April 28, 1953 w. J. DURIN'G, SR., ErAL 2,636,635 PRESSURE COOKER CLOSURE ` Filed Aug. 20, 1947 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 April 28, 1953 w. J. DURING, SR., Erm. 2,636,635 PRESSURE COOKER CLOSURE Filed Aug. 20, 1947 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 ISLE-:3 l/ 'k April 28, 1953 v Filed' Aug. 2o, 1947 w. J. DURING, SR., Erm. 2,636,635 PRESSURE cooxER cLosuRE 3 sheets-sheet 5 Patented Apr. 28, 1953 2,636,635 .2,636,635 p 'PRESSURE ’co'oKoR-f ionosmm William J. During, sri, and WilliamJ;nuring,g1r., Fayetteville, NÄYL. ‘ Application Aug-ust 20, 71,947;l SerialiNoffïßßdäW `2. Claims. l (Cl. 220440)); . cookersfoñ` theikin'd‘. eomprisingf a cooking re‘cep~ tacl‘e’vorf vessely anda> detachableV closure` or ycoter Whichgfwhen the cooker is1in` use, are held: «inra ` sure responsive: valvel operative, to` prei/ent.l pres sure; ‘ini >t'heß‘xoooker1frorrrexceeding; a selected` tight“ sealed' engagement-.r in'` which theyr ptovide‘fa 5 pressure tight-cooking- chamber; 1 'Blier principal»objectV of the'. invention is to.v pro*um maximum.` i Other objects and advantages of the inventionv \ willi` animanÁ from. the; fol1owing;.description in de vidr‘ffa‘.;@pressureV cooker of the, aforesaid `kind whi'chß‘willï functiomeiiîciently, is `of simple con tail ofathe two; .illustrativeI` enibodiment’s`A of- the, inventionA illustrated: thee; accompanying. draw struction,` `an‘clJomy"be' used. with ‘ ease and safety; 10 ~A further object of' tlîi’e` invention is toV pro vid’eia pressure. cooker off thevaforesaidlkind loav-l iinprove'di means; for „releasably‘ securing` 'the .T2 vaiveswone? oñaiwhich a.A thermallyr> responsive safetyfvalve and the other-oneof:whicnis apres »Thea »invention - relatesv "primarily'y tol ‘ «pressureY ings?. «ini the,l drawings, like: `reference l characters. ‘ designate correspondingiparts.. Figurer l isi a side elevation-,ot apressurevcookf er, embodying; theinvention; furthert object fof the rirmention is`V to provide f 15 Figure 2'J isz as; topîfplan ViewI for. said.. cooker; aipressurezcookeriof’ 'the aforesaidll‘kind wherein Figure: «3` .is fragmentary-f sectional; View taken theïfcl‘osureë and receptacleportionsot the cooker areispiiovided with meansy Whi'chl‘are- engageable‘ Rigore. esista. fragmentary. sectional View: taken byi rel'ai'flwe;rotationooñl said1 portions to seatv the omtheilines=âf~4i~4i---4 ofzFigunezZi; closureA portionl tightlyJ on vthe receptacle portion! lii'igiuie aaviewzf-:taken ‘onathez line `5,---5 of closureron‘ftheß,receptacle; and securely» interlockfsaidf portionsiof the cooker; Figurant; b and;xrflflrereinf1 one ofiv said portions off the cooker hfasrmanuallyf* movable means'- mounted? thereon anden'gageable Witlrftl'le` otherfportion of'tlïie` Figure 'Irwisrawiew takenronythexlinei 1`--~1r of cookerl for relatively.` rotatingA said portions ofl 25 Figur-e153; tlievcooker into and out» of' interlocked? relation» «Eiguref'ßi israriperspeetive Viewa'ot a part: of'ïone at'ßwlillß. of; the L means fot "ßeiîeetingi relative ' Arotation " of A further object of tlïie invention isv ’to-‘provide therrclosure receptaclettofxthecooker; aL-"pressure` cooker ofïthe` aforesaid kind ‘which ‘Fig-niiet@ is"` a: detail viewffshowingf a feature of is readily»l portable and inß‘whi‘ch‘ithe'rec'eptacle 30 theacookeryandi ‘ andra«closure` `are relatively-rotative into and Figures-windt l-lf; area views: similark respective u 1y i toì Figures:94;;> amil 6'.“- and showing ai `modiñed out’` Lof cooking" chamber form-ing interlocked'" en form ¿of J cooker‘iembodying: thel invention; Figure gagement “by two ‘driving means" which 'are ‘ar 11` being assectional’iïView»` takers or:1 the line ifi-_l1 I rangedL at" opposite `"sides ofthe cooker‘to'be 1o cat'ed externallyu of. the cooking "chamber, ` andA 35 o? Figure 11m `'Thefco‘olteit-r\slïiovimini Figures; to; g‘iwill be first each, of.` which, driving .means comprises a lift» describedi. ing„.lia.ndle„located et the upper side of. the, clo~ The-icookeif' includes:Y ian‘fopen` top»v receptacle sure and heldto the closure for‘rotationot said; ornessel: |101; .preferably formed?rot‘ cast" metalll said: \ handleu mea-ns rotative,` by` said handle;` and; fixed receptacl'eibeing tormediwi‘tl’r a cylindrical- upper 40 meansonf‘the receptacle with which said rota portion and?preferablyï'being substantiaily cylin tine; means ist` ~coactiva toil effect.relative;l rotation dri‘ca'lîy throughoutìitsvdepthl rvThe receptacle» is between‘xthe closure andlfreceptacle wifi-enl the seata‘ble iiiran» kupright?position`-` `and has extend handle'ri'sxrotated in'v eachdirection. ingl 4radially1 'outwardßltherefromí »at~ ldiametrically 9A: iìurthen object of» the invention" is Yto provide» 45 "opposite:rpoilits‘ttwo-‘fprojections- l if' `Which are a- pressurev coolserf li'avin‘g‘~ a receptacle and cl`o-sure relatively rotative into and out `oiîïan‘ intere lockedzrelationlin: wiiiel‘ii` they »form sea-led cook ingfclîiamber, and means ‘responsive to pressure* ‘fixedl'yeï lfie'liirtofthereceptacleandp preferably are ' integral therewith. The projections lli 'are 1o" catedîl' as snortf` distancei‘belowf- the» top' of the re~ cept-‘acle andi form -tlie‘ inner'parts of*V twohandles in'l `.thel` cooker: to» look the closure" andL receptacle 50 for ' the receptacl ag‘ainst . rotation: oiit‘f of " said inter-locked relationy 'f-Eacli' »handle>vv` has la' second orfiiandigripfpart» I’Ifßlvvliibl’rextends> out fromy be-l While: pressure. in the.; cooking chamber equals or neatnr part H‘» thereof'f‘radi’allfy'of" the“ receptacle exceeds a selected low pressurev `at Which-‘it `is andt is-"ñ'netll‘yilïie-ldï‘to-itsf‘associated part `H by safe;toïneinoxzeltliaolosura ' su‘itableffastening-means I’Ib,“>‘said" parts; l I'a of »A fuit/hen obj eictsof“ the invent-,ioni is to> yprox/ide \ 55 tlïieïf` handles# preferably' being formed’ of heat in' a-ipressure: Afcoolieia ¿thaw-ing improved' co-~ ordinated'rt-arrangementl et" two «pressure relief? sulatingfmaterial.` ` ‘Thefßcoolierl‘ineliidesea ‘detachable closure or ` aesaees 4 cover adapted to seal the receptacle when inter locked therewith, said closure having a top wall i2 which is preferably formed of cast metal and is formed with an integral pendent annular flange i3, the top wall being preferably of dome like forro. rThe closure flange is recessed part way up `from its lower edge at the inner side of the flange to loosely receive in the recess the cylindrical upper portion of the receptacle and to scribed permits them to be easily wedged into a tight-holding frictional engagement which will securely hold the closure and receptacle inter locked against accidental relative rotation in closure releasing direction. The sets of lugs or locking wedges will positively interlock the clo sure and receptacle against direct axial separa tion while the lugs i5 are engaged under lugs i6 and, by reason of their aforesaid Wedge shape, provide on said flange a downwardly facing an 10 will securely hold the closure and receptacle against accidental rotation out of interlccked nular shoulder ite adapted to overlie the top relation even while the lugs l5 and it are only edge of said upper portion of the receptacle. slightly overlapped. The wide sloping faces of ri‘he closure preferably also includes an annular the lugs also afford a relatively wide range of sealing gasket is which is preferably formed ~of wedging action to insure tight sealing of the compressible material, such as rubber, and has cooker. its outer portion confined in an annular groove The sizes and spacing of the lugs of the two which is formed in the recessed portion of the sets of lugs are such that the lugs iii may be closure flange along the shoulder ita. The inner passed vertically between the lugs it when the portion of the gasket abuts shoulder lita and is seatable at its bottom face on the top edge of the 20 closure is rotated slightly counterclockwise as viewed in Figure 2 from the position thereof receptacle for compression of the gasket between said shoulder and receptacle edge to form a pres shown in` the drawings. sure-tight joint between the receptacle and clo closure and the lugs IE on the receptacle serve to approximately center the closure on the re sure. . The lugs i5. on the The receptacle and closure are provided with 25 ceptacle for relative rotation of the closure about a common axis which is normal-to the seating means whereby, while the closure is fitted on plane of the receptacle. Preferably the recep the upper portion of the receptacle, relative rota tacle is provided adjacent each projection il tion between the closure and receptacle in one with an arcuate projection lee to assist in so direction about the vertical axis of the cooker will draw the closure and receptacle together 30 centering the closure on the receptacle.v The closure and receptacle preferably are provided into tight sealing engagement and will positively with arrow-shaped indicia il and i8 at the ex interlock them against direct axial separating terior thereof which, when in -vertical register, movement and securely frictionally lock them position the lugs l5 for verticalpassage thereof against accidental reverse rotation, said means being releasable, upon relative rotation between 35 past or between lugs i6 with the thinner edges the closure and receptacle in the opposite direc of the two sets of lugs closely adjacent. When the closure is fitted on the receptacle with the tion, to free the closure for lifting thereof on of indicia ll and i3 in register, the closure and the receptacle. Said means comprises a plu receptacle may be interloeked and released vby rality of substantially flat lugs or projections l5 which are formed on and extend radially inward 40 relative rotating movements of small amplitude. The cooker is provided with means whereby from the closure iiange iii adjacent the lower a user may handle the closure with ease and edge of the flange and are arranged to lie flat safety and may effect relative rotation of the wise in a common horizontal plane parallel to closure and receptacle into and out of inter the seating plane of the receptacle when the closure is applied to the receptacle. The lugs l5 45 locked relation with ease and dispatch, which means will now be described. 1. , „ are of wedge form and have their top faces slop The closure is provided with two projections the same direction circumferentially of 2li which extend` radially and horizontally out the cooker entirely across each lug at'an angle ward from the flange i3 of the closure at dia to said common plane which is within the angle of repose or friction. Six of the lugs l5 are pro 50 metrically opposite points and which preferably, as shown, are of approximately the same shape vided in the construction of cooker shown in the and size in plan as the projections ll on the re drawings. A corresponding number of corre ceptacle. _ The projections 2@ arel ñxedly held to spondingly spaced substantially flat lugs or pro and preferably are formed integrally with the jections iii are` formed on and extend radially outward from the receptacle adjacent the top of 55 closure andare adapted to overlie projections ll without contacting the latter when the closure thereceptacle and above the level of the recep is in sealed position on the receptacle` Above tacle handles. The lugs it are of wedge form each projection 2li, and abutting a flat upper sur and are arranged iiatwise in a common hori face portion of the projection, is one of two knobs zontal plane parallel to the seating plane of the receptacle and have their bottom faces all slop 60 or handles 2l each of which preferably is formed ing relatively to said plane circumferentially of the cooker entirely across each lug atthe same angle to said at which the `top faces of lugs i5 are sloped relatively tothe plane 'of the set of lugs l5. _ lThe two sets of lugs i5 and lb are so arranged on the closure and receptacle that lugs I5 are wedgeable under lugs le (as shown in Figure 9) of heat insulating material. Each such knob or handle is fixed by a pin 23 to the upper end of a .different one of two vertically disposed handle ' shafts 22, each of which is journaled in a differ 65 ent one of the closure projections 2B. Each shaft 22 has ñxed on its lower end coaxially With the shaft a disk 2c which is seated in a downwardly .facing recess in a flat bottom face of the projec tion 2i! in which the shaft isjcurnaled. lEach to draw the closure down on the receptacle and compress the gasket lli between the aforesaid 70 shaft is held against axial movement by the knob and disk nxed thereto. closure shoulder its and the upper edge of the Each disk 2li is formed with a depending ver receptacle with the lowerl edge of the closure tically disposed crank or wristpin 25 which is flange i3 out of contact with the receptacle and the receptacle handles, as shown._ The shapes of eccentric to the axis of the associated disk and » the, lugs of the> two l_sets of wedge-like _lugs de 75 shaft.'` The recess in the bottom of each closure» 2,633,6354 In Figures 10 and 11, the parts are shown in or partly melt sufficiently to be blown out of sleeve 66 by pressure in the cooker. the relation thereof which exists while the clo When so blown out of the sleeve, the plug will strike the pivoted end of arm 43 and be arrested thereby, or its velocity substantially spent, so that li ability of the plug doing damage or injury when blown out is avoided. The boss 45 and valve casing 40 also assist in trapping a blown plug 68. The cooker also may be provided with a latch or lock which, when the closure and receptacle sure and receptacle are interlocked in tight sealed are interlocked, is responsive to pressure in the forms of cooker are of like construction. relation. Upon simultaneous turning of the han dles and pinions in the direction indicated by the arrows ‘H (Figure> 11), the pinion teeth will act on the rack teeth as drivers and cam the closure into non-interlocked relation with the receptacle and contrarotation of the pinion will cause interlocking of the closure and re ceptacle. Except as pointed out above, the two We claim: l. A pressure cooker comprising a receptacle cooker to positively prevent manual. relative turn ing of the closure and receptacle out of interlocked relation so long as such pressure exceeds having two radial projections located at opposite a selected value at which it is safe to release the closure. For this purpose, there is threaded upward into radial projections located at opposite sides of its rim, said receptacle and cover being releasably sides of its rim, a detachable cover having two a recess in one of the closure projections 29 a engageable with said projections substantially small piston cylinder 58 which is open at its upper end. Slidable vertically in this cylinder coinciding and being relatively rotatable about is a piston 5l having a stein or latch pin por» out of an interlocked relation in which they form a sealed cooking chamber, an upwardly facing cam groove in each of said receptacle pro a common vertical axis while so engaged into and tion 56 pendent therefrom and extending slid ably through an aperture in a bottom end wall of cylinder 58. An expansion spring 59 normally holds the piston lifted with the lower end of the pin or stern 56 slightly above the top or” the underlying receptacle projection i l while the cooker is assembled and there is insuiiicient pressure in the cooker to depress the piston :l against the resistance of spring 59. A passage 92 extends from the inner side of closure iiange i 3 into projection 29 to a point over piston 5l. With the cooker assembled for use, the piston 51 is depressible by pressure of a selected small jections, two handles having shafts journaled in and extending down through said cover projec tions, and a pin eccentrically ñxed to the lower end of each handle shaft and rotatable there with in engagement with one of said cam grooves to e?fectrelative rotation of the cover and re ceptacle by rotation of said handles While the cover and receptacle are engaged. 2. A pressure cooker comprising a receptacle having two radial projections located at opposite sides of its rim, a detachable cover having two radial projections located at opposite sides of its value down into in the a recess cooker 99 to formed drive the in stem the underlying or pin rim, said receptacle and cover being releasably engageable with said projections substantially coinciding and being relatively rotatable about receptacle projection il and prevent sufficient relative rotation of the closure and receptacle a common vertical axis while so engaged into somewhat to release the closure. Pœcess itil elongated across projection ii as shown, so that and out of an interlocked relation in which they form a sealed cooking chamber, two handles pin 56 can engage therein in diilerent interk having shafts journaled in and extending down locked 'relations of-the closure and receptacle. through said cover projections, a pendent wrist When the pressure operated latch is in latching pin eccentrically fixed to the lower end of each position, it may be. released bythe user lifting handle shaft, and an upwardly facing cam groove arm 43 to permit steam in the cooker to lift in each of said receptacle projections forv receiv valve 4l and vent from the c-ooker. ing a dirîerent one of said wrist pins, each of said The modified cooker shown in Figures 10 and cam grooves extending outwardly from the body l1 diiîers from that shown in Figures 1 to 9 only in the respects shown and now to be de 50. of the receptacle toward the outer end of its pro jection, whereby relative rotation of the cover scribed. and receptacle is effected by rotation of said' ~ The disk 24, crank pin 25 and the handle re handles while the cover and receptacle are en» turn spring 33 associated with each handle 2i gaged. are omitted inthe modified construction as are also the recesses in the closure projections 29. 55 The modified closure projections 29m of this form of cooker have flat horizontal bot‘torn faces. Each handle shaft 22 journaled in each projec tion 20m has ñxed on its lower end a pinion 69 which is coaxial with the shaft and the upper 60 face of which pinion abuts the horizontal nat bottom face of the projection 29m. In themodiñed cooker, the cam slot or groove 30 yin each receptacle projection ii is omitted. The modiñed receptacle projections Hm of the modiñed form of cooker have each formed there on a short arcuate rack lil which is concentric with the vertical axis of the cooker receptacle and has teeth projecting from its outer edge radially of the receptacle for meshing of each 70 rack 'I9 with a diilerent one of the pinions 69 when the closure is applied as described in con nection with the cooker shown in Figures 1 to 9. WILLIAM J. DURING, SR. VVITJLIANIv J. DURING, JR. References Cited in the ñle of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS Number 1,361,946 1,583,396 1,706,051 1,929,644 2,102,962 Name ` Date Whitaker ________ __ Dec. 14, 1920 Deniuth __________ __ May 4, 1926 Auchincloss ______ __ Mar. 19, 1929 LeRoy __________ __ Oct. 10, 1933 Ludington ______ __ Dec. 21, 1937 2,209,081 Rocio ____________ __ July 23, 1940 . 2,218,188 2,334,448 Wittenberg ______ __ Oct. 15, 1940 Sheridan ________ __ Nov. 16, 1943 FOREIGN PATENTS Number The two racks l0 are located in diametrically oppositeposìtions. , , 75 524,940 Country Date Great Britain .... .__ Aug. 19, 1940
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