Quantum Systems to Multiqubit Logic. PhD thesis, Helsinki University
of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Physics, 2007. * www /TKK ga07aVBergholm.
[395] Yang Qu, Juha-Pekka Soininen, and Jari Nurmi. Using dynamic voltage scaling to reduce the configuration
energy of run time reconfigurable devices. In Proceedings of the 2007 Design, Automation and Test in
Europe Conference and Exhibition, volume ?, pages 147–152, Nice (France), 16.-20. April 2007. IEEE,
Piscataway, NJ. ga07aYangQu.
[396] Janne Koljonen, Timo Mantere, and Jarmo T. Alander. Parameter optimization of numerical methods
using accelerated estimation of cost function: a case study. In Matti Niskanen and Janne Heikkilä, editors,
Proceedings of the Finnish Signal Processing Symposium (Finsig 2007), page ?, Oulu (Finland), 30. August
2007. IEEE / Finland. ga07bJKoljonen.
[397] Jussi Tohka, Ivo D. Dinov, David W. Shattuck, and Arthur W. Toga. GAMIXTURE+MRFSEG: A
flexible tool for voxel classification. In Proceedings of the Nordic Neuroinformatics Workshop, page 10,
Espoo (Finland), October 2007. †Shattuck / LoP ga07bJussiTohka ⇒ http://shattuck.bmap.ucla.
[398] Timo Mantere. Object and pose recognition with cellular genetic algorithm. In David P. Casasent, Ernest L.
Hall, and Juha Röning, editors, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXV: Algorithms, Techniques,
and Active Vision, volume SPIE-6764, pages 67640N–1–10, Boston, MA, 9. -11. September 2007. The
International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA. ga07bTimoMantere.
[399] Yang Qu, Juha-Pekka Soininen, and Jari Nurmi. A genetic algorithm for scheduling tasks onto dynamically
reconfigurable hardware. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS’07), volume ?, pages 161–164, New Orleans, LA, 27.-30. May 2007. IEEE, Piscataway,
NJ. †www /VTT ga07bYangQu.
[400] Janne Koljonen, Timo Mantere, Olli Kanniainen, and Jarmo T. Alander. Searching strain field parameters
by genetic algorithms. In David P. Casasent, Ernest L. Hall, and Juha Röning, editors, Intelligent Robots
and Computer Vision XXV: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume SPIE-6764, pages 67640O–
1–9, Boston, MA, 9. -11. September 2007. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham,
WA. ga07cTimoMantere.
[401] Timo Mantere. Testing imaging systems with genetic algorithms - case: error diffusion methods. In
David P. Casasent, Ernest L. Hall, and Juha Röning, editors, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXV: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume SPIE-6764, pages 67640V–1–10, Boston,
MA, 9. -11. September 2007. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA.
[402] Timo Mantere and Janne Koljonen. Solving, rating and generating Sudoku puzzle with GA. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC2007, volume ?, pages 1382–1389,
Singapore, 25.-28. September 2007. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga07eTimoMantere.
[403] Timo Mantere. Testing NIR data processing system with genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (13th ICNIRS), volume ?, page ?, Umeå (Sweden),
15.-21. June 2007. ? (electronic version only) ga07fTimoMantere.
[404] Ari Saario. Mathematical Modeling and Multiobjective Optimization in Development of Low-Emission
Industrial Boilers. PhD thesis, Tampere University of Technology, 2008. * TUT ga08aAriSaario ⇒
[405] Filip Norrgård, Toni Harju, Janne Koljonen, and Jarmo T. Alander. LEDall2 – An improved adaptive
LED lighting system for digital photography. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen,
editors, AI and Machine Consciousness, Proceedings of the 13th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference
STeP 2008, pages 46–51, Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS, Helsinki. ga08aFNorrgard.
[406] Janne Koljonen, Torbjörn E. M. Nordling, and Jarmo T. Alander. A review of genetic algorithms in
near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: past and future. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,
16(3):189–197, 2008. ga08aJKoljonen.
[407] Jenni Pulkkinen, Serkan Kiranyaz, and Moncef Gabbouj. Dynamic multi-swarm particle swarm optimization with fractional global best formulation. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen,
editors, AI and Machine Consciousness, Proceedings of the 13th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference
STeP 2008, pages 52–59, Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS, Helsinki. ga08aJPulkkinen.
[408] Jarmo T. Alander, Antti Autere, Olli Kanniainen, Janne Koljonen, Torbjörn E. M. Nordling, and Petri
Välisuo. Near infrared wavelength relevance detection of ultraviolet radiation-induced erythema. Journal
of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 16(3):233–241, 2008. ga08aJTAlander.
[409] Jouni Tiilikainen. Novel Genetic Fitting Algorithms and Statistical Error Analysis Method for X-ray Reflectivity Analysis. PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology,
2008. ga08aJouniTiilikainen.
[410] Maarten J. M. Christenhusz and Tuuli K. Toivonen. Giants invading the tropics: the oriental vessel fern,
angiopteris evecta (Marattiaceae). Biological Invasions, 10(8):1215–1228, ? 2008. ga08aMJMChristenhusz
[411] Martti Suuriniemi. Liigaohjelma syntyi älykkäillä algoritmeilla [Timetabling of finnish icehockkey league
by intelligent algorithms]. Tekniikka & Talous, ?(14):34, 11. April 2008. ga08aMarttiSuuriniemi.
[412] Mikko Arminen. Geneettiset algoritmit ja koneoppiminen [genetic algorithms and machine learning].
Verkkojulkaisut D-2008-12, Tampere University, Department of Computer Science, December 2008.
ga08aMikkoArminen ⇒
[413] Outi Räihä. Applying genetic algorithms in software architecture design. Master’s thesis, University of
Tampere, 2008. † ga08aOutiRaiha.
[414] Petri Välisuo and Jarmo T. Alander. Evaluation of uniqueness and accuracy of the model parameter
search using GA. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen, editors, AI and Machine
Consciousness, Proceedings of the 13th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2008, pages 41–45,
Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS, Helsinki. ga08aPValisuo.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[415] Pietari Pulkkinen and Hannu Koivisto. Fuzzy classifier identification using decision tree and multiobjective
evolutionary algorithms. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 48(2):526–543, June 2008.
[416] Tuomo Tofferi. Geneettisen algoritmin soveltaminen moottoroidun hengityksensuojaimen toimintaparametrien optimointiin. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Computer Science, 2008.
[417] Tapio Finnilä. A colorimetric multivariable feedback control system for test environment ambient light
control. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2008. ga08aTapioFinnila ⇒ http://lib.
[418] Timo Mantere and Janne Koljonen. Solving and analyzing Sudokus with cultural algorithms. In Proceedings
of the 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), volume ?, page ?, Hong
Kong, 1.-6. June 2008. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga08aTimoMantere.
[419] Ari Saario and A. Oksanen. Computational fluid dynamics and interactive multiobjective optimization in
the development of low-emission industrial boilers. Engineering Optimization, 40(9):–, ? 2008. * TUT
ga08bAriSaario ⇒
[420] Janne Koljonen. Partially separable fitness function and smart genetic operators for area-based image registration. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen, editors, AI and Machine Consciousness,
Proceedings of the 13th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2008, pages 7–14, Espoo (Finland),
20.-22.August 2008. FAIS, Helsinki. ga08bJKoljonen.
[421] Jarmo T. Alander. Ojasta allikkoon ja geneettisellä algoritmilla elonkirjoon—From gas pipe into fire, and by
GAs into biodiversity—A review perspective of GAs in ecology and conservation. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti
Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen, editors, AI and Machine Consciousness, Proceedings of the 13th Finnish
Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2008, pages 33–40, Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS,
Helsinki. (ftp://ftp://ftp.uwasa.fipub/cs/report08-1/STeP08.pdf, slides:
{~\}/memos/L.achine/slides.php) ga08bJTAlander.
[422] Outi Räihä. Genetic synthesis of software architecture. Licentiate thesis, University of Tampere, 2008. †
[423] Pietari Pulkkinen, Jarmo Hytönen, and Hannu Koivisto. Developing a bioaerosol detector using hybrid
genetic fuzzy systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(8):1330–1346, December 2008.
[424] Timo Mantere and Janne Koljonen. Sudoku solving with cultural swarms. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti
Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen, editors, AI and Machine Consciousness, Proceedings of the 13th Finnish
Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2008, pages 60–67, Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS,
Helsinki. ga08bTimoMantere.
[425] Janne Koljonen and Jarmo T. Alander. Deformation image generation for testing a strain measurement
algorithm. Optical Engineering, 47(10):107202, October 2008. ga08cJKoljonen ⇒ http://spiedl.
[426] N. Rajkumar, Timo Vekara, and Jarmo T. Alander. A review of genetic algorithms in power engineering. In Tapani Raiko, Pentti Haikonen, and Jaakko Väyrynen, editors, AI and Machine Consciousness,
Proceedings of the 13th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2008, pages 15–32, Espoo (Finland), 20.-22.August 2008. FAIS, Helsinki. (ftp://ftp://ftp.uwasa.fipub/cs/report03-4/STeP08.pdf)
[427] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and E. Mäkinen. Genetic synthesis of software architecture. In ?, editor,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL’08), volume
5361 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 565–574, Melbourne, NSW (Australia), ? 2008. SpringerVerlag, Heidelberg. † ga08cOutiRaiha.
[428] Timo Mantere. Image recognition based on cellular genetic algorithm transforms. In Aulis Tuominen,
Jussi Kantola, Arho Suominen, and Sami Hyrynsalmi, editors, Proceedings of the NEXT 2008, The Fifth
International New Exploratory Technologies Conference, TUCS General Publication, No. 50, pages 243–
252, Turku (Finland), 20.-22. August 2008. TUCS, University of Turku. ga08cTimoMantere.
[429] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, E. Mäkinen, and T. Systä. Pattern-based genetic model refinements in MDA.
In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Nordic Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering (NW-MoDE’08), pages
129–144, Reykjavik (Iceland), ? 2008. University of Iceland. † ga08dOutiRaiha.
[430] Anon. Boorin puhdas muoto löytyi evoluutiolaskennalla [pure form of boron was found by an evolutionary
method]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D2, 24. February 2009. ga09aAnon.
[431] E. K. Juuso. Hybrid models in dynamic simulation of a biological water treatment process. In Proceedings
of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation,
CSSim’09, pages 30–35. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. ga09aEKJuuso ⇒ .
[432] István Selek. Novel evolutionary methods in engineering optimization—towards robustness and efficiency
[Uudet evolutionääriset menetelmät tekniikan optimointitehtävissä]. PhD thesis, University of Oulu, Department of Process and Environmental Engineering, 2009. ga09aIstvanSelek.
[433] Jyri Leskinen, Ferrante Neri, and Pekka Neittaanmäki. Memetic variation local search vs. life-time learning
in electrical impedance tomography. In M. Giacobini et al, editor, Applications of Evolutionary Computing,
EvoWorkshops 2009, volume 5484 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 615–624, ?, ? 2009.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ga09aJyriLeskinen.
[434] Outi Räihä. A survey on search-based software design. Technical Report D-2009-1, University of Tampere,
2009. † ga09aOutiRaiha.
[435] Petja Partanen. Kaikki irti kattilasta [combustion unit design]. TEK - Tekniikan akateemiset, ?(7):32–33,
? 2009. ga09aPetjaPartanen ⇒ .
[436] Pietari Pulkkinen and Hannu Koivisto. A genetic fuzzy system with inconsistent rule removal and decision
tree initialization. In J. Mehnen, A. Tiwari, M. Köppen, and A. Saad, editors, Applications of Soft
Computing, AICS 58, volume ?, pages 275–284, ?, ? 2009. ? ga09aPietariPulkkinen.
[437] Rafal P. Jastrzebski, Katja M. Hynynen, and Alexander Smirnov. H∞ control of active magnetic suspension. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 24(?):995–1006, ? 2010. ga09aRafalPJastrzebski ⇒
[438] Serkan Kiranyaz, T. Ince, and Moncef Gabbouj. Stochastic approximation driven particle swarm optimization. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology
IIT’09, pages 40–44. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 15.-17. December 2009. ga09aSKiranyaz ⇒ .
[439] Shyam P. Kodali, Kalyanmoy Deb, Sunith Bandaru, Prabhat Munshi, and N. N. Kishore. Simulation
studies on a genetic algorithm based tomographic reconstruction using time-of-flight data from ultrasound
transmission tomography. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Adaptive and
Natural Computing Algorithms ICANNGA’09, volume ?, pages 253–262, Jyväskylä (Finland), ? 2009.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin. †ACM ga09aShyamPKodali ⇒
[440] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and E. Mäkinen. Scenario-based genetic synthesis of software architecture. In
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sofware Engineering Advances, ICSEA, pages 437–445.
IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. ga09bOutiRaiha ⇒ .
[441] Pietari Pulkkinen. A multiobjective genetic fuzzy system for obtaining compact and accurate fuzzy classifier
with transparent fuzzy partitions. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Machine
Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2009), volume ?, pages 89–94, Miami Beach, FL, December 2009. ?
[442] Rafal P. Jastrzebski, Katja M. Hynynen, and Alexander Smirnov. Case study comparison of linear H∞ loopshaping design and signal based H∞ control. In Proceedings of the XXII International Symposium on Communication and Automation Technologies, ICAT. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. ga09bRafalPJastrzebski
[443] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and E. Mäkinen. Empirical study on the effect of crossover in genetic software
architecture synthesis. In Proceedings of the World Gongress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing
NaBIC, pages 619–625. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2009. ga09cOutiRaiha ⇒ .
[444] Outi Räihä. An updated survey on search-based software design. Technical Report D-2009-5, University
of Tampere, 2009. ga09dOutiRaiha ⇒
[445] A. Agarwal, U. Tewary, F. Pettersson, S. Das, Henrik Saxen, and Nirupam Chakraborti. Analysing blast
furnace data using evolutionary neural network and multiobjective genetic algorithms. Ironmaking &
Steelmaking, 37(5):353–359, July 2010. †ISI ga10aAAgarwal ⇒ .
[446] A. M. Othman, M. Lehtonen, and M. M. El-Arini. Enhancing the contingency performance of HELENSÄHKÖVERKKO OY 110 kV NETWORK by optimal installation of UPFC based on genetics algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pages 1–8. IEEE,
Piscataway, NJ, 25.-29. July 2010. ga10aAMOthman ⇒ .
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[447] Jarmo T. Alander. Computational intelligence in Vaasa. In Tapio Pahikkala, Jaakko Väyrynen, Jukka
Kortela, and Antti Airola, editors, Proceedings of the 14th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference
STeP 2010, pages 9–10, Espoo (Finland), 17.-18. August 2010. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society.
ga10aAlander ⇒
[448] Anssi Jäntti and Jarmo T. Alander. GArphics - applying genetic algorithms for generating graphics. In
Tapio Pahikkala, Jaakko Väyrynen, Jukka Kortela, and Antti Airola, editors, Proceedings of the 14th
Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2010, pages 39–45, Espoo (Finland), 17.-18. August 2010.
Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga10aAnssiJantti ⇒
[449] Elisa M. Nurminen, Marjo Pihlavisto, Laszlo Lazar, Zsolt Szakonyi, Ulla Pentikäinen, Ferenc Fulop, and
Olli T. Pentikäinen. Synthesis, in vitro activity, and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity
relationship of novel hydrazine inhibitors of human vascular adhesion protein-1. Journal of Medicinal
Chemistry, 53(17):6301–6315, September 2010. †ISI ga10aElisaMNurminen ⇒ .
[450] Harri Niska, J. Skon, P. Packalen, T. Tokola, M. Maltamo, and Mikko Kolehmainen. Neural networks for
the prediction of species-specific plot volumes using airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs. IEEE
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(3):1076–1085, ? 2010. ga10aHNiska ⇒ .
[451] J. Santeri Puranen, Mikko J. Vainio, and Mark S. Johnson. Accurate conformation-dependent molecular
electrostatic potentials for high-throughput in silico drug discovery. Journal of Computational Chemistry,
31(8):1722–1732, June 2010. †ISI ga10aJSanteriPuranen ⇒ .
[452] Janne Koljonen. Computer Vision and Optimization Methods Applied to the Measurement of In-Plane
Deformations. PhD thesis, University of Vaasa, 2010. ga10aJanneKoljonen.
[453] John W. Fowler, Esma S. Gel, Murat M. Koksalan, Pekka Korhonen, Jon L. Marquis, and Jyrki Wallenius.
Interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization for quasi-concave preference functions. European
Journal of Operational Research, 206(2):417–425, October 2010. †ISI ga10aJohnWFowler ⇒ .
[454] Jussi Tohka, Ivo D. Dinov, David W. Shattuck, and Arthur W. Toga. Brain MRI tissue classification based
on local Markov random fields. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 28(4):557–573, May 2010. ga10aJussiTohka
[455] K. Sirviö and J. Hollmen. Multi-year network level road maintenance programming by genetic algorithms
and variable neighbourhood search. In Proceedings of the 2010 13th IEEE International Conference on
Intelliget Transportation Systems (ITSC), pages 581–586. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 19.-22. September 2010.
ga10aKSirvio ⇒ .
[456] Markku Ohenoja and Kauko Leiviskä. Validation of genetic algorithm results in a fuel cell model. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(22):12618–12625, November 2010. †ISI ga10aMarkkuOhenoja
[457] Outi Räihä. A survey on search-based software design. Computer Science Review, 4(4):203–249,
November 2010. ga10aOutiRaiha ⇒
[458] Pentti O. A. Haikonen. Quasi-quantum computing in the brain? Cognitive Computing, 2(2):63–67, ? 2010.
†Haikonen ga10aPenttiOAHaikonen ⇒ .
[459] Pietari Pulkkinen and Hannu Koivisto. A dynamically constrained multiobjective genetic fuzzy system for regression problems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 18(1):161–177, February 2010.
[460] Qiaoling Wang, Xiao-Zhi Gao, and Changhong Wang. An adaptive bacterial foraging algorithm for constrained optimization. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 6(8):3585–
3593, August 2010. ga10aQiaolingWang ⇒ .
[461] Timo Mantere. Solving Rubick’s cube with genetic algorithm. In Tapio Pahikkala, Jaakko Väyrynen,
Jukka Kortela, and Antti Airola, editors, Proceedings of the 14th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference
STeP 2010, pages 74–78, Espoo (Finland), 17.-18. August 2010. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society.
ga10aTimoMantere ⇒
[462] Vathsavayi Hadaytullah, Outi Räihä, and Kai Koskimies. Genetic approach to software architecture synthesis with work allocation scheme. In Proceedings of the 2010 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering
Conference (APSEC), pages 70–79. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, ? 2010. ga10aVathsavayiHadaytullah ⇒ .
[463] Xiao-Zhi Gao, Xiaolei Wang, and Seppo J. Ovaska. A hybrid harmony search method based on OBL. In
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
(CSE), pages 140–145. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 11.-13. December 2010. ga10aXiao-ZhiGao ⇒ .
[464] Janne Koljonen. Partially separable fitness function and smart genetic operators for area-based image
registration - Part 2: new operators. In Tapio Pahikkala, Jaakko Väyrynen, Jukka Kortela, and Antti
Airola, editors, Proceedings of the 14th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2010, pages 54–
61, Espoo (Finland), 17.-18. August 2010. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga10bJanneKoljonen ⇒
[465] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and E. Mäkinen. Complementary crossover for genetic software architecture
synthesis. In Proceedings of the 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design
and Applications (ISDA), pages 266–271. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2010. ga10bOutiRaiha ⇒ .
[466] Xiao-Zhi Gao, Xiaolei Wang, and Seppo J. Ovaska. A modified harmony search method in constrained
optimization. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 6(9):4235–4247,
September 2010. ga10bXiao-ZhiGao ⇒ .
[467] Janne Koljonen, Mats Björkqvist, and Jarmo T. Alander. Online machine vision for elementary engineering
courses. In Tapio Pahikkala, Jaakko Väyrynen, Jukka Kortela, and Antti Airola, editors, Proceedings of the
14th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference STeP 2010, pages 62–69, Espoo (Finland), 17.-18. August
2010. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga10cJanneKoljonen ⇒
[468] A. K. Nandi, Kalyanmoy Deb, S. Datta, and J. Orkas. Studies on effective thermal conductivity of
particle-reinforced polymeric flexible mould material composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications, 225(L3):149–159, July 2011.
†ISI ga11aAKNandi ⇒ .
[469] Colin P. Williams.
Explorations in Quantum Computing.
Springer-Verlag, London,
ga11aColinPWilliams ⇒
[470] Faisal A. Mohamed, Ala Hasan, and Kai Siren. Applying a multi-objective optimization approach for
design of low-emission cost-effective dwellings. European Transactions on Electrical Power, 21(1):839–854,
January 2011. †ISI ga11aFaisalAMohamed ⇒ .
[471] Ferrante Neri, F. Cupertino, and D. Naso. Compact differential evolution. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing, 15(1):32–54, February 2011. ga11aFerranteNeri ⇒ .
[472] Giovanni Iacca, R. Mallipeddi, Ernesto Mininno, Ferrante Neri, and P. N. Suganthan. Super-fit and
population size reduction in compact differential evolution. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Workshop on
Memetic Computing (MC), pages 1–8. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 11.-15. April 2011. ga11aGIacca ⇒ .
[473] Henna H. Härkonen, Johanna M. Mattsson, Juha A. E. Määttä, Ulf-Håkan Stenman, Hannu Koistinen, Sanni Matero, Björn Windshügel, Antti Poso, and Maija Lahtela-Kakkonen. The discovery of compounds that stimulate the activity of kallikrein-related peptidase 3 (KLK3). ChemMedChem, 6(12):2170–
2178, December 2011. ga11aHennaHHarkonen ⇒
[474] Jani Rönkkönen. A framework for generating tunable test functions for multimodal optimization. Soft
Computing, 15(9):1689–1706, September 2011. †ISI ga11aJaniRonkkonen ⇒ .
[475] Janne Koljonen. Comparison of nearest point algorithms by genetic algorithms. Expert Systems with
Applications, 38(8):10303–10311, August 2011. ga11aJanneKoljonen ⇒ .
[476] Karthik Sandhya and Kaisa Miettinen. New perspective to continuous casting of steel with a hybrid
evolutionary multiobjective algorithm. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 26(3):481–492, ? 2011.
†ISI ga11aKarthikSandhya ⇒ .
[477] M. Roininen, E. Guldogan, and Moncef Gabbouj. Audiovisual video context recognition using SVM and
genetic algorithm fusion rule weighting. In Proceedings of the 2011 9th IEEE International Workshop on
Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), pages 175–180. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 13.-15. June 2011.
ga11aMRoininen ⇒ .
[478] Mikko A. Uusitalo, Jaakko Peltonen, and Tapani Ryhänen. Machine learning: How it can help
nanocomputing. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8(8):1347–1363, August 2011.
* ISI ga11aMikkoAUusitalo ⇒
[479] Mohamed Hamdy, Ala Hasan, and Kai Siren. Impact of adaptive thermal comfort criteria on building
energy use and cooling equipment size using a multi-objective optimization scheme. Energy and Buildings,
43(9):2055–2067, September 2011. †ISI ga11aMohamedHamdy ⇒ .
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[480] Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and E. Mäkinen. Generating software architecture spectrum with multiobjective genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2011 Third World Congree on Nature and Biologically
Inspired Computing (NaBIC), pages 29–36. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 19.-21. October 2011. ga11aOutiRaiha
[481] Pah A. Postila, Mikko Ylilauri, and Olli T. Pentikäinen. Full and partial agonism of ionotropic glutamate
receptors indicated by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,
51(5):1037–1047, May 2011. †ISI ga11aPahAPostila ⇒ .
[482] Petri Välisuo. Photonics Simulation and Modelling of Skin for Design of Spectrocutometer. PhD thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, 2011. ga11aPetriValisuo
[483] Pietari Pulkkinen. Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy Systems in Data Classification and Regression. PhD thesis,
Tampere University of Technology, 2011. ga11aPietariPulkkinen.
[484] Serkan Kiranyaz, Jenni Pulkkinen, T. Ince, and Moncef Gabbouj. Multi-dimensional evolutionary feature
synthesis for content-based image retrieval. In Proceedings of the 2011 18th IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing (ICIP), volume ?, pages 3645–3648. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 11.-14. September 2011.
ga11aSKiranyaz ⇒ .
[485] Sakari Tuominen and Reija Haapanen. Comparison of grid-based and segment-based estimation of forest
attributes using airborne laser scanning and digital aerial imagery. Remote Sensing, 3(5):945–961, May
2011. †ISI ga11aSakariTuominen ⇒ .
[486] Tuomas Airaksinen and Erkki Heikkola. Multiobjective muffler shape optimization with hybrid acoustics
modeling. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3):1359–1369, September 2011. †PubMed
ga11aTAiraksinen ⇒
[487] Tamoghna Mitra, Mikko Helle, Frank Pettersson, Henrik Saxen, and Nirupam Chakraborti. Multiobjective
optimization of top gas recycling conditions in the blast furnace by genetic algorithms. Materials and
Manufacturing Processes, 26(3):475–480, ? 2011. †ISI ga11aTamoghnaMitra ⇒ .
[488] Tomi Kinnunen, Ilja Sidoroff, Marko Tuononen, and Pasi Fränti. Comparison of clustering methods: A
case study of text-independent speaker modeling. Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(13):1604–1617, October
2011. †ISI ga11aTomiKinnunen ⇒ .
[489] Tuomas Airaksinen and Erkki Heikkola. Multiobjective muffler shape optimization with hybrid acoustics
modeling. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(3):1359–1369, September 2011. †PubMed
ga11aTuomasAiraksinen ⇒
[490] Ferrante Neri, Giovanni Iacca, and Ernesto Mininno. Disturbed exploitation compact differential evolution forlimited memory optimization problems. Information Sciences, 181(12):2469–2487, June 2011.
ga11bFerranteNeri ⇒ .
[491] Mohamed Hamdy, Ala Hasan, and Kai Siren. Applying a multi-objective optimization approach for design
of low-emission cost-effective dwellings. Building and Environment, 46(1):109–123, January 2011. †ISI
ga11bMohamedHamdy ⇒ .
[492] Aleksi Tamminen, Juha Ala-Laurinaho, David Gomes-Martins, Janne Häkli, Päivi Koivisto, Mikko
Kärkkäinen, Sampo Mäkelä, Pekka Pursula, Pekka Rantakari, Markku Sipilä, Jussi Säily, Reijo Tuovinen,
Mikko Varonen, Kari A. I. Halonen, Arttu Luukanen, and Antti V. Räisänen. Reflectarray for 120-GHz
beam steering application: design, simulations, and measurements.
[493] Giovanni Iacca, Fabio Caraffini, and Ferrante Neri. Compact differential evolution light: High performance
despite limited memory requirement and modest computational overhead. Journal of Computer Science
and Technology, 27(5):1056–1076, September 2012. †ISI ga12aGiovanniIacca ⇒ .
[494] István Selek, Jozsef Gergely Bene, and Csaba Hos. Optimal (short-term) pump schedule detection for
water distribution systems by neutral evolutionary search. Applied Soft Computing, 12(8):2336–2351,
August 2012. †ISI ga12aIstvanSelek ⇒ .
[495] Jukka Keskitalo and Kauko Leiviskä. Application of evolutionary optimisers in data-based calibration of activated sludge models. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(7):6609–6617, June 2012. †ISI
ga12aJukkaKeskitalo ⇒ .
[496] Jun Chen, Mahdi Mahfouf, Chris Bingham, Yu Zhang, Zhijing Yang, and Michael Gallimore. An evolutionary based clustering algorithm applied to data compression for industrial systems. In Jaakko
Hollmén, Frank Klawonn, and Allan Tucker, editors, Proceedings of the Intelligent Data Analysis Conference, IDA’2012, volume 7619 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 103–113, Helsinki (Finland),
18.-20. September 2012. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ga12aJunChen ⇒
[497] Kalyanmoy Deb and Soumil Srivastava. A genetic algorithm based augmented Lagrangian method for
constrained optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 53(3):869–902, December 2012.
†ISI ga12aKalyanmoyDeb ⇒ .
[498] Karthikeyan S. Kumar and G. S. Paraoanu. Designing quantum gates using the genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), volume 400 of Journal
of Physics Conference Series, Beijing (China), 10.-17. August 2012. IOP. †ISI ga12aKarthikeyanSKumar
[499] Ludovic G. V. Briquet, Arindam Jana, Lotta Mether, Kai Nordlund, Gerard Henrion, Patrick Philipp, and
Tom Wirtz. Reactive force field potential for carbon deposition on silicon surfaces. Journal of PhysicsCondensed Matter, 24(39):395004, October 2012. †ISI ga12aLudovicGVBriquet ⇒ .
[500] Muhammad Waqar Aslam, Zhechen Zhu, and Asoke Kumar Nandi. Automatic modulation classification
using combination of genetic programming and KNN. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
11(8):2742–2750, August 2012. * ISI ga12aMuhammadWaqarAslam ⇒ .
[501] Naghi Rostami, M. Reza Feyzi, Juha Pyrhönen, Asko Parviainen, and Vahid Behjat. Genetic algorithm
approach for improved design of a variable speed axial-flux permanent-magnet synchronous generator.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(12):4860–4865, December 2012. †ISI ga12aNaghiRostami ⇒ .
[502] Petteri Suominen, Anders Brink, and Tapio Salmi. Parameter estimation of complex chemical kinetics
with covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in
Computer Chemistry, 68(2):469–476, ? 2012. †ISI ga12aPetteriSuominen ⇒ .
[503] Qinpei Zhao, Ville Hautamäki, Ismo Kärkkäinen, and Pasi Fränti. Random swap EM algorithm
for Gaussian mixture models. Pattern Recognition Letters, 33(16):2120–2126, December 2012. †ISI
ga12aQinpeiZhao ⇒ .
[504] Ralf Östermark. Incorporating asset growth potential and bear market safety switches in international
portfolio decisions. Applied Soft Computing, 12(8):2538–2549, August 2012. †ISI ga12aRalfOstermark
[505] Sriharsha Vathsavayi, Outi Räihä, and Kai Koskimies. Using quality farms in multi-objective genetic software architecture synthesis. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI, volume ?, pages –, Brisbane (Australia), 10.-15. June 2012. IEEE,
Piscataway, NJ. ga12aSriharshaVathsavayi ⇒
[506] Vathsavayi Hadaytullah, Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies, and A. Gregersen. Applying genetic self-architecting
for distributed systems. In Proceedings of the 2012 Fourth World Congress on Nature and Biologically
Inspired Computing (NaBIC), pages 44–52. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, ? 2012. ga12aVathsavayiHadaytullah
[507] Xiao-Zhi Gao, Xiaolei Wang, Tapani Jokinen, Seppo Jari Ovaska, Antero Arkkio, and Kai Zenger. A
hybrid optimization method for wind generator design. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8(6):4347–4373, June 2012. ga12aXiaoZhiGao ⇒
[508] Aleksi Tamminen, Sampo Mäkelä, Antti V. Räisänen, David Gomes-Martins, Janne Häkli, Päivi Koivisto,
Pekka Rantakari, Jussi Säily, Reijo Tuovinen, and Arttu Luukanen. Millimeter-wave reflectarray for beamsteering application. In Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2012 7th European, pages
219–222, ?, 29.-30. October 2012. IEEE. ga12bAleksiTamminen ⇒ .
[509] Giovanni Iacca, Ferrante Neri, Ernesto Mininno, Yew-Soon Ong, and Meng-Hiot Lim. Ockham’s Razor in
memetic computing: Three stage optimal memetic exploration. Information Sciences, 188(?):17–43, April
2012. †ISI ga12bGiovanniIacca ⇒ .
[510] Kalyanmoy Deb and Rituparna Datta. Hybrid evolutionary multi-objective optimization and analysis of
machining. Engineering Optimization, 44(6):1248–1267, 2012. †ISI ga12bKalyanmoyDeb ⇒ .
[511] Giovanni Iacca, Ferrante Neri, and Ernesto Mininno. Noise analysis compact differential evolution. International Journal of Systems Science, 43(7):1248–1267, ? 2012. †ISI ga12cGiovanniIacca ⇒ .
[512] Henrik Höglund. Estimating discretionary accruals using a grouping genetic algorithm. Expert Systems
with Applications, 40(7):2366–2372, June 2013. †ISI ga13aHenrikHoglund ⇒ .
[513] Joni Vesterback. Producing pid controllers for testing clustering - investigating novelty detection for use
in classifying pid parameters. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, 2013. * ga13aJoniVesterback ⇒ .
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[514] Juliane Muller, Christine A. Shoemaker, and Robert Piche. SO-MI: A surrogate model algorithm for
computationally expensive nonlinear mixed-integer black-box global optimization problems. Computers &
Operations Research, 40(5):1383–1400, May 2013. †ISI ga13aJulianeMuller ⇒ .
[515] Mohamed Hamdy, Ala Hasan, and Kai Siren. A multi-stage optimization method for cost-optimal and
nearly-zero-energy building solutions in line with the EPBD-recast 2010. Energy and Buildings, 56(?):189–
203, January 2013. †ISI ga13aMohamedHamdy ⇒ .
[516] Sriharsha Vathsavayi, Hadaytullah Hadaytullah, and Kai Koskimies. Interleaving human and search-based
software architecture design. In Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, volume 62, pages 16–26,
2013. † ga13aSriharshaVathsavayi ⇒ .
[517] Mathias Björk. Development and testing of iec61850 network interference equipment - a case study.
Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, 2014. ga14aMathiasBjork ⇒ .
[518] Staffan Järn. Implementation of genetic algorithms on an FPGA-ethernet tester. Master’s thesis, University
of Vaasa, 2014. ga14aStaffanJarn ⇒ .
[519] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1990. Report 94-1-90, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga90bib.pdf ga90bib.
[520] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1991. Report 94-1-91, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga91bib.pdf ga91bib.
[521] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1992. Report 94-1-92, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga92bib.pdf ga92bib.
[522] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1993. Report 94-1-93, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga93bib.pdf ga93bib.
[523] Jarmo T. Alander. Editorial of the 2nd Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications.
In Proceedings of the Second Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications [1145], pages
iii–iv. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aAlander.
[524] Anon. Lajien synty pörssissä [The origin of species in stock exchange (refers to [?])]. Helsingin Sanomat,
34507(333):D1, 10. December 1994. (in Finnish) ga94aAnon.
[525] Antti Autere. Employing gradient information in a genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the Second
European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT’94), volume 3, pages 1683–
1689, Aachen (Germany), 20.-23. September 1994. ELITE-Foundation. ga94aAutere.
[526] P. Di Barba, A. Kladas, Pekka Neittaanmäki, M. Rudnicki, and A. Savini. Application of global optimization strategies to the shape design of a transformer winding. Adv. Eng. Softw. (UK), 19(2):121–125,
? 1994. †EEA tai CCA no. 1 1995?/4248 ga94aDiBarba.
[527] Sara Elo. A parallel genetic algorithm on the CM-2 for multi-modal optimization. In ICEC’94 [1143],
pages 818–822. ga94aElo.
[528] Patrik B. J. Floréen and Joost N. Kok. Tracing the moments of distributions in genetic algorithms. In
Alander [1145], pages 51–60. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aFloreen.
[529] Juha Haataja. Suurten optimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen [Solving large optimization problems]. Tech.
lic. thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, 1994.
(in Finnish; publishes as report CSC Research Reports RO 3/94, Center for Scientific Computing, Espoo
(Finland)) ga94aHaataja.
[530] Jarmo Hemminki. Container loading with variable strategies in each layer. Research Reports A7, University
of Turku, Institute of Applied Mathematics, 1994. ga94aHemminki.
[531] Jukka Honkanen. Routing of unidirectional packet radio for wide-area paging network control and maintenance. Report 16, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Signal Processing and Computer
Technology, 1994. ga94aHonkanen.
[532] Heikki Huttunen, Pauli Kuosmanen, L. Koskinen, and Jaakko T. Astola. Optimization of soft morphological filters by genetic algorithms. In Edward R. Dougherty, Paul D. Gader, and Michel Schmitt, editors,
Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V, volume SPIE-2300, pages 13–24, San Diego, CA,
25.-26. July 1994. The International Society for Optical Engineering. ga94aHuttunen.
[533] Matti Jakobsson. Preface of the 2nd Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications. In
Alander [1145], page i. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aJakobsson.
[534] Risto Karjalainen. Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules in financial markets. PhD
thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of the, 1994.
†Jonsson; Nordahl and Madjidi
[535] Arto Kettunen, Mauno Pesonen, and Petri Räsänen. Nonindustrial private forest landowner’s choice of
timber management strategy — modelling with genetic algorithm. In Alander [1145], pages 151–169.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aKettunen.
[536] Pauli Laine and Mika Kuuskankare. Genetic algorithms in musical style oriented generation. In ICEC’94
[1143], pages 858–862. ga94aLaine.
[537] Raili Leino. Tekoelämäohjelma tehoaa suuriin muuttujamääriin [Artificial life solves hard problems]. Tekniikka & Talous, 33(30):28, September 1994. (in Finnish) ga94aLeino.
[538] Marta Karczewicz and Moncef Gabbouj. Robust model-based image restoration under structural constraints. In Edward R. Dougherty, Paul D. Gader, and Michel Schmitt, editors, Image Algebra and
Morphological Image Processing V, volume SPIE-2300, pages 169–177, ?, June 1994. The International
Society for Optical Engineering. * www/SPIE Web ga94aMKarczewicz.
[539] Erkki Mäkinen and Mika Sieranta. Genetic algorithms for drawing bipartite graphs. Technical Report
A-1994-1, University of Tampere, Department of Computer Science, 1994. ga94aMakinen.
[540] Janne Mäntykoski. Parallel implementation of genetic algorithms. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University
of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of Signal Processing and Computer
Technology, 1994. ga94aMantykoski.
[541] Ari S. Nissinen. Structural optimization of feedforward neural networks using genetic algorithm. Master’s
thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering
Laboratory, 1994. (Report 5; in English) ga94aNissinen.
[542] Patric Östergård. Kombinatorinen optimointi paikallisella haulla [Combinatorial optimization with local
search]. In ?, editor, VI Teollisuus- ja Insinöörimatematiikan Päivät [Proceedings of the VI Finnish Industrial and Engineer Mathematics Days], page 1, Tampere (Finland), 23.-24. May 1994. ? (in Finnish)
[543] Sakari Palko. Structural optimisation of cage induction motors using finite element analysis. Licentiate
thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Electromechanics, 1994. ga94aPalko.
[544] Matti Ryynänen. Optimization of permanent magnets ordering of hybrid X-ray wiggler for MAX-II
with a chained pairing and genetic algorithm. In Alander [1145], pages 61–70. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/
report94-2/ ga94aRyynanen.
[545] Ilpo Salonen. Käärmemäiset sykkyrät pyörivät, hajoavat ja kulkevat itsensä läpi, tietokonetaiteilija William
Latham luo olioitaan evoluution sääntöjen avulla [Refers to works of computer artist William Latham].
Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D3, 16. April 1994. (in Finnish) ga94aSalonen.
[546] Sam Sandqvist. A temporal logic model of the genetic algorithm. In Alander [1145], pages 139–150.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aSandqvist.
[547] Tomi J. Viero, Bogdan P. Dobrin, Jaakko T. Astola, and Moncef Gabbouj. Further analysis of watershed
algorithms. In Edward R. Dougherty, Paul D. Gader, and Michel Schmitt, editors, Image Algebra and
Morphological Image Processing V, volume SPIE-2300, pages 331–342, ?, June 1994. The International
Society for Optical Engineering. * www/SPIE Web ga94aTJViero.
[548] Jari Vaario. From evolutionary computation to computational evolution. Informatica, ?(?):?, ? 1994.
†Vaario ga94aVaario.
[549] Jarkko Vuori. Identification of nonlinear systems with evolutionary computation. In Alander [1145], pages
97–103. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94aVuori.
[550] Jarmo T. Alander. Bibliography of genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the Second Finnish Workshop
on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications [1145], pages 1–22. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94bAlander.
[551] Anon. Uusi ohjelmointitapa antaa hisseille vauhtia [New programming method gives speed to elevators].
Tekniikka & Talous, ?(33):14, 29. September 1994. (in Finnish) ga94bAnon.
[552] Antti Autere. Combining gradient search and genetic algorithm for optimizing differentiable functions. In
Alander [1145], pages 127–137. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94bAutere.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[553] David E. Moriarty and Risto Miikkulainen. Evolving neural networks to focus mini-max search. In ?, editor,
Proceedings of the Tweftth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 2, pages 1371–1377,
Seattle, WA, 31. July-4. August 1994. AAAI Press / The MIT Press. * EI M027527/95 ga94bDEMoriarty.
[554] Arto Kettunen, Mauno Pesonen, and Petri Räsänen. Nonindustrial private forest landowner’s choice of
timber management strategy: predicting the cutting levels with genetic algorithm. In Christer Carlsson, Timo Järvi, and Tapio Reponen, editors, Multiple Paradigms for Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings
of Contributed Session Papers of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence Research in Finland [Suomen
Tekoälytutkimuksen Päivät STeP-94, pages 216–229, Turku, 29.-31. August 1994. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS). ga94bKettunen.
[555] Erkki Mäkinen and Mika Sieranta. Genetic algorithms for drawing bipartite graphs. International Journal
of Computer Math., 53(3-4):157–166, ? 1994. ga94bMakinen.
[556] Janne Mäntykoski and Jarkko Vuori. Non-linear filter design using genetic algorithm. In Alander [1145],
pages 89–95. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94bMantykoski.
[557] Sakari Palko. The application of genetic algorithm in a design of a new slot geometry for cage induction motors. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Optimisation and Inverse
Problems in Electromagnetism, page ?, Geneva (Switzerland), 19.-21. September 1994. CERN, Geneva
(Switzerland). †[543] ga94bPalko.
[558] Jari Vaario. Artificial life as constructivist AI. Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,
33(1):65–71, January 1994. †Vaario ga94bVaario.
[559] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1994. Report 94-1-94, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga94bib.pdf ga94bib.
[560] Jarmo T. Alander, Tapio Tyni, and Jari Ylinen. Optimizing elevator group control parameters using
distributed genetic algorithm. In Alander [1145], pages 105–113. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94cAlander.
[561] Jari Vaario, Koichi Hori, and Setsuo Ohsuga. Toward evolutionary design of autonomous systems. The
International Journal in Computer Simulation, ?(?):?, ? 1994. (to appear) †Vaario ga94cVaario.
[562] Jarmo T. Alander, Antti Autere, Janne Mäntykoski, and Kari I. Keskinen. Distributed genetic algorithm
for fitting of model parameters of chemical reaction kinetics. In Alander [1145], pages 115–126. (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-2/ ga94dAlander.
[563] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the First Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications (1NWGA), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Nro. 2, Vaasa (Finland), 9.-12. January
1995. University of Vaasa. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/*.ps.Z) ga95NWGA.
[564] Alex C. W. May and Mark S. Johnson. Improved genetic algorithm-based protein structure comparisons:
pairwise and multiple superpositions. Protein Engineering, 8(9):872–882, September 1995. ga95aACWMay.
[565] Jarmo T. Alander and William F. Nice. Genetic algorithms for multiuser detection. In Alander [563],
pages 23–34. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aAlander.
[566] Anon. Vaasan yliopistoon yksi Evo-Net-verkon pääsolu – evoluutioteorioista apua insinöörien ongelmien
ratkaisuun [university of vaasa as one of the EvoNet main nodes – the theory of evolution aids engineers
to solve their problems]. Pohjalainen, ?(248):4, 14. September 1995. ga95aAnon.
[567] Antti Autere. Comparison of genetic and other unconstrained optimization methods. In Pearson et al.
[1146], pages 348–351. ga95aAutere.
[568] Barbro Back, Kaisa Sere, and Michiel C. van Wezel. Choosing the best set of bankruptcy predictors. In
Alander [563], pages 285–301. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aBBack.
[569] Juha Haataja. A comparison of software for global optimization. In Alander [563], pages 189–204. (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aHaataja.
[570] Aarne Halme and Mika Vainio. Muurahaisten jalanjäljillä – kävelevät koneet, robottiyhteisöt ja niiden
ohjaus [On foot steps of ants – walking machines, robot societies and their control]. In Eero Hyvönen and
Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 170–180, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995.
Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95aHalme.
[571] Ari Hämäläinen. Using genetic algorithm in self-organizing map design. In Pearson et al. [1146], pages
364–367. ga95aHamalainen.
[572] Jukka Hekanaho. Symbiosis in multimodal concept learning. In Armand Prieditis and Stuart Russell,
editors, Proceedings of the Twefth International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 278–285, Tahoe
City, CA, 9.-12. July 1995. ? ga95aHekanaho.
[573] Juha Herajärvi and Jouni Lampinen. Brnossa yhdistyivät geneettiset algoritmit ja ikivanha kulttuuri.
Vaasan Yliopistolehti, (5):28, 3. November 1995. ga95aHerajarvi.
[574] Heikki Huttunen, Pertti Koivisto, Pauli Kuosmanen, and Jaakko T. Astola. Design of soft morphological
filters by genetic learning. In Alander [563], pages 215–228. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/Huttunen.
ps.Z) ga95aHuttunen.
[575] Eero Hyvönen. Tekoelämä – elämän formalismeja ja formalismien elämää [Artificial life – formalisms of life
and life of formalisms]. In Eero Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages
1–9, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish)
[576] Kalle-Antti Suominen. Kvanttitietokone murtaa koodit [Quantum computer breaks the codes]. Tiede 2000,
?(2):44–47, April 1995. †K-A Suominen ga95aK-ASuominen.
[577] Kimmo Kauhaniemi. Genetic algorithms in power systems computation. Report 4-95, Tampere University
of Technology, Power Engineering Group, 1995. †CV ga95aKauhaniemi.
[578] Lauri Kinnunen. Hissien odotusaika lyhenee tuntuvasti – geneettinen algoritmi vähentää hermostumista
[Elevator waiting times are shortening considerably]. Tekniikka & Talous, ?(31):26, 7. September 1995.
[579] Aki Kivelä. Tierra – ohjelmaolioiden evoluutiota ja ekologiaa [Tierra – program objects evolution and
ecology]. In Eero Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 265–272,
Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish)
[580] Pertti Koivisto, Heikki Huttunen, and Pauli Kuosmanen. Optimal compositions of soft morphological
filters. In ?, editor, Nonlinear Image Processing VI, volume SPIE-2424, pages 16–27, San Jose, CA, ? 1995.
The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA. * EI M134444/96 ga95aKoivisto.
[581] Joost N. Kok and Patrik B. J. Floréen. Efficient tracing of the behaviour of genetic algorithms using
expected values of bit and Walsh products. In Eshelman [1147], page ? †prog ga95aKok.
[582] Asko J. Mäkelä. Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elää? [Is art getting life?]. In Eero Hyvönen and Jouko
Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 273–274, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish
Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95aMakela.
[583] Atte Moilanen. Parameterization of a metapopulation model: an empirical comparison of several different
genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE Conference
on Evolutionary Computation, volume 2, pages 551–556, Perth (Australia), November 1995. IEEE, New
York, NY. †prog. ga95aMoilanen.
[584] David E. Moriarty and Risto Miikkulainen. Efficient learning from delayed rewars through symbiotic
evolution. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning, volume ?,
pages 396–404, Tahoe City, CA (USA), 9.-12. July 1995. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco,
CA (USA). †CCA40917/97 ga95aMoriarty.
[585] Alexandru Murgu and Risto Lahdelma. Tracking statistics in communication traffic control using a genetic
algorithm. In Alander [563], pages 241–258. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aMurgu.
[586] Timo Paukku. Tekoelämä heräsi heti eloisaksi. Helsingin Sanomat, 34660(134):D1, 20. May 1995. (in
Finnish) ga95aPaukku.
[587] Mauno Pesonen, Arto Kettunen, and Petri Räsänen. Non-industrial private forest landowners’ choises of
timber management strategies: Genetic algorithm in predicting planned harvest rates. Acta Forestalia
Fennica, 250(?):1–28?, ? 1995. ga95aPesonen ⇒ .
[588] Kimmo Pietiläinen. Luomisen kahdeksas päivä? [the eight day of genesis?]. Tiede 2000, 15(5):26–28,
August 1995. (in Finnish) ga95aPietilainen.
[589] Sam Sandqvist. Modelling the time behaviour of genetic algorithms. In Alander [563], pages 205–214.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aSandqvist.
[590] Jouko Seppänen. Elämäkäsitys monitieteisenä kysymyksenä [Life as crossdisciplinary concept]. In Eero
Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 10–41, Helsinki (Finland),
12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95aSeppanen.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[591] Timo Hämäläinen, Jukka Saarinen, Pekka Ojala, and Kimmo Kaski. Implementing genetic algorithms in
a tree shape computer architecture. In Alander [563], pages 259–284. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aTHamalainen.
[592] Tapio Takala. Keinoelämää virtuaalitodellisuudessa – hyttysiä ja muita ötököitä [Artificial life in virtual
reality – gnats and other little creatures]. In Eero Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä
– Artificial Life, pages 260–264, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95aTakala.
[593] Jari Toivanen, Raino A. E. Mäkinen, and Risto Lahdelma. The reconstruction of an airfoil in 2D potential
flow using a genetic algorithm on a parallel computer. In Alander [563], pages 229–240. (ftp://ftp.
uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95aToivanen.
[594] Jari Vaario. From evolutionary computation to computational evolution. Informatica, 18(4):417–434, 1995.
†toc ga95aVaario.
[595] Mika Vainio, T. Schönberg, Aarne Halme, and P. Jakubik. Optimizing the performance of a robot society
in structured environment through genetic algorithms. In ?, editor, Advances in Artificial Life, Third
European Conference on Artificial Life, volume 929 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 733–
746, Granada (Spain), 4.-6. June 1995. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. * [?] CCA 80824/95 ga95aVainio.
[596] Marja-Leena Vepsäläinen and William Latham. Tietokonetaide on monien ilmiöiden leikkauspiste [computer art]. IBM asiaa, (1):1,20–21, February 1995. (in Finnish) ga95aVepsalainen.
[597] Jarkko Vuori. Genetic algorithm for codebook design in spread spectrum correlator receiver. In Ošmera
[1149], pages 165–168. ga95aVuori.
[598] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms in industrial applications – a bibliography. In Proceedings of the
First Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications (1NWGA) [563], pages 301–328.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/1NWGA/ ga95bAlander.
[599] Juha Haataja. Workshop on genetic algorithms at the University of Vaasa. CSC News, 7(1):28, March
1995. ga95bHaataja.
[600] Ari Hämäläinen. Geneettiset algorithmit neuroverkkojen opetuksessa ja rakenteen suunnittelussa. In Eero
Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 201–206, Helsinki (Finland),
12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95bHamalainen.
[601] Eero Hyvönen. Taipuuko elämä algoritmiksi? [life – an algorithm?]. Yliopisto – Acta Universitatis
Helsingiensis, ?(16):22–24, 23. October 1995. ga95bHyvonen.
[602] Raino A. E. Mäkinen and Jari Toivanen. Parallel solution of optimal shape design problem governed by
Helmholtz/potential flow equations. In David H. Bailey, Petter E. Bjørstad, John R. Gilbert, Michael V.
Mascagni, Robert S. Schreiber, Horst D. Simon, Virginia J. Torczon, and Layne T. Watson, editors,
Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, pages 102–
103, San Francisco, CA, 15.-17. February 1995. SIAM, Philadelphia. ga95bMakinen.
[603] Timo Paukku. Vitalismi, entropia, tekoelämä. Helsingin Sanomat, 34660(134):D1, 20. May 1995. (in
Finnish) ga95bPaukku.
[604] Jari Vaario. Tekoelo – synteettinen lähestymistapa elämän ymmärtämiseen [Artificial life – a synthetic
way of understanding life]. In Eero Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life,
pages 70–85, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in
Finnish) ga95bVaario.
[605] Mika Vainio, T. Schönberg, and Aarne Halme. Evolving of a fitness based operation strategy for a robot
society. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, page ?,
Espoo (Finland), 12.-14. June 1995. IFAC. †conf. prog. ga95bVainio.
[606] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1995. Report 94-1-95, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga95bib.pdf ga95bib.
[607] Jarmo T. Alander. On interval factorial genetic algorithm in global optimization. Reliable Computing,
?(?):26–29, ? 1995. (A supplement to the journal; Proceedings of the APIC’95 Elpaso, TX, Feb. 1995)
[608] Juha Haataja. Optimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen [solving optimization problems]. chapter 10. Geneettiset algoritmit [Genetic algorithms]. CSC - Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Espoo, 1995. (2. edition of [529])
[609] Raino A. E. Mäkinen and Jari Toivanen. Parallel solution of optimal shape design problem governed by
Helmholtz/potential flow equations. Report 5, University of Jyväskylä, Laboratory of Scientific Computing,
1995. ga95cMakinen.
[610] Jarmo T. Alander, Jari Ylinen, and Tapio Tyni. Optimizing elevator group control parameters using
distributed genetic algorithms. In Pearson et al. [1146], pages 400–403. ga95dAlander.
[611] Jarmo T. Alander. On interval factorial genetic algorithm in global optimization. In Pearson et al. [1146],
pages 388–391. ga95eAlander.
[612] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Shape optimization of diesel engine camshaft by genetic algorithm.
In Ošmera [1149], pages 5–10. ga95fAlander.
[613] Jarmo T. Alander, Mikael Nordman, and Henri Setälä. Register-level hardware design and simulation of a
genetic algorithm using VHDL. In Ošmera [1149], pages 10–14. ga95gAlander ⇒
[614] Jarmo T. Alander and Juha Herajärvi. Geneettinen algoritmi vauhdittaa hissiryhmän toimintaa [Genetic
algorithm in elevator control]. Tekniikan näköalat, (2):44–45, 23. May 1995. (in Finnish) ga95hAlander.
[615] Jarmo T. Alander. Practical handbook of genetic algorithms. volume 2, Applications, chapter Appendix
1. An indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms (Books, proceedings, journal articles, and PhD thesis,
pages 333–427. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1995. ga95iAlander.
[616] Jarmo T. Alander, Juha Herajärvi, Jari Ylinen, and Tapio Tyni. Hissiryhmän ulkokutsujen allokointi
geneettisellä algoritmilla [Elevator group landing call allocation by genetic algorithm]. In Oppivien ja
älykkäiden järjestelmien sovellukset, Teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari [Proceedings of the Annual Seminar of the “Applications of Learning and Intelligent Systems” Program], Espoo (Finland), 19. April 1995.
Tekes, Helsinki. (in Finnish) ga95jAlander.
[617] Jarmo T. Alander. On interval factorial genetic algorithm in global optimization. Reliable Computing,
?(?):26–29, ? 1995. (A supplement to the journal; Proceedings of the APIC’95 El Paso, TX, Feb. 1995)
[618] Jarmo T. Alander and William F. Nice. Genetic algorithms for multiuser detection, some preliminary
results. In Proceedings of the 1995 Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG’95, pages 21–25,
Espoo (Finland), 2. June 1995. Helsinki University of Terchnology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
[619] Jarmo T. Alander. Tekoelo – tarua vai teollisuutta? [Artificial life – stories or an industry?]. In Eero
Hyvönen and Jouko Seppänen, editors, Keinoelämä – Artificial Life, pages 207–213, Helsinki (Finland),
12. May 1995. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95mAlander.
[620] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications (2NWGA), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Nro. 11, Vaasa (Finland), 19.-23. August
1996. University of Vaasa. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/*.ps.Z) ga96NWGA.
[621] Adriano Barenco, Artur Ekert, Kalle-Antti Suominen, and Päivi Törmä. Approximate quantum Fourier
transform and decoherence. Physical Review A, 54(?):139–, ? 1996. †[?] ga96aABarenco.
[622] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Improving design of cam shape used in valvetrain of internalcombustion engine using a genetic algorithm. In Pavel Ošmera, editor, Proceedings of the MENDEL’96,
pages 11–17, Brno (Czech Republic), June 1996. Technical University of Brno. ga96aAlander.
[623] Anon. Nunnauuni käyttää geneettistä algoritmia [Stone cutting optimization by genetic algorithm]. Tekniikka & Talous, ?(13):5, 28. March 1996. (in Finnish) ga96aAnon.
[624] Rauno Anttila. Tietotekniikka luonnonmukaisemmaksi, ohjelmoijista on jo pulaa [Natural information
processing]. Vaasan Yliopistolehti, ?(4):28–29, 25. September 1996. ga96aAnttila.
[625] Anders Aspnäs, Victor Cockcroft, and Jukka Hekanaho. Use of genetic algorithms to learn ligand
recognition concepts: Application to the GPCR superfamily. In Alander [620], pages 131–150. (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aAspnas.
[626] Barbro Back, Teija Laitinen, and Kaisa Sere. Neural networks and genetic algorithms for bankruptry
predictions. In J. K. Lee, J. Liebowitz, and Y. M. Chae, editors, Critical Technology: Proceedings of the
Third World Congress on Expert Systems, volume 1, pages 123–130, Seoul (South Korea), 5.-9. February
1996. Cognizant Communication Corp., Elmsford. * CCA 35063/97 P69301 ga96aBBack.
[627] Timo Eloranta. Geneettisten algoritmien soveltaminen suuntaamattomien verkkojen piirtoon [Applying
genetic algorithms to drawing undirected graphs]. Report Series B B-1996-1, University of Tampere,
Department of Computer Science, 1996. (in Finnish, also as [662]) ga96aEloranta.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[628] Pasi Fränti, Juha Kivijärvi, Timo Kaukoranta, and Olli Nevalainen. Genetic algorithms for codebook
generation in vector quantization. Report A-1996-5, University of Joensuu, Department of Computer
Science, 1996. ga96aFranti.
[629] Sakari Haikarainen, Hannu Jokinen, and Martti Valtonen. Genetic optimization in circuit simulation. In ?,
editor, Proceedings of the Baltic Electronics Conference, pages 381–384, Tallinn (Estonia), 7.-11. October
1996. Tallinn Technical University, Tallinn (Estonia). * EEA 44820/98 CCA 41500/98
[630] Juha Hakkarainen, Anne Jumppanen, Jari Kyngäs, and J. Kyyrö. An evolutionary approach to neural
network design applied to sunspot prediction. Report A-1996-3, University of Joensuu, Department of
Computer Science, 1996. ga96aHakkarainen.
[631] Jukka Hekanaho. Background knowledge in GA-based concept learning. TUCS Technical Reports 2,
University of Turku, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 1996. (also as [663]) ga96aHekanaho.
[632] Markku Hurme. Separation process synthesis with genetic algorithm. In Alander [620], pages 219–224.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aHurme.
[633] Heikki Huttunen, Pauli Kuosmanen, and Jaakko T. Astola. Optimal RASF filtering. In Edward R.
Dougherty, Jaakko T. Astola, and Harold G. Longbotham, editors, Nonlinear Image Processing VII, volume
SPIE-2662, pages 154–165, San Jose, CA, 29. -30. January 1996. The International Society for Optical
Engineering, Bellingham, WA. ga96aHuttunen.
[634] Heikki Hyötyniemi and Heikki N. Koivo. Genes, codes, and dynamic systems. In Alander [620], pages
225–232. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aHyotyniemi.
[635] Ilkka Ikonen, William E. Biles, Anup Kumar, and Rammonhan K. Ragade. Concept for a genetic algorithm
for packing three dimensional objects of complex shape. In Proceedings of the First Online Workshop
on Soft Computing (WSC1), pages 211–215, WWW (World Wide Web), 19.-30. August 1996. Nagoya
University. ga96aIkonen ⇒ WWW(WorldWideWeb).
[636] Harri Jäske. One-step-ahead prediction of sunspots with genetic programming. In Alander [620], pages
79–88. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aJaske.
[637] Arto Kettunen. Adaptive and intelligent systems in wood procurement planning: optimization of rawmaterial flow for manufacturing of sawmill chips. In Alander [620], pages 233–236. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.
fics/2NWGA/ ga96aKettunen.
[638] Pertti Koivisto, Heikki Huttunen, and Pauli Kuosmanen. Training-based optimization of soft morphological
filters. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 5(3):300–322, July 1996. ga96aKoivisto.
[639] Esa Koskimäki and Janne Göös. Fuzzy fitness function for electric machine design by genetic algorithm.
In Alander [620], pages 237–244. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aKoskimaki.
[640] Jari Kyngäs and Juha Hakkarainen. Predicting sunspot numbers with evolutionarily optimized neural
networks. In Alander [620], pages 173–182. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aKyngas.
[641] Jussi Lahtinen, Petri Myllymäki, Tomi Silander, and Henry Tirri. Empirical comparison of stochastic
algorithms in a graph optimization problem. In Alander [620], pages 45–60. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/
2NWGA/ ga96aLahtinen.
[642] Raino A. E. Mäkinen, Jacques Périaux, and Jari Toivanen. Shape design optimization in 2D aerodynamics
using genetic algorithms on parallel computers. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Parallel CFD’95 Conference,
pages 395–402, Pasadena, CA, 26.-29. June 1995 1996. Elsevier, Amsterdam (Netherlands). * CCA
68139/97 ga96aMakinen.
[643] Timo Mantere. Sähkön hankinnan optimointi [Economic dispatch problem, a comparison of some solution
methods]. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production
Economics, 1996. (in Finnish) ga96aMantere.
[644] Matti Mielonen. Jospa kone vielä loisi [A creative machine?]. Helsingin Sanomat, 34896(18):D2, 20. January
1996. ga96aMielonen.
[645] Ghodrat Moghadampour. Hissien ohjausjärjestelmien tilastollinen vertailu [A statistical comparison of
two elevator call allocation method]. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information
Technology and Production Economics, 1996. (In Finnish; abstract in English) ga96aMoghadampour.
[646] David E. Moriarty and Risto Miikkulainen. Efficient reinforcement learning through synbiotic evolution.
Machine Learning, 22(1-3):11–32, January/February/March 1996. ga96aMoriarty.
[647] Alexandru Murgu. Risk-sensitive traffic control of ATM networks using time series GA modelling. In
Alander [620], pages 251–266. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aMurgu.
[648] Ari S. Nissinen and Hannu Koivisto. Identification of multivariate Volterra series model using genetic algorithm. In Alander [620], pages 151–162. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aNissinen.
[649] P. Taneli Harju and Seppo J. Ovaska. Optimization of polynomial predictive IIR filters using genetic
algorithms. In B. Z. Yuan and X. F. Tang, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Signal Processing (ICSP96), volume 1, pages 68–71, Beijing (China), 14.-18. October 1996. IEEE, New
York. * ga96aPTHarju.
[650] Sakari Palko. Structural optimization of induction motor using genetic algorithm and finite element method.
PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1996. †TKK Nytt ga96aPalko.
[651] Jacques Périaux, M. Sefrioui, Raino A. E. Mäkinen, and Jari Toivanen. Pareto genetic solution for multiobjective MDO in aerospace engineering. In Alander [620], pages 279–280. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/
2NWGA/ ga96aPeriaux.
[652] Matti Ryynänen. The optimal population size of genetic algorithm in magnetic field refinement. In Alander
[620], pages 281–282. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aRyynanen.
[653] Sam Sandqvist. Some aspects of time in genetic algorithms. In Alander [620], pages 267–278. (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aSandqvist.
[654] Timo Hämäläinen, Harri Klapuri, Jukka Saarinen, Pekka Ojala, and Kimmo Kaski. Accelerating genetic
algorithm computation in tree shaped parallel computer. Journal of Systems Architecture, 42(1):19–36,
August 1996. ga96aTHamalainen.
[655] Tei Laine. Using a genetic algorithm for optimization in a changing environment. Master’s thesis, University
of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, 1996. †report on activities ga96aTeiLaine.
[656] Matti Tommiska and Jarkko Vuori. Implementation of genetic algorithms with programmable logic devices.
In Alander [620], pages 71–78. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aTommiska.
[657] Pasi Törmänen. Adaptive fuzzy PI-controller optimization by GA: A simulation study. In Alander [620],
pages 287–288. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96aTormanen.
[658] Kimmo Uutela, Matti Hämäläinen, and Riitta Salmelin. Global optimization in the localization of brain
activity. Report TKK-F-A759, Helsinki University of Technology, Low Temperature Laboratory, 1996.
[659] Jarmo T. Alander. Editorial of the 2NWGA. In Proceedings of the Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic
Algorithms and their Applications (2NWGA) [620], pages i–ii. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/
[660] Anon. Kuka lohduttaisi Fin finiä? [Fin Fin screen saver]. Talouselämä, ?(25):22, 16. August 1996.
[661] Barbro Back, Teija Laitinen, and Kaisa Sere. Neural networks and genetic algorithms for bankruptry
prediction. Expert Syst. Appl. (UK), 11(4):407–413, ? 1996. * CCA 15712/97 ga96bBBack.
[662] Timo Eloranta. Geneettisten algoritmien soveltaminen suuntaamattomien verkkojen piirtoon [Applying
genetic algorithms to drawing undirected graphs]. Master’s thesis, University of Tampere, Department of
Computer Science, 1996. (in Finnish, also as [627]) ga96bEloranta.
[663] Jukka Hekanaho. Background knowledge in GA-based concept learning. In Lorenza Saitta, editor, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML’96), pages 234–242, Bari (Italy),
3.-6. July 1996. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA. ga96bHekanaho.
[664] J. Kyngäs and J. Valjakka. Evolutionary neural networks in quantitative structure-activity relationships of
dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships, 15(?):296–301, ? 1996.
†David E. Clark/bib ga96bKyngas.
[665] Timo Mantere and Ilpo Lindfors. Comparison of unit commitment methods. In Alander [620], pages
245–250. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96bMantere.
[666] David E. Moriarty and Risto Miikkulainen. Evolving obstacle avoidance behavior in a robot arm. In
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pages 468–475,
North Falmouth, MA (USA), 9.-13. September 1996. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
[667] Sakari Palko. Structural optimization of induction motor using genetic algorithm and finite element
method. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Electrical Engineering Series (Finland), E184:2–99, 1996. (also
as [667]) * EEA 9250/97 ga96bPalko.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[668] Matti Ryynänen and Jari Tahvanainen. Using genetic algorithm in permanent magnet modelling. In
Alander [620], pages 283–285. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96bRyynanen.
[669] Sam Sandqvist. Temporal populations. In Proceedings of the Second Online Workshop on Evolutionary
Computation (WEC2), pages 25–28, Nagoya (Japan), 4.-22. March 1996. ? ga96bSandqvist.
[670] Timo Hämäläinen. Implementation and Algorithms of a Tree Shape Parallel Computer. PhD thesis,
Tampere University of Technology, 1996. ga96bTHamalainen.
[671] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1996. Report 94-1-96, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1996. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga96bib.pdf ga96bib.
[672] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Shape optimization of diesel fuel injection cam by genetic algorithm. In Alander [620], pages 195–204. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96cAlander.
[673] Timo Eloranta and Erkki Mäkinen. TimGA - a genetic algorithm for drawing undirected graphs. Report
Series A-1996-10, University of Tampere, Department of Computer Science, 1996. ga96cEloranta.
[674] Sakari Palko. Genetic optimization as a design tool for inverter fed motors. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the
Symposium on Power Electronics, Industrial Drives Power Quality, Traction Systems, pages C1–21–C1–26,
Capri (Italy), 5.-7. June 1996. Univ. Federico II, Napoli (Italy). * EEA 54645/98 ga96cPalko.
[675] Sam Sandqvist. A temporal view of selection and populations. In Fogarty? [1151], pages 206–215.
[676] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, Pekka Turunen, and Jari Virolainen. GA in program testing. In Alander
[620], pages 205–210. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96dAlander.
[677] Jarmo T. Alander, Ghodrat Moghadampour, and Jari Ylinen. Comparison of elevator allocation methods.
In Alander [620], pages 211–214. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96eAlander.
[678] Jarmo T. Alander, Ghodrat Moghadampour, and Jari Ylinen. Solving the second order equation using
genetic programming. In Alander [620], pages 215–218. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/
[679] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithm research volume. In Proceedings of the Second Nordic Workshop
on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications (2NWGA) [620], pages 293–300. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/
2NWGA/ ga96gAlander.
[680] Jarmo T. Alander. Nordic genetic algorithms research — some bibliographical data. In Proceedings of the
Second Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications (2NWGA) [620], pages 301–311.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/2NWGA/ ga96hAlander.
[681] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Shape optimization of internal-combustion engine valvecam by
genetic algorithm. In B. Katalinic, editor, Proceedings of the 7th International DAAAM Symposium, pages
5–6, Vienna (Austria), 17.-19. October 1996. Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing
International, Vienna (Austria). ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report96-x/ ga96iAlander.
[682] Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms, A tutorial review. Report 96-1-English, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Processing and Production Economics, 1996. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report96-1/; also as [683]) ga96kAlander.
[683] Jarmo T. Alander. Geneettiset algoritmit, yleiskatsaus [Genetic algorithms, a tutorial review]. Report 961-Finnish, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Processing and Production Economics, 1996.
(in Finnish; ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report96-1/; also as [682]) ga96lAlander.
[684] Martti Valtonen and Heikki Rekonen. APLACTM Circuit Simulation and Design Tool, User’s Manual.
Kotka, 1997. ga97APLAC.
[685] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the Third Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications (3NWGA), Helsinki (Finland), 18.-22. August 1997. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/*.ps.Z) ga97NWGA.
[686] Hannu Ahonen, Paulo A. de Souza Jr., and Vijayendra K. Garg. Fitting of a Mössbauer spectrum using a
genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the 1997 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, volume 2,
pages 781–784, Ames, Iowa, 18.-11. August 1997. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga97aAhonen.
[687] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. On implementing CAD-systems based on existing simulators
and optimization by genetic algorithm. In Pavel Ošmera, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd International
Mendel Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough
Sets (MENDEL’97), pages 7–12, Brno (Czech Republic), 25.-27. June 1997. Technical University of Brno.
[688] Catherine Bounsaythip and Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms in image processing - a review. In
Alander [685], pages 173–192. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aBounsaythip.
[689] Erkki Karjalainen. Sattumasta syntyvät ohjelmat. Suomen Lääkärilehti, 52(8):897, 10. March 1997.
[690] Pasi Fränti, Juha Kivijärvi, Timo Kaukoranta, and Olli Nevalainen. Genetic algorithms for codebook
generation in vector quantization. In Alander [685], pages 207–222. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aFranti.
[691] Kimmo Fredriksson. Genetic algorithms and generative encoding of neural networks for some benchmark
classification problems. In Alander [685], pages 123–134. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/Fredriksson.
ps.Z) ga97aFredriksson.
[692] Juha Haataja. Evoluutiostrategiat Fortran 90:llä [Evolution strategies in Fortran 90]. @CSC, (3):28–30,
June 1997. (In Finnish) ga97aHaataja.
[693] Heikki Hyötyniemi, Ari S. Nissinen, and Heikki N. Koivo. Evolution based self-organization of structures in
linear time-series modeling. In Alander [685], pages 135–152. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/Hyotyniemi.
ps.Z) ga97aHyotyniemi.
[694] Ilkka Ikonen and William E. Biles. A genetic algorithm with 3-dimensional chromosome for packing nonconvex parts for selective laser sintering. In Alander [685], pages 83–96. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aIkonen.
[695] Isto Aho, Harri Kemppainen, Kai Koskimies, Erkki Mäkinen, and Tapio Niemi. Searching neural network
structures with L systems and genetic algorithms. Report A-1997-15, University of Tampere, Department
of Computer Science, 1997. ga97aIstoAho.
[696] Jaakko T. Astola, Karen Egiazarian, and Heikki Huttunen. Wavelet packets and genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
volume 3, pages 2117–2120, Munich (Germany), 21.-24. April 1997. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. * CCA
99698/97 ga97aJAstola.
[697] Jari Kyngäs. A new method for defining parameters to SETAR-models. In George D. Smith and Nigel C.
Steele, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic
Algorithms, pages 473–476, Norwich, UK, 2.-4. April 1997. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. † ga97aJKyngas.
[698] Janne Suotula. A study on the use of genetic algorithms in project time sheduling [tutkimus geneettisten
algoritmien kytst projektin aikataulutuksessa]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1997.
†www /TKK ga97aJanneSuotula.
[699] Harri Jäske. On code reuse in genetic programming. In Koza et al. [1152], page ? †conf.prog ga97aJaske.
[700] Joost N. Kok and Patrik B. J. Floréen. Tracing the behavior of genetic algorithms using expected values
of bit and Walsh product. In Bäck [1148], pages 201–208. ga97aJoostNKok.
[701] Kimmo Fredriksson. Learning the structure of neural networks using genetic algorithms. Master’s thesis,
University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, 1997. †report on activities ga97aKFredriksson.
[702] Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario, and Kazuhiro Ohkura. Modeling of biological manufacturing systems for dynamic
reconfiguration. Annals of CIPR, 46(1):343–346, ? 1997. ga97aKanjiUeda.
[703] Esa Koskimäki and Janne Göös. Electric machine dimensioning by global optimization. In Proceedings
of the 1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, volume 1,
pages 308–312, Adelaide, SA (Australia), 21.-23. May 1997. IEEE, New York, NY. †CCA97065/97
[704] Jussi Lähteenmäki. Genetic algorithm in optimization of electric machines. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the
Research Symposium of Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Electrical Drives and Industrial Automaton”,
page ?, Lohusalu (Estonia), 1.-8. June 1997. ? †bib/TKK S-os ga97aLahteenmaki.
[705] Jouni Lampinen. Diesel-moottorin nokka-akselin muodon optimointi geneettisellä algoritmilla [Diesel engine cam shape design by genetic algorithm]. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1997. (in Finnish; abstract in English and Swedish)
[706] Jorma Laurikkala. Parameter evaluation and genetic-based rule learning for the differential diagnosis of
female urinary incontinence. Tech. lic. thesis, University of Kuopio, Department of Computer Science and
Applied Mathematics, 1997. ga97aLaurikkala.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[707] Risto Louhenperä and Jorma Rissanen. Oppivien ja älykkäiden järjestelmien sovellutukset 1994-1998
[Adaptive and intelligent systems application programme, intermediate evaluation of research projects].
Teknologiaohjelmaraportti 2/97, Teknologian kehittämiskeskus [Technology development centre], 1997.
[708] M. J. Juntti, T. Schlosser, and J. O. Lilleberg. Genetic algorithms for multiuser detection in synchronous
CDMA. In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, page 492, Ulm
(Germany), 29. June-4. July 1997. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. * EEA 39509/98 ga97aMJJuntti.
[709] Mika Johnsson, Gábor Magyar, and Olli Nevalainen. On the 3-matching problem. Technical Report 112,
University of Turku, TUCS, 1997. † ga97aMJohnsson.
[710] Gábor Magyar, Mika Johnsson, and Olli Nevalainen. Genetic algorithm approach for the three-matching
problem. In Alander [685], pages 109–122. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aMagyar.
[711] Mika Hirvensalo. On quantum computation. Licentiate’s thesis, University of Turku, Department of
Mathematics, TUCS, 1997. (TUCS Technical Report No. 111, May 1997)* ga97aMikaHirvensalo.
[712] Tomasz Ostrowski and V. T. Ruoppila. Genetic annealing search for index assingment in vector quantization. Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(4):311–318, 1997. †EEA86236/97 ga97aOstrowski.
[713] Pasi Fränti, Juha Kivijärvi, Timo Kaukoranta, and Olli Nevalainen. Genetic algorithms for large-scale
clustering problems. The Computer Journal, 40(9):547–554, 1997. ga97aPFranti.
[714] P. Taneli Harju. Advances in Polynomial Predictive Filtering: Theory, Design, and Applications. PhD
thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering, 1997.
[715] Sakari Palko, Jussi Lähteenmäki, and Tapani Jokinen. Structural optimisation of electric machines using finite element method and genetic algorithm. Electromotion (Romania), 4(1-2):10–14, 1997. †EEA70253/97
[716] A. Rouvinen and H. Handroos. Robot positioning of a flexible hydraulic manipulator utilizing genetic algorithm and neural networks. In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Mechatronics and Machine
Vision in Practice, pages 182–187, Toowoomba (Australia), 23.-25. September 1997. IEEE, Piscataway,
NJ. †P77390/97 ga97aRouvinen.
[717] Matti Ryynänen, Tor Meinander, Heikki Ahola, and Kari Aittoniemi. Modelling and sorting of magnet blocks overcome limitations of manufacturing process. Annual review, VTT Automation, 1997.
[718] Sampo Smolander and Jouko Lampinen. Determining the optimal structure for multilayer self-organizing
map with genetic algorithm. In M. Frydrych, J. Parkkinen, and A. Visa, editors, Proceedings of the 10th
Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA’97), volume 1, pages 411–418, Lappeenranta (Finland),
9.-11. June 1997. Pattern Recognition Society Finland. †P76623/97 ga97aSeppoSmolander.
[719] Pasi Törmänen. Geneettisten algoritmien käyttö tutkittaessa sumean logiikan hyötyä PID-säädössä esimerkkinä taajuusmuuttajan sisäiset säätäjät [Evaluating the benefit of fuzzy logic for PID-control by
means of genetic algorithms - case: frequency controller]. Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department
of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1997. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report97-3/part*.
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[720] S. Ulla. An evolutionary approach for locating economic facilities. Acta Polytech. Scand. Math. Comput.
Manag. Eng. Ser. (Finland), (Ma83):1–46, 1997. †CCA45733/97 ga97aUlla.
[721] Anon. Teknillinen tutkimuskeskus aloitti toimintansa Vaasassa. Automaatioväylä, 13(3):59, April 1997.
(in Finnish) ga97bAnon.
[722] Jussi Lähteenmäki. Optimization of high-speed motors using a genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the
Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives, volume 444 of Conference Publications,
pages 26–30, Cambridge (UK), 1.-3. September 1997. IEE. †P79062 ga97bLahteenmaki.
[723] Mika Hirvensalo. The reversibility of quantum computation theory. In Symeon Bozapalidis, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Developments in Language Theory, DLT’97, pages 203–210,
?, ? 1997. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. †www /Hirvensalo ga97bMikaHirvensalo.
[724] Sakari Palko and Tapani Jokinen. Optimization of squirrel-cage induction-motors using finite-element
method and genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives, volume 444 of Conference Publications, pages 21–25, Cambridge (UK), 1.-3. September
1997. IEE. †P79062 ga97bPalko.
[725] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1996. Report 94-1-97, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1997. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga97bib.pdf ga97bib.
[726] Jussi Lähteenmäki. Suurnopeusoikosulkukoneen optimointi. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1997. †www /TKK ga97cLahteenmaki.
[727] Jouni Lampinen. Choosing a shape representation method for optimization of 2D shapes by genetic algorithms. In Alander [685], pages 305–320. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97cLampinen.
[728] Jorma Laurikkala and Martti Juhola. Learning diagnostic rules from a urological database using genetic algorithm. In Alander [685], pages 233–244. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/
[729] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. A distributed implementation of genetic algorithms for cam
shape optimization. In B. H. V. Topping, editor, Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and
Distributed Processing (Proceedings of the First Euro-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
for Computational Mechanics), pages 209–217, Lochinver (Scotland), 26. April-1. May 1997. Civil-Comp
Press, Edinburgh. ga97dAlander.
[730] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Ghodrat Moghadampour. Testing software response times using
a genetic algorithm. In Alander [685], pages 293–298. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/
[731] Jarmo T. Alander, Maarit Harju, and Petri Välisuo. Optimal testing of embedded software using genetic
algorithm — a prestudy. In Alander [685], pages 299–304. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/
[732] Jarmo T. Alander, Ghodrat Moghadampour, and Pasi Törmänen. Evaluating the benefit of fuzzy logic for
PID-control by means of genetic algorithms - case: frequency controller. In Alander [685], pages 321–332.
(ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97hAlander.
[733] Jarmo T. Alander and Matti Ryynänen. Magnetic field refinement: Genetic algorithms vs. hill-climbing?
In Alander [685], pages 333–340. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97iAlander.
[734] Jarmo T. Alander. Umpimähkäinen heuristinen etsintä [random heuristic search]. Automaatioväylä,
13(1):27–29, February 1997. (in Finnish) ga97jAlander.
[735] Jarmo T. Alander. Fuzzy evolutionary computation. chapter 3.1 An indexed bibliography of genetic
algorithms with fuzzy logic, pages 299–318. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, 1997. ga97kAlander.
[736] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Cam shape optimization by genetic algorithm. In C. Poloni
and D. Quagliarella, editors, Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies in Engineering and Computer
Science, pages 153–174, Trieste (Italy), 28. November-5. December 1997. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
[737] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, Ghodrat Moghadampour, and Jukka Matila. Searching protection
relay response time extremes using genetic algorithm – software quality by optimization. In Proceedings
of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation & Management
(APSCOM-97), volume 1, pages 95–99, Hong Kong, 11.-14. November 1997. IEE (Hong Kong). (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/report97-5/ ga97mAlander.
[738] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Pekka Turunen. Genetic algorithm based software testing. In
George D. Smith, Nigel C. Steele, and Rudolf F. Albrecht, editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of International Conference (ICANNGA97), pages 325–328, Norwich (UK), April 1997
1998. Springer-Verlag, Wien. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report97-2/ ga97nAlander.
[739] Jarmo T. Alander, Juha Herajärvi, Ghodrat Moghadampour, Tapio Tyni, and Jari Ylinen. Genetic
algorithms in elevator allocation problem. In George D. Smith, Nigel C. Steele, and Rudolf F. Albrecht, editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of International Conference (ICANNGA97), pages 255–258, Norwich (UK), April 1997 1998. Springer-Verlag, Wien. (ftp:
//ftp.uwasa.fics/report97-2/ ga97oAlander.
[740] Jarmo T. Alander and Jouni Lampinen. Optimization of internal-combustion engine valvecam by genetic
algorithm. In B. Katalinic, editor, Proceedings of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium, pages 5–6,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23.-25. October 1997. DAAAM International, Vienna, TU Wien. ga97pAlander.
[741] Atte Moilanen. Optimization with evolutionary algorithms and local search. tech.lic. thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics, 1998. ga98aAMoilanen.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[742] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, Ghodrat Moghadampour, and Jukka Matila. Searching protection relay
response time extremes using genetic algorithm – software quality by optimization. Electric Power Systems
Research, 46(?):229–233, 1998. (a revised version of [737]) ga98aAlander.
[743] Ari S. Nissinen and Heikki Hyötyniemi. Evolutionary self-organizing map. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the
6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques & Soft Computing, volume ?, pages 1596–1600, Aachen
(Germany), 7.-10. September 1998. ERUDIT, Germany. ga98aAriNissinen.
[744] Esa Koskimäki.
Applying soft computing in manufacturing [pehmolaskennan soveltaminen
tehdasympäristössä]. Licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1998.
†www /TKK
[745] Juha Haataja, editor. Näkökulmia laskennalliseen tieteeseen – Alkuräjähdyksestä kännykkään [Views to
Computational Science – From Big Bang to Mobile Phones]. CSC – Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Espoo
(Finland), 1998. (in Finnish) ga98aHaataja.
[746] Markku Hurme and Anna-Mari Heikkilä. Synthesis of inherently safe chemical processes by using genetic optimization and case-based reasoning. In Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo Puuronen, editors, Human
and Artificial Information Processing, Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference,
pages 134–143, Jyväskylä (Finland), 7.-9. September 1998. University of Jyväskylä — Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Society. ga98aHurme.
[747] Ilkka Ikonen, William E. Biles, James E. Lewis, Anup Kumar, and Rammohan K. Ragade. GARP - genetic
algorithm for part packing in a rapid prototyping machine. In B. Gopalakrishnan and S. Murugesan,
editors, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, volume SPIE-3517, pages 54–63, Boston, MA,
2. -4. November 1998. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA. †P82654/99
[748] J. E. Lewis, Rammohan K. Ragade, Anup Kumar, William E. Biles, and Ilkka Ikonen. Using distributed
genetic algorithms in 3-dimensional bin-packing for rapid prototyping machines. In B. Gopalakrishnan and
S. Murugesan, editors, Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, volume SPIE-3517, pages 45–53,
Boston, MA, 2. -4. November 1998. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA.
†P82654/99 ga98aJELewis.
[749] Jarkko Vuori. Optimization of signal processing and network control in telecommunications systems. PhD
thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering, 1998.
(Report 24) ga98aJVuori.
[750] Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario, and Nobutada Fujii. Interactive manufacturing: Human aspects for biological
manufacturing systems. Annals of CIPR, 47(1):389–392, ? 1998. ga98aKanjiUeda.
[751] Kimmo Valkealahti and Erkki Oja. Reduced multidimensional histograms in color texture description.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, volume 2, pages 1057–1061,
Brisbane, Qld (Australia), 16.-20. August 1998. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga98aKimmoValkealahti ⇒ http:
[752] Jussi Lahtinen, Petri Myllymäki, Tomi Silander, Henry Tirri, and Hannes Wettig. An empirical evaluation
of stochastic search methods in real-world telecommunication domains. In Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo
Puuronen, editors, Human and Artificial Information Processing, Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Artificial
Intelligence Conference, pages 124–133, Jyväskylä (Finland), 7.-9. September 1998. University of Jyväskylä
— Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga98aLahtinen.
[753] Jouni Lampinen and Jarmo T. Alander. 2D boundary shape optimization by genetic algorithm. In Ošmera
[1150], pages 56–68. ga98aLampinen.
[754] Jorma Laurikkala and Martti Juhola. A genetic-based machine learning system to discover the diagnostic
rules for female urinary incontinence. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 55(?):217–228, ?
1998. ga98aLaurikkala.
[755] Kauko Leiviskä. Industrial applications of intelligent methods. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 6th European
Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, volume 3, pages 1449–1457, Aachen (Germany),
7.-10. September 1998. Verlag Mainz, Aachen. * CCA 85436/99 ga98aLeiviska.
[756] K. Lieska, E. Laitinen, and Jussi Lähteenmäki. Radio coverage optimization with genetic algorithms. In
Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, volume 1, pages 318–322, Boston, MA, 8.-11. September 1998. IEEE, New York. †P82898/99
[757] S. Lotvonen, E. K. Juuso, T. Koivumäki, and R. Svento. Tuning linguistic equation investment models
with genetic algorithms. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Sixth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques
and Soft Computing (EUFIT’98), volume 3, pages 1606–1610, Aachen (Germany), 7.-10. September 1998.
Verlag Mainz, Aachen (Germany). * CCA 83823/99 ga98aLotvonen.
[758] Marko A. Grönroos. Evolutionary design of neural networks. Master’s thesis, University of Turku, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 1998. ( ga98aMAGronroos.
[759] K. Markus and L. Vaskelainen. Optimisation of synthesised array excitations using array polynome complex root swapping and genetic algorithms. IEE Proceedings Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,
145(6):460–464, December 1998. ga98aMarkus.
[760] Mika Hirvensalo. Copying quantum computer makes NP-complete problems tractable. In M. Hargenstern,
editor, Proceedings of MCU’98, volume II, page ?, ?, ? 1998. ? †www /Hirvensalo ga98aMikaHirvensalo.
[761] Petri Rekonen. Artificial intelligence for many purposes. Vaasa University Journal, ?(5-6):11–12, November
1998. ga98aRekonen.
[762] Matti Ryynänen. A magnet model for a hybrid undulator assembly. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,
5(Pt 3):468–470, May 1998. ga98aRyynanen ⇒
[763] Hannu Saukkosaari. Optimizing additive synthesis parameters with genetic algorithms and self-organizing
maps. In Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo Puuronen, editors, Human and Artificial Information Processing,
Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, pages 234–240, Jyväskylä (Finland), 7.9. September 1998. University of Jyväskylä — Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society. ga98aSaukkosaari.
[764] Kimmo Uutela, Matti Hämäläinen, and Riitta Salmelin. Global optimization in the location of neuromagnetic sources. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 45(6):716–723, June 1998. ga98aUutela.
[765] Jarmo T. Alander. Geneettisten algoritmien mahdollisuudet [Potentials of genetic algorithms]. Teknologiakatsaus [Technology review] 59/98, Teknologian kehittämiskeskus [Finnish Technology Development
Centre], 1998. (in Finnish; 100pages; abstract in English) ga98bAlander.
[766] Ari S. Nissinen and Heikki Hyötyniemi. Evolutionary training of behavior-based self-organizing map.
In Proceedings of 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligent (WCCI98), volume ?, pages
660–665, Anchorage, Alaska, 4.-9. May 1998. IEEE. ga98bAriNissinen.
[767] Catherine Bounsaythip and Timo Honkela. Combination of neural and evolutionary methods for data
organization. In Katsumi Tanaka and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization, pages 20–25, Kobe (Japan), 12.-13. November
1998. ? ga98bBounsaythip.
[768] Esa Koskimäki, Janne Göös, Petri Kontkanen, Petri Myllymäki, and Henry Tirri. Comparing soft computing methods in prediction of manufacturing data. In A. P. del Pobil, J. Mira, and M. Ali, editors,
Proceedings of the International Conference on and Engineering Applications of Articial Intelligence &
Expert Systems (IEA- 98-AIE), volume 1416 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages –, ?, ? 1998.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. †www /Google ga98bEsaKoskimaki.
[769] Ilkka Ikonen. A Genetic Algorithm for a Three-Dimensional Non-Convex Bin Packing Problem. PhD
thesis, University of Louisville, 1998. †www /Google ga98bIIkonen.
[770] Jouni Lampinen and Jarmo T. Alander. Shape design and optimization by genetic algorithm. In B. H. V.
Topping, editor, Advances in Computational Mechanics with Parallel and Distributed Processing (Proceedings of the Second Euro-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Computational Mechanics),
pages 187–196, ?, ? 1998. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh. ga98bLampinen.
[771] Jorma Laurikkala, Martti Juhola, Jorma Penttinen, and Pauliina Aukee. An internet-based prototype
expert system for the diagnosis of female urinary incontinence. In Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo Puuronen,
editors, Human and Artificial Information Processing, Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Artificial Intelligence
Conference, pages 98–103, Jyväskylä (Finland), 7.-9. September 1998. University of Jyväskylä — Finnish
Artificial Intelligence Society. ga98bLaurikkala.
[772] Mika Hirvensalo. Copying quantum computer makes NP-complete problems tractable. Technical Report
161, TUCS, 1998. (a preliminary version of [760]) ga98bMikaHirvensalo.
[773] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1996. Report 94-1-98, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1998. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga98bib.pdf ga98bib.
[774] Ari S. Nissinen, Heikki Hyötyniemi, and Heikki N. Koivo. Evolutionary SOM for generation of classifier
maps. In ?, editor, Proceedings of Annual Conference of ICIMS-NOE, volume ?, pages 240–245, Bremen
(Germany), 14.-17. May 1998. ? ga98cAriNissinen.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[775] Ilkka Ikonen, William E. Biles, Anup Kumar, and Rammohan K. Ragade. Genetic algorithm optimizes part
packing in a rapid-prototyping machine. Robotics and Machine Perception, 7(2):?, ? 1998. ga98cIIkonen.
[776] Mika Hirvensalo. Quantum error correction. Technical Report 178, TUCS, 1998. ga98cMikaHirvensalo.
[777] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Tero Pyylampi. Threshold matrix generation for digital halftoning
by genetic algorithm optimization. Research Report 98-1, University of Vaasa, Department of Information
Technology and Production Economics, 1998. (partly in SPIE-3522; ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report98-1/ ga98hAlander.
[778] Toimintakertomus 1993-1998 [report on activities 1993-1998]. Report 98-2, University of Vaasa, Department of Computer Science, Production Automation, 1998. (mostly in Finnish; abstract in English,
ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report98-2/ ga98iAlander.
[779] Jarmo T. Alander, Jouni Lampinen, Timo Mantere, and Ghodrat Moghadampour. Geneettisten algoritmien esittely [introduction to genetic algorithms]. In Matti Linna, editor, Tekniikan koulutusta 10 vuotta
Vaasan yliopistossa [10 Years of Technology in the University of Vaasa], pages 30–34. 1998. (in Finnish)
[780] Jarmo T. Alander and Timo Mantere. Ohjelmistojen testausta geneettisten algoritmien avulla [testing programs using genetic algorithms]. In Matti Linna, editor, Tekniikan koulutusta 10 vuotta Vaasan yliopistossa
[10 Years of Technology in the University of Vaasa], pages 35–38. 1998. (in Finnish) ga98kAlander.
[781] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Tero Pyylampi. Threshold matrix generation for digital halftoning
by genetic algorithm optimization. In David P. Casasent, editor, Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision,
volume SPIE-3522, pages 204–212, Boston, MA, 2.-3. November 1998. SPIE. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/
report98-1/ ga98lAlander.
[782] Atte Moilanen and Mar Cabeza. Patch occupancy models and single species dynamic site selection. In
?, editor, Habitat Loss: Ecological, Evolutionary, and Genetic Consequences, page ?, Helsinki (Finland),
7.-12. September 1999. Helsinki University. †www ga99aAMoilanen.
[783] Jarmo T. Alander. Practical handbook of genetic algorithms. In Chambers [1142], chapter 13. Population
size, building blocks, fitness landscape and genetic algorithm search efficiency in combinatorial optimization: An empirical study, pages 459–485. ga99aAlander.
[784] Anna-Mari Heikkilä. Inherent Safety in Process Plant Design - An Index-Based Approach. PhD thesis,
Helsinki University of Technology?, 1999. †www /VTT ga99aAnna-MariHeikkila.
[785] Anon. Tekoälystä apua liikenneongelmiin. Länsiväylä, ?(?):9, 1. August 1999. ga99aAnon.
[786] Ari S. Nissinen. Neural and Evolutionary Computing in Modeling of Complex Systems. Report, Helsinki
University of Technology, Control Engineering Laboratory, 1999. ga99aAriNissinen.
[787] B. Patkai and S. Torvinen. Job-shop scheduling with a combination of evolutionary and heuristic methods.
In Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing II, volume SPIE-3833, Boston, MA,
21.-22. September 1999. SPIE. † ga99aBPatkai.
[788] Olli Bräysy. A hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Licentiate
thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 1999. ga99aBraysy.
[789] Erna L. Kentala, Jorma Laurikkala, Ilmari V. Pyykkö, and Martti Juhola. Discovering diagnostic rules
from a neurotologic database with genetic algorithms. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol., 108(10):948–954,
October 1999. * PubMed10526849 ga99aEKentala.
[790] Harri Ehtamo. Optimointi – mallintamista, matematiikkaa, geneettisiä algoritmeja, 1999. (Inaugural
address) ga99aEhtamo.
[791] Franklin Allen and Risto Karjalainen. Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules. Journal of
Financial Economics, 51(2):245–271, ? 1999. †[?] ga99aFAllen.
[792] Juha Haataja. Geneettiset algoritmit ja Matlab. @CSC, ?(3):22–24, June 1999. ga99aHaataja.
[793] Heikki Huttunen. Training based optimization of nonlinear digital filters: Case studies. PhD thesis,
Tampere University of Technology, 1999. ga99aHuttunen.
[794] Ilkka Karanta, Topi Mikkola, Catherine Bounsaythip, Olli Jokinen, and Juha Savola. Genetic algorithms
applied to a wood collection problem. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, volume 4, pages 635–639, ?, 12.-15. October 1999. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.
[795] Jari Kangas. Prototype search for a nearest neighbor classifier by a genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA’99),
pages 117–121, New Delhi (India), 23.-26. September 1999. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA.
* CCA 86625/99 ga99aJKangas.
[796] Jukka V. Lehtonen, Konstantin Denessiouk, Alex C. W. May, and Mark S. Johnson. Finding local structural
similarities among families of unrelated protein structures: a generic non-linear alignment algorithm.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 34(3):341–355, ? 1999. * ChA 278902e/99 ga99aJVLehtonen.
[797] Jussi Lahtinen, Petri Myllymäki, Tomi Silander, Henry Tirri, and Hannes Wettig. An empirical evaluation
of stochastic search methods in real-world telecommunication domains. In M. Torres, B. Sanchez, S. Radhakrishan, and R. Oser, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (SCI’99), pages 181–187, ?, ? 1999. International Institute of Informaticn and Systemics.
[798] Kaisa Miettinen, M. Mäkelä, and Jari Toivanen. ? In ?, editor, Proceedings of EUROGEN99 - Short
Course on Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science. Reports of the Department of
Mathematical Information Technology Series A, volume ?, page 187, Jyväskylä (Finland), ? 1999. ? †
[799] Helena Kantanen. Nokkamekanismin nokan optimaalinen muoto löytyy geneettisen algoritmin avulla.
Vaasan Yliopistolehti, (4):11–12, 4. October 1999. ga99aKantanen.
[800] Timo Kaukoranta. Iterative and Hierarchical Methods for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization.
PhD thesis, University of Turku, Department of Computer Science, 1999. ga99aKaukoranta.
[801] Teuvo Kohonen. Fast evolutionary learning with batch-type self-organizing maps. Neural Processing
Letters, 9(2):153–162, April 1999. †CCA 68477/99 ga99aKohonen.
[802] Jouni Lampinen. Cam shape optimization by genetic algorithm. PhD thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1999. ga99aLampinen.
[803] Jorma Laurikkala, Martti Juhola, S. Lammi, and Kati Viikki. Comparison of genetic algorithms and other
classification methods in the diagnosis of female urinary incontinence. Methods of Information in Medicine,
38(2):125–131, June 1999. ga99aLaurikkala.
[804] Tommi Lukkarinen. Chapter: Tekoäly agenttisovelluksessa [artificial intelligence in an agent application]. Report B-1999-2, University of Tampere, Department of Computer Science, 1999. (in Finnish)
[805] Mika Johnson. Operational and Tactical level Optimization in Printed Circuit Board Assembly. PhD thesis,
University of Turku, Turku Centre for Computer Science, 1999. ga99aMJohnson.
[806] Marko M. Mäkelä. HPCN integrated optimization strategies for increaced engineering design complexity
decision. CSC News, 11(1):18–21, 1999. ga99aMaMakela.
[807] Timo Mantere. Automaattinen ohjelmien testaus optimoimalla geneettisillä algoritmeilla [Automatic software testing by optimizing with genetic algorithms]. Licentiate thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of
Information Technology and Production Economics, 1999. (in Finnish; abstract in English) ga99aMantere.
[808] Markku Hurme and Anna-Mari Heikkilä. Conceptual design of inherently saferprocesses by genetic algorithms and case-based reasoning. In F. Friedler and J. Klemens, editors, Proceedings of Pres’99 2nd
Conference on Process Integration, Modelling, and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, volume ?, pages 341–346, Budapest (Hungary), 31. May- 2, June 1999. Hungarian Chemical Society.
†www /VTT ga99aMarkkuHurme.
[809] Ghodrat Moghadampour. Using genetic algorithms in testing a distribution protection relay software —
A statistical analysis. Licentiate thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and
Production Economics, 1999. ga99aMoghadampour.
[810] Ninni Myllyoja. Luonnon lait pätevät myös koneeseen [Laws of nature applicable in machine engineering].
Pohjalainen, ?(242):5, 6. September 1999. ga99aMyllyoja.
[811] Ossi Taipale and Erkki Jurva. Muuttujien valinta ja mittausaineiston muodostaminen [Selection of
factors and planning measurements]. Teknologia katsaus [Technology Review] 66/99, Teknologian kehittämiskeskus (Tekes) [Finnish Technology Development Centre], 1999. (in Finnish, Ch. 2.4 Evolutionary
computation) ga99aOTaipale.
[812] Olli Bräysy. A hybrid genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. In Proceedings
of the Third Metaheuristics International Conference, pages 105–108, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 19.-23. July
1999. Gatholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ga99aOlBraysy.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[813] Olli Kämäräinen. A finite capacity scheduling system for a silicon wafer manufacturer [hienokuormitusjrjestelm piikiekkovalmistajalle]. Master’s thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 1999. †www /TKK
[814] Ralf Östermark. Solving a nonlinear non-convex trim loss problem with a genetic hybrid algorithm.
Computers & Operations Research, 26(6):623–635, May 1999. ga99aOstermark.
[815] Tero Pyylampi. Rasterointimenetelmän kehittäminen mustesuihkutulostimelle geneettisellä algoritmilla.
Master’s thesis, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Processing and Production Economics,
1999. ga99aPyylampi.
[816] Raino A. E. Mäkinen, Jacques Périaux, and Jari Toivanen. Multidisciplinary shape optimization in aerodynamics and electromagnetics using genetic algorithms. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Fluids, 30(2):149–160, 30. May 1999. †P84873 ga99aRAEMakinen.
[817] Matti Ryynänen. Magnetisation inhomogeneities and sorting. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 17th Advanced
Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources, pages 1–5, Argonne, IL, 6.-9. April 1999. Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. ga99aRyynanen.
[818] Jorma Sappinen. Peliteoria ja liikennetavat. Tieteessä tapahtuu, 17(4):33–35, 1999. ga99aSappinen.
[819] Tapio Takala. Voivatko koneet elää?, 1999. (TV program) †TV program ga99aTakala.
[820] Jarno M. A. Tanskanen and Seppo J. Ovaska. Coefficient sensitivity of polynomial-predictive FIR differentiators: Design for short word length. In Proceedings of the 42nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, pages 520–523, Las Cruses, NM, August 1999. IEEE. ga99aTanskanen.
[821] Petri Vasara. Environmental benchmarking: A framework for environmental assessment. PhD thesis,
Helsinki University of Technology, 1999. * TKKpaa ga99aVasara.
[822] Walter A. Kosters, Joost N. Kok, and Patrik B. J. Floréen. Fourier analysis of genetic algorithms. Theoretical Computer Science, 229(1-2):143–175, ? 1999. ga99aWAKosters.
[823] Xiao-Zhi Gao. Soft Computing Methods for Control and Instrumentation. PhD thesis, Helsinki University
of Technology, Institute of Intelligent Power Electronics, 1999. ga99aXiao-ZhiGao.
[824] Ivan Zelinka and Jouni Lampinen. An evolutionary learning algorithms for neural networks. In Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, pages 410–414, Brno (Czech Republic), 9.-12. June
1999. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. ga99aZelinka.
[825] Jarmo T. Alander. Practical handbook of genetic algorithms. In Chambers [1142], chapter Appendix 1.
An indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms, pages 503–572. ga99bAlander.
[826] Ari S. Nissinen, Hannu Koivisto, and Heikki N. Koivo. Optimization of neural network topologies using
genetic algorithm. International Journal on Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 5(3):211–224, ?
1999. ga99bAriNissinen.
[827] Olli Bräysy. A new algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time window based on the hybridization
of a genetic algorithm and route construction heuristics. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research
Papers 227 (Mathematics 3), University of Vaasa, 1999. ga99bBraysy.
[828] Juha Haataja, Jussi Heikonen, Yrjö Leino, Jussi Rahola, Juha Ruokolainen, and Ville Savolainen. In
Numeeriset menetelmät käytännössä, chapter 10.11.2 Geneettiset algoritmit [Genetic algorithms], pages
334–335. CSC – Tieteellinen laskenta OY, Helsinki, 1999. ga99bHaataja.
[829] Jukka V. Lehtonen, Konstantin Denessiouk, and Mark S. Johnson. Speeding up comparison of threedimensional protein structures. CSC News, 11(4):16–18, November 1999. ga99bJVLehtonen.
[830] Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario, Toyoaki Takeshita, and I. Hatono. An emergent synthetic approach to supply
network. Annals of CIPR, 48(1):377–380, ? 1999. ga99bKanjiUeda.
[831] Jouni Lampinen. Differential evolution - new naturally parallel approach for engineering design optimization. In B. H. V. Topping, editor, Developments in Computational Mechanics with High Performance
Computing (Proceedings of the Third Euro-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Computational Mechanics), pages 217–228, Weimar (Germany), 20.-25. March 1999. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh.
[832] Ghodrat Moghadampour. Using genetic algorithms in testing a protection relay: a statistical analysis. In
Proceedings of the Third Metaheuristics International Conference, pages 337–342, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
19.-23. July 1999. Gatholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ga99bMoghadampour.
[833] Ralf Östermark. Solving a irregular econometric and mathematical optimization problems with a genetic
hybrid algorithm. Comput. Econ., 13(2):103–115, April 1999. * CCA 53927/99 ga99bOstermark.
[834] Ivan Zelinka and Jouni Lampinen. Inverse fractal problem by means of evolutionary algorithms. In
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, pages 430–435, Brno (Czech Republic),
9.-12. June 1999. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. ga99bZelinka.
[835] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers of 1996. Report 94-1-99, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1999. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/ga99bib.pdf ga99bib.
[836] Jarmo T. Alander and Timo Mantere. Automatic software testing by genetic algorithm optimization, a
case study. In Conor Ryan, editor, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Soft Computing
Applied to Software Engineering, pages 1–9, Limerick, Ireland, 12.-14. April 1999. Limerick University
Press. ga99cAlander.
[837] Olli Bräysy. Autojen reititysongelma ja sen ratkaisumenetelmät [Solving vehicle routing problem]. In Tuija
Mainela, editor, Yhteistyön yliopisto, volume 28 of Vaasan yliopistoseuran julkaisuja, pages 30–33. Vaasan
yliopistoseura RY, Vaasa, 1999. (in Finnish) ga99cBraysy.
[838] Juha Haataja. Using genetic algorithms for optimization: Technology transfer in action. In K. Miettinen,
M. M. Mäkelä, Pekka Neittaanmäki, and Jacques Périaux, editors, Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering
and Computer Science, pages 3–22. John Wiley & Sons, 1999. †[137] ga99cHaataja.
[839] Jarmo T. Alander. Protein folding problem, An algorithmic lattice model approach. Licentiate thesis,
University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, 1999. ga99dAlander.
[840] Ari S. Nissinen, Heikki Hyötyniemi, and Heikki N. Koivo. Classification of radiation spectra using map of
linear classifiers. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence
for Modelling Control and Automation, volume ?, pages 128–133, Vienna (Austria), 17.-19. February 1999.
IOS Press BV, Netherlands. ga99dAriNissinen.
[841] Jouni Lampinen and Ivan Zelinka. Mixed integer-discrete-continuous optimization by differential evolution.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, pages 71–76, Brno (Czech Republic),
9.-12. June 1999. Facalty of Mechanical Enginering, Brno University of Technology. ga99dLampinen.
[842] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Tero Pyylampi. Digital halftoning optimization via genetic algorithms for ink jet device. In B. H. V. Topping, editor, Developments in Computational Mechanics with High
Performance Computing (Proceedings of the Third Euro-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Computational Mechanics), pages 211–216, Weimar (Germany), 20.-25. March 1999. Civil-Comp
Press, Edinburgh. ga99eAlander.
[843] Ari S. Nissinen and Heikki Hyötyniemi. Analysis of evolutionary self-organizing map. Technical report
115, Helsinki University of Technology, Control Engineering Laboratory, 1999. ga99eAriNissinen.
[844] Jouni Lampinen and Ivan Zelinka. Mixed integer-discrete-continuous optimization by differential evolution.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, pages 77–81, Brno (Czech Republic),
9.-12. June 1999. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. ga99eLampinen.
[845] Jarmo T. Alander, Timo Mantere, and Tero Pyylampi. Digital halftoning optimization via genetic algorithms for ink jet device. In B. H. V. Topping, editor, Euroconference: Parallel and Distributed Computing
for Computational Mechanics 1999, EURO-CM-PAR, pages 83–84, Weimar (Germany), 20.-25. March
1999. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh. (abstract of [842]) ga99fAlander.
[846] Juha Haataja. Geneettisten algoritmien simulointi Matlab 4.0:lla [On simulation of genetic algorithms by
Matlab 4.0]. SuperMenu, ?(2):21–25, 1993. (in Finnish) ga:Haataja93a.
[847] Juha Haataja. Menetelmiä ja ohjelmistoja globaaliin optimointiin [Methods and programs for global
optimization]. SuperMenu, ?(4):9–12, 1993. (in Finnish) ga:Haataja93b.
[848] Juha Haataja. Optimointitehtävien ratkaiseminen [On solving optimization problems], chapter 9, Erikoismenetelmiä [Special methods]. CSC-Tieteellinen laskenta Oy, Espoo, 1993. (in Finnish) ga:Haataja93book.
[849] Juha Haataja and Matti Ryynänen. Synkrotronisäteilylähteen optimointi geneettisellä algoritmilla [Optimization of synchrotron radiation source by a genetic algorithm]. SuperMenu, ?(4):12–15, 1993. (in
Finnish) ga:Haataja93c.
[850] Franklin Allen and Risto Karjalainen. Using genetic algorithms to find technical trading rules. Technical
Report 20-93, University of Pensylvania, The Wharton School, Rodney L. White Center for Financial
Research, 1993. ga:Karjalainen93a.
[851] Brad Fullmer and Risto Miikkulainen. Using marker-based genetic encoding of neural networks to evolve
finite-state behaviour. In Varela and Bourgine [1141], pages 255–262. (
neural-nets/papers/ ga:Miikkulainen92a.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[852] David E. Moriarty and Risto Miikkulainen. Evolving complex Othello strategies using marker-based
genetic encoding of neural networks. Technical Report AI93-206, The University of Texas at Austin,
Department of Computer Science, September 1993. ( ga:Miikkulainen93a.
[853] Timo Paukku. Tekoelämä etenee... [Artificial life proceeds...]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D1, 27. March 1993.
(in Finnish) ga:Paukku93a.
[854] Timo Paukku. Tekohyönteinen vaistoaa vaaran [Artificial insect senses danger]. Helsingin Sanomat,
?(262):D1, 25. September 1993. (in Finnish) ga:Paukku93b.
[855] Liisa Saarenmaa. Induktiivinen oppiminen metsänviljelyn tietokannan tulkinnassa [Inductive learning in
interpretation of databases of forest cultivation]. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Forest
Ecology, 1992. ga:Saarenmaa92thesis.
[856] Timo Honkela and Tuomas Sandholm. In Eero Hyvönen, Ilkka Karanta, and Markku Syrjänen, editors,
Tekoälyn ensyklopedia [Ensyclopedy of artificial intelligence], chapter 5.3 Koneoppiminen [Machine learning], pages 244–255. Gaudeamus, Hämeenlinna, 1993. (in Finnish) ga:Sandholm93a.
[857] Tapio Takala, James Hahn, Larry Gritz, Joe Geigel, and Jong Won Lee. Using physically-based models
and genetic algorithms for functional composition of sound signals, synchronized to animated motion. In
Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC93), pages 180–183, Waseda
University (Japan), 10.-15. September 1993. International Computer Music Association and Waseda University. ga:Takala93a.
[858] Jari Vaario. Artificial life primer. Technical Report TR-H-033, Advanced Telecommunications Research
Institute International, ATR Human information Processing Research Laboratories, 1993. ga:Vaario93a.
[859] Jari Vaario. The role of environment in evolutionary computation. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 1993
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop: Evolutionary Computation and its Applications, page ?, ?, ? 1993. ? †Vaario ga:Vaario93b.
[860] Jukka Vanhala and Kimmo Kaski. Protein folding simulation by genetic algorithms. In Risto Nieminen
and Olle Teleman, editors, 7th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation, page 10, Espoo, Finland,
3.-5. September 1993. ga:Vanhala93b.
[861] Risto Varteva. Tekniset tuotteet taistelevat elintilasta niin kuin eläimet ja kasvit luonnossa [Technical
products struggle for space as do animals and plants in nature]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D2, 13. February
1993. (in Finnish; review of [?]) ga:Varteva93a.
[862] Risto Varteva. Sekasorrosta syntyy uutta [Chaos creates new]. Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D1, 28. August
1993. (in Finnish) ga:Varteva93b.
[863] Jarkko Vuori and Vesa Välimäki. A parameter estimation of non-linear physical models by simulated evolution — application to the flute model. In Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference
(ICMC93), page ?, Waseda University (Japan), 10.-15. September 1993. International Computer Music
Association and Waseda University. †Vuori ga:Vuori93a.
[864] Timo Mantere and Jarmo T. Alander. Evolutionary software engineering, a review. Applied Soft Computing, 5(?):315–331, ? 2005. gaA:ASC05.
[865] Jarmo T. Alander. Programmable self-assembly. In Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2005), page ?, Espoo (Finland), 27.-30.June
2005. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. gaA:CIRA05.
[866] Torbjörn E. M. Nordling, Janne Koljonen, Josefina Nyström, Ida Bodén, Britta Lindholm-Sethson, Paul
Geladi, and Jarmo T. Alander. Wavelength selection by genetic algorithms in near infrared spectra for
melanoma diagnosis. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering
Conference (EMBEC’05), volume 11, page ?, Prague (Czech Republic), 20.-25. November 2005. IFMBE. gaA:EMBEC05.
[867] Joni Vesterback, Vladimir Bochko, Mika Ruohonen, Jarmo T. Alander, Andreas Bäck, Martin Nylund,
Allan Dal, and Fredrik Östman. Engine parameter outlier detection: Verification by simulating PID controllers generated by genetic algorithm. In Jaakko Hollmén, Frank Klawonn, and Allan Tucker, editors,
Proceedings of the Intelligent Data Analysis Conference, IDA’2012, volume 7619 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 404–415, Helsinki (Finland), 18.-20. September 2012. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
gaA:IDA12 ⇒
[868] Jarmo T. Alander, Lyudmila A. Zinchenko, and Sergey N. Sorokin. Comparison of fitness landscapes for
evolutionary design of dipole antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 52(11):2932–
2940, November 2004. gaA:IEEEtrans04.
[869] Torbjörn E. M. Nordling, Janne Koljonen, Josefina Nyström, Ida Bodén, Britta Lindholm-Sethson,
Paul Geladi, and Jarmo T. Alander.
Melanooman diagnosointi spektriä optimoimalla.
Lääkäripäivien 2006 Luentotiivistelmät, page 224, Helsinki (Finland), 8.-12. January 2006. Suomen
Lääkäriliitto, Duodecim, Finska Läkaresällskapet.
pdf,FinMedAbs.pdf gaA:LP06.
[870] Jarmo T. Alander. Programmable self-assembly. In New Exploratory Technologies (NEXT), number 8
in National Publication, pages 119–127, Salo (Finland), 3.-4.October 2005. Turku Centre for Computer
Science (TUCS). gaA:NEXT05.
[871] Jarmo T. Alander. Development of NIR melanoma spectra processing methods. In Pekka Isto, editor, Tekniikan tutkimusinstituutti, Juhlaseminaari 2006, pages 25–26, Vaasa (Finland), 24. February 2006. Tekniikan tutkimusinstituutti. (ftp://
[872] Jarmo T. Alander. Evoluutiolaskennalla omatoimista kognitiivista kuntoutusta? [selfmade cognitive
rehabilitation with the help of evolutionary computing?]. In Markus Koskela and Kari Heikkinen,
editors, Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelypäivät 2014 Federated Computer Science Event 2014, pages 44–46,
Lappeenranta (Finland), 3.-4. June 2014. Lappeenranta University of Technology. (in Finnish, related
slides both in Finnish and English) gaA:YTP2014 ⇒
[873] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in acoustics. Report 94-1-ACOUSTICS,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaACOUSTICSbib.pdf gaACOUSTICSbib.
[874] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in geosciences, astronomy, aerospace engineering, and aerodynamics. Report 94-1-AERO, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Production Economics, 2003.
[875] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in agriculture. Report 94-1-AGRO, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2006.
~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaAGRObib.pdf gaAGRObib.
[876] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence. Report 94-1AI, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaAIbib.
[877] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and artificial life. Report 94-1-ALIFE,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaALIFEbib.
[878] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in art and music. Report 94-1-ART,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaARTbib.
[879] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in Australia and Oceania. Report 941-AUS, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaAUSbib.
[880] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms basics, reviews, and tutorials. Report 941-BASICS, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaBASICSbib.
[881] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in biosciences. Report 94-1-BIO, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaBIObib.pdf gaBIObib.
[882] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in computer aided design. Report 941-CAD, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaCADbib.
[883] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in chemistry and physics. Report 94-1CHEMPHYS, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
1995. gaCHEMPHYSbib.
[884] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in chemical sciences. Report 94-1-CHEM,
University of Vaasa, Department of Engineering Sciences, 2002.
report94-1/gaCHEMbib.pdf gaCHEMbib.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[885] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of civil, structural, and mechanical engineering. Report 94-1CIVIL, University of Vaasa, Department of Engineering Sciences, 2002.
reports/report94-1/gaCIVILbib.pdf gaCIVILbib.
[886] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and coding. Report 94-1-CODE, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaCODEbib.pdf gaCODEbib.
[887] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of co- and differential evolutionary genetic algorithms. Report
94-1-COEVO, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics, 2003. gaCOEVObib.
[888] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in control. Report 94-1-CONTROL,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaCONTROLbib.
[889] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in computer science. Report 94-1-CS,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaCSbib.
[890] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in early years. Report 94-1-EARLY,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics, 2003. http:// gaEARLYbib.
[891] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in the Eastern-Europe. Report 94-1EAST-EURO, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics,
2003. gaEAST-EURObib.
[892] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in ecology. Report 94-1-ECOL, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008.
reports/report94-1/gaECOLbib.pdf gaECOLbib.
[893] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in economics. Report 94-1-ECO, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaECObib.pdf gaECObib.
[894] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in electromagnetics. Report 94-1-ELMA,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics, 2005. http:// gaELMAbib.
[895] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in engineering. Report 94-1-ENG, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaENGbib.pdf gaENGbib.
[896] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of evolution strategies. Report 94-1-ES, University of Vaasa,
Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995.
reports/report94-1/gaESbib.pdf gaESbib.
[897] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms EvoNet members. Report 94-1-EVONET,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaEVONETbib.
[898] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in the Far-East. Report 94-1-FAR-EAST,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaFAR-EASTbib.
[899] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in FEM. Report 94-1-FEM, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008.
reports/report94-1/gaFEMbib.pdf gaFEMbib.
[900] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms & evolvable hardware and FPGAs. Report
94-1-FPGA, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008. http:
// gaFPGAbib.
[901] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in France. Report 94-1-FRA, University of
Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaFRAbib.pdf gaFRAbib.
[902] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms papers available via ftp and www. Report
94-1-FTP, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaFTPbib.
[903] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms with fuzzy systems. Report 94-1-FUZZY,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaFUZZYbib.
[904] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms & games. Report 94-1-GAME, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, 2014.
~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaGAMEbib.pdf gaGAMEbib.
[905] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in geosciences. Report 94-1-GEO, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2005. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaGEObib.pdf gaGEObib.
[906] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in Germany. Report 94-1-GER, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaGERbib.pdf gaGERbib.
[907] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic programming. Report 94-1-GP, University of Vaasa,
Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995.
reports/report94-1/gaGPbib.pdf gaGPbib.
[908] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithm implementations. Report 94-1-IMPLE,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaIMPLEbib.
[909] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithm in india. Report 94-1-INDIA, University of
Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaINDIAbib.pdf gaINDIAbib.
[910] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithm in inverse problems. Report 94-1-INVERSE,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2007. http:
// gaINVERSEbib.
[911] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in image registration. Report 94-1-IREG,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2009. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaIREGbib.pdf gaIREGbib.
[912] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of immune systems. Report 94-1-IS, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995.
reports/report94-1/gaISbib.pdf gaISbib.
[913] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in Italy. Report 94-1-ITA, University of
Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaITAbib.pdf gaITAbib.
[914] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in Japan. Report 94-1-JAPAN, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2000. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaJAPANbib.pdf gaJAPANbib.
[915] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithm journal articles. Report 94-1-JOURNAL,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaJOURNALbib.
[916] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms with lasers. Report 94-1-LASER, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008.
reports/report94-1/gaLASERbib.pdf gaLASERbib.
[917] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in the Latin Amaerica, Portugal and
Spain. Report 94-1-LATIN, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production
Economics, 1999. gaLATINbib.
[918] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of learning classifier systems. Report 94-1-LCS, University of
Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaLCSbib.pdf gaLCSbib.
[919] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in logistics. Report 94-1-LOGISTICS,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaLOGISTICSbib.
[920] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in manufacturing. Report 94-1-MANU,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaMANUbib.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[921] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in mathematics and statistics. Report 941-MATH, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaMATHbib.
[922] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in medicine. Report 94-1-MEDICINE,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2007. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaMEDICINEbib.pdf gaMEDICINEbib.
[923] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in the Mediterranean. Report 94-1MEDITER, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaMEDITERbib.
[924] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in microscopy and microsystems. Report
94-1-MICRO, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
2008. gaMICRObib.
[925] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in military applications. Report 94-1-MIL,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaMILbib.
[926] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in machine learning. Report 94-1-ML,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2007. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaMLbib.pdf gaMLbib.
[927] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in materials science and engineering. Report
94-1-MSE, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2007. http:// gaMSEbib.
[928] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in nanotechnology. Report 94-1-NANO,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaNANObib.pdf gaNANObib.
[929] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in near-infrared spectroscopy. Report 941-NIR, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2007. http://lipas. gaNIRbib.
[930] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and neural networks. Report 94-1-NN,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaNNbib.
[931] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Report
94-1-NORDIC, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
1995. gaNORDICbib.
[932] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in optics and image processing. Report
94-1-OPTICS, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
1995. gaOPTICSbib.
[933] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and optimization. Report 94-1-OPTIMI,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaOPTIMIbib.
[934] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in operations research. Report 94-1-OR,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaORbib.
[935] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of distributed genetic algorithms. Report 94-1-PARA, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaPARAbib.pdf gaPARAbib.
[936] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in Pareto and constrained optimisation.
Report 94-1-PARETO, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2005. gaPARETObib.
[937] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithm patents. Report 94-1-PATENT, University of
Vaasa, Department of Engineering Sciences, 2002.
gaPATENTbib.pdf gaPATENTbib.
[938] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in pattern recognition. Report 94-1PATTERN, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2001. gaPATTERNbib.
[939] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in physical sciences. Report 94-1-PHYS,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaPHYSbib.
[940] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms & piezo. Report 94-1-PIEZO, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008.
reports/report94-1/gaPIEZObib.pdf gaPIEZObib.
[941] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in power engineering. Report 94-1-POWER,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaPOWERbib.
[942] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and proteins. Report 94-1-PROTEIN,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaPROTEINbib.
[943] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of particle swarm optimisation. Report 94-1-PSO, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, 2013.
~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaPSObib.pdf gaPSObib.
[944] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of quantum computing. Report 94-1-QC, University of Vaasa,
Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2001.
reports/report94-1/gaQCbib.pdf gaQCbib.
[945] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in remote sensing. Report 94-1-REMOTE,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2008. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaREMOTEbib.pdf gaREMOTEbib.
[946] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in robotics. Report 94-1-ROBOT, University
of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaROBOTbib.pdf gaROBOTbib.
[947] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms and simulated annealing: Hybrids and
comparisons. Report 94-1-SA, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production
Economics, 1995. gaSAbib.
[948] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in scheduling. Report 94-1-SCHEDULING,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 2001. http:
[949] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of selection in genetic algorithms. Report 94-1-SELECTION,
University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2007. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaSELECTIONbib.pdf gaSELECTIONbib.
[950] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in signal and image processing. Report
94-1-SIGNAL, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
1995. gaSIGNALbib.
[951] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in simulation. Report 94-1-SIMULA,
University of Vaasa, Department of Engineering Sciences, 2002.
report94-1/gaSIMULAbib.pdf gaSIMULAbib.
[952] Janne Koljonen, Olli Kanniainen, and Jarmo T. Alander. Dynamic template size control in digital image
correlation based strain measurements. In David P. Casasent, Ernest L. Hall, and Juha Röning, editors,
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXV: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume SPIE6764, pages 67640L–1–12, Boston, MA, 9. -11. September 2007. The International Society for Optical
Engineering, Bellingham, WA. gaSPIE6764a.
[953] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in telecommunications. Report 94-1TELE, University of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics, 2003. http:
// gaTELEbib.
[954] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in testing. Report 94-1-TEST, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Production Economics, 2005. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaTESTbib.pdf gaTESTbib.
[955] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms theory and comparisons. Report 94-1THEORY, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaTHEORYbib.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[956] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of most active researchers of genetic algorithms. Report 94-1TOP10, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. gaTOP10bib.
[957] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in tsp. Report 94-1-TSP, University of
Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http://lipas.uwasa.
fi/~TAU/reports/report94-1/gaTSPbib.pdf gaTSPbib.
[958] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in United Kingdom. Report 94-1-UK,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaUKbib.
[959] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in United States. Report 94-1-USA,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
// gaUSAbib.
[960] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in vaasa. Report 94-1-VAASA, University of
Vaasa, Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering, 2010.
report94-1/gaVAASAbib.pdf gaVAASAbib.
[961] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in electronics and VLSI design and testing.
Report 94-1-VLSI, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics,
1995. gaVLSIbib.
[962] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms & x-rays. Report 94-1-X, University
of Vaasa, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 2010.
reports/report94-1/gaXbib.pdf gaXbib.
[963] J. Senthilnath, Naveen P. Kalro, and J. A. Benediktsson. Accurate point matching based on multiobjective genetic algorithm for multi-sensor satellite imagery. Applied Mathematics and Computation,
236:546–564, June 2014. ga14aJSenthilnath ⇒
[964] Markús Gu∂mundsson. Edge etection using genetic algorithms. Master’s thesis, University of Miami, 1994.
†[967] ga94aGudmundsson.
[965] Jon A. Benediktsson, J. R. Sveinsson, J. I. Ingimundarson, H. S. Sigurdsson, and O. K. Ersoy. Multistage
classifiers optimized by neural networks and genetic algorithms. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods &
Applications, 30(3):1323–1334, 1996. †P79154 ga96aBenediktsson.
[966] Jon A. Benediktsson, J. R. Sveinsson, J. I. Ingimundarson, H. S. Sigurdsson, and O. K. Ersoy. Multistage
classifiers optimized by neural networks and genetic algorithms. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods &
Applications, 30(3):1323–1334, December 1997. (Proceedings of Second World Congress on Nonlinear
Analysis, Athens (Greece), 10.-17. July 1996) * CCA 13302/98 ga97aBenediktsson.
[967] Markús Gu∂mundsson, Essam A. El-Kwae, and Mansur R. Kabuka. Edge detection in medical images using
a genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 17(3):469–474, June 1998. ga98aGudmundsson.
[968] Jon A. Benediktsson and Helgi Benediktsson. Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing in classification of remote
sensing data. In Sebastiano B. Serpico, editor, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing V, volume
SPIE-3871, pages 176–187, ?, December 1999. The International Society for Optical Engineering. *
www/SPIE Web ga99aJABenediktsson.
[969] A. Sukov and A. Borisov. A study of search technique in differential evolution. In Matoušek Radek and
Ošmera Pavel, editors, 7th International Conference on Soft Computing, Mendel 2001, pages 144–148,
Brno, Czech Republic, 6.- 8.June 2001. Brno University of Technology. ga01aASukov.
[970] Arita Takahashi and Arkady Borisov. Decision strategies in evolutionary optimization. In B. Reusch,
editor, Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications, International Conference, 7th Fuzzy Days,
volume LNCS of 2206, pages 345–356, Dortmund (Germany), 1.-3. October 2001. Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg. * www /Springer ga01aATakahashi.
[971] Arkady Borisov and Inta Caunite. Game playing modelling based on the machine learning paradigm. In
Ošmera [1150], pages 155–158. ga98aBorisov.
[972] Yury Kornienko and Arkady Borisov. Genetics-based decision trees. In Ošmera [1150], pages 42–44.
[973] L. Juodis, A. Plukis, V. Remeikis, and K. Makariunas. Genetic algorithm in radioactive decay rate
variations analysis. Europhysics Letters, 53(3):283–289, 1. February 2001. ga01aLJuodis.
[974] A. Dargys. Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian and coherent excitation of the valence-band holes. Physical
Review B, 66(16):165216–165223, October 2002. †NASA ADS ga02aADargys.
[975] A. Dargys. Optimized intervalence band transitions and population inversion patterns in k-space induced
by femtosecond infrared pulses. Optics Communications, 206(1-3):123–134, May 2002. †NASA ADS
[976] Mantas Paulinas and Andrius Usinskas. A survey of genetic algorithms applications for image enchancement
and segmentation. Information Technology and Control, 36(3):278–284, ? 2007. * ga07aMPaulinas.
[977] Øivind Braaten, Olaug K. Rødningen, Inger Nordal, and Troud P. Leren. The genetic algorithm applied
to haplotype data at the LDL receptor locus. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 61(1):1–9,
January 2000. ga00aBraaten.
[978] G. Tufte and P. C. Haddow. Evolving an adaptive digital filter. In J. Lohn, A. Stoica, D. Keymeulen, and
S. Colombano, editors, The second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware. Proceedings, volume ?,
pages 143–150, Palo Alto, CA, USA, 13.-15.July 2000. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. * www/IEEE ga00aGTufte.
[979] Gunnar Tufte and Pauline C. Haddow. Evolving an adaptive digital filter. In Jason Lohn, Adrian Stoica, Didier Keymeulen, and Silvano Colombano, editors, Proceedings of the Second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvanle Hardware, pages 143–150, Palo Alto, CA, 13.-15. July 2000. IEEE Computer Society.
[980] Jim Torresen. Scalable evolvable hardware applied to road image recognition. In Jason Lohn, Adrian
Stoica, Didier Keymeulen, and Silvano Colombano, editors, Proceedings of the Second NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvanle Hardware, pages 245–252, Palo Alto, CA, 13.-15. July 2000. IEEE Computer Society.
[981] O. Braaten, O. K. Rodningen, I. Nordal, and T. P. Leren. The genetic algorithm applied to haplotype data
at the LDL receptor locus. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 61(1):1–9, ? 2000. * PubMed10660265
[982] Jim Torresen. Possibilities and limitations of applying evolvable hardware to real-world applications. In
R. W. Hartenstein et al, editor, Field-Programmable Logic and Applications: 10th International Conference
on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL-2000), volume 1896 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 230–239, ?, ? 2000. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ga00bJimTorresen.
[983] Enrico Piazza. Surface movement radar image correlation using genetic algorithm. In Egbert J. W. Boers,
Jens Gottlieb, Pier Luca Lanzi, Robert E. Smith, Stefano Cagnoni, Emma Hart, Günther R. Raidl, and
Harald Tijink, editors, Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops 2001: EvoCOP, EvoFlight,
EvoIASP, EvoLearn, and EvoSTIM, volume LNCS of 2037, pages 248–256, Como (Italy), 18.-20. April
2001. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. * www /Springer ga01aEPiazza.
[984] Jim Torresen. Two-step incremental evolution of a digital logic gate based prosthetic hand controller. In ?,
editor, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
(ICES’01), volume ? of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page ? Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ? 2001.
†Torresen ga01aJimTorresen.
[985] Guillaume Dutilleux, Franck C. Sgard, and Ulf R. Kristiansen. Low-frequency assessment of the in situ
acoustic absorption of materials in rooms: an inverse problem approach using evolutionary optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53(9):2143–2161, 30. March 2002.
[986] Julian F. Miller and Keith Downing. Evolution in matero: Looking beyond the silicon box. In Proceedings
of the 2002 NASA/DOD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH’02), page ?, ?, ? 2002. IEEE, Piscataway,
NJ. ga02aJFMiller.
[987] Bamshad Nazarian. Integrated field modeling. PhD thesis, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet,
2003. * www /UMI ga03aBNazarian.
[988] Kjell Petersen and William R. Taylor. Modeling zinc-binding proteins with GADGET: genetic algorithm
and distance geometry for exploring topology. Journal of Molecular Biology, 325(?):1039–1059, ? 2003.
[989] Jim Torresen. An evolvable hardware tutorial. In ?, editor, Field Programmable Logic and Application,
volume 3203 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 821–830, ?, ? 2004. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
ga04aJimTorresen ⇒
[990] Kyrre Glette and Jim Torresen. A flexible on-chip evolution system implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-II
Pro device. In ?, editor, Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, volume 3637 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 66–75, ?, ? 2005. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. ga05aKyrreGlette ⇒ http:
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[991] Ståle Andreas Skogstad. [optimising delta-signa analog-to-digital converter filtering parameters]. Master’s
thesis, University of Oslo, 2006. ga06aSASkogstad.
[992] Kyrre Glette, Jim Torresen, and Moritoshi Yasunaga. online evolution for a high-speed image recognition
system implemented on a Virtex-II Pro FPGA. In Proceedings of the Second NASA/ESA Conference on
Adaptive Hardware and Systems AHS 2007, pages 463–470, ?, 5.-8. August 2007. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.
[993] S. Ali, L. C. Briand, H. Hemmati, and R. K. Panere-Walawege. A systematic review of the application
and empirical investigation of search-based test-case generation. Technical Report Simula.SE.293, Simula
Research Laboratory, 2008. ga08aSAli ⇒
[994] Henrik Berg. Viewing the problem fromdifferent angles: A new diversitymeasure based on angular distances. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, 2009(ID 896595):11, ? 2009. ga09aHenrikBerg
[995] Manish Kakar and Dag Rune Olsen. Automatic segmentation and recognition of lungs and lesion from CT
scans of thorax. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 33(?):72–82, ? 2009. ga09aManishKakar.
[996] Marc Valente, Riccardo Leardi, Guy Self, Giorgio Luciano, and Jean Pierre Pain. Multivariate calibration
of mango firmness using vis/NIR spectroscopy and acoustic impulse method. Journal of Food Engineering,
94(?):7–13, ? 2009. ga09aMarcValente.
[997] Shaukat Ali, Lionel C. Briand, Hadi Hemmati, and Rajwinder K. Panesar-Walawege. A systematic review of the application and empirical investigation of search-based test case generation. IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, 36(6):742–762, November/December 2010. ga10aShaukatAli ⇒
[998] Maria D. Cao, Beathe Sitter, Tone F. Bathen, Anna Bofin, Per E. Lonning, Steinar Lundgren, and Ingrid S.
Gribbestad. Predicting long-term survival and treatment response in breast cancer patients receiving
neoadjuvant chemotherapy by MR metabolic profiling. NMR in Biomedicine, 25(2):369–378, February
2012. †PubMed ga12aMariaDCao ⇒
[999] Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal, Andrea Arcuri, and Lionel C. Briand. Generating test data from
OCL constraints with search techniques. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 39(10):1376–1402,
October 2013. ga13aShaukatAli ⇒
[1000] J. N. Didriksen. Genetic algorithms and production scheduling. In A. Åmodt and J. Komorowski, editors,
SCAI’95 Proceedings of the Fifth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 28 of Frontiers
in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 386–390, Trondheim (Norway), 29.-31. May 1995. IOS
Press, Amsterdam. †P66993/95 ga95aDidriksen.
[1001] G. Oyro and L. K. Hansen. Fitness-functions of genetic algorithms for optimizing neural network topologies. In Proceedings of the Norwegian Signal Processing Symposium, pages 32–37, Stavanger, Norway,
1.-2. September 1995. Hogskolen i Stavanger, Stavanger (Norway). †CCA8064/95 ga95bOyro.
[1002] Keith Downing. The emergence of emergence distributions: Using genetic algorithms to test biological
theories. In Bäck [1148], pages 751–758. ga97aDowning.
[1003] Jim Torresen. Evolvable hardware - a short introduction. In Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Neural Information Processing and Intelligent Information Systems, volume 1, pages 674–
677, Dunedin (New Zealand), 24.-28. November 1997. Springer-Verlag, Singapore.
[1004] Keith Downing. The emergence of insect protandry: a “natural” evolutionary computation application.
In Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 325–330, Indianapolis, IN, 13.-16. April 1997. IEEE, New York, NY. †CCA 44462/97 ga97bDowning.
[1005] B. Tessem. Genetic algorithms for analogical mapping. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International
Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 672–677, Anchorage, AK (USA), 4.-9. May 1998. IEEE,
New York, NY. †CCA74859/98 ga98aBTessem.
[1006] J. Skaar and K. M. Risvik. A genetic algorithm for the inverse problem in synthesis of fiber gratings.
In ?, editor, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, volume SPIE-3483, pages
273–277, Peebles, Scotland, 8.-10. July 1998. SPIE - Int. Soc. Optical Engineering, Bellingham. †P81433
[1007] R. Olsson. Population management for automatic design of algorithm through evolution. In Proceedings
of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pages 592–597, Anchorage, AK
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[1118] Björn Olsson. Evaluation of a simple host-parasite genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the Evolutionary Programming VII EP98 International Conference, volume 1447 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 53–62, San Diego, CA, 25.-27. March 1998. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. †www /Springer
[1119] Björn Lindmark, Peter Slättman, and Andres Åhlfledt. Genetic algorithm optimization of cylindrical
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[1120] Björn Olsson. Using evolutionary algorithms in the design of protein fingerprints. In Wolfgang Banzhaf et
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[1122] E. Lukschandl, H. Borgvall, L. Nohle, M. Nordahl, and P. Nordin. Evolving routing algorithms with
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[1123] Peter Nordin, Frank Hoffmann, F. D. Francone, M. Brameier, and Wolfgang Banzhaf. AIM-GP and
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[1125] Robert Feldt. Genetic programming as an explorative tool in -early software development phases. In Conor
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[1128] Björn Olsson. Algorithms for Coevolution of Solutions and Fitness Cases in Asymmetric Problem Domains.
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[1129] Jakob Axelsson, Stefan Menth, and Klaus Semmler. Genetic algorithms in industrial design. In Proceedings,
Fifth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence TAI’93, pages 64–67, Boston, MA, 8.11. November 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA. ga:Axelsson93a.
[1130] Jakob Axelsson. Turbine preliminary design using genetic algorithms. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-Ex9302, Linköping University, Sweden, 1993. ga:Axelsson93b.
[1131] Anon. C Darwin II – Genvägen till Kunskap, 1991. †Novacast ga:CDarwinII91.
[1132] Christer Ericson. An introduction to genetic algorithms. Master’s thesis, University of Umeå, Institute of
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[1133] Gregor Kjellström and L. Taxén. Gaussian adaptation, an evolution-based global optimizer. In I. C. Brezinski and U. Kulish, editors, Computational and Applied Mathematics, pages 267–276. Elsevier, Amsterdam
(The Netherlands), 1991. †[1121] ga:Kjellstrom91a.
[1134] Kristian Lindgren. Evolutionary phenomena in simple dynamics. In Christopher G. Langton, Charles
Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer, and Steen Rasmussen, editors, Artificial Life II, Proceedings of the Workshop on
Artificial Life Held February, 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Proceedings Volume X, Santa Fe Institute
Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, pages 295–312. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1992. †MMitchell93
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
[1135] Kristian Lindgren and Mats G. Nordahl. Evolutionary dynamics of spatial games. In ?, editor, Selforganization and life, from simple rules to global complexity, Proceedings of the Second European Conference
on Artificial Life, pages 604–616, Brussels (Belgium), 24.-26. May 1993. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
[1136] Tony Nordström. Using genetic optimization for mapping data flow graphs onto a regular processor
array. Technical Report L. 152, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sekt. för elektro- och datorteknik, 1993.
†Gopher/Chalmers ga:Nordstrom93a.
[1137] Johanna Persson. Genetic algorithms and neural networks for optimization of hydro power production.
Master’s thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, 1993. †Lund /report on activities ga:Persson93a.
[1138] Staffan Truve. Using a genetic algorithm to solve constraint satisfaction problems generated by an image
interpreter. In P. Johansen and S. Olsen, editors, Theory and Application of Image Analysis. Selected
Papers from the 7th Scandinavian Conference, pages 133–147, Aalborg (Denmark), 13.-16. August 1991.
World Scientific, Singapore. * EEA 80040/92 ga:Truve91a.
[1139] Staffan Truve. Symbolic image interpretation by parsing, interpreting and pruning. Technical Report ?,
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, 1992. †Nordin ga:Truve92a.
[1140] Rolf Drechsler, Bernd Becker, and Nicole Göckel. A genetic algorithm for minimization of fixed polarity
Reed-Muller expressions. In Pearson et al. [1146], pages 392–395. ga95aDrechsler.
[1141] Larry J. Eshelman, editor. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms,
Pittsburgh, PA, 15.-19. July 1995. ? †prog ga95ICGA.
[1142] Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine, editors. Toward a Practice of Autonomous System: Proceedings
of the First European Conference on Artificial Life, Paris, 11.-13. December 1991. MIT Press, Cambridge,
MA. ga:ECAL91.
[1143] R. F. Albrecht, C. R. Reeves, and N. C. Steele, editors. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms,
Innsbruck, Austria, 13. -16. April 1993. Springer-Verlag, Wien. ga:ANNGA93.
[1144] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the Second Finnish Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications, volume Report Series 94-2, Vaasa (Finland), 16.-18. March 1994. University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Industrial Economics. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/report94-1/*.ps.Z)
[1145] Vincent Kiernan. Growing money from algorithms. New Scientist, 144(1954):25–27, 3. December 1994.
[1146] Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Orlando, FL, 27.-29. June 1994.
IEEE, New York, NY. ga94ICCIEC.
[1147] D. W. Pearson, N. C. Steele, and R. F. Albrecht, editors. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms,
Alès (France), 19.-21. April 1995. Springer-Verlag, Wien New York. ga95ICANNGA.
[1148] A. Heredia-Langner, D. C. Montgomery, and W. M. Carlyle. Solving a multistage partial inspection
problem using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Production Research, 40(8):1923–1940, May
2002. ga02aAHeredia-Langner.
[1149] Pavel Ošmera, editor. Proceedings of the MENDEL’95, Brno (Czech Republic), 26.-28. September 1995.
Technical University of Brno. ga95Brno.
[1150] Amir Fijany and Colin P. Williams. Quantum wavelet transforms: Fast algorithms and complete circuits.
In Colin P. Williams, editor, Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications, QCQC’98, First NASA
International Conference, volume 1509 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 10–33, Palm Springs,
CA, February 1998 1999. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ga99aAmirFijany.
[1151] Terence C. Fogarty?, editor. Evolutionary Computing, Proceedings of the AISB96 Workshop, Brighton,
UK, 1.-2. April 1996. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (Germany). †ssq ga96AISB.
[1152] John R. Koza, Kalyanmoy Deb, Marco Dorico, David B. Fogel, Max Garson, Hitoshi Iba, and Rick L.
Riolo, editors. Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, Stanford, CA,
13.-16. July 1997. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA. †prog ga97GP.
[1153] Thomas Bäck, editor. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, East
Lansing, MI, 19.-23. July 1997. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA. †HYLK ga97ICGA.
[1154] Pavel Ošmera, editor. Proceedings of the 4th International Mendel Conference on Genetic Algorithms,
Optimization problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural networks, Rough Sets (MENDEL’98), Brno (Czech Republic),
24.-26. June 1998. Technical University of Brno. ga98Brno.
University of Vaasa, Finland
[1155] Lance D. Chambers, editor. Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, volume 3, Complex Coding Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1999. ga99CRC.
[1156] Shu-Heng Chen and Tzu-Wen Kuo. Overfitting or poor learning: A critique of current financial applications
of GP. In Conor Ryan, Terence Soule, Maarten Keijzer, Edward Tsang, Riccardo Poli, and Ernesto
Costa, editors, Genetic programming, 6th European Conference, EuroGP 2003 Proceedings, volume 2610
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 34–46, Essex (UK), 14.-16. April 2003. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin. ga03aShu-HengChen.
[1157] Chris Farrell. Survival of the fittest technologies. New Scientist, 137(1859):35–39, 1993. ga:Farrell93.
[1158] Hans-Michael Voigt, Werner Ebeling, Ingo Rechenberg, and Hans-Paul Schwefel, editors. Parallel Problem
Solving from Nature – PPSN IV, volume 1141 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin (Germany),
22.-26. September 1996. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ga96PPSN4.
= the bibliography item does not belong to my collection of genetic papers.
(ref) = citation source code. ACM = ACM Guide to Computing Literature, EEA = Electrical & Electronics Abstracts, BA = Biological Abstracts, CCA = Computers & Control Abstracts, CTI = Current
Technology Index, EI = The Engineering Index (A = Annual, M = Monthly), DAI = Dissertation Abstracts International, P = Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, PA = Physics Abstracts, PubMed
= National Library of Medicine, BackBib = Thomas Bäck’s unpublished bibliography, Fogel/Bib = David
Fogel’s EA bibliography, etc
* = only abstract seen.
? = data of this field is missing (BiBTeX-format).
The last field in each reference item in Teletype font is the BiBTEXkey of the corresponding reference.
Genetic algorithms in the Nordic and Baltic countries
Appendix A
Bibliography entry formats
This documentation was prepared with LATEX and reproduced from camera-ready copy supplied by the editor. The ones
who are familiar with BibTeX may have noticed that the references are printed using abbrv bibliography style and have
no difficulties in interpreting the entries. For those not so familiar with BibTeX are given the following formats of the
most common entry types. The optional fields are enclosed by ”[ ]” in the format description. Unknown fields are shown
by ”?”. † after the entry means that neither the article nor the abstract of the article was available for reviewing and so
the reference entry and/or its indexing may be more or less incomplete.
Book: Author(s), Title, Publisher, Publisher’s address, year.
John H. Holland. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. The University of Michigan Press,
Ann Arbor, 1975.
Journal article: Author(s), Title, Journal, volume(number): first page – last page, [month,] year.
David E. Goldberg. Computer-aided gas pipeline operation using genetic algorithms and rule learning.
Part I: Genetic algorithms in pipeline optimization. Engineering with Computers, 3(?):35–45, 1987.
Note: the number of the journal unknown, the article has not been seen.
Proceedings article: Author(s), Title, editor(s) of the proceedings, Title of Proceedings, [volume,] pages, location of the
conference, date of the conference, publisher of the proceedings, publisher’s address.
John R. Koza. Hierarchical genetic algorithms operating on populations of computer programs. In
N. S. Sridharan, editor, Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-89),
pages 768–774, Detroit, MI, 20.-25. August 1989. Morgan Kaufmann, Palo Alto, CA. † .
Technical report: Author(s), Title, type and number, institute, year.
Thomas Bäck, Frank Hoffmeister, and Hans-Paul Schwefel. Applications of evolutionary algorithms.
Technical Report SYS-2/92, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Vaasa GA Bibliography
Vaasa GA Bibliography
Vaasa Genetic Algorithm Bibliography
Search & Optimise
Main features:
• Over 20,000 references to published papers
• by over 20,000 researchers.
• Available as over 70 special bibliographies online:*bib.pdf files.
• Covers all sciences and engineering fields, from basic theory to applications.
• Several indexes and statistical summaries.
• See what problems evolution can solve for you!
Global optimisation and search heuristics called genetic algorithm mimics evolution in nature using
recombination and selection from a set of solution trials called population. One of the most prominent
attractive features of genetic algorithms from the practical point of view of software techniques is their
simplicity, which makes them easy to implement and tailor to solve practical search and optimisation
In spite of the seemingly simple processing, the genetic algorithms are good at solving some problems
that are known to be hard. The simplicity, generality, flexibility, parallelism, and the good problem solving
capability have made genetic algorithm very popular among various disciplines desperately searching
methods to solve difficult optimisation problems.
Observe that our server has also a selection of our papers on genetic algorithms and other compuational
topics. See our bibliographies or file for further details.
Vaasa GA Bibliography
# refs
...table continues on the next page...
GA in 1990
GA in 2002
GA in acoustics
GA in artificial intelligence
GA in aerospace
GA in agriculture
GA in artificial life
GA in art and music
GA in Australia and New Zealand
Basics of GA
GA in biosciences including medicine
GA in Computer Aided Design
GA in chemical sciences ; previously in
GA in chemistry and physics; divided into and 2002
GA in civil, structural, and mechanical engineering
GA coding
co- and differential evolution GA
GA in control and process engineering
GA in comp. sci. (incl. databases, /mining, software testing and GP)
GA in early years (upto 1989)
GA in the Eastern Europe
GA in economics and finance
GA in ecology and biodiversity
GA in electromagnetics
Evolution strategies
GA in the Far East (excl. Japan)
GA in Finland
GA in France
GA papers available via web (ftp and www)
GA and fuzzy logic
GA and games
GA in geosciences
GA in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
genetic programming
implementations of GA
GA in India
GA in inverse problems
image registration
immune systems
GA in Japan
Learning Classifier Systems
GA and lasers
GA in Latin America, Portugal & Spain
GA in logistics (incl. TSP)
GA in manufacturing
GA in mathematics
GA in medicine
GA in the Mediterranean
GA in microscopy & microsystems
GA in military applications
GA in machine learning
GA in materials
GA in nanotechnology
GA in NIRS (spectroscopy)
GA in neural networks
GA in Nordic countries
GA in optics and image processing
GA and optimization (only a few refs)
GA in operations research
Vaasa GA Bibliography
# refs
Parallel and distributed GA
Pareto optimization
GA patents
GA in pattern recognition incl. LCS
GA in physical sciences ; previously in
GA & piezo
GA in power engineering
GA in protein research
Particle Swarm Optimisation
quantum computing
GA in remote sensing
GA in robotics
GA and simulated annealing
GA in scheduling
Selection in GAs
GA in signal and image processing
GA in simulation
GA in telecom
Theory and analysis of GA
PhD etc theses
GA in Vaasa
GA in electronics, VLSI design and testing
GA in United Kingdom
GA & X-rays
Table A.1:
Indexed genetic algorithm special bibliographies available online in directory New updates only as .pdf files.