May 28, 1929. O. BUSE 1,714,657 SULPHUR BURNING APPARATUS Filed Nov. 2, 1925 . SK/S/R/KL #14, (like: ‘wag, Patented May 28, 1929. . 1,714,657 ' UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. OTTO BUSE, OF CLEVELAND, ‘OHIO’, ASSIGNOR, BY MESNE ASSIGNMENTS; TO’, THE GRASSELLI CHEMICAL COMPANY, 0]‘ CL EVELAND, OHIO, A CORPORATION OE DELA wAnE. SULPHUR-BURNIN G APPARATUS. Application ?led November 2, 1925. [Serial No. 66,384. 5 The present invention relates to a process drop in the sulphur dioxid until just _ and apparatus for the production of gas of before the time for the next present raking operation a- high and uniform sulphur dioxid content it reaches its lowest value. as from the sulphurous gases of low or variable when In the following detailed description of or both low and variable sulphur dioxid con the invention reference will be made to the tent obtained in commercial operations such accompanying drawings in which, a as the roasting of sulphid ores. 10 15 I Fig. 1 is ‘a longitudinal section of a sul In various manufacturing operations uti _ phurous gas ?ue with the sulphur feeding lizing sulphur dioxid, for instance, in the pro and distributing devices of my invention duction of sulphuric acid, sulphite pulp, and shown in side elevation the like, it is important to use a gas having’ Fig. 2 is a transverse‘;~and of the sul a uniform and high sulphur dioxid content. phurous gas ?ue with thesection sulphur feeding The use of a gas having these characteristics and distributing devices in front elevation. is of great advantage, since the use of a dilute Referring to the drawings, pH is a. ?ue gas makes the handling of a large amount of - unproductive material and a corresponding 30 35 40 4 65 adapted to carry sulphurous gases from a Mathiesen-Hegeler kiln or similar sulphurous increase in capacity of apparatus necessary, gas-producing (not illustrated), A is while ?uctuations in the sulphur dioxid ,‘a hopper whichdevice may be or of other strength of the gas result in irregular operat suitable shape adapted toconical contain elemental '20 ing conditions and make it di?icult to utilize sulphur, B is a pipe extending from the lower the gas to the best advantaoe. ' The invention provides for the production end of the hopper A through the upper wall 25 so‘ 7o ' of the ?ue H, E is a cone valve carried by the of a gas of a uniform and high sulphur shaft G and controlled-by the hand wheel F, 75 dioxid content in ‘a simple and e?icient man adapted to close the lower end of the feed ner by introducing melted elemental sulphur pipe B, and C is an inclined'plate having into the gases of low or variable or both low transverse corrugations adapted to receive the and variable sulphur dioxid content where it melted sulphur delivered by the pipe B and burns, forming sulphur dioxid "which supplie to spread it over a relatively large surface in 80 ments the sulphur dioxid content of the gases, the path of the sulphurous gases. ‘ the quantity of melted elemental sulphur so operation elemental sulphur is supplied introduced being controlled with reference‘to to In the hopper A from which it falls down the sulphur dioxid content of the gases under into the pipe B and is melted by the heat of treatment and the sulphur dioxid content de the sulphurous gases passing through the ?ue 85 shed in the product. ' -H and ?ows through the cone valve E onto A feature of my invention resides in means the corrugated plate‘ C. The action of the whereby sulphur is ?rst melted by the heat sloping corrugated plate ‘is to spread the from the treated gas and is then brought into melted ‘sulphur so that it presents a relatively intimate contact therewith. ' large surface to the sulphurous gases. The It will be evident that my invention may be applied with advantage to sulphur dioxid sulphur on the plate 0 burns in the sulphurous gases, forming S02 which is added to' the containing gases derived from various sulphur dioxid content thereof. If it is sources, but for'the purpose of illustration merely desired to enrich the sulphurous it will be described as applied to gases pro~ gases the supply of sulphur to the plate C ducedvby ore burners of the Mathiesen-Hegc be constant, but for producing a gas of ler kiln type operating on a pyritic ore. In 'may uniform sulphur dioxid content the supply the operation of the Mathiesen-Hegeler kiln of sulphur is varied with variations in the the ore, carried on a series of shelves, is sulphur dioxid content of the gases. For rabbled or raked periodically at intervals of instance, just after the ore in a Mathiesen about one hour. At the time of raking, fresh 'Hegeler kiln has been stirred the supply of surfaces of ore are presented which results in sulphur may be stopped or cut to the mini; a sharp rise in the sulphur dioxid content of mum, and then as the sul hur dioxid content the gases, following which there is a gradual of the gases gradually alls the supply of 95 100 2 7 1,714,007 sulphur-is correspondingly increased so that " I claim :-- ' the sulphur dioxid content of the resultant Sulphur burning apparatus comprising a gas is maintained fairly constant. gas conduit, an inclined corrugated plate in 10 ' As is apparent, the movement of the valve said conduit, and means for delivering melted 5 E may be controlled by automatic apparatus sulphur onto said plate. sensiive to changes in the sulphur dioxid Intestimony whereof,I a?ix my signature. content of the sulphurous gases. , OTTO BUSE.
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