St. Joseph Box 9 Balgonie, SK S0G 0E0 Ph: (306) 771-2387 Fax: (306) 771-4260 Hall: (306) 771-4202 [email protected] stjosephbalgonie Pastoral Council: Chairman Vice-Chair Liturgy Catechesis Pastoral Care Deanery Rep Joe Maierhoffer Ron Dielschneider Cheryl Behrns VACANT VACANT Rod Rieder Chairman Accountant/Treasurer Building & Grounds Parish Council Secretary James Siebert Laurier Donais Ed Fetsch Diane Fahlman Finance Council Bulletin Editor Margaret Kiel Representatives: Adult & Youth Ministries Judith Cayer / Vacant CWL Judith Cayer, President Deanery Rep Rod Rieder Ecumenism Cheryl Behrns Knights of Columbus Blair Baller, Grand Knight Prayer Group Judith Cayer School of Religion Lori Donais Social Justice Ken Fahlman Church Hall Bookings: Trevor & Nicole Dech (771-4632) St. Agnes Box 367 Pilot Butte, SK S0G 3Z0 Ph: (306) 781-4499 Pastoral Council: Chairperson Representatives: CWL The Roman Catholic Parishes of St. Joseph and St. Agnes Pastor: Fr. Ed Hengen October 26, 2014 From the Pastor’s Desk…. Dear Sisters and Brothers Last Sunday we heard Jesus tell us in his response to the question of the Pharisees about paying taxes, ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.’ Today we look for a few moments at what it means to God what belongs to God. In the journey from Egypt to their own land, the people of God experienced not only a movement from one place to another. They also experienced a transformation of their hearts. Physically they were moving from one land to another. Spiritually they were moving to discover how they were to live as a people who would rightly bear the name ‘People of God’. In their consideration of the widows and the orphans; in their treatment of the aliens and those who are in need, they are to show forth the care and generosity of God himself. The care and concern for those persons spoken of in the reading from Exodus is to be our care and concern today. We give to God by allowing him to be compassionate to others through us. St. Paul speaks of giving to God what belongs to God by simply urging us to imitate the Lord and first and foremost to serve God. He reminds us that whatever we do, our lives will be examples to others. We are to welcome God’s Word fully into our lives and through us God will teach the world his compassion and steadfast love. In the Gospel, as Jesus answers the question about the ‘greatest commandment’ he teaches us that what we first give to God, what belongs to God, is our total love for God. We also give to God what belongs to God by love of neighbor through which we show our belief in God’s steadfast love for all. What we hear once again in the Word of today is very challenging for us to live. Our Psalm today shows us what we need to be able to give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar, what belongs to Caesar. The Psalm addresses God as my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my shield, my salvation and my stronghold. We want to allow these words to really become our own. God often revealed to his people that he was all of these things for them. In all of their struggles and trials, God wanted them to turn to him. That has not changed for us. We can give God our struggles and weaknesses; our fears and doubts. He will support us and bring us to new life. In Christ, Fr. Ed EUCHARIST TIMES Pat Laturnas, President St. Joseph St. Agnes Secretary Darlene Loucks Deanery Marian Zsombor Sunday 9 a.m. Treasurer Fran Rieder Knights of Columbus Saturday 7 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Building & Grounds Blair Baller Kim Lang Norm Halipchak Music Blair Baller Liturgy Debbie Rieder School of Religion Pastoral Care Jackie Peat Cheryl Lachambre Social Justice Ed Zsombor For weekday Mass schedule please see inside bulletin. Please call St. Joseph’s Rectory at 771-2387 to arrange for a baptism, wedding, or funeral. Call as well for any requests for prayer intentions, and if anyone is sick or distressed so we can arrange for visitation and communion for the sick. Giving to the Archdiocesan Appeal is more than an act of charity. It is a priestly act of material and spiritual sacrifice that can heal and strengthen our relationship with Christ and our neighbour. Your gift has the potential to transform the lives of others in need of companionship and prayer through our hospital chaplaincy programs, a strengthening of faith through adult and youth faith formation, and the myriad of social concerns that prevent our friends and neighbors from experiencing the abundant life and love of Christ. Your commitment to the future is a commitment to the furthering of the Mission of Christ in your own life as well as the lives of others. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) ST JOSEPH PARISH Welcome to all visitors and guests Monday, Oct 27 8:00 am For the repose of the soul of Mary Leibel (Anniversary of death) requested by Margaret Kiel and family. Tuesday, Oct 28 7:00 pm For the intentions of the St. Joseph Parish Pastoral Council **St. Joseph Parish Pastoral Council following the Mass Wednesday Oct 29 10:45 am William Albert Oct 30 Oct 31 8:00 am For the repose of the soul of Erlinda Corduna ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT BRUNCH - November 2nd Oct 27 Weekday Ephesians 4.32-5.8 Ps 1.1 Luke 13.10-17 Oct 28 Weekday Ephesians 2.19-22 Ps 19 Luke 6.12-19 Oct 29 Weekday Ephesians 6.1-9 Ps 145 Luke 13.22-30 Oct 30 Weekday Ephesians 6.10-20 Ps 144 Luke 13.31-35 Oct 31 Weekday Philippians 1.1-11 Ps 111 Luke 14.1-6 SCHOOL OF RELIGION Grades 1- 8 Dates for School of Religion October 26th November 2, 16, 30 NEEDED a grade 3 teacher and a grade 7/8 teacher. Also, if anyone would be interested in mentoring with the grade 5/6 for this year to learn the material and then take over next year. If you know of anyone new to the communities, pass along information about classes or phone. Lori Donais at 522-9985. Schedule for Readers & Communion Ministers COMMUNION Oct 25 Oct 26 John & Bonnie Nov 1 Nov 2 Kenneth & Sharon Knights of Columbus Jodi & Lynne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMUNITY REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Tuesday, November 11th @ 10:50 am St. Joseph RC Church THANK you very much for your generous support of World Mission Sunday last week. This support is a blessing for the priests, Sister, Brothers and Lay Catechists who depend on this help through the Propagation of the Faith. Please continue to pray for all who serve in mission countries that they may remain steadfast in their vocation to bring Christ’s message of love to those they serve – the world’s most vulnerable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Joseph Parish Pastoral Council Oct 28th following the 7:00 pm Mass. Weekly Readings READERS have the Knights of Columbus looking after all the ministries. Mass will be followed by a BRUNCH. Good will offerings will be excepted. An information station, as well as someone to answer any questions regarding the Knights of Columbus will be present. Attention Knights - please wear your K of C shirts proudly. 8:00 am For the repose of the soul of Geoffrey Campbell requested by Janette Rieger. Friday, Knights of Columbus - November 2 Mass at St. Joseph, will Participating churches: Balgonie Baptist, United and Roman Catholic Church For the intentions of the Residents. Thursday, October 26, 2014 Louise Lori, Diane, Marie, Lauren (Nick) Jacqueline NOTE: If you are NOT available on the day assigned to you, PLEASE find someone to replace you A Memorial Mass at St Peter's Kronau at 10:30 AM on November 15, 2014. There will be a blessing of the graves at St Peter's cemetery after mass. Soup and buns in the school for lunch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. Ed Hengen and Vivian Bosch will present a one day retreat, hosted by St. Joseph’s CWL, Indian Head at St. Joseph’s RC Church, 905 Howard Street, Indian Head. Monday, November 3rd at 10:30 a.m. Bring your bagged lunch. Beverages supplied by St. Joseph’s CWL. No registration deadline or fee. Everyone, all men and women, welcome. For information contact MaryAnn Lyons 695-2172. The Non-Gift Fair! 12:00-5:00, Wednesday, November 5 at Campion Have a holiday season with less stress, less clutter, and more happiness by giving charitable donations as gifts. Come to Campion College at the University of Regina and check out a variety of causes all in one place. Give a gift that does some good! Parking for this event will be available in Lot 4. For more information, contact Sarah at 306-359-1238. ST. AGNES PARISH MISSION STATEMENT -We, the parishioners of St. Agnes, strive to live by Gospel values. We support each other with mutual respect and concern as we journey together, hope, and love towards the Kingdom of God. If you know of anyone new to the communities, pass along information about classes or phone. Jackie Peat 781-4495 Camp Monahan sends thanks out to all who continue to support us. Your gifts to our 70th anniversary celebration and the goal of raising funds to build news cabins is greatly appreciated. The cabin build project is about more than just a building; it is about creating a sanctuary where futures are built and a lifetime of memories are created. Thanks again for sharing in our vision and hopes for children and youth from our community.
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